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The food habits of strap-toothed whales ( Mesoplodon layardii ) were examined in detail using stomach contents from 14 stranded whales found on South African and New Zealand coasts. Although a few unidentified fish otoliths and crustacean remains were found in two of these stomachs, 24 species of oceanic squids (some of which occur at a great depth) accounted for 94.8% of counted prey items ( n = 232). Histioteuthis sp. and Taonius pavo were the predominant prey species (25.0 and 17.2% by number, 21.4 and 19.9% by mass, respectively). The presence of sub-Antarctic squid species suggested a northward migration to South African waters in late summer/autumn. Prey sizes were compared between males with fully grown strap-teeth and females/immature males without erupted teeth, using dorsal mantle lengths (DML) and weights of squids estimated from beak measurements. Although females/immature males ate longer squids than males, there was no significant difference in the estimated weights of squids eaten by the two groups. The presence of fully-erupted teeth in adult males, therefore, did not seem to influence the size of prey ingested, even though an adult male could only open its jaws about half as wide as a female. In general, the sizes of cephalopods eaten by strap-toothed whales were not significantly different from those eaten by smaller odontocetes, such as spotted dolphins and dwarf sperm whales, but were significantly smaller than those eaten by larger odontocetes, such as false killer, long-finned pilot, Cuvier's beaked, and southern bottlenose whales.  相似文献   

The vulnerability of beaked whales (Family: Ziphiidae) to intense sound exposure has led to interest in their behavioral responses to mid-frequency active sonar (MFAS, 3–8 kHz). Here we present satellite-transmitting tag movement and dive behavior records from Blainville's beaked whales (Mesoplodon densirostris) tagged in advance of naval sonar exercises at the Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center (AUTEC) in the Bahamas. This represents one of the largest samples of beaked whales individually tracked during sonar operations (n = 7). The majority of individuals (five of seven) were displaced 28–68 km after the onset of sonar exposure and returned to the AUTEC range 2–4 days after exercises ended. Modeled sound pressure received levels were available during the tracking of four individuals and three of those individuals showed declines from initial maxima of 145–172 dB re 1 μPa to maxima of 70–150 dB re 1 μPa following displacements. Dive behavior data from tags showed a continuation of deep diving activity consistent with foraging during MFAS exposure periods, but also suggested reductions in time spent on deep dives during initial exposure periods. These data provide new insights into behavioral responses to MFAS and have important implications for modeling the population consequences of disturbance.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Blood samples were obtained from an adult female Hubbs' beaked whale and her fetus.
  • 2.2. Two major hemoglobins were demonstrated by cellulose acetate electrophoresis and were purified by ion exchange chromatography from each specimen.
  • 3.3. The relative amounts of these components were different in the adult and fetus.
  • 4.4. Both of these hemoglobins have a higher affinity for oxygen than normal human hemoglobin.
  • 5.5. Maternal and fetal hemoglobins were separated and the N-terminal amino acid of each of these hemoglobins was found to be valine.
  • 6.6. Tryptic peptide separation and amino acid analyses of the purified polypeptide chains indicated that the hemoglobins of the fetal sample were identical to those of the maternal.

The number and distribution of vocalizing groups of Blainville's beaked whales (Mesoplodon densirostris) were analyzed before, during, and after multiship mid‐frequency active sonar operations at the US Navy's Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center (AUTEC) in the Bahamas. Groups of foraging animals were isolated by detecting their echolocation clicks using an array of bottom‐mounted hydrophones. Two data sets were evaluated consisting of 115 and 240 h of acoustic data in May 2007 and 2008, respectively. Vocal activity was observed to decline during active sonar exercises and increase upon cessation of sonar transmissions in both data sets. Vocal activity did not recover to preexposure levels in the postexposure time period in 2007 nor in the initial postexposure period in the 2008 data set. Clicks detected during sonar operations were generally found to be on the periphery of the hydrophone field and vocal durations declined for those groups that remained on the range in that time period. Receive levels were calculated for several vocal groups of whales and indicated that animals continued to forage when exposed to sonar at levels as high as 157 dB re: μPa.  相似文献   

This paper develops and validates a method of using time‐at‐temperature (TAT) histograms from satellite transmitter tags to describe the dive activity patterns and approximate depth distributions of five deep‐diving toothed whale species in the northern Bahamas. TAT histograms represent a bandwidth‐conserving method of recovering a long‐term proxy record of dive activity. However, using temperature to interpret TAT on a scale of approximate depths required the complex estimation of TAT histogram bin boundary depths in a dynamic oceanographic region. Here we evaluated the relative performance of four interpolation methods and a global reanalysis data assimilation model in estimating climatological isotherm depth surfaces within our study area. TAT‐derived approximate time‐at‐depth (TAD) distributions aligned closely with directly observed TAD distributions from a smaller sample of depth‐recording satellite tags deployed on separate individuals of each species. TAT‐derived approximate depth distributions were also consistent with various published accounts for this suite of species. Estimating dive ranges and time budgets are important components of (1) understanding habitat overlap between species, (2) evaluating the potential role of these predators in meso‐ and bathypelagic ecosystems, and (3) assessing vulnerability and exposure to anthropogenic impacts.  相似文献   

Abstract: Eight skulls of beaked whales (Cetacea, Odontoceti, Ziphiidae), in six cases associated with elements of the mandible, were collected from a limited area (about 1.5 km2) and roughly from the same stratigraphic horizon at Cerro Colorado, 35 km south‐south‐west of the city of Ica (Peru), where the late Middle Miocene basal strata of the Pisco Formation crop out. They represent the highest concentration reported of fossil Ziphiidae. These finely preserved Cerro Colorado fossils are described and assigned to a new species Messapicetus gregarius, together with another specimen collected from sediments of the same age at Cerro la Bruja (33 km south‐east to Cerro Colorado). Messapicetus gregarius shares with M. longirostris Bianucci, Landini and Varola, 1992 (Tortonian of Italy), an extremely elongated rostrum, but is clearly different from the Italian species in the more distinct maxillary tubercle and prominential notch, the more robust premaxillary crest, and the abrupt ventrolateral descent of the medial margin of the maxilla from the vertex. A parsimony analysis reveals that Messapicetus belongs to a basal clade, which includes other ziphiids with a dorsally closed mesorostral groove and prenarial basin. The high concentration of specimens belonging to the same species (some of them tentatively identified as adult males and females), combined with the presence of a calf, supports the hypothesis of site fidelity; these cetaceans might have lived in a limited region for a long period for both breeding and feeding. Besides the eight specimens of M. gregarius, strata at Cerro Colorado include many other cetacean remains (with several specimens of the pontoporiid Brachydelphis including a foetus), pinnipeds, turtles, fishes, and birds.  相似文献   

To be successful, marine predators must alter their foraging behavior in response to changes in their environment. To understand the impact and severity of environmental change on a population it is necessary to first describe typical foraging patterns and identify the underlying variability that exists in foraging behavior. Therefore, we characterized the at‐sea behavior of adult female California sea lions (n = 32) over three years (2003, 2004, and 2005) using satellite transmitters and time‐depth recorders and examined how foraging behavior varied among years. In all years, sea lions traveled on average 84.7 ± 11.1 km from the rookery during foraging trips that were 3.2 ± 0.3 d. Sea lions spent 42.7% ± 1.9% of their time at sea diving and displayed short (2.2 ± 0.2 min), shallow dives (58.5 ± 8.5 m). Among individuals, there was significant variation in both dive behavior and movement patterns, which was found in all years. Among years, differences were found in trip durations, distances traveled, and some dive variables (e.g., dive duration and bottom time) as sea lions faced moderate variability in their foraging habitat (increased sea‐surface temperatures, decreased upwelling, and potential decreased prey abundance). The flexibility we found in the foraging behavior of California sea lions may be a mechanism to cope with environmental variability among years and could be linked to the continuing growth of sea lion populations.  相似文献   

We present genetic and morphological evidence supporting the recognition of a previously synonymized species of Mesoplodon beaked whale in the tropical Indo‐Pacific, Mesoplodon hotaula. Although the new species is closely‐related to the rare ginkgo‐toothed beaked whale M. ginkgodens, we show that these two lineages can be differentiated by maternally (mitochondrial DNA), biparentally (autosomal), and paternally (Y chromosome) inherited DNA sequences, as well as by morphological features. The reciprocal monophyly of the mtDNA genealogies and the largely parapatric distribution of these lineages is consistent with reproductive isolation. The new lineage is currently known from at least seven specimens: Sri Lanka (1), Gilbert Islands, Republic of Kiribati (1+), Palmyra Atoll, Northern Line Islands, U.S.A. (3), Maldives (1), and Seychelles (1). The type specimen (Sri Lanka) was described as a new species, M. hotaula, in 1963, but later synonymized with M. ginkgodens. This discovery brings the total number of Mesoplodon species to 15, making it, by far, the most speciose yet least known genus of cetaceans.  相似文献   

To assist in the species-level identification of stranded and hunted beaked whales, we compiled a database of 'reference' sequences from the mitochondrial DNA control region for 15 of the 20 described ziphiid species. Reference samples for eight species were obtained from stranded animals in New Zealand and South Australia. Sequences for a further seven species were obtained from a previously published report. This database was used to identify 20 'test' samples obtained from incompletely documented strandings around New Zealand. Analyses showed that four of these 'test' specimens (20%) had initially been misidentified. These included two animals of particular interest: (i) a Blainville's beaked whale ( Mesoplodon densirostris) , the first record of this species in New Zealand waters; and, (ii) a juvenile Andrews' beaked whale ( Mesoplodon bowdoini ), a species known from just over 20 strandings worldwide. A published sequence from a beaked whale product purchased in the Republic of Korea was identified as a Cuvier's beaked whale ( Ziphius cavirostris ). Levels of intra- and interspecific variation were compared to determine the potential for misidentification when the database or taxonomy is incomplete. Intraspecific variation was generally <2%, and interspecific divergence was generally >4.7%. Exceptions were within-species variation in Hyperoodon planifrons , southern bottlenosed whale (4.12%), which exceeded the variation between the two species of Berardius (3.78%), and variation between the two specimens assigned to M. hectori , Hector's beaked whale (7.14%). The latter case appears to be an error in species identification, and could represent the discovery of a new species of beaked whale.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma species were recovered from 10 cetacean carcasses that stranded around Scotland. Mycoplasma phocicerebrale was isolated from the lungs of three harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) as well as from the liver of one of these animals. Novel Mycoplasma spp. were isolated from the lungs of five additional harbor porpoises and the kidney of another. In addition an isolate closely related to Mycoplasma species 13CL was obtained from the kidney of a Sowerby's beaked whale (Mesoplodon bidens). The role of these Mycoplasma species in the disease of cetaceans, their host specificity, diversity, and any relation to cetacean strandings are unknown.  相似文献   

Abstract: We describe well‐preserved remains of the Pelagornithidae (bony‐toothed birds) from the middle Eocene of Belgium, including a sternum, pectoral girdle bones and humeri of a single individual. The specimens are tentatively assigned to Macrodontopteryx oweni Harrison and Walker, 1976 , which has so far only been known from the holotype skull and a referred proximal ulna. Another species, about two times larger, is represented by an incomplete humerus and tentatively identified as Dasornis emuinus ( Bowerbank, 1854 ). The fossils provide critical new data on the osteology of the pectoral girdle of bony‐toothed birds. For the first time, the sternum of one of the smaller species is preserved, and this bone exhibits a more plesiomorphic morphology than the recently described sternum of the giant Miocene taxon Pelagornis. The coracoid resembles that of the Diomedeidae (albatrosses) in overall morphology, but because bony‐toothed birds lack apomorphies of the Procellariiformes, the similarities are almost certainly owing to convergence. Bony‐toothed birds were often compared with the ‘Pelecaniformes’ by previous authors, who especially made comparisons with the Sulidae (gannets and boobies). However, the coracoid distinctly differs from that of extant ‘pelecaniform’ birds, and the plesiomorphic presence of a foramen nervi supracoracoidei as well as the absence of a well‐delimited articulation facet for the furcula supports a position outside the Suloidea, the clade to which the Sulidae belong.  相似文献   

Extant baleen whales (Cetacea, Mysticeti) are all large filter-feeding marine mammals that lack teeth as adults, instead possessing baleen, and feed on small marine animals in bulk. The early evolution of these superlative mammals, and their unique feeding method, has hitherto remained enigmatic. Here, I report a new toothed mysticete from the Late Oligocene of Australia that is more archaic than any previously described. Unlike all other mysticetes, this new whale was small, had enormous eyes and lacked derived adaptations for bulk filter-feeding. Several morphological features suggest that this mysticete was a macrophagous predator, being convergent on some Mesozoic marine reptiles and the extant leopard seal (Hydrurga leptonyx). It thus refutes the notions that all stem mysticetes were filter-feeders, and that the origins and initial radiation of mysticetes was linked to the evolution of filter-feeding. Mysticetes evidently radiated into a variety of disparate forms and feeding ecologies before the evolution of baleen or filter-feeding. The phylogenetic context of the new whale indicates that basal mysticetes were macrophagous predators that did not employ filter-feeding or echolocation, and that the evolution of characters associated with bulk filter-feeding was gradual.  相似文献   

Few studies have examined the natural complex pigmentation patterns of white‐beaked dolphins. From 2002 to 2014, whale‐watching trips in Iceland provided a platform of opportunity to collect a large body of photographs of free‐ranging individuals from a single area of distribution for this species. Based on 823 images, 571 individuals showing one or more color components were identified, and assigned to the following four age classes: adults (n = 437), juveniles (n = 109), calves (n = 14), and neonates (n = 11). A total of 26 color components were observed and described: seven terms previously applied to white‐beaked dolphins, 12 previously applied to other dolphin species, and seven newly defined terms. Results showed that each age class could be positively identified by differences in specific color components, some of which were exclusive. Therefore, color patterns may prove useful in estimating maturity in free‐ranging white‐beaked dolphins. This tool could be further refined through assessment of a wide sample of freshly stranded specimens of known sex and age, which could reveal new age class‐specific components, as well as sexually dimorphic characteristics not seen here. Geographic variation should be investigated by comparing image data sets and stranded animals from different parts of the North Atlantic.  相似文献   

The otic region in the skull of archeocetes and odontocetes is compared and interpreted with special emphasis on the morphology and suspension of the ear bones. In archeocetes, the periotic was obviously separate from the mastoid but still integrated within the skull via a long anterior and posterior process. The rotation of the cochlear part of the periotic was already obvious. The tympanic bone was attached to a decreasing number of neighboring elements, with the periotic becoming more and more important in the later archeocetes. The accessory air sacs of the tympanic cavity had invaded some of the adjacent skeletal elements and attained a moderate-to-remarkable extension. In the evolution of the odontocetes, the periotic and tympanic were successively uncoupled from the skull and combined to a new morphological and functional unit (tympanoperiotic complex). This uncoupling was mainly achieved by shortening the periotical processes and simultaneously extending the tympanic air sacs. For functional reasons, however, the periotic (posterior process) stayed in immediate contact with the mastoid, the latter remaining in the lateral wall of skull. In advanced marine dolphins, the bony sheaths of the accessory air sacs are largely reduced, presumably because of volume fluctuations in the tympanic cavity during diving. The perfect uncoupling of the ear bones from the skull obviously was an essential prerequisite for directional hearing, for effective ultrasound orientation and communication, and finally, for the striking development of the dolphin brain.  相似文献   

The primary and accepted method used to estimate seabird densities at sea from ships is the strip transect method, designed to correct for the effect of random directional bird movement relative to that of the ship. However, this method relies on the critical assumption that all of the birds within the survey strip are detected. We used the distance sampling method from line‐transects to estimate detection probability of a number of species of flying seabirds, and to test whether distance from the ship and bird body size affected detectability. Detection probability decreased from 0.987 (SE=0.029) to 0.269 (SE=0.035) with increasing strip half‐width from 100 to 1400 m. Detection probability also varied between size‐groups of species with strip half‐width. For all size‐groups, this probability was close to 1 for strip half‐width of 100 m, but was 0.869 (SE=0.115), 0.725 (SE=0.096) and 0.693 (SE=0.091) for strip half‐width of 300 m, a typical strip width used in seabird surveys, for respectively large, medium and small size flying seabirds. For larger strip half‐width, detection probability was higher for large sized species, intermediate for medium sized species and lower for smaller sized species. For strip half‐width larger than 100 m we suggest that more attention should be paid to testing the assumption of perfect detectability, because abundance estimates may be underestimated when this assumption is violated. Finally, the effect of the speed of travel of flying seabird on the detection probability was estimated in a simulation study, which suggests that detection probability was underestimated with increasing flying speed.  相似文献   

The movements and behavior of many taxa of seabirds during the non‐breeding season remain poorly known. For example, although studies conducted in the Pacific and Indian oceans suggest that White‐tailed Tropicbirds (Phaethon lepturus) seldom fly more than a few thousand kilometers from nest colonies after breeding, little is known about the post‐breeding movements and behavior of a subspecies of White‐tailed Tropicbirds (P. l. catesbyi) that breeds on islands in the North Atlantic Ocean. Our objective, therefore, was to use light‐based geolocators to identify the ranges and pelagic activities of White‐tailed Tropicbirds from Bermuda during the non‐breeding periods in 2014–2015 (= 25) and 2015–2016 (= 16). Locations were estimated based on changes in light intensity across time, and pelagic activities were determined based on whether geolocators attached to leg bands were wet (i.e., birds resting on the water's surface) or dry (i.e., birds in flight). In 2014, birds spent late summer (July–September) near Bermuda and the British Virgin Islands; by mid‐September, most (= 17; 68%) birds took a direct easterly route to the Sargasso Sea. In 2015, most post‐breeders (= 15; 94%) flew east from Bermuda and to the Sargasso before the end of late summer. For both years combined, fall and winter (October–February) ranges extended as far west as North Carolina and as far east as the mid‐Atlantic Ridge. In both years, all birds were located between Bermuda and the British Virgin Islands during the spring (April–May). All birds then flew north to Bermuda in both years, with variations in timing, during April and May. We also found extensive overlap in the ranges of males and females during the non‐breeding season in both years. During the non‐breeding season, White‐tailed Tropicbirds spent 5% of night periods and 41% of day periods in flight in 2014; in 2015, birds spent 8% and 42% of night and day periods, respectively, in flight. Tropicbirds spent more time flying during the day because they hunt by day, detecting prey on the wing by sight. Overall, our results suggest that White‐tailed Tropicbirds that breed in Bermuda are diurnal, nomadic wanderers that range over an extensive area of the Atlantic Ocean during the non‐breeding season.  相似文献   

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