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In agro-ecosystems,plants are important mediators of interactions between their associated herbivorous insects and microbes,and any change in plants induced by one species may lead to cascading effects on interactions with other species.Often,such effects are regulated by phytohormones such as jasmonic acid(JA)and salicylic acid(SA).Here,we investigated the tripartite interactions among rice plants,three insect herbivores(Chilo suppressalis,Cnaphalocrocis medinalis or Nilapai-vata lugens),and the causal agent of rice blast disease,the fungus Magnaporthe oryzae.We found that pre-infestation of rice by C.suppressalis or N.lugens but not by C.medinalis conferred resistance to M.oryzae.For C.suppressalis and N.lugens,insect infestation without fungal inoculation induced the accumulation of both JA and SA in rice leaves.In contrast,infestation by C.medinalis increased JA levels but reduced SA levels.The exogenous application of SA but not of JA conferred resistance against M.oryzae.These results suggest that preinfestation by C suppressalis or N.lugens conferred resistance against M.oryzae by increasing SA accumulation.These findings enhance our understanding of the interactions among rice plant,insects and pathogens,and provide valuable information for developing an ecologically sound strategy for controlling rice blast.  相似文献   

Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB42 is a type of plant growth‐promoting rhizobacterium (PGPR) which activates induced systemic resistance (ISR) in Arabidopsis. Blocking of the synthesis of cyclic lipopeptides and 2,3‐butanediol by FZB42, which have been demonstrated to be involved in the priming of ISR, results in the abolishment of the plant defence responses. To further clarify the ISR activated by PGPRs at the microRNA (miRNA) level, small RNA (sRNA) libraries from Arabidopsis leaves after root irrigation with FZB42, FZB42ΔsfpΔalsS and control were constructed and sequenced. After fold change selection, promoter analysis and target prediction, miR846‐5p and miR846‐3p from the same precursor were selected as candidate ISR‐associated miRNAs. miR846 belongs to the non‐conserved miRNAs, specifically exists in Arabidopsis and its function in the plant defence response remains unclear. The disease severity of transgenic Arabidopsis overexpressing miR846 (OEmiR846) or knockdown miR846 (STTM846) against Pseudomonas syringae DC3000 suggests that the miR846 expression level in Arabidopsis is negatively correlated with disease resistance. Moreover, miR846 in Arabidopsis Col‐0 is repressed after methyl jasmonate treatment. In addition, jasmonic acid (JA) signalling‐related genes are up‐regulated in STTM846, and the stomatal apertures of STTM846 are also less than those in Arabidopsis Col‐0 after methyl jasmonate treatment. Furthermore, the disease resistance of STTM846 transgenic Arabidopsis against Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 (Pst DC3000) is blocked by the addition of the JA biosynthetic inhibitor diethyldiethiocarbamic acid (DIECA). Taken together, our results suggest that B. amyloliquefaciens FZB42 inoculation suppresses miR846 expression to induce Arabidopsis systemic resistance via a JA‐dependent signalling pathway.  相似文献   

Transpiration and gas exchange occur through stomata. Thus, the control of stomatal aperture is important for the efficiency and regulation of water use, and for the response to drought. Here, we demonstrate that SIZ1mediated endogenous salicylic acid (SA) accumulation plays an important role in stomatal closure and drought tolerance. siz1 reduced stomatal apertures. The reduced stomatal apertures of siz1 were inhibited by the application of peroxidase inhibitors, salicylhydroxamic acid and azide, which inhibits SA‐dependent reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, but not by an NADPH oxidase inhibitor, diphenyl iodonium chloride, which inhibits ABA‐dependent ROS production. Furthermore, the introduction of nahG into siz1, which reduces SA accumulation, restored stomatal opening. Stomatal closure is generally induced by water deficit. The siz1 mutation caused drought tolerance, whereas nahG siz1 suppressed the tolerant phenotype. Drought stresses also induced expression of SA‐responsive genes, such as PR1 and PR2. Furthermore, other SA‐accumulating mutants, cpr5 and acd6, exhibited stomatal closure and drought tolerance, and nahG suppressed the phenotype of cpr5 and acd6, as did siz1 and nahG siz1. Together, these results suggest that SIZ1 negatively affects stomatal closure and drought tolerance through the accumulation of SA.  相似文献   

The dominant locus, RCY1, in the Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype C24 confers resistance to the yellow strain of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV-Y). The RCY1 locus was mapped to a 150-kb region on chromosome 5. Sequence comparison of this region from C24 and a CMV-Y-susceptible C24 mutant predicts that the RCY1 gene encodes a 104-kDa CC-NBS-LRR-type protein. The RCY1 gene from C24, when expressed in the susceptible ecotype Wassilewskija (Ws), restricted the systemic spread of virus. RCY1 is allelic to the resistance genes RPP8 from the ecotype Landsberg erecta and HRT from the ecotype Dijon-17, which confer resistance to Peronospora parasitica biotype Emco5 and turnip crinkle virus (TCV), respectively. Examination of RCY1 plants defective in salicylic acid (SA), jasmonic acid (JA) and ethylene signaling revealed a requirement for SA and ethylene signaling in mounting a resistance response to CMV-Y. The RCY1 nahG etr1 double mutants exhibited an intermediate level of susceptibility to CMV-Y, compared to the resistant ecotype C24 and the susceptible ecotypes Columbia and Nossen. This suggests that in addition to SA and ethylene, a novel signaling mechanism is associated with the induction of resistance in CMV-Y-infected C24 plants. Moreover, our results suggest that the signaling pathways downstream of the RPP8, HRT, and RCY1 have evolved independently.  相似文献   

We previously reported that one of the ethylene response factors (ERFs), NtERF3, and other members of the subgroup VIII‐a ERFs of the AP2/ERF family exhibit cell death‐inducing ability in tobacco leaves. In this study, we focused on the involvement of NtERF3 in a cell death signalling pathway in tobacco plants, particularly downstream of NtSIPK/NtWIPK and NtWRKY1, which are mitogen‐activated protein kinases and a phosphorylation substrate of NtSIPK, respectively. An ERF‐associated amphiphilic repression (EAR) motif‐deficient NtERF3b mutant (NtERF3bΔEAR) that lacked cell death‐inducing ability suppressed the induction of cell death caused by NtERF3a. The transient co‐expression of NtERF3bΔEAR suppressed the hypersensitive reaction (HR)‐like cell death induced by NtSIPK and NtWRKY1. The induction of cell death by NtSIPK and NtWRKY1 was also inhibited in transgenic plants expressing NtERF3bΔEAR. Analysis of gene expression, ethylene production and cell death symptoms in salicylic acid‐deficient tobacco plants suggested the existence of some feedback regulation in the HR cell death signalling pathway mediated by SIPK/WIPK and WRKY1. Overall, these results suggest that NtERF3 functions downstream of NtSIPK/NtWIPK and NtWRKY1 in a cell death signalling pathway, with some feedback regulation.  相似文献   

Polyadenylation of pre‐mRNAs by poly(A) polymerase (PAPS) is a critical process in eukaryotic gene expression. As found in vertebrates, plant genomes encode several isoforms of canonical nuclear PAPS enzymes. In Arabidopsis thaliana these isoforms are functionally specialized, with PAPS1 affecting both organ growth and immune response, at least in part by the preferential polyadenylation of subsets of pre‐mRNAs. Here, we demonstrate that the opposite effects of PAPS1 on leaf and flower growth reflect the different identities of these organs, and identify a role for PAPS1 in the elusive connection between organ identity and growth patterns. The overgrowth of paps1 mutant petals is due to increased recruitment of founder cells into early organ primordia, and suggests that PAPS1 activity plays unique roles in influencing organ growth. By contrast, the leaf phenotype of paps1 mutants is dominated by a constitutive immune response that leads to increased resistance to the biotrophic oomycete Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis and reflects activation of the salicylic acid‐independent signalling pathway downstream of ENHANCED DISEASE SUSCEPTIBILITY1 (EDS1)/PHYTOALEXIN DEFICIENT4 (PAD4). These findings provide an insight into the developmental and physiological basis of the functional specialization amongst plant PAPS isoforms.  相似文献   

We have identified the tomato I gene for resistance to the Fusarium wilt fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (Fol) and show that it encodes a membrane‐anchored leucine‐rich repeat receptor‐like protein (LRR‐RLP). Unlike most other LRR‐RLP genes involved in plant defence, the I gene is not a member of a gene cluster and contains introns in its coding sequence. The I gene encodes a loopout domain larger than those in most other LRR‐RLPs, with a distinct composition rich in serine and threonine residues. The I protein also lacks a basic cytosolic domain. Instead, this domain is rich in aromatic residues that could form a second transmembrane domain. The I protein recognises the Fol Avr1 effector protein, but, unlike many other LRR‐RLPs, recognition specificity is determined in the C‐terminal half of the protein by polymorphic amino acid residues in the LRRs just preceding the loopout domain and in the loopout domain itself. Despite these differences, we show that I/Avr1‐dependent necrosis in Nicotiana benthamiana depends on the LRR receptor‐like kinases (RLKs) SERK3/BAK1 and SOBIR1. Sequence comparisons revealed that the I protein and other LRR‐RLPs involved in plant defence all carry residues in their last LRR and C‐terminal LRR capping domain that are conserved with SERK3/BAK1‐interacting residues in the same relative positions in the LRR‐RLKs BRI1 and PSKR1. Tyrosine mutations of two of these conserved residues, Q922 and T925, abolished I/Avr1‐dependent necrosis in N. benthamiana, consistent with similar mutations in BRI1 and PSKR1 preventing their interaction with SERK3/BAK1.  相似文献   

Rust fungi are devastating plant pathogens and cause a large economic impact on wheat production worldwide. To overcome this rapid loss of resistance in varieties, we generated stable transgenic wheat plants expressing short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) targeting potentially vital genes of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst). Protein kinase A (PKA) has been proved to play important roles in regulating the virulence of phytopathogenic fungi. PsCPK1, a PKA catalytic subunit gene from Pst, is highly induced at the early infection stage of Pst. The instantaneous silencing of PsCPK1 by barley stripe mosaic virus (BSMV)‐mediated host‐induced gene silencing (HIGS) results in a significant reduction in the length of infection hyphae and disease phenotype. These results indicate that PsCPK1 is an important pathogenicity factor by regulating Pst growth and development. Two transgenic lines expressing the RNA interference (RNAi) construct in a normally susceptible wheat cultivar displayed high levels of stable and consistent resistance to Pst throughout the T3 to T4 generations. The presence of the interfering RNAs in transgenic wheat plants was confirmed by northern blotting, and these RNAs were found to efficiently down‐regulate PsCPK1 expression in wheat. This study addresses important aspects for the development of fungal‐derived resistance through the expression of silencing constructs in host plants as a powerful strategy to control cereal rust diseases.  相似文献   

In this study, we have used untargeted global metabolomic analysis to determine and compare the chemical nature of the metabolites altered during the infection of tomato plants (cv. Ailsa Craig) with Botrytis cinerea (Bot) or Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 (Pst), pathogens that have different invasion mechanisms and lifestyles. We also obtained the metabolome of tomato plants primed using the natural resistance inducer hexanoic acid and then infected with these pathogens. By contrasting the metabolomic profiles of infected, primed, and primed + infected plants, we determined not only the processes or components related directly to plant defense responses, but also inferred the metabolic mechanisms by which pathogen resistance is primed. The data show that basal resistance and hexanoic acid‐induced resistance to Bot and Pst are associated with a marked metabolic reprogramming. This includes significant changes in amino acids, sugars and free fatty acids, and in primary and secondary metabolism. Comparison of the metabolic profiles of the infections indicated clear differences, reflecting the fact that the plant's chemical responses are highly adapted to specific attackers. The data also indicate involvement of signaling molecules, including pipecolic and azelaic acids, in response to Pst and, interestingly, to Bot. The compound 1‐methyltryptophan was shown to be associated with the tomato–Pst and tomato–Bot interactions as well as with hexanoic acid‐induced resistance. Root application of this Trp‐derived metabolite also demonstrated its ability to protect tomato plants against both pathogens.  相似文献   

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