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Parthenogenetic development of unfused gametes is commonly observed in laboratory cultures among various brown algal taxa. There is, however, little information on the contribution of parthenogenesis to the reproduction of field populations. In this study, we investigated whether parthenogenesis is present in a sexual population of the isogamous brown alga Scytosiphon with a 1:1 sex ratio. In culture, both female and male gametes showed higher mortality and slower development compared to zygotes. More than 90% of surviving partheno‐germlings formed parthenosporophytes irrespective of the culture conditions tested. Therefore, if parthenogenesis occurs in the field, most unfused gametes are expected to form parthenosporophytes. Contrary to this expectation, parthenosporophytes were rare in the field population. We collected 126 sporophytic thalli and isolated and cultured a unilocular sporangium from each of them. We confirmed that cultures of 120 unilocular sporangia produced both female and male gametophytes by the observation of zygotes or amplification of PCR‐based sex markers indicating that these sporangia originated from zygotic sporophytes. Only females were detected in cultures from two sporangia and only males from four sporangia suggesting that these sporangia originated from parthenosporophytes. In the Scytosiphon population, although parthenogenesis is observable in culture, our results demonstrate that the contribution of parthenogenesis to reproduction is small (≤4.8%) compared to sexual reproduction. Unfused gametes may not survive to form mature parthenosporophytes in significant numbers in the field partly due to their higher mortality and slower development compared from zygotes.  相似文献   

Many aphid species exhibit geographical variation in the mode of reproduction that ranges from cyclical parthenogenesis with a sexual phase to obligate parthenogenesis (asexual reproduction). Theoretical studies predict that organisms reproducing asexually should maintain higher allelic diversity per locus but lower genotypic diversity than organisms reproducing sexually. To corroborate this hypothesis, we evaluated genotypic and allelic diversities in the sexual and asexual populations of the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris). Microsatellite analysis revealed that populations in central Japan are asexual, whereas populations in northern Japan are obligatorily sexual. No mixed populations were detected in our study sites. Phylogenetic analysis using microsatellite data and mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene sequences revealed a long history of asexuality in central Japan and negated the possibility of the recent origin of the asexual populations from the sexual populations. Asexual populations exhibited much lower genotypic diversity but higher allelic richness per locus than did sexual populations. Asexual populations consisted of a few predominant clones that were considerably differentiated from one another. Sexual populations on alfalfa, an exotic plant in Japan, were most closely related to asexual populations associated with Vicia sativa L. The alfalfa-associated sexual populations harboured one COI haplotype that was included in the haplotype clade of the asexual populations. Available evidence suggests that the sexuality of the alfalfa-associated populations has recently been restored through the northward migration and colonization of alfalfa by V. sativa- associated lineages. Therefore, our results support the theoretical predictions and provide a new perspective on the origin of sexual populations.  相似文献   

Scytosiphon lomentaria (Scytosiphonaceae, Ectocarpales) is believed to include some cryptic species, particularly in the Pacific. We attempted to delimit these species in Japan using mitochondrial cox1 and cox3 and nuclear ITS2 and the second intron of the centrin gene (cetn‐int2). Fifty‐three cox1+cox3 mitotypes, 26 ITS2 ribotypes and 45 cetn‐int2 haplotypes were found in 107 samples collected from 33 localities in Japan. Based on phylogenetic analyses, similar sequence types were grouped into ten mitogroups, eight ribogroups and six cetn‐int2 haplogroups (sequence‐type groups). From the molecular trees and combinations of the mito‐, ribo‐ and haplogroups, three cryptic species were apparent (Groups I–III). Group I, widely distributed on Pacific coasts, was highly supported by all molecular trees, whereas Groups II (North Pacific) and III (Northwestern Pacific and Australasia) were more closely related to each other. However, sequence‐type‐group combinations that would be characteristic of hybrids between Groups II and III were not detected, suggesting no gene flow between the two Groups. Further investigations of an additional 127 sympatrically growing plants supported the absence of gene flow between Groups II and III. Four samples did not belong to any of the Groups I–III and possibly represent additional species.  相似文献   

Patterns of inheritance of chloroplasts and mitochondria were examined by fluorescence microscopy and haplotype genome markers in the isogamous brown alga Scytosiphon lomentaria (Lyngbye) Link. Germination of the zygote in this species was unilateral, the growing thallus developed entirely from the germ tube, and the original zygote cell did not develop except for the formation of a hair. Inheritance of chloroplasts was biparental, and partitioning of the two parental chloroplasts into the first sporophytic cells was accidental: either the maternal or the paternal chloroplast was migrated from the zygote into the germ tube cell, whereas the other chloroplast remained in the original cell. In contrast, the mitochondrial genome in all cells of the sporophyte came only from the female gamete (maternal inheritance). These inheritance patterns are similar to those of the isogamous brown alga Ectocarpus siliculosus (Dillwyn) Lyngbye. Maternal inheritance of mitochondria might be universal in brown algae.  相似文献   

【目的】樟叶蜂Mesoneura rufonota是危害樟树Cinnamonum campora的重要食叶性害虫,该虫的繁殖策略包括两性生殖和孤雌生殖两种模式。本研究旨在明确孤雌生殖在樟叶蜂生活史中的生物学意义。【方法】在室内25℃恒温条件下,测定并分析了樟叶蜂孤雌生殖和两性生殖两种生殖方式在亲代生殖适合度(雌虫寿命、产卵量和卵孵化率)和子代生活史(各虫态发育历期、死亡率、子代性比和产卵量等)特征上的差异。【结果】孤雌生殖的樟叶蜂雌虫寿命显著长于两性生殖的雌虫寿命,而雌虫产卵量和卵孵化率在两种生殖方式间均无差异。子代各虫态的发育历期和死亡率以及子代单雌产卵量在两种生殖方式间均无差异,但子代成虫性比在两种生殖方式间存在显著差异,表现为孤雌生殖大多产雄性子代,而两性生殖大多产雌性子代。【结论】樟叶蜂的孤雌生殖延长了亲代雌虫的寿命,且为产雄孤雌生殖。这些研究结果表明,樟叶蜂的孤雌生殖不但具有自身建群的能力,同时在种群繁衍中可以提供大量的雄虫以弥补两性生殖后代雄性个体的不足。  相似文献   

Cyclical parthenogens, including aphids, are attractive models for comparing the genetic outcomes of sexual and asexual reproduction, which determine their respective evolutionary advantages. In this study, we examined how reproductive mode shapes genetic structure of sexual (cyclically parthenogenetic) and asexual (obligately parthenogenetic) populations of the aphid Rhopalosiphum padi by comparing microsatellite and allozyme data sets. Allozymes showed little polymorphism, confirming earlier studies with these markers. In contrast, microsatellite loci were highly polymorphic and showed patterns very discordant from allozyme loci. In particular, microsatellites revealed strong heterozygote excess in asexual populations, whereas allozymes showed heterozygote deficits. Various hypotheses are explored that could account for the conflicting results of these two types of genetic markers. A strong differentiation between reproductive modes was found with both types of markers. Microsatellites indicated that sexual populations have high allelic polymorphism and heterozygote deficits (possibly because of population subdivision, inbreeding or selection). Little geographical differentiation was found among sexual populations confirming the large dispersal ability of this aphid. In contrast, asexual populations showed less allelic polymorphism but high heterozygosity at most loci. Two alternative hypotheses are proposed to explain this heterozygosity excess: allele sequence divergence during long-term asexuality or hybrid origin of asexual lineages. Clonal diversity of asexual lineages of R. padi was substantial suggesting that they could have frozen genetic diversity from the pool of sexual lineages. Several widespread asexual genotypes were found to persist through time, as already seen in other aphid species, a feature seemingly consistent with the general-purpose genotype hypothesis.  相似文献   

Bostrychia moritziana (Sonder ex Kützing) J. Agardh is recorded from many regions around the world. Our laboratory culture investigations have verified a sexual life cycle in isolates from Australia, Venezuela, Colombia, South Africa, Fiji, New Zealand and Indonesia. By contrast, asexual isolates producing successive generations of tetrasporophytes in laboratory culture and, presumably, in the field, are known from Australia. New Caledonia and Japan. In Australia, asexual reproduction is absent only in Victoria. In Western Australia, Northern Territory and Queensland, 99% of the isolates have asexual reproduction. In New South Wales (NSW), asexual and sexual populations are often intermixed. Of the 176 worldwide field collections, 58% were vegetative, 39% were tetrasporic, 2% were female and 1% were male. After several years of observations on the asexual isolates in culture, at least 30 successive asexual tetrasporophytic generations have developed. Only two asexual isolates (3558 and 3575) from NSW have formed a single male and female gametophyte in culture. In a self-cross of 3568, the carpospores developed into tetrasporophytes that recycled asexually. All outcrosses done with normal sexual isolates produced normal carposporophytes and the carpospores developed into tetrasporophytes that also recycled asexually. Asexual populations may arise repeatedly by loss of meiosis in tetrasporangia of sexual populations. Asexual reproduction apparently does not diminish the overall dispersal and abundance in the field. Our present bio-geographic data show that sexually reproducing popuiations of B. moritziana occur worldwide, while asexuaily reproducing populations are confined to the western Pacific. Bostrychia bispora West et Zuccarello, initially described on the basis of its asexual reproduction to distinguish it from B, moritziana, is now reduced to synonymy with B. moritziana.  相似文献   

A fucoidan containing L-fucose, sulfate, and O-acetyl groups at a molar ratio of 3 : 2 : 1, as well as minor amounts of xylose, galactose, and uronic acids was isolated from the brown alga Analipus japonicus collected in the Sea of Japan. The structures of the native polysaccharide and the products of its desulfation and deacetylation were studied by the methods of methylation, periodate oxidation, and NMR spectroscopy. It was shown that the polysaccharide molecule mainly consists of a linear carbohydrate chain of (1-->3)-linked alpha-L-fucopyranose residues, which bear numerous branches in the form of single alpha-L-fucopyranose residues (three branches at position 4 and one branch at position 2 per each ten residues of the main chain). Sulfate groups occupy positions 2 and (to a lesser extent) 4, most of the terminal nonreducing fucose residues being sulfated twice. The acetyl groups are located predominantly at positions 4. The structural role of minor monosaccharides was not established.  相似文献   

  • 1 Multiple mating and its effect on reproductive performance of female Epiphyas postvittana (Walker) moths were studied under controlled conditions.
  • 2 The age at which the moths mated for the first time ranged from the first to the tenth day after emergence, but 71% of first matings were during the first 3 days.
  • 3 The majority (63%) of females had one or two spermatophores in the bursa copulatrix. Some (24%) were found with three to five spermatophores, whereas no successful mating occurred among 13% of individuals. The number of matings was partly dependent on the number of mates available to the female. Between the range of sex ratios of one male to one female and four males to one female maximal mating success occurred at the ratio of three males to one female.
  • 4 Virgin females were capable of egg-laying, but mating stimulated and accelerated oviposition. Mated individuals laid twice as many eggs as unmated ones.
  • 5 The level of copulatory activity did not influence the longevity of females irrespective of the number of males available to them.
  • 6 Sex ratios with greater than one male to a female improved the reproductive success by marginally increasing fecundity and fertility.
  • 7 It is concluded that multiple mating would enhance population growth, and is of particular benefit to populations with a preponderance of females, as is known to occur naturally in this species.

Adalia bipunctata , the two spot ladybird, is polymorphic for a cytoplasmically inherited element which produces female-biased sex ratios by effecting the death of male offspring during embryogenesis. The levels of this element were assessed in Cambridge populations. Six out of 82 females tested showed both a female-biased sex ratio and low egg hatch rates consistent with the presence of this element. Population sex ratios were assessed by collecting pupae from the Cambridge area. The population sex ratio was found to be 1.15: 1, female biased, significantly different from 1:1, and consistent with predictions based on a model incorporating the observed level of the sex ratio element in the population.  相似文献   


The relationship between environmental factors, sex ratio, mode of reproduction, and female reproductive effort was examined in the cyclically parthenogenetic Daphnia magna. Female reproductive effort was found to decline before a significant production of males and sexual eggs takes place. Unlike factors such as crowding, poor nourishment, low (sometimes high) temperature and short or long day length, lowered reproductive effort is not a cue but rather an indicator of the selective advantage that would accrue from a changed sex ratio and mode of reproduction. The mechanism of the complex system of environmental sex determination in Daphnia is reviewed, and the adaptivity of ESD is discussed.  相似文献   

In termites, a male and a female usually found a colony cooperatively. However, pairing efficiency tends to be low in Reticulitermes speratus because of a limited mate-searching range, the female-biased sex ratio, and a relatively low calling ability. Females that fail to pair with males found colonies either in female–female pairs or even alone. In the laboratory, we examined colony foundation by single females (F), female–female pairs (FF), and normal male–female pairs (FM). The time until colony foundation (when termites began excavating wood baits) differed significantly among the unit types. Time until excavation was much longer for single females than for FF and FM units, which reflects the relative success of colony foundation. The survival rate of single females was also significantly lower than that of FF- and FM-unit females, although there was no difference between FF and FM units. This result demonstrates that cooperation, even female–female, promotes female survivorship. Nevertheless, the number of progeny per female was significantly lower in FF units than in FM units, possibly because females of FF units must share reproductive output. These results lead us to the conclusion that a normal monogamous pair is the best unit for colony foundation. Nevertheless, females alone can establish colonies by parthenogenesis, and even female–female cooperation promotes colony foundation success if pairing with males is not possible. Considering the functional decision for females in F and FF units of how much time to spend searching for a male mate, we believe that these facultative pathways of colony foundation by parthenogenesis have adaptive significance. Received: November 30, 2000 / Accepted: March 6, 2001  相似文献   

An asexual lineage that reproduces by automictic thelytokous parthenogenesis has a problem: rapid loss of heterozygosity resulting in effective inbreeding. Thus, the circumstances under which rare asexual lineages thrive provide insights into the trade-offs that shape the evolution of alternative reproductive strategies across taxa. A socially parasitic lineage of the Cape honey bee, Apis mellifera capensis, provides an example of a thelytokous lineage that has endured for over two decades. It has been proposed that cytological adaptations slow the loss of heterozygosity in this lineage. However, we show that heterozygosity at the complementary sex determining (csd) locus is maintained via selection against homozygous diploid males that arise from recombination. Further, because zygosity is correlated across the genome, it appears that selection against diploid males reduces loss of homozygosity at other loci. Selection against homozygotes at csd results in substantial genetic load, so that if a thelytokous lineage is to endure, unusual ecological circumstances must exist in which asexuality permits such a high degree of fecundity that the genetic load can be tolerated. Without these ecological circumstances, sex will triumph over asexuality. In A. m. capensis, these conditions are provided by the parasitic interaction with its conspecific host, Apis mellifera scutellata.  相似文献   

Dioecious plants, including many bryophytes, rarely exhibit discernible sexual dimorphism before sexual maturity. Because many species and populations of dioecious bryophytes do not express their sex, it remains mostly unresolved whether expressing individuals reflect the ratios of genetically male and female plants. The present study assesses the population sex ratio of the wetland moss Pseudocalliergon trifarium in central and northern Europe. For the first time in a bryophyte, we estimate the sex ratio in a population by assessing directly both expressing and non‐expressing plants. Expressed gender ratio was assessed from herbarium specimens. Single shoots from non‐expressing specimens were sexed using a recently developed molecular sex marker. On the basis of the female and male frequencies in these two data sets and the overall proportion of expressing specimens, we estimate the European population sex ratio to be 1.93 : 1 (female/male). Expressed, non‐expressed, and population sex ratios are not significantly different from each other, suggesting that gender differences in rates of sex expression cannot account for the female bias. Earlier studies of P. trifarium failed to reveal gender‐specific growth rates or pre‐zygotic reproductive costs. Gender differences at the spore to protonemal stage, in mortality, or niche preferences could potentially explain the uneven sex ratio. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 132–140.  相似文献   

Female gametogenesis was studied in the dioecious siphonous green alga Codium fragile subsp. novae‐zelandiae (J. Agardh) P. C. Silva using light and electron microscopy. Early during gametogenesis the protoplasm was uniform; then it separated in portions, while fusiform chloroplasts and nuclei increased in numbers. Some features of the nuclear divisions were similar to those of other Bryopsidophyceae. They were acentric and semi‐open. Pairs of parallel electron‐dense lines resembling synaptonemic complexes were observed in several prophase nuclei indicating meioses. In metaphase the nuclear envelope showed polar fenestrae from which the spindle emerged. No spindle microtubule nucleating material was visible and chromosome kinetochores were evident. Mature female gametes were pyriform with a hyaline anterior end from which the two flagella emerged. Mature gametes had a spherical nucleus surrounded by a mitochondrion and numerous discoid chloroplasts. Female gametes germinated parthenogenetically in culture and also inside gametangia, involving loss of flagella, rounding and lengthening of cells, multiplication of chloroplasts with well developed thylakoid systems, vacuolization and synthesis of a fibrillar cell wall.  相似文献   

Asexual reproduction of the symbiotic sea anemone Aiptasia pulchella (Carlgren, 1943) was studied in the context of energy budgets determined under a variety of light and feeding conditions. Continuous darkness significantly increased rates of pedal laceration (the method of asexual reproduction), while different feeding rates had no significant effect. Digestive assimilation efficiency averaged 63% for whole brine shrimp, and conversion efficiencies (assimilated energy into biomass) averaged 31%. There were no significant differences between the conversion efficiencies of energy obtained from light or food. The index of reproductive effort (RE) for pedal laceration was very low, ranging from 0.004 to 0.044. This low RE associated with a substantial rate of asexual reproduction may, in part, explain the widespread success of certain sea anemones.  相似文献   

Accurate inferences on population genetics data require a sound underlying theoretical null model. Nearly nothing is known about the gene dynamics of organisms with complex life cycles precluding any biological interpretation of population genetics parameters. In this article, we used an infinite island model to derive the expectations of those parameters for the life cycle of a dioecious organism obligatorily alternating sexual and asexual reproductions as it is the case for schistosomes (plathyhelminth parasites). This model allowed us to investigate the effects of the degree of mixing among individuals coming from different subpopulations at each new generation (represented in the model by the migration rates before and after clonal reproductions) and the variance in the reproductive success of individuals during the clonal phase. We also consider the effects of different migration rates and degrees of clonal reproductive skew between male and female individuals. Results show that the variance in the reproductive success of clones is very important in shaping the distribution of the genetic variability both within and among subpopulations. Thus, higher variance in the reproductive success of clones generates heterozygous excesses within subpopulations and also increases genetic differentiation between them. Migration occurring before and after asexual reproduction has different effects on the patterns of F(IS) and F(ST). When males and females display different degrees of reproductive skew or migration rates, we observe differences in their respective population genetic structure. While results of the model apply to any organism alternating sexual and clonal reproductions (e.g. all parasitic trematodes, many plants, and all aphididae), we finally confront some of these theoretical expectations to empirical data from Schistosoma mansoni infecting Rattus rattus in Guadeloupe.  相似文献   

Sexual signal evolution may present fitness consequences for the non‐signaling sex due to shared genes and altered social conditions, but this is rarely studied in natural populations. On the Hawaiian Island of Kauai, most male Teleogryllus oceanicus (Pacific field crickets) lack the ability to sing because of a novel wing mutation (flatwing) that arose and spread in <20 generations. Obligately silent flatwing males have been highly successful because they avoid detection by a deadly, acoustically‐orienting parasitoid fly. Little is known about how the flatwing mutation and resulting song‐less acoustic environment affects female fitness. We found that Kauai females carrying the flatwing allele invested less in reproductive tissues and experienced more instances of mating failure than normal‐wing‐carrying females, though total offspring production did not differ between female genotypes. Females from Oahu (HI, where the parasitoid and flatwing also occur) and Mangaia (an island in the Cook Islands which harbors neither the parasitoid nor flatwing) invested less in reproductive tissues when reared in a song‐less acoustic environment. Kauai females did not exhibit this plasticity, perhaps because they have experienced nearly song‐less conditions for the past ~15 years following the establishment of flatwing. We show that female T. oceanicus experience a mix of costly and beneficial effects of sexual signal loss, which should help maintain the wing polymorphism in the wild. Our results demonstrate that the non‐signaling sex can experience a nuanced set of phenotypic consequences resulting from signal evolution, which can further shape dynamics of sexual signal evolution.  相似文献   

Wolbachia are endosymbiotic bacteria known to manipulate the reproduction of their hosts. These manipulations are expected to have consequences on the population genetics of the host, such as heterozygosity levels, genetic diversity and gene flow. The parasitoid wasp Tetrastichus coeruleus has populations that are infected with parthenogenesis‐inducing Wolbachia and populations that are not infected. We studied the population genetics of T. coeruleus between and within Wolbachia‐infected and uninfected populations, using nuclear microsatellites and mitochondrial DNA. We expected reduced genetic diversity in both DNA types in infected populations. However, migration and gene flow could introduce new DNA variants into populations. We therefore paid special attention to individuals with unexpected (genetic) characteristics. Based on nuclear and mitochondrial DNA, two genetic clusters were evident: a thelytokous cluster containing all Wolbachia‐infected, parthenogenetic populations and an arrhenotokous cluster containing all uninfected, sexual populations. Nuclear and mitochondrial DNA did not exhibit concordant patterns of variation, although there was reduced genetic diversity in infected populations for both DNA types. Within the thelytokous cluster, there was nuclear DNA variation, but no mitochondrial DNA variation. This nuclear DNA variation may be explained by occasional sex between infected females and males, by horizontal transmission of Wolbachia, and/or by novel mutations. Several females from thelytokous populations were uninfected and/or heterozygous for microsatellite loci. These unexpected characteristics may be explained by migration, by inefficient transmission of Wolbachia, by horizontal transmission of Wolbachia, and/or by novel mutations. However, migration has not prevented the build‐up of considerable genetic differentiation between thelytokous and arrhenotokous populations.  相似文献   

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