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A marine fossil assemblage from the Late Triassic (Early Carnian) Cassian Formation is reported. It was retrieved by bulk sampling, including wet sieving and quantitative picking, and by quantitative surface collection. The collection consists of c. 460 specimens (foraminiferans not included) representing 54 species. In terms of abundance and species richness, it is strongly dominated by molluscs, especially gastropods. 97 % of the individuals are molluscs. The most abundant species are the gastropods Goniospira armata, Schartia carinata and Helenostylina convexa, followed by the scaphopod Plagioglypta undulata and the bivalve Palaeonucula strigilata. Disarticulated echinoderm ossicles (mostly echinoids, crinoids, few holothurians) comprise almost all of the rest of the assemblage. The studied assemblage shows moderate diversity, similar to those of previously reported assemblages or associations from basinal settings. However, it differs considerably in taxonomic composition from previously described associations of the Cassian Formation. The abundance of small gastropods is a result of their primary abundance in these ancient living communities and of the sampling method (sieving at 0.5 mm), because most of the previous associations were obtained by performing surface collections, in which small gastropods are easily overlooked. The fauna is interpreted as an autochthonous soft bottom assemblage dominated by species that lived in low epifaunal to shallow infaunal habitats. Detritivory, deposit feeding and microcarnivory represent the main feeding types. Most of the species were fully motile but slow, and either infaunal (scaphopods, nuculids, the gastropod Domerionina) or epifaunal (most other gastropods, echinoids). The present assemblage underlines the pronounced heterogeneity of the Cassian biota. The low grade of lithification and diagenetic alteration facilitates bulk sampling and the investigation of small species. This minimizes possible sampling and preservation biases, so the studied assemblage reflects the alpha diversity of this ancient living community to an unusually high degree. The following gastropod taxa are new: Helenostylina convexa n. sp., Schartia carinata n. gen. n. sp., Schartiinae n. subfam.; Cassianastraea Bandel non Volz is replaced with Bandelastraea nom. nov.  相似文献   

Viewed under UV light the diverse and exceptionally well-preserved molluscs from the Late Jurassic Cordebugle Konservat Lagerstätte (Calvados, Normandy, France) reveal fluorescent fossil shell colour patterns predating the oldest previously known instance of such patterns by 100 Myr. Evidently, residual colour patterns are observable in Mesozoic molluscs by application of this non-destructive method, provided the shells are not decalcified or recrystallized. Among 46 species which are assigned to twelve gastropod families and eight bivalve families, no less than 25 species yielded positive results. Out of nine colour pattern morphologies that have been distinguished six occur in gastropods and three in bivalves. The presence of these variant morphologies clearly indicates a significant pre-Cenozoic diversification of colour patterns, especially in gastropods. In addition, the occurrence of two distinct types of fluorescence highlights a major difference in the chemical composition of the pigments involved in colour pattern formation in gastropods. This discovery enables us to discriminate members of higher clades, i.e. the Vetigastropoda emitting red fluorescence from the Caenogastropoda and Heterobranchia emitting whitish-beige to yellow fluorescence. Consequently, fluorescent colour patterns may help to allocate part of the numerous enigmatic Mesozoic gastropod taxa to their correct systematic position.  相似文献   

An evolutionary framework for the polar regions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract: Our knowledge of the nature, generation and maintenance of largescale biodiversity patterns is still far from complete. This is particularly so in the Southern Hemisphere and in the marine realm, where recent taxonomic investigations of Mollusca and other invertebrate groups has cast doubt upon the existence of a simple cline in species richness between the tropics and the pole. Comparatively high regional diversity values for the shelled gastropods and other epifaunal taxa implies a considerable evolutionary legacy; this is supported, at least in part, by available evidence from the fossil record. Certain families within the living gastropod fauna maintain their prominence when traced back 40 m.y., and perhaps even longer; in addition, several Southern Ocean gastropod and bivalve genera can now be traced back to at least the late Eocene. Use of a variety of refugia may have enabled many taxa to survive repeated glacial advances. As we begin to revise our concept of the nature of latitudinal diversity gradients, so we also need to examine regional variations in evolutionary rates. Clearly this is a complex issue. but recourse to a pilot study based on the molluscan fossil record suggests that there may be no significant difference between the rates of radiation of tropical and cold-temperatdpolar taxa. The most diverse clades, which are all tropical, are simply the oldest. What data are available from the fossil record indicate that there is no appreciable latitudinal variation in rates of extinction either. Time, but not necessarily environmental stability, would appear to be crucial to the development of pockets of high taxonomic diversity. Recent improvement in our understanding of the biology of many polar marine invertebrates suggests that life in cold water is not an insuperable evolutionary problem. Of qual importance to any intrinsic properties of organisms which may have governed the differentiation of large-scale biodiversity patterns is the role of extrinsic processes. Foremost among these has almost certainly been repeated range shifts in response to Cenozoic climatic cycles.  相似文献   

Measures of diversity and ecology of marine invertebrate assemblages depend on a variety of factors including environmental conditions and methodological decisions. In this study, the influence of such factors on multi- and univariate assemblage parameters of molluscan death assemblages from the Gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea, Jordan) was evaluated. Sediment samples were collected at two coral reef types, a patch reef at 13 m of water depth characterized by fine-grained sediments and a Millepora-fringing reef with coarse-grained sediments at 5 m of water depth. The upper and lower 10 cm of the sediment column were separately removed and sieved with mesh sizes of 1 and 2 mm. A large dataset of 6400 bivalve and gastropod shells was compiled to evaluate how setting, sediment depth, and sieve size influenced taxonomic composition and species richness, species-abundance patterns and the Shannon–Wiener index, the number of drilled shells per species and drilling frequency (DF) of the assemblage. Setting had the strongest impact on all aspects, followed by sieve size, but sediment depth was insignificant, probably due to complete homogenization of the sediments by reworking and bioturbation. Multivariate assemblage parameters distinguished much better between categories (setting, sieve size) than univariate measures. Sieve size-related disagreements recognized between the two higher taxa are mostly due to the underlying difference in body-size distribution of bivalve and gastropod assemblages. We conclude that species richness and other ecological characteristics of molluscan death assemblages in coral reef-associated sediments will most strongly reflect habitat complexity of the sites chosen, are significantly influenced by methodological decisions (i.e., sieve size), will only poorly preserve temporal patterns, and the results will differ between bivalves and gastropods.  相似文献   

From the Late Oligocene to the Late Miocene, the central Mediterranean area was characterized by the extensive deposition of phosphate-rich sediments. They are usually represented by 10 to 20-cm-thick hardgrounds made of phosphatic and glauconitic sediments containing a rich macrofossil association. This study represents the first thorough investigation of the biotic assemblage of Mediterranean phosphorites aimed at collecting new information on the environmental factors controlling their deposition. The Serravallian/Tortonian phosphatic deposits of the Salento Peninsula (“Aturia level”) have been selected for the abundance of fossil remains and special attention is given to the coral–mollusc association. Two different facies have been recognized: a basal coral rudstone that includes most of the macrofossils, superimposed by a detrital rudstone made of thin layers mainly composed of phosphatic fragments. These two facies are separated by a phosphatic crust several millimeters in thickness. The coral assemblage contains at least 17 azooxanthellate taxa belonging to four families, while the molluscs are represented by a rich gastropod fauna (26 species), associated with bivalves (18 species) and cephalopods (two species). Four distinct depositional phases have been recognized, with the coral rudstone representing the key-facies to reconstruct the onset of the “Aturia level” and the original environment of its fossil content. The composition of the coral–mollusc association has been reliably compared with present-day analog taxa, suggesting the occurrence of a heterogeneous seafloor formed by rocky substrates and accumulations of soft sediment, at around 100–350-m water depth, and under the influence of moderate-to-strong bottom currents rich in nutrients and resuspended organic matter.  相似文献   

This study quantified the degree of coincidence between living and dead molluscan faunas in a shallow-water coral reef environment in the Indian Ocean. The results were compared with those from a similar life:death study in the northern Red Sea, and with those published for reef corals and soft substrata molluscs. The proportions of quantitatively important taxa are robust to sampling intensity, but fidelity indices and rank-order correlations are strongly influenced by quantitatively unimportant taxa. Distinct differences between life and death assemblages were recognized, which are due to distinct biases in the death assemblage. Bivalves that lived in close contact with living corals are preferentially overgrown after death and should provide considerable temporal and ecological information in a potential fossil record, as they will be preserved within a rapidly growing reef framework. Some gastropod taxa are preferentially transported into surrounding soft substrata postmortem. Here they will be affected by time-averaging and taphonomic disintegration typically occurring in sediments resulting in the associated loss of much temporal information. Most gastropod shells, however, are inhabited by hermit crabs postmortem, which may strongly alter the fossil gastropod community structure. The results are similar to a comparable study in the northern Red Sea, with a major exception being the strong dominance of hermit crab-inhabited gastropod shells in the death assemblage of the Seychelles. Comparison of life:death assemblages between hard and soft substrata, in keeping with the northern Red Sea study, showed the strong dominance of dead shells in the soft substrata with the converse on the hard substrata. This results from different accumulation conditions for dead shells in soft substrata. Fidelity indices are well suited to demonstrate that sedimentary death assemblages are typically remarkably robust reflections of local community composition but they do not record the strong biases in death assemblages of coral reef associated hard substrata molluscs and are therefore unsuitable for comparisons of life and death assemblages in reef environments.  相似文献   

Whale-fall communities support a deep-sea invertebrate assemblage that subsists entirely on the decaying carcasses of large cetaceans. The oldest whale-falls are Late Eocene in age, but these early whale-falls differ in faunal content and host cetacean size from Neogene and Recent whale-falls. Vesicomyid bivalves, for example, are major components of the sulphophilic stage in Miocene and Recent whale-fall communities, but they are absent from Palaeogene fossil whale-falls. The differences between Palaeogene and Neogene communities led to the hypothesis that the origin of modern whale-fall communities was linked with the evolution of extremely large mysticetes, which provided sufficient biomass and oil to sustain the modern complement of whale-fall invertebrates. Here, we describe a fossil whale-fall community from the Miocene of California, showing vesicomyid bivalves in direct association with a host mysticete smaller than the adult individuals of any living mysticete species. This association, which is the youngest yet reported from the Neogene of North America, demonstrates that body size is not a necessary factor for the formation of modern whale-fall communities. Instead, we suggest that high skeletal oil content may have been a more important factor, which, based on the age of the fossil whale-fall, evolved at least by the Late Miocene.  相似文献   

The study of the Late Eocene (Priabonian) otolith associations from Possagno, North-East Italy, and from the Synclinal d’Allons in Haute Provence, South-East France, allows for the reconstruction of a teleost fauna of 55 taxa, which is the most diversified assemblage presently known from the Upper Eocene Paleo-Mediterranean basin. Thirty-six taxa are identified at the species level, and five of those are new: “genus Alepocephalidarum” astrictus, “genus Lophiiformorum” canovae, “genus Agonidarum” sudans, “genus Uranoscopidarum” cochlearis and Aseraggodes laganum. In the Synclinal d’Allons, the otolith associations reflect a tropical to subtropical neritic environment with a few mesopelagic fishes. At Possagno, the associations indicate an environment that changed from one that was deep and exposed to the pelagic realm and then evolved to a more shallow sea with a well-diversified benthic life and less mesopelagic fishes. A paleobiogeographical analysis of all known data on Priabonian otoliths, worldwide, shows clearly a western Atlantic (Louisiana) and an eastern Atlantic-Paleomediterranean association. In the eastern Atlantic-Paleomediterranean association, the Aquitaine association not only differs from the Possagno-Allons association in function of its more distant geographical position, but also by its stronger oceanic character in the southern part of the basin, and by the occurrence in the north, of a very shallow water facies (Saint-Estephe Formation) that contains some taxa which are known nowhere else in the Priabonian. The Ukraine fauna is characterized by a high number of species, which have an Oligocene record in other European sites. The northern geographic location of Ukraine, combined with the good connections to both the North Sea Basin and the Turgai street can provide the explanation. Many Oligocene species (or their close relatives) probably already existed at Eocene times in more northern regions, but could penetrate only in more southern European seas since the strong cooling at the beginning of the Oligocene.  相似文献   

The evolutionary history of invertebrate communities utilizing whale carcasses and sunken wood in the deep-sea is explored using fossil evidence. Compared to modern whale-fall communities, the Eo-Oligocene examples lack those vent-type taxa that most heavily rely on sulphide produced by anaerobic breakdown of bone lipids, but are very similar in their trophic structure to contemporaneous wood-falls. This sheds doubt on the hypothesis that whale-falls were evolutionary stepping stones for taxa that now inhabit hydrothermal vents and seeps. We suggest that the whale-fall communities reported here represent a new ecologic stage among whale-falls, which we have coined the 'chemosymbiotic opportunist stage' and that the 'sulphophilic stage' of modern whale-falls developed during the Early Miocene, resulting from a significant increase in both body size and/or oil content of bones among cetaceans during this time.  相似文献   

Two important lagerstätten of Early Triassic gastropods, the Sinbad Limestone (Utah, USA) and the Gastropod Oolite (North Italy) yield about 40% of all described Early Triassic species. This great contribution to the global diversity and the exceptional good preservation render high information content, which characterizes fossil lagerstätten. The Smithian Sinbad Limestone contains the most diverse Early Triassic gastropod fauna. At the type locality, it occurs in single, probably storm-induced shell bed within a series of high energy deposits underlain by intertidal microbial mats and subtidal oolite/peloid shoals. The main shell bed contains about 40 invertebrate taxa. Gastropods, scaphopods, and bivalves are most abundant and form an assemblage, which is dominated by small neritaemorphs, the opisthobranch Cylindrobullina convexa and the scaphopod Plagioglypta (annulated tubes). This assemblage lived on shallow, subtidal soft-bottoms based on sedimentological and ecological characteristics. The Dienerian (to Smithian?) Gastropod Oolite Member (North Italy) has extremely abundant, probably salinity-controlled gastropod faunas with low species richness. Almost monospecific assemblages of Pseudomurchisonia kokeni as well as assemblages with about four species are present in the Gastropod Oolite. Modern hydrobiid mudsnail faunas which are adapted to strongly fluctuating salinity in intertidal to shallow subtidal coastal areas form probably a suitable model for the Gastropod Oolite biota. Gastropods from the Werfen- and Moenkopi-Formation lagerstätten are well preserved compared to other Early Triassic deposits. The high contribution to the global diversity of just two sites suggests very incomplete sampling and preservational bias. However, the low richness of the major faunas reflects depauperate Early Triassic faunas and slow recovery from the Permian/Triassic crisis.  相似文献   

Recent expeditions have revealed high levels of biodiversity in the tropical deep‐sea, yet little is known about the age or origin of this biodiversity, and large‐scale molecular studies are still few in number. In this study, we had access to the largest number of solariellid gastropods ever collected for molecular studies, including many rare and unusual taxa. We used a Bayesian chronogram of these deep‐sea gastropods (1) to test the hypothesis that deep‐water communities arose onshore, (2) to determine whether Antarctica acted as a source of diversity for deep‐water communities elsewhere and (3) to determine how factors like global climate change have affected evolution on the continental slope. We show that although fossil data suggest that solariellid gastropods likely arose in a shallow, tropical environment, interpretation of the molecular data is equivocal with respect to the origin of the group. On the other hand, the molecular data clearly show that Antarctic species sampled represent a recent invasion, rather than a relictual ancestral lineage. We also show that an abrupt period of global warming during the Palaeocene Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) leaves no molecular record of change in diversification rate in solariellids and that the group radiated before the PETM. Conversely, there is a substantial, although not significant increase in the rate of diversification of a major clade approximately 33.7 Mya, coinciding with a period of global cooling at the Eocene–Oligocene transition. Increased nutrients made available by contemporaneous changes to erosion, ocean circulation, tectonic events and upwelling may explain increased diversification, suggesting that food availability may have been a factor limiting exploitation of deep‐sea habitats. Tectonic events that shaped diversification in reef‐associated taxa and deep‐water squat lobsters in central Indo‐West Pacific were also probably important in the evolution of solariellids during the Oligo‐Miocene.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2002,1(4):213-219
Fossil plants and terrestrial gastropods collected by the Uganda Palaeontology Expedition at Bukwa site I in 1997 and 1998, throw light on the palaeoenvironmental conditions that characterised the area during the end of the Early Miocene, some 17.5 Ma ago. Some of the evidence indicates the presence of grasslands in situ at the locality, but part of the fossil gastropod assemblage and some of the plants suggest the presence of woodland to forest nearby.  相似文献   

The Paleogene (Paleocene-Oligocene) fossil record of birds in Europe is reviewed and recent and fossil taxa are placed into a phylogenetic framework, based on published cladistic analyses. The pre-Oligocene European avifauna is characterized by the complete absence of passeriform birds, which today are the most diverse and abundant avian taxon. Representatives of small non-passeriform perching birds thus probably had similar ecological niches before the Oligocene to those filled by modern passerines. The occurrence of passerines towards the Lower Oligocene appears to have had a major impact on these birds, and the surviving crown-group members of many small arboreal Eocene taxa show highly specialized feeding strategies not found or rare in passeriform birds. It is detailed that no crown-group members of modern 'families' are known from pre-Oligocene deposits of Europe, or anywhere else. The phylogenetic position of Paleogene birds thus indicates that diversification of the crown-groups of modern avian 'families' did not take place before the Oligocene, irrespective of their relative position within Neornithes (crown-group birds). The Paleogene fossil record of birds does not even support crown-group diversification of Galliformes, one of the most basal taxa of neognathous birds, before the Oligocene, and recent molecular studies that dated diversification of galliform crown-group taxa into the Middle Cretaceous are shown to be based on an incorrect interpretation of the fossil taxa used for molecular clock calibrations. Several taxa that occur in the Paleogene of Europe have a very different distribution than their closest extant relatives. The modern survivors of these Paleogene lineages are not evenly distributed over the continents, and especially the great number of taxa that are today restricted to South and Central America is noteworthy. The occurrence of stem-lineage representatives of many taxa that today have a restricted Southern Hemisphere distribution conflicts with recent hypotheses on a Cretaceous vicariant origin of these taxa, which were deduced from the geographical distribution of the basal crown-group members.  相似文献   

  1. Terrestrial gastropods (slugs and snails, Mollusca: Eupulmonata) are destructive pests of brassica crops. These organisms defoliate plants and contaminate the harvest, leading to reduced crop yield and marketability. Losses caused by molluscs have escalated in recent years in Brazil.
  2. We aimed to determine the seasonal activity of gastropods in brassica fields and unravel the environmental variables associated with these dynamics. Gastropod abundance, assemblage and within-plant distribution were also compared among Brassica oleracea cultivars (broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower).
  3. Mild temperatures and rainy periods were found to coincide with gastropod peaks. Regression analyses confirmed a positive association of rainfall and humidity with gastropod abundance, whereas gastropod abundance increased with decreasing temperature. Deroceras laeve (Müller) (Agriolimacidae) and Bradybaena similaris (Férussac) (Bradybaenidae) were the most constant species. Mollusc abundance and assemblage differed amid B. oleracea cultivar; cabbage had the highest abundance and its species composition differed from broccoli and cauliflower. Slugs and snails were more concentrated on lower plant portions, regardless of the cultivar.
  4. Management efforts should be reinforced in mild-temperature and rainy periods to reduce damage by gastropods, and cabbage should be monitored more closely than other cultivars.

Origins of mangrove ecosystems and the mangrove biodiversity anomaly   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
1. Mangrove species richness declines dramatically from a maximum in the Indo-West Pacific (IWP) to a minimum in the Caribbean and Western Atlantic. Explaining this ‘anomalous’ biogeographic pattern has been a focus of discussion for most of this century. 2. Two hypotheses have been put forward to explain the mangrove biodiversity anomaly. The ‘centre-of-origin hypothesis’ asserts that all mangrove taxa originated in the IWP and subsequently dispersed to other parts of the world. The ‘vicariance hypothesis’ asserts that mangrove taxa evolved around the Tethys Sea during the Late Cretaceous, and regional species diversity resulted from in situ diversification after continental drift. 3. Five lines of evidence are used to test between these two hypotheses. First, we review the mangrove fossil record. Second, we compare modern and fossil distributions of mangroves and eight genera of gastropods that show high fidelity to the mangrove environment. Third, we describe species-area relationships of mangroves and associated gastropods with respect to area of available habitat. Fourth, we analyse patterns of nestedness of individual plant and gastropod communities in mangrove forests. Fifth, we analyse patterns of nestedness of individual plant and gastropod species. 4. All five lines of evidence support the vicariance hypothesis. The first occurrences in the fossil record of most mangrove genera and many genera of gastropods associated with mangrove forests appear around the Tethys Sea from the Late Cretaceous through the Early Tertiary. Globally, species richness in any given mangrove forest is tightly correlated with available area. Patterns of nestedness at the community and species-level both point towards three independent regions of diversification of mangrove ecosystems: South-east Asia, the Caribbean and Eastern Pacific, and the Indian Ocean region.  相似文献   

The Indian gharial (Gavialis gangeticus) is not found in saltwater, but the geographical distribution of fossil relatives suggests a derivation from ancestors that lived in, or were at least able to withstand, saline conditions. Here, we describe a new Oligocene gharial, Aktiogavialis puertoricensis, from deltaic-coastal deposits of northern Puerto Rico. It is related to a clade of Neogene gharials otherwise restricted to South America. Its geological and geographical settings, along with its phylogenetic relationships, are consistent with two scenarios: (i) that a single trans-Atlantic dispersal event during the Tertiary explains the South American Neogene gharial assemblage and (ii) that stem gharials were coastal animals and their current restriction to freshwater settings is a comparatively recent environmental shift for the group. This discovery highlights the importance of including fossil information in a phylogenetic context when assessing the ecological history of modern organisms.  相似文献   

A horizon in the late Visean Ruddle Shale from Arkansas contains the oldest well-preserved gastropod protoconchs known from the Americas. The gastropod fauna consists of a diverse larval shell assemblage and a low diversity assemblage of juvenile gastropods that probably had a benthic life habit. Gastropod larval shells are always isolated, i.e. the gastropods did not complete their life cycle (no metamorphosis) and were unable to become benthic. This was caused by unfavorable environmental conditions on the soft muddy bottom that was probably due to anaerobic to exaerobic conditions. The absence or scarcity of bioturbation caused by invertebrate detritus or sediment feeders in both shale and concretions (formed before compaction) favored preservation of the delicate larval shells. The lack or scarcity of infauna and bioturbation as well as the low diversity of the presumed benthos supports an interpretation of a quasi-anaerobic to exaerobic benthic environment. The superbly preserved larval shells demonstrate that there are more caenogastropod clades present in the late Palaeozoic than suggested previously. Some larval shell types have an openly coiled first whorl followed by a planktotrophic larval shell; openly coiled initial whorls are unknown from modern caenogastropods. The vetigastropods have a smooth protoconch of two whorls clearly demarked from the following whorls - a pattern unknown in modern vetigastropods which have a protoconch of less than one whorl and build no larval shell during their planktonic stage. This could indicate a link between Palaeozoic vetigastropods and the caenogastropods.  相似文献   

Four gastropod genera are newly recorded from Lower Cretaceous deposits of the Qayen area, Eastern Iran. Based on the paleoecological interpretation of the faunal assemblage and especially on the newly identified gastropods, a shallow temperate marine environment is suggested for the fossil-bearing carbonate rocks. The gastropod assemblage shows a typically Tethyan composition comparable to those already reported from the Caucasus and Eastern Europe.  相似文献   

Predatory gastropod drill holes are an abundant and easily identifiable signal of predation in ancient and modern molluscan shell assemblages. Many workers have used drill holes to interpret patterns of predation intensity and success in fossil assemblages. These studies are predicated on the assumption that the relative abundances of drilled and undrilled shells in an assemblage accurately reflect those of the community from which the shells were originally derived. The underlying assumption is that drilled and undrilled shells are transported into shell accumulations in the same manner. If this assumption is false, shell accumulations do not represent taphonomically unbiased samples, but rather preferentially sorted deposits from which conclusions about drilling predation cannot be made. To test the hypothesis that drilled and undrilled gastropod shells transport at different flow velocities, multiple transport trials were conducted on two morphologically distinct taxa, Olivella biplicata and Euspira lewisii. Individual specimens were placed in a recirculating flume tank and observed from rest (in stable orientation) until they were transported downstream. During each trial, flow velocity was slowly and incrementally increased, so as to avoid pulses of acceleration, until shells began to move downstream. Drilled and undrilled specimens of both taxa demonstrate statistically significant correlations between shell mass and average transport velocity. Similarly sized drilled and undrilled specimens of both taxa do not exhibit significant differences in transport velocity. These results indicate that predatory drill holes do not change the hydrodynamic properties of gastropod shells. Therefore, gastropod shell assemblages are not likely to be affected by differential transport and sorting of drilled and undrilled shells.  相似文献   

Examination of modern gastropod associations from the low intertidal zone of Isla Santa Cruz suggests that fossil rocky intertidal deposits from this tropical locality will be taphonomically compromised in three ways: (1) Marine hermit crabs, by their use of empty gastropod shells, will mix the shells from varying tidal heights and habitats, thus facilitating mixed associations of such shells in the fossil record, (2) encrusting organisms on crab-inhabited shells are abundant, while boring organisms are almost non-existent, indicating possible differences in postmortem shell retention, and (3) intertidal shells are further taphonomically altered by terrestrial hermit crabs, which transport the shells onto land as well as physically modify the shells. Gastropod fossils from beach and terrace deposits on Isla Santa Fe are interpreted to be a mixed assemblage of rocky intertidal assemblage with few shells indicating influence from marine hermit crabs. Modification of the shell by marine and terrestrial hermit crabs was also evident. A unique polish to the shells at one locality is attributed to the marine iguanas and is only found in the terrace site biologically bulldozed by egg-laying iguanas. Few studies exist on modern rocky intertidal associations in the Galápagos, and the fossil record of rocky shores may provide a baseline for future studies in how community structure has changed over since the advent of humans. Galapagos, C oenobita C ompressus , gastropods, humans, Gulf of California, bionts, nutrients.
Sally E. Walker, Department of Geology, The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA; 8th September, 1994; revised 28th June, 1995.  相似文献   

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