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The fauna of oceanic islands provide exceptional models with which to examine patterns of dispersal, isolation and diversification, from incipient speciation to species level radiations. Here, we investigate recent differentiation and microevolutionary change in Berthelot's pipit (Anthus berthelotii), an endemic bird species inhabiting three Atlantic archipelagos. Mitochondrial DNA sequence data and microsatellite markers were used to deduce probable colonization pathway, genetic differentiation, and gene flow among the 12 island populations. Phenotypic differentiation was investigated based on eight biologically important morphological traits. We found little mitochondrial DNA variability, with only one and four haplotypes for the control region and cytochrome b, respectively. However, microsatellite data indicated moderate population differentiation (FST=0.069) between the three archipelagos that were identified as genetically distinct units with limited gene flow. Both results, combined with the estimated time of divergence (2.5 millions years ago) from the Anthus campestris (the sister species), suggest that this species has only recently dispersed throughout these islands. The genetic relationships, patterns of allelic richness and exclusive alleles among populations suggest the species originally colonized the Canary Islands and only later spread from there to the Madeiran archipelago and Selvagen Islands. Differentiation has also occurred within archipelagos, although to a lesser degree. Gene flow was observed more among the eastern and central islands of the Canaries than between these and the western islands or the Madeiran Islands. Morphological differences were also more important between than within archipelagos. Concordance between morphological and genetic differentiation provided ambiguous results suggesting that genetic drift alone was not sufficient to explain phenotypic differentiation. The observed genetic and morphological differences may therefore be the result of differing patterns of selection pressures between populations, with Berthelot's pipit undergoing a process of incipient differentiation.  相似文献   

Recent work has suggested that rates of introgression should be inversely related to levels of gene flow because introgressed populations cannot be 'rescued' by intraspecific gene flow if it is too low. Mitochondrial and chloroplast DNA (mtDNA and cpDNA) experience very different levels of gene flow in conifers due to their contrasted maternal and paternal modes of transmission, hence the prediction that mtDNA should introgress more readily than cpDNA in this group. Here, we use sequence data from both mtDNA and cpDNA to test this hypothesis in a group of closely related spruces species, the Picea asperata complex from China. Nine mitochondrial and nine chloroplast haplotypes were recovered from 459 individuals in 46 natural populations belonging to five species of the Picea asperata complex. Low variation was found in the two mtDNA introns along with a high level of differentiation among populations ( G ST = 0.90). In contrast, we detected higher variation and lower differentiation among populations at cpDNA markers ( G ST = 0.56), a trend shared by most conifer species studied so far. We found that cpDNA variation, although far from being fully diagnostic, is more species-specific than mtDNA variation: four groups of populations were identified using cpDNA markers, all of them related to species or groups of species, whereas for mtDNA, geographical variation prevails over species differentiation. The literature suggests that mtDNA haplotypes are often shared among related conifer species, whereas cpDNA haplotypes are more species-specific. Hence, increased intraspecific gene flow appears to decrease differentiation within species but not among species.  相似文献   

Recent studies have concluded that the global pattern of neutral genetic diversity in humans reflects a series of founder effects and population movements associated with our recent expansion out of Africa. In contrast, regional studies tend to emphasize the significance of more complex patterns of colonization, gene flow, and secondary population movements in shaping patterns of diversity. Our objective in this study is to examine how founder effects, gene flow, and European admixture have molded patterns of neutral genetic diversity in the Americas. Our strategy is to test the fit of a serial founder effects process to the pattern of neutral autosomal genetic variation and to examine the contribution of gene flow and European admixture to departures from fit. The genetic data consist of 678 autosomal microsatellite loci assayed by Wang and colleagues in 530 individuals in 29 widely distributed Native American populations. We find that previous evidence for serial founder effects in the Americas may be driven in part by high levels of European admixture in northern North America, intermediate levels in Central America, and low levels in eastern South America. Geographically patterned admixture may also account for previously reported genetic differences between Andean and Amazonian groups. Though admixture has obscured the precise details of precontact evolutionary processes, we find that genetic diversity is still largely hierarchically structured and that gene flow between neighboring groups has had surprisingly little impact on macrogeographic patterns of genetic diversity in the Americas.  相似文献   

The complex interactions of historical, geological and climatic events on plant evolution have been an important research focus for many years. However, the role of desert formation and expansion in shaping the genetic structures and demographic histories of plants occurring in arid areas has not been well explored. In the present study, we investigated the phylogeography of Arnebia szechenyi, a desert herb showing a near-circular distribution surrounding the Tengger Desert in Northwest China. We measured genetic diversity of populations using three maternally inherited chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) fragments and seven bi-paternally inherited nuclear DNA (nDNA) loci that were sequenced from individuals collected from 16 natural populations across its range and modelled current and historical potential habitats of the species. Our data indicated a considerably high level of genetic variation within A. szechenyi and noteworthy asymmetry in historical migration from the east to the west. Moreover, two nuclear genetic groups of populations were revealed, corresponding to the two geographic regions separated by the Tengger Desert. However, analysis of cpDNA data did not show significant geographic structure. The most plausible explanation for the discrepancy between our findings based on cpDNA and nDNA data is that A. szechenyi populations experienced long periods of geographic isolation followed by range expansion, which would have promoted generalized recombination of the nuclear genome. Our findings further highlight the important role that the Tengger Desert, together with the Helan Mountains, has played in the evolution of desert plants and the preservation of biodiversity in arid Northwest China.  相似文献   

中国是水稻的起源中心之一,分布着丰富的野生种质资源.自转基因水稻获得安全证书以来,转基因水稻与其近缘野生种间的基因流受到广泛关注.本文对转基因水稻基因流的发生及其可能引起的生态学后果进行了综述和展望.认为转基因水稻能够与栽培稻、野生稻、杂草稻、稗草等成功杂交,但基因流发生频率较低且变化较大.基因流成功发生后,由于转基因水稻具转基因新性状而有适合度优势,转基因可能只通过少数几代就进入野生种群.当转基因植株进入野生种群并在自然条件下长期存在时,转基因植株与近缘野生种间的竞争关系和相对适合度将决定混合种群的动态变化.研究转基因水稻基因流的影响及其长期生态学后果对合理保护与利用野生种质资源具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Genomic sequence data provide a rich source of information about the history of species divergence and interspecific hybridization or introgression. Despite recent advances in genomics and statistical methods, it remains challenging to infer gene flow, and as a result, one may have to estimate introgression rates and times under misspecified models. Here we use mathematical analysis and computer simulation to examine estimation bias and issues of interpretation when the model of gene flow is misspecified in analysis of genomic datasets, for example, if introgression is assigned to the wrong lineages. In the case of two species, we establish a correspondence between the migration rate in the continuous migration model and the introgression probability in the introgression model. When gene flow occurs continuously through time but in the analysis is assumed to occur at a fixed time point, common evolutionary parameters such as species divergence times are surprisingly well estimated. However, the time of introgression tends to be estimated towards the recent end of the period of continuous gene flow. When introgression events are assigned incorrectly to the parental or daughter lineages, introgression times tend to collapse onto species divergence times, with introgression probabilities underestimated. Overall, our analyses suggest that the simple introgression model is useful for extracting information concerning between-specific gene flow and divergence even when the model may be misspecified. However, for reliable inference of gene flow it is important to include multiple samples per species, in particular, from hybridizing species.  相似文献   

Admixture between differentiated populations is considered to be a powerful mechanism stimulating the invasive success of some introduced species. It is generally facilitated through multiple introductions; however, the importance of admixture prior to introduction has rarely been considered. We assess the likelihood that the invasive Ambrosia artemisiifolia populations of Europe and Australia developed through multiple introductions or were sourced from a historical admixture zone within native North America. To do this, we combine large genomic and sampling data sets analysed with approximate Bayesian computation and random forest scenario evaluation to compare single and multiple invasion scenarios with pre‐ and postintroduction admixture simultaneously. We show the historical admixture zone within native North America originated before global invasion of this weed and could act as a potential source of introduced populations. We provide evidence supporting the hypothesis that the invasive populations established through multiple introductions from the native range into Europe and subsequent bridgehead invasion into Australia. We discuss the evolutionary mechanisms that could promote invasiveness and evolutionary potential of alien species from bridgehead invasions and admixed source populations.  相似文献   

One of the most celebrated examples of sympatric speciation in nature are monophyletic radiations of cichlid fishes endemic to Cameroon crater lakes. However, phylogenetic inference of monophyly may not detect complex colonization histories involving some allopatric isolation, such as double invasions obscured by genome‐wide gene flow. Population genomic approaches are better suited to test hypotheses of sympatric speciation in these cases. Here, we use comprehensive sampling from all four sympatric crater lake cichlid radiations in Cameroon and outgroups across Africa combined with next‐generation sequencing to genotype tens of thousands of SNPs. We find considerable evidence of gene flow between all four radiations and neighboring riverine populations after initial colonization. In a few cases, some sympatric species are more closely related to outgroups than others, consistent with secondary gene flow facilitating their speciation. Our results do not rule out sympatric speciation in Cameroon cichlids, but rather reveal a complex history of speciation with gene flow, including allopatric and sympatric phases, resulting in both reproductively isolated species and incipient species complexes. The best remaining non‐cichlid examples of sympatric speciation all involve assortative mating within microhabitats. We speculate that this feature may be necessary to complete the process of sympatric speciation in nature.  相似文献   

尽管gene flow源于群体遗传学和进化生物学,但已成为环境生物安全文献中常见的科学术语。花粉介导的gene flow在自然界中广泛存在并对物种和群体的进化有着特殊重要的意义。随着转基因生物技术的快速发展和转基因作物在全球范围内的广泛种植,转基因随gene flow发生逃逸及其可能带来的潜在生态进化影响已经成为环境生物安全评价和研究的重要内容,备受全球广泛关注,gene flow这个术语在我国也被频繁引用。但是, gene flow的中文术语在我国各种文献资料中存在着十多种翻译版本,这些不同的翻译版本形式不同且内容略有差异,容易给环境生物安全问题的理解和研究造成不必要的混乱。本文对gene flow的概念及其内涵进行了回顾,并对不同形式的gene flow术语在国内外相关研究领域中使用的历史溯源进行了阐述。笔者建议使用“基因流”作为gene flow在中文应用中的统一术语,这也最接近群体遗传学和进化生物学等相关著作中gene flow的原意。基于此,对基因流在转基因逃逸及其相关的环境生物安全评价以及群体遗传学和进化生物学研究方面的理论和应用意义进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The mechanics of speciation with gene flow are still unclear. Disparity among genes in population differentiation (F(ST)) between diverging species is often interpreted as evidence for semipermeable species boundaries, with selection preventing "key" genes from introgressing despite ongoing gene flow. However, F(ST) can remain high before it reaches equilibrium between the lineage sorting of species divergence and the homogenizing effects of gene flow (via secondary contact). Thus, when interpreting F(ST), the dynamics of drift, gene flow, and selection need to be taken into account. We illustrate this view with a multigenic analyses of gene flow and selection in three closely related Silene species, S. latifolia, S. dioica, and S. diclinis. We report that although S. diclinis appears to have evolved in allopatry, isolation with (bidirectional) gene flow between S. latifolia and S. dioica is likely, perhaps as a result of parapatric speciation followed by more extensive sympatry. Interestingly, we detected the signatures of apparently independent instances of positive selection at the same locus in S. latifolia and S. dioica. Despite gene flow between the species, the adaptive alleles have not crossed the species boundary, suggesting that this gene has independently undergone species-specific (diversifying or parallel) selection.  相似文献   

Population structure can significantly affect genetic-based demographic inferences, generating spurious bottleneck-like signals. Previous studies have typically assumed island or stepping-stone models, which are characterized by symmetric gene flow. However, many organisms are characterized by asymmetric gene flow. Here, we combined simulated and empirical data to test whether asymmetric gene flow affects the inference of past demographic changes. Through the analysis of simulated genetic data with three methods (i.e. bottleneck , M-ratio and msvar ), we demonstrated that asymmetric gene flow biases past demographic changes. Most biases were towards spurious signals of expansion, albeit their strength depended on values of effective population size and migration rate. It is noteworthy that the spurious signals of demographic changes also depended on the statistical approach underlying each of the three methods. For one of the three methods, biases induced by asymmetric gene flow were confirmed in an empirical multispecific data set involving four freshwater fish species (Squalius cephalus, Leuciscus burdigalensis, Gobio gobio and Phoxinus phoxinus). However, for the two other methods, strong signals of bottlenecks were detected for all species and across two rivers. This suggests that, although potentially biased by asymmetric gene flow, some of these methods were able to bypass this bias when a bottleneck actually occurred. Our results show that population structure and dispersal patterns have to be considered for proper inference of demographic changes from genetic data.  相似文献   

Although recent radiations are fruitful for studying the process of speciation, they are difficult to characterize and require the use of multiple loci and analytical methods that account for processes such as gene flow and genetic drift. Using multilocus sequence data, we combine hierarchical cluster analysis, coalescent species tree inference, and isolation‐with‐migration analysis to investigate evolutionary relationships among cryptic lineages of North American ground skinks. We also estimate the extent that gene flow has accompanied or followed diversification, and also attempt to account for and minimize the influence of gene flow when reconstructing relationships. The data best support seven largely parapatric populations that are broadly concordant with mitochondrial (mt)DNA phylogeography throughout most of the species range, although they fail to fully represent extensive mtDNA divergence along the Gulf Coast. Relationships within and among three broad geographical groups are well supported, despite evidence of gene flow among them. Rejection of an allopatric divergence model partially depends on the inclusion of samples from near parapatric boundaries in the analyses, suggesting that allopatric divergence followed by recent migration may best explain migration rate estimates. Accounting for geographical variation in patterns of gene flow can improve estimates of migration–divergence parameters and minimize the influence of contemporary gene flow on phylogenetic inference. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ?? , ??–??.  相似文献   

Inferring the history of isolation and gene flow during species differentiation can inform us on the processes underlying their formation. Following their recent expansion in Europe, two subspecies of the house mouse (Mus musculus domesticus and Mus musculus musculus) have formed a hybrid zone maintained by hybrid incompatibilities and possibly behavioural reinforcement, offering a good model of incipient speciation. We reconstruct the history of their divergence using an approximate Bayesian computation framework and sequence variation at 57 autosomal loci. We find support for a long isolation period preceding the advent of gene flow around 200,000 generations ago, much before the formation of the European hybrid zone a few thousand years ago. The duration of the allopatric episode appears long enough (74% of divergence time) to explain the accumulation of many post-zygotic incompatibilities expressed in the present hybrid zone. The ancient contact inferred could have played a role in mating behaviour divergence and laid the ground for further reinforcement. We suggest that both subspecies originally colonized the Middle East from the northern Indian subcontinent, domesticus settling on the shores of the Persian Gulf and musculus on those of the Caspian Sea. Range expansions during interglacials would have induced secondary contacts, presumably in Iran, where they must have also interacted with Mus musculus castaneus. Future studies should incorporate this possibility, and we point to Iran and its surroundings as a hot spot for house mouse diversity and speciation studies.  相似文献   

Colonization of an archipelago sets the stage for adaptive radiation. However, some archipelagos are home to spectacular radiations, while others have much lower levels of diversification. The amount of gene flow among allopatric populations is one factor proposed to contribute to this variation. In island colonizing birds, selection for reduced dispersal ability is predicted to produce changing patterns of regional population genetic structure as gene flow-dominated systems give way to drift-mediated divergence. If this transition is important in facilitating phenotypic divergence, levels of genetic and phenotypic divergence should be associated. We consider population genetic structure and phenotypic divergence among two co-distributed, congeneric (Genus: Zosterops) bird species inhabiting the Vanuatu archipelago. The more recent colonist, Z. lateralis, exhibits genetic patterns consistent with a strong influence of distance-mediated gene flow. However, complex patterns of asymmetrical gene flow indicate variation in dispersal ability or inclination among populations. The endemic species, Z. flavifrons, shows only a partial transition towards a drift-mediated system, despite a long evolutionary history on the archipelago. We find no strong evidence that gene flow constrains phenotypic divergence in either species, suggesting that levels of inter-island gene flow do not explain the absence of a radiation across this archipelago.  相似文献   

To investigate the relative importance of homogenizing factors, such as gene flow, and diversifying factors, such as drift, genetic variation in pikeperch ( Sander lucioperca ) in two Fennoscandian regions (North and South) was analysed with microsatellites. Allelic richness and the degree of differentiation were significantly higher in the North ( F ST= 0·20) than in the South ( F ST= 0·064). In northern areas, assignments of genotypes were almost exclusively to the population of origin, but in southern areas, the proportion of correct assignments was significantly lower. Most samples exhibited significant heterozygote deficits, and the level of relatedness was higher than expected from randomness. These combined results suggest that there has been more gene flow between populations in southern areas than in northern areas, where the importance of genetic drift has been greater. Effective population sizes were small ( c. 100) and did not differ between areas. The effect of a common history appears minor, and thus processes such as genetic drift and gene flow have been more influential in shaping the patterns of genetic diversity in this species.  相似文献   

Microsatellite markers were used to obtain direct and indirect estimates of gene flow in populations of Polaskia chichipe under different management regimes, in order to understand the genetic consequences of gene flow in the evolutionary process of domestication. P. chichipe is a columnar cactus endemic to the Tehuacan Valley, Central Mexico, and has come under domestication for its edible fruit. Morphological, phenological, physiological, and reproductive differences, apparently attributable to artificial selection, exist between wild and managed populations, which grow sympatrically. However, strong gene flow may counteract the effects of this selection. In this study, we used paternity analysis to demonstrate that although most of the pollinations occur among individuals within the same population at distances < 40 m, pollen flow from other populations is considerable (27 +/- 5%). Heterogeneity in pollen clouds sampled by mother plants (FST = 0.12) indicated nonrandom mating, which is probably due to temporal heterogeneity in pollen movement. Spatial structure on local and regional scales is consistent with an isolation-by-distance model. The similarity of indirect, direct and demographic estimates of neighbourhood size (74-250 individuals) suggests that this genetic structure is representative of an equilibrium state. These results suggest that traditional management practices have conserved the genetic resources of this species in situ, but also that gene flow is counteracting the effect of domestication to some degree. We discuss our results in the general context of genetic exchange between cultivated and wild populations during the domestication process.  相似文献   

The major methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA) distributed among hospitals in Japan is New York/Japan clone [multilocus sequence type 5 (ST5), agr type 2 and methicillin resistance locus type (SCC mec) II] which possesses both the toxic shock syndrome toxin 1 gene (tst) and staphylococcal enterotoxin C gene (sec). In this study, we collected 245 MRSA strains from four hospitals during 2001 to 2005 in Niigata, Japan, and analyzed tst and sec genes and SCC mec type among them. A total of 13 strains were further examined for their genotypes, virulence gene patterns and drug resistance. Among the 245 strains four tst sec genes patterns were observed; tst(+) sec(+) strains represented a majority of 86.5% and 9.4% were tst(-) sec(-). SCCmec typing revealed that 91.4% had type II, 4.1% type IV and 4.1% type I. Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) revealed that 10 of the 13 typed strains belonged to clonal complex 5 (7 had ST5 while 3 were single locus variants of ST5) with similar characteristics to the New York/Japan clone and possessed multi-drug resistance with high virulence gene content. The remaining 3 strains were ST8 (n=2) and ST91 (n=1). The ST91 strain had SCC mec IV and seemed to originate in the community, while ST8 strains exhibited SCC mec type I, which is distinct from community type IV. The data suggest that MRSA in hospitals in Niigata now mainly includes the New York/Japan clone (undergoing genomic divergence and clonal expansion) and other minor types (e.g. ST8) as well as the community type.  相似文献   

Rice transgene flow: its patterns,model and risk management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Progress has been made in a 12 year's systemic study on the rice transgene flow including (i) with experiments conducted at multiple locations and years using up to 21 pollen recipients, we have elucidated the patterns of transgene flow to different types of rice. The frequency to male sterile lines is 101 and 103 higher than that to O. rufipogon and rice cultivars. Wind speed and direction are the key meteorological factors affecting rice transgene flow. (ii) A regional applicable rice gene flow model is established and used to predict the maximum threshold distances (MTDs) of gene flow during 30 years in 993 major rice producing counties of southern China. The MTD0.1% for rice cultivars is basically ≤5 m in the whole region, despite climate differs significantly at diverse locations and years. This figure is particularly valuable for the commercialization and regulation of transgenic rice. (iii) The long‐term fate of transgene integrated into common wild rice was investigated. Results demonstrated that the F1 hybrids of transgenic rice/O. rufipogon gradually disappeared within 3–5 years, and the Bt or bar gene was not detectable in the mixed population, suggesting the O. rufipogon may possess a strong mechanism of exclusiveness for self‐protection. (iv) The flowering time isolation and a 2‐m‐high cloth‐screen protection were proved to be effective in reducing transgene flow. We have proposed to use a principle of classification and threshold management for different types of rice.  相似文献   

Current hypotheses of gene duplicate divergence propose that surviving members of a gene duplicate pair may evolve, under conditions of purifying or nearly neutral selection, in one of two ways: with new function arising in one duplicate while the other retains original function (neofunctionalization [NF]) or partitioning of the original function between the 2 paralogs (subfunctionalization [SF]). More recent studies propose that SF followed by NF (subneofunctionalization [SNF]) explains the divergence of many duplicate genes. In this analysis, we evaluate these hypotheses in the context of the large monosaccharide transporter (MST) gene families in Arabidopsis and rice. MSTs have an ancient origin, predating plants, and have evolved in the seed plant lineage to comprise 7 subfamilies. In Arabidopsis, 53 putative MST genes have been identified, with one subfamily greatly expanded by tandem gene duplications. We searched the rice genome for members of the MST gene family and compared them with the MST gene family in Arabidopsis to determine subfamily expansion patterns and estimate gene duplicate divergence times. We tested hypotheses of gene duplicate divergence in 24 paralog pairs by comparing protein sequence divergence rates, estimating positive selection on codon sites, and analyzing tissue expression patterns. Results reveal the MST gene family to be significantly larger (65) in rice with 2 subfamilies greatly expanded by tandem duplications. Gene duplicate divergence time estimates indicate that early diversification of most subfamilies occurred in the Proterozoic (2500-540 Myr) and that expansion of large subfamilies continued through the Cenozoic (65-0 Myr). Two-thirds of paralog pairs show statistically symmetric rates of sequence evolution, most consistent with the SF model, with half of those showing evidence for positive selection in one or both genes. Among 8 paralog pairs showing asymmetric divergence rates, most consistent with the NF model, nearly half show evidence of positive selection. Positive selection does not appear in any duplicate pairs younger than approximately 34 Myr. Our data suggest that the NF, SF, and SNF models describe different outcomes along a continuum of divergence resulting from initial conditions of relaxed constraint after duplication.  相似文献   

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