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The green algal genus Ostreobium is an important symbiont of corals, playing roles in reef decalcification and providing photosynthates to the coral during bleaching events. A chloroplast genome of a cultured strain of Ostreobium was available, but low taxon sampling and Ostreobium's early‐branching nature left doubt about its phylogenetic position. Here, we generate and describe chloroplast genomes from four Ostreobium strains as well as Avrainvillea mazei and Neomeris sp., strategically sampled early‐branching lineages in the Bryopsidales and Dasycladales respectively. At 80,584 bp, the chloroplast genome of Ostreobium sp. HV05042 is the most compact yet found in the Ulvophyceae. The Avrainvillea chloroplast genome is ~94 kbp and contains introns in infA and cysT that have nearly complete sequence identity except for an open reading frame (ORF) in infA that is not present in cysT. In line with other bryopsidalean species, it also contains regions with possibly bacteria‐derived ORFs. The Neomeris data did not assemble into a canonical circular chloroplast genome but a large number of contigs containing fragments of chloroplast genes and showing evidence of long introns and intergenic regions, and the Neomeris chloroplast genome size was estimated to exceed 1.87 Mb. Chloroplast phylogenomics and 18S nrDNA data showed strong support for the Ostreobium lineage being sister to the remaining Bryopsidales. There were differences in branch support when outgroups were varied, but the overall support for the placement of Ostreobium was strong. These results permitted us to validate two suborders and introduce a third, the Ostreobineae.  相似文献   

To further understand the trends in the evolution of mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes or mtDNAs) in the Ulvophyceae, the mitogenomes of two separate thalli of Ulva pertusa were sequenced. Two U. pertusa mitogenomes (Up1 and Up2) were 69,333 bp and 64,602 bp in length. These mitogenomes shared two ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs), 28 transfer RNAs (tRNAs), 29 protein‐coding genes, and 12 open reading frames. The 4.7 kb difference in size was attributed to variation in intron content and tandem repeat regions. A total of six introns were present in the smaller U. pertusa mtDNA (Up2), while the larger mtDNA (Up1) had eight. The larger mtDNA had two additional group II introns in two genes (cox1 and cox2) and tandem duplication mutations in noncoding regions. Our results showed the first case of intraspecific variation in chlorophytan mitogenomes and provided further genomic data for the undersampled Ulvophyceae.  相似文献   

Recently, we reported the chloroplast genome‐wide association of oligonucleotide repeats, indels and nucleotide substitutions in aroid chloroplast genomes. We hypothesized that the distribution of oligonucleotide repeat sequences in a single representative genome can be used to identify mutational hotspots and loci suitable for population genetic, phylogenetic and phylogeographic studies. Using information on the location of oligonucleotide repeats in the chloroplast genome of taro (Colocasia esculenta), we designed 30 primer pairs to amplify and sequence polymorphic loci. The primers have been tested in a range of intra‐specific to intergeneric comparisons, including ten taro samples (Colocasia esculenta) from diverse geographical locations, four other Colocasia species (C. affinis, C. fallax, C. formosana, C. gigantea) and three other aroid genera (represented by Remusatia vivipara, Alocasia brisbanensis and Amorphophallus konjac). Multiple sequence alignments for the intra‐specific comparison revealed nucleotide substitutions (point mutations) at all 30 loci and microsatellite polymorphisms at 14 loci. The primer pairs reported here reveal levels of genetic variation suitable for high‐resolution phylogeographic and evolutionary studies of taro and other closely related aroids. Our results confirm that information on repeat distribution can be used to identify loci suitable for such studies, and we expect that this approach can be used in other plant groups.  相似文献   

rbcL gene have been reported to date. Four new cases from Caulerpales, Ulvophyceae are described here. In the genus Caulerpa, the presence of an intron was unstable even in the infraspecific taxa. Based on comprehensive comparisons of the inserted positions, lengths of introns and so on, the presence of at least three kinds of introns, which probably have independent origins, was suggested in Caulerpales. Received 12 May 2000/ Accepted in revised form 12 October 2000  相似文献   

A fossil of the aerophytic green algal genus Phycopeltis (Trentepohliaes, Ulvophyceae) dated to 35 Ma, is reported from the Pikopiko Fossil Forest, Southland, New Zealand. Previous reports of fossilized Phycopeltis have been subsequently synonymized with fungi by other authors; however, our specimen is not vulnerable to their criticisms. Inflated cells present in two approximately concentric rings are interpreted as gametangia, with irregular structures resembling the gametangial pores of modern material; sporophytic material is absent. The fossil resembles the modern disc‐forming species P. novae‐zelandiae, P. expansa, and P. arundinacea. The limited material available prevents the assignation of a specific epithet, but the habit and dimensions of the fossil clearly fall within those of modern representatives of the genus. Its single cell thickness throughout, absence of distinct melanization, and larger size demonstrate that it is not a fungal shield. The specimen constitutes arguably the most convincing fossil belonging to Trentepohliales, and the first unambiguously for the genus Phycopeltis. It is consistent in age with other known fossils of the order that, when combined with molecular evidence, suggests a terrestrial radiation far more recent than that of land plants.  相似文献   

Gene duplication is an important evolutionary process that allows duplicate functions to diverge, or, in some cases, allows for new functional gains. However, in contrast to the nuclear genome, gene duplications within the chloroplast are extremely rare. Here, we present the chloroplast genome of the photosynthetic protist Euglena archaeoplastidiata. Upon annotation, it was found that the chloroplast genome contained a novel tandem direct duplication that encoded a portion of RuBisCO large subunit (rbcL) followed by a complete copy of ribosomal protein L32 (rpl32), as well as the associated intergenic sequences. Analyses of the duplicated rpl32 were inconclusive regarding selective pressures, although it was found that substitutions in the duplicated region, all non‐synonymous, likely had a neutral functional effect. The duplicated region did not exhibit patterns consistent with previously described mechanisms for tandem direct duplications, and demonstrated an unknown mechanism of duplication. In addition, a comparison of this chloroplast genome to other previously characterized chloroplast genomes from the same family revealed characteristics that indicated E. archaeoplastidiata was probably more closely related to taxa in the genera Monomorphina, Cryptoglena, and Euglenaria than it was to other Euglena taxa. Taken together, the chloroplast genome of E. archaeoplastidiata demonstrated multiple characteristics unique to the euglenoid world, and has justified the longstanding curiosity regarding this enigmatic taxon.  相似文献   

The complete chloroplast genome of Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis was recovered from a Next Generation Sequencing data set. Without quadripartite structure, this chloroplast genome (183,013 bp, 27.40% GC content) contains 202 protein‐coding genes, 34 tRNA genes, 3 rRNA genes, and 1 tmRNA gene. Synteny analysis showed plasmid incorporation regions in chloroplast genomes of three species of family Gracilariaceae and in Grateloupia taiwanensis of family Halymeniaceae. Combined with reported red algal plasmid sequences in nuclear and mitochondrial genomes, we postulated that red algal plasmids may have played an important role in ancient horizontal gene transfer among nuclear, chloroplast, and mitochondrial genomes. Substitution rate analysis showed that purifying selective forces maintaining stability of protein‐coding genes of nine red algal chloroplast genomes over long periods must be strong and that the forces acting on gene groups and single genes of nine red algal chloroplast genomes were similar and consistent. The divergence of Gp. lemaneiformis occurred ~447.98 million years ago (Mya), close to the divergence time of genus Pyropia and Porphyra (443.62 Mya).  相似文献   

Besides heat stress, the 70 kDa heat shock proteins (HSP70s) have been shown to respond to cold stress. However, the involved cis‐acting elements remain unknown. The hsp70 gene from the green macroalga Ulva prolifera (Uphsp70) has been cloned, from which one heat shock element HSE and one low‐temperature‐responsive element LTR were found in the promoter. Using the established transient expression system and quantitative GUS assay, a series of element deletion experiments were performed to determine the functions of HSE and LTR in response to temperature stress. The results showed that under cold stress, both HSE and LTR were indispensable, since deletion leads to complete loss of promoter activity. Under heat stress, although the HSE could respond independently, coexistence with LTR was essential for high induced activity of the Uphsp70 promoter. Therefore, synergistic effects exist between HSE and LTR elements in response to temperature stress in Ulva, and extensive bioinformatics analysis showed that the mechanism is widespread in algae and plants, since LTR coexists widely with HSE in the promoter region of hsp70. Our findings provide important supplements to the knowledge of algal and plant HSP70s response to temperature stress. We speculated that for algal domestication and artificial breeding, HSE and LTR elements might serve as potential molecular targets to temperature acclimation.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the biflagellate gametes of Collinsiella cava (Yendo) Printz was investigated in detail to clarify the species's taxonomic and phylo‐genetic position. Gametes are covered by small square scales with no distinct substructure. The chloroplast of the gamete includes an eyespot comprised of two layers of globules, and a pyrenoid that is traversed by one or a few thylakoids. Basal bodies overlap at their proximal ends and are offset in a counterclockwise orientation. Each basal body has a small bipartite terminal cap, a prominent proximal sheath comprised of two unequal subunits and a circular element situated at the cartwheel portion. A distal fibre, a connecting fibre and linkage between proximal sheaths connect the two basal bodies. Microtubular roots are comprised of two dexter (d) roots, subtended by the system I fibre, and two sinister (s) roots. Gametes have a single rhizoplast which extends parallel to one of the two d roots and extends to the mating structure. The ultrastructure of Collinsiella gametes is very similar to that of Mono‐stroma and other members of the Ulotrichales, Ulvophyceae, and we concluded that the genus Collinsiella should be treated as a member of the Monostromat‐aceae. The planozygote has four basal bodies, eight microtubular roots and two eyespots always situated at the same face of the cell. From observations of the planozygotes, the position of the mating structure relative to the flagellar apparatus is not consistent, but converse, between two mating types. A comparison of the location of the mating structure in Chlamydomonas and other green algae is presented.  相似文献   

Leaf chloroplast movement is thought to optimize light capture and to minimize photodamage. To better understand the impact of chloroplast movement on photosynthesis, we developed a technique based on the imaging of reflectance from leaf surfaces that enables continuous, high‐sensitivity, non‐invasive measurements of chloroplast movement in multiple intact plants under white actinic light. We validated the method by measuring photorelocation responses in Arabidopsis chloroplast division mutants with drastically enlarged chloroplasts, and in phototropin mutants with impaired photorelocation but normal chloroplast morphology, under different light regimes. Additionally, we expanded our platform to permit simultaneous image‐based measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence and chloroplast movement. We show that chloroplast division mutants with enlarged, less‐mobile chloroplasts exhibit greater photosystem II photodamage than is observed in the wild type, particularly under fluctuating high levels of light. Comparison between division mutants and the severe photorelocation mutant phot1‐5 phot2‐1 showed that these effects are not entirely attributable to diminished photorelocation responses, as previously hypothesized, implying that altered chloroplast morphology affects other photosynthetic processes. Our dual‐imaging platform also allowed us to develop a straightforward approach to correct non‐photochemical quenching (NPQ) calculations for interference from chloroplast movement. This correction method should be generally useful when fluorescence and reflectance are measured in the same experiments. The corrected data indicate that the energy‐dependent (qE) and photoinhibitory (qI) components of NPQ contribute differentially to the NPQ phenotypes of the chloroplast division and photorelocation mutants. This imaging technology thus provides a platform for analyzing the contributions of chloroplast movement, chloroplast morphology and other phenotypic attributes to the overall photosynthetic performance of higher plants.  相似文献   

Dendrolimus spp. are important destructive pests of conifer forests, and Dendrolimus punctatus Walker (Lepidoptera; Lasiocampidae) is the most widely distributed Dendrolimus species. During periodic outbreaks, this species is said to make “fire without smoke” because large areas of pine forest can be quickly and heavily damaged. Yet, little is known about the molecular mechanisms that underlie the unique ecological characteristics of this forest insect. Here, we combined Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) RSII single‐molecule long reads and high‐throughput chromosome conformation capture (Hi‐C) genomics‐linked reads to produce a high‐quality, chromosome‐level reference genome for D. punctatus. The final assembly was 614 Mb with contig and scaffold N50 values of 1.39 and 22.15 Mb, respectively, and 96.96% of the contigs anchored onto 30 chromosomes. Based on the prediction, this genome contained 17,593 protein‐coding genes and 56.16% repetitive sequences. Phylogenetic analyses indicated that D. punctatus diverged from the common ancestor of Hyphantria cunea, Spodoptera litura and Thaumetopoea pityocampa ~ 108.91 million years ago. Many gene families that were expanded in the D. punctatus genome were significantly enriched for the xenobiotic biodegradation system, especially the cytochrome P450 gene family. This high‐quality, chromosome‐level reference genome will be a valuable resource for understanding mechanisms of D. punctatus outbreak and host resistance adaption. Because this is the first Lasiocampidae insect genome to be sequenced, it also will serve as a reference for further comparative genomics.  相似文献   

The Euglenophyceae chloroplast was acquired when a heterotrophic euglenoid engulfed a green alga and subsequently retained the algal chloroplast, in a process known as secondary endosymbiosis. Since this event, Euglenophyceae have diverged widely and their chloroplast genomes (cpGenomes) have as well. Changes to the cpGenome include extensive gene rearrangement and the proliferation of introns, the analyses of which have proven to be useful in examining cpGenome changes throughout the Euglenophyceae. The Euglenales fall into two families, Euglenaceae and Phacaceae. Euglenaceae contains eight genera and at least one cpGenome has been published for each genus. Phacaceae, on the other hand, contains three genera, none of which have had a representative chloroplast genome sequenced. Members of this family have many small disk‐shaped chloroplasts that lack pyrenoids. We sequenced and annotated the cpGenome of Phacus orbicularis in order to fill in the large gap in our understanding of Euglenophyceae cpGenome evolution, especially in regard to intron number and gene order. We compared this cpGenome to those of species from both the Euglenaceae and Eutreptiales of the Euglenophyceae phylogenetic tree. The cpGenome showed characteristics that were more derived than that of the basal species Eutreptia viridis, with extensive gene rearrangements and nearly three times as many introns. In contrast, it contained fewer introns than all but one of the previously reported Euglenaceae cpGenomes, had a smaller estimated genome size, and shared greater synteny with two main branches of that family.  相似文献   

This is the first study to describe the mitochondrial genome of the Himalayan Griffon, Gyps himalayensis, which is an Old World vulture belonging to the family Accipitridae and occurring along the Himalayas and the adjoining Tibetan Plateau. Its mitogenome is a closed circular molecule 17,381 bp in size containing 13 protein‐coding genes, 22 tRNA coding genes, two rRNA‐coding genes, a control region (CR), and an extra pseudo‐control region (CCR) that are conserved in most Accipitridae mitogenomes. The overall base composition of the G. himalayensis mitogenome is 24.55% A, 29.49% T, 31.59% C, and 14.37% G, which is typical for bird mitochondrial genomes. The alignment of the Accipitridae species control regions showed high levels of genetic variation and abundant AT content. At the 5′ end of the domain I region, a long continuous poly‐C sequence was found. Two tandem repeats were found in the pseudo‐control regions. Phylogenetic analysis with Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood based on 13 protein‐coding genes indicated that the relationships at the family level were (Falconidae + (Cathartidae + (Sagittariidae + (Accipitridae + Pandionidae))). In the Accipitridae clade, G. himalayensis is more closely related to Aegypius monachus than to Spilornis cheela. The complete mitogenome of G. himalayensis provides a potentially useful resource for further exploration of the taxonomic status and phylogenetic history of Gyps species.  相似文献   

Antheraea pernyi is a semi‐domesticated lepidopteran insect species valuable to the silk industry, human health, and ecological tourism. Owing to its economic influence and developmental properties, it serves as an ideal model for investigating divergence of the Bombycoidea super family. However, studies on the karyotype evolution and functional genomics of A. pernyi are limited by scarce genomic resource. Here, we applied PacBio sequencing and chromosome structure capture technique to assemble the first high‐quality A. pernyi genome from a single male individual. The genome is 720.67 Mb long with 49 chromosomes and a 13.77‐Mb scaffold N50. Approximately 441.75 Mb, accounting for 60.74% of the genome, was identified as repeats. The genome comprises 21,431 protein‐coding genes, 85.22% of which were functionally annotated. Comparative genomics analysis suggested that A. pernyi diverged from its common ancestor with A. yamamai ~30.3 million years ago, and that chromosome fission contributed to the increased chromosome number. The genome assembled in this work will not only facilitate future research on A. pernyi and related species but also help to progress comparative genomics analyses in Lepidoptera.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic clades based on DNA sequences such as the chloroplast rbcL gene and the nuclear ITS region are frequently used to delimit algal species. However, these molecular markers cannot accurately delimit boundaries among some Ulva species. Although Ulva reticulata and Ulva ohnoi occasionally bloom in tropical to warm‐temperate regions and are clearly distinguishable by their reticulate or plain blade morphology, they have few or no sequence divergences in these molecular markers and form a monophyletic clade. In this study, to clarify the speciation and species delimitation in the U. reticulata‐ohnoi complex clade, reproductive relationships among several sexual strains from the Philippines and Japan including offspring that originated from the type specimen of U. ohnoi were examined by culturing and hybridization in addition to the ITS‐based analysis. As a result, both prezygotic and postzygotic reproductive isolation were revealed to occur between genetically perforated U. reticulata and imperforate U. ohnoi. They were also separated on the basis of sequence analysis of the ITS region. That strongly supports that the two taxa are independent biological species. Although no prezygotic barrier among the Philippine and Japanese strains of U. reticulata was observed, unexpectedly zoospores produced by hybrid sporophytes in some of their combinations mostly failed to develop, indicating partial formation of a postzygotic barrier despite a 0.2% divergence in the ITS sequence. These findings suggest speciation is still ongoing in U. reticulata.  相似文献   

Prasinophytes form a paraphyletic assemblage of early diverging green algae, which have the potential to reveal the traits of the last common ancestor of the main two green lineages: (i) chlorophyte algae and (ii) streptophyte algae. Understanding the genetic composition of prasinophyte algae is fundamental to understanding the diversification and evolutionary processes that may have occurred in both green lineages. In this study, we sequenced the chloroplast genome of Pyramimonas parkeae NIES254 and compared it with that of P. parkeae CCMP726, the only other fully sequenced P. parkeae chloroplast genome. The results revealed that P. parkeae chloroplast genomes are surprisingly variable. The chloroplast genome of NIES254 was larger than that of CCMP726 by 3,204 bp, the NIES254 large single copy was 288 bp longer, the small single copy was 5,088 bp longer, and the IR was 1,086 bp shorter than that of CCMP726. Similarity values of the two strains were almost zero in four large hot spot regions. Finally, the strains differed in copy number for three protein‐coding genes: ycf20, psaC, and ndhE. Phylogenetic analyses using 16S and 18S rDNA and rbcL sequences resolved a clade consisting of these two P. parkeae strains and a clade consisting of these plus other Pyramimonas isolates. These results are consistent with past studies indicating that prasinophyte chloroplast genomes display a higher level of variation than is commonly found among land plants. Consequently, prasinophyte chloroplast genomes may be less useful for inferring the early history of Viridiplantae than has been the case for land plant diversification.  相似文献   

Bivalves, a highly diverse and the most evolutionarily successful class of invertebrates native to aquatic habitats, provide valuable molecular resources for understanding the evolutionary adaptation and aquatic ecology. Here, we reported a high‐quality chromosome‐level genome assembly of the razor clam Sinonovacula constricta using Pacific Bioscience single‐molecule real‐time sequencing, Illumina paired‐end sequencing, 10X Genomics linked‐reads and Hi‐C reads. The genome size was 1,220.85 Mb, containing scaffold N50 of 65.93 Mb and contig N50 of 976.94 Kb. A total of 899 complete (91.92%) and seven partial (0.72%) matches of the 978 metazoa Benchmarking Universal Single‐Copy Orthologs were determined in this genome assembly. And Hi‐C scaffolding of the genome resulted in 19 pseudochromosomes. A total of 28,594 protein‐coding genes were predicted in the S. constricta genome, of which 25,413 genes (88.88%) were functionally annotated. In addition, 39.79% of the assembled genome was composed of repetitive sequences, and 4,372 noncoding RNAs were identified. The enrichment analyses of the significantly expanded and contracted genes suggested an evolutionary adaptation of S. constricta to highly stressful living environments. In summary, the genomic resources generated in this work not only provide a valuable reference genome for investigating the molecular mechanisms of S. constricta biological functions and evolutionary adaptation, but also facilitate its genetic improvement and disease treatment. Meanwhile, the obtained genome greatly improves our understanding of the genetics of molluscs and their comparative evolution.  相似文献   

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