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During the 1990s, North Atlantic right whales had significantly decreased reproduction and showed signs of compromised health, prompting the initiation of noninvasive fecal-based studies to investigate potential causal factors. The interpretation of these studies is enhanced when the defecator is identified, as data can then be linked to individual life history information. Fecal samples (n= 118) were either collected from single photoidentified whales, associated with several individuals by photoidentification of whales in the vicinity upon sample collection, or were collected when no whales were in the vicinity. Genetic profiles from fecal DNA comprising sex, mitochondrial haplotype, and five microsatellite loci helped assign specific samples to individual right whales based on existing genetic profiles. Profiles were informative in assigning 61 fecal samples to known individuals, 24 of which were collected when no whales were in the vicinity. Whales identified genetically were typically photographed in the same habitat area and on the same day of sample collection (n= 35/48). Twelve profiles new to the genetic database were identified, suggesting fecal sampling provides a means to obtain genetic profiles from previously unsampled individuals, which may help refine estimates of population size and habitat use patterns if annual fecal sampling continues.  相似文献   

Fecal analysis from the highly endangered North Atlantic right whale provides valuable information about health and reproductive parameters of individual animals. Genetically profiling the feces facilitates this connection when the sample originator is unknown. Although genetic analysis of feces collected in terrestrial systems has become well established, genetic studies of cetacean DNA are rare. Here, the use of free‐floating feces as a source of right whale DNA and the reliability of the genotypes produced are examined. On average, fecal extracts yielded 25 ng of DNA/mg dry weight, but less than 1% was right whale DNA. Although all samples were amplified using genus‐specific mitochondrial control region primers, the quantity of right whale DNA present was over estimated when compared to amplifications using nuclear primers. No correlation was found between the quantity of right whale DNA recovered and the duration the sample sat in the water. Composite microsatellite profiles from multiple amplifications of 28 fecal samples of known origin were consistent with profiles of the same individuals obtained from skin biopsies, however, the rate of allelic dropout varied depending on the amount of right whale DNA added. A screening and genotyping protocol for reliable genetic profiling based on fecal DNA quantification is presented.  相似文献   

To assess the spectral sensitivities of the retinal visual pigments from the North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis), we have cloned and sequenced two exons from the rod opsin gene and two exons from the middle‐wavelength sensitive (MWS) cone opsin gene in order to determine the amino acids at positions known to be key regulators of the spectral location of the absorbance maximum (λmax). Based on previous mutagenesis models we estimate that the right whale possesses a rod visual pigment with a λmax of 499 nm and a MWS cone visual pigment with a λmax of 524 nm. Although the MWS cone visual pigment from the right whale is blue‐shifted in its spectral sensitivity like those from odontocetes, the spectral sensitivity of the right whale rod visual pigment is similar to those from terrestrial mammals.  相似文献   

Accurate estimates of drag on marine animals are required to investigate the locomotive cost, propulsive efficiency, and the impacts of entanglement if the animal is carrying fishing gear. In this study, we performed computational fluid dynamics analysis of a 10 m (length over all) right whale to obtain baseline measurements of drag on the animal. Swimming speeds covering known right whale speed range (0.125 m/s to 8 m/s) were tested. We found a weak dependence between drag coefficient and Reynolds number. At a swimming speed of 2 m/s, we analyzed the boundary layer thicknesses, the flow regimes, and drag components. We found the thickest boundary layer at the lateral sides of the peduncle, whereas the boundary layer thickness over the outer part of the flukes was less than 1.7 cm. Laminar flow occurred over the anterior ~0.6 LoA and turbulent flow from ~0.8 LoA to the fluke notch. On the surfaces of the flukes outside of the body wake region, flow was laminar. Our most significant finding is that the drag coefficient (0.0071–0.0059) of a right whale for swimming speeds ranging from 0.25 m/s to 2 m/s is approximately twice that of many previous estimates for cetaceans.  相似文献   

North Atlantic right whales, Eubalaena glacialis, remain endangered, primarily due to excessive anthropogenic mortality. Current management protocols in US waters are triggered by identifying the presence of at least one right whale in a management area. We assessed whether acoustic detection of right whale contact calls can work as an alternative to visual aerial surveys for establishing their presence. Aerial survey and acoustic monitoring were conducted in Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts, in 2001–2005 and used to evaluate and compare right whale detections. Over the 58 d with simultaneous aerial and acoustic coverage, aerial surveys saw whales on approximately two-thirds of the days during which acoustic monitoring heard whales. There was no strong relationship between numbers of whales seen during aerial surveys and numbers of contact calls detected on survey days. Results indicate acoustic monitoring is a more reliable mechanism than aerial survey for detecting right whales. Because simple detection is sufficient to trigger current management protocols, continuous, autonomous acoustic monitoring provides information of immediate management utility more reliably than aerial surveillance. Aerial surveys are still required to provide data for estimating population parameters and for visually assessing the frequency and severity of injuries from shipping and fishing and detecting injured and entangled right whales.  相似文献   

Reduced reproductive success has contributed to lack of recovery of the endangered western North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis). Here we examined the specific life history period from just before birth through the first year to estimate calf and perinatal losses between 1989 and 2003. The lower bound estimate (17 mortalities from 208 calving events) included documented calf mortalities and presumed deaths from serious injury or disappearance from the sighting record. The upper bound estimated potential calf losses from females with delayed first parturition (>10 yr) and shortened (2 yr) or lengthened (≥4 yr) calving intervals, if the female migrated to the calving ground during these intervals. Because cows were sighted in the calving ground predominantly in years when they were available to calve, adult females sighted there in a possible calving year without a calf were assumed to have experienced a perinatal loss. Twenty-eight potential perinatal losses were detected, bringing the upper bound of calf and perinatal mortality to 45 (3.0 calves/yr). The high frequency of lengthened calving intervals in E. glacialis suggests that abortion and neonatal losses are contributing to lower reproductive success compared to Southern Hemisphere right whales (Eubalaena australis).  相似文献   

Knowing size-at-age is important for determining food requirements and making inferences about the nutritional status of individuals and their populations. Accurate growth curves are also needed to quantify drug dosages to treat wounded or entangled animals. However, body sizes are often based on small numbers of measured animals that must be improved as new data become available. We updated an existing body growth model for North Atlantic right whales (NARWs) using new data from dead animals and from older individuals. Our models indicate that NARWs attain mean lengths and weights of 4.3 m and 1.0 mt at birth, and 13.1 m and 31.7 mt when sexually mature. Calves more than double their length and attain nearly three-quarters of their asymptotic adult size during their first year of life. Overall, our length estimates agreed well with previous estimates, but our mass-at-age values were considerably higher. These differences revealed that necropsy data used alone in allometric models underestimate mass due possibly to several of the stranded animals in the database having been chronically entangled and in poor body condition. Augmenting the database with healthier individuals, such as harvested North Pacific right whales, yielded mass predictions that reflect both healthy and unhealthy individuals.  相似文献   

Like most mysticetes, North Atlantic right whale cows generally separate from their calves on their feeding grounds within a year. Right whale life history data from 1993 to 2005 were analyzed to determine the duration of cow/calf associations and where the pair separated. A change occurred with the 2001 cows; 71% of those available stayed with their calves into the second year and this behavior remained elevated for several years. Less experienced cows, independent of their age, were more likely to extend their associations. The occurrence of cow/yearling associations was not related to the length of the cow's previous interbirth interval, used as a proxy for cow condition, but the hypothesis that body condition impacts how long cows nurse their young could not be adequately tested. Seventy-seven percent of the observed cow/yearling pairs also returned to the calving ground, a substantial physiological investment given the 1,450 km plus migration and the fact that they fast there, indicating that factors other than nutrition also influenced the cow's behavior. The concurrent increase in juveniles in the shallow waters of the winter calving grounds may afford naive whales greater protection from predators or provide a social benefit that improves their overall fitness.  相似文献   

A chronically entangled North Atlantic right whale, with consequent emaciation was sedated, disentangled to the extent possible, administered antibiotics, and satellite tag tracked for six subsequent days. It was found dead 11 d after the tag ceased transmission. Chronic constrictive deep rope lacerations and emaciation were found to be the proximate cause of death, which may have ultimately involved shark predation. A broadhead cutter and a spring‐loaded knife used for disentanglement were found to induce moderate wounds to the skin and blubber. The telemetry tag, with two barbed shafts partially penetrating the blubber was shed, leaving barbs embedded with localized histological reaction. One of four darts administered shed the barrel, but the needle was found postmortem in the whale with an 80º bend at the blubber‐muscle interface. This bend occurred due to epaxial muscle movement relative to the overlying blubber, with resultant necrosis and cavitation of underlying muscle. This suggests that rigid, implanted devices that span the cetacean blubber muscle interface, where the muscle moves relative to the blubber, could have secondary health impacts. Thus we encourage efforts to develop new tag telemetry systems that do not penetrate the subdermal sheath, but still remain attached for many months.  相似文献   

Little is known about the dynamics of baleen whale respiratory cycles, especially the mechanics and activity of the blowholes and their interaction with seawater. In this study, the duration of complete respiration cycles (expiration/inhalation events) were quantified for the first time in two species: North Atlantic right whale (NARW) and humpback whale (HW) using high resolution, detailed imagery from an unoccupied aerial system (UAS). The mean duration of complete respiration cycles (expiration/inhalation event) in the NARW and HW were 3.07 s (SD = 0.503, n = 15) and 2.85 s (SD = 0.581, n = 21), respectively. Furthermore, we saw no significant differences in respiration cycle duration between age and sex classes in the NARW, but significant differences were observed between age classes in the HW. The observation of seawater covering an open blowhole was also quantified, with NARW having 20% of all breaths with seawater presence versus 90% in HW. Seawater incursion has not been described previously and challenges the general consensus that water does not enter the respiratory tract in baleen whales. Prevalent seawater has implications for the analysis and interpretation of exhaled respiratory vapor/mucosa samples, as well as for the potential inhalation of oil in spills.  相似文献   

To assess the role that vision plays in the ability of the North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) to detect its primary prey species, the calanoid copepod Calanus finmarchicus, we have compared the absorbance spectrum of the E. glacialis rod visual pigment, the transmittance spectra of C. finmarchicus carotenoid pigments, as well as the downwelling irradiance and horizontal radiance spectra collected during springtime at three locations in the western Gulf of Maine. The E. glacialis rod visual pigment absorbs light maximally at 493 nm, while microspectrophotometric measurements of the C. finmarchicus carotenoid pigments reveal transmission spectra with minima matching very well with the E. glacialis rod visual pigment absorbance spectra maximum. Springtime spectral downwelling irradiance and horizontal radiance values from the surface waters of Cape Cod Bay and at all depths in Great South Channel overlap the E. glacialis rod absorbance spectrum, allowing C. finmarchicus to appear as a high‐contrast dark silhouette against a bright background spacelight, thus facilitating visually guided contrast foraging. In contrast, spectral downwelling irradiance and horizontal radiance at depth in Cape Cod Bay, and all depths in Wilkinson Basin, do not overlap the E. glacialis rod absorbance spectrum, providing little if any useful light for contrast vision.  相似文献   

Two test systems were developed to evaluate the influence of draw‐length and tissue compliance on entanglement‐induced epidermal abrasion in humpback (Megaptera novaeangliae) and right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) tissue samples. Under straight pull abrasion tests, an adult right whale fluke required 3.7 times the load and 15 times the draw‐length of a right whale calf flipper to induce epidermal failure whereas a humpback fluke was intermediate between these extremes. A load applied tangentially to the leading edge of the fluke or flipper resulted in a substantial, but reversible, deflection of the leading edge in the direction of the applied load. The maximum possible deformation of the leading edge under shear load, prior to the line slipping relative to the skin, was defined as the tissue compliance limit. Oscillatory abrasion tests revealed that line draw‐lengths exceeding the tissue compliance limit resulted in substantially increased tissue abrasion. In actual entanglements, line draw‐length relative to the tissue compliance may determine if the line will cut into the body or simply press against the skin. Increasing the entangling line's ability to stretch in response to a load could potentially minimize sliding of the line relative to the skin and help mitigate entanglement injuries.  相似文献   

We assessed North Pacific right whale (Eubalaena japonica) seasonal and daily calling patterns in the southeastern Bering Sea (SEBS) using long‐term hydrophone recordings from October 2000 through January 2006. We detected right whale calls on the SEBS middle shelf (<100 m depth) as early as May, intermittently throughout summer and fall, and as late as December. Calls also were detected on one day in June 2005 on the SEBS slope (>1,000 m), but were not detected near Kodiak Island from April to August 2003. In months with calls, detections occurred on more days in July–October (≥6 d/mo), than from May to June or November to December (≤3 d/mo). Calls were clustered in time and were usually detected on 1–3 consecutive days with a median interval of 6.5 d for calls >1 d apart. Hourly calling rates were significantly higher at night than during the day. These data indicate that right whales occur in the SEBS later in the year than previously known, intermittently pass through the middle‐shelf study region, and usually remain there no longer than a few days. Right whale habitat use in the SEBS may intensify in mid‐summer through early fall based on higher monthly and daily call detection rates.  相似文献   

A North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) genomic library was developed and screened with a (GATA)8 probe to identify tetranucleotide microsatellite loci. Sixteen characterized loci were polymorphic in North Atlantic and/or South Atlantic (Eubalaena australis) right whales, 12 being polymorphic in E. glacialis, and 15 in E. australis. Fourteen of these were combined with 21 other previously identified loci for a suite of 35 loci which can be used to increase resolution of genetic analyses of these species. Multiplex reactions were developed for genotyping samples at these loci, providing a method that is rapid, reliable and cost‐effective.  相似文献   

Published cytogenetic data for extant cetacean species remain incomplete. In a review of the literature, we found karyotypic information for 6 of the 13 tentatively recognized species of the suborder Mysticeti (baleen whales). Among those yet to be described is the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis). Herein, we describe and propose a first-generation G-banded karyotype and ideogram for this species (2n = 42), obtained from peripheral blood chromosome preparations from a stranded male calf. This information may prove useful for future genetic mapping projects and for interspecific and intraspecific genomic comparisons by techniques such as zoo-FISH.  相似文献   

Interactions between marine mammals and fishing gear are an issue of global concern. Entanglements in the western North Atlantic are a major source of injury and mortality for endangered large whales. In this study, entanglements of 31 right whales ( Eubalaena glacialis ) and 30 humpback whales ( Megaptera novaeangliae ) were analyzed to determine the types and parts of gear involved. When gear was identified, 89% ( n = 32) of the entanglements were attributed to pot and gill net gear; however, a wide range of specific gear types were implicated. Despite gear recovery, gear type was not identified in 20% ( n = 9) of the cases. Although pot gear was recovered from both species equally, gill net gear was less frequently retrieved from right whales ( n = 2) than humpback whales ( n = 11). When gear part was identified, 81% ( n = 21) involved entanglements in buoy line and/or groundline. For right whales, the most common point of gear attachment was the mouth (77.4%); for humpback whales, the tail (53%) and the mouth (43%) were common attachment sites. Four right and three humpback whales in this sample were known to have died subsequent to entanglement. However, when identified, the gear types and parts involved in lethal cases were not substantially different from entanglements with non-lethal outcomes. Large whales can become entangled in a wide variety of fishing gear types and parts, and additional insight will depend on continued efforts to document entanglements and recover associated gear.  相似文献   

Protracted entanglement in fishing gear often leads to emaciation through reduced mobility and foraging ability, and energy budget depletion from the added drag of towing gear for months or years. We examined changes in kinematics of a tagged entangled North Atlantic right whale (Eg 3911), before, during, and after disentanglement on 15 January 2011. To calculate the additional drag forces and energetic demand associated with various gear configurations, we towed three sets of gear attached to a load‐cell tensiometer at multiple speeds. Tag analyses revealed significant increases in dive depth and duration; ascent, descent and fluke stroke rates; and decreases in root mean square fluke amplitude (a proxy for thrust) following disentanglement. Conservative drag coefficients while entangled in all gear configurations (mean ± SD Cd,e,go = 3.4 × 10?3 ± 0.0003, Cd,e,gb = 3.7 × 10?3 ± 0.0003, Cd,e,sl = 3.8 × 10?3 ± 0.0004) were significantly greater than in the nonentangled case (Cd,n = 3.2 × 10?3 ± 0.0003; = 0.0156, 0.0312, 0.0078, respectively). Increases in total power input (including standard metabolism) over the nonentangled condition ranged from 1.6% to 120.9% for all gear configurations tested; locomotory power requirements increased 60.0%–164.6%. These results highlight significant alteration to swimming patterns, and the magnitude of energy depletion in a chronically entangled whale.  相似文献   

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