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Inequality in male and female numbers may affect population dynamics and extinction probabilities and so has significant conservation implications. We previously demonstrated that Brown‐headed Cowbird Molothrus ater brood parasitism of Song Sparrows Melospiza melodia results in a 50% reduction in the proportion of female host offspring by day 6 post‐hatch and at fledging, which modelling demonstrated is as significant as nest predation in affecting demography. Many avian brood parasites possess special adaptations to parasitize specific hosts so this sex‐ratio effect could be specific to the interaction between these two species. Alternatively, perturbations associated with brood parasitism per se (e.g. the addition of an extra, larger, unrelated nestling), rather than a Cowbird nestling specifically, may be responsible. We experimentally eliminated the effects of Cowbird‐specific traits by parasitizing nests with a conspecific nestling rather than a Cowbird, while otherwise emulating the circumstances of Cowbird parasitism by adding an extra, larger (2‐day‐older), unrelated Song Sparrow nestling to Song Sparrow nests. Our parasitism treatment led to few host offspring deaths and no evidence of male‐biased sex ratios by day 6 post‐hatch. However, after day 6, female nestling mortality rates increased significantly in experimentally parasitized nests, resulting in a 60% reduction in the proportion of females fledging. Cowbird‐specific traits are thus not necessary to cause female‐biased host nestling mortality and far more general features associated with Cowbird parasitism instead appear responsible. Our results suggest, however, that Cowbird‐specific traits may help accelerate the pace of female host deaths. The conservation implications of our results could be wide reaching. Cowbirds are unrelated to all their hosts, are larger than the great majority, and a Cowbird nestling's presence can mean there is an extra mouth to feed. Thus, sex‐biased mortality in parasitized nests could be occurring across a range of host species.  相似文献   

We test the extent to which fence damage or fence permeability (resulting from human and elephant damage) influences patterns of cattle and buffalo movement at the periphery of Gonarezhou National Park, Zimbabwe. We used spoor data to detect and compare the frequency of cattle and buffalo movement across the fence boundary. Results show that spoor proportions for cattle were significantly higher on fence partially damaged by humans than buffalo spoor. Conversely, buffalo spoor proportions were significantly higher on sections with totally removed fence as a result of elephant damage. Results suggest that cattle and buffalo use different sections of the damaged fence.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to characterize the genetics of second generation (F2) koi Cyprinus carpio × goldfish Carassius auratus hybrids. Spermatozoa produced by a novel, fertile F1 male were found to be diploid by flow‐cytometric analysis. Backcross (F1 female × C. carpio male and C. carpio female × F1 male) juveniles were triploid, confirming that female and male F1 hybrids both produced diploid gametes. The vast majority of surviving F2 juveniles was diploid and small proportions were aneuploid (2·1n–2·3n and 3·1n–3·9n), triploid (3n) and tetraploid (4n). Microsatellite genotyping showed that F2 diploids repeated either the complete maternal or the complete paternal genotype. Fish with the maternal genotype were female and fish with the paternal genotype were male. This demonstrates that F2 diploids were the result of spontaneous gynogenesis and spontaneous androgenesis. Analysis of microsatellite inheritance and the sex ratio in F2 crosses showed that spontaneous gynogenesis and androgenesis did not always occur in equal proportions. One cross was found to have an approximate equal number of androgenetic and gynogenetic offspring while in several other crosses spontaneous androgenesis was found to occur more frequently than spontaneous gynogenesis.  相似文献   

True bugs (Hemiptera) are an important pest complex not controlled by Bt‐transgenic crops. An alternative source of resistance includes inhibitors of digestive enzymes, such as protease or amylase inhibitors. αAI‐1, an α‐amylase inhibitor from the common bean, inhibits gut‐associated α‐amylases of bruchid pests of grain legumes. Here we quantify the in vitro activity of α‐amylases of 12 hemipteran species from different taxonomic and functional groups and the in vitro inhibition of those α‐amylases by αAI‐1. α‐Amylase activity was detected in all species tested. However, susceptibility to αAI‐1 varied among the different groups. α‐Amylases of species in the Lygaeidae, Miridae and Nabidae were highly susceptible, whereas those in the Auchenorrhyncha (Cicadellidae, Membracidae) had a moderate susceptibility, and those in the Pentatomidae seemed to be tolerant to αAI‐1. The species with αAI‐1 susceptible α‐amylases represented families which include both important pest species but also predatory species. These findings suggest that αAI‐1‐expressing crops have potential to control true bugs in vivo.  相似文献   

Theileria annulata is an apicomplexan parasite that modifies the phenotype of its host cell completely, inducing uncontrolled proliferation, resistance to apoptosis, and increased invasiveness. The infected cell thus resembles a cancer cell, and changes to various host cell signalling pathways accompany transformation. Most of the molecular mechanisms leading to Theileria‐induced immortalization of leukocytes remain unknown. The parasite dissolves the surrounding host cell membrane soon after invasion and starts interacting with host proteins, ensuring its propagation by stably associating with the host cell microtubule network. By using BioID technology together with fluorescence microscopy and co‐immunoprecipitation, we identified a CLASP1/CD2AP/EB1‐containing protein complex that surrounds the schizont throughout the host cell cycle and integrates bovine adaptor proteins (CIN85, 14‐3‐3 epsilon, and ASAP1). This complex also includes the schizont membrane protein Ta‐p104 together with a novel secreted T. annulata protein (encoded by TA20980), which we term microtubule and SH3 domain‐interacting protein (TaMISHIP). TaMISHIP localises to the schizont surface and contains a functional EB1‐binding SxIP motif, as well as functional SH3 domain‐binding Px(P/A)xPR motifs that mediate its interaction with CD2AP. Upon overexpression in non‐infected bovine macrophages, TaMISHIP causes binucleation, potentially indicative of a role in cytokinesis.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Caullerya mesnili is a protozoan endoparasite in the gut epithelium of Daphnia, which causes regular epidemics in lakes throughout Europe. Its classification has remained unchanged for over a century, leaving it placed with the Haplosporidia, despite speculation that this position is incorrect. The difficulty in classifying C. mesnili stems from its few known morphological and ecological characteristics, as well as a lack of genetic markers. Here we sequenced the nuclear small subunit (SSU) and internal transcribed spacer rDNA regions of C. mesnili samples from 10 locations. Based on sequence similarities, we suggest the re‐classification of C. mesnili to the Ichthyosporea, a class of protists near the animal–fungi divergence. We report average intragenomic variation of 0.75% and 2.27% in the SSU and internal transcribed spacer regions, respectively. From electron micrographs and light microscopy of histological sections we determined that C. mesnili spores grow within the intestinal epithelium where they establish themselves intercellularly. In addition, we confirmed previous accounts regarding the high virulence of this parasite. Caullerya mesnili reduces host lifespan, the number of clutches, and the total number of offspring. This high selection pressure placed on hosts supports the importance of C. mesnili as a model parasite for the study of host–parasite biology in permanent lakes.  相似文献   

The rapid induction of photosynthesis is critical for plants under light‐fleck environment. Most previous studies about photosynthetic induction focused upon single leaf, but they did not consider the systemic integrity of plant. Here, we verified whether systemic signalling is involved in photosynthetic induction. Rumex K‐1 (Rumex patientia × Rumex tianschaious) plants were grown under light‐fleck condition. After whole night dark adaptation, different numbers of leaves (system leaf or SL) were pre‐illuminated with light, and then the photosynthetic induction of other leaves (target leaf or TL) was investigated. This study showed that the pre‐illumination of SL promoted photosynthetic induction in TL. This promotion was independent of the number of SL, the light intensity on SL and the distance between SL and TL, indicating that this systemic signalling is non‐dose‐dependent. More interestingly, the photosynthetic induction was promoted by only the pre‐illumination of morphological upper leaf rather than the pre‐illumination of morphological lower leaf, indicating that the transfer of this signal is directional. The results showed that the transfer of this systemic signalling depends upon the phloem. This systemic signalling helps plants to use light energy more efficiently under light flecks.  相似文献   

Ixodes loricatus has long been considered with strict-total specificity to New World Marsupials. However, frequent findings of its immature stages on rodents suggest that these vertebrates play an important role in the tick’s life cycle. Aspects dealing with the ecology of Sigmodontinae rodents infestation by I. loricatus are unknown. To contribute to the knowledge of the ecology of this tick species, environmental factors, as well as host species, sex and age, were evaluated to find associations of immature I. loricatus infestation of the most abundant wild rodent species from riparian locations of Buenos Aires province (Argentina). A total of 290 hosts belonging to the subfamily Sigmodontinae were captured and examined for ticks at six locations. The data analysis showed that there was a preference of I. loricatus towards Akodon azarae, but only for those hosts captured in lands not prone to flooding. The results suggest that the host preference of I. loricatus is mainly related to factors such as habitat type and host density.  相似文献   

R G?ke  B Oltmer  S P Sheikh  B G?ke 《FEBS letters》1992,300(3):232-236
Glucagon-like peptide-1 (7–36)amide (GLP-1 (7–36)amide) represents a physiologically important incretin in mammals including man. Receptors for GLP-1 (7–36)amide have been described in RINm5F cells. We have solubilized active GLP-1 (7–36)amide receptors from RINm5F cell membranes utilizing the detergents octyl-β-glucoside and CHAPS; Triton X-100 and Lubrol PX were ineffective. Binding of radiolabeled GLP-1(7–36)amide to the solubilized receptor was inhibited conentration-dependently by addition of unlabeled peptide. Scatchard analysis of binding data revealed a single class of binding sites with Ka= 0.26 ± 0.03 nM and Bmax= 65.4 ± 21.24 fmol/mg of protein for the membrane-bound receptor and Ka= 22.54 ± 4.42 μM and Bmax= 3.9 ± 0.79 pmol/mg of protein for the solubilized receptor. The binding of the radiolabel to the solubilized receptor was dependent both on the concentrations of mono- and divalent cations and the protein/detergent ratio in the incubation buffer. The membrane bound receptor is sensitive to guanine-nucleotides, however neither GTP-γ-S nor GDP-β-S affected binding or labeled peptide to solubilized receptor. These data indicate that the solubilized receptor may have lost association with its G-protein. In conclusion, the here presented protocol allows solubilization of the GLP-1(7–36)amide receptor in a functional state and opens up the possibility for further molecular characterization of the receptor protein.  相似文献   

The liver has been demonstrated to be a major site for extrathymic differentiation of T cells. In this study, an identification of CD5+ B cells, which are responsible for the onset of autoimmune disease by virtue of autoantibody production, was performed in autoimmune (NZB × NZW) F1 mice. An age-associated increase of CD5+ B cells was demonstrated in the liver of these mice. Although CD5+ B cells (i.e., CD5+IgM+ and CD5+B220+) constituted a minor population of hepatic mononuclear cells (MNC) (<5%) when mice were young (8 weeks), a large population of CD5+ B cells (10 to 30% of whole MNC) was identified in the liver of mice aged 25 to 30 weeks after the onset of disease. Such age-dependent increase of CD5+ B cells was not observed in any other strains including NZB, NZW, C3H/He and BALB/c mice. The phenotype of hepatic CD5+ B cells was the same as that of CD5+ B cells in the peritoneal cavity and spleen, showing dull-CD5, bright-IgM and dull-B220. High levels of CD5+ B cells were observed in the peritoneal cavity and liver, but not in the spleen nor in any other lymphoid organs in mice aged 30 weeks. Radioimmunoassay of autoantibodies in the 5-day culture supernatants demonstrated that hepatic MNC were unable to produce any amounts of IgM- and IgG-autoantibodies against double-stranded DNA and single-stranded DNA, despite the increased proportion of CD5+ B cells. On the other hand, peritoneal exudate cells produced only IgM-, but not IgG-, autoantibodies, whereas splenic cells were able to produce both IgM- and IgG-autoantibodies. These results suggest that the liver might support the generation of the most primitive CD5+ B cells in these mice and that such generation increases as a function of age, probably resulting in the onset of autoimmune disease.  相似文献   

S‐1‐(2‐Furyl) ethanol serves as an important chiral building block for the preparation of various natural products, fine chemicals, and is widely used in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. In this work, lipase‐catalyzed kinetic resolution of (R/S)‐1‐(2‐furyl) ethanol using different acyl donors was investigated. Vinyl esters are good acyl donors vis‐à‐vis alkyl esters for kinetic resolution. Among them, vinyl acetate was found to be the best acyl donor. Different immobilized lipases such as Rhizomucor miehei lipase, Thermomyces lanuginosus lipase, and Candida antarctica lipase B were evaluated for this reaction, among which C. antarctica lipase B, immobilized on acrylic resin (Novozym 435), was found to be the best catalyst in n‐heptane as solvent. The effect of various parameters was studied in a systematic manner. Maximum conversion of 47% and enantiomeric excess of the substrate (ees) of 89% were obtained in 2 h using 5 mg of enzyme loading with an equimolar ratio of alcohol to vinyl acetate at 60°C at a speed of 300 rpm in a batch reactor. From the analysis of progress curve and initial rate data, it was concluded that the reaction followed the ordered bi–bi mechanism with dead‐end ester inhibition. Kinetic parameters were obtained by using nonlinear regression. This process is more economical, green, and easily scalable than the chemical processes. Chirality 26:286–292, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The sodium (Na+)‐calcium (Ca2+) exchanger 1 (NCX1) is an antiporter membrane protein encoded by the SLC8A1 gene. In the heart, it maintains cytosolic Ca2+ homeostasis, serving as the primary mechanism for Ca2+ extrusion during relaxation. Dysregulation of NCX1 is observed in end‐stage human heart failure. In this study, we used affinity purification coupled with MS in rat left ventricle lysates to identify novel NCX1 interacting proteins in the heart. Two screens were conducted using: (1) anti‐NCX1 against endogenous NCX1 and (2) anti‐His (where His is histidine) with His‐trigger factor‐NCX1cyt recombinant protein as bait. The respective methods identified 112 and 350 protein partners, of which several were known NCX1 partners from the literature, and 29 occurred in both screens. Ten novel protein partners (DYRK1A, PPP2R2A, SNTB1, DMD, RABGGTA, DNAJB4, BAG3, PDE3A, POPDC2, STK39) were validated for binding to NCX1, and two partners (DYRK1A, SNTB1) increased NCX1 activity when expressed in HEK293 cells. A cardiac NCX1 protein–protein interaction map was constructed. The map was highly connected, containing distinct clusters of proteins with different biological functions, where “cell communication” and “signal transduction” formed the largest clusters. The NCX1 interactome was also significantly enriched with proteins/genes involved in “cardiovascular disease” which can be explored as novel drug targets in future research.  相似文献   

Secreted phosphoprotein‐24 kDa (Spp24) binds cytokines of the bone morphogenetic protein/transforming growth factor‐β (BMP/TGFβ) superfamily and is one of the most abundant serum phosphoproteins synthesized by the liver. Little is known about how Spp24 binding affects BMP signal transduction and osteoblastic differentiation or how this labile protein is transported from the liver to remote tissues, such as bone. When Spp24 was administered to W‐20‐17 mesenchymal stem cells with rhBMP‐2, short‐term Smad1/5 phosphorylation was inhibited, intermediate‐term alkaline phosphatase (ALP) induction was blunted, and long‐term mineralization was unaffected. This supports the hypothesis that Spp24 proteolysis restricts the duration of its regulatory effects, but offers no insight into how Spp24 is transported intact from the liver to bone. When Spp24 was immunopurified from serum and subjected to native PAGE and Western blotting, a high molecular weight band of >500 kDa was found. Under reducing SDS–PAGE, a 24 kDa band corresponding to monomeric Spp24 was liberated, suggesting that Spp24 is bound to a complex linked by disulfide bonds. However, such a complex cannot be disrupted by 60 mM EDTA under non‐reducing condition or in purification buffers containing 600 mM NaCl and 0.1% Tween‐20 at pH 2.7–8.5. LC–MS/MS analysis of affinity‐purified, non‐reducing SDS–PAGE separated, and trypsin digested bands showed that the Spp24 was present in a complex with three α2‐macroglobulins (α2‐macroglobulin [α2M], pregnancy zone protein [PZP] and complement C3 [C3]), as well as ceruloplasmin and the protease inhibitor anti‐thrombin III (Serpin C1), which may protect Spp24 from proteolysis. J. Cell. Biochem. 114: 378–387, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Complexes [M(η12-C8H12OMe)((2,6-(R)2---C6H3)N=C(R′)---C(R′)=N((2,6-(R)2---C6H3))]PF6 (where M=Pd, R=H and R′2=Me2 (1), M=Pd, R=Me and R′2=Me2 (2), M=Pd, R=Et and R′2=Me2 (3), M=Pd, R=iPr and R′2=Me2 (4), M=Pd, R=iPr and R′2=An (5), M=Pt, R=iPr and R′2=An (6)) were synthesized by the reaction of [M(η12-C8H12OMe)Cl]2 with the appropriate α-diimine ligand in the presence of NH4PF6. Their ion pair structure in solution was investigated by detecting dipolar interactions between protons belonging to the cation and fluorine nuclei of the anion (interionic contacts) in the 19F, 1H-HOESY NMR spectra. In complexes 14, the anion in solution is located close to the peripheral protons of the α-diimine ligand and it interacts with the R′ protons and with the R protons that point toward the R′ groups. The steric protection of apical position exerted by the R substituents is clearly illustrated by the absence of interionic contacts between any protons of the cycloctenylmethoxy-moiety and the anion for R≥Me in 14. In complexes 5 and 6 the interactions between the anion and the peripheral N,N protons also predominate but other anion–cation orientations are significantly present and, consequently, the interionic structure is less specific.  相似文献   

The synthesis and pharmacology of 15 1-deoxy-Δ8-THC analogues, several of which have high affinity for the CB2 receptor, are described. The deoxy cannabinoids include 1-deoxy-11-hydroxy-Δ8-THC (5), 1-deoxy-Δ8-THC (6), 1-deoxy-3-butyl-Δ8-THC (7), 1-deoxy-3-hexyl-Δ8-THC (8) and a series of 3-(1′,1′-dimethylalkyl)-1-deoxy-Δ8-THC analogues (2, n=0–4, 6, 7, where n=the number of carbon atoms in the side chain−2). Three derivatives (1719) of deoxynabilone (16) were also prepared. The affinities of each compound for the CB1 and CB2 receptors were determined employing previously described procedures. Five of the 3-(1′,1′-dimethylalkyl)-1-deoxy-Δ8-THC analogues (2, n=1–5) have high affinity (Ki=<20 nM) for the CB2 receptor. Four of them (2, n=1–4) also have little affinity for the CB1 receptor (Ki=>295 nM). 3-(1′,1′-Dimethylbutyl)-1-deoxy-Δ8-THC (2, n=2) has very high affinity for the CB2 receptor (Ki=3.4±1.0 nM) and little affinity for the CB1 receptor (Ki=677±132 nM).
Scheme 3. (a) (C6H5)3PCH3+ Br, n-BuLi/THF, 65°C; (b) LiAlH4/THF, 25°C; (c) KBH(sec-Bu)3/THF, −78 to 25°C then H2O2/NaOH.  相似文献   

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