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Bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) of the Bering‐Chukchi‐Beaufort population migrate in nearshore leads through the Chukchi Sea each spring to summering grounds in the Beaufort Sea. As part of a population abundance study, hydrophones were deployed in the Chukchi Sea off Point Barrow, (12 April to 27 May 2011) and in the Beaufort Sea (12 April to 30 June 2011). Data from these sites were analyzed for the presence of bowhead whale song. We identified 12 unique song types sung by at least 32 individuals during ~95 h of recordings off Point Barrow. Six of these songs were detected at the Beaufort MARU site as well as six additional song types that were not analyzed. These results suggest a shared song repertoire among some individuals. This report represents the greatest number of songs to date during the spring migration for this population. We attribute this greater variety to population growth over the 30 yr since acoustic monitoring began in the early 1980s. Singing during early to mid‐spring is consistent with the hypothesis that song is a reproductive display, but further research is necessary to understand the exact function of this complex vocal behavior.  相似文献   

Aerial photographs were analyzed to investigate the feeding habits of the Bering‐Chukchi‐Beaufort (BCB) population of bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus), particularly epibenthic feeding near Barrow, Alaska. Evidence of epibenthic feeding was based on mud visible on the dorsal surface of whales, resulting from feeding near the seafloor. Other cues used to assess feeding were an open mouth or the presence of feces in photographs. Over 3,600 photographs were analyzed including photos from surveys in spring and late summer and in both the western and eastern Beaufort Sea. Of all the photographs analyzed, 64% were scored as definitively muddy. In spring, ratios ranged from a low of 27% in 2003 to a high of 76% in 2004. When all May sample sets off Barrow were combined (1985, 1986, 2003, 2004), there was a significant difference (t‐test, P < 0.004) between the proportion of muddy juveniles to the proportion of muddy adults, with muddy adults being more common. The Barrow area was a commonly used feeding ground during migrations in both the spring (61% of the sample were feeding; 55% epibenthically) and autumn (99% of the sample; 97% epibenthically). Bowheads both migrate and feed through areas where petroleum extraction is underway and anticipated; hence, exposure to oil after a spill is of considerable concern to Native communities and management agencies.  相似文献   

We contrast two methods for estimating the trends of bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) in West Greenland: (1) double platform visual aerial survey, corrected for missed sightings and the time the whales are available at the surface; and (2) a genetic capture‐recapture approach based on a 14‐yr‐long biopsy sampling program in Disko Bay. The aerial survey covered 39,000 km2 and resulted in 58 sightings, yielding an abundance estimate of 744 whales (CV = 0.34, 95% CI: 357–1,461). The genetic method relied on determining sex, mitochondrial haplotypes and genotypes of nine microsatellite markers. Based on samples from a total of 427 individuals, with 11 recaptures from previous years in 2013, this resulted in an estimate of 1,538 whales (CV = 0.24, 95% CI: 827–2,249). While the aerial survey is considered a snapshot of the local spring aggregation in Disko Bay, the genetic approach estimates the abundance of the source of this aggregation. As the whales in Disko Bay primarily are adult females that do not visit the bay annually, the genetic method would presumably yield higher estimates. The studies indicate that an increase in abundance observed between 1998 and 2006 has leveled off.  相似文献   

Fifty‐two eyes were collected and analyzed to estimate ages of 42 bowhead whales using the aspartic acid racemization aging technique. Between‐eye and within‐eye variance components for the ratio of the D and L optical isomers (D/L ratio) were estimated via analysis of variance using multiple measurements from nine whales with both eyes sampled and analyzed. For whales with more than one (D/L)act value, an inverse variance weighted average of the values was used as (D/L)act for the whale. Racemization rate (kAsp) and D/L ratio at birth (D/L)0 were estimated using (D/L)act from 27 bowhead whales with age estimates based on baleen or ovarian corpora data and two term fetuses. The estimates were kAsp = 0.977 × 10?3/yr and (D/L)0 = 0.0250. The nonlinear least squares analysis that produced these estimates also estimated female age at sexual maturity as ASM = 25.86 yr. SE(age) was estimated via a bootstrap that took into account the SE of (D/L)act and the variances and covariance of kAsp and (D/L)0. One male exceeded 100 yr of age; the oldest female was 88. A strong linear relationship between kAsp and body temperature was estimated by combining bowhead data with independent data from studies of humans and fin whales. Using this relationship, we estimated kAsp and ASM for North Atlantic minke whales.  相似文献   

Bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) of the western Arctic stock winter in ice‐covered continental shelf regions of the Bering Sea, where pot fisheries for crabs (Paralithodes and Chionoecetes spp.) and Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) pose a risk of entanglement. In the winter of 2008–2009 and 2009–2010 the spatial distribution of 21 satellite tagged bowhead whales partially overlapped areas in which pot fisheries for cod and blue king crab (Paralithodes platypus) occurred. However, these fisheries ended before whales entered the fishing areas, thus avoiding temporal overlap. A fishery for snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) typically runs from January to May and provides the greatest potential for bowhead whales to encounter active pot gear. Tagged whales did not enter the area of the snow crab fishery during this study and generally remained in areas with >90% sea ice concentration, which is too concentrated for crab boats to penetrate. Pack ice sometimes overruns active fishing areas, resulting in lost gear, which is the most likely source of entanglement. The western Arctic stock of bowhead whales was increasing as of 2004; as such, incidental mortality from commercial pot fisheries is probably negligible at this time. Regardless, entanglement may increase over time and should be monitored.  相似文献   

Humpback whales migrate seasonally from high latitude feeding areas to lower latitude breeding areas for mating and calving. In 2004–2006, a North Pacific basin‐wide study called SPLASH was conducted as an international collaboration among various groups of researchers. The Russian Far East consists of multiple high latitude feeding areas and during SPLASH, 102 whales were identified and compared to catalogs from breeding areas. Our goal in this study was to further investigate the migratory destinations of whales from the Russian Far East using a total of 1,459 photographs of whales identified from 2004 to 2014. We compared the latest Russian catalog with the SPLASH catalog from wintering areas (2004–2006) and with two additional regional catalogs from Okinawa (1989–2006) and the northern Philippines (2000–2006). We found a total of 152 matches: 106 with Asian, 35 with Hawaiian, and 11 with Mexican breeding grounds. The match rate was higher in mainland Kamchatka and consisted mostly of whales from the Asian breeding ground. In the Commander Islands, the proportion of whales from Asia was twice that of Hawaii and six times higher than Mexico. The total match rate was low, supporting the hypothesis of some undiscovered humpback whale breeding location in the North Pacific.  相似文献   

The parasitic nematode Crassicauda sp. was initially described in kogiid whales from specimens collected within cervical tissues, uncommon sites of infection for this parasite. Crassicauda sp. has only been reported in Kogia breviceps to date, but no study has yet investigated a large sample of both kogiid species. A 15 yr record of 104 kogiid strandings (K. sima, n = 40; K. breviceps, n = 64) in North Carolina and Virginia, U.S.A. was used to determine the prevalence of Crassicauda sp. across species, within species across sex, and within sex across length and life history categories. Crassicauda sp. was confirmed to be a species‐specific parasite among kogiids infecting only K. breviceps (prevalence = 45%). Within K. breviceps, prevalence was similar (45%) in both immature and mature males, but increased from 10% in immature to 76% in mature females. This study confirmed the cervico‐thoracic distribution of the parasite, and identified a novel site of infection in a previously undescribed exocrine gland associated with the pigmented “false gill slit.” The species‐specific nature of Crassicauda sp. infection, the exocrine gland, and the distinct features of the false gill slit pigmentation associated with the gland, are all useful characters to identify kogiid species in the field.  相似文献   

Estimates of population parameters for the short‐finned pilot whale, Globicephala macrorhynchus, are scarce in literature, contributing to an International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) status of Data Deficient. In this study, photo‐identification data collected over 7 yr from Madeira were used to estimate for the first time survivorship, capture probability, and abundance in this species using mark‐recapture methodology. The Cormack‐Jolly‐Seber model estimated that the adult island‐associated (i.e., resident and regular visitor) whales had a constant survival rate of 0.960 (95% CI: 0.853–0.990) and an annual capture probability varying between 0.372 (CI: 0.178–0.619) and 0.843 (CI: 0.619–0.947). A parameterization of the Jolly‐Seber model estimated that 140 island‐associated whales (CI: 131–151) used the area throughout the course of the study. Based on a closed population model, the most precise (lower CV) annual estimate of the total number of pilot whales using the southern and eastern waters of Madeira (~900 km2) in a 3 mo period covering summer/autumn was 334 animals (CI: 260–437). No trend was observed. Despite including biases, the approach used in this study provided plausible estimates of population parameters, which can contribute to the regional conservation strategies.  相似文献   

Technological advances have facilitated collection of vast quantities of photographic data from aerial surveys of marine mammals. However, when it is difficult to distinguish species from a distance, reliable identification from aerial images can often be challenging. This is the case for ice‐associated seals, species for which global climate change has motivated intensive monitoring efforts in recent years. We assess species and age class identification from aerial images of four ice seal species (bearded seals, Erignathus barbatus; ribbon seals, Histriophoca fasciata; ringed seals, Pusa hispida; spotted seals, Phoca largha) in the Bering Sea. We also investigate the specific phenomenological and behavioral traits commonly associated with species identification and observer confidence. We generally found species and age class misidentification occurred at relatively low levels, but only 83% of spotted seals tended to be correctly identified (with 11% mistaken as ribbon seals). We also found certain traits were strong predictors for observed species, age class, or observer confidence. Our findings add to the growing body of evidence that species misidentification is pervasive in passive sampling of animal populations. Even low levels of misidentification have been demonstrated to induce substantial biases in estimators of species distribution and abundance, and it is important that statistical models account for such errors.  相似文献   

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