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The stability of plasmids in Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis strains C2 and ML3, and L. lactis ssp. cremoris strains ML1 and SC607, was investigated by extended incubation of bacterial cells in low nutrient media under acidic conditions. Strains were grown overnight (16-18 h) in skim milk and unbuffered medium (M17-) at 32 degrees C and subsequently held at that temperature for extended periods (greater than or equal to 96 h). Lac- variants were obtained from each strain in milk and (M17-) broth. The plasmid profiles of Lac- variants when compared with their parental Lac+ strains showed loss of one or more plasmid bands. None of the Lac- mutants showed loss of smaller plasmids (less than 5 MDa) indicating that smaller plasmids in lactococci are more stable under these conditions than larger plasmids (greater than 10 MDa). Concomitant loss of the Lac+ phenotype and plasmids by the method used in the present investigation may have application for isolating mutants devoid of one or more plasmids.  相似文献   

Defined media permitting extensive growth of representative pink radio-resistant tetracocci (Micrococcus radiodurans, Micrococcus roseus, and Micrococcus radiophilus) and two controls (an ultraviolet-sensitive mutant of M. radiodurans and Micrococcus luteus) are described. Availability of Fe (especially Fe3+) proved essential for good growth, as evidenced by (i) favorable effects of hydroxamic acids, e.g., salicylhydroxamic acid, and (ii) the growth promotion by hemin when joined with elevated concentrations of Fe. Cobalamin (B12) and methionine were interchangeable as an absolute requirement for methionine not affected by B12. M. luteus required neither. Pink radio-resistant micrococci may form a coherent group. Some divergences among them might be attributable to the method for isolating them, which for ordinary bacteria would be mutagenic to the point of total lethality. The ecology of these tetracocci vis-à-vis other pink-red radio-resistant organisms is discussed in relation to a question: can these bacteria be isolated without dependence on radiation as the cardinal selective factor?  相似文献   

Strains ofLactococcus lactis ssplactis andL. lactis sspcremoris were propagated on milk, three commercial highly buffered media (HB media), and four commercial media designed for external pH control (EC media). With milk and HB media, fermentation was allowed to proceed until a pH of 4.9 was reached. With EC media, pH was maintained at 6.0 with 5 N NH4OH. The cultures were analyzed for chain length, viable population, specific acidifying activity (SAA) and specific proteolytic activity (SPA). The starters were stored at 4° C for 3 days, and analyses for chain length, viable population and SAA were repeated. It was more difficult to standardize medium composition with the rehydrated commercial blends, as their titratable acidities had greater proportional variations than milk. As a rule, chain length was longer in fresh cultures than in the stored starters, andL. lactis sppcremoris cultures had longer chains thanL. lactis ssplactis. All commercial media produced starters with total populations at least as high as that obtained in milk. With the EC media, populations could be five times greater than with milk; increases were less important in HB media. The increase in population in EC and HB media was more marked withL. lactis ssplactis than forL. lactis sspcremoris strains. Storage at 4° C for 3 days did not significantly reduceL. lactis populations, but mortality (up to 70%) was observed withL. lactis sspcremoris. The overall SAA ofL. lactis ssplactis cultures in EC media was 35% lower than milk- or HB media-grown starters, but the greater populations reached in EC media enabled a significant reduction in inoculation rate. Some statistically significant correlations were obtained between SAA and SPA (positive) as well as with chain length (negative), but the coefficients of determination were generally very low. The drop in pH during storage at 4° C was less with HB media than in milk, and was in relation to their buffering capacity.  相似文献   

An automated spectrophotometric (AS) method was used to evaluate the growth-promoting ability of yeast extracts (YE) on cultures of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris. The AS data were compared to that obtained from classical shake flask fermentations and from 250 ml bioreactors equipped with pH control. In assays involving the evaluation of 26 different commercial YE, maximum growth rate (&mgr;(max)) values determined with the AS unit ranged from 0.25 to 0.45 h(-1) for Lb. acidophilus and from 0.10 to 0.40 h(-1) for Lc. cremoris. Good correlations were obtained between AS data and manual sampling from the shake flasks or the bioreactors for mmax, as well as maximum optical density (OD(max)). The AS method is thus useful as a screening tool for the selection of YE lots in media formulation. Species reacted differently to the 26 YE, but less variation was observed between strains of the same species. This suggests that a producer of various lactococci or lactobacilli can expect a relatively constant response to a given YE lot between strains of the same species. However, it should not be assumed that the YE having the best growth-promoting properties for Lb. acidophilus will also be the best media supplements for the growth of Lc. cremoris.  相似文献   

A completely chemically-defined growth medium, containing guanine, thymine, cytidine, 2'-deoxyadenosine and 2'-deoxyuridine as DNA precursors, was developed for Lactobacillus johnsonii, on the basis of statistically designed techniques suitable for other lactobacilli. Particular focus was given to the nucleotide composition of different defined media, and to the specific nucleotide requirements of Lact. johnsonii. Most of the lactobacilli tested grew in a medium containing five free bases, four ribonucleosides or five deoxyribonucleosides. Adenine and guanine were replaceable by inosine. The requirement for thymine and cytosine was satisfied with uracil. The presence of inosine and uracil was identified as being essential for the growth of different Lactobacillus species, displaying their inability to synthesize purines and pyrimidines de novo. Defined recipes with different nucleotide composition were used to investigate iron requirements of lactobacilli. Only marginal differences in growth were observed in iron-depleted media supplemented with five free bases, four ribonucleosides or five deoxyribonucleosides; iron depletion had a greater effect on growth when inosine and uracil were supplied as the only nucleotide sources. The results suggest that iron plays a role in the pyrimidine and purine metabolism of lactobacilli. Lactobacillus spp., particularly Lact. johnsonii, require iron under particular environmental conditions with limited or specific nucleotide sources.  相似文献   

Various defined and minimal media are described for the growth of Clostridium sporogenes NCIB 8053. The organism requires 10 amino acids and one vitamin for growth, whilst three other vitamins are growth stimulatory. L-alpha-hydroxy acid analogues can replace eight, and fatty acid analogues four, of these amino acids. The organism may generate free energy by a variety of Stickland reactions. Most Stickland acceptors, but not glycine, stimulate the growth of this organism on glucose. Nonetheless, cells grown in the presence of glycine will reductively deaminate it. The media described support the growth of several other strains of this species. The simplified growth media which we have developed permit quantitative studies of the physiology of this organism.  相似文献   

Various defined and minimal media are described for the growth of Clostridium sporogenes NCIB 8053. The organism requires 10 amino acids and one vitamin for growth, whilst three other vitamins are growth stimulatory. L-α-hydroxy acid analogues can replace eight, and fatty acid analogues four, of these amino acids. The organism may generate free energy by a variety of Stickland reactions. Most Stickland acceptors, but not glycine, stimulate the growth of this organism on glucose. Nonetheless, cells grown in the presence of glycine will reductively deaminate it. The media described support the growth of several other strains of this species. The simplified growth media which we have developed permit quantitative studies of the physiology of this organism.  相似文献   

Substrate utilization in defined media for two flower spiroplasmas (S. floricola and FS SR-3) and honeybee spiroplasma (HBS AS-576) was investigated. Glucose, fructose, and mannose were utilized by all three spiroplasmas. In addition, HBS (AS-576) could ferment trehalose; FS (SR-3), sucrose; and S. floricola, trehalose, sucrose, and raffinose. The three spiroplasmas varied greatly in growth requirements for amino acids. Only S. floricola utilized arginine. HBS (AS-576) required at least one purine and one pyrimidine base for growth, while both flower spiroplasmas grew with only one base in the medium. Oleic acid, cholesterol, and BSA were essential to all three spiroplasmas. Palmitic acid, which was non-essential, promoted growth significantly.  相似文献   

The possibility has been investigated that (1) the supplements required for the growth of the Madin Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) cell line in serum-free Medium K-l are indeed requirements for the growth of normal kidney cells in vitro, and (2) that alterations in these growth requirements are associated with malignant transformation. Consistent with the hypothesis that MDCK cells resemble normal kidney cells in culture, primary cultures of baby mouse kidney epithelial cells grow in Medium K-l and respond to the 5 components in the-medium. The growth properties of Moloney sarcoma virus (MSV)-transformed MDCK cells in defined media have been examined. Unlike MDCK cells, MSV-transformed MDCK cells form tumors in adult nude mice. Although they still respond to the 5 factors in Medium K-l, the optimal dosage for insulin is lower for the MSV transformants than for MDCK cells. The MSV transformants also have an additional requirement for growth in Medium K-l – fibronectin. Variants of MDCK cells have been isolated that have lost the PGE1 requirement for growth in defined medium. These variant cells have acquired (1) the ability to form tumors in adult nude mice and (2) an alteration affecting cAMP metabolism, in addition to PGE1 independence.  相似文献   

A total of 11 tissue culture media and one synthetic medium were screened to determine whether they could support the growth of two strains of Acholeplasma. Two similar chemically defined media were found in which Acholeplasma laidlawii Strain A (Buchanan & Gibbons 1974) could grow. This is the first report of a fully defined medium for the growth of this organism (Greenaway 1981).  相似文献   

Amino acids, salts, and vitamins were combined with dextrose to test their effect on growth and sporulation of Entomophthora virulenta in liquid shake culture. The addition of a vitamin solution to the tested media did not enhance growth or sporulation. MgSO4·7H2O was the only salt individually tested that allowed for good growth and sporulation. MgSO4·7H2O concentrations exceeding 250 mg/liter in media lacking other salts inhibited sporulation. A simple medium of l-arginine, l-leucine, glycine, and mineral salts allowed high growth and sporulation.  相似文献   

C.E. JONES, G. SHAMA, P.W. ANDREW, I.S. ROBERTS AND D.JONES. 1995 A basic requirement for physiological studies with Listeria monocytogenes is a chemically defined medium that supports growth of the bacterium in batch and continuous culture. A number of such media have been devised but comparative studies of their efficiency are few and none has been used in continuous culture. Six of the media were compared for their ability to sustain sequential growth of L. monocytogenes in static and aerated batch culture with glucose as sole carbon source. The most suitable, judged on the basis of ease of preparation, growth rate and yield, was that of Trivett and Meyer (1971). This medium was shown to support growth of L. monocytogenes NCTC 7973 in continuous culture in a chemostat. A lytic phenomenon, noted with the same strain under anaerobic conditions and in batch culture in the chemostat, is discussed.  相似文献   

Proximal tubules suitable for in vitro culture were prepared from rat kidney cortex by a Ficoll-gradient centrifugation technique which yielded greater than 94% purity. The tubules were seeded into culture dishes, and cell growth was monitored in both Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium containing 10% fetal calf serum and in a defined medium consisting of 50:50 Ham's F12 and Dulbecco's supplemented with insulin, transferrin, and hydrocortisone. Growth in serum-containing medium was continuous; however, the specific activity of the brush border enzyme alkaline phosphatase decreased rapidly with time, and the culture morphology became fibroblastic by 6 days. Neither collagen-coating of the dishes nor addition of the differentiation inducer hexamethylene-bisacetamide had any significant effect on growth or enzyme activity of the cultured cells. Theophylline, another inducer of differentiation, proved cytotoxic. Growth of proximal tubule cells in defined medium proceeded for 4 days before irreversible growth arrest occurred. Alkaline phosphatase activity and epithelial morphology remained relatively constant throughout the culture period. Additions of the growth factors triiodothyronine, prostaglandin E2, and epidermal growth factor were unable to unblock the growth arrest. If cells cultured in defined medium for 3 days were switched to serum-supplemented medium, continuous growth occurred, but both alkaline phosphatase activity and epithelial morphology were rapidly lost. As a test of the culture method, rabbit proximal tubule cells were cultured under similar conditions in defined medium. Growth was prolific and continuous for up to, but not exceeding, 30 days, and differentiated properties were retained. It was concluded that both rat and rabbit proximal tubule cells have a limited proliferative capacity in vitro but that the capacity of the rat cell to divide is much reduced relative to the rabbit cell.  相似文献   

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