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We experimentally investigated the influence of developmental plasticity of ultraviolet (UV) visual sensitivity on predation efficiency of the larval smooth newt, Lissotriton vulgaris. We quantified expression of SWS1 opsin gene (UV-sensitive protein of photoreceptor cells) in the retinas of individuals who had developed in the presence (UV+) or absence (UV−) of UV light (developmental treatments), and tested their predation efficiency under UV+ and UV− light (testing treatments). We found that both SWS1 opsin expression and predation efficiency were significantly reduced in the UV− developmental group. Larvae in the UV− testing environment displayed consistently lower predation efficiency regardless of their developmental treatment. These results prove for the first time, we believe, functional UV vision and developmental plasticity of UV sensitivity in an amphibian at the larval stage. They also demonstrate that UV wavelengths enhance predation efficiency and suggest that the magnitude of the behavioural response depends on retinal properties induced by the developmental lighting environment.  相似文献   

The primary target of photoinhibition is the photosystem II reaction center. The process involves a reversible damage, followed by an irreversible inhibition of photosystem II activity. During cell exposition to high light intensity, the D1 protein is specially degraded. An atrazine-resistant mutant of Synechocystis 6714, AzV, reaches the irreversible step of photoinhibition faster than wild-type cells. Two point mutations present in the psbA gene of AzV (coding for D1) lead to the modification of Phe 211 to Ser and Ala 251 to Val in D1. Transformation of wild-type cells with the AzV psbA gene shows that these two mutations are sufficient to induce a faster photodamage of PSII. Other DCMU-and/or atrazine-resistant mutants do not differ from the wild type when photoinhibited. We conclude that the QB pocket is involved in PSII photodamage and we propose that the mutation of Ala 251 might be related to a lower rate of proteolysis of the D1 protein than in the wild type.Abbreviations DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea - PSII photosystem II - RCII reaction center II  相似文献   

The non-MHC-encoded CD1 family has recently emerged as a novel antigen-presenting system that is distinct from MHC class I and class II molecules. In the present study, we determined the genomic structure of that rat CD1, and compared with those of other previously reported CD1 genes. Rat CD1 was extremely similar to mouse CD1 genes, especially to CD1D1. It is of interest that a tyrosine-based motif for endosomal localization, identified in the human CD1b cytoplasmic tail, was conserved in all CD1 molecules except for CD1a, that was encoded by a single short exon. Comparison of the overall exon-intron organization of CD1 genes revealed that the length of the introns was also characteristic to each of the two classes of CD1 genes; classic (CD1A, CD1B, CD1C and CD1E), and CD1D, which have been categorized by comparison of coding regions. These findings support a hypothesis that the two classes have different evolutionary histories. In contrast to the absence of the classic CD1 genes in rats and mice, the entire region of nonpolymorphic CD1D gene has been conserved through mammalian evolution. Furthermore, we determined chromosomal localization of rat CD1 gene using the fluorescence in situ hybridization method with several probes derived from genomic rat CD1 clones. Similar to human and mouse CD1, rat CD1 mapped outside the MHC loci despite the structural and functional resemblance to MHC. Conserved syntheny of chromosomal segments of RNO2 and MMU3 is implied.  相似文献   

Colour vision in diurnal birds falls into two discrete classes, signified by the spectral sensitivity of the violet- (VS) or ultraviolet-sensitive (UVS) short wavelength-sensitive type 1 (SWS1) single cone. Shifts between sensitivity classes are rare; three or four are believed to have happened in the course of avian evolution, one forming UVS higher passerines. Such shifts probably affect the expression of shortwave-dominated plumage signals. We have used genomic DNA sequencing to determine VS or UVS affinity in fairy-wrens and allies, Maluridae, a large passerine family basal to the known UVS taxa. We have also spectrophotometrically analysed male plumage coloration as perceived by the VS and UVS vision systems. Contrary to any other investigated avian genus, Malurus (fairy-wrens) contains species with amino acid residues typical of either VS or UVS cone opsins. Three bowerbird species (Ptilonorhynchidae) sequenced for outgroup comparison carry VS opsin genes. Phylogenetic reconstructions render one UVS gain followed by one or more losses as the most plausible evolutionary scenario. The evolution of avian ultraviolet sensitivity is hence more complex, as a single shift no longer explains its distribution in Passeriformes. Character correlation analysis proposes that UVS vision is associated with shortwave-reflecting plumage, which is widespread in Maluridae.  相似文献   

Cary JW  Ehrlich KC 《Mycopathologia》2006,162(3):167-177
Aflatoxins (AFs) are toxic and carcinogenic secondary metabolites produced by isolates of Aspergillus section Flavi as well as a number of Aspergillus isolates that are classified outside of section Flavi. Characterization of the AF and sterigmatocystin (ST) gene clusters and analysis of factors governing regulation of their biosynthesis has resulted in these two mycotoxins being the most extensively studied of fungal secondary metabolites. This wealth of information has allowed the determination of the molecular basis for non-production of AF in natural isolates of A. flavus and domesticated strains of A. oryzae. This review provides an overview of the molecular analysis of the AF and ST gene clusters as well as new information on an AF gene cluster identified in the non-section Flavi isolate, Aspergillus ochraceoroseus. Additionally, molecular phylogenetic analysis using AF biosynthetic gene sequences as well as ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences between various section Flavi and non-section Flavi species has enabled determination of the probable evolutionary history of the AF and ST gene clusters. A model for the evolution of the AF and ST gene clusters as well as possible biological roles for AF are discussed.  相似文献   

Three protozoal cultivation media were tested to determine the medium which best facilitated growth and viability of key B-type ciliates isolated from the sheep rumen. Entodinium caudatum and Eudiplodinium maggii were grown anaerobically in 50-ml flasks for 32 days in Caudatum-type (C), Kisidayova (K) or Dehority (M) medium. On day 32, in media K and M, E. caudatum cell counts were high with 5.6 × 103 and 7.8 × 103 mL−1, respectively, and the proportion of dead cells was low with 0.6 and 1.4%, respectively. E. maggii concentrations when grown in medium M and C were 2.7 × 103 and 2.4 × 103 mL−1, respectively, with 3.9 and 14.1% dead cells. Medium M, which favoured growth of both protozoa species, was tested again and Epidinium ecaudatum was included. Protozoa were grown for a 4-month period and samples were taken in the last two months on days 1, 7, 35 and 57. Average cell concentrations were 10.0, 0.8 and 0.5 × 103 mL−1 for E. caudatum, E. maggii, and E. ecaudatum, respectively. In conclusion, medium M would appear to be the best choice for cultivating these three species in one medium.  相似文献   

This study reports the association of five blood types, three enzymes, two proteins, Escherichia coli F18 receptor gene (ECF18R), and the Ryanodin receptor (RYR1) gene with six production traits, four meat quality traits, and two osteochondral diseases in Swiss pig populations. Data on on-farm traits (daily weight gain, percent premium cuts, and backfat) and on station-tested traits (daily weight gain, feed conversion ratio, meat quality, and osteochondral lesions) were available on 3,918 and 303 animals, respectively. A mixed linear model with allele substitution effects was used for each trait by marker analysis (144 analyses). Significant marker-trait associations and allele substitution effects are presented. In general, heritability estimates for production and meat quality traits were higher than those for osteochondral lesions. Blood types lack significant associations with many traits except H and S types. Enzymes (mainly, glucose phosphate isomerase) and protein polymorphisms show significant associations with daily weight gain, premium cuts, and backfat as well as osteochondral lesions. The RYR and ECF18R genes significantly affected all growth, production, and lean meat content traits and osteochondral lesions; RYR also affected pH values. This study reports many novel marker-trait associations, particularly between the incidence of osteochondral lesions and polymorphisms at glucose phosphate isomerase, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, postalbumin 1A, RYR, and ECF18R loci. These results should be useful in selection and for further functional genomics and proteomics investigations.  相似文献   

We analyzed the impact of ethylene and auxin disturbances on callus, shoots and Agrobacterium rhizogenes-induced hairy root formation in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). The auxin low-sensitivity dgt mutation showed little hairy root initiation, whereas the ethylene low-sensitivity Nr mutation did not differ from the control Micro-Tom cultivar. Micro-Tom and dgt hairy roots containing auxin sensitivity/biosynthesis rol and aux genes formed prominent callus onto media supplemented with cytokinin. Under the same conditions, Nr hairy roots did not form callus. Double mutants combining Rg1, a mutation conferring elevated shoot formation capacity, with either dgt or Nr produced explants that formed shoots with little callus proliferation. The presence of rol + aux genes in Rg1 hairy roots prevented shoot formation. Taken together, the results suggest that although ethylene does not affect hairy root induction, as auxin does, it may be necessary for auxin-induced callus formation in tomato. Moreover, excess auxin prevents shoot formation in Rg1.  相似文献   

Bacillus thuringiensis subsp.israelensis andB. sphaericus strains 2362 and 1593 were grown in media based on defatted mustard-seed meal (MSM). The meal contains 40% (w/w) protein, with glutamic acid and arginine as the major amino acids. The toxic potencies of the final bacterial powders towardsCulex pipens quinquefasciatus Say, compared with those of the respective international reference standards, were 46% forB. thuringiensis subsp.israelensis, 62% forB. sphaericus 2362 and 88% forB. sphaericus 1593 when 2% (w/v) MSM was used for growth. With 4% (w/v) MSM,B. thuringiensis subsp.israelensis grew better but had undetectable larvicidal activity, whereas theB. sphaericus strains not only grew better but gave a higher degree of sporulation and toxicity. The potencies ofB. sphaericus in medium with 4% MSM were comparable with those of international reference standards.The authors are with the Department of Life Sciences, University of Bombay, Bombay 400 098, India.  相似文献   

Physiological and immuno-blotting experiments were used to determine whether the red blood cell membrane of a primitive vertebrate, the sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus, contained a counterpart similar to the vertebrate anion exchange protein known as AE1 or band 3. Results of the physiological experiments which measured CO2 production after adding H14CO 3 - to the extracellular saline, indicated significant transmembrane bicarbonate movement in lamprey blood which unlike that in most vertebrates, was insensitive to inhibition by 4,4 diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2 disulfonic acid. The present study also showed that lamprey red blood cells possess acetazolamide-sensitive carbonic anhydrase which is an important component of CO2 production by vertebrate red blood cells. Polyclonal immunoglobulins against a 12 amino acid domain in the C-terminus of the mouse AE1 recognized a trout red blood cell membrane protein with a relative molecular mass of 97 kDa, but failed to immunoreact with any membrane proteins from the red blood cells of lamprey. Antibodies against trout AE1 immunoreacted with trout red blood cell membrane proteins of approximately 97 kDa, 200 kDa and >200 kDa. Interestingly, only a 200-kDa membrane protein from the red blood cells of the primitive lamprey immunoreacted with the trout anti-AE1 immunoglobulin proteins. Therefore, lamprey red blood cells appear to possess an AE1-like protein that may be physiologically different than that in most other vertebrates.  相似文献   

Rooted cuttings ofRosa multiflora ‘Brooks 56’ were grown in a medium of 1 mineral soil: 1 sand (v/v) or bark: 1 sand (v/v) inoculated with the VA-mycorrhizal (VAM) fungiGlomus mosseae (Nicol. and Gerd.) Gerd. and Trappe andG. fasciculatum (Thaxt. sensu Gerd.) Gerd. and Trappe or left as noninoculated controls. The slow release fertilizer osmocote was applied at rates of either 0, 1.2, or 4.2 kg/m3 (18N-6P-12K) and incorporated into the container medium. After 180 days plants were evaluated for growth, development and chemical leaf analysis. Greatest growth responses occurred after the highest fertilizer application of 4.2 kg/m3, and the poorest one after 0 kg/m3. Combination bark: sand medium was superior to mineral soil: sand medium for growth of mycorrhizal plants. At 0 kg/m3, mycorrhizal plants in bark: sand medium had longer shoots than other treatments. At 1.2 kg/m3, VAM plants compared to nonmycorrhizal plants in park:sand medium had greater effect on growth parameters. At the highest fertilizer application of 4.2 kg/m3, greatest growth responses occurred with VAM plants in bark:sand medium. Mycorrhizal plants compared to nonmycorrhizal plants in bark:sand medium had greater K and Zn uptake at 0 kg/m3, and greater K, Ca, S, Mn and Zn uptake at 1.2 kg/m3. Texas Agr. Expt. Sta. Journal Series No. TA-22264.  相似文献   

The genus Drosophila has played an essential role in many biological studies during the last 100 years but much controversy and many incompletely addressed issues still remain to be elucidated regarding the phylogeny of this genus. Because information on the Neotropical species contained in the subgenus Drosophila is particularly incomplete, with this taxonomic group being underrepresented in many studies, we designed a study to answer some evolutionary questions related to these species. We subjected at least 41 Drosophilidae taxa to a phylogenetic analysis using a 516-base pair (bp) fragment of the alpha-methyldopa (Amd) nuclear gene and a 672 bp fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit II (COII) gene both individually and in combination. We found that the subgenus Drosophila is paraphyletic and subdivided into two main clusters: the first containing species traditionally placed in the virilis-repleta radiation and the second assembling species of the immigrans-Hirtodrosophila radiation. Inside the first of these clusters we could detect the monophyly of both the flavopilosa (the sister-clade of the annulimana group) and the mesophragmatica (closely related to the repleta group) species groups. Concerning the immigrans-Hirtodrosophila lineage, Zaprionus, Liodrosophila, Samoaia, and Hirtodrosophila were the early offshoots, followed by the immigrans, quinaria, testacea, and funebris species groups. The tripunctata radiation appears to be a derived clade, composed of a paraphyletic tripunctata group, intimately interposed with members of the cardini, guarani, and guaramunu species groups. Overall, the COII gene yielded a poor phylogenetic performance when compared to the Amd gene, the evolutionary hypothesis of which agreed with the total evidence tree. This phenomenon can be explained by the fast saturation of transitional substitutions in COII, due to strong biases in both base composition and substitution patterns, as also by its great among-site rate variation heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Previous studies indicated that the lethal leaf spot 1 lesion mimic locus of maize ( ZmLls1 ) encodes a novel cell protective function in plants. Here we show that the accelerated cell death 1 ( acd1 ) locus of Arabidopsis thaliana corresponds to gene At3g44880 on chromosome 3. Proof that the Acd1 gene is an orthologue of ZmLls1 is provided by in vivo complementation of the acd1 mutant by the ZmLls1 gene. The Atlls1 lesion mimic phenotype was delayed in a chlorophyll a oxygenase (CAO) mutant chlorina1 background which is deficient in chlorophyll b synthesis. The interpretation that the cell protective function of LLS1 is linked with the removal of a phototoxic chlorophyll intermediate is supported by the recent report that the maize Lls1 gene encodes pheophorbide a oxygenase (PaO). Western blot analysis demonstrates that the LLS1 protein is present constitutively in all photosynthetic plant tissues. A transient increase in Lls1 gene expression by about 50-fold upon physical wounding of maize leaves indicates that the function of Lls1 is regulated in response to stress. We show that the LLS1 protein is also present at low levels in non-photosynthetic tissues including etiolated leaves suggesting that the ability to degrade chlorophyll exists in a standby mode in plant cells.  相似文献   

Callose, a β-1,3-glucan that is widespread in plants, is synthesized by callose synthase. Arabidopsis thaliana contains a family of 12 putative callose synthase genes (GSL1–12). The role of callose and of the individual genes in plant development is still largely uncertain. We have now used TILLING and T-DNA insertion mutants (gsl1-1, gsl5-2 and gsl5-3) to study the role of two closely related and linked genes, GSL1 and GSL5, in sporophytic development and in reproduction. Both genes are expressed in all parts of the plant. Sporophytic development was nearly normal in gsl1-1 homozygotes and only moderately defective in homozygotes for either of the two gsl5 alleles. On the other hand, plants that were gsl1-1/+ gsl5/gsl5 were severely defective, with smaller leaves, shorter roots and bolts and smaller flowers. Plants were fertile when the sporophytes had either two wild-type GSL1 alleles, or one GSL5 allele in a gsl1-1 background, but gsl1-1/+ gsl5/gsl5 plants produced an extremely reduced number of viable seeds. A chromosome with mutations in both GSL1 and GSL5 rendered pollen infertile, although such a chromosome could be transmitted via the egg. As a result, it was not possible to obtain plants that were homozygous for mutations in both the GSL genes. Pollen grain development was severely affected in double mutant plants. Many pollen grains were collapsed and inviable in the gsl1-1/gsl1-1 gsl5/+ and gsl1-1/+ gsl5/gsl5 plants. In addition, gsl1-1/+ gsl5/gsl5 plants produced abnormally large pollen with unusual pore structures, and had problems with tetrad dissociation. In this particular genotype, while the callose wall formed around the pollen mother cells, no callose wall separated the resulting tetrads. We conclude that GSL1 and GSL5 play important, but at least partially redundant roles in both sporophytic development and in the development of pollen. They are responsible for the formation of the callose wall that separates the microspores of the tetrad, and also play a gametophytic role later in pollen grain maturation. Other GSL genes may control callose formation at different steps during pollen development.  相似文献   

The prion-like determinant [ISP +] manifests itself as an antisuppressor of certain sup35 mutations. To establish that [ISP +] is indeed a new yeast prion, it is necessary to identify the gene that codes for the protein whose prion form is [ISP +]. Analysis of the transformants obtained by transformation of an [ISP +] strain with an insertion gene library revealed three genes controlling the [ISP +] maintenance: UPF1, UPF2, and SFP1. SFP1 codes for a potentially prionogenic protein, which is enriched in Asn and Gln residues, and is thereby the most likely candidate for the [ISP +] structural gene. UPF1 and UPF2 code for components of nonsense-mediated mRNA decay. The [ISP +] elimination caused by UPF1 and UPF2 inactivation was reversible, and Upf1p and Upf2p were not functionally related to phosphatase Ppz1p, which influences the [ISP +] manifestation. Possible mechanisms sustaining the influence of UPF1 and UPF2 on [ISP +] maintenance are discussed.  相似文献   

Detailed chloroplast DNA restriction site maps for two species in the genusAdonis (Ranunculaceae),A. annua andA. vernalis, were constructed using single and double digests and the sizes of these genomes are 151.3 and 156.5 kilobases, respectively. Three inversions were found inAdonis, relative to the gene order in the majority of land plants. These rearrangements represent two different gene orders and mark an ancient split in the evolutionary history of this genus. Gene probes were used in order to map the endpoints of the inversions and the inverted repeat regions. The inverted repeat is approximately 400 base pairs shorter inA. annua than inA. vernalis. Two inversions, 39 kilobases and 24 kilobases in size, occur inA. annua and one inversion, 42 kilobases in size, is present in the remaining investigated species ofAdonis. The generps16 is absent from the chloroplast genome inAdonis annua. Restriction sites for eleven restriction endonucleases were mapped forA. annua, A. vernalis and four additional species ofAdonis and two species ofTrollius. Eighty-six phylogenetically informative sites were analysed cladistically in order to evaluate the main clades withinAdonis.  相似文献   

【目的】galectin-1是凝集素的一种,广泛存在于各种生物体内,在生长发育、免疫调节方面起重要作用。本研究克隆和表达了松材线虫的galectin-1蛋白,并分析了各个龄期的表达量。【方法】设计引物,扩增松材线虫的galectin-1基因,使用双酶切的方法连接p ET-28a载体和目的基因,转化到大肠杆菌DH5α感受态细胞,筛选阳性克隆;在不同温度下,用不同浓度的异丙基-β-D-硫代半乳糖苷(IPTG)诱导表达,Western blot检验蛋白表达情况;采用RT-PCR技术检验松材线虫各个龄期galectin-1基因的表达情况。【结果】由SMART和Predict Protein软件分析可知,该蛋白有2个结构域,并且主要由无规卷曲和β折叠构成;生物学信息分析显示,松材线虫的galectin-1与小卷蛾斯氏线虫的相似性更高;与日本血吸虫相比,线虫能很好地聚集在一个分支上。Western blot检测纯化蛋白大小与查询所得蛋白分子质量一致。RT-q PCR结果显示,以繁殖型2龄松材线虫(L_2)为对照,galectin-1基因在繁殖型3龄(L_3)、繁殖型4龄(L_4)、扩散型3龄(L_(Ⅲ))和扩散型4龄(L_(Ⅳ))松材线虫中的表达量高,尤其是在LⅢ中的表达量最高;雌雄成虫没有显著性差异。【结论】松材线虫的galectin-1基因在p ET-28a原核表达系统中呈可溶性表达,在不同龄期的表达量有差异。本研究为进一步研究松材线虫的galectin-1基因奠定了基础,为松材线虫的防治提供了新的方向。  相似文献   

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