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The "malpractice crisis" in the United States cannot be understood in isolation. Litigation is precipitated by features of the American health care and social security systems. Relative to the United Kingdom, there are fewer barriers of access to the courts, although the role of contingency fees has probably been exaggerated. Given the great institutional differences between the UK and the USA, the crisis seems unlikely to be replicated here unless there are further moves towards privatising both the costs of providing health care and the costs of its failures. It is concluded that a marginal change in the frequency or average cost of claims could have a serious impact on National Health Service resources, the medical defence societies, recruitment to specialties, and clinical practice. Debate over possible reforms is compromised by the dearth of good empirical data. Any changes, however, must address both the deterrence of bad practice and the compensation of injured patients.  相似文献   

Physicians who make mistakes are not necessarily negligent, contrary to prevailing opinion in the medical community. The article discusses the legal concepts of "standard of care" and "proximate cause." The incidence of favorable jury verdicts in those cases in which malpractice suits are litigated is quite high. The effects of insurance company policies in decisions about settlements on the incidence of claims is discussed and alternatives are suggested. The prevailing belief that a consent form with a patient''s signature on it is sufficient to prevent a malpractice suit is also discussed.  相似文献   

The legal system depends on the medical expert for evidence. Doctors readily complain about frivolous cases that go to trial, yet a lawyer cannot bring a frivolous claim to trial without a physician expert witness stating that the claim is not frivolous. An insurance company cannot raise premiums without medical expert witnesses servicing the increasing litigation against the insured. Physicians must look to themselves as a major contributor to rising malpractice insurance costs. For without the physician expert witness, no medical malpractice lawsuit can take place. It is the expert physician, not the attorneys or insurance companies, who defines "meritless" and "frivolous" and who ultimately controls the courts' medical malpractice caseload.  相似文献   

C Richmond 《CMAJ》1997,157(7):940-941
As in Canada, medical malpractice premiums in the United Kingdom are on the rise. In recent years there has been a 15%-20% annual rise in the cost of claims, and litigation costs for the National Health Service are soaring. Now, reports Caroline Richmond, another surge of litigation may be on the horizon because a 1996 change makes it possible for lawyers to take cases on a contingency basis.  相似文献   

Health insurance in the United States is failing patients and physicians alike. In this country 37 million uninsured face economic barriers to care, and the health of many suffers as a result. The "corporatization" of medical care threatens professional values with an unprecedented administrative and commercial intrusion into the daily practice of medicine. Competitive strategies have also failed their most ostensible goal--cost control. In contrast, Canada offers a model of a national health insurance plan that provides universal and comprehensive coverage, succeeds at restraining health care inflation, and does little to abrogate the clinical autonomy of physicians in private practice. I propose that American physicians relent in their historical opposition to national health insurance and participate in the development of a universal, public insurance plan responsive to the needs of both patients and physicians.  相似文献   

The conference was organized in part to dispel some of the misinformation that interferes with cooperative efforts of attorneys and physicians to redress the malpractice situation. During discussion of the hypothetical case, participants identified how medical decision-making responsibilities were allocated among health care providers caring for the patient. Panel members suggested ways in which medical decision making might be affected by non-medical factors such as third-party reimbursement (e.g., selection of inpatient or outpatient setting, the opportunity to discuss issues related to informed consent prior to the day of a procedure) and potential malpractice litigation (e.g., documentation in charts, use of diagnostic procedures). The characterization of decision-making roles and responsibilities differed somewhat for purposes of malpractice litigation; that is, which caregivers might be named as defendants. Panel members reconstructed the development of the medical incident into a legal case. Plaintiff's attorney commented that it is often a hospital employee who advises the family to consult an attorney and described some of the constraints on information gathering (e.g., the rule of "discovery" requiring that suit be filed before defendants can be forced to give statements about what happened, insurance contract provisions prohibiting physicians from talking without legal counsel present to persons who indicate that they plan to file suit). He also briefly explained the rationale for the contingency fee arrangement in these cases. Describing the role of the medical expert witness and the need to review the medical record, he outlined the process of deciding whether to pursue a malpractice case. In making this decision, plaintiff's attorney evaluates the facts to identify issues in the case, to determine if there are deviations from the standard of care, and to try to predict jury reaction. If a suit is filed, defense attorneys employed by the hospital, insurance company, or individual defendants will decide, based on facts including coverage limits, possible publicity, and likelihood of successful prosecution, whether the case should be settled and for what amount. Interests represented by the defense attorneys differ and may affect settlement strategies. Physician feelings of concern for the patient/family or desire for vindication will, to varying degrees, be factors in the decision to try or settle a case. Panel members explored several important policy issues. Among these were the effect of malpractice cases on doctor-patient communications and ethical issues concerning expert witnesses.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

There have been several approaches taken to solve the malpractice insurance problem in this country. However, since the cost of malpractice insurance continues to climb, the changes so far have not solved the problem, and more changes seem inevitable. A major change could be the development of a patient insurance plan that would provide compensation for certain injuries related to medical care. The insurance coverage would be centered on hospital care. If certain requirements are met, the plan may not be more expensive than the current tort liability system, and would offer several advantages. In addition to the patient injury insurance, there could be federal assumption of liability for national immunization programs.  相似文献   

The medical profession has experienced high liability insurance premiums accompanied by widespread use of contingent fees in medical malpractice litigation. It is worthwhile, therefore, to assess qualitatively the merits of contingent fees, the evidence suggesting that they are associated with unjustified litigation and their implications for the medical and legal professions.  相似文献   

J. B. Delston 《Bioethics》2017,31(9):703-710
Politicians, employers, courts, and health insurance companies are often discussed as problematically preventing access to birth control. However, doctors have more direct control over women's health and quietly have been much more effective at preventing patients' access to contraception. Obstetrician/Gynecologists routinely deny their patients access to contraception ostensibly in the name of health by withholding birth control until patients undergo yearly pap smears. I argue that those in the medical field are motivated by similarly sexist concerns as those in other major institutions in the United States, but that they are often overlooked in discussions of biomedical ethics. After providing background, I argue that using birth control as a bargaining chip to control patients is morally impermissible, is paternalistic, and is contrary to consent. I next argue that sexism explains, though does not justify, this practice. I discuss the medical harms of routine pap smears and withholding birth control. These claims make medical malpractice likely. Withholding birth control to coerce individuals seeking medical care is medical malpractice, paternalistic, violates autonomy, and is contrary to consent.  相似文献   

With new legislation and favorable case law developments, many providers of health care services are turning to binding arbitration agreements as a partial solution to the medical malpractice crisis. Existing data indicate tremendous advantages can be gained from the use of such agreements, if they are carefully drawn to comply with new law, tailored to the particular situation in which they will be used and coupled with appropriate procedures to secure the intended benefits.Arbitration is not a substitute for insurance, but if a provider has taken the calculated risk of forgoing insurance he should not be without a carefully drawn binding arbitration agreement.  相似文献   

East Indian immigrants to the United States represent the diversity in religion, language, and culture that exists in India, so it is difficult to make unequivocal statements about their health beliefs and behaviors. Despite the diversity, an understanding of Ayurvedic humoral concepts of health and illness provides a key to some pervasive and persistent ideas and practices. India has a pluralistic medical system in which Western medicine, which is increasingly popular for some ailments, is one option among many. Even those who are familiar with the "Western" medical system in India may find American medicine alien.  相似文献   

通过分析我国目前医疗纠纷的实际状况,得出妥善处理医疗纠纷面临的3个关键问题:法律体系的科学统一;执法过程的公平公正;建立健全医疗损害责任保险制度并纳入法制管理轨道。  相似文献   

The strong value in American medical practice placed on the disclosure of terminal illness conflicts with the cultural beliefs of many recent refugees and immigrants to the United States, who often consider frank disclosure inappropriate and insensitive. What a terminally ill person wants to hear and how it is told are embedded in culture. For Ethiopians, "bad news" should be told to a family member or close friend of the patient who will divulge information to the patient at appropriate times and places and in a culturally approved and recognized manner. Being sensitive to patients'' worldviews may reduce the frustration and conflict experienced by both refugees and American physicians.  相似文献   

No-fault medical malpractice insurance has been proposed as an alternative to the present tort liability approach. Statistical examination of the concept of proximate cause reveals not only that the question of acceptable care, and therefore of fault, is unavoidable in identifying patients deserving compensation, but also that specifying fault in an individual case is scientifically untenable. A simple formula for a Coefficient of Causality clarifies the question of proximate cause in existing trial practices and suggests that many of the threats associated with malpractice suits arise from the structure of the tort-insurance system rather than from professional responsibility for medical injury. The concepts could provide the basis for a revised claims and compensation procedure.  相似文献   

V Dirnfeld 《CMAJ》1996,155(4):407-410
The promise of a universal, comprehensive, publicly funded system of medical care that was the foundation of the Medical Care Act passed in 1966 is no longer possible. Massive government debt, increasing health care costs, a growing and aging population and advances in technology have challenged the system, which can no longer meet the expectations of the public or of the health care professions. A parallel, private system, funded by a not-for-profit, regulated system of insurance coverage affordable for all wage-earners, would relieve the overstressed public system without decreasing the quality of care in that system. Critics of a parallel, private system, who base their arguments on the politics of fear and envy, charge that such a private system would "Americanize" Canadian health care and that the wealthy would be able to buy better, faster care than the rest of the population. But this has not happened in the parallel public and private health care systems in other Western countries or in the public and private education system in Canada. Wealthy Canadians can already buy medical care in the United States, where they spend $1 billion each year, an amount that represents a loss to Canada of 10,000 health care jobs. Parallel-system schemes in other countries have proven that people are driven to a private system by dissatisfaction with the quality of service, which is already suffering in Canada. Denial of choice is unacceptable to many people, particularly since the terms and conditions under which Canadians originally decided to forgo choice in medical care no longer apply.  相似文献   

Based on fieldwork with a highly uninsured and underinsured Korean American population, this article maps how the current healthcare system in the United States disenfranchises those of marginal insurance status. The vulnerability of these disenfranchised biological citizens is multiplied through exposure to disproportional health risks compounded by exclusion from essential healthcare. The first-generation Korean Americans, who commonly work in small businesses, face the double burden of increased health risks from long, stress-laden work hours and lack of access to healthcare due to the prohibitive costs of health insurance for small business owners. Even as their health needs become critical, their insurance status and costly medical bills discourage them from visiting healthcare institutions, leaving Korean Americans outside the ??political economy of hope?? (Good, Cult Med Psychiatry 52:61?C69, 2001). Through an ethnographic examination of the daily practice of doing-without-health among a marginalized sub-group in American society, this paper articulates how disenfranchised biological citizenship goes beyond creating institutional barriers to healthcare to shaping subjectivities of the disenfranchised.  相似文献   

1. A dispassionate comparison of the British and American systems of medical care using conventional guidelines (structure, process, and outcomes) as applied to acknowledged national problems in health and medical care (expense, quality, and distribution) has been made. 2. Dissimilarities in the size of the countries, in the attitudes of physicians, and in homogeneity of populations make it unlikely that the two countries should have identical medical-care systems. 3. The "good features" of the NHS, which by implication might benefit the American system if adopted, are seen to be overshadowed by weakness: a) Relative expensiveness or extravagance of American medicine is seen as underfinancing of the British system. b) Quality of care in Britain is threatened by lack of professional stimulation of generalists, inadequate facilities, and rationing of medical care by prolonged waiting times for elective services. c) Distribution of services is a problem in both countries which will not be corrected by administrative controls but "pegged to incentives" as is true in America. 4. Administrative change in NHS in April 1974 is evidence of internal dissatisfaction. It also demonstrates the need for continual revision of the system; a similar need is made evident by recent legislative proposals in America. 5. Dr. Beeson's final recommendation for voluntary organizational effort by the profession in America has merit.  相似文献   

Low birth weight is the major determinant of infant mortality. Continuing declines in infant mortality in the United States are due to the use of neonatal intensive care services; less progress has been made toward preventing low birth weight. I examined how the demographic, socioeconomic, and health services use variables affected rates of low birth weights in Pima County, Arizona, in 1985. Women at greatest risk of having the smallest infants were those younger than 21 years and those with fewer than 6 prenatal visits. Nulliparous women with fewer than 6 prenatal visits showed a still greater risk of having an infant of low birth weight. Women without medical insurance coverage had babies with the lowest mean birth weights, as well as significantly fewer prenatal visits. As the number of uninsured in the United States increases, the effect of lack of insurance among pregnant women becomes increasingly important. To prevent low-weight births, comprehensive maternity care services must be available to all pregnant women regardless of ability to pay.  相似文献   



China has the world''s largest floating (migrant) population, which has characteristics largely different from the rest of the population. Our goal is to study health insurance coverage and its impact on medical cost for this population.


A telephone survey was conducted in 2012. 644 subjects were surveyed. Univariate and multivariate analysis were conducted on insurance coverage and medical cost.


82.2% of the surveyed subjects were covered by basic insurance at hometowns with hukou or at residences. Subjects'' characteristics including age, education, occupation, and presence of chronic diseases were associated with insurance coverage. After controlling for confounders, insurance coverage was not significantly associated with gross or out-of-pocket medical cost.


For the floating population, health insurance coverage needs to be improved. Policy interventions are needed so that health insurance can have a more effective protective effect on cost.  相似文献   

《Gender Medicine》2007,4(2):89-96
The different legal, social, and medical approaches to ritually based male and female genital circumcision in the United States are highlighted in this article. The religious and historical origins of these practices are briefly examined, as well as the effect of changing policy statements by American medical associations on the number of circumcisions performed. Currently, no state or federal laws single out male circumcision for regulation. The tolerant attitudes toward male circumcision in law, medicine, and societal opinion stand in striking contrast to the attitudes of those disciplines toward even the least invasive form of female genital alteration. US law tacitly condones male circumcision by providing exemptions that are not available for other medical procedures, while criminalizing any similar or even less extensive procedure on females. The increase in immigration, over the past few decades, of people from countries in which female genital alteration is a cultural tradition has brought the issue to the United States. The medical profession's changing approach over time toward male circumcision is primarily responsible for such different legal and societal reactions toward female genital alteration.  相似文献   

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