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Hawkmoths (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae) are considered important pollinators in tropical regions, but the frequency and degree of reciprocal specialization of interactions between hawkmoths and flowers remain poorly understood. Detailed observations at two sites in Kenya over a two‐year period indicate that adult hawkmoths are routinely polyphagous and opportunistic, regardless of their proboscis length. About 700 individuals of 13 hawkmoth species were observed visiting a wide range of plant species at the study sites, including 25 taxa that appear to be specifically adapted for pollination by hawkmoths. We estimate that 277 plant species in Kenya (c. 4.61% of the total angiosperm flora) are adapted for pollination by hawkmoths. Floral tube lengths of these plants have a bimodal distribution, reflecting the existence of two hawkmoth guilds differing in tongue length. Hawkmoths exhibited strongly crepuscular foraging patterns with activity confined to a 20‐min period at dusk and, in some cases, a similar period just before dawn. Corolla tube length appears to act as a mechanical filter as the longest‐tubed plants were visited by the fewest hawkmoth species and these were exclusively from the long‐tongued guild. Tube length showed a strong positive relationship with nectar volume, even after phylogenetic correction, which implies that plants with long corolla tubes are under selection to offer relatively large amounts of nectar to entice visits by polyphagous long‐tongued hawkmoths. Our study shows that diffusely co‐evolved pollination systems involving long‐tongued hawkmoths are clearly asymmetrical, with plants exhibiting a high degree of floral specialization, while hawkmoths exhibit polyphagous behaviour. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 110 , 199–213.  相似文献   

Pollinator‐mediated selection has been suggested as a key driver of speciation in plants. We examined the potential role of hawkmoth pollinators in driving allopatric divergence and maintaining sympatric coexistence of morphotypes in the African iris Gladiolus longicollis. Floral tube length in this species varies from 35 mm to 130 mm across its geographic range and reflects the prevailing tongue lengths of local hawkmoth assemblages. The distribution of floral tube lengths is bimodal with two relatively discrete categories—long (about 90 mm) or short (about 50 mm)—that match the bimodal distribution of hawkmoth tongue lengths in eastern South Africa. At a contact site between these two floral morphs, we found few individuals of intermediate length, suggesting limited gene flow between morphs despite their interfertility. A difference in flowering phenology appears to be the main isolating barrier between morphs at this site. Long‐ and short‐tubed morphs differed markedly in the chemical composition of their floral fragrance, a trait that could be used as a cue for morph‐specific foraging by hawkmoths. Positive directional selection on tube length was found to occur in both morphs.  相似文献   

The African orchid flora has a high proportion of species with long-spurred white flowers. Few data exist to test the prediction that this floral syndrome pattern reflects an important role for hawkmoth pollination in the evolution and ecology of these orchids. The pollination biology of five aerangoid orchid species (Rangaeris amaniensis, Aerangis brachycarpa, A. confusa, A. thomsonii, and A. kotschyana) was investigated in Kenya. Four of these have long spurs (>10 cm) and were pollinated by Agrius convolvuli and Coelonia fulvinotata. Aerangis confusa, which has relatively short spurs (ca. 4 cm), was pollinated by the short-tongued hawkmoths Hippotion celerio and Daphnis nerii. Nectar frequently filled the entire spur in some of the study species, even at anthesis. Sugar concentration of the nectar of four species was found to vary from ca. 1% at the mouth of the spur to 20% at the tip. Gradients were expressed more strongly in species with long, straight spurs. Species with spirally twisted spurs showed both steep and shallow nectar gradients. These gradients, previously unknown in plants, may function as a "sugar trail," enticing long-tongued hawkmoths to probe deeply into spurs without incurring the cost of filling an entire spur with concentrated nectar. In addition, the most concentrated nectar is kept out of reach of short-tongued pollinators.  相似文献   

Floral traits are hypothesized to evolve primarily in response to selection by pollinators. However, selection can also be mediated by other environmental factors. To understand the relative importance of pollinator‐mediated selection and its variation among trait and pollinator types, we analyzed directional selection gradients on floral traits from experiments that manipulated the environment to identify agents of selection. Pollinator‐mediated selection was stronger than selection by other biotic factors (e.g., herbivores), but similar in strength to selection by abiotic factors (e.g., soil water), providing partial support for the hypothesis that floral traits evolve primarily in response to pollinators. Pollinator‐mediated selection was stronger on pollination efficiency traits than on other trait types, as expected if efficiency traits affect fitness via interactions with pollinators, but other trait types also affect fitness via other environmental factors. In addition to varying among trait types, pollinator‐mediated selection varied among pollinator taxa: selection was stronger when bees, long‐tongued flies, or birds were the primary visitors than when the primary visitors were Lepidoptera or multiple animal taxa. Finally, reducing pollinator access to flowers had a relatively small effect on selection on floral traits, suggesting that anthropogenic declines in pollinator populations would initially have modest effects on floral evolution.  相似文献   

Johnson, S. D. 1995. Observations of hawkmoth pollination in the South African orchid Disa cooperi . - Nord. J. Bot. 15: 121–125. Copenhagen. ISSN 0107–055X.
Disa cooperi is a robust grassland orchid with long-spud white flowers which are strongly scented in the evening. Observations at a site in Natal province, South Africa showed that hawkmoths are frequent visitors to the orchid at dusk. The hawkmoth Basiothia schenki was an effective pollinator of D. cooperi; this hawk-moth has a medium length proboscis (x = 4.3 cm) which can be fully inserted into the nectar-containing spur of the orchid. Pollinaria are attached ventrally to the basal portion of the proboscis where it joins the head. Another hawkmoth, Agrius convolvuli , commonly foraged on nectar from D. cooperi , but did not carry pollinaria, probably because its proboscis is too long (x = 10 cm) to allow contact between the thick basal portion of the proboscis and the orchid column. Lips in Disa are typically linear and do not produce scent, thus the autapomorphic spathulate and scent-producing lip of D. cooperi indicates that hawkmoth pollination is derived in this species, probably from a long-proboscid fly pollinated ancestor.  相似文献   

Climate has the potential to influence evolution, but how it influences the strength or direction of natural selection is largely unknown. We quantified the strength of selection on four floral traits of the subalpine herb Ipomopsis sp. in 10 years that differed in precipitation, causing extreme temporal variation in the date of snowmelt in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. The chosen floral traits were under selection by hummingbird and hawkmoth pollinators, with hawkmoth abundance highly variable across years. Selection for flower length showed environmental sensitivity, with stronger selection in years with later snowmelt, as higher water resources can allow translation of pollination success into fitness based on seed production. Selection on corolla width also varied across years, favouring narrower corolla tubes in two unusual years with hawkmoths, and wider corollas in another late snowmelt year. Our results illustrate how changes in climate could alter natural selection even when the primary selective agent is not directly influenced.  相似文献   

Pollinator‐mediated evolutionary divergence has seldom been explored in generalist clades because it is assumed that pollinators in those clades exert weak and conflicting selection. We investigate whether pollinators shape floral diversification in a pollination generalist plant genus, Erysimum. Species from this genus have flowers that appeal to broad assemblages of pollinators. Nevertheless, we recently reported that it is possible to sort plant species into pollination niches varying in the quantitative composition of pollinators. We test here whether floral characters of Erysimum have evolved as a consequence of shifts among pollination niches. For this, we quantified the evolutionary lability of the floral traits and their phylogenetic association with pollination niches. As with pollination niches, Erysimum floral traits show weak phylogenetic signal. Moreover, floral shape and color are phylogenetically associated with pollination niche. In particular, plants belonging to a pollination niche dominated by long‐tongued large bees have lilac corollas with parallel petals. Further analyses suggest, however, that changes in color preceded changes in pollination niche. Pollinators seem to have driven the evolution of corolla shape, whereas the association between pollination niche and corolla color has probably arisen by lilac‐flowered Erysimum moving toward certain pollination niches for other adaptive reasons.  相似文献   

Floral variation among closely related species is thought to often reflect differences in pollination systems. Flowers of the large genus Impatiens are characterized by extensive variation in colour, shape and size and in anther and stigma positioning, but studies of their pollination ecology are scarce and most lack a comparative context. Consequently, the function of floral diversity in Impatiens remains enigmatic. This study documents floral variation and pollination of seven co‐occurring Impatiens spp. in the Southeast Asian diversity hotspot. To assess whether floral trait variation reflects specialization for different pollination systems, we tested whether species depend on pollinators for reproduction, identified animals that visit flowers, determined whether these visitors play a role in pollination and quantified and compared key floral traits, including floral dimensions and nectar characteristics. Experimental exclusion of insects decreased fruit and seed set significantly for all species except I. muscicola, which also received almost no visits from animals. Most species received visits from several animals, including bees, birds, butterflies and hawkmoths, only a subset of which were effective pollinators. Impatiens psittacina, I. kerriae, I. racemosa and I. daraneenae were pollinated by bees, primarily Bombus haemorrhoidalis. Impatiens chiangdaoensis and I. santisukii had bimodal pollination systems which combined bee and lepidopteran pollination. Floral traits differed significantly among species with different pollination systems. Autogamous flowers were small and spurless, and did not produce nectar; bee‐pollinated flowers had short spurs and large floral chambers with a wide entrance; and bimodally bee‐ and lepidopteran‐pollinated species had long spurs and a small floral chamber with a narrow entrance. Nectar‐producing species with different pollination systems did not differ in nectar volume and sugar concentration. Despite the high frequency of bee pollination in co‐occurring species, individuals with a morphology suggestive of hybrid origin were rare. Variation in floral architecture, including various forms of corolla asymmetry, facilitates distinct, species‐specific pollen‐placement on visiting bees. Our results show that floral morphological diversity among Impatiens spp. is associated with both differences in functional pollinator groups and divergent use of the same pollinator. Non‐homologous mechanisms of floral asymmetry are consistent with repeated independent evolution, suggesting that competitive interactions among species with the same pollination system have been an important driver of floral variation among Impatiens spp.  相似文献   



Capparis spinosa is a widespread charismatic plant, in which the nocturnal floral habit contrasts with the high visitation by diurnal bees and the pronounced scarcity of hawkmoths. To resolve this discrepancy and elucidate floral evolution of C. spinosa, we analyzed the intrafloral patterns of visual and olfactory cues in relation to the known sensory biases of the different visitor guilds (bees, butterflies, and hawkmoths).


We measured the intrafloral variation of scent, reflectance spectra, and colorimetric properties according to three guilds of known visitors of C. spinosa. Additionally, we sampled visitation rates using a motion-activated camera.


Carpenter bees visited the flowers eight times more frequently than nocturnal hawkmoths, at dusk and in the following morning. Yet, the floral headspace of C. spinosa contained a typical sphingophilous scent with high emission rates of certain monoterpenes and amino-acid derived compounds. Visual cues included a special case of multisensory nectar guide and color patterns conspicuous to the visual systems of both hawkmoths and bees.


The intrafloral patterns of sensory stimuli suggest that hawkmoths have exerted strong historical selection on C. spinosa. Our study revealed two interesting paradoxes: (a) the flowers phenotypically biased towards the more inconsistent pollinator; and (b) floral display demands an abundance of resources that seems maladaptive in the habitats of C. spinosa. The transition to a binary pollination system accommodating large bees has not required phenotypic changes, owing to specific eco-physiological adaptations, unrelated to pollination, which make this plant an unusual case in pollination ecology.  相似文献   

The large circumboreal genus Delphinium is characterized by short-spurred blue-purple flowers pollinated primarily by bees. Two interesting exceptions to this pattern are the long-spurred red flowers of two western North American species known to be hummingbird-pollinated, and the long-spurred evening-scented white flowers of an east African species, Delphinium leroyi. Observations on the Nyika Plateau, Malawi, showed that flowers of D. leroyi were frequently visited by hawkmoths during a 30 minute period after dusk. The most common visitor, Hippotion celerio , has a mean tongue length of 37 mm, corresponding almost exactly to the floral spur of D. leroyi ; consequently, there is effective placement of pollen on the underside of the moths. The flowers were also visited occasionally by the very long tongued hawkmoth Agrius convolvuli , but this moth does not make effective contact with anthers and appears to act only as a nectar robber. Delphinium leroyi occurs in open grasslands on the Nyika Plateau, while a related species D. dasycaulon which has short-spurred blue flowers that are visited by bees, occurs in shrubby vegetation associated with old termitaria and forest margins. Although the two species are parapatric, occasional hybrids occur at sites where populations of the two species occur in close proximity. The status of hybrids was established by a morphometric analysis of the hybrids and their parent populations.  相似文献   

Abstract The pollination ecology of eight populations of the tree Embothrium coccineum was studied along a steep rainfall gradient in NW Patagonia, Argentina. The showy red flowers suggest an ornithophilous pollination syndrome and they have been reported to attract hummingbirds in Argentina and hummingbirds and passerines in Chile. At each population, flower visitors were recorded and floral rewards were analysed. We found a highly significant increase in nectar concentration towards the drier end of the gradient, but this change was not related to the turnover of species in the flower‐visitor assemblage of E. coccineum. In addition to the hummingbird Sephanoides sephaniodes (Green‐Backed Firecrown, Trochilidae) which is widespread throughout the temperate forest at this latitude, other species seem to be locally important as pollinators of E. coccineum in some sites in Argentina (e.g. two long‐tongued tanglewing flies (Nemestrinidae) of the genus Trichophthalma). The long‐dated occurrence of tanglewing flies in South America, relative to the more modern hummingbirds, suggests that ornithophily may be a derived character in E. coccineum, the ancestral condition being pollination by Nemestrinidae.  相似文献   

The bird pollination syndrome is characterized by red, unscented flowers with dilute nectar in long nectar tubes. However, the extent to which plants with such traits actually depend on birds for seed production is seldom determined experimentally, and traits such as colour and scent production are often assessed only subjectively. We documented bird pollination and quantified floral traits in the critically endangered Satyrium rhodanthum (Orchidaceae) from mistbelt grasslands in the summer‐rainfall region of South Africa. Direct observations and motion trigger camera footage revealed amethyst sunbirds as the only pollinators, despite the presence of other potential pollinators. Experimental exclusion of sunbirds significantly reduced pollination and fruit set to near zero. Pollination success in naturally pollinated plants was close to 100% in one year, and fruit set varied from 23 to 64% in other years. Pollen transfer efficiency was 5.8%, which is lower than in related insect‐pollinated species, probably due to a tendency of birds to wipe pollinaria from their beak. Flowers of S. rhodanthum only reflect light in the red range of the spectrum, and they produce only a few aliphatic and monoterpene scent compounds at comparatively low emission rates. Nectar volume and sugar concentration varied between 2.7 and 3.7 μL and 23.7 and 25.9%, respectively. We conclude that S. rhodanthum is highly specialized for pollination by sunbirds. Colour, scent and nectar characteristics differ from insect‐pollinated Satyrium species and are consistent with those expected for bird‐pollinated flowers, and may contribute to lack of visitation by other potential long‐tongued pollinators. Habitat loss probably underlies the critically endangered conservation status of S. rhodanthum, but the specialization for pollination by a single bird species means that reproduction in this orchid is vulnerable to losses in surrounding communities of plants that subsidize the energetic requirements of sunbirds. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 177 , 141–150.  相似文献   

Morphological adaptations to sphingophily and pollination by moths was studied in 5 South American Habenaria species. For H. gourlieana and H. hieronymi direct evidence of hawkmoth (Agrius cingulatus and Manduca sexta) and settling moth (Rachiplusia nu) pollination, respectively, by hemipollinaria attachment on the eyes, is presented. In two other species (H. paucofilia, H. rupicola) pollination by settling moths and eye attachment of the hemipollinaria can be inferred by indirect evidence (placement of scales and massulae on the flowers) and by flower structure. For the fifth species (H. montevidensis) pollination by small moths or mosquitoes with hemipollinaria attachment on the proboscis is postulated. A comparative study in floral features revealed clear morphological divergence between sphingophilous and phalaenophilous species. In addition to deeper spurs the former have slender, exerted, and upturned petal lobes (acting as mechanical guide to the hovering visitors), a much developed median rostellar lobe (acting as deflecting surface of the hawkmoths towards the viscidia), flexible and sinuous hemipollinarium caudicles (appropriate for frontal strikes against the stigma when hemipollinaria are brought by the hawkmoths dangling against the flower). Male efficiency was compared between 4 species with overlapping flowering time in the same area. Male efficiency factors were unexpectedly low in all species. Only in one species (H. hieronymi) each pollen donation accounted for more than one pollination. H. gourlieana is part of a more or less rich sphingophilous flora interacting with the same two long-tongued hawkmoth species. Interspecific competition for pollen placement on the pollinator's body surface is probably low on account of different pollination mechanisms.  相似文献   

Floral scents are among the key signals used by pollinators to navigate to specific flowers. Thus, evolutionary changes in scents should have strong impacts on plant diversification, although scent‐mediated plant speciation through pollinator shifts has rarely been demonstrated, despite being likely. To examine whether and how scent‐mediated plant speciation may have occurred, we investigated the Asimitellaria plant lineage using multidisciplinary approaches including pollinator observations, chemical analyses of the floral scents, electroantennographic analyses and behavioural bioassays with the pollinators. We also performed phylogenetically independent contrast analyses of the pollinator/floral scent associations. First, we confirmed that the pairs of the sympatric, cross‐fertile Asimitellaria species in three study sites consistently attract different pollinators, namely long‐tongued and short‐tongued fungus gnats. We also found that a stereoisomeric set of floral volatiles, the lilac aldehydes, could be responsible for the pollinator specificity. This is because the compounds consistently elicited responses in the antennae of the long‐tongued fungus gnats and had contrasting effects on the two pollinators, that is triggering the nectaring behaviour of long‐tongued fungus gnats while repelling short‐tongued fungus gnats in a laboratory experiment. Moreover, we discovered that volatile composition repeatedly switched in Asimitellaria between species adapted to long‐tongued and short‐tongued fungus gnats. Collectively, our results support the idea that recurrent scent‐mediated speciation has taken place in the Asimitellaria–fungus gnat system.  相似文献   

Transitions between animal and wind pollination have occurred in many lineages and have been linked to various floral modifications, but these have seldom been assessed in a phylogenetic framework. In the dioecious genus Leucadendron (Proteaceae), transitions from insect to wind pollination have occurred at least four times. Using analyses that controlled for relatedness among Leucadendron species, we investigated how these transitions shaped the evolution of floral structural and signaling traits, including the degree of sexual dimorphism in these traits. Pollen grains of wind‐pollinated species were found to be smaller, more numerous, and dispersed more efficiently in wind than were those of insect‐pollinated species. Wind‐pollinated species also exhibited a reduction in spectral contrast between showy subtending leaves and background foliage, reduced volatile emissions, and a greater degree of sexual dimorphism in color and scent. Uniovulate flowers and inflorescence condensation are conserved ancestral features in Leucadendron and likely served as exaptations in shifts to wind pollination. These results offer insights into the key modifications of male and female floral traits involved in transitions between insect and wind pollination.  相似文献   

Intraspecific variation in floral traits may reflect adaptive shifts in the pollination system of a plant. This idea was tested by examining the pollination biology of Satyrium hallackii H. Bolus., an orchid which has spurs varying from 8 to 36 mm among populations in southern Africa. Field observations showed that the short-spurred form ( S. hallackii subsp. hallackii ) in coastal fynbos habitats is pollinated by bees, while the long-spurred form ( S. hallackii subsp. ocellatum ) in grassland habitats is pollinated primarily by hawkmoths and, secondarily, by long-tongued flies. The shift between hawkmoths and bees as pollinators may have been promoted by an ecological gradient in South Africa: carpenter bees are common in coastal fynbos habitats, but rare in grassland habitats where there are few available nesting sites. On the other hand, hawkmoths are common in grassland habitats, but rare in fynbos where there are few palatable host-plants. The formation of pollination ecotypes across pollinator gradients has probably been a major factor in the diversification of South African plants with specialized pollination systems.  相似文献   

The concept of coevolution was first developed by Darwin, who used it to explain how pollinators and food-rewarding flowers involved in specialized mutualisms could, over time, develop long tongues and deep tubes, respectively. He famously predicted that Angraecum sesquipedale, a long-spurred Malagasy orchid, must be pollinated by a hawkmoth with an exceptionally long tongue. Darwin’s idea of a coevolutionary “race” was championed by contemporary naturalists, including Alfred Wallace, and a hawkmoth fitting the expected tongue-length profile was eventually discovered in Madagascar during the early twentieth century. However, strong empirical support for the mechanism behind Darwin’s coevolutionary model has been forthcoming only in the past two decades. It is now established that selection often strongly favors plants with floral tubes that exceed the length of their pollinator’s tongues. There is also evidence that pollinators gain an energetic benefit from having tongues that enable them to consume most or all of the nectar in deep tubular flowers. Alternative explanations for the evolution of long pollinator tongues, such as evasion of predators that use flowers as ambush sites, are considered much less compelling and lack quantitative support. Another important advance in coevolution research has been the development of approaches that explicitly predict a geographical mosaic of coevolution. The expectation that coevolution can lead to geographical diversification and trait covariation among strongly interacting organisms is strongly supported by studies of long-proboscid fly and oil-bee pollination systems in South Africa. Macro- and microevolutionary studies of pollination systems suggest that coevolution can operate alongside other one-sided evolutionary processes, such as shifts, in shaping plant and pollinator traits.  相似文献   

The crucial role of reproductive isolation in speciation has long been recognized; however, a limited number of studies quantify different isolation barriers and embed reproductive isolation in a phylogenetic context. In this study, we investigate reproductive isolation between the often sympatrically occurring orchid species, Gymnadenia conopsea and G. odoratissima. We examine the phylogenetic relationship between the two species and analyse floral isolation, fruit set and seed viability from interspecies crosses, as well as the ploidy level. Additionally, we quantify interspecies differences in floral signals and morphology. The results suggest that the two species have a sister–species relationship. In terms of reproductive isolation, we found complete floral isolation between the two species, but little to no post‐pollination isolation; the species also mostly had the same ploidy level in the studied populations. We also show clear distinctions in floral signals, as well as in floral size and spur length. We propose that respective adaptation to short‐ vs. long‐tongued pollinators was the driver of speciation in the here studied Gymnadenia species. Our study supports the key role of floral isolation in orchid speciation and shows that floral isolation is not restricted to highly specialized pollination systems, but can also occur between species with less specialized pollination.  相似文献   

Nicotiana attenuata flowers, diurnally open,emit scents and move vertically to interact with nocturnal hawkmoth and day-active hummingbird pollinators. To examine the fitness consequences of these floral rhythms, we conducted pollination trials in the plant's native habitat with phase-shifted flowers of plants silenced in circadian clock genes. The results revealed that some pollination benefits observed under glasshouse conditions were not reproduced under natural field conditions. Floral arrhythmicity increased pollination success by hummingbirds, while reducing those by hawkmoths in the field. Thus, floral circadian rhythms may influence a plant's fitness by filtering pollinators leading to altered seed set from outcrossed pollen.  相似文献   



Some species of long-spurred orchids achieve pollination by a close association with long-tongued hawkmoths. Among them, several Habenaria species present specialized mechanisms, where pollination success depends on the attachment of pollinaria onto the heads of hawkmoths with very long proboscises. However, in the Neotropical region such moths are less abundant than their shorter-tongued relatives and are also prone to population fluctuations. Both factors may give rise to differences in pollinator-mediated selection on floral traits through time and space.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We characterized hawkmoth assemblages and estimated phenotypic selection gradients on orchid spur lengths in populations of three South American Habenaria species. We examined the match between hawkmoth proboscis and flower spur lengths to determine whether pollinators may act as selective agents on flower morphology. We found significant directional selection on spur length only in Habenaria gourlieana, where most pollinators had proboscises longer than the mean of orchid spur length.


Phenotypic selection is dependent on the mutual match between pollinator and flower morphologies. However, our findings indicate that pollinator-mediated selection may vary through time and space according to local variations in pollinator assemblages.  相似文献   

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