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We isolated a rice cDNA clone (T151) which encodes an open reading frame of 262 amino acids. This clone is similar to the S-phase-specific cyc07 gene of Catharanthus roseus. Expression of this gene is much higher in callus than in seedlings and regulated by external stresses such as high osmotic pressure, salinity, low temperature and submergence.  相似文献   

Characterization of the rice (Oryza sativa) actin gene family   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

Expression levels of anther-expressed genes in rice were estimated by plaque hybridization. A total of 33 cDNAs, isolated randomly from an anther-enriched cDNA library, were used as probes to hybridize both anther and leaf cDNAs. The expression level of individual cDNA clones was then estimated by counting the number of plaques hybridized to each probe. Based on abundance patterns that appeared in both anther and leaf cDNA libraries, the clones were classified into three groups. This classification showed that the majority of the clones (one group) exhibited expression in both cDNA libraries at almost equal frequency. The other two groups showed either low or no expression in the leaf cDNA library. Among the cDNA clones,RA1003 (detected only in the anther cDNA library) was selected and further characterized at the molecular level. Consistent with the results of the plaque hybridization experiment, northern blot analysis also revealed no gene expression in vegetative organs, leaves, or roots. However, expression was high in the flowers, especially in the anthers. Detailed molecular studies of the gene are also described and discussed here.  相似文献   

Summary We report the nucleotide sequence of the single muscle actin gene of the sea urchinStrongylocentrotus purpuratus. Comparison of the protein-coding sequence of this muscle actin gene (pSpG28) with that of two linked sea urchin cytoskeletal actin genes (pSpG17 and CyIIa) reveals a region of exceptional sequence conservation from codon 61 through codon 120. Furthermore, when silent nucleotide changes are compared, the conservation of this region is still evident (7.9% silent site differences in the conserved region vs 43.3% silent site differences in the rest of the gene when pSpG28 and CyIIa are compared), indicating that the conservation is not due to particularly stringent selection on the portion of the protein encoded by this region of the genes. These observations suggest that a gene conversion has occurred between the muscle actin gene and a cytoskeletal actin gene recently in the evolution of the sea urchin genome. Gene conversion between nonallelic actin genes may thus play a role in maintaining the homogeneity of this highly conserved gene family.  相似文献   

A genomic hsp70 gene was isolated from a rice IR36 genomic library and 4 794 bp of the gene have been sequenoed. The 5' flanking region of the gene contained a putative TATA box and a typical heat shock element sequence 5'-CTcgGAAccTTCgAG-3'. The amino acid sequence of the rice HSP70 deduced from the coding region shared 84%-92% homologies with those of HSP70s from other plant species. An intron 1939bp long was identified in the coding region at the codon specifying amino acid 72 (Asp), the similar position introns occurring in other intron-containing hsp70 genes. In addition, another intron of 57 bp was found in the 3'-untranslated region in the rice hsp70 gene. Southern blot hybridization showed that rice hsp70 gene family contained at least three members. Analysis of the RNA leveis with the gene-specific and non-specific probes revealed that the rice hsp70 gene expressed at normal temperature and the expression was enhanced by heat shock treatment.  相似文献   

A cDNA library was constructed from mouse cardiac muscle mRNA, and a clone corresponding to part of the mRNA for the cardiac muscle isoform of actin was isolated from this library. The nucleotide sequence of the cloned insert was determined and was found to contain almost the complete amino acid coding region for actin (only codons for the first two amino acids, absent from the mature protein, were lacking) and a substantial portion derived from the 3 untranslated region of the mRNA. Comparison of the latter with the corresponding region in cardiac actin mRNA from man and rat showed that this 3 untranslated region has been subject to conservational pressure during evolution. However a comparison with the corresponding region in skeletal muscle actin mRNAs indicated that the pattern of conservation is quite different in the two striated muscle actin isoforms.  相似文献   

We isolated and sequenced a genomic clone (CatA) encoding CAT-A catalase, a homologue of the maize catalase isozyme 3 (CAT-3) from rice (Oryza sativa L.). The 5-upstream non-coding region had very low similarity with the maize Cat3 gene and possible cis elements and sequence motifs in the maize Cat3 gene were not evident, except for TATA and CAAT motifs. Several sequence motifs found in the promoters of plant seed-specific genes were identified in the 5-upstream non-coding region of the CatA gene. Northern blotting showed that the CatA gene is expressed at high levels in seeds during early development and also in young seedlings. Methyl viologen (paraquat) resulted in the 3-fold induction of the CatA gene in the leaves of young seedlings, whereas abscisic acid, wounding, salicylic acid, and hydrogen peroxide had no or only slight effects.The 1.9 kb 5-upstream fragment (–1559 to +342) of the CatA gene was fused with the Escherichia coli -glucuronidase (GUS) gene and introduced by electroporation into protoplasts prepared from rice suspension-cultured cells, then the transient expression of the GUS gene was examined. Deletion analysis of this chimeric gene suggested that a weak silencer is located in the region between –1564 to –699. Abscisic acid (ABA) at a final concentration of 10–6 M doubled GUS activity in protoplasts electroporated with the chimeric DNAs having 1.9 to 1.2 kb 5-upstream regions. A sequence highly similar to the Sph box, a motif found in genes modulated by ABA, was found at –266 to –254. Deletion of this region however, did not eliminate the responsiveness to ABA. Expression of the chimeric gene in the protoplasts was not enhanced by stress such as low and high temperature, hydrogen peroxide, methyl viologen, salicylic acid, elicitor, and UV light.The chimeric CatA-GUS plasmid DNAs amplified in the methylation-positive strain, E. coli DH5, showed GUS gene activities, whereas all the chimeric DNAs amplified in the methylation-deficient E. coli JM 110 were completely inactive in the presence or absence of ABA in the culture medium. DNA methylation, especially of either one or both of the deoxyadenosines at the two GATC motifs (one in the first exon and the other in the first intron of the rice CatA gene), appeared to be responsible for the CatA promoter activity identified in the transient assay.author for corresondenceThe nucleotide sequence data reported will appear in the DDBJ EMBL and GenBank Nucleotide Sequence Databases under the accession number D29966.  相似文献   

Yang ZM  Xie XF  Huang XB  Wang FQ  Tong ZJ  Duan YL  Lan T  Wu WR 《遗传》2012,34(5):615-620
"三明显性核不育水稻"突变体是由福建省三明市农业科学研究所于2001年在杂交组合"SE21S/Basmati370"的F2代群体中发现的。其不育性受1个显性基因控制(将该基因命名为SMS)。经过多代回交,该显性不育基因已导入籼稻品种佳福占的遗传背景中(将该不育材料称为佳不育)。为了定位SMS,文章将佳不育与粳稻品种日本晴杂交,并将F1与佳福占测交,构建了一个作图群体。利用SSR和INDEL标记,通过混合分离分析和连锁分析,将SMS定位于第8号染色体上两个INDEL标记ZM30和ZM9之间,约99 kb的区间内。该结果为克隆SMS奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Telomereistheessentialgeneticlocusattheendsofalleukaryoticchromosomes.TheywereproposedtocapchromosomespreventingtheendtoendfusionsbetweenbrokenendsandcontinualterminalDNAlossduringreplication.Theyalsohaveinfluencesonmembranechromosomeinteractionandthe…  相似文献   

Total RNA was extracted from rice immature seeds harvested 2 weeks after flowering; then mRNA was purified. cDNA with NotI and SaiI cohesive ends was synthesized and inserted into λgt22A. After packaged in vitno, the cDNA library was constructed with 1.5×106pfu. A 21-mer oligodeoxynucleotide was synthesized according to the 5'-end conserved coding sequence of oryzacystatin (a thiol proteinase inhibitor) and labeled as a probe. From 2.1 × 104 pfu, 9 positive dones have been isolated, 8 of which contain the entire coding region of oryzacystatin. λOC1 has the longest cDNA insert, which contains an open reading frame of 309 bp coding sequence, 84 bp 5'-end non-coding region and a poly(A) signal AATAAA at the 3'-end followed by 31 Nt of poly(A). The coding sequence is the same compared with oryzacystatin genomic DNA sequence, while there are some obvious differences such as insertion and variation in the non-coding region, especially lots of nonsucoessive insertion in the 3' region after poly(A) signal.  相似文献   

水稻生长发育多效基因DDF1的遗传分析与基因定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Li SP  Duan YL  Chen ZW  Guan HZ  Wang CL  Zheng LL  Zhou YC  Wu WR 《遗传》2011,33(12):1374-1379
植物中存在许多多效性基因,它们在调控植物的营养生长与生殖发育过程中起着关键性作用。文章在籼稻育种材料中发现了一个植株显著矮化且花器官明显变异的突变体ddf1(dwarf and deformed flower 1)。遗传分析表明,该突变体由单基因隐性突变所致,这说明该基因是一个同时控制营养生长和生殖发育的多效性基因,暂命名为DDF1。为了定位该基因,将ddf1杂合体与热带粳稻品种DZ60杂交,建立了F2定位群体,利用水稻RM系列微卫星标记,通过混合分离分析(BSA)和小群体连锁分析,将DDF1初步定位在水稻第6号染色体RM588和RM587标记之间,与两标记的遗传距离分别为3.8 cM和2.4 cM。进一步利用已经公布的水稻基因组序列,在初步定位的区间内开发新的SSR标记,将DDF1定位在165 kb的区间内。该结果为克隆DDF1奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Genomic libraries of rice,Oryza sativa L. cv. Nipponbare, in yeast artificial chromosomes were prepared for construction of a rice physical map. High-molecular-weight genomic DNA was extracted from cultured suspension cells embedded in agarose plugs. After size fractionation of theEco RI- andNot I-digested DNA fragments, they were ligated with pYAC4 and pYAC55, respectively, and used to transformSaccharomyces cerevisiae AB1380. A total of 6932 clones were obtained containing on average ca. 350 kb DNA. The YAC library was estimated to contain six haploid genome equivalents. The YACs were examined for their chimerism by mapping both ends on an RFLP linkage map. Most YACs withEco RI fragments below 400 kb were intact colinear clones. About 40% of clones were chimeric. Genetic mapping of end clones from large size YACs revealed that the physical distance corresponding to 1 cM genetic distance varies from 120 to 1000 kb, depending on the chromosome region. To select and order YAC clones for making contig maps, high-density colony hybridization using ECL was applied. With several probes, at least one and at most ten YAC clones could be selected in this library. The library size and clone insert size indicate that this YAC library is suitable for physical map construction and map-based cloning.  相似文献   

Two rice cDNA clones (COS6 and COS9) were isolated, corresponding to genes that were highly expressed in roots from seedlings and mature plants. A genomic clone (GOS9) corresponding to cDNA clone COS9 was isolated and the intron/exon structure was determined by comparing the nucleotide sequences of the mRNA and the genomic clone. 5 ends and 3 ends of the mRNA were determined by primer extension and S1-nuclease mapping respectively. The open reading frame present in GOS9 potentially encodes a protein (14kDa) that does not show any significant homology to other proteins in databases.  相似文献   

水稻苗期低温失绿的遗传分析及基因定位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
兰涛  梁康迳  陈志伟  段远霖  王俊兰  叶宁  吴为人 《遗传》2007,29(9):1121-1125
在早季低温条件下, 籼稻品种Dular的幼苗表现出白化失绿, 而粳稻品种Lemont幼苗表现正常绿色。以Lemont和Dular作亲本构建一个F2群体,通过该群体在早季低温条件下性状的表现,发现Lemont和Dular苗期耐冷性的差异受单个主基因控制,低温下白化失绿等位基因为隐性。将该基因暂时命名为cisc(t)。利用该F2群体,采用集团分离分析(BSA)法将cisc(t)定位在9号染色体上。经过对F2群体中100个典型的白化单株的简单序列长度多态性分析,将该基因定位在5.5 cM的区间内,分别与微卫星标记RM257和RM242相距3.9 cM和1.6 cM。  相似文献   

Cloning and characterization of a cDNA encoding a rice 13 kDa prolamin   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Summary A cDNA library constructed from mRNAs obtained from developing rice endosperm was screened with a cDNA clone (RM7) of highest frequency of occurrence (1.8%). The translati) product directed by the mRNA which was hybrid-released from RM7 cDNA in a wheat germ cell-free system showed a molecular size of 13 kDa when coexisting with the protein body fraction of developing maize endosperm. A polypeptide sequence composed of 156 amino acids was deduced from the nucleotide sequence. By comparison with the 19 N-terminal amino acids obtained from Edman degradation of the isolated rice 13 kDa prolamin fraction, the signal sequence was determined as consisting of 19 amino acids. The deduced polypeptide is rich in hydrophobic amino acids such as Leu and Val, and also in Gln, but lacks Lys. Hence, the amino acid composition is consistent with that of rice 13 kDa rolamin. By homology with previously reported cereal prolamins, only a single octapeptide sequence, Gln-Gln-Gln-CysCys-Gln-Gln-Leu, which was observed in 15 kDa and 27 kDa zein, B- and -hordein, /- and -gliadin, and -secalin was conserved in the rice 10 kDa and 13 kDa prolamin. No repetitive sequences and/or sequences homologous to other cereal prolamins, except the above octapeptide, were observed for the mature 13 kDa prolamin polypeptide. The signal sequence region of the 13 kDa prolamin, however, shows homology of more than 65% in both the nucleotide sequence and the amino acid sequence with rice 10 kDa prolamin and maize zein.  相似文献   

Structural analysis and identification of cis-elements of rice osRACD gene   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Sexual reproduction in many plants is sensitive to thechange of day-long and photoperiod. It was discoveredby Shi et al. [1] in 1973 that the natural mutant Nongken58S is infertile under long day while being fertile undershort day. In recent two decades, much work has beendone to probe into its molecular mechanism from variousperspectives, such as physiology, genetics as well asmolecular biology [2,3]. The previous study showed thatphysiological changes of 58S rice could be dependent oncombi…  相似文献   

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