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1. We investigated the Pleistocene and Holocene history of the rare mayfly Ameletus inopinatus EATON 1887 (Ephemeroptera: Siphlonuridae) in Europe. We used A. inopinatus as a model species to explore the phylogeography of montane, cold‐tolerant aquatic insects with arctic–alpine distributions. 2. Using species distribution models, we developed hypotheses about the species demographic history in Central Europe and the recolonisation history of Fennoscandia. We tested these hypotheses using mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (mtCOI) sequence data and compared our genetic results with previously generated microsatellite data to explore genetic diversity distributions of A. inopinatus. 3. We observed old lineages, deep splits and almost complete lineage sorting of mtCOI sequences among mountain ranges. These results support a periglacial survival, i.e. persistence at the periphery of Pleistocene glaciers in Central Europe. 4. There was strong differentiation between the Fennoscandian and all other populations, indicating that Fennoscandia was recolonised from a refugium not accounted for in our sampling. High degrees of population genetic structure within the northern samples suggest that Fennoscandia was recolonised by more than one lineage. However, this structure was not apparent in previously published microsatellite data, consistent with secondary contact without sexual incompatibility or with sex‐biased dispersal. 5. Our demographic analyses indicate that (i) the separation of northern and Central European lineages occurred during the early Pleistocene; (ii) Central European populations have persisted independently throughout the Pleistocene and (iii) the species extended its range about 150 000 years ago.  相似文献   

Malencik DA  Anderson SR 《Amino acids》2003,25(3-4):233-247
Summary. Dityrosine can be a natural component of protein structure, a product of environmental stress, or a product of in vitro protein modification. It is both a cross-link and a fluorescent probe that reports structural and functional information on the cross-linked protein molecule. Diverse reactions produce tyrosyl radicals, which in turn may couple to yield dityrosine. Identification and quantitation of dityrosine in protein hydrolysates usually employs reversed phase high pressure liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) or gas chromatography. RP-HPLC of protein hydrolysates that have been derivatized with dabsyl chloride gives a complete amino acid analysis that includes dityrosine and 3-nitrotyrosine. Calmodulin, which contains a single pair of tyrosyl residues, undergoes both photoactivated and enzyme-catalyzed dityrosine formation. Polarization measurements, employing the intrinsic fluorescence of dityrosine, and catalytic activity determinations show how different patterns of inter- and intramolecular cross-linking affect the interactions of calmodulin with Ca2+ and enzymes.  相似文献   

山地是高寒草甸的主要分布区,地形变化引起了土壤温湿度和物种的差异性分布,进而影响到草地生态系统生产功能。为明晰高寒草甸山地环境因子(土壤温湿度)和物种多样性(丰富度、多度、均匀度、优势度)与初级生产力的关系,本研究以青藏高原东北缘马牙雪山支脉的高寒草甸山体为研究对象,选择阶地、阴坡、山脊和阳坡与3个海拔梯度段,调查了189个样方的植物群落组成和土壤温湿度。采用线性回归法分析土壤温湿度和物种多样性与初级生产力之间的关系。结果表明:(1)以山地高寒草甸整体为研究单元,初级生产力只随物种多度的增加而显著增加(R~2=0.07 P=0.01)。(2)坡向影响初级生产力的因素不同,阴坡初级生产力与物种丰富度正线性相关;山脊初级生产力与土壤湿度正线性相关,也随物种丰富度增加而显著增加;阳坡初级生产力与物种多度正线性相关;阶地初级生产力随均匀度增加而显著增加,随优势度增加而显著降低。(3)只有低海拔区(2860-2910 m)初级生产力随物种多度和丰富度的增加而显著增加。综上所述,山地高寒草甸土壤温湿度和物种多样性与初级生产力关系受坡向比海拔的影响更大,且物种多样性对初级生产力的影响大于土壤温湿度。建议山地高寒草甸生态系统生产和生态管理过程中要重点考虑坡向对植物多样性和初级生产力的影响。  相似文献   

Questions: What are the effects of repeated disturbance and N‐fertilization on plant community structure in a mountain birch forest? What is the role of enhanced nutrient availability in recovery of understorey vegetation after repeated disturbance? How are responses of soil micro‐organisms to disturbance and N‐fertilization reflected in nutrient allocation patterns and recovery of understorey vegetation after disturbance? Location: Subarctic mountain birch forest, Finland. Methods: We conducted a fully factorial experiment with annual treatments of disturbance (two levels) and N‐fertilization (four levels) during 1998–2002. We monitored treatment effects on above‐ground plant biomass, plant community structure and plant and soil nutrient concentrations. Results: Both disturbance and N‐fertilization increased the relative biomass of graminoids. The increase of relative biomass of graminoids in the disturbance treatment was over twice that of the highest N‐fertilization level, and N‐fertilization further increased their relative biomass after disturbance. As repeated disturbance broke the dominance of evergreen dwarf shrubs, it resulted in a situation where deciduous species, graminoids and herbs dominated the plant community. Although relative biomass of deciduous dwarf shrubs declined with N‐fertilization, it did not cause a shift in plant community structure, as evergreen dwarf shrubs remained dominant. Both disturbance and N‐fertilization increased the N concentration in vascular plants, whereas microbial biomass N and C were not affected by the treatments. Concentrations of NH4+, dissolved organic N (DON) and dissolved organic C (DOC) increased in the soil after N‐fertilization, whereas concentrations of NH4+ and DON decreased after disturbance. Conclusions: Disturbances caused by e.g. humans or herbivores contribute more to changes in the understorey vegetation structure than increased levels of N in subarctic vegetation. Fertilization accelerated the recovery potential after repeated disturbance in graminoids. Microbial activities did not limit plant growth.  相似文献   

土壤水分是黄土高寒区水循环、地下水补给和植被恢复的关键因素,基于地统计学研究土壤水分空间分布及其盈亏状况,揭示林地土壤水分的空间分布规律、变异特征及空间结构,对于区域植被恢复具有重要价值。以大通县安门滩小流域人工林地作为研究对象,运用地统计学方法对其5月、7月和9月的土壤储水量、林地耗水量和土壤水分盈亏量进行综合分析。研究结果表明:(1)土壤储水量总体表现为9月5月7月,而林地耗水量为7月9月5月,5—7月绝大多数林地的土壤水分呈亏损状态,而7—9月所有林地土壤水分都得到了补充,总体来看,5—9月研究区多数林地的土壤水分有所盈余,土壤储水量、林地耗水量和土壤水分盈亏量均采用指数模型作为最优理论变异函数模型;(2)5月、7月和9月土壤储水量呈南高北低、西高东低的空间分异规律,且西南-东北方向变异较东南-西北方向剧烈;各月林地耗水量在西南-东北方向变异较东南-西北方向剧烈,总体表现为西南部区域低于东北部区域;在5—7月、7—9月和5—9月这三个时期内,土壤水分盈亏量的取值均呈现出东北部区域小于西南部区域的特点。综上,当地土壤水分状况与林地耗水量分布格局并不完全匹配,虽然绝大部分林分能够维持土壤水分收支平衡,但部分山脚处的青杨林地和中部区域的华北落叶松林地出现了土壤水分亏损的现象。为防止林地水分环境恶化,在之后黄土高寒区的植被建设过程中,应适当调整林分配置。  相似文献   

A species distribution may be determined by its responses to patterns of human disturbance as well as by its habitat preferences. Here we investigate the distribution of the Upland Goose Chloephaga picta, which has been historically persecuted by farmers and ranchers in Patagonia because it feeds on crops and pastures and is assumed to compete with sheep for forage. We assess whether its current breeding distribution is shaped by persecution by ranchers or whether it can be better explained by differences in habitat primary productivity and preference for wetlands, or by other anthropogenic disturbances not associated with ranching. We built species distribution models to examine the relative effect of environmental and anthropogenic predictors on the regional distribution of Upland Goose. We performed vehicle surveys in the province of Santa Cruz, Argentina, in two years, surveying 8000 km of roads and recording 6492 Geese. Generalized additive models were used to model the presence/absence of Geese in 1‐km cells. The models suggested that Upland Goose distribution is not currently affected by rancher control, as the species is more abundant in areas with high sheep stocking levels, but it is positively influenced by primary productivity and negatively influenced by urban areas. Anthropogenic disturbance caused by urban areas and oil extraction camps had a greater impact in limiting the species distribution than sheep ranching.  相似文献   

长白山高山苔原带环境条件恶劣,通过对高山苔原带蛾类研究,揭示蛾类物种组成以及时间变化,可为研究蛾类对苔原极端生境的适应能力,以及蛾类在维持苔原带生态平衡中的作用提供依据。2005-2007年和2019年,每年的6、7、8月,在长白山高山苔原带利用灯诱采集蛾类标本,分析蛾类的物种组成以及时间动态。共采集蛾类1585头,隶属于13科126种,夜蛾科(Noctuidae)为优势类群,绿组夜蛾(Anaplectoides prasina)和一色兜夜蛾(Cosmia unicolor)为优势种,稀有种较多。蛾类的种-多度分布接近生态位优先假说。7月份蛾类的物种数、个体数最多,丰富度指数、多样性指数都最高,但均匀度指数却最低。不同种类对时间的反应表现出一定的差异,黄绿组夜蛾(Anaplectoides virens)对8月,厉切夜蛾(Euxoa lidia)对6月的适应力相对较强。各物种的顺序日期存在一定的差异性,只有10种蛾类在3个月份都被采集到。研究表明,长白山高山苔原带蛾类的多样性较低,成虫活跃期较短;不同类群的蛾类在苔原环境中显示出差异化的适应性,夜蛾科的适应能力超过其它类群,尺蛾科(Geometridae)的适应性相对较低,蛾类对时间的变化反应比较敏感。  相似文献   

Anthropogenic drainage causes loss of natural character in herbaceous wetlands due to increased soil oxygen penetration. We related vegetation gradients in a New Zealand polje fen to long-term effects of drains by using hydrological, edaphic and vegetation data, and a before-after-control-impact (BACI) design to test responses to experimental drain closure. Soil profiles and continuous water level records revealed a site subject to frequent disturbance by intense but brief floods, followed by long drying periods during which areas close to drains experienced lower water tables and more variable water levels. Classification of vegetation data identified 12 groups along a moisture gradient, from dry areas dominated by pastoral alien species, to wet communities dominated by native wetland sedges. Lower total species diversity and native representation in pastoral communities were related to the high proportion of alien competitor and competitor-disturbance species, compared with the stress tolerator-dominated flora of other groups. Species–environment relationships revealed highly significant correlations with soil water content and aeration as measured by redox potential (EH) and steel rod oxidation depth, as well as soil nutrient content and bulk density. Comparison of root anatomy confirmed greater development of flood-tolerant traits in native species than in pastoral aliens, and vegetation N:P ratios indicated that most communities were probably nitrogen-limited. Flooding rapidly re-established wetland hydrology in dried sites in the impact area, and lowered EH and soil oxidation depth, but had no effect on N and P availability. Presence and cover of pastoral alien species decreased in these areas. This study supports the use of hydrological manipulation as a tool for reducing soil oxidation and thus the impact of alien plant species at restoration sites with minimal intervention, but suggests the need for detailed information on species flooding tolerances and hydrological preferences to underpin this approach.  相似文献   

Aim Carex atrofusca has an arctic–alpine distribution in the Northern Hemisphere, with only a few, disjunct localities known in the European Alps. These alpine populations are declining in number and size. In contrast, C. atrofusca has a wide circumpolar distribution range and is abundant in large parts of the Arctic. The degree of genetic differentiation of the alpine populations and their importance for the conservation of the intraspecific genetic variation of the species is unknown. Location Eurasia and Greenland, with emphasis on the European Alps. Methods We applied amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) fingerprinting and sequences of chloroplast DNA to determine the position of the alpine populations in a circumpolar phylogeography of C. atrofusca and to unravel the patterns of genetic diversity and differentiation within the Alps. Results Two distinct major groups were detected in a neighbour‐joining analysis of AFLP data and in parsimony analysis of chloroplast DNA sequences: one consisting of the populations from Siberia and Greenland and one consisting of all European populations as sister to the populations from Central Asia. Within Europe, the populations from the Tatra Mountains and those from Scotland and Scandinavia formed two well‐supported groups, whereas the alpine populations did not constitute a group of their own. The genetic variation in the Alps was almost completely partitioned among the populations, and the populations were almost invariable. Main conclusions The alpine populations possibly originated due to immigration from Central Asia. The strong differentiation among them suggests that genetic drift has been strongly acting on the populations, either as a consequence of founder events during colonization or due to subsequent reduction of population sizes during warm stages of the Holocene.  相似文献   

The fundamental niche of many species is shifting with climate change, especially in sub‐arctic ecosystems with pronounced recent warming. Ongoing warming in sub‐arctic regions should lessen environmental constraints on tree growth and reproduction, leading to increased success of trees colonising tundra. Nevertheless, variable responses of treeline ecotones have been documented in association with warming temperatures. One explanation for time lags between increasingly favourable environmental conditions and treeline ecotone movement is reproductive limitations caused by low seed availability. Our objective was to assess the reproductive constraints of the dominant tree species at the treeline ecotone in the circumpolar north. We sampled reproductive structures of trees (cones and catkins) and stand attributes across circumarctic treeline ecotones. We used generalized linear mixed models to estimate the sensitivity of seed production and the availability of viable seed to regional climate, stand structure, and species‐specific characteristics. Both seed production and viability of available seed were strongly driven by specific, sequential seasonal climatic conditions, but in different ways. Seed production was greatest when growing seasons with more growing degree days coincided with years with high precipitation. Two consecutive years with more growing degree days and low precipitation resulted in low seed production. Seasonal climate effects on the viability of available seed depended on the physical characteristics of the reproductive structures. Large‐coned and ‐seeded species take more time to develop mature embryos and were therefore more sensitive to increases in growing degree days in the year of flowering and embryo development. Our findings suggest that both moisture stress and abbreviated growing seasons can have a notable negative influence on the production and viability of available seed at treeline. Our synthesis revealed that constraints on predispersal reproduction within the treeline ecotone might create a considerable time lag for range expansion of tree populations into tundra ecosystems.  相似文献   

The validity of Connell's intermediate disturbance hypothesis in phytoplankton communities was tested on data from a hypertrophic, shallow lake, Hjarbæk Fjord, Denmark.The present data from Hjarbæk Fjord demonstrate the difficulties in distinguishing stress from disturbance in a phytoplankton community, and show that great changes in the phytoplankton community can take place within few days.A collapse of blue-green algae in late June 1986 caused remineralization of nutrients and resulted in a rapid increase of fast-growing small chlorococcal green algae and phytoplankton species diversity, without any external disturbances acting on the lake. External disturbances in the form of wind action and brackish water intrusion occurred several days after the onset of these events. Carbon depletion and pH 11.0 were severe stress factors on the phytoplankton community. They were induced by calm, warm weather, but eventually acted as a kind of disturbance to the normally well circulated lake.  相似文献   

It is widely acknowledged that in the terrestrial Antarctic, interspecific interactions are typically unimportant in determining species distributions and community structure. Therefore, correlative models should prove useful for predicting current and future spatial variation in species abundance patterns. However, this idea has not been formally tested, and the utility of such models, which have shown value for understanding the distribution of diversity elsewhere, for investigating biodiversity patterns in Antarctica remains unclear. Here we make a start at such tests by using generalized linear and simultaneous autoregressive models to demonstrate that simple environmental variables and information about the spatial structure of the environment can explain more than 90% of the variation in the abundance of Maudheimia wilsoni (Oribatida; Maudheimiidae), a representative of one of the most significant groups of Antarctic terrestrial arthropods, the mites. We show that a single environmental variable, maximum soil moisture content, can account for as much as 80% of the variance in the abundance of the mite, and that linear models with only a few environmental and spatial terms can be used to forecast the species abundance at the landscape scale. Given ongoing calls for better understanding of the distribution of Antarctic diversity and its likely future change, this initial test indicates that such modelling procedures, and more sophisticated versions thereof, hold much promise for the region and should be tested for other taxa with different life forms and habitat requirements.  相似文献   

The intermediate disturbance hypothesis predicts unimodal relationships between species diversity and disturbance frequency/intensity. To test this hypothesis, species diversity in herbaceous plant communities along a human trampling gradient was investigated by conducting a 4-year experiment in an old-field. In general, species richness (S), the Shannon–Weiner index (H) from plant cover data and species evenness (J) showed negative linear relationships with trampling frequency, in contrast to the prediction of the intermediate disturbance hypothesis. However, the significant relationships between trampling frequency and species diversity were not observed in the fourth year without J, which showed a unimodal relationship. In all experimental years, the number of new species that colonized the plots after 1year was small under frequent trampling, and the number of species lost from the plots was large under infrequent trampling. The relative number and the relative cover of perennial species increased as trampling frequency increased in the first and second years, but this pattern was not observed in the following years because the dominance of perennials further increased at decreasing frequencies of trampling. The similarity in the species composition and the yearly changes in species dominance indicated that trampling at higher frequencies eliminated more trampling-intolerant species only in the early years of the experiment. These results suggest that trampling mediated early changes in species diversity patterns, but competitive interactions were more important in the later experimental years. The time lag in the effects of trampling and competition appears to be attributable to the infrequent occurrence of unimodal patterns of species diversity.  相似文献   

在西藏定日县珠穆朗玛峰-卓奥友峰附近的普士拉地区的-山坡上(海拔5176—5390m),设置13个样方。进行群落调查、小地形测定和土壤剖面调查,分析该地区高寒植被的群落特征及其与小地形的关系。13个样方(面积25—200m^2不等)中,共记载物种80个(含变种和亚种),分别隶属于47个属。出现频度较高的种有高山嵩草(Kobresia pygmaea)、矮兔耳草(Lagottes humilis)、楔叶委陵菜(Potentilla funeata)、华马先蒿(Pedicularis oederi var.sinensis)、高山委陵菜(Potentilla polyjchista)、密生雪灵芝(Arenaria densissima)等;含物种数较多的属有:虎耳草属(Saxifraga)、风毛菊属(Saussurea)、嵩草属(Kobresia)、委陵菜属(Potentilla)、龙胆属(Gentiana)、葶苈属(Draba)等。随着海拔降低,物种和属的丰富度呈现出上升的趋势在该地区,植被盖度能较好地指示生境条件。等级聚类的结果也支持了这一观点:随着植被盖度的增加,转换物种丰富度(TSR)和转换属丰富度(TGR)增加,而物种多样性指数(Shannon-Wiener指数)减小。利用物种矩阵以及海拔、坡度、坡向、土壤深度、植被盖度等环境变量进行CCA排序,结果分出4类生境类型,它们较好地反映了群落特征与地形的关系。  相似文献   

天祝高寒草地植被、土壤及土壤微生物时间动态的比较   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
姚拓  王刚  张德罡  龙瑞军 《生态学报》2006,26(6):1926-1932
对天祝高寒草地21a前(1982年)、后(2003年)植被状况、土壤理化性质、土壤三大类微生物(细菌、放线菌和真菌)和各生理群微生物(硝化细菌、好气性固氮菌和好气性纤维素分解菌)及不同退化程度(围栏内、围栏外和鼠丘地)草地土壤微生物数量变化特点进行了对比研究。结果表明:(1)与1982年相比,目前该区天然草地植被总盖度、主要优良牧草种类、产草量等显著下降,草地植被退化明显;(2)草地土壤pH升高,土壤含水量、有机质、氮、磷含量均下降,草地土壤理化性质劣于1982年;(3)目前该区天然草地土壤三大类微生物数量及各生理群微生物数量变化十分明显,1982年土壤细菌、放线菌和真菌及微生物总数分别是2003年的153.6、5.5、4.1倍和151.2倍;土壤硝化细菌、好气性固氮菌和好气性纤维素分解菌数量分别是2003年的5.7、43.3倍和94.4倍;(4)轻度退化草地(围栏内)土壤各类微生物数量明显高于严重退化草地(围栏外、鼠丘地),其数量前者一般为后者的1.5—4.5倍。  相似文献   

The hummock–depression micro‐topography characteristics of the alpine marshy wetland in Sanjiangyuan are indicative of wetland degradation and the process by which healthy wetlands are transformed into flat grasslands. The aim of the present study was to examine changes in plant community structure and soil characteristics in a hummock–depression micro‐topography along a degradation gradient. We observed that: (a) the height and cover of dominant hydrophytes decreased gradually with an increase in degradation severity, leading to replacement by xerophytes; (b) with the transition from healthy to degraded wetlands, hummocks became sparser, shorter, and broader and became merged with nearby depressions; water reserves in the depressions shifted from perennial to seasonal, until they dried out completely; and (c) soil moisture content, porosity, hardness, and organic matter gradually decreased by 30.61%, 19.06%, 37.04%, and 73.27%, respectively, in hummocks and by 33.25%, 8.19%, 47.72%, and 76.79%, respectively, in depressions. Soil bulk density, soil electrical conductivity, and soil dry weight increased by 31%, 83.33%, and 105.44%, respectively, in hummocks, but by only 11.93%, 7.14%, and 97.72%, respectively, in depressions. The results show that hummock soils in healthy wetlands have strong water absorption properties, through which plant roots can penetrate easily. Wetland degradation reduces the water absorption capacity of hummock soil and soil saturation capacity of depressions, thus enhancing soil erosion potential and susceptibility to external factors. Soil moisture is a key environmental factor influencing wetland degradation, and grazing accelerates the process. Based on the changes observed in hummock morphology, vegetation, and soil properties along a degradation gradient, a conceptual model is proposed to illustrate the process of gradual degradation of marshy wetlands from healthy to transitional wetlands and finally to a degenerated state. Thus, our research provides insights into the degradation process of the alpine marshy wetland ecosystem in Sanjiangyuan.  相似文献   

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