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Stable-carbon and nitrogen isotopic compositions (δ13C, δ15N) of baleen plates of two juvenile and four adult gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) were examined. High variance in isotopic composition of baleen plates was detected among individuals and, unlike other migratory species of baleen whales examined isotopically, δ13C and δ15N values of most whales showed no regular oscillations. Only one baleen plate reflected the assumed principal Arctic prey (ampeliscid amphipods) during growth on the summer grounds. The rate of baleen growth inferred for one of the juveniles in the last 5 months of life (4.7 mm/week) was similar to the rate calculated previously for a rehabilitating gray whale calf. Autumn corresponded to the timing of the formation of lowest δ15N values measured along plates. We estimate that the baleen length in all adult gray whales recorded around a year of information (1.3 ± 0.3; Mean ± SD). This short period of dietary integration precludes long time series analyses in this species and reflects the extensive wear on baleen plates due to benthic foraging. Handling editor: M. Power  相似文献   

Deviations from equal sex ratios in mammals can reveal insights into sex-specific growth, survival, movements, and behavior. We assessed blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) sex ratios based on 21,542 fetal and 311,901 whaling records, finding that males were slightly but significantly more common than females (51.3% fetal, 52.1% postnatal). Antarctic catches shifted from 52.4% male before 1951 to 48.0% male thereafter, even though larger females were preferentially targeted by whalers and should have declined. The southernmost land stations caught more males than those in southern Africa, and at land stations, sex ratios shifted subtly over the course of a year. Pelagic catches demonstrated spatial structure in sex ratios, including more males being caught in the Ross Sea. In utero, the smallest females were often misidentified as males, and there was some evidence for higher prenatal male mortality. Once born, medium-sized blue whales within each region were more often male, while the longest were nearly all female; explained entirely by females growing faster and reaching longer sizes. Overall, though, sex ratios are remarkably close to equality across time, space, and length; with any deviations best explained by faster female growth and size-selective whaling.  相似文献   

Hormonal biomarkers are useful indicators of mammalian reproductive and metabolic states. The present study validated and applied the use of progesterone and cortisol blubber assays for studies of blue whales from the Gulf of California, Mexico. In a validation study for pregnancy detection, blubber progesterone concentrations were correlated with pregnancy status for four female blue whales: three resighted with a calf the year following sampling and the fourth stranded with a fetus. The progesterone concentrations were significantly higher than those measured in juvenile whales (n = 3). In the application study, blubber samples from blue whales (51 noncalf females, 2 female calves, 48 noncalf males, and 1 male calf) with known sighting histories were analyzed. Putative pregnant females had elevated progesterone concentrations. Cortisol concentrations did not differ between male and female blue whales, or among females in different reproductive classes. After correcting for uncertain ages, hence maturity status, the pregnancy rate of noncalf females was 33.4% (95% CI 32.2%–34.3%). Although interpretation of hormone biomarkers must consider all physiological states that may influence progesterone concentrations, these results demonstrate the utility of pairing hormone biomarkers with sighting histories to help assess environmental or anthropogenic impacts on reproduction in blue whales.  相似文献   

Tags have been used to examine migration routes and habitat use of large whales for >40 yr, however, evaluation of tag wound healing has largely been short‐term, anecdotal or generalized. This study developed methods for systematic photographic assessment of long‐term external consequences of tag placement, to determine potential differences in wound healing between species and tag types and thus advise future tagging efforts to possibly minimize undesirable side effects. Tag site appearance and healing characteristics were evaluated by two reviewers and a time series evaluated by five veterinarians from photographs during 995 postdeployment encounters with 34 gray and 63 blue whales tagged in the North Pacific. Blue whale resightings were less frequent, but spanned a longer time period due to earlier tag deployments than the more frequent gray whale follow‐up observations. Swelling occurred in 74% of reencountered gray whales, with the highest frequency 6 mo postdeployment. Swellings were common in blue whales with early tag designs but rare with current models. Depressions occurred in 82% of gray and 71% of blue whales. This study demonstrates the value of follow‐up studies of tagged animals and systematic scoring of photographs to quantitatively compare tag response.  相似文献   

Eastern Pacific gray whales were monitored off Ensenada, Mexico, during the southbound migration. The objectives were to determine southbound migration timing and width of the migration corridor during three seasons (2003–2006). Migration timing was determined by fitting a generalized additive model to the shore counts for each season and estimating the 10, 50, and 90 percentiles of the fitted curves. To estimate abundance from shore‐based counts, a probability density function for the shore based distances was estimated by a product of a gamma distribution fit to the boat survey distance data for 2006/2007 and a half‐normal detection function using combined data of the three seasons. The parameters of the gamma distribution were corrected to account for less boat survey effort carried out 20–40 km than 0–20 km from shore. The onset of the migration off Ensenada was in late December/early January and ended around 13 February. The median date was 23–26 January for the first and third season and a week early for the second season. Boat surveys indicated a wide (20 km) migration corridor but most gray whales traveled within 9.9 km from shore. The estimated total number of whales during watch hours was 2,298 (95% CI = 1,536–4,447).  相似文献   

Blue whales were widely distributed in the North Pacific prior to the primary period of modern commercial whaling in the early 1900s. Despite concentrations of blue whale catches off British Columbia and in the Gulf of Alaska, there had been few documented sightings in these areas since whaling for blue whales ended in 1965. In contrast, large concentrations of blue whales have been documented off California and Baja California and in the eastern tropical Pacific since the 1970s, but it was not known if these animals were part of the same population that previously ranged into Alaskan waters. We document 15 blue whale sightings off British Columbia and in the Gulf of Alaska made since 1997, and use identification photographs to show that whales in these areas are currently part of the California feeding population. We speculate that this may represent a return to a migration pattern that has existed for earlier periods for eastern North Pacific blue whale population. One possible explanation for a shift in blue whale use is changes in prey driven by changes in oceanographic conditions, including the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), which coincides with some of the observed shifts in blue whale occurrence.  相似文献   

Image‐based modeling, and more precisely, Structure from Motion (SfM) and Multi‐View Stereo (MVS), is emerging as a flexible, self‐service, remote sensing tool for generating fine‐grained digital surface models (DSMs) in the Earth sciences and ecology. However, drone‐based SfM + MVS applications have developed at a rapid pace over the past decade and there are now many software options available for data processing. Consequently, understanding of reproducibility issues caused by variations in software choice and their influence on data quality is relatively poorly understood. This understanding is crucial for the development of SfM + MVS if it is to fulfill a role as a new quantitative remote sensing tool to inform management frameworks and species conservation schemes. To address this knowledge gap, a lightweight multirotor drone carrying a Ricoh GR II consumer‐grade camera was used to capture replicate, centimeter‐resolution image datasets of a temperate, intensively managed grassland ecosystem. These data allowed the exploration of method reproducibility and the impact of SfM + MVS software choice on derived vegetation canopy height measurement accuracy. The quality of DSM height measurements derived from four different, yet widely used SfM‐MVS software—Photoscan, Pix4D, 3DFlow Zephyr, and MICMAC, was compared with in situ data captured on the same day as image capture. We used both traditional agronomic techniques for measuring sward height, and a high accuracy and precision differential GPS survey to generate independent measurements of the underlying ground surface elevation. Using the same replicate image dataset (n = 3) as input, we demonstrate that there are 1.7, 2.0, and 2.5 cm differences in RMSE (excluding one outlier) between the outputs from different SfM + MVS software using High, Medium, and Low quality settings, respectively. Furthermore, we show that there can be a significant difference, although of small overall magnitude between replicate image datasets (n = 3) processed using the same SfM + MVS software, following the same workflow, with a variance in RMSE of up to 1.3, 1.5, and 2.7 cm (excluding one outlier) for “High,” “Medium,” and “Low” quality settings, respectively. We conclude that SfM + MVS software choice does matter, although the differences between products processed using “High” and “Medium” quality settings are of small overall magnitude.  相似文献   

The route taken by northward migrating gray whales during spring between Vancouver Island and southeastern Alaska, a distance of about 575 km, has long been uncertain. It is generally believed that the whales closely follow the western, outer coastline of Haida Gwaii (formerly the Queen Charlotte Islands), an archipelago lying between Vancouver Island and southeastern Alaska, consistent with their pattern of migrating close to shore over the majority of their northward migratory corridor. By tracking satellite‐tagged individuals and surveying whales from shore bases, we provide evidence that this is not the primary migratory corridor, but instead that most whales migrate through Hecate Strait and Dixon Entrance, broad waterways that lie to the east and north of Haida Gwaii. By using this route, northbound gray whales potentially face a wider range of industrial activities and developments than they would by migrating along the outer coast.  相似文献   

It is generally assumed that species with low population sizes have lower genetic diversities than larger populations and vice versa. However, this would not be the case for long‐lived species with long generation times, and which populations have declined due to anthropogenic effects, such as the blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus). This species was intensively decimated globally to near extinction during the 20th century. Along the Chilean coast, it is estimated that at least 4288 blue whales were hunted from an apparently pre‐exploitation population size (k) of a maximum of 6200 individuals (Southeastern Pacific). Thus, here, we describe the mtDNA (control region) and nDNA (microsatellites) diversities of the Chilean blue whale aggregation site in order to verify the expectation of low genetic diversity in small populations. We then compare our findings with other blue whale aggregations in the Southern Hemisphere. Interestingly, although the estimated population size is small compared with the pre‐whaling era, there is still considerable genetic diversity, even after the population crash, both in mitochondrial (N = 46) and nuclear (N = 52) markers (Hd = 0.890 and Ho = 0.692, respectively). Our results suggest that this diversity could be a consequence of the long generation times and the relatively short period of time elapsed since the end of whaling, which has been observed in other heavily‐exploited whale populations. The genetic variability of blue whales on their southern Chile feeding grounds was similar to that found in other Southern Hemisphere blue whale feeding grounds. Our phylogenetic analysis of mtDNA haplotypes does not show extensive differentiation of populations among Southern Hemisphere blue whale feeding grounds. The present study suggests that although levels of genetic diversity are frequently used as estimators of population health, these parameters depend on the biology of the species and should be taken into account in a monitoring framework study to obtain a more complete picture of the conservation status of a population.  相似文献   

Mortality is a demographic metric crucial for understanding the dynamics of endangered populations such as Cook Inlet beluga whales (CIBWs, Delphinapterus leucas), but patterns of mortality are currently not well understood for CIBWs, making decisions about recovery actions challenging. We combined long-term photo-ID data from approximately 420 individual belugas identified during the period 2005–2017 with stranding data from 95 dead belugas to identify patterns of mortality with respect to age, sex, geographic range, cause of death, and to estimate minimum mortality rates. Reported mortality was greatest for adults of reproductive age, followed by calves, with fewer subadults and no adults older than 49 years in the stranding data set despite lifespans of 70+ years reported in other beluga populations. Dead females and males were evenly represented. Live stranding was the predominant assigned cause of death but represented only ~33% of deaths of known cause. Causal factors for the majority of deaths and live strandings are unknown. Annual mortality estimated from reported carcasses relative to total population size averaged 2.2%. Our analysis advances our current understanding of mortality patterns in CIBWs but linking a greater proportion of carcasses to photo-ID individuals would further improve our understanding; we conclude with recommendations for achieving this.  相似文献   

We explore the potential of the delta blue intensity (DBI) parameter as a proxy of past summer temperatures using a well replicated (85 trees) chronology of Pinus uncinata from upper treeline in the Spanish Pyrenees. Principal component analysis, correlation response function analysis and Superposed Epoch Analysis show definitively that the DBI data are indistinguishable to other MXD datasets in the region and that DBI expresses a similarly “pure” time-stable climate signal as MXD when compared to their RW counterparts. Calibration r2 values > 0.5 are attainable depending on period used. The signal strength of DBI data is weaker than MXD and behave more like RW data with ca. 19 trees being needed to attain an EPS value > 0.85. However, as the generation of DBI data is cheaper than MXD, this limitation is not deemed to be a serious issue. This pilot study suggests that robust reconstructions of past summer temperatures could be gained using DBI data at a much-reduced cost than relying on MXD. Future dendroclimatic efforts in the region therefore should focus on the measurement of this parameter and the expansion of the pinus ring-density network.  相似文献   

Sperm whales are present along the Caribbean islands in family groups of mature females, juveniles, and newborns. Their abundance and demographic rates remain poorly known. Using photo-identification data, we estimated the abundance and annual survival of sperm whales in Guadeloupe from January to April 2001–2013. A total of 1,492 photographs of tail flukes were scored (ranging from 1 to 5) in terms of quality (Q) and marking (M) level. A total of 789 photographs were selected with Q ≥ 3 and M ≥ 3, corresponding to 109 individually identified adult females or immatures of both sexes. Capture histories were built and analyzed using the Pollock's robust design capture-mark-recapture model. The study consisted of 13 primary periods sequenced in 5–8 secondary periods. Mean annual survival rate of residents was 0.945, 95% CI [0.864, 0.979]. Abundance varied between years from 75 to 35 individuals. The geometric growth rate over the period 2001–2013 was 0.938, 95% CI [0.878, 0.997], suggesting a population decline of −6.2%/year. Sperm whales are moving between Guadeloupe and Dominica, with a high temporary emigration rate (0.163) and 50% of the individuals of Guadeloupe resighted in Dominica. These results highlight the fragility of the population and the necessity to consider it as one unit.  相似文献   

Bryde's-like whales are a complex of medium-sized baleen whales that occur in tropical waters of all three major ocean basins. Currently, a single species of Bryde's whale, Balaenoptera edeni Anderson, 1879, is recognized, with two subspecies, Eden's whale, B. edeni edeni and Bryde's whale, B. edeni brydei (Olsen, 1913), although some authors have recognized these as separate species. Recently, a new, evolutionarily divergent lineage of Bryde's-like whale was identified based on genetic data and was found to be restricted primarily to the northern Gulf of Mexico (GOMx). Here, we provide the first morphological examination of a complete skull from these whales and identify diagnostic characters that distinguish it from the other medium-sized baleen whale taxa. In addition, we have increased the number of genetic samples of these Bryde's-like whales in the GOMx from 23 to 36 individuals, all of which matched the GOMx lineage. A review of Bryde's-like whale records in the Caribbean and greater Atlantic supports an isolated distribution for this unique lineage, augmenting the genetic and morphological body of evidence supporting the existence of an undescribed species of Balaenoptera from the Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   

Quantitative analysis of morphological characters of the head was used to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the tropicopolitan bug Triatoma rubrofasciata (De Geer) (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) and seven species of Old World Triatoma. Multivariate analysis demonstrates that T. rubrofasciata and the Old World species have a high degree of similarity with Nearctic Triatoma species, particularly T. rubida (Uhler). We interpret this to imply a common ancestry for these groups. Dissemination of T. rubrofasciata and subsequent derivation of the Old World species of Triatoma is deduced to have occurred over a period of not more than 350 years.  相似文献   

The effect of long-term (77 day) exposure of carp Cyprinus carpio to low concentrations of waterborne iron (1 mg Fe-dextran l−1) on accumulation and cellular distribution of iron in the liver was assessed using Perl's staining and histological observations and morphometric measurements. Accumulation of iron in the liver occurred after 14 days of exposure, when the majority of the iron was found in the sinusoidal endothelium with lower amounts in the cytoplasm and nuclei of hepatocytes. Upon further treatment the iron was predominantly distributed in the cytoplasm of the hepatocytes either as granules or diffusive iron and in macrophages.  相似文献   

Structure‐based drug design utilizes apoprotein or complex structures retrieved from the PDB. >57% of crystallographic PDB entries were obtained with polyethylene glycols (PEGs) as precipitant and/or as cryoprotectant, but <6% of these report presence of individual ethyleneglycol oligomers. We report a case in which ethyleneglycol oligomers' presence in a crystal structure markedly affected the bound ligand's position. Specifically, we compared the positions of methylene blue and decamethonium in acetylcholinesterase complexes obtained using isomorphous crystals precipitated with PEG200 or ammonium sulfate. The ligands' positions within the active‐site gorge in complexes obtained using PEG200 are influenced by presence of ethyleneglycol oligomers in both cases bound to W84 at the gorge's bottom, preventing interaction of the ligand's proximal quaternary group with its indole. Consequently, both ligands are ~3.0Å further up the gorge than in complexes obtained using crystals precipitated with ammonium sulfate, in which the quaternary groups make direct π‐cation interactions with the indole. These findings have implications for structure‐based drug design, since data for ligand‐protein complexes with polyethylene glycol as precipitant may not reflect the ligand's position in its absence, and could result in selecting incorrect drug discovery leads. Docking methylene blue into the structure obtained with PEG200, but omitting the ethyleneglycols, yields results agreeing poorly with the crystal structure; excellent agreement is obtained if they are included. Many proteins display features in which precipitants might lodge. It will be important to investigate presence of precipitants in published crystal structures, and whether it has resulted in misinterpreting electron density maps, adversely affecting drug design.  相似文献   

Diphtheria toxin fragment A interacts with Cibacron blue in solution, although it is not retained by blue Sepharose columns. Difference spectral titration of fragment A with the dye gives a dissociation constant of the order of 10–5 M and a 11 stoichiometry for the complex. In equilibrium dialysis experiments Cibacron blue behaves as a competitive inhibitor of the binding of NAD to diphtheria toxin fragment A. The dye inhibits in a non-competitive way the fragment A-catalysed transfer of ADP-ribose from NAD to elongation factor 2 (EF2). By affinity chromatography on blue Sepharose a binding of EF2 and of ADP-ribosyl-EF2 with the dye is also demonstrated. GDP, GTP and GDP(CH2)P are able to displace EF2 from blue Sepharose.  相似文献   

Gel-based proteomics are the most useful method for protein separation, even when compared with gel-free proteomics. Proteomic analysis by 2D gel electrophoresis (2-DE) with immobilized pH gradients is in turn the best approach to large-scale protein-expression screening. Spots visualization is pivotal for protein identification by mass spectrometry. Commonly used staining methods with excellent mass spectrometry compatibility are coomassie brilliant blue (CBB) or fluorescent dyes. In this study, an implementation of ‘blue silver’ colloidal CBB staining, characterized by high sensitivity and immediate low background, is discussed. The sensitivity of classical, colloidal and ‘blue silver’ CBB staining methods was compared on monodimensional and 2-DE gels. The implementation of the ‘blue silver’ method performs better, provided the physical state of the micelles is respected. An example of a 2-DE of human urine treated with combinatorial peptide ligand libraries demonstrates that implemented ‘blue silver’ can evidence the complexity of the sample.  相似文献   

Adults of a freshwater-feeding population of Lampetra fluviatilis (L.) in Loch Lomond, Scotland, were trapped on their upstream (spawning) migration in the main inflow to the loch, the Endrick Water. These animals could be distinguished from the more typical anadromous upstream migrant L. fluviatilis , from the Endrick Water and the nearby catchment of the River Forth, principally by their smaller total length, greater disc, snout and eye size and much darker pigmentation. These, and other morphometric and meristic characteristics have been compared for populations of L. fluviatilis and Lampetra planeri (Bloch) from the Lomond and Forth catchments using univariate and multivariate statistics. The Endrick Water 'dwarf' L. fluviatilis was found to differ significantly from the other Lampetra studied, in a number of body proportions in addition to those traits mentioned above, and also in mean numbers of trunk myomeres and teeth. These differences are likely to be due to a combination of the effects of genetic isolation, and the short (freshwater) feeding phase of the 'dwarf' L. fluviatilis , which may, therefore, represent the intermediate stage between parasitic and non-parasitic forms in the L. fluviatilis/L. planeri species pair.  相似文献   

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