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Studies in amphibian embryos have suggested that retinoic acid (RA) may function as a signal that stimulates posterior differentiation of the nervous system as postulated by the activation-transformation model for anteroposterior patterning of the nervous system. We have tested this hypothesis in retinaldehyde dehydrogenase-2 (Raldh2) null mutant mice lacking RA synthesis in the somitic mesoderm. Raldh2−/− embryos exhibited neural induction (activation) as evidenced by expression of Sox1 and Sox2 along the neural plate, but differentiation of spinal cord neuroectodermal progenitor cells (posterior transformation) did not occur as demonstrated by a loss of Pax6 and Olig2 expression along the posterior neural plate. Spinal cord differentiation in Raldh2−/− embryos was rescued by maternal RA administration, and during the rescue RA was found to act directly in the neuroectoderm but not the somitic mesoderm. RA generated by Raldh2 in the somitic mesoderm was found to normally travel as a signal throughout the mesoderm and neuroectoderm of the trunk and into tailbud neuroectoderm, but not into tailbud mesoderm. Raldh2−/− embryos also exhibited increased Fgf8 expression in the tailbud, and decreased cell proliferation in tailbud neuroectoderm. Our findings demonstrate that RA synthesized in the somitic mesoderm is necessary for posterior neural transformation in the mouse and that Raldh2 provides the only source of RA for posterior development. An important concept to emerge from our studies is that the somitic mesodermal RA signal acts in the neuroectoderm but not mesoderm to generate a spinal cord fate.  相似文献   

Limb skeletal muscle is derived from cells of the dermomyotome that detach and migrate into the limb buds to form separate dorsal and ventral myogenic precursor domains. Myogenic precursor cell migration is dependent on limb bud mesenchymal expression of hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (Hgf), which encodes a secreted ligand that signals to dermomyotome through the membrane receptor tyrosine kinase Met. Here, we find that correct patterning of Hgf expression in forelimb buds is dependent on retinoic acid (RA) synthesized by retinaldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (Raldh2) expressed proximally. Raldh2(-/-) forelimb buds lack RA and display an anteroproximal shift in expression of Hgf such that its normally separate dorsal and ventral expression domains are joined into a single anterior-proximal domain. Met and MyoD are expressed in this abnormal domain, indicating that myogenic cell migration and differentiation are occurring in the absence of RA, but in an abnormal location. An RA-reporter transgene revealed that RA signaling in the forelimb bud normally exists in a gradient across the proximodistal axis, but uniformly across the anteroposterior axis, with all proximal limb bud cells exhibiting activity. Expression of Bmp4, an inhibitor of Hgf expression, is increased and shifted anteroproximally in Raldh2(-/-) limb buds, thus encroaching into the normal expression domain of Hgf. Our studies suggest that RA signaling provides proximodistal information for limb buds that counterbalances Bmp signaling, which in turn helps mediate proximodistal and anteroposterior patterning of Hgf expression to correctly direct migration of Met-expressing myogenic precursor cells.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid (RA) signaling in vertebrate embryos occurs in a distinct physical and temporal pattern. Regulating this spatial distribution is crucial to the development of the embryo, as RA in excess or in inappropriate tissues is teratogenic. In order to understand how RA availability is determined in zebrafish we have investigated the expression of cyp26a1, an enzyme that inactivates RA, and its relationship to raldh2, one of the enzymes that produce RA from retinal. cyp26a1 expression follows three phases: in presumptive anterior neurectoderm and in a circumblastoporal ring during gastrulation, in the tailbud throughout somitogenesis, and in multiple specific tissue types beginning at mid-somitogenesis and continuing through 48 h postfertilization (hpf). This expression was either adjacent or opposite to those tissues expressing raldh2. We then investigated how RA production might regulate these relationships. Endogenous RA produced by raldhs did not play a role in setting cyp26a1 expression in most tissues. However, exogenous RA regulates expression of both enzymes. cyp26a1 is up regulated in the embryo in a time, concentration, and tissue-dependent manner. Conversely, raldh2 expression is reduced with RA treatment. Tests of the raldh2 promoter in cell transfections proved that RA directly represses its activity. These data demonstrate that the feedback mechanisms regulating production and degradation of RA must be considered in any experiments altering levels of RA in the developing vertebrate embryo.  相似文献   

The telencephalon shows the greatest degree of size variation in the vertebrate brain. Understanding the genetic cascade that regulates telencephalon growth is crucial to our understanding of how evolution of the normal human brain has supported such a variation in size. Here, we present a simple and quick approach to analyze this cascade that combines caged-mRNA technology and the use of antisense morpholino oligonucleotides in zebrafish embryos. Lhx2, a LIM-homeodomain protein, and Six3s (Six3b and Six3a), another homeodomain proteins, show very similar expression patterns early in forebrain development, and these are known to be involved in the growth of this part of the brain. The telencephalon of six3b and six3a double morphant (six3 morphant) embryos is markedly reduced in size due to impaired cellular proliferation. Head-specific overexpression of Lhx2 by photoactivation of a caged-lhx2 mRNA completely rescued this size reduction, whereas similar head-specific activation of Six3b could not rescue the knockdown effect of lhx2. In the forebrain of medaka embryos, Six3 facilitates cellular proliferation by sequestration of Geminin from Cdt1, a key component in the assembly of the prereplication complex. Our results suggest that Lhx2 may mediate an alternative or parallel pathway for control of cellular proliferation in the developing forebrain via Six3.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid (RA) signaling is required for normal development of multiple organs. However, little is known about how RA influences the initial stages of lung development. Here, we used a combination of genetic, pharmacological and explant culture approaches to address this issue, and to investigate how signaling by different RA receptors (RAR) mediates the RA effects. We analyzed initiation of lung development in retinaldehyde dehydrogenase-2 (Raldh2) null mice, a model in which RA signaling is absent from the foregut from its earliest developmental stages. We provide evidence that RA is dispensable for specification of lung cell fate in the endoderm. By using synthetic retinoids to selectively activate RAR alpha or beta signaling in this model, we demonstrate novel and unique functions of these receptors in the early lung. We show that activation of RAR beta, but not alpha, induces expression of the fibroblast growth factor Fgf10 and bud morphogenesis in the lung field. Similar analysis of wild type foregut shows that endogenous RAR alpha activity is required to maintain overall RA signaling, and to refine the RAR beta effects in the lung field. Our data support the idea that balanced activation of RAR alpha and beta is critical for proper lung bud initiation and endodermal differentiation.  相似文献   

Morphogenesis during eye development requires retinoic acid (RA) receptors plus RA-synthesizing enzymes, and loss of RA signaling leads to ocular disorders associated with loss of Pitx2 expression in perioptic mesenchyme. Several Wnt signaling components are expressed in ocular tissues during eye development including Dkk2, encoding an inhibitor of Wnt/β-catenin signaling, which was previously shown to be induced by Pitx2 in the perioptic mesenchyme. Here, we investigated potential cross-talk between RA and Wnt signaling during ocular development. Genetic studies using Raldh1/Raldh3 double null mice deficient for ocular RA synthesis demonstrated that Pitx2 and Dkk2 were both down-regulated in perioptic mesenchyme. Chromatin immunoprecipitation and gel mobility shift studies demonstrated the existence of a DR5 RA response element upstream of Pitx2 that binds all three RA receptors in embryonic eye. Axin2, an endogenous readout of Wnt/β-catenin signaling, was up-regulated in cornea and perioptic mesenchyme of RA deficient embryos. Also, expression of Wnt5a was expanded in perioptic mesenchyme of RA deficient eyes. Our findings demonstrate excessive activation of Wnt signaling in the perioptic mesenchyme of RA deficient mice which may be responsible for abnormal development leading to defective optic cup, cornea, and eyelid morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Cell–cell signaling regulated by retinoic acid (RA), Wnt/β-catenin, and fibroblast growth factor (FGF) is important during body axis extension, and interactions between these pathways have been suggested. At early somite stages, Wnt/β-catenin and FGF signaling domains exist both anterior and posterior to the developing trunk, whereas RA signaling occurs in between in the trunk under the control of the RA-synthesizing enzyme retinaldehyde dehydrogenase-2 (Raldh2). Previous studies demonstrated that vitamin A deficient quail embryos and Raldh2−/− mouse embryos lacking RA synthesis exhibit ectopic expression of Fgf8 and Wnt8a in the developing trunk. Here, we demonstrate that Raldh2−/− mouse embryos display an expansion of FGF signaling into the trunk monitored by Sprouty2 and Pea3 expression, and an expansion of Wnt/β-catenin signaling detected by expression of Axin2, Tbx6, Cdx2, and Cdx4. Following loss of RA signaling, the caudal expression domains of Fgf8, Wnt8a, and Wnt3a expand anteriorly into the trunk, but no change is observed in caudal expression of Fgf4 or Fgf17 plus caudal expression of Fgf18 and Cdx1 is reduced. These findings suggest that RA repression of Fgf8, Wnt8a, and Wnt3a in the developing trunk functions to down-regulate FGF signaling and Wnt/β-catenin signaling as the body axis extends.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid (RA) signaling regulates multiple aspects of vertebrate embryonic development and tissue patterning, in part through the local availability of nuclear hormone receptors called retinoic acid receptors (RARs) and retinoid receptors (RXRs). RAR/RXR heterodimers transduce the RA signal, and loss-of-function studies in mice have demonstrated requirements for distinct receptor combinations at different stages of embryogenesis. However, the tissue-specific functions of each receptor and their individual contributions to RA signaling in vivo are only partially understood. Here we use morpholino oligonucleotides to deplete the four known zebrafish RARs (raraa, rarab, rarga, and rargb). We show that while all four are required for anterior-posterior patterning of rhombomeres in the hindbrain, there are unique requirements for rarga in the cranial mesoderm for hindbrain patterning, and rarab in lateral plate mesoderm for specification of the pectoral fins. In addition, the alpha subclass (raraa, rarab) is RA inducible, and of these only raraa expression is RA-dependent, suggesting that these receptors establish a region of particularly high RA signaling through positive-feedback. These studies reveal novel tissue-specific roles for RARs in controlling the competence and sensitivity of cells to respond to RA.  相似文献   

Vitamin A and its metabolites are known to be involved in patterning the vertebrate embryo. Study of the effect of vitamin A on axial skeletal patterning has been hindered by the fact that deficient embryos do not survive past midgestation. In this study, pregnant vitamin A-deficient rats were maintained on a purified diet containing limiting amounts of all-trans retinoic acid (12 microg atRA/g diet) and given a daily oral bolus dose of retinol starting at embryonic day 0.5, 8.25, 8.5, 8.75, 9.25, 9.5, 9.75, or 10.5. Embryos were recovered at E21.5 for analysis of the skeleton and at earlier times for analysis of select mRNAs. Normal axial skeletal development and patterning were observed in embryos from pregnant animals receiving retinol starting on or before E8.75. Delay of retinol supplementation to E9.5 or later resulted in a marked increase in both occurrence and severity of skeletal malformations, extending from the craniocervical to sacral regions. Embryos from the groups receiving retinol starting at E9.5 and E9.75 had one-vertebral anterior transformations of the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral vertebrae. Few embryos survived in the E10.5 group, but these embryos yielded the most severe and extensive anteriorization events. The skeletal alterations seen in vitamin A deficiency are associated with posterior shifts in the mesodermal expression of Hoxa-4, Hoxb-3, Hoxd-3, Hoxd-4, and Hoxa-9 mRNAs, whereas the anterior domains of Hoxb-4 and Cdx2 expression are unaltered. This work defines a critical window of development in the late gastrula-stage embryo when vitamin A is essential for normal axial skeletal patterning and shows that vitamin A deficiency causes anterior homeotic transformations extending from the cervical to lumbosacral regions.  相似文献   

Retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) are the first cell type to differentiate during retinal histogenesis. It has been postulated that specified RGCs subsequently influence the number and fate of the remaining progenitors to produce the rest of the retinal cell types. However, several genetic knockout models have argued against this developmental role for RGCs. Although it is known that RGCs secrete cellular factors implicated in cell proliferation, survival, and differentiation, until now, limited publications have shown that reductions in the RGC number cause significant changes in these processes. In this study, we observed that Math5 and Brn3b double null mice exhibited over a 99% reduction in the number of RGCs during development. This severe reduction of RGCs is accompanied by a drastic loss in the number of all other retinal cell types that was never seen before. Unlike Brn3b null or Math5 null animals, mice null for both alleles lack an optic nerve and have severe retinal dysfunction. Results of this study support the hypothesis that RGCs play a pivotal role in the late phase of mammalian retina development.  相似文献   

During the past two and half decades the elucidation of the metabolic pathways of 25OHD(3) and its active metabolite 1alpha,25(OH)(2)D(3) progressed in parallel. In spite of many advances in this area of vitamin D research, the unequivocal identification of the end products of 25OHD(3) metabolism through C-24 oxidation pathway has not been achieved. It is now well established that both 25OHD(3) and 1alpha,25(OH)(2)D(3) are metabolized through the same C-24 oxidation pathway initiated by the enzyme 24-hydroxylase (CYP24A1). Based on the information that the end product of 1alpha,25(OH)(2)D(3) metabolism through C-24 oxidation pathway is 1alpha-OH-23- COOH-24,25,26,27-tetranor D(3) or calcitroic acid; the metabolism of 25OHD(3) into 23-COOH-24,25,26,27-tetranor D(3) has been assumed. Furthermore, a previous study indicated 24-COOH-25,26,27-trinor D(3) as a water soluble metabolite of 24R,25(OH)(2)D(3) produced in rat kidney homogenates. Therefore, 24-COOH-25,26,27-trinor D(3) was also assumed as another end product of 25OHD(3) metabolism through C-24 oxidation pathway. We embarked on our present study to provide unequivocal proof for these assumptions. We first studied the metabolism of 25OHD(3) at low substrate concentration (3x10(-10)M) using [1,2-(3)H]25OHD(3) as the substrate in the perfused rat kidneys isolated from both normal and vitamin D(3) intoxicated rats. A highly polar water soluble metabolite, labeled as metabolite X was isolated from the kidney perfusate. The amount of metabolite X produced in the kidney of a vitamin D intoxicated rat was about seven times higher than that produced in the kidney of a normal rat. We then produced metabolite X in a quantity sufficient for its structure identification by perfusing kidneys isolated from vitamin D intoxicated rats with high substrate concentration of 25OHD(3) (5x10(-6)M). Using the techniques of electron impact and thermospray mass spectrometry, we established that the metabolite X contained both 23-COOH-24,25,26,27-tetranor D(3) and 24-COOH-25,26,27-trinor D(3) in a ratio of 4:1. The same metabolite X containing both acids in the same ratio of 4:1 was also produced when 24R,25(OH)(2)D(3) was used as the starting substrate. Previously, the trivial name of cholacalcioic acid was assigned to 24-COOH-25,26,27-trinorvitamin D(3). Using the same guidelines, we now assign the trivial name of calcioic acid to 23-COOH-24,25,26,27-tetranor D(3). In summary, for the first time our study provides unequivocal evidence to indicate that both calcioic and cholacalcioic acids as the end products of 25OHD(3) metabolism in rat kidney through C-24 oxidation pathway.  相似文献   

The sodium-dependent vitamin C transporter-2 (SVCT2) is the only ascorbic acid (ASC) transporter significantly expressed in brain. It is required for life and is critical during brain development to supply adequate levels of ASC. To assess SVCT2 function in the developing brain, we studied time-dependent SVCT2 mRNA and protein expression in mouse brain, using liver as a comparison tissue because it is the site of ASC synthesis. We found that SVCT2 expression followed an inverse relationship with ASC levels in the developing brain. In cortex and cerebellum, ASC levels were high throughout late embryonic stages and early post-natal stages and decreased with age, whereas SVCT2 mRNA and protein levels were low in embryos and increased with age. A different response was observed for liver, in which ASC levels and SVCT2 expression were both low throughout embryogenesis and increased post-natally. To determine whether low intracellular ASC might be capable of driving SVCT2 expression, we depleted ASC by diet in adult mice unable to synthesize ASC. We observed that SVCT2 mRNA and protein were not affected by ASC depletion in brain cortex, but SVCT2 protein expression was increased by ASC depletion in the cerebellum and liver. The results suggest that expression of the SVCT2 is differentially regulated during embryonic development and in adulthood.  相似文献   

Recent studies of mouse mutant aphakia have implicated the homeobox gene Pitx3 in the survival of substantia nigra dopaminergic neurons, the degeneration of which causes Parkinson's disease. To directly investigate a role for Pitx3 in midbrain DA neuron development, we have analysed a line of Pitx3-null mice that also carry an eGFP reporter under the control of the endogenous Pitx3 promoter. We show that the lack of Pitx3 resulted in a loss of nascent substantia nigra dopaminergic neurons at the beginning of their final differentiation. Pitx3 deficiency also caused a loss of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) expression specifically in the substantia nigra neurons. Therefore, our study provides the first direct evidence that the aphakia allele of Pitx3 is a hypomorph and that Pitx3 is required for the regulation of TH expression in midbrain dopaminergic neurons as well as the generation and/or maintenance of these cells. Furthermore, using the targeted GFP reporter as a midbrain dopaminergic lineage marker, we have identified previously unrecognised ontogenetically distinct subpopulations of dopaminergic cells within the ventral midbrain based on their temporal and topographical expression of Pitx3 and TH. Such an expression pattern may provide the molecular basis for the specific dependence of substantia nigra DA neurons on Pitx3.  相似文献   

In greening etiolated primary leaves of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), Mn2+ ions have been shown to inhibit chlorophyll (Chl) accumulation in a dose dependent manner and to lead to an accumulation of protoporphyrin IX (Proto) and Mg-protoporphyrin IX monomethyl ester (MgPE). The amount of MgPE that accumulated, was 2 times higher than Proto. In the dark, Proto and MgPE were observed to have accumulated to high levels in seven-day old green and etiolated leaves in the presence of 5 mmol/L Mn2+, but only if 5 mmol/L δ-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) was present. The 24 hours of irradiation of the green barley leaves treated in this way, resulted in a photodynamic destruction of Proto and MgPE as well as of Chl and carotenoids (Car). The observed porphyrin accumulation caused by the Mn2+ ions was reversed in the presence of active iron (Fe2+). This effect was observed when the iron concentration in incubation solutions was half the Mn2+ concentration, most effective for porphyrin synthesis, i.e. 5 mmol/L. The action of Mn2+ on porphyrin accumulation is also discussed.  相似文献   

In rat luteal cells labeled with (3H]oleic acid, PGF-stimulated phospholipase D (PLD) activation was investigated. The PLD activity was detected by measuring the accumulation of [3H]phosphatidylethanol (PtdEt) in the presence of ethanol. PGF stimulated PtdEt accumulation at concentrations of more than 100 nM in the presence of ethanol. However, PtdEt accumulation did not change in the absence of ethanol. PGF (1 μM) increased PtdEt accumulation after 1 min, and the accumulation reached a plateau by 2–3 min. These results indicate that PGF activates PLD in rat luteal cells. U-73122, a phospholipase C (PLC) inhibitor, and staurosporine, a protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor, did not inhibit PGF-stimulated [3H]PtdEt accumulation. These results suggest that PGF-induced PLD activation is different from PLC-PKC systems. We reported previously that PGF stimulated the release of arachidonic acid. The effects of indomethacin, nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA), and 5,8,11,14-eicosatetraynoic acid (ETYA), inhibitors of arachidonic acid metabolism, on PGF-stimulated PtdEt accumulation were examined. Pretreatment with indomethacin enhanced PGF-induced PtdEt accumulation. In contrast, pretreatment with NDGA and ETYA inhibited PGF-induced PtdEt accumulation. It is suggested that PGF-stimulated PLD activation is mediated via lipoxygenase products.  相似文献   

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