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自然资本价值核算研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张彩平  姜紫薇  韩宝龙  谭德明 《生态学报》2021,41(23):9174-9185
目前国内外对自然资本价值核算的理论与方法尚未取得共识,无疑制约了自然资本核算在生态环境保护中积极作用的发挥。基于此,本文分别从自然资本内涵及其价值核算理论基础、国内外自然资本存量与流量核算方法实证研究、自然资本货币化价值核算的合理性等方面对已有文献进行梳理与分析,发现目前自然资本核算研究主要集中在生态产品的功能量与价值量核算而缺少生态资产货币价值量核算的研究;当前采用的生态产品价值量核算的生态系统类型系数表、本地化生态过程模型、能值当量替换三种方法在精度适用性、应用推广性和计算便捷性上各有优劣,尚待进一步的深入研究;最后对自然资本货币核算的一些争论进行了分析。通过上述研究和分析,提出如下新认识:(1)自然资本相关概念尚不统一,已经形成的认识包括:自然资本具有一定的稀缺性和使用价值,资本可分为存量资本(又称生态资产)和流量资本(又称生态系统服务);(2)自然资本核算技术繁多,研究成果的横向比较性较差,需要通过标准化核算技术方法和建立生态环境资源数据库等措施,进一步提高核算结果的准确性和可比性;(3)相比于基于生态系统类型价值系数方法和基于非市场化货币的当量替代方法,基于本地化参数的生态系统服务过程方法更能够反映本地生态环境特征,评估分析的准确度更高,生态管理抓手更多;(4)尽管自然资本货币核算理论和实践应用仍存在一些争论,但各国政府和各类组织都在推动自然资本核算工作,自然资本的探索性核算成果已在各国生态补偿和生态损害修复等方面发挥积极作用。  相似文献   

Inherent uncertainties in regional ecosystems can affect the modeling processes and the relevant results for managing and planning the real-world problems. In this study, an interval stochastic credibility-constrained programming (ISCP) method is developed for tacking multiple uncertainties expressed as intervals, fuzzy sets and probability distributions. The ISCP method is applied to planning regional ecosystem sustainability in the City of Dongying (China), in which ecosystem services valuation approach is directly incorporated within the optimization processes. Results associated with credibility levels of resources availability and the effects of sensitive ecological factors on the ecosystem services and ecological benefit are analyzed. Results show that a tighter limitation of ecological resources availability could cause lower economic development, particularly for oil field and oil refinery industries. Tradeoffs among social, economic and natural subsystems are also examined under different credibility levels, which are provided for generating optimal strategies in supporting of balancing the city’s economic and ecological sustainable development. Results of sensitivity analysis reveal that runoff coefficient is one of the most sensitive ecological factors in the process of calculating the ecological benefit. The findings can provide scientific bases for the integration of economic and ecological activities as well as the development of regional ecosystem-sustainability strategies.  相似文献   

城市森林生态服务价值评估研究进展   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
赵煜  赵千钧  崔胜辉  吝涛  尹锴 《生态学报》2009,29(12):6723-6732
随着城市化进程的加快,城市环境问题日益突出,作为城市生态系统的重要子系统之一,城市森林为城市居民提供诸多生态服务.而城市森林生态服务价值评估能够有效指导城市森林建设,为管理部门提供决策依据,从而最大限度地发挥城市森林的生态服务功能.在阐明城市森林及其生态服务价值内涵的基础上,重点对比分析了各类城市森林生态服务价值的评估方法,并根据其发展历程将其归纳为3类:单株树木经济价值评估法;城市森林生态服务综合价值评估法;空间显式景观模型评估法.最后指出现有城市森林生态服务价值评估方法中的不足及今后发展方向,以期丰富城市森林生态服务价值评估理论,并为城市森林的合理规划提供借鉴.  相似文献   

开展生态系统服务价值评估不仅是健全生态系统核算方法、完善已有核算体系的重要环节之一,也是加快生态文明体制改革、建设美丽中国的关键技术之一。然而,已有文献少有根据核算目的对生态系统服务的估价方法进行系统梳理并加以区分,这将会从需求侧造成对生态系统服务价值的高估,使不同部门之间的测度结果产生不一致。本文基于生态系统核算目的,对生态系统服务的估价方法展开综述。首先,从生态系统服务的内涵与价值入手,对生态系统服务价值的分类方法进行梳理,总结了生态系统服务经济单位的途径,以识别生态系统服务纳入国民经济核算体系的程度;其次,系统阐述了已有生态系统服务估价方法的内涵、适用范围和数据需求;再次,从生态系统核算的角度,探讨不同类型生态系统服务所适用的估价方法;最后,分析了当前研究存在的不足,并对未来研究予以展望。  相似文献   

生态系统服务功能及其生态经济价值评价   总被引:490,自引:19,他引:490  
生态系统服务功能是指生态系统与生态过程所形成及所维持的人类赖以生存的自然环境条件与效用。它不仅为人类提供了食品、医药及其它生产生活原料,更重要的是维持了人类赖以生存的生命支持系统,维持生命物质的生物地化循环与水文循环,维持生物物种与遗传多样性,净化环境,维持大气化学的平衡与稳定。人们逐步认识到,生态服务功能是人类生存与现代文明的基础。近年来生态系统服务功能的研究已引起了人们的广泛重视,生态学家、经济学家纷纷探讨生态系统服务功能的内涵与定量评价方法,并已成为当前生态学与生态经济学研究的前沿课题。本文拟系统地分析生态系统服务功能的研究进展与趋势,生态系统服务功能价值的评估方法,并探讨生态系统服务功能及其与可持续发展研究的关系.  相似文献   

城市人居环境的生态设计方法探讨   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
刘平  王如松  唐鸿寿 《生态学报》2001,21(6):997-1002
城市化促进了国家和区域经济的发展,但同时因城市生态系统结构、功能方面的失谐造成目前城市人居环境质量的恶化,城市这正是研究这种以人类集活动为特征的城市居民及其栖息环境关系的科学。在综述国内外城市人居环境规划和设计方法的基础上,根据城市规划、建筑设计等方面的生态工程原理,提出城市人居环境生态设计方法,对人居环境生态设计所涉及的内容、系统分析、设计步骤等方面进行了论述。  相似文献   

生态系统服务价值测度模式与方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周鹏  周婷  彭少麟 《生态学报》2019,39(15):5379-5388
为了更好地权衡人类福祉与经济发展之间、生态系统各类服务之间的关系,加速生态系统服务价值评估成为全世界生态保护与可持续发展政策制定面临的首要难题。总结了原始价值评估和价值转移两类主要的生态系统服务评估测度模式,侧重概述了价值转移的涵义、类型、历史研究、应用限制及现有的可用于价值转移的有代表性的数据库,在此基础之上归纳两类测度模式的优势和普遍存在的局限性。总体而言,基于生态功能的原始评估更适用于地区尺度的精细化管理,评估准确但相对难度大、耗时长、成本高;基于相似生境的价值转移方法更适用于国家或区域尺度进行估判和分级,估值快速但相对信息少、不确定性大、影响因素多。其后还介绍了集成了一类或多类测度模式中不同方法的综合评估模型与工具。通过分析当前主流的评估方法与日益增长的评估需求之间的矛盾,结合生态系统服务级联,最终提出基于关键生态系统特征建立简化预测模型的评估思路,目的是为了简化传统评估过程、缩短评估周期,完善并发展以往的价值转移,推动生态系统服务多尺度、大范围的摸底清查。  相似文献   

This paper explores the scope and limitations of the economic valuation of biodiversity. How and why is this a useful exercise, but in what way is its usefulness constrained? These issues are discussed with particular reference to cultural values within the context of medicinal plants and phytopharmaceutical development. It is argued that whilst economic valuation is an extremely important and necessary aid to formulating conservation policy, it probably is not that informative about the motivations of people in their use of certain natural resources. This is especially true for the case of medicinal plants where belief systems about the causes of disease and therefore strategies for healing are important. The paper reviews studies which have attempted to put monetary values on medicinal plants and the option values of pharmaceuticals developed from plants, and discusses the applicability of the various approaches. The implications for conservation policy, and for likely collaboration between social and natural scientists is discussed.  相似文献   

生态系统服务功能体系框架整合的探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
李建勇  陈桂珠 《生态科学》2004,23(2):179-183
有关生态系统服务功能的价值估算的文献越来越多。然而,这些数据特别分散,且缺乏统一的尺度与估算标准,从而导致生态经济分析不具有可比性。鉴于这种情况,本文试图建立生态系统服务功能综合集成体系框架,对生态系统功能、服务和商品及其价值估算严谨一致地提出了基本概念框架,将生态系统服务功能划分为4大类23亚类,分别对应于经济、生态和社会文化价值,并以矩阵和清单的形式在这些生态系统服务功能与各种估算方法之间建立了对应关系。  相似文献   

长岛自然保护区生态系统维护的条件价值评估   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
长岛自然保护区是典型的海岛自然保护区,迅速发展的捕捞业、养殖业和旅游业不可避免地引起环境污染和资源过度利用等问题,使长岛生态系统可持续发展面临严峻挑战。采用支付卡式的条件价值法,调查并估算了2013年居民和游客对维护长岛自然保护区生态系统的支付意愿,并与2008年的研究结果比较以检验条件价值法的可靠性。结果显示,2013年居民和游客人均最大支付意愿分别为203.77和257.26元/a,分别比2008年增长了7.9%和21.7%。两次支付意愿调查结果的相同点在于居民或游客对各个投标额愿意支付的人数比例在不同年份分布趋势基本一致,不同点在于愿意支付的人数比例明显增加。前者体现在居民对各个投标额的选择比较集中,而游客的选择比较分散;后者表现为居民和游客愿意支付的人数比例增长率分别为20.5%和19.1%。结果表明,采用条件价值法评估长岛自然保护区居民和游客对生态系统维护的支付意愿结果可靠,其评估结果主要受经济收入和环境保护意识的影响。因此,当地政府应在发展经济的基础上,加强对生态环境保护的宣传和教育。  相似文献   

李辉霞  陈世熠  林锦标 《生态学报》2022,42(18):7577-7586
运用实地调研和理论分析的方法对中国生态资源价值化体系的变迁进行分析,并进一步提出耦合生态资本和社会资本的生态资源价值化理论框架。按照价值化的逻辑总结出价值化两条路径:流量价值化和存量价值化,并通过梳理科技文献指出现有研究的不足:流量价值化缺乏"生态视角"和存量价值化缺乏"整体视角"。对比分析了不同时期中国生态资源价值化变迁的特点,发现计划经济时期国家通过生态资源的公有和单要素管理,实现流量、存量的管控和生态资源收益的合理分配;在市场化改革前期,生态资源使用权与所有权的收益逐步分离,激励了社会资本带动生产力发展,但也造成了生态危机和贫富差距拉大等问题;在市场化后期,各地不断实践探索全生态要素治理,通过政府市场社会多方位联动追求共同富裕和生态文明目标的实现。指出生态资源价值体系与社会历史进程的关系,揭示了其背后社会资本与生态资本的耦合关系。最后,提出在市场化改革后期需要坚持"公共性"政党的领导,并在耦合社会资本与生态资本这一思想指导下构建的县镇村三级联动的生态资源价值化框架。研究结论为乡村振兴背景下中国生态资源价值化体系提供理论指导,为中国共产党领导下生态文明思想的人民性提供政治经济学的解释。  相似文献   

The valuation of ecosystem services is a complex process as it includes several dimensions (ecological, socio-cultural and economic) and not all of these can be quantified in monetary units. The aim of this paper is to conduct an ecosystem services valuation study for mangroves ecosystems, the results of which can be used to inform governance and management of mangroves. We used an expert-based participatory approach (the Delphi technique) to identify, categorize and rank the various ecosystem services provided by mangrove ecosystems at a global scale. Subsequently we looked for evidence in the existing ecosystem services literature for monetary valuations of these ecosystem service categories throughout the biogeographic distribution of mangroves. We then compared the relative ranking of ecosystem service categories between the monetary valuations and the expert based analysis. The experts identified 16 ecosystem service categories, six of which are not adequately represented in the literature. There was no significant correlation between the expert based valuation (the Delphi technique) and the economic valuation, indicating that the scope of valuation of ecosystem services needs to be broadened. Acknowledging this diversity in different valuation approaches, and developing methodological frameworks that foster the pluralism of values in ecosystem services research, are crucial for maintaining the credibility of ecosystem services valuation. To conclude, we use the findings of our dual approach to valuation to make recommendations on how to assess and manage the ecosystem services provided by mangrove ecosystems.  相似文献   

白云山森林生态系统间接经济价值评估   总被引:30,自引:2,他引:30  
使用市场价值法,影子工程法,机会成本法和替代法等对白云山1800hm2森林生态系统的功能价值进行经济评估,评估结果表明,白云山总的生态价值为14 580.17万元,其中活立木生产量的价值1423.58万元,涵养水源价值和保护土壤价值为460.66万元,固定二氧化碳和放出氧气的价值为3623.54万元,动物栖息地和生物多样性保护价值为632.47万元,林分持留N、P、K养分价值133.52万元,卫生保健价值为1737万元,农业粮食产量增加价值为2 338.54万元,降解SO2和防治病虫害17.33万元,旅游价值4 213.53万元。  相似文献   

生态系统服务与自然资本价值评估   总被引:165,自引:9,他引:156  
张志强  徐中民  程国栋 《生态学报》2001,21(11):1918-1926
生态系统服务是生态系统提供的商品和服务,是人类生态和发展的物质基础和基本条件,是人类拥有的关键自然资本。概述了生态系统服务的内涵及类型,介绍了当前国内外有关生态系统服务及自然资本的价值理论、价值评估的各种方法及其类型;评述了研究的主要进展,存在的主要问题、难点和研究的主要趋向。认为生态系统服务及自然资本的价值评估研究是建立生态-环境-经济综合核算体系(可持续发展核算体系)的重要内容和关键环节,完善价值评估的理论与经济技术方法是生态系统服务价值评估研究亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

广东古兜山自然保护区森林生态系统服务价值评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
森林生态系统对维持自然生态系统格局、功能和过程具有特殊的生态意义。该文以广东省古兜山自然保护区为例,探讨了自然保护区森林生态系统服务功能的价值。采用市场价值法、影子工程法、替代花费法等对古兜山自然保护区森林生态系统服务功能价值进行评估,得出古兜山自然保护区每年森林生态系统服务功能总价值为57887615元。其中生产功能价值为6937700元,每年森林景观与游憩的平均价值为4050000元,森林生态系统改善大气环境的年总价值约32212700元,涵养水源与净化水质的年总价值为5809000元,森林保育土壤的年总价值为8878215元。该研究的目的在于以数值来显示自然保护区森林生态系统所提供的生态服务功能价值是巨大的,从而加深全社会对生态服务价值的认识,加强对森林生态系统服务功能的管理与保护。  相似文献   

More conservation-oriented forest management practices have been implemented recently in the Nordic countries. The goal of this ecological forest landscape management is to reconcile the commercial harvesting of boreal forests with biodiversity conservation. Management aims at maintaining viable populations of the full array of naturally occurring species in an area while still keeping the timber flow as maximal as possible. Basic ecological tools of managing landscape for biodiversity are (1) to mimic natural disturbance regimes, (2) to set aside areas in permanent or temporary nature reserves, and (3) to enhance dispersal of organisms by creating habitat corridors and stepping stones. The ecological basis of this management system is not well founded, and much more empirical and theoretical research is needed to justify and further develop forest landscape management. It has also proved difficult to assess the economic consequences of more conservation-oriented forest management because the market economy largely fails to give value to forest products other than fibre. Considerable methodological development in the valuation of non-timber goods has occurred in recent years, but there is still much controversy over the justification of the valuation procedure in principle. It seems that both economic and moral approaches to the issue of valuation are inseparable from the choices and decisions we have to make about ecological systems. Perhaps the most fruitful outcome can be achieved by using moral and economic arguments in parallel.  相似文献   

湿地生态系统服务功能的价值评估   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
刘晓辉  吕宪国  姜明  商丽娜  王锡刚 《生态学报》2008,28(11):5625-5631
湿地生态系统服务功能的价值评估是目前生态学研究的热点领域之一。综述国内外湿地生态系统服务功能、价值相关研究成果,在此基础上,着重评述了湿地生态系统服务功能价值评估方法研究进程和价值评价2个方面的内容,给出了不同评估方法的特点,并对湿地生态系统服务功能价值评价涉及的价值排序、价值系数、价值动态各个侧面的研究分别予以评述,基于此对今后研究提出展望:明确主导服务功能价值、加强价值影响因素分析、开发价值动态模型、构建生态补偿机制、探讨人工湿地生态系统的服务功能价值流的变化。旨在加深对湿地生态系统服务功能价值的认知,为人类与湿地环境的可持续发展提供必要的理论支持。  相似文献   

Habitats and the ecosystem services they provide are part of the world’s portfolio of natural capital assets. Like many components of this portfolio, it is difficult to assess the full economic value of these services, which tends to over-emphasize the value of extractive activities such as coastal development. Building on recent ecological studies of species–habitat linkages, we use a bioeconomic model to value multiple types of habitats as natural capital, using mangroves, sea grass, and coral reefs as our model system. We show how key ecological variables and processes, including obligate and facultative behaviors map into habitat values and how the valuation of these ecological processes can inform decisions regarding coastal development (habitat clearing). Our stylized modeling framework also provides a clear and concise road map for researchers interested in understanding how to make the link between ecosystem function, ecosystem service, and conservation policy decisions. Our findings also highlight the importance of additional ecological research into how species utilize habitats and that this research is not just important for ecological science, but it can and will influence ecosystem service values that, in turn, will impact coastal land-use decisions. While refining valuation methods is not necessarily going to lead to more rational coastal land-use decisions, it will improve our understanding on the ecological–economic mechanisms that contribute to the value of our natural capital assets. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

青海湖湿地生态系统服务价值评估   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
江波  张路  欧阳志云 《生态学杂志》2015,26(10):3137-3144
青海湖是我国最大的内陆高原咸水湖,为社会提供了多项生态系统服务.开展青海湖湿地生态系统服务价值评估能用直观的经济数据揭示青海湖湿地生态系统对受益者的直接贡献,使青海湖湿地生态保护被纳入经济效益权衡的决策分析中.本文根据青海湖湿地生态系统特征及其所在区域社会经济特征,确定了青海湖湿地生态系统最终服务价值评估指标体系,并以2012年为基础年,综合运用市场价值法、替代成本法、区域旅行费用模型、条件价值法等方法定量评估了青海湖湿地生态系统提供给受益者的生态经济价值.结果表明: 2012年青海湖湿地生态系统最终服务总价值为6749.08亿元,其中,水源涵养和气候调节价值分别为4797.57亿元和1929.34亿元,分别占总价值的71.1% 和 28.6%.对所评估的8项最终服务按其价值大小排序为:水源涵养>气候调节>休闲娱乐>非使用价值>释氧>原材料生产>固碳>食物生产.评估结果用直观的数字揭示了青海湖湿地生态系统对受益者的巨大贡献,不仅能提高管理者和公众的湿地保护认知,也为生态补偿标准制定提供了数据基础.评估指标体系为区分湿地生态系统中间服务(功能)和最终服务、开展湿地生态系统最终服务动态评估和优化管理提供了重要方向.  相似文献   

Ecological engineering methods for soil and water conservation in Taiwan   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper describes the development of Taiwan's localized ecological engineering methods to make the mitigation works more effective. To strengthen the soil and water conservation and protection of the ecological environment, comprehensive mitigation planning is necessary with considerations that include balancing the safety, ecology, and landscape, and treating the whole watershed as a unit. To demonstrate the achievement of the promotion of the ecological engineering methods in Taiwan, this paper illustrates two complete mitigation examples for a debris flow torrent and a stream. Most of the mitigation works have survived and are still stable (with some minor damages) after the two strong typhoons of 2004. We show that the developed ecological engineering methods are very suitable in mitigation and worthwhile for further promotion for Taiwan's ecological environment.  相似文献   

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