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Interactions with parasites may promote the evolution of disassortative mating in host populations as a mechanism through which genetically diverse offspring can be produced. This possibility has been confirmed through simulation studies and suggested for some empirical systems in which disassortative mating by disease resistance genotype has been documented. The generality of this phenomenon is unclear, however, because existing theory has considered only a subset of possible genetic and mating scenarios. Here we present results from analytical models that consider a broader range of genetic and mating scenarios and allow the evolution of non-random mating in the parasite as well. Our results confirm results of previous simulation studies, demonstrating that coevolutionary interactions with parasites can indeed lead to the evolution of host disassortative mating. However, our results also show that the conditions under which this occurs are significantly more fickle than previously thought, requiring specific forms of infection genetics and modes of non-random mating that do not generate substantial sexual selection. In cases where such conditions are not met, hosts may evolve random or assortative mating. Our analyses also reveal that coevolutionary interactions with hosts cause the evolution of non-random mating in parasites as well. In some cases, particularly those where mating occurs within groups, we find that assortative mating evolves sufficiently to catalyze sympatric speciation in the interacting species.  相似文献   

According to the escalation–radiation model of co-evolution, insect herbivores that acquire the ability to circumvent a plant defence enter a new adaptive zone and increase in species. How herbivore counter-adaptations to plant defences might lead to speciation is poorly understood. Studies of nymphalid butterflies suggest that the evolution of a broadened host range may be a critical step. This paper examines if leaf-feeding insects capable of deactivating defensive plant canals with canal cutting often have broad host ranges. A total of 94 species of canal-cutting insects were identified from the literature, including eight new canal cutters described in this paper. Only 27% of canal cutters with known host ranges are generalists that feed on plants in multiple families. The proportion of generalist canal cutters is similar or lower than estimates of generalists among phytophagous insects overall. Only five species, at most, of the canal-cutting generalists feed exclusively on plants with secretory canals. The paucity of generalists can be attributed in part to the considerable taxonomic distance separating canal-bearing plant families and to their corresponding chemical distinctiveness. The dependence of many canal-cutting species on host chemicals for defence would also favour specialization.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 96 , 715–731.  相似文献   

While studies of tri-trophic interactions have uncovered a variety of mechanisms influencing the dietary specialization of insect herbivores, such studies have neglected host-plant selection by generalists. Here, we report an initial investigation on how host-plant quality and a tachinid parasitoid interact to affect the survival and host-plant selection by a polyphagous herbivore. This herbivore, Grammia geneura (Strecker) (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae), is a food-mixing caterpillar that feeds preferentially on forbs. A previous study suggested that G. geneura might eat certain host species for reasons other than benefits of physiological utilization. We hypothesized that host-plant mediated defenses could act against parasitoids, the major mortality agents of late instar G. geneura . Field observations indicated that caterpillars sometimes survived an attack by the parasitoid Exorista mella Walker (Diptera: Tachinidae) in nature. Laboratory experiments showed that the survival of parasitized caterpillars increased on acceptable but nutritionally inferior host-plant species, indicating that anti-parasitoid defense may explain host-plant selection in this dietary generalist. We found no indication that host-plant selection changed according to the parasitism status of individual caterpillars.  相似文献   

Co‐evolutionary arms races have provided clear evidence for evolutionary change, especially in host–parasite systems. The evolution of host‐specific races in the common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus), however, is also an example where sexual conflict influences the outcome. Cuckoo females benefit from better adaptation to overcome host defences, whereas cuckoo males face a trade‐off between the benefits of better adaptation to a host and the benefits of multiple mating with females from other host‐races. The outcome of this trade‐off might be genetic differentiation or prevention of it by genetic swamping. We use a simulation model to test which outcome is more likely with three sympatric cuckoo host‐races. We assume a cost for cuckoo chicks that express a host adaptation allele not suited to their foster host species and that cuckoo males that switch to another host‐race experience either a fitness benefit or cost. Over most of the parameter space, cuckoo male host‐race fidelity increases significantly with time, and gene flow between host‐races ceases within a few thousand to a hundred thousand generations. Our results hence support the idea that common cuckoo host‐races might be in the incipient stages of speciation.  相似文献   

The breakdown of cellular components via autophagy is crucial for cellular homeostasis. In this issue of The EMBO Journal, Niso‐Santano et al ( 2015 ) report the important observation that feeding cells with saturated or unsaturated fatty acids triggers mechanistically distinct autophagic responses. Feeding cells saturated fatty acid induced the canonical, BECN1/PI3K‐dependent autophagy pathway. Conversely, the unsaturated fatty acid oleate triggered autophagic responses that were independent of the BECN1/PI3K complex, but that required a functional Golgi system.  相似文献   

All aspects of cellular biology affect the process of regulated cell death, or apoptosis, and disruption of this process is a causative event in many diseases. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of all pathways that regulate apoptosis would increase our knowledge of basic cellular functions, as well as the etiologies of many diseases. In turn, we may be able to use this knowledge to better treat patients with diseases, including cancer. Although the basic signaling pathway that regulates apoptosis has been known for over 10 years, we still have much to learn about the upstream signaling components that can directly regulate the core apoptosis machinery. The focus of this review will be to direct attention to non-canonical regulators of the BCL2-family of proteins, especially our void of understanding of such interactions, and the controversy that surrounds some such interactions.  相似文献   

Viergutz C  Kathol M  Norf H  Arndt H  Weitere M 《Oecologia》2007,151(1):115-124
Climate models predict an increasing frequency of extremely hot summer events in the northern hemisphere for the near future. We hypothesised that microbial grazing by the metazoan macrofauna is an interaction that becomes unbalanced at high temperatures due to the different development of the grazing rates of the metazoans and the growth rates of the microbial community with increasing temperature. In order to test this hypothesis, we performed grazing experiments in which we measured the impact of increasing temperatures on the development of the grazing rates of riverine mussels in relation to the growth rates of a unicellular prey community (a natural heterotrophic flagellate community from a large river). In a first experimental series using Corbicula fluminea as a grazer and under the addition of a carbon source (yeast extract), the increase of the prey’s growth rates was considerably stronger than that of the predator’s grazing rates when temperatures were increased from 19 to over 25°C. This was also the outcome when the mussels had been acclimatized to warm temperatures. Hereafter, specific experiments with natural river water at temperatures of 25 and 30°C were performed. Again, a strong decrease of the mussels’ grazing rates in relation to the flagellate growth rates with increasing temperature occurred for two mussel species (C. fluminea and Dreissena polymorpha). When performing the same experiment using a benthic microbial predator community (biofilms dominated by ciliates) instead of the benthic mussels, an increase of the grazing rates relative to the growth rates with temperature could be observed. Our data suggest that predator–prey interactions (between metazoans and microbes) that are balanced at moderate temperatures could become unbalanced at high temperatures. This could have significant effects on the structure and function of microbial communities in light of the predicted increasing frequency of summer heat waves. Priority programme of the German Research Foundation—contribution 7.  相似文献   

Trait differences between native and non‐native populations may explain the greater abundance and impact of some organisms in their non‐native ranges than in their native ranges. Here, we conducted reciprocal common gardens in southwestern Turkey (home) and central Argentina (away) to explore the hypothesis that the greater success of the invasive ruderal Centaurea solstitialis in Argentina than Turkey is partially explained by differences between home and away populations. Unusual among common gardens, our experimental design included seed additions to explicitly evaluate population level responses, as well as disturbance and no‐disturbance treatments. We documented seed mass in native and non‐native populations, and during the experiment, we periodically measured density, plant size, and herbivory. After six months, we determined the establishment of plants for populations from both origins in both home and away common gardens. Seed mass was two times larger for Argentinean than Turkish populations. Density, plant size and final establishment were also greater for plants from Argentinean than from Turkish populations, but only in the common garden in Argentina. In Turkey, no differences between population origins were detected for these variables. Herbivory was similar for populations from both origins in both common gardens. As expected, disturbance generally increased plant performance in both regions. Our results suggest that increased seed size in non‐native populations may have demographic consequences under non‐native conditions that can contribute to the invasive success of C. solstitialis. This is the first reciprocal common garden that supports the idea that seed size variation contributes to demographic differences for an invasive species between native and non‐native distributions, but our findings further suggest that seed size effects on demography depend on the ecological context in which population processes occur.  相似文献   

Reproductive isolation is pivotal to maintain species separation and it can be achieved through a plethora of mechanisms. In addition, the development of barriers to gamete interaction may drive speciation. Such barriers to interspecific gamete interaction can be prezygotic or postzygotic. Considering the great diversity in animal species, it is easy to assume that regulation of the early steps of fertilization is critical to maintain species identity. One prezygotic mechanism that is often mentioned in the literature is that gamete interaction is limited to gametes of the same species. But do gametes of all animals interact in a species‐specific way? Are gamete interactions completely species‐specific or perhaps just species‐restricted? In species in which species‐restrictions have been described, is the interspecies barrier at one major step in the fertilization process or is it a combination of partially restricted steps that together lead to a block in interspecific fertilization? Are the mechanisms used to avoid interspecific crosses different between free‐spawning organisms and those with internal fertilization? This review will address these questions, focusing on prezygotic barriers, and will describe what is known about the molecular biology that may account for species‐limited gamete recognition and fertilization. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 73: 1422–1429, 2006. © 2006 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Several vectors have been developed in order to target genes to specific cells. Virus-based vectors lead to a high transfection efficiency in vitro, but display important disadvantages such as pathological risks, which they expose to patients. Plasmid-associated chemical vectors lack these disadvantages, but allow only a very low efficiency of transgene expression. Most of the non-viral-based gene transfer techniques developed until now mainly focused their efforts to overcome the problem of DNA entry into the cell. Some recent works, however, have begun to investigate the nucleus entry problem and suggest that the trafficking of DNA from cytosol to the nucleus may be improved by using the nuclear localization signal (NLS) found in some nuclear proteins. If the vector contains one or several NLS, either as covalently or non-covalently DNA-linked peptides, a competition may take place between the rate of dissociation of the DNA-vector complexes and the rate of loading of the complexes to the NLS-mediated nucleus importation machinery. This equilibrium may be displaced towards the importation pathway by the use of NLS-bearing proteins instead of peptides. The possibility of recruiting normal endogenous cellular pathways of nuclear uptake to promote entry of exogenously applied DNA through the nuclear pore complex would, thus, seem promising. Nevertheless, attempts to improve the transport of DNA to the nucleus through the use of NLSs have achieved limited success. Although these systems show improved transgene expression, little is known about how they function in transfected cells, and the optimal formulation for gene expression is yet to be determined.  相似文献   

Genotype‐by‐environment interaction (G × E), that is, genetic variation in phenotypic plasticity, is a central concept in ecology and evolutionary biology. G×E has wide‐ranging implications for trait development and for understanding how organisms will respond to environmental change. Although G × E has been extensively documented, its presence and magnitude vary dramatically across populations and traits. Despite this, we still know little about why G × E is so evident in some traits and populations, but minimal or absent in others. To encourage synthetic research in this area, we review diverse hypotheses for the underlying biological causes of variation in G × E. We extract common themes from these hypotheses to develop a more synthetic understanding of variation in G × E and suggest some important next steps.  相似文献   

An increase in biological diversity leads to a greater stability of ecosystem properties. For host–parasite interactions, this is illustrated by the ‘dilution effect’: a negative correlation between host biodiversity and disease risk. We show that a similar mechanism might stabilise host–parasite dynamics at a lower level of diversity, i.e. at the level of genetic diversity within host species. A long‐term time shift experiment, based on a historical reconstruction of a Daphnia–parasite coevolution, reveals infectivity cycles with more stable amplitude in experienced than in naive hosts. Coevolutionary models incorporating an increase in host allelic diversity over time explain the detected asymmetry. The accumulation of resistance alleles creates an opportunity for the host to stabilise Red Queen dynamics. It leads to a larger arsenal enhancing the host performance in its coevolution with the parasite in which ‘it takes all the running both antagonists can do to keep in the same place’.  相似文献   

The amount of nitrogen required to complete an insect's life cycle may vary greatly among species that have evolved distinct life history traits. Myrmecophilous caterpillars in the Lycaenidae family produce nitrogen-rich exudates from their dorsal glands to attract ants for protection, and this phenomenon has been postulated to shape the caterpillar's host-plant choice. Accordingly, it was postulated that evolution towards myrmecophily in Lycaenidae is correlated with the utilization of nitrogen-rich host plants. Although our results were consistent with the evolutionary shifts towards high-nutrient host plants serving as exaptation for the evolution of myrmecophily in lycaenids, the selection of nitrogen-rich host plants was not confined to lycaenids. Butterfly species in the nonmyrmecophilous family Pieridae also preferred nitrogen-rich host plants. Thus, we conclude that nitrogen is an overall important component in the caterpillar diet, independent of the level of myrmecophily, as nitrogen can enhance the overall insect fitness and survival. However, when nitrogen can be obtained through alternative means, as in socially parasitic lycaenid species feeding on ant brood, the selective pressure for maintaining the use of nutrient-rich host plants is relaxed, enabling the colonization of nitrogen-poor host plants.  相似文献   

Akt and PTEN: New diagnostic markers of non‐small cell lung cancer?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We are particularly interested in testing the principles of cell proliferation and apoptosis in the microenvironment of human lung cancers with respect to the cell survival protein Akt1 and PTEN2. Akt is a cytosolic protein which promotes cell survival by phosphorylative inactivation of targets in apoptotic pathways. Akt has been found to play a role in the survival of experimental cancer cell lines in breast, prostate, ovary, lung and brain tissue. PTEN is a tumor suppressor gene whose protein product is expressed in inverse proportion to phosphorylated Akt in endometrial and breast cancer cell lines. No studies of the diagnostic significance of Akt and PTEN in human lung cancers have been reported.  相似文献   

Botulinum neurotoxin A (BoNT/A) is a metalloprotease that enters peripheral motor nerve terminals and blocks the release of acetylcholine via the specific cleavage of the synaptosomal-associated protein of 25-kDa. Localized injections of BoNT/A are widely employed in clinical neurology to treat several human diseases characterized by muscle hyperactivity. It is generally assumed that the effects of BoNT/A remain localized to the injection site. However, several neurophysiological studies have provided evidence for central effects of BoNT/A, raising the issue of how these actions arise. Here we review these data and discuss the possibility that retrograde axonal transport of catalytically active BoNT/A may explain at least some of its effects at the level of central circuits.  相似文献   

1. We collated information from the literature on life history traits of the roach (a generalist freshwater fish), and analysed variation in absolute fecundity, von Bertalanffy parameters, and reproductive lifespan in relation to latitude, using both linear and non-linear regression models. We hypothesized that because most life history traits are dependent on growth rate, and growth rate is non-linearly related with temperature, it was likely that when analysed over the whole distribution range of roach, variation in key life history traits would show non-linear patterns with latitude.
2. As fecundity depends strongly on length, and the length structure of females varied among populations, latitudinal patterns in fecundity were examined based on residuals from the length–fecundity relationship. The reproductive lifespan of roach was estimated as the difference between age at maturity and maximum age of females in each population.
3. The three life history traits of roach analysed all varied among populations and were non-linearly related to latitude. Only the relationship between reproductive lifespan and latitude was a better fit to a linear that to a quadratic model, although Loess smoothing curves revealed that this relationship was actually closer to biphasic than linear in form. A latitude of 50°N formed a break point in all three life history traits.
4. The negative relationships we have described between (i) fecundity and reproductive lifespan and (ii) fecundity and egg mass suggest that lower fecundity is compensated for by longer lifespan, while lower fecundity is compensated for by an increased egg mass, when analysed independently of location.  相似文献   

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