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为鉴定火龙果种质材料的亲缘关系,筛选优良亲本,提高育种效率,采用ISSR分子标记技术,对25份火龙果种质材料进行遗传背景研究,将植株及果实的20个数量性状数据标准化后,采用欧氏距离计算种质间遗传距离进行比较分析。结果显示,7条ISSR引物共检测到97个位点,其中多态性位点数为93个,多态性条带比例为95.88%。基于分子标记的UPGMA聚类分析,在阈值为0.54处可将25份种质材料分为6大组群,各种质材料的相似系数分布在0.41~0.86之间。20个数量性状的变异系数在12.35%~51.66%之间,Ward法聚类分析在欧式距离为5处,可将25份种质聚为6个组群。两种分类结果并不一致,但均显示出火龙果种质丰富的遗传多样性,可根据分类结果及育种目的筛选适宜亲本。  相似文献   

不同仙草种源间遗传关系的ISSR分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用ISSR分子标记技术对不同种源的20份仙草进行聚类分析。从40条ISSR引物中筛选出18条扩增条带清晰且重复性好的引物,共扩增出114条带,其中多态性条带53条,多态性比率为46.5%。采用NTSYS-pc软件对20份样品进行聚类分析。结果表明,供试20份仙草资源间的遗传相似系数介于0.37~0.96之间,聚类可将其分成3个大类群,其中一类全部为福建、广东和台湾等国内产区的栽培种源,一类为野生种源,另一类包括引自印度尼西亚种源及其与广东朝阳仙草的杂交后代。聚类结果表明仙草种源间的遗传差异与地理分布关系不密切而与形态差异有一定联系。  相似文献   

采用ISSR标记方法分析了62个朱顶红(Hippeastrum spp.)品种(包含60个引自荷兰的品种和2个苏州本地品种)的遗传多样性,并采用UPGMA法对62个朱顶红品种进行聚类分析.在此基础上,通过特异性条带的比较及筛选,采用黑白方格示意图法构建了供试品种的ISSR指纹图谱.扩增结果显示:用11条引物从62个朱顶红品种的基因组DNA中共扩增出118条带,其中多态性条带109条,多态性条带百分率达92.4%,有5条引物扩增条带的多态性条带百分率达100.0%.62个品种间的遗传相似系数变幅较大,为0.371 4~0.842 9,表明各品种间存在丰富的遗传变异和遗传多样性.聚类分析结果显示:在遗传相似系数0.63处62个品种被分为7组,多数形态相似的品种被聚在一起;其中形态相似的白色单瓣品种间遗传相似系数较高(约0.8),大多聚在一起,表明它们同源性较高;而2个苏州本地品种间遗传相似系数最高(0.842 9),表明它们可能具有同一来源.品种‘小红星’在引物UBC873扩增图谱的450 bp处有1条特异性条带,而品种‘精灵’在引物UBC835扩增图谱的3 000 bp处有1条特异缺失条带,这2条特异性条带可分别用于品种‘小红星’和‘精灵’的鉴定.基于引物UBC835和UBC873的ISSR扩增条带组合构建了供试的62个朱顶红品种的ISSR指纹图谱,采用这一指纹图谱可对供试的所有朱顶红品种进行鉴定.  相似文献   

该研究利用ISSR分子标记,对分布于福建省内5个样地(邵武、建阳、建瓯、周宁和屏南)的61个野钩锥(Castanopsis tibetana)单株的遗传多样性进行了分析,并采用聚类分析方法探讨了它们的遗传关系。结果表明:用10条ISSR引物从61个单株的基因组DNA共扩增出158条带,包含145条多态性条带,多态性条带百分率达91.77%,其中引物UBC817、UBC819与UBC842的多态性条带百分率(PPB)为100.0%。各居群的多态性条带百分率(PPB)、有效等位基因数(Ne)、Nei’s基因多样度(H)和Shannon’s多样性指数(I)等各遗传指数差异较大,其中各项遗传指标中最高的为邵武居群,而周宁居群则最低。5个居群的基因分化系数和基因流分别为0.144 0和2.973 0,说明5个居群总遗传变异的14.40%存在于居群间,85.60%存在于居群内。种间总基因多样度分别为0.395 8,种内基因多样度分别为0.338 8,表明钩锥种间遗传多样性较高,且种间变异大于种内变异。各居群间的遗传距离差异较大;其中,邵武与建瓯居群的遗传距离最近,仅为0.081 5;建阳和周宁居群的遗传距离最远,为0.162 9。通过聚类分析可将5个钩锥居群聚为3支,屏南与周宁的居群各自独立聚为2支;来自邵武、建瓯及建阳的居群聚为一支,且可进一步分为两个亚支,建阳居群为1个亚支,邵武和建瓯居群聚为1个亚支。供试的钩锥具有较高的遗传多样性,存在着较为频繁的基因交流。该研究结果较准确地揭示了钩锥种间的遗传多样性。  相似文献   

利用RAPD和ISSR标记分析烤烟品种间遗传关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用RAPD和ISSR标记对22份烤烟(Nicotiana tabacumL.)品种进行了遗传关系研究。在RAPD分析中筛选到13个引物,共扩增出167条带,其中多态性带50条,多态性比率为29.9%;在ISSR分析中筛选出7个引物,共扩增出96条带,其中多态性带44条,多态性比率为45.8%。两种标记相结合估算出的品种间遗传相似系数在0.881~0.979之间,平均为0.933。单独基于RAPD标记和ISSR标记的聚类结果有一定差异;两种标记结合起来的聚类分析结果与系谱信息吻合程度更高。定向选择可能对烤烟品种间遗传关系有较大影响;国外引进品种与国内育成品种并未完全分开,表明分子水平的遗传关系和地理来源间缺乏必然联系。  相似文献   

采用ISSR标记对中华猕猴桃(Actinidia chinensis Planch.)、美味猕猴桃〔A.chinensis var.deliciosa(A.Chev.)A.Chev.〕、软枣猕猴桃〔A.arguta(Sieb.et Zucc.)Planch.ex Miq.〕和毛花猕猴桃(A.eriantha Benth.)的32个样本进行了遗传多样性分析,并以ISSR标记为基础构建了DNA指纹图谱.结果表明:筛选的10个多态性高且条带清晰的引物共扩增出200个条带(位点),其中,多态性位点195个,多态性位点百分率(PPL)达97.50%;各引物的多态性信息含量(PIC)以及供试样本的观测等位基因数(Na)、有效等位基因数(Ne)、Nei's基因多样性指数(H)和Shannon's多样性指数(I)的总均值分别为0.9080、1.9800、1.3569、0.2255和0.3613,4个猕猴桃种间的遗传分化系数(Gst)为0.4146,基因流(Nm)为0.7059,且32个样本间的Na、Ne、H和I值差异极显著(P<0.001).供试32个样本间的遗传相似系数(GS)为0.5650~0.9650,平均值为0.7164;基于GS值进行UPGMA聚类分析,在GS值为0.76处将32个样本分为4组,基本对应供试的4个猕猴桃种类,其中,第Ⅰ组的大多数样本属于美味猕猴桃品种,第Ⅱ组的样本均属于中华猕猴桃品种,第Ⅲ组的样本属于毛花猕猴桃品种,第Ⅳ组的样本均属于软枣猕猴桃品种.分子方差分析结果表明:4个猕猴桃的种间变异占总变异的40.84%,种内变异占总变异的59.16%.研究结果表明:供试的猕猴桃品种间遗传分化程度较高,基因交流频率较低,且总遗传变异的近60%存在于种内,说明供试的猕猴桃品种具有较丰富的遗传多样性.另外,根据10个ISSR引物的扩增结果,筛选出引物UBC818、UBC824、UBC854和UBC895扩增的15个多态性位点构建的DNA指纹图谱可用于供试32个猕猴桃样本的鉴定.  相似文献   

采用ISSR分子标记技术对14个蝴蝶兰品种进行品种间遗传关系的研究。利用14个筛选的引物共扩增出179条带,其中多态性条带147条,多态性条带比率(PPB)为82%。品种之间的遗传相似系数范围在0.734—0.936间,说明部分蝴蝶兰品种间存在显著的遗传分化。14个引物组合可区分所有14个品种,并且检测到20条品种特异性条带,这些品种特异条带可用来鉴定供试蝴蝶兰中的10个品种。因此,ISSR分子标记能有效地进行蝴蝶兰品种鉴定。UPGMA聚类分析表明,14个品种可聚为2类,聚类情况与花色特征比较一致,但与花色的划分结果不完全相同,这可能是由于品种间杂交引起的。本文也论讨了ISSR分析结果对蝴蝶兰育种的指导意义。  相似文献   

14个蝴蝶兰品种遗传关系的ISSR分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用ISSR分子标记技术对14个蝴蝶兰品种进行品种间遗传关系的研究。利用14个筛选的引物共扩增出179条带,其中多态性条带147条,多态性条带比率(PPB)为82%。品种之间的遗传相似系数范围在0.734~0.936间,说明部分蝴蝶兰品种间存在显著的遗传分化。14个引物组合可区分所有14个品种,并且检测到20条品种特异性条带,这些品种特异条带可用来鉴定供试蝴蝶兰中的10个品种。因此,ISSR分子标记能有效地进行蝴蝶兰品种鉴定。UPGMA聚类分析表明,14个品种可聚为2类,聚类情况与花色特征比较一致,但与花色的划分结果不完全相同,这可能是由于品种间杂交引起的。本文也论讨了ISSR分析结果对蝴蝶兰育种的指导意义。  相似文献   

基于ISSR标记的烤烟种质遗传多样性研究   总被引:47,自引:0,他引:47  
杨本超  肖炳光  陈学军  石春海 《遗传》2005,27(5):753-758
利用ISSR标记分析了24份代表性烤烟种质的遗传多样性。从100个ISSR引物中筛选出10个引物,通过聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳可以检测到208条稳定的条带,片段大小介于200~2 400 bp之间,条带数在7~37条之间;扩增片段中多态性带141条,平均多态性比率(PPB)为67.79%。 通过UPGMA聚类分析,24个烤烟品种分为5类,最大一类有12个材料,主要衍生于Coker319。品种间遗传相似指数(GS)范围为0.66~0.85,表明其遗传多样性较低,需要拓宽烤烟种质的遗传基础。同时,利用2个多态性好的ISSR引物可以将这24份烤烟材料区分开,每个品种都有各自独特的指纹图谱,表明ISSR标记适于烟草品种鉴定和遗传多样性研究。  相似文献   

为了揭示河北省绿子叶黑豆种质资源的遗传多样性,为其研究利用提供理论根据,以46份原产河北省的绿子叶黑豆种质资源为试验材料,对其基于表型性状及ISSR标记鉴定结果进行了聚类分析,结果表明:7个ISSR引物共检测出60个等位变异,平均每个位点有8.6个等位变异,变幅为5~17个;ISSR引物的多态性信息量PIC变幅为0.721~0.927,平均0.820;利用表型性状和ISSR标记数据进行品种间遗传多样性分析,遗传相似系数变化范围分别为0.07~0.53和0.43~1.00,平均为0.284和0.704,遗传相似性变幅较大,河北省不同绿子叶黑豆品种间存在着丰富的遗传多样性。聚类结果显示,类群与品种来源地有关。  相似文献   

Using a set of approaches based on the use of molecular cytogenetic markers (DAPI/C-banding, estimation of the total area of DAPI-positive regions in prophase nuclei, FISH with 26S and 5S rDNA probes) and the microsatellite (SSR-PCR) assay, we studied genomic polymorphism in 15 flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) varieties from different geographic regions belonging to three directions of selection (oil, fiber, and intermediate flaxes) and in the k-37 x Viking hybrid. All individual chromosomes have been identified in the karyotypes of these varieties on the basis of the patterns of differential DAPI/C-banding and the distribution of 26S and 5S rDNA, and idiograms of the chromosomes have been generated. Unlike the oil flax varieties, the chromosomes in the karyotypes of the fiber flax varieties have, as a rule, pericentromeric and telomeric DAPI-positive bands of smaller size, but contain larger intercalary regions. Two chromosomal rearrangements (chromosome 3 inversions) were discovered in the variety Luna and in the k-37 x Viking hybrid. In both these forms, no colocalization of 26S rDNA and 5S rDNA on the satellite chromosome was detected. The SSR assay with the use of 20 polymorphic pairs of primers revealed 22 polymorphic loci. Based on the SSR data, we analyzed genetic similarity of the flax forms studied and constructed a genetic similarity dendrogram. The genotypes studied here form three clusters. The oil varieties comprise an independent cluster. The genetically related fiber flax varieties Vita and Luna, as well as the landrace Lipinska XIII belonging to the intermediate type, proved to be closer to the oil varieties than the remaining fiber flax varieties. The results of the molecular chromosomal analysis in the fiber and oil flaxes confirm their very close genetic similarity. In spite of this, the combined use of the chromosomal and molecular markers has opened up unique possibilities for describing the genotypes of flax varieties and creating their genetic passports.  相似文献   

Using a set of approaches based on the use of molecular cytogenetic markers (DAPI/C-banding, estimation of the total area of DAPI-positive regions in prophase nuclei, FISH with 26S and 5S rDNA probes) and the microsatellite (SSR-PCR) assay, we studied genomic polymorphism in 15 flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) varieties from different geographic regions belonging to three directions of selection (oil, fiber, and intermediate flax) and in the k-37 × Viking hybrid. All individual chromosomes have been identified in the karyotypes of these varieties on the basis of the patterns of differential DAPI/C-banding and the distribution of 26S and 5S rDNA, and idiograms of the chromosomes have been generated. Unlike the oil flax varieties, the chromosomes in the karyotypes of the fiber flax varieties have, as a rule, pericentromeric and telomeric DAPI-positive bands of smaller size, but contain larger intercalary regions. Two chromosome rearrangements (chromosome 3 inversions) were detected in the variety Luna and in the k-37 × Viking hybrid. In both these forms, no colocalization of 26S rDNA and 5S rDNA on the satellite chromosome was detected. The SSR assay with the use of 20 polymorphic pairs of primers revealed 22 polymorphic loci. Based on the SSR data, we analyzed genetic similarity of the flax forms studied and constructed a genetic similarity dendrogram. The genotypes studied here form three clusters. The oil varieties comprise an independent cluster. The genetically related fiber flax varieties Vita and Luna, as well as the landrace Lipinska XIII belonging to the intermediate type, proved to be closer to the oil varieties than the remaining fiber flax varieties. The results of the molecular chromosome analysis in the fiber and oil flax confirm their very close genetic similarity. In spite of this, the combined use of the chromosome and molecular markers has opened up unique possibilities for describing the genotypes of flax varieties and creating their genetic passports.  相似文献   

Thirty-five microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized in Linum usitatissimum using enriched genomic libraries. These loci were screened in eight cultivars from different countries and regions and were found to be polymorphic, with the number of alleles per locus ranging from two to six, and observed and expected heterozygosities ranging from 0.125 to 0.375 (mean 0.013) and from 0.233 to 0.842 (mean 0.601), respectively. These polymorphic new microsatellite loci will be useful for genetic linkage map construction, germplasm classification and identification, gene identification and quantitative trait loci mapping, and marker-assisted selection in breeding in L. usitatissimum.  相似文献   

应用ISSR标记研究仲彬草属植物的遗传变异   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
张利  周永红  丁春邦  杨瑞武  刘世贵   《广西植物》2006,26(4):375-380,394
利用ISSR标记对仲彬草属14个种和1个变种共32份材料进行了研究。结果表明:仲彬草属材料间ISSR标记多态性较高,变异较大。12个引物共扩增出593条带,其中535条(90.2%)具有多态性,每个引物可扩增出11~80条多态性带,平均44.6条。ISSR标记遗传相似系数在种间变化范围为0.430~0.866,平均值为0.620。从聚类分析得知,ISSR标记能将32份仲彬草属材料完全分开,32份材料聚为4类。同种不同居群的材料分别聚在一起,亲缘关系较近,同时,在分子水平上种内不同居群间也存在分化;种间存在明显的遗传差异;形态相似、地理分布一致的物种倾向于聚类在一起,有一定的亲缘关系。因此,ISSR分子标记能有效地评价仲彬草属物种的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

Somaclonal lines of linseed from the parent cultivar Norlin were produced from a callus-based in oitro regeneration system (the R0 generation). In field trials conducted over two seasons, 47 R1 (plants produced from the R0 generation) and 20 R2 somaclonal lines (plants produced from the R1 generation) were compared to the parent cultivar Norlin for quantitative characters. Irrespective of the genotype, traits in R1's and R2's were assessed on the basis of regression analysis as showing heritabilities of between 28% and 64%. Generally, the somaclonal variation assessed during these early generations revealed some detrimental traits, e.g. lower seed yield than the parent (control) cultivar and reduced 1000 seed weights, but a few lines were identified which had early or late flowering dates, improved seed yield and increased 1000 seed weights. It is concluded that somaclonal variation could be of value as an adjunct to classical breeding.  相似文献   

Three linkage maps of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) were constructed from populations CDC Bethune/Macbeth, E1747/Viking and SP2047/UGG5-5 containing between 385 and 469 mapped markers each. The first consensus map of flax was constructed incorporating 770 markers based on 371 shared markers including 114 that were shared by all three populations and 257 shared between any two populations. The 15 linkage group map corresponds to the haploid number of chromosomes of this species. The marker order of the consensus map was largely collinear in all three individual maps but a few local inversions and marker rearrangements spanning short intervals were observed. Segregation distortion was present in all linkage groups which contained 1–52 markers displaying non-Mendelian segregation. The total length of the consensus genetic map is 1,551?cM with a mean marker density of 2.0?cM. A total of 670 markers were anchored to 204 of the 416 fingerprinted contigs of the physical map corresponding to ~274?Mb or 74?% of the estimated flax genome size of 370?Mb. This high resolution consensus map will be a resource for comparative genomics, genome organization, evolution studies and anchoring of the whole genome shotgun sequence.  相似文献   

保存种群的遗传多样性和进化潜力是成功拯救保护濒危物种的关键。云南蓝果树(Nyssa yunnanensis W.C.Yin)是国家I级重点保护的极度濒危野生植物,也是国家实施极小种群野生植物保护工程的目的物种。为了制定针对性的保护措施,采用ISSR分子标记方法对64株极度濒危物种云南蓝果树子代个体进行遗传多样性分析。从100条引物中筛选出12条ISSR引物,共扩增出77个稳定、清晰的条带。其中58个为多态性条带,物种水平上的多态性条带百分率(PPL)变动范围为50.00%~87.50%,平均值为(74.65±0.01)%;等位基因观察值(Na)为1.7532;有效等位基因观察值(Ne)为1.5804;Nei's基因多样性指数(He)为0.3206,多态性信息含量指数(PIC)变动范围为0.15~0.44,平均值为0.27±0.01;Shannon's遗传多样性信息指数(I)随着样本数的增加而升高,但当样本数达到24及以上时,Shannon's指数的数值基本不再变化。基于遗传多样性分析结果,从地质历史原因和人为干扰因素等方面对云南蓝果树的濒危机制进行了探析,并提出了有针对性的云南蓝果树保护措施。  相似文献   

Although arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are known for their positive effect on flax growth, the impact of genetic manipulation in this crop on arbuscular mycorrhiza and plant performance was assessed for the first time. Five types of transgenic flax that were generated to improve fiber quality and resistance to pathogens, through increased levels of either phenylpropanoids (W92.40), glycosyltransferase (GT4, GT5), or PR2 beta-1,3-glucanase (B14) or produce polyhydroxybutyrate (M50), were used. Introduced genetic modifications did not change the degree of mycorrhizal colonization as compared to parent cultivars Linola and Nike. Arbuscules were well developed in each tested transgenic type (except M50). In two lines (W92.40 and B14), a higher abundance of arbuscules was observed when compared to control, untransformed flax plants. However, in some cases (W92.40, GT4, GT5, and B14 Md), the mycorrhizal dependency for biomass production of transgenic plants was slightly lower when compared to the original cultivars. No significant influence of mycorrhiza on the photosynthetic activity of transformed lines was found, but in most cases P concentration in mycorrhizal plants remained higher than in nonmycorrhizal ones. The transformed flax lines meet the demands for better quality of fiber and higher resistance to pathogens, without significantly influencing the interaction with AMF.  相似文献   

王萍  张立峰  李明 《生态学杂志》2012,31(6):1373-1377
为保障北方干旱-半干旱地区作物春播安全成苗,以完全控制环境为基础,通过人工设计水分梯度,研究了土壤水分胁迫与亚麻出苗的关系以及抗旱出苗的水分临界阈值。结果表明:亚麻出苗进程对土壤水分的反应表现出跃升、渐升和S曲线3种类型;亚麻出苗在砂质栗钙土上的水分敏感域为3.5%~6.0%,草甸栗钙土为9.0%~15.0%;以亚麻出苗速率为标准,砂质栗钙土的土壤水分临界值为5.5%,草甸栗钙土为13.0%;以亚麻抗旱保苗为标准,砂质栗钙土的土壤水分临界值为5.0%,播种量需增至常年的1.52倍,草甸栗钙土约为12.0%,播种量为常年的1.72倍。  相似文献   


Asparagus officinalis L. is a dioecious perennial plant globally known for its fine flavor and high nutritional value. An evaluation of genetic diversity in 46 asparagus accessions was carried out based on morphological and inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers. The result show that the coefficient of variation for 20 morphological characteristics is between 12.45 and 62.22%. Factor analysis revealed that nine factors explained 83.37% of the total variance. At Euclidean distance of 135.7, 46 accessions were divided into two clusters. Genetic similarity coefficient (GSC) based on ISSR data ranged from 0.60 to 0.97, suggesting a relatively abundant genetic base. Furthermore, the 46 asparagus accessions could also be grouped into three major clusters at a GSC of 0.74. And there is no significant relation between the two marker systems using the Mantel test. Clustering based on morphological traits compared with that based on ISSR data was not consistent, however, some common groupings were observed between two dendrograms. Therefore the results elucidated asparagus germplasm genetic background and determined hybrid parents, which will facilitate optimal application of asparagus germplasm resources and provide additional data for genetic improvement.


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