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Two new rosulate species of Streptocarpus are described from the eastern seaboard of South Africa. The first is endemic to Mpumalanga Province. This species has almost actinomorphic corollas with small cylindrical tubes and was previously included within Streptocarpus parviflorus. However, molecular and morphological data and habitat preference do not support this classification. The second species is from the Msikaba River Gorge in the Eastern Cape Province. It adds to the already impressive list of endemic plant species from this region and is allied to other rosulate species of the Eastern Cape. It approaches Streptocarpus rexii in flower size but differs in its much shorter corolla tubes, which lack purple nectar guides. In addition, the corolla floors are marked with yellow bars reminiscent of Streptocarpus cyaneus and also seen in sympatric populations of the small‐flowered Streptocarpus modestus. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 743–748.  相似文献   

Salvia petrophila G. X. Hu, E. D. Liu & Yan Liu, a new species from the Chinese provinces of north Guangxi and south Guizhou, is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to S. miltiorrhiza, but can easily be distinguished by its shorter, unbranched stem, subsucculent simple leaf, longer pedicel and corolla tube, oblong‐entire middle lobe of lower corolla lip and larger oblate pollen. It is included in S. sect. Drymosphace on the basis of its falcate‐compressed upper corolla lip and connivent posterior connectives. Trichome and pollen micromorphology of the new species and similar species are described and compared. Additionally, assessment of the conservation status, current geographical distribution and notes on ecology of the new species are given.  相似文献   

A new species of Stimpsonia (Primulaceae), S. nanlingensis G.H. Huang & G. Hao, from Guangdong, China, is described and illustrated as the second species in the genus. In general morphology it resembles S. chamaedryoides but can be distinguished by its foliose bracts and a corolla with a shorter tube and shorter truncate or obtuse lobes.  相似文献   

Kuepferia kanchii D. Maity, Sentu K. Dey & Adr. Favre, a new species from Sikkim Himalaya, is described and illustrated. It differs from its close relative K. infelix (C. B. Clarke) Adr. Favre ( = Gentiana infelix C. B. Clarke) by having sessile and smaller flowers, and smaller floral parts. Kuepferia kanchii is further characterized by a white corolla with bluish green patches on the outside at the base of each corolla lobe, and a corolla tube flushed with light green inside towards the base, blue filaments, sessile stigma, smaller capsule, and trigonous–elongated, ca 0.8 mm long and curved seeds.  相似文献   

Guarea michel-moddei, a new species from central French Guiana is described and illustrated. It differs from the morphologically similarG. cristata of western Amazonia by its unbranched habit; shorter, less dense indumentum of the young parts, leaves, and inflorescence; bullate leaves, shorter inflorescence, shorter pubescence on the corolla; and smaller corolla and staminal tube.  相似文献   

Among the suffruticose cabbages of Brassica sect. Brassica, a new species from Sicily, named B. raimondoi, is described and illustrated. It is a chasmophyte restricted to some steep limestone cliffs near Taormina (NE Sicily) and is morphologically related to B. incana, with which it shares densely hairy, broad, amplexicaul leaves and winged petioles, but differs principally in its white corolla, larger floral pieces, more developed stigmatic papillae, shorter siliquae with keeled valves and a smaller, seedless beak, smaller seeds differing in testa microsculpture. A key for the identification of the currently known Sicilian taxa of the section is provided.  相似文献   

The new species Picrorhiza tungnathii Pusalkar is described and illustrated from the western Himalaya, India. It is distinguished from the allied P. kurrooa Royle ex Benth. by being 10–25 cm tall, having a moderately dense, (10–)15–25‐flowered spike, a zygomorphic, 2‐lipped, glandular‐ciliate corolla that is equaling or slightly exceeding the calyx and partly visible or sub‐exserted between the calyx lobes, a conspicuously long (longer than the corolla lobes), curved corolla tube (1/2–4/5 the length of the calyx), unequal corolla lobes that are ovate‐lanceolate to lanceolate, acute to sub‐acuminate and moderately ciliate, a mid‐lobe of the upper lip that is obliquely erect, galeate with retuse or emarginate apex, lateral corolla lobes that are slightly smaller than the mid‐lobe of the upper lip, a lower corolla lip that is slightly shorter than the lateral lobes, obliquely erect or spreading, didynamous, long‐exserted (2–3 times the corolla) stamens, pollen of the Paederota‐type and a style that is 2–3 times as long as the corolla.  相似文献   

报道了中国安息香科一新记录种:中缅安息香(Styrax buchananii W. W. Sm.),并提供特征描述及凭证标本照片。该种与近缘种的区别特征为,幼枝密被黄褐色星状毛,花冠覆瓦状,花丝明显较花药短,且上部弯曲。  相似文献   

Brachystelma annamacharyae K. Prasad, Prasanna, Meve, Sankara Rao & T. Thulasaiah, a new species from the Sanipaya beat in the Seshachalam hills in Andhra Pradesh (India) is described and illustrated. The new species shares the long filiform pedicels, reflexed corolla lobes and an exposed corona with its most closely allied species, B. swarupa from Kerala and B. ciliatum from Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, but differs from these by generally dwarfed and completely glabrous vegetative parts and uniflowered inflorescences, therby resembling certain South African species of the genus.  相似文献   

Two new species of Gesneriaceae, Wentsaiboea tiandengensis Yan Liu & B. Pan and Wentsaiboea luochengensis Yan Liu & W. B. Xu from Karst caves in Guangxi, China are described and illustrated. Wentsaiboea tiandengensis resembles W. renifolia, but differs in the leaf blade being cordate or broadly ovate, the margin crenate or repand, with conspicuous pinnate veins 3–5 on each side, corolla throat constricted, corolla lobes ovate with apex acute, staminodes 3, and ovary broadly ovoid. Wentsaiboea luochengensis is similar to W. renifolia, but can be distinguished from the latter by the coriaceous leaf blade with 2–3 inconspicuous pinnate veins on each side, elliptic or broadly ovate to sub‐rotund in shape, with sub‐entire margin and attenuate to cuneate or sub‐rotund base, broadly ovate or sub‐rotund corolla lobes, rotund or obtuse apex, and 3 staminodes.  相似文献   

Salvia is the most species-rich genus in Lamiaceae, encompassing approximately 1000 species distributed all over the world. We sought a new evolutionary perspective for Salvia by employing macroevolutionary analyses to address the tempo and mode of diversification. To study the association of floral traits with speciation and extinction, we modelled and explored the evolution of corolla length and the lever-mechanism pollination system across our Salvia phylogeny. We reconstructed a multigene phylogeny for 366 species of Salvia in the broad sense including all major recognized lineages and 50 species from Iran, a region previously overlooked in studies of the genus. Our comprehensive sampling of Iranian species of Salvia provides higher phylogenetic resolution for southwestern Asian species than obtained in previous studies. Our phylogenetic data in combination with divergence time estimates were used to examine the evolution of corolla length, woody versus herbaceous habit, and presence versus absence of a lever mechanism. We investigated the timing and dependence of Salvia diversification related to corolla length evolution through a disparity test and BAMM analysis. A HiSSE model was used to evaluate the dependency of diversification on the lever-mechanism pollination system in Salvia. A medium corolla length (15–18 mm) was reconstructed as the ancestral state for Salvia with multiple shifts to shorter and longer corollas. Macroevolutionary model analyses indicate that corolla length disparity is high throughout Salvia evolution, significantly different from expectations under a Brownian motion model during the last 28 million years of evolution. Our analyses show evidence of a higher diversification rate of corolla length for some Andean species of Salvia compared to other members of the genus. Based on our tests of diversification models, we reject the hypothesis of a direct effect of the lever mechanism on Salvia diversification. Therefore, we suggest caution in considering the lever-mechanism pollination system as one of the main drivers of speciation in Salvia.  相似文献   

Abstract Tengia has been called a “natural peloria” in the family Gesneriaceae because it exhibits an almost perfect actinomorphic flower from whorl one to whorl three. It would be especially interesting to know whether or how CYC‐like gene activities are related to this type of perfect actinomorphic flower. To address this, we have isolated four CYC‐like TCP genes and carried out an investigation on their expression patterns in Tengia. TsCYC1C and TsCYC1D have similar expression patterns with strong signals being detected in all five petals and stamens, whereas TsCYC2A and TsCYC2B are only transiently expressed in the very early floral meristem. Our results suggest that the expansion of the expressions of TsCYC1C and TsCYC1D from the dorsal to the ventral petals is likely responsible for the evolutionary formation of the fully dorsalized actinomorphic corolla, that is, an expanded functional domain of CYC‐like gene dorsal identity in Tengia corolla. However, the expressions of TsCYC1C and TsCYC1D are not correlated with stamen abortion; therefore, TsCYC genes do not functionally repress the stamen development in Tengia flowers. This is probably due to changed cis‐activities that result in the cell cycle‐related genes uncoupling from the TsCYC regulatory pathway in Tengia.  相似文献   

Primulina minor from the Daoxian county, Hunan province in China is described. This new species is similar to Primulina jingxiensis (Yan Liu, W. B. Xu & H. S. Gao) W. B. Xu & K. F. Chung and P. longzhouensis (B. Pan & W. H. Wu) W. B. Xu & K. F. Chung, but differs by its number of leaves (4–6), broadly ovate, orbicular‐ovate or orbicular leaf blade, 2–4 cymes, short peduncle (1.8–2.0 cm long), white (or white with light purple tinge) corolla, small corolla (8–10 mm long), 3 staminoides of which the lateral ones are short (0.75–0.90 mm long) and adnate to 1.6–1.7 mm above the corolla base.  相似文献   

Rungia sinothailandica (Acanthaceae), a new species from Yunnan, China and Chiang Rai, Thailand is described and illustrated. A colour plate, line drawing and distribution map of R. sinothailandica are provided. Rungia sinothailandica is similar to R. pinpienensis H. S. Lo, but differs in the broadly ovate sterile bracts and obovate‐elliptic fertile bracts, the crispate and tawny bracts margin, the 2‐lobed upper lip of the corolla and puberulent capsule. It is also similar to R. burmanica (C. B. Clarke) B. Hansen, but is easily distinguished by pubescent stems and leaves, the cymbiform‐oblong bracteoles and the 2‐lobed upper lip of corolla.  相似文献   

Hemiboea purpurea Yan Liu & W. B. Xu, a new species of Gesneriaceae from Guangxi, China, is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to H. follicularis C. B. Clarke, but differs by smaller leaf blades, 3–10×2–5 cm, corolla purple, ca 2.0–2.5 cm long, exserted from the involucre, filaments glandular‐puberulent and staminodes 3. It is only known from one site in the Rongshui County.  相似文献   

Ligularia dalaolingensis, a new species from Hubei and Hunan, China, is described and illustrated. It belongs to L. sect. Ligularia ser. Speciosae on the basis of its palmate leaf venation, racemose synflorescence and pappus which is slightly shorter than the tube of the tubular corolla. In the series, its closest relatives are assumed to be L. fischeri and L. stenocephala. From L. fischeri, L. dalaolingensis is readily distinguished by smaller basal leaves, shorter synflorescence, narrower involucres and fewer phyllaries and florets; from L. stenocephala, L. dalaolingensis differs by smaller basal leaves, shorter synflorescence as well as broader bracts. A diagnostic key to Chinese species of L. ser. Speciosae with broadly ovate, ovate or ovate‐lanceolate bracts is provided.  相似文献   

Rubovietnamia coronula Alejandro and Meve, a new coastal Rubiaceae species from Davao del Sur, Philippines is here described and compared with Rubovietnamia nonggangensis and R. sericantha. This third species of Rubovietnamia is distinct from the two known species by its long leaf petioles, prominently keeled stipules, reduced calyx and corolla, outward curling of corolla lobes in anthesal flowers, included anthers and stigma, glabrous fruits with nectariferous disk, and numerous seeds.  相似文献   

Pseuderanthemum pubescens T. Choopan & P. J. Grote, a new species from southeastern Thailand is described and illustrated. It is distinguished from P. longistylum J. B. Imlay by leaves being pubescent instead of glabrous and by the corolla lobes being purple with reddish purple dots on all 5 lobes instead of dotted on lower lip only.  相似文献   

Primulina curvituba B. Pan, L.H. Yang & M. Kang, a new species of Primulina (Gesneriaceae) from Guangxi, China, is described and illustrated. This new species is mainly diagnosed by its strongly curved corolla tube, which is a rare character in Primulina. The morphological relationship and differences between this species and its related congeners are discussed. The conservation status of P. curvituba is assessed as ‘Critically Endangered’ (CR) according to IUCN.  相似文献   

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