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The whistles of Irrawaddy dolphins (Orcaella brevirostris) from the waters of Matang, western Peninsular Malaysia are described. Duration, frequency and frequency modulation variables were measured from 163 whistles recorded using a broadband towed hydrophone. Irrawaddy dolphins produced whistles with a mean duration of 0.366 s (S.D. ± 0.217 s). The fundamental frequency of whistles extended from 3040 to 17,123 Hz with low levels of frequency modulation. These dolphins produced whistles that were comparable to those of conspecifics recorded from the waters of Kalimantan, but were generally different from the related Australian snubfin dolphin (O. heinsohni). They also differed from the whistles of the sympatric Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis). Characteristics of Irrawaddy dolphin whistles may be useful in future passive acoustic monitoring studies to investigate differences in sympatric species and their habitat.  相似文献   

Addressing the urgent conservation threat of marine mammal bycatch in small‐scale fisheries requires information on bycatch magnitude, gear types, population impacts, and risk. However, data on these proximate attributes are widely lacking in developing countries. This study used a multi‐methods approach integrating boat surveys and interviews with fishermen (n = 526) to assess proximate attributes of bycatch for the Critically Endangered subpopulation of Irrawaddy dolphins (Orcaella brevirostris) in Malampaya Sound, Philippines. Given an updated population estimate of 35 individuals (CV = 22.9%), the estimated rate of bycatch fatalities exceeds the potential biological removal rate. Spatial overlap scores were calculated to characterize overlap between dolphins and fisheries as a proxy of bycatch risk. These scores identified particularly high risk areas that could be prioritized for gear bans. However, completely reducing bycatch risk would require more widespread bans beyond these high risk areas. Implementing gear restrictions will be immensely challenging, given serious obstacles to fisheries management at this site. The multi‐methods approach describes the urgency of the bycatch problem and the changes required for mitigation, setting the stage for identifying and evaluating potential solutions. It can be readily applied to developing country sites to guide more efficient and complete data collection and conservation efforts.  相似文献   

The ability of stable isotope analysis to provide insight into ontogenetic dietary changes was examined using bottlenose dolphin tooth and skin samples. Teeth were subsampled to compare tissue produced early in life (outer tooth) to that produced later in life (inner tooth). Outer tooth had significantly higher δ15N values than the corresponding inner sample from the same tooth (n= 60, P= 0.0041), indicating that there was a temporal shift to a lower δ15N diet. There were no significant δ13C differences. Higher δ15N values in young have previously been attributed to the period of suckling. Analysis of skin tissue from stranded animals of different developmental stages similarly indicated that the δ15N values were significantly higher in young animals. Further comparisons indicated that the primary influence for this difference was animals with lengths less than or equal to the largest neonatal dolphin. This difference likely reflects an ontogenetic dietary shift from a sole reliance on milk to a combination of milk and prey species during the first year of life.  相似文献   

The Irrawaddy dolphins (Orcaella brevirostris) are an endangered species. Thus, up-to-date information on the distribution pattern of dolphins is critical for its proper management and conservation. Using a towed passive acoustic monitoring device, the distribution pattern of the Irrawaddy dolphins in the middle reaches of the Ayeyarwady River, Myanmar, was investigated during a vessel-based survey between Mingun and Katha. This region was successively divided into segments 1–4 from upstream to downstream. Sixteen echolocation encounters, with a series of click trains separated by <8 min and 26 dolphin acoustic trajectories were recorded. The mean dolphin detection rate (animals/kilometer) across the four segments progressively increased from upstream to downstream. High relative abundance was observed in segment 4 (46%) and segment 1 (23%) which was consistent with findings from historical boat-based visual surveys. The averaged interclick intervals of each click train in segment 2 and 4 was significantly shorter than that in segment 3, indicating that the dolphins in these segments frequently use shorter-ranged biosonar. More frequent and consistent surveys with a systematic sampling track design that incorporates other factors and covering the whole distribution range along the Ayeyarwady River and at varied water levels are needed in the future.  相似文献   

The population of Irrawaddy dolphins that occupies the Mekong River in southern Lao People's Democratic Republic and Cambodia is classified as Critically Endangered by the IUCN. Based on capture‐recapture of photo‐identified individuals, we estimated that the total population numbered 93 ±  SE 3.90 individuals (95% CI 86–101), as of April 2007. The combined photo‐identification and carcass recovery program undertaken from 2001 to 2007 established that the Irrawaddy dolphin population inhabiting the Mekong River has reached a critical point with regards to its continued survival, where immediate research and management actions are required to greatly reduce adult mortality, and establish the cause of newborn mortality. In addition, community consultation is required to initiate, and evaluate, urgently required conservation measures. An ongoing well‐designed combined program of abundance estimation (i.e., photo‐identification) and carcass recovery is required to monitor total population size and mortality rates, to inform and evaluate management initiatives. The conclusions of this paper are likely generic to river dolphin populations, particularly where photo‐identification is possible.  相似文献   

The Gulf of Ambracia, in northwestern Greece, hosts a highly threatened community of about 150 common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Until now, information on their feeding habits was derived exclusively from fish scale samples collected during surface-feeding events targeting small schooling epipelagic fish. The aim of this study was to determine the diet of bottlenose dolphins living in the Gulf of Ambracia through the application of Bayesian isotopic mixing models. Skin biopsy samples of 16 dolphins were analyzed and no difference related to sex or age-class was found in δ13C and δ15N values. Results suggested that the dolphin diet was mainly based on Trachurus trachurus, species belonging to the family Sparidae: Diplodus annularis, Lithognathus mormyrus, and Sepia officinalis, which represented together about 42% ± 15% of the biomass ingested, followed by species belonging to the order Clupeiformes (Engraulis encrasicolus, Sardinella aurita, and Sardina pilchardus) and the genus Gobius (37% ± 17%). A better understanding of the feeding habits of these dolphins sheds light on the feeding ecology of this highly threatened population by, for instance, evidencing interactions with artisanal fisheries sharing the same target species, and is key for identifying adequate management measures consistent with an ecosystem-based approach.  相似文献   

This study examines resource use (diet, habitat use, and trophic level) within and among demographic groups (males, females, and juveniles) of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). We analyzed the δ13C and δ15N values of 15 prey species constituting 84% of the species found in stomach contents. We used these data to establish a trophic enrichment factor (TEF) to inform dietary analysis using a Bayesian isotope mixing model. We document a TEF of 0‰ and 2.0‰ for δ13C and δ15N, respectively. The dietary results showed that all demographic groups relied heavily on low trophic level seagrass‐associated prey. Bayesian standard ellipse areas (SEAb) were calculated to assess diversity in resource use. The SEAb of females was nearly four times larger than that of males indicating varied resource use, likely a consequence of small home ranges and habitat specialization. Juveniles possessed an intermediate SEAb, generally feeding at a lower trophic level compared to females, potentially an effect of natal philopatry and immature foraging skills. The small SEAb of males reflects a high degree of specialization on seagrass associated prey. Patterns in resource use by the demographic groups are likely linked to differences in the relative importance of social and ecological factors.  相似文献   

This study describes pulsed signals from bottlenose dolphins of the central Mediterranean Sea. Data were collected during 2011 and 2012 in 27 surveys in the Sicilian Channel, during which 163 animals were sighted. Based mainly on the pulse repetition rate, the signals were classified as Low‐frequency click (LF; single clicks without a regular pulse rate), Train click (TC; with a interclick interval of 80 ± 2 ms), Burst (with a interclick interval of 3.4 ± 0.2 ms), or Packed click (with a lower number of clicks per train and median interclick interval of 3.2 ± 0.0 ms). The measured parameters were peak sound pressure level (SPLpk); signal duration; the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd peak of frequency; number of peaks frequency; bandwidth; centroid frequency; and the 10th, 25th, 75th, and 90th percentiles of the power spectrum distribution. Most of the parameters were significantly different among the groups, reflecting the different functions of these signals. LF clicks showed a lower peak frequency and percentiles and a longer duration and could be used to explore a wide area without a specific target focalization and with less resolution. The TC showed a higher SPLpk, higher peak frequency, lower duration, and lower number of secondary peaks frequency, showing a better resolution to investigate a specific target.  相似文献   

In the temperate climate zone in Europe the composition of the diet of predatory vertebrates shows evident variability between the warm and cold season. However, the recently observed climate warming can mitigate the effect of snow cover and low temperatures on the winter foraging ecology of raptors, thus affecting trophic webs in ecosystems. We analysed diet variability in the tawny owl Strix aluco, between the warm and cold seasons of four unusually warm years (as compared to reference years of 1950–2000) in two habitats (forest vs. farmland) in Central Poland. The most important prey group in the tawny owl’s diet were mammals, constituting over 80% of prey items. There were distinct diet differences between the two seasons: insectivorous mammals, birds and amphibians were caught more often during the warm season, and Muridae and Arvicolidae during the cold season. The proportion of insectivorous mammals, voles and amphibians was significantly higher in forest than in farmland. Diet diversity, analysed with rarefaction methods and expressed as the expected cumulative mammal species number for a given number of randomly sampled preyed mammals, was independent of season and higher in forest than in the agricultural habitat. We conclude that even during unusually warm years tawny owls change significantly their feeding habits between the warm and cold season. The effect of season, habitat and weather factors on diet variability in raptors are discussed.  相似文献   

Fin and humpback whales are large consumers that are often sympatric, effectively sharing or partitioning their use of habitat and prey resources. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in the skin of fin and humpback whales from two regions in the western Gulf of Alaska, Kodiak, and Shumagin Islands, were analyzed to test the hypothesis that these sympatric baleen whales exhibit trophic niche partitioning within these regions. Standard ellipse areas, estimated using Bayesian inference, suggested that niche partitioning between species is occurring in the Kodiak region but not in the Shumagin Islands. Isotopic mixing models based on stable isotopes from whales and local prey samples, were used to estimate possible diet solutions for whales in the Kodiak region. Comparison of isotopic niches and diet models support niche partitioning, with fin whales foraging primarily on zooplankton and humpback whales foraging on zooplankton and small forage fish. The results of this study show that niche partitioning between sympatric species can vary by region and may be the result of prey availability, prey preferences, or both.  相似文献   

Many raptor species are considered to be generalists, taking a range of prey species. However, longitudinal dietary records are often scarce, although necessary for characterizing niche width of species at population and individual levels. Quantifying raptor diets at large spatio‐temporal scales is often necessary for refining conservation efforts, although it can be particularly difficult and may involve a great effort by conventional means. Therefore, we adopted the analysis of stable isotopes in tissues of predators and their potential food sources as a complementary methodology for assessing animals' diet. We examined the isotopic composition (δ13C and δ15N) of White‐tailed Eagles Haliaeetus albicilla from Germany, Finland and Greenland to detect patterns of dietary variation and quantify diet composition. The isotopic analysis included liver and muscle samples from Eagles of the three populations together with 16 potential food sources in the German population. Our results suggested dietary differences between German and Greenlandic Eagles, in accordance with the availability of freshwater and marine habitats in each population. Within the German population, we found seasonal shifts in isotopic ratios, suggesting the birds responded to temporal changes in food availabilities, and age‐related isotopic differences, indicating different diets in adults and juveniles. Isotopic values of liver and muscle tissues collected from the same animal showed intra‐individual short‐term changes in the German and Finnish but not Greenlandic population. This suggests that local feeding niches of this generalist predator may vary with local food supplies, which determines the niche width (from generalist to specialist) at the individual level. Our results also revealed that game mammal carcasses constitute an important food source (29.5% of diet) for the German Eagle population during the winter half‐year corresponding to the hunting season. This result is of relevance to management and conservation because the White‐tailed Eagle and other raptor species are affected by the ingestion of lead ammunition from shot mammalian carcasses.  相似文献   

Fundamental to our understanding of the ecology of animal communities in the tropics is knowledge of the effect of seasonal changes in the abundance of food sources in consumer diets. We determined stable‐isotope composition (13C/12C and 15N/14N) in whole blood of 14 resident avian species in a tropical dry forest to quantify the origin of their assimilated protein. We used a probabilistic approach (IsoSource) to estimate the relative contribution of C3 plants, CAM‐C4 plants, C3 insects, and CAM‐C4 insects during the dry and rainy seasons. IsoSource iteratively creates each possible combination of source contribution and produces a distribution of all feasible combinations that adequately predict the observed isotopic signature of the consumer. Granivore–frugivores and granivore–frugivore–insectivores were modeled as predominantly dependent upon plants whereas insectivorous birds were modeled to derive protein almost exclusively from insects. Between these extremes there were several species using mixed diets such as insectivore–frugivores or insectivore–granivores. In most species, virtually all assimilated food was of C3 origin with the exception of Ruddy Ground‐Doves (Columbina talpacoti) in which CAM or C4 plants contributed significantly. Seasonal changes in relative food source contribution were followed in eight species of birds. Of these species, White‐tipped Doves (Leptotila verreauxi), Grayish Saltators (Saltator coerulescens), and Social Flycatchers (Myiozetetes similis) increased their use of insects in the rainy season, in contrast to Great Kiskadees (Pitangus sulphuratus), which decreased their use of insects. Our study suggests that that diverse strategies are used by various avian species to obtain dietary proteins within seasonal habitats.  相似文献   

Regional populations of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) around New Zealand are genetically isolated from each other and the species was recently classified as nationally endangered based on relatively small population sizes and reports of high calf mortality. Here, we estimate the abundance and trends in one of these regional populations, the Bay of Islands, using a photo‐identification database collected from 1997 to 1999 and from 2003 to 2006, containing a total of 3,841 records of 317 individual dolphins. Estimates of abundance obtained with the robust design fluctuated widely but showed a significant decline in the number of dolphins present in the bay over time (7.5% annual rate of decline). Temporary emigration was random and fluctuated considerably (γ  =  0.18, SE = 0.07 to γ  =  0.84, SE = 0.06). Apparent survival was estimated at 0.928 (CI = 0.911–0.942). Seasonal estimates (26 seasons) obtained in POPAN also showed a significant decline in abundance (5.8% annual rate of decline). Despite the decline observed in local abundance, dolphins continue to be found regularly in the Bay of Islands, suggesting that fewer dolphins use the bay on regular basis. Consequently, it seems that a change in habitat use, mortality and possibly low recruitment could underlie the apparent local decline.  相似文献   

A combination of dietary guild analysis and nitrogen (δ15N) and carbon (δ13C) stable‐isotope analysis was used to assess the trophic structure of the fish community in Rhode Island and Block Island Sounds, an area off southern New England identified for offshore wind energy development. In the autumn of 2009, 2010 and 2011, stomach and tissue samples were taken from 20 fish and invertebrate species for analysis of diet composition and δ15N and δ13C signatures. The food chain in Rhode Island and Block Island Sounds comprises approximately four trophic levels within which the fish community is divided into distinct dietary guilds, including planktivores, benthivores, crustacivores and piscivores. Within these guilds, inter‐species isotopic and dietary overlap is high, suggesting that resource partitioning or competitive interactions play a major role in structuring the fish community. Carbon isotopes indicate that most fishes are supported by pelagic phytoplankton, although there is evidence that benthic production also plays a role, particularly for obligate benthivores such as skates Leucoraja spp. This type of analysis is useful for developing an ecosystem‐based approach to management, as it identifies species that act as direct links to basal resources as well as species groups that share trophic roles.  相似文献   

This study examined sex‐specific differences in home range size of adult Indo‐Pacific bottlenose dolphins off Bunbury, Western Australia. We applied a new kernel density estimation approach that accounted for physical barriers to movements. A Bayesian mixture model was developed to estimate a sex effect in home range size with latent group partitioning constrained by association data. A post hoc analysis investigated group partitioning relating to the proportion of time spent in open vs. sheltered waters. From 2007 to 2013, photographic‐identification data were collected along boat‐based systematic transect lines (n = 586). Analyses focused on adult dolphins of known sex (sighted ≥ 30 times; n = 22 males and 34 females). The 95% utilization distributions of males varied between 27 and 187 km2 (; 94.8 ± 48.15) and for females between 20 and 133 km2 (65.6 ± 30.9). The mixture model indicated a 99% probability that males had larger home ranges than females. Dolphins mostly sighted in open waters had larger home ranges than those in sheltered waters. Home ranges of dolphins sighted in sheltered waters overlapped with areas of highest human activity. We suggest that sex differences in home ranges are driven by male mating strategies, and home range size differences between habitats may be influenced by prey availability and predation risk.  相似文献   

Aim We sought to quantify geographical variation in the stable isotope values of mouse lemurs (Microcebus) and to determine whether this variation reflects trophic differences among populations or baseline isotopic differences among habitats. If the latter pattern is demonstrated, then Microcebus can become a proxy for tracking baseline habitat isotopic variability. Establishing such a baseline is crucial for identifying niche partitioning in modern and ancient communities. Location We studied five species of Microcebus from eight distinct habitats across Madagascar. Methods We compared isotopic variation in C3 plants and Microcebus fur within and among localities. We predicted that carbon and nitrogen isotope values of Microcebus should: (1) vary as a function of abiotic variables such as rainfall and temperature, and (2) covary with isotopic values in plants. We checked for trophic differences among Microcebus populations by comparing the average difference between mouse lemur and plant isotope values for each locality. We then used multiple regression models to explain spatial isotope variation in mouse lemurs, testing a suite of explanatory abiotic variables. Results We found substantial isotopic variation geographically. Ranges for mean isotope values were similar for both Microcebus and plants across localities (carbon 3.5–4.0‰; nitrogen 10.5–11.0‰). Mean mouse lemur and plant isotope values were lowest in cool, moist localities and highest in hot, dry localities. Rainfall explained 58% of the variation in Microcebus carbon isotope values, and mean plant nitrogen isotope values explained 99.7% of the variation in Microcebus nitrogen isotope values. Average differences between mouse lemur and plant isotope values (carbon 5.0‰; nitrogen 5.9‰) were similar across localities. Main conclusions Isotopic data suggest that trophic differences among Microcebus populations were small. Carbon isotope values in mouse lemurs were negatively correlated with rainfall. Nitrogen isotope values in Microcebus and plants covaried. Such findings suggest that nitrogen isotope values for Microcebus are a particularly good proxy for tracking baseline isotopic differences among habitats. Our results will facilitate future comparative research on modern mouse lemur communities, and ecological interpretations of extinct Holocene communities.  相似文献   

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