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Anthropogenic impacts are an increasing threat to the diversity of fishes, especially in areas around large urban centres, and many effective conservation actions depend on accurate species identification. Considering the utility of DNA barcoding as a global system for species identification and discovery, this study aims to assemble a DNA barcode reference sequence library for marine fishes from the coastal region of São Paulo State, Brazil. The standard 652 bp ‘barcode’ fragment of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene was PCR amplified and bidirectionally sequenced from 678 individuals belonging to 135 species. A neighbour‐joining analysis revealed that this approach can unambiguously discriminate 97% of the species surveyed. Most species exhibited low intraspecific genetic distances (0.31%), about 43‐fold less than the distance among species within a genus. Four species showed higher intraspecific divergences ranging from 2.2% to 7.6%, suggesting overlooked diversity. Notably, just one species‐pair exhibited barcode divergences of <1%. This library is a first step to better know the molecular diversity of marine fish species from São Paulo, providing a basis for further studies of this fauna – extending the ability to identify these species from all life stages and even fragmentary remains, setting the stage for a better understanding of interactions among species, calibrating the estimations about species composition and richness in an ecosystem, and providing tools for authenticating bioproducts and monitoring illegal species exploitation.  相似文献   

Each holotype specimen provides the only objective link to a particular Linnean binomen. Sequence information from them is increasingly valuable due to the growing usage of DNA barcodes in taxonomy. As type specimens are often old, it may only be possible to recover fragmentary sequence information from them. We tested the efficacy of short sequences from type specimens in the resolution of a challenging taxonomic puzzle: the Elachista dispunctella complex which includes 64 described species with minuscule morphological differences. We applied a multistep procedure to resolve the taxonomy of this species complex. First, we sequenced a large number of newly collected specimens and as many holotypes as possible. Second, we used all >400 bp examine species boundaries. We employed three unsupervised methods (BIN, ABGD, GMYC) with specified criteria on how to handle discordant results and examined diagnostic bases from each delineated putative species (operational taxonomic units, OTUs). Third, we evaluated the morphological characters of each OTU. Finally, we associated short barcodes from types with the delineated OTUs. In this step, we employed various supervised methods, including distance‐based, tree‐based and character‐based. We recovered 658 bp barcode sequences from 194 of 215 fresh specimens and recovered an average of 141 bp from 33 of 42 holotypes. We observed strong congruence among all methods and good correspondence with morphology. We demonstrate potential pitfalls with tree‐, distance‐ and character‐based approaches when associating sequences of varied length. Our results suggest that sequences as short as 56 bp can often provide valuable taxonomic information. The results support significant taxonomic oversplitting of species in the Elachista dispunctella complex.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding has greatly accelerated the pace of specimen identification to the species level, as well as species delineation. Whereas the application of DNA barcoding to the matching of unknown specimens to known species is straightforward, its use for species delimitation is more controversial, as species discovery hinges critically on present levels of haplotype diversity, as well as patterning of standing genetic variation that exists within and between species. Typical sample sizes for molecular biodiversity assessment using DNA barcodes range from 5 to 10 individuals per species. However, required levels that are necessary to fully gauge haplotype variation at the species level are presumed to be strongly taxon‐specific. Importantly, little attention has been paid to determining appropriate specimen sample sizes that are necessary to reveal the majority of intraspecific haplotype variation within any one species. In this paper, we present a brief outline of the current literature and methods on intraspecific sample size estimation for the assessment of COI DNA barcode haplotype sampling completeness. The importance of adequate sample sizes for studies of molecular biodiversity is stressed, with application to a variety of metazoan taxa, through reviewing foundational statistical and population genetic models, with specific application to ray‐finned fishes (Chordata: Actinopterygii). Finally, promising avenues for further research in this area are highlighted.  相似文献   

The capuchinos are a group of birds in the genus Sporophila that has apparently radiated recently, as evidenced by their lack of mitochondrial genetic diversity. We obtained cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) sequences (or DNA barcodes) for the 11 species of the group and various outgroups. We compared the patterns of COI variability of the capuchinos with those of the largest barcode data set from neotropical birds currently available (500 species representing 51% of avian richness in Argentina), and subjected COI sequences to neighbour-joining, maximum parsimony and Bayesian phylogenetic analyses as well as statistical parsimony network analysis. A clade within the capuchinos, the southern capuchinos, showed higher intraspecific and lower interspecific divergence than the remaining Argentine species. As most of the southern capuchinos shared COI haplotypes and pairwise distances within species were in many cases higher than distances between them, the phylogenetic affinities within the group remained unresolved. The observed genetic pattern is consistent with both incomplete lineage sorting and gene flow between species. The southern capuchinos constitute the only large group of species among the neotropical birds barcoded so far that are inseparable when using DNA barcodes, and one of few multispecies avian groups known to lack reciprocal monophyly. Extending the analysis to rapidly evolving nuclear and mitochondrial markers will be crucial to understanding this radiation. Apart from giving insights into the evolution of the capuchinos, this study shows how DNA barcoding can rapidly flag species or groups of species worthy of deeper study.  相似文献   

Sequence diversity in the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 gene has been shown to be an effective tool for species identification and discovery in various groups of animals, but has not been extensively tested in mammals. We address this gap by examining the performance of DNA barcodes in the discrimination of 87 species of bats from Guyana. Eighty‐one of these species showed both low intraspecific variation (mean = 0.60%), and clear sequence divergence from their congeners (mean = 7.80%), while the other six showed deeply divergent intraspecific lineages suggesting that they represent species complexes. Although further work is needed to examine patterns of sequence diversity at a broader geographical scale, the present study validates the effectiveness of barcoding for the identification of regional bat assemblages, even highly diverse tropical faunas.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding is a molecular method that rapidly identifies an individual to a known taxon or its closest relative based on a 650-bp fragment of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI). In this study, DNA barcodes of members of the family Accipitridae, including Haliastur indus (brahminy kite), Haliaeetus leucogaster (white-bellied sea eagle), Ichthyophaga ichthyaetus (grey-headed fish eagle), Spilornis holospilus (crested serpent-eagle), Spizaetus philippensis (Philippine hawk-eagle), and Pithecophaga jefferyi (Philippine eagle), are reported for the first time. All individuals sampled are kept at the Philippine Eagle Center in Davao City, Philippines. Basic local alignment search tool results demonstrated that the COI sequences for these species were unique. The COI gene trees constructed using the maximum-likelihood and neighbour-joining (NJ) methods supported the monophyly of the booted eagles of the Aquilinae and the sea eagles of the Haliaeetinae but not the kites of the Milvinae.  相似文献   

We spend most of our lives inside homes, surrounded by arthropods that impact our property as pests and our health as disease vectors and producers of sensitizing allergens. Despite their relevance to human health and well‐being, we know relatively little about the arthropods that exist in our homes and the factors structuring their diversity. As previous work has been limited in scale by the costs and time associated with collecting arthropods and the subsequent morphological identification, we used a DNA‐based method for investigating the arthropod diversity in homes via high‐throughput marker gene sequencing of home dust. Settled dust samples were collected by citizen scientists from both inside and outside more than 700 homes across the United States, yielding the first continental‐scale estimates of arthropod diversity associated with our residences. We were able to document food webs and previously unknown geographic distributions of diverse arthropods – from allergen producers to invasive species and nuisance pests. Home characteristics, including the presence of basements, home occupants and surrounding land use, were more useful than climate parameters in predicting arthropod diversity in homes. These noninvasive, scalable tools and resultant findings not only provide the first continental‐scale maps of household arthropod diversity, but our analyses also provide valuable baseline information on arthropod allergen exposures and the distributions of invasive pests inside homes.  相似文献   

This study represents the first comprehensive molecular assessment of freshwater fishes and lampreys from Germany. We analysed COI sequences for almost 80% of the species mentioned in the current German Red List. In total, 1056 DNA barcodes belonging to 92 species from all major drainages were used to (i) build a reliable DNA barcode reference library, (ii) test for phylogeographic patterns, (iii) check for the presence of barcode gaps between species and (iv) evaluate the performance of the barcode index number (BIN) system, available on the Barcode of Life Data Systems. For over 78% of all analysed species, DNA barcodes are a reliable means for identification, indicated by the presence of barcode gaps. An overlap between intra‐ and interspecific genetic distances was present in 19 species, six of which belong to the genus Coregonus. The Neighbour‐Joining phenogram showed 60 nonoverlapping species clusters and three singleton species, which were related to 63 separate BIN numbers. Furthermore, Barbatula barbatula, Leucaspius delineatus, Phoxinus phoxinus and Squalius cephalus exhibited remarkable levels of cryptic diversity. In contrast, 11 clusters showed haplotype sharing, or low levels of divergence between species, hindering reliable identification. The analysis of our barcode library together with public data resulted in 89 BINs, of which 56% showed taxonomic conflicts. Most of these conflicts were caused by the use of synonymies, inadequate taxonomy or misidentifications. Moreover, our study increased the number of potential alien species in Germany from 14 to 21 and is therefore a valuable groundwork for further faunistic investigations.  相似文献   

Aims and Methods The relationship between genetic diversity and species diversity and the underlying mechanisms are of both fundamental and applied interest. We used amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and vegetation records to investigate the association between genetic diversity of Plantago lanceolata and plant species diversity using 15 grassland communities in central Germany. We used correlation and partial correlation analyses to examine whether relationships between genetic and species diversity were direct or mediated by environmental differences between habitats.Important findings Both within- and between-population genetic diversity of P. lanceolata were significantly positively correlated with plant species diversity within and between sites. Simple and partial correlations revealed that the positive correlations indirectly resulted from the effects of abiotic habitat characteristics on plant species diversity and, via abundance, on genetic diversity of P. lanceolata. Thus, they did not reflect a direct causal relationship between plant species diversity and genetic diversity of P. lanceolata, as would have been expected based on the hypothesis of a positive relationship between plant species diversity and niche diversity.  相似文献   

The total number of insect species in the world is an important if elusive figure. We use a fresh approach to estimate global insect species richness, based on biogeographic patterns of diversity of well or better documented taxa. Estimates generated by various calculations, all variations on a theme, largely serve to substantiate suggestions that insect species are likely to number around 10 million or less.  相似文献   

The barcode of life project has assembled a tremendous number of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) sequences. Although these sequences were gathered to develop a DNA-based system for species identification, it has been suggested that further biological inferences may also be derived from this wealth of data. Recurrent selective sweeps have been invoked as an evolutionary mechanism to explain limited intraspecific COI diversity, particularly in birds, but this hypothesis has not been formally tested. In this study, I collated COI sequences from previous barcoding studies on birds and tested them for evidence of selection. Using this expanded data set, I re-examined the relationships between intraspecific diversity and interspecific divergence and sampling effort, respectively. I employed the McDonald-Kreitman test to test for neutrality in sequence evolution between closely related pairs of species. Because amino acid sequences were generally constrained between closely related pairs, I also included broader intra-order comparisons to quantify patterns of protein variation in avian COI sequences. Lastly, using 22 published whole mitochondrial genomes, I compared the evolutionary rate of COI against the other 12 protein-coding mitochondrial genes to assess intragenomic variability. I found no conclusive evidence of selective sweeps. Most evidence pointed to an overall trend of strong purifying selection and functional constraint. The COI protein did vary across the class Aves, but to a very limited extent. COI was the least variable gene in the mitochondrial genome, suggesting that other genes might be more informative for probing factors constraining mitochondrial variation within species.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding has revealed unrecognized species in several animal groups. In this study we have employed DNA barcoding to examine Hyalella, a taxonomically difficult genus of amphipod crustaceans, from sites in the southern Great Basin of California and Nevada, USA. We assessed the extent of species diversity using a species screening threshold (SST) set at 10 times the average intrapopulation cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) haplotype divergence. Despite the fact that this threshold approach is more conservative in delineating provisional species than the phylogenetic species concept, our analyses revealed extraordinary levels of cryptic diversity and endemism. The SST discriminated two provisional species within Hyalella sandra, and 33 provisional species within Hyalella azteca. COI nucleotide divergences among these provisional species ranged from 4.4% to 29.9%. These results have important implications for the conservation of life in desert springs - habitats that are threatened as a result of groundwater over-exploitation.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the utility of DNA barcoding to traditional morphology‐based species identifications for the fish fauna of the north‐eastern Congo basin. We compared DNA sequences (COI) of 821 samples from 206 morphologically identified species. Best match, best close match and all species barcoding analyses resulted in a rather low identification success of 87.5%, 84.5% and 64.1%, respectively. The ratio ‘nearest‐neighbour distance/maximum intraspecific divergence’ was lower than 1 for 26.1% of the samples, indicating possible taxonomic problems. In ten genera, belonging to six families, the number of species inferred from mtDNA data exceeded the number of species identified using morphological features; and in four cases indications of possible synonymy were detected. Finally, the DNA barcodes confirmed previously known identification problems within certain genera of the Clariidae, Cyprinidae and Mormyridae. Our results underscore the large number of taxonomic problems lingering in the taxonomy of the fish fauna of the Congo basin and illustrate why DNA barcodes will contribute to future efforts to compile a reliable taxonomic inventory of the Congo basin fish fauna. Therefore, the obtained barcodes were deposited in the reference barcode library of the Barcode of Life Initiative.  相似文献   

The campaign to DNA barcode all fishes, FISH-BOL   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
FISH-BOL, the Fish Barcode of Life campaign, is an international research collaboration that is assembling a standardized reference DNA sequence library for all fishes. Analysis is targeting a 648 base pair region of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) gene. More than 5000 species have already been DNA barcoded, with an average of five specimens per species, typically vouchers with authoritative identifications. The barcode sequence from any fish, fillet, fin, egg or larva can be matched against these reference sequences using BOLD; the Barcode of Life Data System ( http://www.barcodinglife.org ). The benefits of barcoding fishes include facilitating species identification, highlighting cases of range expansion for known species, flagging previously overlooked species and enabling identifications where traditional methods cannot be applied. Results thus far indicate that barcodes separate c. 98 and 93% of already described marine and freshwater fish species, respectively. Several specimens with divergent barcode sequences have been confirmed by integrative taxonomic analysis as new species. Past concerns in relation to the use of fish barcoding for species discrimination are discussed. These include hybridization, recent radiations, regional differentiation in barcode sequences and nuclear copies of the barcode region. However, current results indicate these issues are of little concern for the great majority of specimens.  相似文献   

Insect foreign materials in food are of great economic and hygienic significance. However, identifying these species with any certainty requires an expert taxonomist and can be a time consuming process. Furthermore, insects are found as body parts or they are immature specimens that cannot be identified by conventional means. For these reasons, a reference database and efficient means of identification by non‐specialists are necessary to control insect pests. In this study, we chose 15 important insect pest species, because they had a higher probability of being included in human foods. We tested the utility of the cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) DNA barcodes for the identification. A 658‐bp fragment of the COI gene was sequenced, aligned, and a sequence data bank was constructed. As a result, the COI barcode sequence was suitable for identifying insect pests as food foreign materials. Photographs of morphological key characters by stereoscopic microscope and a pictorial key of the species are provided.  相似文献   

Efficient tools for consistent species identification are important in wildlife conservation as it can provide information on the levels of species exploitation and assist in solving forensic-related problems. In this study, we evaluated the effectiveness of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) barcode in species identification of Tanzanian antelope species. A 470 base-pair region of the COI gene was examined in 95 specimens representing 20 species of antelopes, buffalo and domestic Bovidae. All the Tanzanian species showed unique clades, and sequence divergence within species was <1%, whereas divergence between species ranged from 6.3% to 22%. Lowest interspecific divergence was noted within the Tragelaphus genus. Neighbour-joining phylogenetic analyses demonstrated that the examined COI region provided correct and highly supported species clustering using short fragments down to 100 base-pair lengths. This study demonstrates that even short COI fragments can efficiently identify antelope species, thus demonstrating its high potential for use in wildlife conservation activities.  相似文献   

Understanding environmental drivers of species diversity has become increasingly important under climate change. Different trophic groups (predators, omnivores and herbivores) interact with their environments in fundamentally different ways and may therefore be influenced by different environmental drivers. Using random forest models, we identified drivers of terrestrial mammals' total and proportional species richness within trophic groups at a global scale. Precipitation seasonality was the most important predictor of richness for all trophic groups. Richness peaked at intermediate precipitation seasonality, indicating that moderate levels of environmental heterogeneity promote mammal richness. Gross primary production (GPP) was the most important correlate of the relative contribution of each trophic group to total species richness. The strong relationship with GPP demonstrates that basal-level resource availability influences how diversity is structured among trophic groups. Our findings suggest that environmental characteristics that influence resource temporal variability and abundance are important predictors of terrestrial mammal richness at a global scale.  相似文献   

DNA条形码在鞘翅目昆虫分子系统学研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张媛  郭晓华  刘广纯  张卓 《昆虫知识》2011,48(2):410-416
近年来,DNA条形码(DNA Barcoding)技术已经成为生物分类学研究中备受关注的新型技术,并在鞘翅目昆虫系统发育研究中得到广泛应用。本文总结了鞘翅目昆虫DNA条形码研究所用COⅠ基因序列,概述了DNA条形码在鞘翅目昆虫的物种分类鉴定、发现新种和隐存种、系统发育关系研究等方面的应用,并对DNA条形码研究技术新进展和标准序列筛选需要注意的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene is the standard DNA barcoding region used for species identification and discovery. We examined the variation of COI (454 bp) to discriminate 20 species of bats in the family Phyllostomidae that are found in the Yucatan Peninsula of southeastern Mexico and northern Guatemala and compared them genetically to other samples from Central America. The majority of these species had low intraspecific variation (mean = 0.75%), but some taxa had intraspecific variation ranging to 8.8%, suggesting the possibility of cryptic species (i.e. Desmodus rotundus and Artibeus jamaicensis). There was a recurring biogeographic pattern in eight species with a separation of northern and southern Middle American localities. The Yucatan Peninsula was a discrete area identified in four species, whereas Panama was recovered in five species of phyllostomid bats. Our study establishes a foundation for further molecular work incorporating broader taxonomic and geographic coverage to better understand the phylogeography and genetic diversity that have resulted from the ecological constraints in this region and the remarkable differentiation of bats in the Neotropics.  相似文献   

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