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The frequency with which int-1 and int-2 are rearranged in mouse mammary tumors by mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV)-induced insertional mutagenesis is a consequence of the host genetic background. In 75% of C3H mammary tumors, int-1 is rearranged by MMTV insertion, whereas only 30% of BALB/cfC3H tumors contain a virus-induced rearrangement of int-1. This difference is significant (P less than 0.005) and could not be accounted for by the potentially additive effect of the genetically transmitted Mtv-1-encoded virus in C3H mice. Similarly, MMTV-induced rearrangement of the int-2 gene in mammary tumors of the R111 mouse strain (59%) occurred at a significantly (P less than 0.025) higher frequency than in BALB/cfR111 (25%) mammary tumors. Moreover, in BALB/cfR111 mammary tumors, there is evidence that rearrangement of int-1 and int-2 does not occur independently (P less than 0.025). These results suggest that the long history of inbreeding for high tumor incidence of C3H and R111 mouse strains has selected for the fixation of host mutations which either complement the action of the particular int gene or affect the sensitivity of specific subpopulations of mammary epithelium to infection by particular strains of MMTV.  相似文献   

Mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV)-induced mammary adenocarcinomas can develop from several different premalignant precursors common in GR mice. Insertion mutagenesis of the mammary protooncogenes int-1 and int-2 was studied in this multistep system by analyzing samples from various stages of neoplastic development for novel int-1 and int-2 restriction fragments generated by MMTV provirus integration. int-1 and int-2 insertion mutations were observed in both premalignant lesions and malignant tumors. Some of the tumors with insertion mutations were experimentally derived from insertion mutation-free premalignant precursors. Each class of neoplasm examined had a characteristic frequency of int-1 and int-2 insertion mutations; however, no correspondence was observed between neoplasm morphology and mutation of either gene. These results indicate that insertion mutation of the int-1 and int-2 loci by MMTV provirus can be involved in the earliest identifiable stages of neoplastic development as well as during progression of premalignant lesions to tumors. Insertion mutation of int-1 and int-2 is therefore not stage specific in this system.  相似文献   

Two regions of mouse DNA which constitute common provirus integration sites in tumors induced by mouse mammary tumor virus have been identified and designated int-1 and int-2. By examining a series of hamster-mouse somatic cell hybrids, we mapped the int-2 locus to mouse chromosome 7 and confirmed the previous assignment of int-1 to chromosome 15. This constitutes proof that int-1 and int-2 are discrete genetic loci. It is therefore possible that proviral activation of two distinct cellular genes may result in the same neoplastic disease.  相似文献   

We analyzed two experimental situations to assess the role of endogenous mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) DNA in the genesis of mammary carcinomas. (i) GR mice carry in their germ line one or more proviruses indistinguishable by limited restriction mapping from the proviruses introduced into cells by experimental infection with the highly tumorigenic virus isolated from GR mouse milk, MMTV(GR). Most tumors arising in GR mice contain one or more proviruses at various sites in tumor DNA in addition to those present endogenously. Detection of these new proviruses is possible as a consequence of the clonal or quasiclonal character of the tumors. (ii) C3H/He mice carry three units of endogenous viral DNA, none of which resembles the DNA of the commonly encountered strains of milk-borne MMTV. Nevertheless, MMTV-associated tumors arise late in life when these animals are removed from the influence of milk-borne virus; the responsible agent, MMTV(C3Hf), can also produce tumors in BALB/c mice. We found that tumors arising in both C3Hf/He mice and BALB/c mice infected with MMTV(C3Hf) were clonal or quasiclonal and contained one or more new copies of proviral DNA at various sites in the host genome. These new proviruses were readily distinguished from the proviruses of the common milk-borne virus strains and closely resembled unit II of endogenous MMTV DNA (Cohen et al., J. Virol., 32:483-496). Thus, in both experimental systems, we found evidence for new proviruses in mammary tumors, despite the preexistence of similar or identical proviruses in the germ line. The results suggest that the repositioning of MMTV proviruses may be required for the full expression of the oncogenic potential of endogenous MMTV DNA.  相似文献   

We have developed transgenic mice in which expression of the mouse int-2/Fgf-3 gene is regulated by a single long terminal repeat from mouse mammary tumor virus. Such mice contain and transmit a replica of the activated int-2/Fgf-3 allele present in a spontaneous mammary tumor from a BR6 mouse. Although free of infectious mouse mammary tumor virus and with a different genetic background, the transgenic mice develop pregnancy-responsive mammary epithelial proliferations that are similar to the early stages of tumorigenesis in the BR6 strain. Histological examination revealed that most of these tumors showed pronounced tubular and acinar structures, features usually associated with morphological differentiation. In some cases, the tumors were locally invasive, causing disruption of the dermis which manifested itself as local hair loss. In situ hybridization showed that patterns of transgene expression in the abnormal glands were markedly nonuniform. In contrast, mouse mammary tumor virus-induced neoplasms showed more uniform expression of int-2/Fgf-3, as did the urogenital epithelial proliferations that occur among males of this transgenic line. These data suggest that mammary tumors in virally infected animals may depend primarily on autocrine stimulation by the int-2/Fgf-3 gene product, whereas both autocrine and paracrine mechanisms may contribute to tumors and hyperplasias found in transgenic animals.  相似文献   

Viral mammary tumorigenesis in mice is frequently initiated by proviral activation of a highly conserved cellular gene called int-1. We have cloned the human homolog of this putative mammary oncogene and compared its structure to that of the mouse gene by heteroduplex analysis. The human int-1 gene was localized on chromosome 12 by use of somatic cell hybrids.  相似文献   

Mus musculus subsp. musculus (Czech II) mammary tumor DNA frequently contains an integrated proviral genome of the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) within a specific 0.5-kilobase-pair region of the cellular genome (designated int-3). Viral integration at this site results in activation of expression of an adjacent cellular gene. We mapped int-3 to mouse chromosome 17 by analysis of PstI-restricted cellular DNAs from mouse-hamster somatic cell hybrids. Restriction analysis of cellular DNA from (C3H/OuJ X Czech II) X Czech II backcross mice established the gene order T-H-2-int-3. These results demonstrated that the int-3 locus is distinct from two other common integration regions for mouse mammary tumor virus (designated int-1 and int-2) in mammary tumor DNA and suggest that several cellular genes may be at risk for virally induced activation during mammary tumor development.  相似文献   

We propose a revised standardized nomenclature for endogenous mouse mammary tumor viruses based on characterization by molecular cloning techniques and genetic segregation data.  相似文献   

Retroviruses are believed to induce tumors by acting as insertional mutagens that activate expression of cellular protooncogenes. Indeed, almost 90% of mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV)-induced mammary tumors in C3H/He mice show upregulation of Int protooncogenes. We have analyzed three different MMTV variants [MMTV(C3H), MMTV(HeJ), and a genetically engineered MMTV hybrid provirus (HP)] for tumorigenicity in mice from two distinct genetic backgrounds. All three viruses were tumor causing in BALB/cJ mice. However, only MMTV(C3H), but not MMTV(HeJ) or HP, induced mammary tumors in C3H/He mice. All of the viruses were infectious on either background and up-regulated expression of Int genes in tumors they induced. Like HP, MMTV(HeJ) was found to be a genetic recombinant between endogenous Mtv1 provirus and exogenous MMTV(C3H). Sequence comparison of MMTV variants linked the tumorigenicity of MMTV(C3H) to the gag region of the retrovirus.  相似文献   

The proto-oncogene int-2 has been implicated in the formation of mouse mammary-tumour-virus-induced mammary tumours. Analysis of the predicted coding sequence indicates that int-2 is a member of the fibroblast growth factor family. Previous studies using Northern blot analysis suggested that normal expression of int-2 may be confined to extra-embryonic endoderm lineages of embryonic stages of mouse development. We have used in situ hybridization and Northern blot analysis to examine directly int-2 expression in embryo stem cells and in the developing embryo from early gastrulation to midsomite stages. Complex patterns of accumulation of int-2 RNA were observed in embryonic and extra-embryonic tissues. The data suggest multiple roles for int-2 in development which may include migration of early mesoderm cells and induction of the otocyst.  相似文献   

Transgenic mice that expressed the superantigen protein encoded in the C3H exogenous mouse mammary tumor virus long terminal repeat deleted their V beta 14+ T cells during the shaping of their immune repertoire and showed no evidence of virus production in their mammary glands after infection by milk-borne C3H exogenous virus. However, they developed mammary gland tumors that had newly integrated copies of C3H exogenous virus, although the latency of tumor formation was much longer than in their nontransgenic littermates that retained their V beta 14+ T cells. After four generations, infectious C3H virus was completely eliminated from the transgenic mouse pedigree. These data support the hypothesis that endogenous mouse mammary tumor proviruses are retained in the genome as protection against exogenous virus infection and subsequent tumorigenesis and show that there may be natural selection against the virus in vivo.  相似文献   

We extended the physical map of the mouse int-2 locus by demonstrating that the site of insertion for mouse mammary tumor virus DNA in plaque-type mammary tumors of GR mice is directly linked to int-2. An additional example of proviral integration is described in which a provirus in a presumed enhancer-insertion mode 15 kilobases upstream of the int-2 promoters is capable of activating expression of the gene at levels typical of other virally induced mammary tumors.  相似文献   

Expression of a 2.3-kb RNA species is induced in mammary tumors as a consequence of insertional mutagenesis at the int-3 locus by the mouse mammary tumor virus. The nucleotide sequence and biological activity of this mammary tumor-specific int-3 RNA species were determined. It contains an open reading frame which encodes a 57-kDa protein. The translated protein possesses six nearly contiguous 32-amino-acid repeats which are related to a similar motif in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae cdc-10-encoded cell cycle protein. In addition, the int-3 cdc-10 repeats are bounded by the PEST amino acid sequence motif which is commonly found in proteins having a rapid turnover and may represent sites for phosphorylation. The int-3 cdc-10 repeat sequences are 50% identical to a portion of the intracellular domain of the neurogenic Drosophila notch gene product. Activation of expression of a recombinant int-3 genomic DNA fragment encoding the 2.3-kb RNA species in HC11 mouse mammary epithelial cells in vitro induces anchorage-independent growth in soft agar.  相似文献   

Endogenous mouse mammary tumor virus genomes are amplified and located in novel cell DNA sequences in many mouse T-cell lymphomas. Transplanted tumors recovered from the same mouse strain and shown to be of independent origin by chromosomal analysis, by the presence of JH immunoglobulin gene rearrangements, or by the integration patterns of exogenous Moloney MuLV genomes frequently showed similar patterns of novel mouse mammary tumor virus-containing cell DNA fragments. This process of amplification and relocation can occur within a limited number of cell generations and in C57BL/6 mice does not lead to the synthesis of mature virus-encoded proteins. In some instances, amplified mouse mammary tumor virus genomes contained novel restriction cleavage sites in the gag-pol region. The restricted time course of occurrence, lack of synthesis of mature virion proteins, and apparent site specificity indicate that this process of retrovirus amplification differs significantly from virus replication after exogenous infection.  相似文献   

Expression of mouse mammary tumor viral polypeptides in milks and tissues.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A 14,000-dalton polypeptide (p14) from RIII murine mammary tumor virus (MMTV) has been isolated by column chromatography in 6 M GuHCl. Antiserum prepared in rabbits specifically precipitated 125I-labeled p14; in double antibody competition, radioimmunoassays performed with limiting amounts of antibody, both purified p14 and disrupted MMTV, competed specifically with labeled antigen. The expression of this MMTV type B virus antigen could be measured by competition radioimmunoassays in milks, mammary glands, tumors, and tissue culture cells. MMTV expression measured by p14 immunoassay correlated well with the spontaneous incidence of mammary adenocarcinomas in different murine strains but not with type C MuLV p30 antigen expression. Levels of MMTV gp52, the major type-B viral glycoprotein, corresponded to p14 levels, suggesting that their control is comparably regulated. Evidence that this low m.w. polypeptide is present in feral and inbred strains of widely differing geographic origin and in MMTV with apparently different biologic properties suggests surprising conservation of MMTV protein homology.  相似文献   

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