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Guttation was used as a non-destructive way to study the flowof water and mineral ions from the roots and compared with parallelmeasurements of root exudation. Guttation of the leaves of barley seedlings depends on age andon the culture solution. Best rates of guttation were obtainedwith the primary leaves of 6- to 7-day-old seedlings grown onfull mineral nutrient solution. The growing leaf tissue becomessaturated with K+ below 1.5 mM K+ in the medium, whereas K+concentration in the guttated fluid still increases furtheras K+ concentration in the medium is raised. At 3 mM K+ averagevalues of guttation were 1.4–2.4 mm3 h–1 per plantwith a K+ concentration of 10–20 mM; for exuding plantsthe flow was 4.2–7.6 mm3 h–1 per plant and K+ concentration35–55 mM. Abscisic acid (ABA) at 10–6 to 10–4 M 0–2h after addition to the root medium increased volume flow ofguttation and exudation and the amount of K+ exported. Threeh after addition of ABA both volume and amount of K+ were reduced.There was an ABA-dependent increase in water permeability (Lp)of exuding roots shortly after ABA addition. Later Lp was decreasedby 35 per cent and salt export by 60 per cent suggesting aneffect of ABA on salt transport to the xylem apart from itseffect on Lp. Benzyladenine (5 x 10–8 to 10–5 M)and kinetin (5 x 10–6 M) progressively reduced volumeflow and K+ export in guttation and exudation and reduced Lp. Guttation showed a qualitatively similar response to phytohormonesas found here and elsewhere using exuding roots. Hordeum vulgare L., barley, guttation, abscisic acid, cytokinins, benzyl adenine, kinetin  相似文献   

Honeylocust (Gleditsia triacanthos L.) seedlings were grownin solution culture at pH 4.0) with 50, 150, 600 and 1500 mmolm–3 aluminium. All levels of aiuminium reduced the sizeand weight of roots, shoots and leaves with the exception ofroot elongation at 50 mmol m–3 Al. Aluminium content ofroots was 50 to 100 times that of shoots. With increasing concentrationof aluminium, aluminium content of leaves and roots increasedexponentially while a linear increase was observed for stems.The nutrient content of seedlings was improved in 50 mmol m–3where increases in shoot calcium, magnesium, and phosphorusconcentrations were observed. Aluminium concentrations greaterthan 50 mmol m–3 reduced shoot nutrient content. Presenceof aluminium increased the root phosphorus and calcium levelsbut had no effect on potassium and magnesium concentrations.Results show that honeylocust is an aluminium sensitive treespecies whose growth may be reduced by high soil Al levels. Key words: Aluminium toxicity, Gleditsia triacanthos, nutrient solution  相似文献   

In studies of Trifolium repens nitrogen nutrition, the controlof nutrient solution pH using dipolar buffers, was evaluatedin tube culture under sterile conditions. Five buffers; MES,ADA, ACES, BES and MOPS with pK2s (20 °C) of 6.15, 6.60,6.90, 7.15 and 7.20 respectively, at a concentration of 2.0mol m–3, were provided to inoculated Trifolium repensgrowing in nutrient solution containing 7.13 mol m–3 nitrogenas (NH4)2SO4. Initial pH of each solution was adjusted to theappropriate buffer pK2 Two buffers, ADA and ACES completelyinhibited plant growth. The remaining buffers had little effectin limiting pH change, although plant dry matter was higherand nodule numbers lower in the presence of these buffers. MESand MOPS were supplied to nutrient solutions with and without7.13 mol m–3 (NH4)2SO4, at concentrations ranging from0–12 mol m–3. MES at 9 mol m–3 and 12 molm–3 reduced growth of plants reliant on the symbiosisfor providing nitrogen. The provision of MES to plants providedwith NH4+ significantly increased plant yield and reduced nodulenumber at all concentrations. MOPS did not affect plant yieldor nodule number. The use of dipolar buffers in legume nitrogennutrition studies is considered in terms of buffering capacity,and the side effects on plant growth and symbiotic development. Key words: Ammonium, Dipolar buffer, Nitrogen nutrition, pH control, Symbiosis, Trifolium repens  相似文献   

Subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) cv. ‘Woogenellup’ swards were grown at 10, 15, 20 and 25 Cwith a 12 h photoperiod of 500 or 1000 µmol m–2s–1 [low and high photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD)].Nitrogen-fixing swards received nutrient solution lacking combinednitrogen while control swards received a complete nutrient solution.Growth was measured by infra-red analysis of carbon dioxideexchange and by accumulation of dry matter. Swards were harvestedat intervals between 95 and 570 g d. wt m–2 for estimationof nitrogenase activity by acetylene reduction and hydrogenevolution assays. Nitrogen fixation was also measured by increasein organic nitrogen. The growth rate was highest at 10 C at low PPFD, and at 10–15C at high PPFD. Nitrogen-fixing swards grew slower than thosereceiving combined nitrogen. Nitrogen fixation measured by increasein organic nitrogen responded similarly to the growth rate,as did acetylene reduction between 10 and 20 C. At 25 C therelationship between acetylene reduction and nitrogen fixationwas distrupted. The difference between the rates of acetylenereduction and hydrogen evolution, theoretically proportionalto nitrogen fixation, was not a reliable indicator of nitrogenfixation because hydrogen uptake developed. Trifolium subterraneum L, subterranean clover, growth, nitrogen fixation, temperature, acetylene reduction  相似文献   

Incorporation of polyamine-spermidine into the nutrient mediumat 10–6 and 10–5 M concentrations stimulates pollen-tubegrowth in vitro in Catharanthus roseus L. G. Don. MGBG, an inhibitorof spermidine biosynthesis, at 0.5 x 10–3 and 1 x 10–3M concentrations reduced the percentage of germination as wellas tube growth and at a concentration of 1.5 x 10–3 Mgermination was totally inhibited. Pollen grains incubated inthe medium containing 1.5 x 10–3 M MGBG, when transferredto a fresh medium with 10–5 M spermidine, resulted in80% germination recovery, along with considerable tube growth.Experiments with actinomycin-D indicate that stimulation ofpollen-tube growth by spermidine may involve de novo synthesisof protein. Catharanthus roseus, pollen germination, tube growth, spermidine, MGBG, inhibition, actinomycin-D  相似文献   

Seedlings of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. cv. Acala SJ-2) weregrown in modified Hoagland nutrient solution with various combinationsof NaCl and CaCl2. Marking experiments and numerical analysiswere conducted to characterize the spatial and temporal patternsof cotton root growth at varied Na/Ca ratios. At 1 mol m–3Ca, 150 mol m–3 NaCl reduced overall root elongation rateto 60% of the control, while increasing Ca to 10 mol m–3at the same NaCl concentration restored the elongation rateto 80% of the control. Analysis of the spatial distributionof elongation revealed that the presence of 150 mol m–3NaCl in the medium shortened the growth zone by about 2 mm fromthe approximate 10 mm in the control and also reduced the relativeelemental elongation rate (i.e. the longitudinal strain rate,defined as the derivatives of displacement velocity of a cellularparticle with respect to position on root axis). Supply of 10mol m–3 Ca at the high salt condition restored partiallythe relative elemental elongation rate, but not the length ofthe growth zone. Compared to the control, the growth trajectoriesshowed that at 1 mol m–3 CaCl2 it took more time for acellular particle to move through the growth zone at 150 molm–3 NaCl, while at 10 mol m–3 CaCl it took lesstime and there was no difference between the NaCl treatments Key words: Gossypium hirsutum, salinity stress, root growth kinematics  相似文献   

This paper elucidates nutrient dynamics in oak forests previouslyinvestigated for dry matter dynamics. The nutrient concentrationsin different life forms were of the order: herb > shrub >tree, whereas the standing state of nutrients were of the order:tree > shrub > herb. Soil, litter and vegetation, respectively,accounted for 32·4–98·0 %; 0·3–3·5%, and 10·2–66·6 % of the total nutrientsin the system. Considerable reductions (8·5–41·7%)in concentrations of nutrients in leaves occurred during senescence.The uptake of nutrients by vegetation, and also by differentcomponents with and without adjustment for internal recycling,has been calculated separately. Annual transfer of litter (above+ below ground) to the soil by vegetation was 115·9–187N, 7·5–15·6 P, 122·7–195·1Ca, 36·1–48·8 K and 2·88–5·16Na kg ha–1 yr–1. Turnover rate and turnover timefor different nutrients ranged between 0·66–0·84yr–1 and 1·19–1·56 yr–1, respectively.Compartment models for nutrient dynamics have been developedto represent the distribution of nutrient contents and net annualfluxes within the system. Quercus leucotrichophora forest, Q.floribunda forest, Q. lanuginosa forest, Nutrient concentration, standing state, uptake, internal cycling, turnover  相似文献   

Two hydroponic experiments were conducted to determine the effectsof brief and prolonged AI3+ exposures on the hydraulic conductivity(Lp) of northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) root systems. RootLp was determined using the pressure chamber method of Fiscus(1977). In the first experiment, 28- to 40-d-old seedlings weretreated for 4 d with complete nutrient solutions containingone of three Al concentrations (0.04, 1.85 or 3.71 mol m–3)and either 0 or 50 mmol m–3 P. Neither Lp nor daily transpirationwas affected by treatment. In Experiment II, seedlings were grown for 48–63 d incomplete solutions containing one of three Al concentrations(0, 0.75 or 2.00 mol m–3) and either 10 or 250 mmol m–3Ca. Lp and leaf area to root length ratio (LA/RL) were reducedwhen (AI3+/ Ca2+), the solution activity ratio, was 2.9 andhigher. Lp and LA/RL were also negatively correlated with Alconcentration and Al/Ca concentration ratio in the roots. Lpwas positively correlated with LA/RL in both experiments. Itis unclear whether Lp in the second experiment was reduced directlyby solution and root chemistry or whether Lp changed in responseto altered leaf/root balance. Key words: Al phytotoxicity, Al x Ca interaction, Quercus rubra, root hydraulic conductivity  相似文献   

In a series of batch experiments in the dark the heterotrophicdinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina grazed three phytoplankton prey(Phaeodactylun tricornutum, Isochrysis galbana and Dunaliellateriolecta) with equal efficiency. Growth rates of the dinoflagellateranged between 0.8 and 1.3 day–1 Maximum observed ingestionrates on a cell basis varied according to the size of the preyfrom about 50 cells flagellate–1 day–1 when D.tertiolectawas the prey to 250–350 cells fiagellate–1 day–1when the other species were eaten. However, when compared ona nitrogen basis, ingestion rates were independent of prey type.Both ingestion and growth ceased when prey cell concentrationsfell below a threshold concentration of about 105 cells ml–1.Maximum specific clearance rates were 0.8x1040ndash;5.7x104it day which is considerably lower than that found for heterotrophicdinoflagellates in oceanic waters and may explain why O.marinagenerally thrives only in productive waters. The timing of NHregeneration was linked to the C:N ratio of the prey at thestart of grazing. Regeneration efficiencies for NH4. never exceeded7%; during the exponential phase and were 45% well into thestationary phase. These results are comparable to those obtainedwith heterotrophic flagellates and demonstrate that the bioenergeticpatterns of grazing and nutrient cycling by different protozoaare very similar. Moreover, they support the notion that toachieve 90+% nutrient regeneration in the open ocean, as iscurrently believed, the microbial food loop must consist ofmultiple feeding steps. Alternatively, nutrient regenerationefficiencies may be considerably lower than 90%.  相似文献   

Fluxes of diatoms in the Dona Paula Bay, west coast of India   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sediment traps were deployed at a station in the Dona PaulaBay to collect sedimenting particles at weekly intervals fromNovember to May during 1995–1997. Sedimented particleswere analysed for total diatom flux, chlorophyll a (Chl a) andparticulate organic carbon (POC). The highest diatom flux wasrecorded in April–May for both the years. Fluxes of diatomsvaried from0.6 x 104 cells m–2 day–1 (November 1995)to 121.47 x 104 cells m–2 day–1 (December 1996).In all, 19 diatom genera were identified in the sedimented material.Navicula, Nitzschia, Pleurosigma, Licmophora, Coscinodiscus,Rhizosolenia and Surirella were the most abundant genera inthe sedimented material throughout the sampling period. Meanflux of POC and diatom carbon was 251 and 0.39 mg C m–2day–1, respectively. The diatom carbon accounted for 0.15%of the POC flux. Mass flux of diatoms showed significant negativecorrelation with the concentration of nitrate and phosphate.This suggests that the nutrient concentration played an importantrole in influencing the sedimentation of diatoms at this coastalstation.  相似文献   

The vegetative growth of Dactylis glomerata L. in sand was studiedunder controlled light, temperature, and nutritional conditions.Plants were daily supplied with three nutrient solutions ofdifferent nitrate concentrations (10–2, 10–3 and2 x 10–4 mol I–1). For each concentration, growthobeyed an exponential law between the fourth and seventh weeksafter sowing. The time constant of the exponential was the samefor the shoot as for the root, and showed no significant variationwith nitrate concentration. The kinetic results and the strong dependence of the root: shootratio on nitrate concentration are discussed on the basis ofThornley's model. Hypothesizing that the molecular mechanismsof nitrate absorption are independent of the nitrate concentrationof the nutrient solution, we derived a relationship betweenthe root: shoot ratio and nitrate concentration. This relationshipwas found to be compatible with the experimental results. Dactylis glomerata L., vegetative phase, kinetics of growth, root: shoot equilibrium, nitrate absorption  相似文献   

Investigations on the effects of low levels of Al on P adsorption,uptake and translocation in seedlings of the indigenous grassAgrostis capillaris were undertaken. Apparent uptake and transportof H2 32PO4 from nutrient solutions containing 10 or 100mmolm–3 phosphate were characterized as functions of timeand concentration. Experiments on 32P uptake and transport insolutions containing no Al (control) or Al ranging from 3.7to 185 mmol m–3 at pH ranging from 4.3 to 4.6, showedthat in 10 mmol m–3 P, effects of Al at 3.7 and 37 mmolm–3 on the size of the initial uptake shoulder were small,but some increase in subsequent P uptake to the roots was observed,though transport to the shoots was suppressed. With 37 mmolm–3 Al in nutrient solution containing 100 mmol m–3P, the uptake shoulder was much increased above the control.Subsequent root uptake was stimulated but transport was unaffected.Lack of toxicity of the Al concentrations used was indicatedby a lack of significant effect on plant fresh weight. AbsorbedAl was almost totally retained in the root in all treatments.Speciation calculations showed that the major species in Alamended nutrient solution at pH 4.4 were H2PO4, AI3+and AIHPO4+, together with substantial amounts of AISO4+ andsoluble aluminium hydroxy complexes (AIOH2+, AI(OH)2+), dependingon the relative concentrations of P and Al. The effects of Al,with 10 mmol m–3 P, on adsorption of complexed P werepartly accounted for in terms of preferential cell wall adsorptionof Al complexes not containing P. Conclusions were drawn aboutthe P-economy of A. capillaris plants growing on soils withlow levels of P and Al. Key words: Phosphorus, aluminium, speciation, Agrostis capillahs L  相似文献   

Growth and Nutrient Status of Quercus rubra L. in Response to Al and Ca   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.) seedlings were grown for63 d in a complete nutrient solution (pH 3.8) containing oneof three concentrations of Al (0, 0.75 or 2-0 mol m–3)and either 10 or 250 mmol m–3 Ca. Of all solution variables,the In of (Al3+)/(Ca2+), the solution activities ratio, wasmost closely correlated with declines in shoot and root growth.Ln (Al3+)/(Ca2+) also most closely predicted leaf and root [Mg],[Al], and [Al]/[Ca]. These three variables in turn were closelyrelated to growth. Toxic levels of (Al3+) and (Al3+)/(Ca2+)in solution are compared to levels in forest soils. Key words: Al phytotoxicity, Al x Ca interaction, Quercus rubra  相似文献   

Protoplasts were successfully isolated from internodal callustissues of both Oxalis glaucifolia and O. rhombeo-ovata whenthey were digested in a solution containing 0.1% (w/v) MacerozymeR-10, 0.5% (w/v) cellulase Onozuka R-10 and 0.3 mmol m–3sucrose. Protoplasts proliferated to give cell colonies on Gamborget al.'s B5 medium supplemented with 0.3 mmol m–3 mannitol,0.5 mg dm–32, 4-D, and 2.0 mg dm–3 kinetin. Calluswas produced upon transfer of cell colonies to Murashige andSkoog medium containing 2.0 mg dm–3 l-naphthaleneaceticacid (NAA) and 0.1 mg dm–3 kinetin for O. glaucifolia,or with 5.0 mg dm–3 NAA and 0.5 mg dm–3 6-benzylaminopurine,for O. rhombeo-ovata. Plants were regenerated from O. glaucifoliaprotoplasts on a medium containing 0.1 mg dm–3 NAA, 1.0mg dm–3 kinetin and 1.0 mg dm–3 gibberellic acid,but only vascular nodules were differentiated by O. rhombeo-ovataprotoplast-derived calli. Key words: Tissue culture, protoplasts, plant regeneration, Oxalis spp  相似文献   

Loliun perenne L. (cv.S. 23) was grown on vermiculite in winterin a heated greenhouse for 8 weeks under factorial combinationsof two potassium regimes (nominally 6 parts/106 and 156 parts/106in Hewitt's solution) and three densities of artificially supplementedvisible radiation flux (36.1, 7.3, and 2.2 W m–2). Growthand potassium uptake were studied through the calculation ofvarious growth functions from fitted curves. There was little effect of potassium treatment but the experimentalmaterial responded markedly to light. Leaf-area ratio in thethree treatments showed extreme plasticity in increasing from2–3 x 10–2 through 6 x 10–2 to 8–9 x10–2 m2 g–1 as light intensity decreased. Correspondingdecreases in unit leaf rate, however, caused over-all reductionsin relative growth rate. Specific absorption rates for potassium (AK, dry-weight basis)were strongly reduced at the lower light intensities but alsodisplayed complex ontogenetic drifts. Values of the allometricconstant, k (the ratio of root and shoot relative growth rates),decreased from c. 0.7 at 36.1 W m–2 through c. 0.3 at7.3 W m–2 to a value not significantly different fromzero (P < 0.05) at 2.2 W m–2. In material grown under the two higher light intensities a constantinverse relationship was found between the mass ratio of rootand shoot and the corresponding activity ratio. The resultsconform to this model: Mass ratio = –0.001+45.0 (1/activityratio) where activity ratio is expressed as specific absorptionrate for potassium (in µg g root–1 h–1)/unitshoot rate (rate of increase of whole-plant dry weight per unitshoot dry weight, in mg g shoot–1 h–1). The implicationsof this relationship are discussed.  相似文献   

Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench, cv. 610, adapted to high salinitywas able to grow at 300 mol m–3 NaCl only when half-strengthHoagland's solution was enriched with mineral nutrients. Theoptimal growth rate was observed in full strength Hoagland'ssolution; at higher or lower concentrations growth rates werelower. In contrast, growth rate of plants exposed to 150 molm–3 NaCl was not affected by similar modification of theHoagland solution concentration. At high salinity, additionof cytokinin (CK) or gibberellic acid (GA), or a mixture ofboth, can induce the same effect on growth as the increasedmineral nutrient concentration. Phytohormones and increasedmineral concentration have similar effects, possibly becausean imbalance in phytohormones, rather than a mineral deficiency,limits growth at 300 mol m–3 NaCl in the presence of half-strengthHoagland solution. The change in mineral concentration in thenutrient medium, in addition to its nutritional effect, alsoapparently acts as a signal involved in hormonal balance whichallows growth at high salinity. Exposure of Sorghum to 300 molm–3 NaCl causes a decrease in the range of nutrient concentrationswhich can sustain growth. Adjustment of the nutrient concentrationmay induce the synthesis of endogenous CK and GA concentrationsrequired for growth. In contrast, addition of CK or GA at similarconcentrations during the adaptation (pretreatment) period inhibitsgrowth and prevents the adaptation process. The response tothe exogenous phytohormone treatments depends on the time elapsedfrom the beginning of salinization. Key words: Adaptation to salinity, cytokinin, gibberellic acid, mineral nutrition, growth, Sorghum, NaCl  相似文献   

Seedlings of Pharbitis nil, strain Kidachi, were grown undercontinuous light at 20°C in vessels containing 5,000-mlnutrient solution, 24 plants per vessel. NAA (0.005–0.5µM), GA3 (0.1–0.5 µM), kinetin (0.5–5µM), benzyladenine (0.05–5 µM) or abscisicacid (4 µM) added to the nutrient solution induced long-dayflowering, and the flowering was always accompanied by suppressionof root elongation. 3,4-Dichlorobenzoic acid (0.05–10µM) and some other benzoic acid derivatives which arehighly effective for the induction of flowering in Lemna paucicostataalso showed similar effects. Neither NAA, kinetin nor 3,4-dichlorobenzoicacid applied via the apical part of the hypocotyl could causeflowering or suppression of root elongation. Thus, the flower-inducingeffect of the above substances was presumed to be secondaryto the suppression of root elongation. Ethrel (1–50 µM)added to the nutrient solution suppressed root elongation, butdid not induce flowering probably because it has flower-inhibitingactivity. 1 This paper is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Joji Ashida,the first president of the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists. (Received December 15, 1982; Accepted February 25, 1983)  相似文献   

The theory and practice of applying the thermodynamics of irreversibleprocesses to mass-flow theories is presented. Onsager coefficientswere measured on cut and uncut phloem and cut xylem strandsof Heracleum muntegazzimum. In 0.3 N sucrose + 1 mN KC1 theyare as follows. In phloem, LEE = 5 ? 10–4 mho cm–1,LpE = 9 ? 10–6 cm3 s–1 cm–2 volt–1 cm,and LPP = 0.16 cm3 s–1 cm–2 (J cm–3)–1cm. In uncut phloem strands LEE is about 1 ? 10–3 mhocm–1. In xylem in 2 x 10–3 N KCI, Lpp = 50 to 225,LPE = 2 ? 10–4, and LEE = 4 ? 10–3. The measurementsare tentative since the blockage of the sieve plates is an interferingfactor, but if they are valid they lead to the conclusion thatneither a pressure-flow nor an electro-kinetic mechanism envisaginga ‘long distance’ current pathway can be the majormotive ‘force’ for transport in mature phloem. Measurementsof biopotentials along conducting but laterally detached phloembundles of Heracleum suggest, nevertheless, that there may bea small electro-osmotic component of at least 0.1 mV cm–1endogenous in the phloem.  相似文献   

Drew, M. C. and Lauchli, A. 1986. The role of the mesocotylin sodium exclusion from the shoot of Zea mays L. (cv. Pioneer3906).—J. exp. Bot. 38: 409–418. The mesocotyl, located between the root and shoot, can stronglyaccumulate Na+ from the ascending transpiration stream, therebypotentially acting as a sink to protect the shoot from excessNa+. To determine the quantitative importance of the mesocotylas a Na+ sink, we grew plants with either short (9·0mm) or long(21 mm) mesocotyls, the latter resembling the sizefound in field-grown plants. At 13 d, plants were transferredfrom Na + -free nutrient solution to a 22Na+ labelled solutionin which the concentration of NaCl was (mol m–3) 1·0,10 or 100. The concentration of Na+ accumulated in the mesocotylin 24 h (g–1 fr. wt.) exceeded that in the roots thatwere directly exposed to the nutrient solution. The amountsof 22Na+ retained in the long mesocotyl were about double thatin the short ones and increased with time of exposure and NaClconcentration. At 1·0 and 10 mol m3 NaCl, theamounts of 22Na+ retained in the mesocotyl were 6–19%of those reaching the shoot in 24 h, but with 100 mol m–3NaCl, a damaging concentration for maize, this declined to 3–8%.The mesocotyl, even as a fully elongated structure is, therefore,unlikely to provide an appreciable alternative sink for Na+when NaCl reaches injurious concentrations. Key words: Ion transport, potassium, roots, salinity  相似文献   

Five inbred strains (129/J, BALB/cByJ, C3HeB/FeJ, C57BI/6J andDBA/2J) were examined with two-bottle (48 h) preference ratiotesting across concentrations of sodium saccharin (3 x 10–4M, 10–3 M, 3 x 10–3 M and 10–2 M), d-phenylalanine(10–3 M, 10–2 M and 10–1 M), and l-glutamine(10–2 M, 3 x 10–2 M, 10–1 M and 3 x 10–1M). Three consistent groupings of strains were observed acrosssubstances and concentrations:
  1. C57BI/6J (preference at low andhigh concentrations);
  2. BALB/cByJ and C3HeB/FeJ (preferenceat high concentrations);
  3. 129/J and DBA/2J (preference at highconcentration for sodiumsaccharin and indifference to d-phenylalanineand l-glutamine).
If a single locus (presumably dpa or Sac) determines these phenotypes,there are likely to be three alleles. If two independent loci(presumably dpa and Sac) determine these phenotypes, an allelicassignment of Sacb/dpa+s for the C57BI/6J strain, Sacb/dpa–sfor the BALB/cByJ and C3HeB/FeJ strains, and either Sacd/dpa+sor Sacd/dpa–s for the 129/J and DBA/2J strains is suggested.Chem. Senses 20: 291–298, 1995.  相似文献   

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