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Our knowledge about fossil algae has been biased for a long time towards groups with calcified tissues such as dasyclads and crustose rhodophytes. This picture has recently begun to change owing to the growing number of discoveries of silicified microbial fossils and fossil microbial endoliths. There is good evidence that both groups contain a large proportion of photosynthetic organisms, particularly algae. Silicified microbial fossils are best known from the Precambrian strata, while microbial endoliths, which apparently evolved during middle to late Precambrian times are common throughout the Phanerozoic including the present. Because of the small size of these fossils, it is possible to study and morphometrically evaluate entire populations rather than individual specimens or body fragments. Thus, we are able to approach fossil taxa using largely biological rather than strictly paleontological criteria and to apply interpretations and reconstructions of biological species. Phycologists entering this field can contribute to the interpretation of such fossils by applying comparisons with modern algae, their life cycles, cellular organization, and cell division patterns. However, they have to learn to deal with post-mortem degradation and diagenetic changes, and to recognize algal remains from mineral features that surround and often obliterate the fossils. This work is often similar to that of a detective or coroner where the use of intuition and imagination is just as dangerous as it is necessary. Detection of microfossils between and within single carbonate grains in otherwise unfossiliferous rocks can provide valuable information for applied geology including petroleum exploration.  相似文献   

Elevated concentrations of an organic compound, 24‐isopropylcholestane, found in the Precambrian Huqf Supergroup of Oman may provide the oldest known sponge ‘fossil’. This evidence is of critical importance for a properly balanced understanding of the origin of animals. Several different pelagophyte (Class Pelagophyceae part of the Stramenopiles within the Chromaveolata) algae are also capable of producing these exact compounds, and may similarly have done so in deep time. Modern marine algae are also reported to produce structural isomers that are compositionally identical to the sponge marker; they do this in copious quantities. Further, 24‐isopropylcholestane can be produced by diagenetic alteration of compounds produced in large quantities by algae. It is also possible that contamination by petroleum derived lubricating oil used when coring while extracting these compounds from subsurface layers, has affected the data. All extinct organisms that may have produced this compounds are unavailable for analysis by the modern organic chemist and cannot be eliminated from the list of possible producers of the sponge marker. There are also significant uncertainties regarding the dating of the strata from which these ancient compounds are found. Although the compounds are widely reported as c. 751 Ma, they are younger than 645 Ma. It seems more likely that these compounds represent algal biochemical evolution at a time when algal burial occurred in great quantity with well known coeval algal fossils but no sponge fossils. The macroalgal biomass may have declined during the agronomic revolution at the base of the Cambrian Period owing to processing by metazoans, accounting for the comparative scarcity of these sponge markers in Phanerozoic sediments, after which time sponge spicules and body fossils become evident.  相似文献   

通过对下花园地区晚前寒武纪下马岭组油页岩的研究,发现了保存极为完好的红藻化石,同时也发现特定的底栖宏观红藻可以作为重要生烃母质,在中—低成熟度条件下,甚至可以成为重要生油母质。  相似文献   

The Cryogenian Period experienced two long lived global glaciations known as Snowball Earths. While these events were dramatic, eukaryotic life persisted through them, and fossil evidence shows that eukaryotes thrived during the c. 30-million-year interlude between the glaciations. Carbonate successions have become an important taphonomic window for this interval. One of the most notable examples is the c. 662–635 Ma Taishir Formation (Tsagaan Olom Group, Zavkhan Terrane, Mongolia) which has yielded a number of eukaryotic fossil taxa. Here, we examine more closely the morphology and taxonomic affinity of some of these Taishir fossils previously interpreted as remains of ciliate tintinnid loricae (purportedly the oldest fossil ciliates). New morphological and ultrastructural analyses indicate that these fossils are not ciliate tintinnids. Instead, we propose a new interpretation: that they are algal reproductive structures related to coeval macroscopic organic warty sheets described as putative red algae. We report the first occurrence of these fossils in the earliest Ediacaran Ol Formation, indicating that this taxon persisted through the Marinoan Snowball Earth. A new interpretation of these fossils as putative red algal spores has broad implications for our understanding of biodiversity in the Neoproterozoic Era, specifically during the Cryogenian Period, and for the antiquity of ciliates.  相似文献   

龙凤山藻在澄江早寒武世生物群中的发现   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
徐兆良 《Acta Botanica Sinica》2002,44(10):1250-1254
主要报道了产自云南昆明海口耳材村早寒武世筇竹寺组玉案山段澄江生物群中可能为漂浮生长的宏观藻类化石-心型龙凤山藻(新种)(Longfengshania cordata sp.nov.)和中华豆芽藻(新属、新种)(lantulaformis sinensis gen.et sp.nov)。这些化石的发现进一步显示了澄江生物群种物多样性,为揭示该生物群爆发性演化提供了新的证据。通过对龙凤山藻属亲缘关系的深入比较研究,进一步证明该类化石应归属宏观藻类以及它们遗传上的稳定性、演化上的保守性和环境上的适应性。  相似文献   

主要报道了产自云南昆明海口耳材村早寒武世筇竹寺组玉案山段澄江生物群中可能为自由漂浮生长的宏观藻类化石--心型龙凤山藻(新种)(Longfengshania cordata sp. nov.)和中华豆芽藻(新属、新种)(Plantulaformis sinensis gen. et sp. nov.).这些化石的发现进一步显示了澄江生物群物种多样性,为揭示该生物群爆发性演化提供了新的证据.通过对龙凤山藻属亲缘关系的深入比较研究,进一步证明该类化石应归属宏观藻类以及它们遗传上的稳定性、演化上的保守性和环境上的适应性.  相似文献   

Plaster impressions and sand casts of extant medusae, a chondrophoran, and a pennatulid share basic structural characteristics with fossils in the Upper Proterozoic Ediacara assemblage. Impressions of extant medusae and Proterozoic circular impressions show general similarities in arrangement and position of radial and concentric structures and a central raised boss. However, annular rings and radial grooves are more numerous in the Proterozoic fossils and strongly folded or deformed fossils are rare as compared with impressions of modem medusae. Recent pennatulids yield impressions that are more deformed and irregular than the Proterozoic genus Charniodiscus. The greater frequency of deformation of most simulated fossil medusoids relative to Precambrian circular impressions implies that Proterozoic medu-soids were substantially stiffer than many modern taxa of comparable sizes. Many fossils with abundant circular rings have no constructional counterparts among the extant forms studied here and their medusoid affinities should remain in doubt. The structural simplicity of impressions of Ediacara organisms and extant cnidarians suggests that their mutual similarities may be due to convergence. However, there is no compelling morphological reason to reject the claim that some Proterozoic fossils may share affinities with living cnidarians. □ Taphonomy. Ediacara biota, cnidarians, phylogenetic relationships.  相似文献   

Summary Phaenocompsopogon pustulatus n. gen. n. sp. is a calcareous freshwater alga, probably of rhodophycean affinity. The fossils are mainly known from one locality in the Lower Permian of the Saar-Nahe Basin. The algal remains form a packstone in the Reckweilerhof-Bank of the Altenglan Formation. The simple thallus branches irregularly y-shaped and is covered with abundant pustules. An axial canal is characteristic, as are distinct cell features of an inner and outer cortex surrounding a structureless medulla. Most fossils are silicified and often three-dimensionally preserved. The algae lived in a wave-dominated environment, probably in offshore shallow water. The limited occurrence suggests special ecological restrictions.  相似文献   

Abstract: Morphological and reproductive features and cell wall ultrastructure and biochemistry of Proterozoic acritarchs are used to determine their affinity to modern algae. The first appearance datum of these microbiota is traced to infer a minimum age of the divergence of the algal classes to which they may belong. The chronological appearance of microfossils that represent phycoma‐like and zygotic cysts and vegetative cells and/or aplanospores, respectively, interpreted as prasinophyceaen and chlorophyceaen microalgae is related to the Viridiplantae phylogeny. An inferred minimum age of the Chlorophyte origin is before c. 1800 Ma, the Prasinophyceae at c. 1650 Ma and the Chlorophyceae at c. 1450 Ma. These divergence times differ from molecular clock estimates, and the palaeontological evidence suggests that they are older.  相似文献   

In order to test the systematic position of archaeocyaths, a group of Cambrian, exclusively marine fossils of unclear biological affinity, currently ascribed mostly to sponges (Porifera), we present an alternative explanation supporting the early idea of siphonous green algal affinity of archaeocyaths. The new arguments are based on a study of the morphology, microstructure, and microtaphonomy of early Cambrian (Tommotian and Atdabanian) archaeocyathan specimens from northeastern Siberia. Light microscopic and scanning electron microscopic (SEM) observations revealed that in many specimens the outer, often microlaminated, skeletal fabric grades continuously into the microfabric similar to that of microbial bush-like and dendritic microfossils such as Angulocellularia and Renalcis. The polyhedral to subglobular units characterizing the skeletal microfabric of the studied archaeocyaths and their microbial outgrowths are most similar to recent and fossil mineralized (calcified) colonies of benthic coccoidal cyanobacteria. This means that what had heretofore been interpreted as skeletons secreted by archaeocyathan organisms represent calcareous crusts precipitated by epibiontic cyanobacteria-like microbes, probably associated with a variety of other bacteria, colonizing surfaces and internal spaces of soft-bodied archaeocyathan organisms. Our study shows that a number of the morphological traits of archaeocyaths conserved by the mineralized microbial cover are similar to those of of modern siphonous green algae, like the marine genus Codium Stackhouse (Bryopsidales). Identifiable in well-preserved archaeocyaths are remains of such traits characteristic for Codium species as utricles, medullary threads, juvenile stages (primordia), and coalescence structures. The taxonomic and palaeoenvironmental implications of the recognition of archaeocyaths as possible consortia of siphonous green seaweeds (Chlorophyta) and cyanobacteria-like microbes are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

比较河流浮游藻类和着生藻类群落的时空格局及其与环境因子关系的差异,有助于了解两类藻的区别与联系。然而,目前这方面的研究还不多。基于2019年秋季和2020年夏季金沙江上段干流17个样点藻类及水体理化指标的调查数据,分析了不同季节浮游藻类和着生藻类群落结构及其主要环境驱动因子,比较了两类藻的多样性格局及其与环境关系的异同。结果发现,调查河段的浮游藻类和着生藻类均以硅藻为主,其中浮游藻类以极小曲壳藻(Achnanthes minutissima)、钝脆杆藻(Fragilaria capucina)、适中舟形藻(Navicula accomoda)为主要优势种,着生藻类以极小曲壳藻(Achnanthes minutissima)、扁圆卵形藻(Cocconeis placentula)、橄榄绿色异极藻(Gomphonema olivaceum)为主要优势种。浮游藻类和着生藻类秋季平均密度分别为:2.41×10~5个/L、9.43×10~3个/cm~2,均明显高于夏季的平均密度(4.84×10~4个/L、4.84×10~3个/cm~2)。两类藻的群落格局表现出明显的季节变化,但只有着生藻分类单元...  相似文献   

A molecular timeline for the origin of photosynthetic eukaryotes   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
The appearance of photosynthetic eukaryotes (algae and plants) dramatically altered the Earth's ecosystem, making possible all vertebrate life on land, including humans. Dating algal origin is, however, frustrated by a meager fossil record. We generated a plastid multi-gene phylogeny with Bayesian inference and then used maximum likelihood molecular clock methods to estimate algal divergence times. The plastid tree was used as a surrogate for algal host evolution because of recent phylogenetic evidence supporting the vertical ancestry of the plastid in the red, green, and glaucophyte algae. Nodes in the plastid tree were constrained with six reliable fossil dates and a maximum age of 3,500 MYA based on the earliest known eubacterial fossil. Our analyses support an ancient (late Paleoproterozoic) origin of photosynthetic eukaryotes with the primary endosymbiosis that gave rise to the first alga having occurred after the split of the Plantae (i.e., red, green, and glaucophyte algae plus land plants) from the opisthokonts sometime before 1,558 MYA. The split of the red and green algae is calculated to have occurred about 1,500 MYA, and the putative single red algal secondary endosymbiosis that gave rise to the plastid in the cryptophyte, haptophyte, and stramenopile algae (chromists) occurred about 1,300 MYA. These dates, which are consistent with fossil evidence for putative marine algae (i.e., acritarchs) from the early Mesoproterozoic (1,500 MYA) and with a major eukaryotic diversification in the very late Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic, provide a molecular timeline for understanding algal evolution.  相似文献   

环境汞污染对藻类的毒性效应及其影响因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
秦捷  赵文  张鹏 《生物学杂志》2011,28(3):74-76,83
综述了汞污染对藻类的毒性效应及影响因素。水环境中汞主要以元素汞、无机汞和有机汞3种形式存在。藻类吸附汞主要分为胞外的快速吸附和胞内的缓慢富集,在安全浓度内,金属汞对藻生长有一定的促进作用,随着浓度增大,抑制藻生长或致死。汞进入藻体细胞后,藻类为了存活会产生一系列保护机制。藻类对汞的排斥和排出作用可能就是对汞耐性的一种重要机制。藻类也可以通过多种方式减少汞进入藻类细胞,以及通过与其他物质结合汞使其排出胞外。温度、pH、生物学因素等影响重金属对藻类的毒性作用。并就藻类对汞耐性和适应机理、利用藻类修复和监测重金属污染、藻类响应汞胁迫的信号转导途径及其保护机制等未来研究领域进行了展望。  相似文献   

Are late Proterozoic carbonaceous megafossils metaphytic algae or bacteria?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Pre-Phanerozoic carbonaceous megafossils are generally considered to be the remains of metaphytic algae. While these fossils are not particularly common, they are significant for the understanding on the global evolutionary level of the pre-Phanerozoic biota. Ribbon-shaped vendotaenids were interpreted as brown algae and represent the youngest, most common and geographically most widespread Precambrian carbonaceous megafossils. It now appears that they may be better understood as abandoned giant sheaths of sulfide oxidizing organotrophic bacteria related to the Modern Thioptoca among the Beggiatoaceae. □ Thallophyta, algae, methaphytes, Vendotaenidae, late Proterozoic, Precambrian, Vendian, bacteria.  相似文献   

1. Stream riffles in southern Ontario and western Quèbec were sampled for biomass (58 stations from 51 streams) and production (22 stations from 21 streams) of algae and bacteria in periphyton to test the hypothesis that bacteria in benthic biofilms compete with algae for nutrients. 2. Algal and bacterial biomass were positively correlated, as were algal and bacterial production. Bacterial production was also positively correlated to algal and bacterial biomass, but the relationship was not significant. The ratio of algal to bacterial biomass did not vary with nutrients whereas algal production tended to increase with nutrients more rapidly than bacterial production. 3. Instream nitrogen concentrations explained 38–58% of the variability in algal biomass and production. Bacterial abundance explained an additional 9–29% of the residual variance in algal production and biomass. However, the relationship between bacterial abundance and algal production and biomass, once nutrients were taken into account, was positive, in contrast to the predicted effect of competition. 4. Hence, we reject our original hypothesis that bacteria in biofilms compete with algae for nutrients and instead suggest that bacteria and algae in biofilms coexist in an association that offers space and resources to sustain production of both groups of organisms.  相似文献   

Eighteen taxa, including representatives of both eukaryotic and prokaryotic genera, were isolated from below the surface of eight sandstones in four semi-desert and cold temperate biomes of northern Arizona, southern Utah and Western New Mexico. The algae occurred as uniform well defined bands in light-colored sandstones and also as scattered patches in dark sandstones. The algal communities varied in generic composition, chlorophyll a content, and location within the different sandstones. Biomass, estimated by chlorophyll a content, was approximately two to twenty-fold greater than reported for cryptoendolithic algal bands in a cold desert habitat. The widespread distribution of certain algae in endolithic habitats of the Colorado Plateau and their presence in rocks at quite distant locations suggests that the endolithic habitat may he utilized by algae whenever it provides more favorable conditions than the surrounding surfaces.  相似文献   

The large dsDNA viruses that are known to infect eukaryotic algae show promise as genetic vectors for algal biotechnology. The large size (150–330 kbp) of these viral genomes may permit insertion of large sequences of foreign DNA. The viruses infecting filamentous marine brown algae appear to be integrated into the genomes of their hosts, and may provide integration mechanisms that can be used for directing insertion of foreign genes into algal chromosomes.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate nutrient limitation of algal abundance in Anderson-Cue Lake, a softwater clear oligotrophic lake in north-central Florida. Nutrient diffusing clay pots and cylindrical enclosures were used in the field to test effects of different combinations of nitrogen, phosphorus, silica, and carbon on algal standing crop and composition of periphytic and planktonic algae, respectively. Effects of nutrient enrichment on periphytic algae were examined in two studies conducted 31 May – 8 July and 10 June – 15 July 1991. Nutrient effects on planktonic algae were examined in one study from 13 June – 1 July 1991. Planktonic and periphytic algal biovolume was significantly higher (p<0.05) when nitrogen and carbon were added in combination than with treatments without nitrogen, carbon, or nitrogen and carbon. Treatments with nitrogen and carbon combined resulted in lower algal diversity and dominance by coccoid green algae andScenedesmus. Results indicate that carbon and nitrogen can be limiting factors to algal growth in Anderson-Cue Lake and possibly other lakes of similar water quality.  相似文献   

The last few years have witnessed significant advances in the field of algal genomics. Complete genome sequences from the red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae and the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana have been published, the genomes for two more algae (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Ostreococcus tauri) are nearing completion, and several others are in progress or at the planning stage. In addition, large‐scale cDNA sequencing projects are being carried out for numerous algal species. This wealth of genome data is serving as a powerful catalyst for the development and application of recombinant techniques for these species. The data provide a rich resource of DNA elements such as promoters that can be used for transgene expression as well as an inventory of genes that are possible targets for genetic engineering programs aimed at manipulating algal metabolism. It is not surprising therefore that significant progress in the genetic engineering of eukaryotic algae is being made. Nuclear transformation of various microalgal species is now routine, and progress is being made on the transformation of macroalgae. Chloroplast transformation has been achieved for green, red, and euglenoid algae, and further success in organelle transformation is likely as the number of sequenced plastid, mitochondrial, and nucleomorph genomes continues to grow. Importantly, the commercial application of algal transgenics is beginning to be realized, and algal biotechnology companies are being established. Recent work has shown that recombinant proteins of therapeutic value can be produced in microalgal species, and it is now realistic to envisage the genetic engineering of commercially important species to improve production of valuable algal products. In this article we review the recent progress in algal transgenics and consider possible future developments now that phycology has entered the genomic era.  相似文献   

Algae are a component of bait sources for animal aquaculture, and they produce abundant valuable compounds for the chemical industry and human health. With today's fast growing demand for algae biofuels and the profitable market for cosmetics and pharmaceuticals made from algal natural products, the genetic engineering of marine algae has been attracting increasing attention as a crucial systemic technology to address the challenge of the biomass feedstock supply for sustainable industrial applications and to modify the metabolic pathway for the more efficient production of high-value products. Nevertheless, to date, only a few marine algae species can be genetically manipulated. In this article, an updated account of the research progress in marine algal genomics is presented along with methods for transformation. In addition, vector construction and gene selection strategies are reviewed. Meanwhile, a review on the progress of bioreactor technologies for marine algae culture is also revisited.  相似文献   

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