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Currently, there are three recognized ecotypes (or species) of killer whales (Orcinus orca) in Antarctic waters, including type B, a putative prey specialist on seals, which we refer to as “pack ice killer whale” (PI killer whale). During January 2009, we spent a total of 75.4 h observing three different groups of PI killer whales hunting off the western Antarctic Peninsula. Observed prey taken included 16 seals and 1 Antarctic minke whale (Balaenoptera bonaerensis). Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) were taken almost exclusively (14/15 identified seal kills), despite the fact that they represented only 15% of 365 seals identified on ice floes; the whales entirely avoided taking crabeater seals (Lobodon carcinophaga; 82% relative abundance) and leopard seals (Hydrurga leptonyx; 3%). Of the seals killed, the whales took 12/14 (86%) off ice floes using a cooperative wave‐washing behavior; they produced 120 waves during 22 separate attacks and successfully took 12/16 (75%) of the Weddell seals attacked. The mean number of waves produced per successful attack was 4.1 (range 1–10) and the mean attack duration was 30.4 min (range 15–62). Seal remains that we examined from one of the kills provided evidence of meticulous postmortem prey processing perhaps best termed “butchering.”  相似文献   

Killer whales are large animals that often feed in groups and thus have the potential to deplete prey populations. Determining predator energy requirements is essential to assessing whether prey availability is sufficient. This is important because one risk factor facing the endangered Southern Resident killer whale distinct population segment is limited prey availability. Body mass, field metabolic rate (FMR), and daily prey energy requirements (DPERs) were estimated for each individual in the population. FMRs were calculated from body mass, assuming they range from five to six times Kleiber‐predicted basal metabolic rates. FMRs of adults were also calculated from resident killer whale activity budgets and the metabolic cost of swimming at speeds associated with daily activities. These two methods yielded similar results. Total FMRs varied by age and sex, which is partly due to the long developmental period and sexual dimorphism in killer whales. FMRs for males (465–4,434 kg) ranged from 35,048 to 228,216 kcal/d while FMRs for females (465–3,338 kg) ranged from 35,048 to 184,444 kcal/d. DPERs were calculated from FMRs assuming a standard digestive efficiency. Corresponding DPERs ranged from 41,376 to 269,458 kcal/d and 41,376 to 217,775 kcal/d, respectively.  相似文献   

Killer whales produce repertoires of stereotyped call types that are primarily transmitted vertically through social learning, leading to dialects between sympatric pods. The potential function of these call repertoires remains untested. In this study, we compared the reaction of Kamchatkan fish‐eating killer whales to the playbacks of calls from the same and different pods. After the playback of recordings from a different pod, in three cases whales changed the direction of their movement toward the boat, and in three cases no changes in direction were observed. After the playback of recordings from the same pod (either from the same or a different unit within the pod), in seven cases whales changed the direction of their movement toward the boat, and in only one case no change in direction was observed. Whales remained silent after all six playbacks of recordings from a different pod, even when they changed direction toward the boat. After the playback of recordings from the same pod, however, in all eight cases whales started calling in response. Our playback study shows that killer whales may react to playbacks of conspecific sounds and that reactions are dependent on the type of playback stimuli.  相似文献   

We describe nine incidents of predation or attempted predation of minke whales ( Balaenoptera acutorostrata ) by mammal-hunting "transient" killer whales ( Orcinus orca ) in coastal waters of British Columbia, Washington, and southeastern Alaska. Pursuits of minke whales were characterized by prolonged chases on a straight heading at velocities of 15–30 km/h. In four of the nine cases the adultsized minke whale gradually outdistanced the killer whales, which abandoned the high-speed pursuit after 0.5–1 h. In one case the minke beached itself and died. Four attacks were successful. In one instance a subadult minke was killed in open water following a chase. In two cases the fleeing minke entered a confined bay and was killed by the killer whales. One adult minke was taken after apparently attempting to seek cover beside a large sailboat. Minke whales made no attempt to physically defend themselves and were killed by repeated ramming or by asphyxiation. Although killer whales are capable of sprinting speeds greater than those of minke whales, it appears that adult minkes can maintain higher sustained speeds and evade capture if sufficient space for an extended escape trajectory is available. Successful predation of minke whales in coastal waters is rare compared to pinnipeds and small cetaceans, the main prey of transient killer whales.  相似文献   

Killer whales (Orcinus orca) are highly social and occasionally gather in large aggregations that reach 150 individuals. During 338 encounters with Southern Alaska resident killer whales, we collected 1,352 hr of behavioral data to assess the probability of various behaviors based on season, number of pods present, presence of rarely sighted pods, and number of mitochondrial DNA haplotypes present. A binomial generalized linear model was used to estimate the role of these factors in the probability of four behaviors, foraging, resting, socializing, and traveling. The presence of “rarely sighted” pods (sighted in <5% of encounters) significantly increased probability of social behavior, and significantly decreased probability of resting. The number of pods present also significantly increased probability of increased social behavior. The presence of rarely sighted pods and the number of pods present did not have a significant interaction. Ordinal day and number of mitochondrial DNA haplotypes appears to not have changed the probability of any behavior. Foraging remained the predominant behavior throughout all factors. The concurrent increase in social behavior and decrease in resting behavior with rarely sighted pods present implies an unusually high importance of social behavior in the lives of resident killer whales.  相似文献   

An unusual number of killer whales appeared in inshore waters of the southeastern Bering Sea in summer 1989 and 1990. Multiple sightings occurred in Bristol and Kuskokwim bays where killer whales had been seen only rarely in previous years. Three animals became stranded on mud flats in Kuskokwim Bay but were able to free themselves on a high tide. Killer whales were observed interacting with salmon, harbor seals, Steller sea lions, walruses, and beluga whales. Detailed observations were made of killer whales attacking belugas in the Naknek River. Local conditions and behavioral adaptations may reduce the susceptibility of belugas to killer whale predation. Continued killer whale activity in this area would be unlikely to affect fish resources, but might have some influence on beluga whales.  相似文献   

  • 1 The significance of killer whale Orcinus orca predation on baleen whales (Mysticeti) has been a topic of considerable discussion and debate in recent years. Discourse has been constrained by poor understanding of predator‐prey dynamics, including the relative vulnerability of different mysticete species and age classes to killer whales and how these prey animals avoid predation. Here we provide an overview and analysis of predatory interactions between killer whales and mysticetes, with an emphasis on patterns of antipredator responses.
  • 2 Responses of baleen whales to predatory advances and attacks by killer whales appear to fall into two distinct categories, which we term the fight and flight strategies. The fight strategy consists of active physical defence, including self‐defence by single individuals, defence of calves by their mothers and coordinated defence by groups of whales. It is documented for five mysticetes: southern right whale Eubalaena australis, North Atlantic right whale Eubalaena glacialis, bowhead whale Balaena mysticetus, humpback whale Megaptera novaeangliae and grey whale Eschrichtius robustus. The flight strategy consists of rapid (20–40 km/h) directional swimming away from killer whales and, if overtaken and attacked, individuals do little to defend themselves. This strategy is documented for six species in the genus Balaenoptera.
  • 3 Many aspects of the life history, behaviour and morphology of mysticetes are consistent with their antipredator strategy, and we propose that evolution of these traits has been shaped by selection for reduced predation. Fight species tend to have robust body shapes and are slow but relatively manoeuvrable swimmers. They often calve or migrate in coastal areas where proximity to shallow water provides refuge and an advantage in defence. Most fight species have either callosities (rough and hardened patches of skin) or encrustations of barnacles on their bodies, which may serve (either primarily or secondarily) as weapons or armour for defence. Flight species have streamlined body shapes for high‐speed swimming and they can sustain speeds necessary to outrun pursuing killer whales (>15–20 km/h). These species tend to favour pelagic habitats and calving grounds where prolonged escape sprints from killer whales are possible.
  • 4 The rarity of observed successful attacks by killer whales on baleen whales, especially adults, may be an indication of the effectiveness of these antipredator strategies. Baleen whales likely offer low profitability to killer whales, relative to some other marine mammal prey. High‐speed pursuit of flight species has a high energetic cost and a low probability of success while attacks on fight species can involve prolonged handling times and a risk of serious injury.

Ecological divergence has a central role in speciation and is therefore an important source of biodiversity. Studying the micro‐evolutionary processes of ecological diversification at its early stages provides an opportunity for investigating the causative mechanisms and ecological conditions promoting divergence. Here we use morphological traits, nitrogen stable isotope ratios and tooth wear to characterize two disparate types of North Atlantic killer whale. We find a highly specialist type, which reaches up to 8.5 m in length and a generalist type which reaches up to 6.6 m in length. There is a single fixed genetic difference in the mtDNA control region between these types, indicating integrity of groupings and a shallow divergence. Phylogenetic analysis indicates this divergence is independent of similar ecological divergences in the Pacific and Antarctic. Niche‐width in the generalist type is more strongly influenced by between‐individual variation rather than within‐individual variation in the composition of the diet. This first step to divergent specialization on different ecological resources provides a rare example of the ecological conditions at the early stages of adaptive radiation.  相似文献   

Studies of social differentiation between populations of killer whales (Orcinus orca) are important due to the cosmopolitan nature of the species, both in terms of distribution and feeding habits. The following research provides preliminary findings describing the social structure of the killer whale, Orcinus orca, population at subantarctic Marion Island. We provide evidence for consistent, observable patterns of social interactions with animals associating and disassociating in nonrandom patterns. We show that the social structure of this population may follow a new pattern of association, displaying a blend of the traditional resident/transient model displayed in the Northern Hemisphere. However, we emphasize the critical need for further studies related to the sociality, biology, and life history of Southern Ocean killer whales.  相似文献   

Ecological and social determinants of group size in transient killer whales   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
Most analyses of the relationship between group size and foodintake of social carnivores have shown a discrepancy betweenthe group size that maximizes energy intake and that which ismost frequently observed. Around southern Vancouver Island,British Columbia, killer whales of the so-called transient formforage in small groups, and appear to prey exclusively on marinemammals. Between 1986 and 1993, in approximately 434 h of observationson transient killer whales, we observed 138 attacks on fivespecies of marine mammals. Harbor seals were most frequentlyattacked (130 occasions), and the observed average energy intakerate was more than sufficient for the whale's energetic needs.Energy intake varied with group size, with groups of three havingthe highest energy intake rate per individual. While groupsof three were most frequently encountered, the group size experiencedby an average individual in the population (i.e., typical groupsize) is larger than three. However, comparisons between observedand expected group sizes should utilize only groups engagedin the behavior of interest. The typical size of groups consistingonly of adult and subadult whales that were engaged primarilyin foraging activities confirms that these individuals are foundin groups that are consistent with the maximization of energyintake hypothesis. Larger groups may form for (1) the occasionalhunting of prey other than harbor seals, for which the optimalforaging group size is probably larger than three; and (2) theprotection of calves and other social functions. Key words:dispersal, foraging, group hunting, harbor seals, killer whales,optimal group size, social structure. [Behav Ecol 7: 408-416(1996)]  相似文献   

Investigating intraspecific variation in acoustic signals can indicate the extent of isolation and divergence between populations and adaptations to local environments. Here we analyze the variation in killer whale high‐frequency (>17 kHz) whistles recorded off Norway, Iceland, and in the North Pacific. We used a combination of methods including multivariate comparisons of spectral and temporal parameters and categorization of contours to types. Our results show that spectral and temporal characteristics of high‐frequency whistles recorded in the North Pacific show significant differences from whistles recorded in the Northeast Atlantic, being generally stereotyped, lower in frequency, and slightly longer in duration. Most high‐frequency whistles from the North Pacific were downsweeps, whereas this was one of the least common types recorded in the Northeast Atlantic. The repertoire of whistles recorded in Norway was similar to Iceland, but whistles produced in Norway had significantly lower maximum frequency and frequency range. Most methods were able to discriminate between whistles of the North Pacific and the Northeast Atlantic, but were unable to consistently distinguish whistles from Iceland and Norway. This suggests that macro‐ and microgeographic differences in high‐frequency whistles of killer whales may reflect historical geographic isolation between ocean basins and more recent divergence between adjacent populations.  相似文献   

Availability of preferred salmonid prey and a sufficiently quiet acoustic environment in which to forage are critical to the survival of resident killer whales (Orcinus orca) in the northeastern Pacific. Although piscivorous killer whales rely on echolocation to locate and track prey, the relationship between echolocation, movement, and prey capture during foraging by wild individuals is poorly understood. We used acoustic biologging tags to relate echolocation behavior to prey pursuit and capture during successful feeding dives by fish-eating killer whales in coastal British Columbia, Canada. The significantly higher incidence and rate of echolocation prior to fish captures compared to afterward confirms its importance in prey detection and tracking. Extremely rapid click sequences (buzzes) were produced before or concurrent with captures of salmon at depths typically exceeding 50 m, and were likely used by killer whales for close-range prey targeting, as in other odontocetes. Distinctive crunching and tearing sounds indicative of prey-handling behavior occurred at relatively shallow depths following fish captures, matching concurrent observations that whales surfaced with fish prior to consumption and often shared prey. Buzzes and prey-handling sounds are potentially useful acoustic signals for estimating foraging efficiency and determining if resident killer whales are meeting their energetic requirements.  相似文献   

Killer whales are top predators in marine trophic chains, and therefore their feeding preferences can substantially affect the abundance of species on the lower trophic levels. Killer whales are known to feed on many different types of prey from small fish to large whales, but a given killer whale population usually focuses on a specific type of prey. Stable isotope analysis is widely used to study whale diets, because direct observations are often impossible. Killer whale feeding habits in the western North Pacific are poorly studied, and the large-scale stable isotope analysis provides a unique opportunity to gain insights into the trophic links of this top predator. In this study, we compare the δ13C and δ15N stable isotope values from killer whale skin samples obtained in different areas of the western North Pacific from fish-eating (R-type) and mammal-eating (T-type) killer whale ecotypes. The effect of ecotype was highly significant: both carbon and nitrogen stable isotope values were lower in R-type whales than in T-type whales. The geographical variation also affected killer whale stable isotope values due to both the differences in killer whale diet and the variation in baseline stable isotope values across the study areas.  相似文献   

Resident (fish eating) killer whales (Orcinus orca) in the North Pacific have been the subject of long‐term studies in several geographical regions. The current study examines population parameters in the southern Alaska resident population from 1984 to 2010 and develops a population model. The southern Alaska resident population ranges from southeastern Alaska through the Kodiak archipelago and contains over 700 individuals. We follow the life histories of 343 identifiable whales in 10 pods from two clans born before and during the study. Population parameters were comparable to those of the British Columbia northern resident population during the 1970s and 1980s, except that age of maturity was approximately one year earlier. The average annual rate of increase was slightly higher in Alaska (3.5%) than for the British Columbia northern residents (2.9%) and probably represents a population at r‐max (maximum rate of growth). Reasons for the high growth rate in Alaska could be a recovery following past anthropogenic mortalities, or more likely, a response to increasing salmon returns in recent decades, resulting in an increase in carrying capacity. The slow maturation and low rate of reproductive response makes these whales slow to recover from natural or anthropogenic catastrophes.  相似文献   

Epidermal skin samples from eastern North Atlantic killer whales, Orcinus orca, were analyzed for carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios. From those, comparisons within a data set of 17 samples collected from Tysfjord, Norway, in November suggested that diet is relatively specialized during this time period at this location. There were significant differences between a small set of samples from Iceland and those collected from Norway, which had all been assigned to the same population by a previous population genetics study. The results would be consistent with matrilines feeding on either the Norwegian or Icelandic stocks of Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus). There was no significant difference within Icelandic samples between those assigned to the population known to feed upon herring and those assigned to a population hypothesized to follow Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus). The greatest differences were between the epidermal samples analyzed in this study and tooth and bone collagen samples from the North Sea that were analyzed previously, which also showed significantly more variation in isotopic ratios than found for skin samples. These differences could reflect differences in turnover rate, differences in diet‐tissue fractionation and discrimination due to the amino acid composition of the different tissues, and/or greater competition promoting dietary variation between groups in the North Sea.  相似文献   

Killer whales ( Orcinus orca ) feed on a wide variety of fish, cephalopods, and marine mammals throughout their cosmopolitan range; however, the dietary breadth that characterizes the species is not reflected in all populations. Here, we present the findings of a 14-yr study of the diet and feeding habits of killer whales in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Two non-associating forms of killer whale, termed resident and transient (Bigg et al. 1987), were identified. All prey seen taken by transients were marine mammals, including harbor seals ( Phoca vitulina ), Dall's porpoises ( Phocoenoides dalli ), Steller sea lions ( Eumetopias jubatus ), and harbor porpoises ( Phocoena phocoena ). Resident killer whales appeared to prey principally on salmon ( Oncorhynchus spp.), preferring coho salmon ( O. kisutch ) over other, more abundant salmon species. Pacific herring ( Clupea pallasi ) and Pacific halibut ( Hippocampus stenolepis ) were also taken. Resident killer whales frequently were seen to interact in non-predatory ways with Steller sea lions and Dall's porpoises, while transients were not. Differences in the social organization and behavior of the resident and transient killer whales in Prince William Sound are discussed in the light of the dietary differences documented here.  相似文献   

Measuring chemical tracers in tissues of marine predators provides insight into the prey consumed and the predator's contaminant exposure. In this study, samples from Type C killer whales ( Orcinus orca ) biopsied in Antarctica were analyzed for chemical tracers ( i.e. , stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen, fatty acids, and persistent organic pollutants [POPs]). Profiles of these individual tracers were very different from those of killer whale populations that have been studied in the eastern North and eastern Tropical Pacific. For example, δ13C and δ15N stable isotope values and most POP concentrations were significantly lower in the Antarctic population. In addition, multivariate statistical analyses of both fatty acid and POP profiles found distinctly different patterns for Antarctic Type C whales compared to those from whales in the other populations. Similar assays were conducted on four species of Antarctic marine fish considered potential prey for Type C killer whales. Results were consistent with a diet of fish for Type C whales, but other species ( e.g. , low trophic-level marine mammals or penguins) could not be eliminated as supplemental prey.  相似文献   

A 6- to 9-year-old female killer whale (Orcinus orca) was observed sharing food with gulls at the Vancouver Public Aquarium. Hypotheses regarding the origin of this apparently learned behavior are discussed and evaluated. The behavior can be explained by an operant model, but there is evidence that social mimicry or observational learning may also be involved.  相似文献   

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