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The Hillesden experiment, established in 2005/2006 to test the delivery of biodiversity benefits under Environmental Stewardship, covers c. 1000 ha of arable farmland in central lowland England. It is a randomized block experiment with five replicates of three treatments: (1) CC: cross compliance, the control; (2) ELS: 1% of land removed from production for wildlife habitat provision; and (3) ELS‐X: 5% of land used for wildlife habitat, each treatment being applied to contiguous areas of 70–80 ha. Bird usage of winter food patches, comprising three different seed mixes, was monitored through the winter and was also related to seed yield. Winter and breeding season bird/territory abundance was recorded before and after the provision of the winter food patches. Bird use of the patches differed between seed mixes. There was large variation between individual patches in both seed yield and bird numbers and between individual bird species in their use of different seed mixes, suggesting that the availability of a range of patch types would be beneficial. Use of all patch types declined sharply in late January to February, indicating depletion and/or inability of birds to access shed seed. Winter bird abundance at a farm scale for all species combined, granivorous species and nine individual species increased for all monitored species when seed patches were available. At a treatment level, the increases tended to be greater in ELS‐X, where most of the patches were located. In the breeding season at a farm scale, the numbers of territories for all species combined and granivorous species increased significantly when seed patches had been available in the previous winter. There was little evidence of a treatment‐scale response. The provision of winter food appeared to increase winter bird abundance and to follow on into an overall increase in the breeding population, but if the latter effect is to be reflected elsewhere, this requires that sufficient breeding habitat is available to accommodate an increase.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Assumptions that populations of cavity‐nesting birds are limited by access to nest sites have largely been based on anecdotal reports or correlative data. Nest‐box‐addition experiments or tree‐cavity‐blocking experiments are potentially rigorous ways to investigate how densities of breeding birds are affected by access to nest cavities. Experimental evidence indicates that natural tree holes are limited in human‐altered landscapes, but the possibility that cavity nests are limited in old growth (unmanaged) forests is less clear. I reviewed 31 nest‐cavity‐removal or addition experiments conducted with 20 species of cavity‐nesting birds in mature forests. Of these 31 experiments conducted with a variety of different species of birds, only 19% reported statistically significant changes in breeding densities. However, none of these studies included data about the reproductive history of individuals colonizing the boxes (i.e., whether birds using the boxes would have otherwise been floaters or that birds excluded from blocked cavities on the plots did not simply move elsewhere), so they provided no strong evidence that the number of breeding pairs was limited by availability of nest sites at the population scale. Although some studies indicate that nest sites are limited at local (plot) scales in old growth forests, there is still little empirical evidence for nest‐site limitation at the population‐ and landscape‐level in mature, unmanaged forests. I review the challenges in designing and interpreting box‐addition experiments and highlight the main gaps in knowledge that should be targeted in the future.  相似文献   

Predicting biodiversity responses to climate change remains a difficult challenge, especially in climatically complex regions where precipitation is a limiting factor. Though statistical climatic envelope models are frequently used to project future scenarios for species distributions under climate change, these models are rarely tested using empirical data. We used long‐term data on bird distributions and abundance covering five states in the western US and in the Canadian province of British Columbia to test the capacity of statistical models to predict temporal changes in bird populations over a 32‐year period. Using boosted regression trees, we built presence‐absence and abundance models that related the presence and abundance of 132 bird species to spatial variation in climatic conditions. Presence/absence models built using 1970–1974 data forecast the distributions of the majority of species in the later time period, 1998–2002 (mean AUC = 0.79 ± 0.01). Hindcast models performed equivalently (mean AUC = 0.82 ± 0.01). Correlations between observed and predicted abundances were also statistically significant for most species (forecast mean Spearman′s ρ = 0.34 ± 0.02, hindcast = 0.39 ± 0.02). The most stringent test is to test predicted changes in geographic patterns through time. Observed changes in abundance patterns were significantly positively correlated with those predicted for 59% of species (mean Spearman′s ρ = 0.28 ± 0.02, across all species). Three precipitation variables (for the wettest month, breeding season, and driest month) and minimum temperature of the coldest month were the most important predictors of bird distributions and abundances in this region, and hence of abundance changes through time. Our results suggest that models describing associations between climatic variables and abundance patterns can predict changes through time for some species, and that changes in precipitation and winter temperature appear to have already driven shifts in the geographic patterns of abundance of bird populations in western North America.  相似文献   

Fire is one of the main threats facing the long‐term survival of the forests in the Eastern Arc Mountains. Yet, our understanding of how it affects fauna, particularly birds, is still poor. A fire that originated on surrounding farmland burned approximately half of Kimboza Forest Reserve between 13 and 15 October 2010. To better understand how birds respond to fire, a short‐term study of understorey bird diversity and abundance in this forest reserve was conducted by comparing burned and unburned sites twenty months post‐fire. Capture rates were significantly higher at the unburned site compared to the burned site. Bird species diversity was also higher at the unburned site than at the burned site. Despite the brevity of the study, the results suggest that fire has negative effects on forest avifauna and forest fires need to be prevented at Kimboza Forest Reserve as they affect the distribution and diversity of understorey birds.  相似文献   

郭汉佳  戴名扬 《生态学报》2006,26(4):1231-1233
香港特别行政区新界内有23 hm^2的鱼塘和22 hm^2的耕地,在“元朗-锦田-牛潭尾主要防洪改善计划”中被改变成两条防洪渠(防洪渠60号和43号).于该防洪改善计划中的生态监察调查中发现这两条防洪渠的鸟类数量均较原先的生境大大减少.在耕地改变成防洪渠43号的过程中,鸟类密度由33.9 只/hm^2减少至2.2只/hm^2.在鱼塘改变成防洪渠60号的过程中,鸟类密度由5.2 只/hm^2 减少至0.4只/hm^2.研究亦发现一些原本在鱼塘和耕地很常见的鸟类物种因为生境被改变而消失.这些转变可能和食物,植被及生境复杂程度的减少有关.另一方面,为纾缓因这防洪改善计划中损失的耕地生境,渠务署在防洪渠43号的河岸铺上混凝土草格,促进植物繁衍,为鸟类提供生境.但研究发现以混凝土草格建造的草坡并未能提供有效的纾缓措施,取代耕地生境以减少生态影响.  相似文献   

Etienne RS 《Ecology letters》2007,10(7):608-618
As the utility of the neutral theory of biodiversity is increasingly being recognized, there is also an increasing need for proper tools to evaluate the relative importance of neutral processes (dispersal limitation and stochasticity). One of the key features of neutral theory is its close link to data: sampling formulas, giving the probability of a data set conditional on a set of model parameters, have been developed for parameter estimation and model comparison. However, only single local samples can be handled with the currently available sampling formulas, whereas data are often available for many small spatially separated plots. Here, I present a sampling formula for multiple, spatially separated samples from the same metacommunity, which is a generalization of earlier sampling formulas. I also provide an algorithm to generate data sets with the model and I introduce a general test of neutrality that does not require an alternative model; this test compares the probability of the observed data (calculated using the new sampling formula) with the probability of model-generated data sets. I illustrate this with tree abundance data from three large Panamanian neotropical forest plots. When the test is performed with model parameters estimated from the three plots, the model cannot be rejected; however, when parameter estimates previously reported for BCI are used, the model is strongly rejected. This suggests that neutrality cannot explain the structure of the three Panamanian tree communities on the local (BCI) and regional (Panama Canal Zone) scale simultaneously. One should be aware, however, that aspects of the model other than neutrality may be responsible for its failure. I argue that the spatially implicit character of the model is a potential candidate.  相似文献   

HUW LLOYD 《Ibis》2008,150(4):735-745
Habitat restoration strategies for fragmented high Andean forest landscapes must consider the influence of within‐patch habitat quality on bird abundance. I examined vegetation and bird abundance at three locations within a highly fragmented Polylepis forest landscape in the Cordillera Vilcanota, southern Peru. Across the landscape, there was significant variation in the vegetation structure of Polylepis forest patches of different size categories, especially in terms of tree girth, tree height, tree density, and canopy vegetation structure. Principal Component Analysis extracted five factors of habitat quality, which together accounted for 74.2% of the variability within 15 habitat variables. Polylepis bird species differed in their responses to habitat quality but, overall, variation in Polylepis bird abundance was not fully captured by the range of habitat quality variables. Tall, dense vegetation cover was clearly important for 11 conservation‐important species, a high density of large trees was important for 10 species and primary forest ground cover was important for eight species. Habitat quality exhibited no significant influence on the abundance of only one species –Asthenes urubambensis. The abundance of seven species was associated with lower elevation forest, but only one species was associated with higher elevation forest. Management of habitat quality in large and medium remnant forest patches throughout the Cordillera Vilcanota, particularly in the 3800–4200 m elevation range, will be a cornerstone in ensuring the persistence of the majority of conservation‐important bird species populations.  相似文献   

Aim There has been much work on succession over many decades, but succession fundamentals are still debated because of the reliance on chronosequences and dendrochronological reconstruction, both of which are problematic approaches. Here we use time‐series data to test four hypotheses that lie at the heart of successional theory: (1) the neighbourhood effect hypothesis – tree species abundance is time dependent; (2) the density‐dependence hypothesis – a rare species is more favoured over time; (3) the resource ratio hypothesis – species that can grow at the lowest resource level tend to dominate resource limited sites through succession; and (4) the intermediate disturbance hypothesis – intermediate disturbances increase the abundance of rare species. Location Central boreal forest in Canada (47°50′–50°10′ N; 80°10′–85°50′ W). Methods We used repeated measurements from sequential aerial photography and ground surveys for 361 fire‐origin stands that were measured over a c. 55‐year period. Results Shade‐intolerant Pinus banksiana decreased, tolerant Thuja occidentalis increased, intolerant Populus spp. and Betula papyrifera displayed a U‐shaped trend, and intermediate‐tolerant Picea spp. and tolerant Abies balsamea did not change with time since fire, showing evidence of negative, positive, or neutral neighbourhood effects. Species either persisted for longer or increased more in non‐conspecific stands, and had higher increases in abundance when associated with species of contrasting shade tolerance, supporting the density‐dependence hypothesis and indicating shade‐tolerance complementarity as a mechanism for coexistence. Resource‐poor soils favoured those species capable of tolerating limited resources, whereas rich soils permitted invasion and promoted mixtures, supporting the resource ratio hypothesis. Intermediate disturbances increased the invasibility of rare species. Main conclusions Contrary to previous studies where time since a stand‐replacing disturbance is the sole predictor for succession, our study shows that time alone is either an insufficient predictor or is irrelevant to species dynamics in the boreal forest. Rather, density dependence, site resource and intermediate disturbances are key mechanisms in species dynamics and coexistence over time.  相似文献   

Some understory insectivorous birds manage to persist in tropical forest fragments despite significant habitat loss and forest fragmentation. Their persistence has been related to arthropod biomass. In addition, forest structure has been used as a proxy to estimate prey availability for understory birds and for calculating prey abundance. We used arthropod biomass and forest structural variables (leaf area index [LAI] and aerial leaf litter biomass) to explain the abundance of White‐breasted Wood‐Wrens (Henicorhina leucosticta), tropical understory insectivorous birds, in six forests in the Caribbean lowlands of Costa Rica. To estimate bird abundance, we performed point counts (100‐m radius) in two old‐growth forests, two second‐growth forests, and two selectively logged forests. Arthropod abundance was the best predictor of wood‐wren abundance (wi = 0.75). Wood‐wren abundance increased as the number of arthropods increased, and the estimated range of bird abundance obtained from the model varied from 0.51 (0.28 – 0.93 [95%CI]) to 3.70 (1.68 – 5.20 [95%CI]) within sites. LAI was positively correlated to prey abundance (P = 0.01), and explained part of the variation in wood‐wren abundance. In forests with high LAI, arthropods have more aerial leaf litter as potential habitat so more potential prey are available for wood‐wrens. Forests with a greater abundance of aerial leaf litter arthropods were more likely to sustain higher densities of wood‐wrens in a fragmented tropical landscape.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT To clarify the underlying causes of the species‐area relationship in marsh‐nesting birds, I studied eight freshwater tidal marshes of the Connecticut River that differed in area, degree of isolation, mudflat cover, water cover, tidal regime, and extent of individual plant communities. I measured these habitat variables on aerial infrared photos, and surveyed bird populations by mapping the distribution of all birds in marshes under 5 ha in area and establishing 50‐m radius plots in marshes over 5 ha. From surveys, I determined species richness, population densities, and total populations. Analysis revealed a positive relationship between species richness and area, but no correlation between area and habitat heterogeneity. Other habitat variables were poor predictors of species richness. The lack of a relationship between habitat and species richness appeared to be a consequence of most vegetation types present not being sufficiently distinct for birds to differentially associate with them. I also found no relationship between bird population density and area, suggesting that habitat quality in marshes did not improve with increasing size, and species evenness declined with increasing richness because greater richness was associated with the presence of more rare species. Larger marshes had more rare species, species with larger populations, and species with a minimum threshold area for occurrence. Thus, my results are consistent with theoretical predictions that larger populations are less prone to local extinction and, as individuals are added to a community, more rare species are present.  相似文献   

Abstract. Using raw geographic distributions for Neotropical species and subspecies of the perching birds (Order Passeriformes), we present an hypothesis of area-relationships for twelve avian areas of endemism in the lowland Neotropics. With 1717 characters (distributions of species and subspecies) we find a single most parsimonious tree of area-relationships. This topology does not match area-relationships determined from phylogenetic studies of morphologic characters in some Neotropical birds. Analyses of data partitions representing major taxonomic subdivisions within Passerine birds provide many different hypotheses of area-relationships. These results suggest that a single set of Neotropical area-relationships is not likely. In the future, we suggest greater emphasis be placed on research to document patterns in the Neotropics, particularly phylogenetic patterns, than on speculation about what processes have been important for diversification.  相似文献   

Ecological restorations are predicted to increase in species diversity over time until they reach reference levels. However, chronosequence studies in grasslands often show that diversity peaks after the first few years and then declines over time as grasses become more dominant. We addressed whether bison grazing and seed additions could prevent this decline in diversity. Exclosures that prevented bison grazing were compared with grazed plots over 4 years, and seed additions were conducted inside and outside exclosures to test for seed and microsite limitations. A previous study conducted 4‐months post seeding found that local species richness was primarily seed limited, but that grazing could sometimes increase seedling emergence. Here, we tested whether increased seedling emergence led to longer‐term increases in the species diversity of the plant community. We found that the seed addition effect grew smaller and the grazing effect grew stronger over time, and that seed additions affected the abundance of added species only when plots were grazed. Grazed plots had higher species diversity and lower biomass and litter buildup compared to non‐grazed plots. Our results suggest that moderate grazing by bison or management that mimics grazing can maintain diversity in grass‐dominated situations. Our results also emphasize the need to follow seed additions over several years to assess correctly whether seed limitation exists.  相似文献   

W. Alice Boyle 《Oikos》2011,120(12):1803-1816
Partial migration of tropical birds was long believed to be driven by variation in food abundance. Recent evidence from a partially‐migratory species suggests that in contrast, limited foraging opportunities at high elevations during severe wet season storms drives the most metabolically‐challenged individuals down to elevations where rainfall is lighter. Here, I test community‐level predictions of this hypothesis by examining the relationship between high‐elevation rainfall in the second half of the year and counts of migrant birds in lowland forest during late December each year from 1990–2009. I contrast results derived from analysis of all migrant species with both analyses of only the frugivorous migrants, and analyses of resident species. Counts of migrant species were on average positively associated with montane rainfall with differences of up to 72% in the numbers of birds counted in drier or wetter years. Frugivores and smaller birds responded more strongly to variation in rainfall compared to the broader migrant species pool. Interestingly, counts of resident species were also higher following wetter montane wet seasons. Results of analyses exploring the cause of resident responses were not consistent with climatic effects on breeding productivity or short‐term weather effects on detectability. Results were, however, consistent with cryptic down‐slope migration of individuals breeding at higher elevations augmenting lowland resident populations in wet years. These results suggest that changes in rainfall amount, storm intensity, and timing of severe weather events would lead to large increases in or losses of an important behaviour.  相似文献   

Aim To create a map of bird species richness (BSR) in East Asia and to examine the effect of area, isolation, primary productivity, topographic heterogeneity, and human population density on BSR. Location East Asia (from 70° E to 180° E longitude), including the eastern half of the Palaearctic Region, the entire Oriental Region, and the entire Wallacea Subregion. Methods The breeding ranges of 2406 terrestrial bird species were mapped and overlaid to create a species richness map. The BSR map was transformed into a 100 × 100 km quadrat system, and BSR was analysed in relation to land area, average normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), elevation range, and average population density. Results In general, BSR declined from the Tropics to the Arctic. In mainland East Asia, however, BSR was highest around the Tropic of Cancer, and fluctuated between 30° and 50° N. Islands had lower BSR than adjacent mainland areas. The NDVI was strongly positively correlated with BSR in mainland areas and on islands. For mainland areas, NDVI explained 65% of the BSR variation, and topographic heterogeneity explained an additional 6% in ordinary least‐squares regression. On islands, NDVI explained 66% of BSR variation, island area explained 13%, and distance to mainland accounted for 1%. Main conclusions In East Asia, we suggest that primary productivity is the key factor underpinning patterns of BSR. Primary productivity sets the upper limits of the capacity of habitats to support bird species. In isolated areas such as islands and peninsulas, however, BSR might not reach the richness limits set by primary productivity because the degree of isolation and area size also can affect species richness. Other factors, such as spatial heterogeneity, biotic interactions, and perturbations, may also affect species richness. However, their effects are secondary and are not as strong as primary productivity, isolation, and area size.  相似文献   

Shifts in species distributions are major fingerprint of climate change. Examining changes in species abundance structures at a continental scale enables robust evaluation of climate change influences, but few studies have conducted these evaluations due to limited data and methodological constraints. In this study, we estimate temporal changes in abundance from North American Breeding Bird Survey data at the scale of physiographic strata to examine the relative influence of different components of climatic factors and evaluate the hypothesis that shifting species distributions are multidirectional in resident bird species in North America. We quantify the direction and velocity of the abundance shifts of 57 permanent resident birds over 44 years using a centroid analysis. For species with significant abundance shifts in the centroid analysis, we conduct a more intensive correlative analysis to identify climate components most strongly associated with composite change of abundance within strata. Our analysis focus on two contrasts: the relative importance of climate extremes vs. averages, and of temperature vs. precipitation in strength of association with abundance change. Our study shows that 36 species had significant abundance shifts over the study period. The average velocity of the centroid is 5.89 km·yr?1. The shifted distance on average covers 259 km, 9% of range extent. Our results strongly suggest that the climate change fingerprint in studied avian distributions is multidirectional. Among 6 directions with significant abundance shifts, the northwestward shift was observed in the largest number of species (n = 13). The temperature/average climate model consistently has greater predictive ability than the precipitation/extreme climate model in explaining strata‐level abundance change. Our study shows heterogeneous avian responses to recent environmental changes. It highlights needs for more species‐specific approaches to examine contributing factors to recent distributional changes and for comprehensive conservation planning for climate change adaptation.  相似文献   

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