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The cell-specific distribution of the four subunit proteins (P, L, T and H) of glycine decarboxylase (GDC) and of serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT) has been studied in the leaves of C3-C4 intermediate and C4 species of three genera (Flaveria, Moricandia and Panicum) using immunogold localization. Antibodies raised against these proteins from pea leaf mitochondria were used to probe Western blots of total leaf proteins of F. linearis Lag., M. arvensis (L.) DC and P. milioides Nees ex Trin. (C3-C4), and F. trinervia (Spring.) Mohr and P. miliaceum (L.) (C4). For all species, each antibody recognised specifically a protein of similar molecular weight to that in pea leaves. In leaves of M. arvensis the P protein was present in the mitochondria of the bundle-sheath cells but was undetectable in those of the mesophyll, whereas the L, T and H proteins and SHMT were present in both cell types. The density of immunogold labelling of SHMT on the mitochondria of mesophyll cells was less than that on those of the bundle-sheath cells, which correlates with the relative activities of SHMT in these cell types. These data reveal that the lack of functional GDC in the mesophyll cells of M. arvensis, which is the principal biochemical reason for reduced photorespiration in this species, is due to the loss of a single subunit protein. This lack of coordinate expression of the subunit proteins of GDC within a photosynthetic cell represents a clear difference between M. arvensis and other C3 and C3-C4 species. None of the GDC proteins was detectable in the mesophyll cells of the C3-C4 and C4 Flaveria and Panicum species but all were present in the bundle-sheath cells. The differences in the distribution of the GDC proteins in leaves of the C3-C4 species studied are discussed in relation to the evolution of photosynthetic mechanisms.  相似文献   

Yoshimura Y  Kubota F  Ueno O 《Planta》2004,220(2):307-317
In C4 plants, photorespiration is decreased relative to C3 plants. However, it remains unclear how much photorespiratory capacity C4 leaf tissues actually have. We thoroughly investigated the quantitative distribution of photorespiratory organelles and the immunogold localization of the P protein of glycine decarboxylase (GDC) in mesophyll (M) and bundle sheath (BS) cells of various C4 grass species. Specific differences occurred in the proportions of mitochondria and peroxisomes in the BS cells (relative to the M cells) in photosynthetic tissues surrounding a vein: lower in the NADP-malic enzyme (NADP-ME) species having poorly formed grana in the BS chloroplasts, and higher in the NAD-malic enzyme (NAD-ME) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PCK) species having well developed grana. In all C4 species, GDC was localized mainly in the BS mitochondria. When the total amounts of GDC in the BS mitochondria per unit leaf width were estimated from the immunogold labeling density and the quantity of mitochondria, the BSs of NADP-ME species contained less GDC than those of NAD-ME or PCK species. This trend was also verified by immunoblot analysis of leaf soluble protein. There was a high positive correlation between the degree of granal development (granal index) in the BS chloroplasts and the total amount of GDC in the BS mitochondria. The variations in the structural and biochemical features involved in photorespiration found among C4 species might reflect differences in the O2/CO2 partial pressure and in the potential photorespiratory capacity of the BS cells.Abbreviations BS Bundle sheath - GDC Glycine decarboxylase - M Mesophyll - NAD-ME NAD-malic enzyme - NADP-ME NADP-malic enzyme - PCK Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase  相似文献   

We have shown previously that fibroblasts derived from fat or dermal tissue differ in their functional properties, such as proliferation rate and contractile properties. To study these differences further, two-dimensional electrophoresis (2D PAGE) was performed on proteins isolated from cultured subcutaneous fat and dermal fibroblasts. The 2D gels were screened for proteins that were differentially expressed in all donors (n = 5). Five protein spots were subjected to further analysis by mass spectrometry. Two proteins could be identified: brain acid soluble protein 1 (BASP1) and cellular retinoic acid binding protein-II (CRABP-II). CRABP-II is of interest in terms of re-epithelialisation and was clearly expressed in dermal fibroblasts but not in fat fibroblasts. Real time PCR was performed to confirm the 2D data on CRABP-II. The CRABP-II mRNA level was significantly increased in dermal tissue and cultured dermal fibroblasts compared to fat tissue and cultured fat-derived fibroblasts, respectively. The mode of action of CRABP-II in skin is to mediate retinoic acid activity. Retinoic acid is known to inhibit migration and to stimulate differentiation of keratinocytes. The expression of CRABP-II by dermal fibroblasts implicates a role for these fibroblasts in wound re-epithelialisation, in contrast to subcutaneous fat-derived fibroblasts.  相似文献   

C. K. M. Rathnam 《Planta》1978,141(3):289-295
The activity of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylase EC in leaf extracts of Eleusine indica L. Gaertn., a C4 plant, exhibited a temperature optimum of 35–37° C with a complete loss of activity at 50° C. However, the enzyme was protected effectively from heat inactivation up to 55° C by L-aspartate. Activation energies (Ea) for the enzyme in the presence of aspartate were 2.5 times lower than that of the control enzyme. Arrhenius plots of PEP carboxylase activity (±aspartate) showed a break in the slope around 17–20° C with a 3-fold increase in the Ea below the break. The discontinuity in the slopes was abolished by treating the enzyme extracts with Triton X-100, suggesting that PEP carboxylase in C4 plants is associated with lipid and may be a membrane bound enzyme. Depending upon the species, the major C4 acid formed during photosynthesis (malate or aspartate) was found to be more protective than the minor C4 acid against the heat inactivation of their PEP carboxylase. Oxaloacetate, the reaction product, was less effective compared to malate or aspartate. Several allosteric inhibitors of PEP carboxylase were found to be moderately to highly effective in protecting the C4 enzyme while its activators showed no significant effect. PEP carboxylase from C3 species was not protected from thermal inactivation by the C4 acids. The physiological significance of these results is discussed in relation to the high temperature tolerance of C4 plants.Abbreviations CAM crassulaccan acid metabolism - Chl chlorophyll - Ea activation energy - PEP phosphoenolypyruvate Journal Series Paper, New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station  相似文献   

The natural abundance hydrogen-isotope composition of leaf water ( ) and leaf organic matter ( D org ) was measured in leaves of C3 and C4 dicotyledons and monocotyledons. The value of leaf water showed a marked diurnal variation, greatest enrichment being observed about midday. However, this variation was greater in the more slowly transpiring C4 plants than in C3 plants under comparable environmental conditions. A model based on analogies with a constant feed pan of evaporating water was developed and the difference between C3 and C4 plants expressed in terms of either differences in kinetic enrichment or different leaf morphology. Microclimatic and morphological features of the leaves which may be associated with this factor are discussed. There was no daily excursion in the D org value in leaves of either C3 or C4 plants. When D org values were referenced to the mean values during the period of active photosynthesis, the discrimination against deuterium during photosynthetic metabolism (D) was greater in C3 plants (-117 to -121) than in C4 plants (-86 to -109).These results show that the different water use strategies of C3 and C4 plants are responsible for the measured difference in deuterium-isotope composition of leaf water. However, it is unlikely that these physical processes account fully for the differences in hydrogen-isotope composition of the products of C3 and C4 photosynthetic metabolism.Symbols Hydrogen-isotope composition of leaf water - D org hydrogen-isotope composition of leaf organic matter  相似文献   

In order to study the location of enzymes of photorespiration in leaves of the C3–C4 intermediate species Moricandia arvensis (L.). DC, protoplast fractions enriched in mesophyll or bundlesheath cells have been prepared by a combination of mechanical and enzymic techniques. The activities of the mitochondrial enzymes fumarase (EC and glycine decarboxylase (EC were enriched by 3.0- and 7.5-fold, respectively, in the bundle-sheath relative to the mesophyll fraction. Enrichment of fumarase is consistent with the larger number of mitochondria in bundle-sheath cells relative to mesophyll cells. The greater enrichment of glycine decarboxylase indicates that the activity is considerably higher on a mitochondrial basis in bundle-sheath than in mesophyll cells. Serine hydroxymethyltransferase (EC activity was enriched by 5.3-fold and glutamate-dependent glyoxylate-aminotransferase (EC activity by 2.6-fold in the bundle-sheath relative to the mesophyll fraction. Activities of serine- and alanine-dependent glyoxylate aminotransferase (EC and EC, glycollate oxidase (EC, hydroxypyruvate reductase (EC, glutamine synthetase (EC and phosphoribulokinase (EC were not significantly different in the two fractions. These data provide further independent evidence to complement earlier immunocytochemical studies of the distribution of photorespiratory enzymes in the leaves of this species, and indicate that while mesophyll cells of M. arvensis have the capacity to synthesize glycine during photorespiration, they have only a low capacity to metabolize it. We suggest that glycine produced by photorespiratory metabolism in the mesophyll is decarboxylated predominantly by the mitochondria in the bundle sheath.Abbreviation RuBP ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate  相似文献   

The light dependence of quantum yields of Photosystem II (II) and of CO2 fixation were determined in C3 and C4 plants under atmospheric conditions where photorespiration was minimal. Calculations were made of the apparent quantum yield for CO2 fixation by dividing the measured rate of photosynthesis by the absorbed light [A/I=CO2 and of the true quantum yield by dividing the estimated true rate of photosynthesis by absorbed light [(A+Rl)/Ia=CO2·], where RL is the rate of respiration in the light. The dependence of the II/CO2 and II/CO2 * ratios on light intensity was then evaluated. In both C3 and C4 plants there was little change in the ratio of II/CO2 at light intensities equivalent to 10–100% of full sunlight, whereas there was a dramatic increase in the ratio at lower light intensities. Changes in the ratio of II/CO2 can occur because respiratory losses are not accounted for, due to changes in the partitioning of energy between photosystems or changes in the relationship between PS II activity and CO2 fixation. The apparent decrease in efficiency of utilization of energy derived from PS II for CO2 fixation under low light intensity may be due to respiratory loss of CO2. Using dark respiration as an estimate of RL, the calculated II/CO2 * ratio was nearly constant from full sunlight down to approx 5% of full sunlight, which suggests a strong linkage between the true rate of CO2 fixation and PS II activity under varying light intensity. Measurements of photosynthesis rates and II were made by illuminating upper versus lower leaf surfaces of representative C3 and C4 monocots and dicots. With the monocots, the rate of photosynthesis and the ratio of II/CO2 exhibited a very similar patterns with leaves illuminated from the adaxial versus the abaxial surface, which may be due to uniformity in anatomy and lack of differences in light acclimation between the two surfaces. With dicots, the abaxial surface had both lower rates of photosynthesis and lower II values than the adaxial surface which may be due to differences in anatomy (spongy versus palisade mesophyll cells) and/or light acclimation between the two surfaces. However, in each species the response of II/CO2 to varying light intensity was similar between the two surfaces, indicating a comparable linkage between PS II activity and CO2 fixation.Abbreviations A measured rate of CO2 assimilation - A+RL true rate of CO2 assimilation; e - CO2 estimate of electrons transported through PSII per CO2 fixed by RuBP carboxylase - f fraction of light absorbed by Photosystem II - F'm yield of PSII chlorophyll fluorescence due to a saturating flash of white light under steady-state photosynthesis - Fs variable yield of fluorescence under steady-state photosynthesis; PPFD-photosynthetic photon flux density - Ia absorbed PPFD - PS II Photosystem II - Rd rate of respiration in the dark - RI rate of respiration in the light estimated from measurement of Rd or from analysis of quantum yields - apparent quantum yield of CO2 assimilation under a given condition (A/absorbed PPFD) - true quantum yield of CO2 assimilation under a given condition [(A+RL)/(absorbed PPFD)] - quantum yield for photosynthetic O2 evolution - electrons transported via PS II per quantum absorbed by PS II Supported by USDA Competitive Grant 90-37280-5706.  相似文献   

Summary Restriction fragment length polymorphisms have been used to determine the chromosomal location of the genes encoding the glycine decarboxylase complex (GDC) and serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT) of pea leaf mitochondria. The genes encoding the H subunit of GDC and the genes encoding SHMT both show linkage to the classical group I marker i. In addition, the genes for the P protein of GDC show linkage to the classic group I marker a. The genes for the L and T proteins of GDC are linked to one another and are probably situated on the satellite of chromosome 7. The mRNAs encoding the five polypeptides that make up GDC and SHMT are strongly induced when dark-grown etiolated pea seedlings are placed in the light. Similarly, when mature plants are placed in the dark for 48 h, the levels of both GDC protein and SHMT mRNAs decline dramatically and then are induced strongly when these plants are returned to the light. During both treatments a similar pattern of mRNA induction is observed, with the mRNA encoding the P protein of GDC being the most rapidly induced and the mRNA for the H protein the slowest. Whereas during the greening of etiolated seedlings the polypeptides of GDC and SHMT show patterns of accumulation similar to those of the corresponding mRNAs, very little change in the level of the polypeptides is seen when mature plants are placed in the dark and then re-exposed to the light.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Cleomaceae is one of 19 angiosperm families in which C4 photosynthesis has been reported. The aim of the study was to determine the type, and diversity, of structural and functional forms of C4 in genus Cleome.


Plants of Cleome species were grown from seeds, and leaves were subjected to carbon isotope analysis, light and scanning electron microscopy, western blot analysis of proteins, and in situ immunolocalization for ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase (Rubisco) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC).

Key Results

Three species with C4-type carbon isotope values occurring in separate lineages in the genus (Cleome angustifolia, C. gynandra and C. oxalidea) were shown to have features of C4 photosynthesis in leaves and cotyledons. Immunolocalization studies show that PEPC is localized in mesophyll (M) cells and Rubisco is selectively localized in bundle sheath (BS) cells in leaves and cotyledons, characteristic of species with Kranz anatomy. Analyses of leaves for key photosynthetic enzymes show they have high expression of markers for the C4 cycle (compared with the C3–C4 intermediate C. paradoxa and the C3 species C. africana). All three are biochemically NAD-malic enzyme sub-type, with higher granal development in BS than in M chloroplasts, characteristic of this biochemical sub-type. Cleome gynandra and C. oxalidea have atriplicoid-type Kranz anatomy with multiple simple Kranz units around individual veins. However, C. angustifolia anatomy is represented by a double layer of concentric chlorenchyma forming a single compound Kranz unit by surrounding all the vascular bundles and water storage cells.


NAD-malic enzyme-type C4 photosynthesis evolved multiple times in the family Cleomaceae, twice with atriplicoid-type anatomy in compound leaves having flat, broad leaflets in the pantropical species C. gynandra and the Australian species C. oxalidea, and once by forming a single Kranz unit in compound leaves with semi-terete leaflets in the African species C. angustifolia. The leaf morphology of C. angustifolia, which is similar to that of the sister, C3–C4 intermediate African species C. paradoxa, suggests adaptation of this lineage to arid environments, which is supported by biogeographical information.  相似文献   

Photorespiratory metabolism of the C3-C4 intermediate species Moricandia arvensis (L.) DC has been compared with that of the C3 species, Moricandia moricandioides (Boiss.) Heywood. Assays of glycollate oxidase (EC, glyoxylate aminotransferases (EC, EC and hydroxypyruvate reductase (EC indicate that the capacity for flux through the photorespiratory cycle is similar in both species. Immunogold labelling with monospecific antibodies was used to investigate the cellular locations of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (EC, glycollate oxidase, and glycine decarboxylase (EC in leaves of the two species. Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase was confined to the stroma of chloroplasts and glycollate oxidase to the peroxisomes of all photosynthetic cells in leaves of both species. However, whereas glycine decarboxylase was present in the mitochondria of all photosynthetic cells in M. moricandioides, it was only found in the mitochondria of bundle-sheath cells in M. arvensis. We suggest that localized decarboxylation of glycine in the leaves of M. arvensis will lead to improved recapture of photorespired CO2 and hence a lower rate of photorespiration.Abbreviations kDa kilodalton - RuBP ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate  相似文献   

Light-induced changes in the fluorescence of the pH-indicating dyes pyranine or 5-(and 6-)carboxy-2, 7-dichlorofluorescein (CDCF) which had been fed to leaves were examined to monitor cellular pH changes. After short-term feeding of pyranine (pK 7.3) to leaves of Amaranthus caudatus L., a NAD-malic-enzyme-type C4 plant, vascular bundles and surrounding cells became fluorescent. Fluorescence emission from mesophyll cells required longer feeding times. In CO2-free air, pyranine fluorescence increased much more on illumination after mesophyll cells had become fluorescent than when only the vascular bundles and the bundle sheath of Amaranthus leaves had been stained. After short feeding times and in the absence of actinic illumination, CO2 decreased pyranine fluorescence very slowly in Amaranthus and rapidly in C3 leaves. After prolonged feeding times, the extent of the light-dependent increase in pyranine fluorescence was several times greater in different C4 plants than in C3 species. The kinetics of the fluorescence changes were also remarkably different in C3 and C4 plants. Carbon dioxide (500 l · l–1) suppressed the light-induced increase in pyranine fluorescence more in C4 than in C3 leaves. Light-dependent changes in light scattering, which are indicative of chloroplast energization, and in 410-nm transmission, which indicate chloroplast movement, differed kinetically from those of the changes in pyranine fluorescence. Available evidence indicated that light-dependent changes in pyranine fluorescence did not originate from the apoplast of leaf cells. Microscopic observation led to the conclusion that, after prolonged feeding times or prolonged incubation, changes in pyranine fluorescence emitted from C4 leaves reflect pH changes mainly in the cytosol of mesophyll cells. A transient acidification reaction indicated by quenching of pyranine fluorescence in the dark-light transient and not observed in C3 species is attributed to the carboxylation of phosphoenolpyruvate. After short feeding times and in the absence of actinic illumination, CO2 (250 l l–1) decreased pyranine fluorescence very slowly in Amaranthus and more rapidly in C3 leaves. After prolonged feeding times, both the rate and the extent of CO2-dependent quenching of pyranine fluorescence increased, but the increase was insufficient to indicate the presence of highly active carbonic anhydrase in the compartment from which pyranine fluorescence was emitted. In contrast to pyranine, CDCF (pK 4.8) did not increase but rather decreased its fluorescence on illumination of an Amaranthus leaf, indicating acidification of an acidic compartment, most probably the vacuole of green leaf cells. The pattern of the acidification reaction was similar in C4 and C3 leaves. The remarkably large extent of the light-dependent increase in pyranine fluorescence from leaves of C4 species and its slow kinetics are proposed to be caused by an alkalization of the cytosol which in the absence of CO2 is larger in the mesophyll than in the bundle sheath. It gives rise to deprotonation of dye originally located in the mesophyll and, in addition, of dye which diffuses from the bundle sheath into the mesophyll following a pH gradient. Implications of slow diffusional transport of pyranine and CO2 between mesophyll and bundle-sheath cells and the fast metabolite transport required in C4 photosynthesis are discussed.Abbreviations CDCF 5-(and 6-)carboxy-2,7-dichlorofluorescein - DHAP dihydroxyacetone phosphate - PGA 3-phosphoglycerate This work was supported by the Sonderforschungsbereiche 176 and 251 of the University of Würzburg and by the Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz Program of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. A.S.R. was the recipient of a fellowship of the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation. We are grateful to Mrs. S. Neimanis for cooperation.  相似文献   

The rate and extent of light activation of PEPC may be used as another criterion to distinguish C3 and C4 plants. Light stimulated phosphoenolypyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) in leaf discs of C4 plants, the activity being three times greater than that in the dark but stimulation of PEPC was limited about 30% over the dark-control in C3 species. The light activation of PEPC in leaves of C3 plants was complete within 10 min, while maximum activation in C4 plants required illumination for more than 20 min, indicating that the relative pace of PEPC activation was slower in C4 plants than in C3 plants. Similarly, the dark-deactivation of the enzyme was also slower in leaves of C4 than in C3 species. The extent of PEPC stimulation in the alkaline pH range indicated that the dark-adapted form of the C4 enzyme is very sensitive to changes in pH. The pH of cytosol-enriched cell sap extracted from illuminated leaves of C4 plants was more alkaline than that of dark-adapted leaves. The extent of such light-dependent alkalization of cell sap was three times higher in C4 leaves than in C3 plants. The course of light-induced alkalization and dark-acidification of cytosol-enriched cell sap was markedly similar to the pattern of light activation and dark-deactivation of PEPC in Alternanthera pungens, a C4 plant. Our report provides preliminary evidence that the photoactivation of PEPC in C4 plants may be mediated at least partially by the modulation of cytosolic pH.Abbreviations CAM Crassulacean acid metabolism - G-6-P glucose-6-phosphate - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride - PEPC phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase - PEPC-PK phosphoenolpyruvate ca carboxylase-protein kinase  相似文献   

Antibodies raised against the glycine decarboxylase proteins P1, P2, P3, and the selenoprotein PA, a component of the glycine reductase complex, were used for immunocytochemical localization experiments. Cells of Eubacterium acidaminophilum from logarithmic growth phase were fixed in the growth media with paraformaldehyde and glutaraldehyde. Fixed cells were embedded by the low-temperature procedure using Lowicryl K4M resin, and the protein A-gold technique was applied for the localization experiments. The vicinity of the cytoplasmic membrane contained about 27% of all gold particles when proteins P1 and P2 were to be localized, 50% for protein PA, and 61% for protein P3. Double immunocytochemical labeling experiments gave evidence for the existence of a protein P1/P2 complex located predominantly in the cytoplasm, and a P3/PA complex located at the cytoplasmic membrane. Only in very few instances the labels for proteins P3 and P1 were seen very close together in respective doublelabeling experiments. These results indicate that glycine decarboxylase does not occur in this organism as a complex consisting of all four proteins, but that protein P3, the atypical lipoamide dehydrogenase, takes part in both the glycine decarboxylase as well as in the glycine reductase reaction.  相似文献   

The potential for C4 photosynthesis was investigated in five C3-C4 intermediate species, one C3 species, and one C4 species in the genus Flaveria, using 14CO2 pulse-12CO2 chase techniques and quantum-yield measurements. All five intermediate species were capable of incorporating 14CO2 into the C4 acids malate and aspartate, following an 8-s pulse. The proportion of 14C label in these C4 products ranged from 50–55% to 20–26% in the C3-C4 intermediates F. floridana Johnston and F. linearis Lag. respectively. All of the intermediate species incorporated as much, or more, 14CO2 into aspartate as into malate. Generally, about 5–15% of the initial label in these species appeared as other organic acids. There was variation in the capacity for C4 photosynthesis among the intermediate species based on the apparent rate of conversion of 14C label from the C4 cycle to the C3 cycle. In intermediate species such as F. pubescens Rydb., F. ramosissima Klatt., and F. floridana we observed a substantial decrease in label of C4-cycle products and an increase in percentage label in C3-cycle products during chase periods with 12CO2, although the rate of change was slower than in the C4 species, F. palmeri. In these C3-C4 intermediates both sucrose and fumarate were predominant products after a 20-min chase period. In the C3-C4 intermediates, F. anomala Robinson and f. linearis we observed no significant decrease in the label of C4-cycle products during a 3-min chase period and a slow turnover during a 20-min chase, indicating a lower level of functional integration between the C4 and C3 cycles in these species, relative to the other intermediates. Although F. cronquistii Powell was previously identified as a C3 species, 7–18% of the initial label was in malate+aspartate. However, only 40–50% of this label was in the C-4 position, indicating C4-acid formation as secondary products of photosynthesis in F. cronquistii. In 21% O2, the absorbed quantum yields for CO2 uptake (in mol CO2·[mol quanta]-1) averaged 0.053 in F. cronquistii (C3), 0.051 in F. trinervia (Spreng.) Mohr (C4), 0.052 in F. ramosissima (C3-C4), 0.051 in F. anomala (C3-C4), 0.050 in F. linearis (C3-C4), 0.046 in F. floridana (C3-C4), and 0.044 in F. pubescens (C3-C4). In 2% O2 an enhancement of the quantum yield was observed in all of the C3-C4 intermediate species, ranging from 21% in F. ramosissima to 43% in F. pubescens. In all intermediates the quantum yields in 2% O2 were intermediate in value to the C3 and C4 species, indicating a co-function of the C3 and C4 cycles in CO2 assimilation. The low quantum-yield values for F. pubescens and F. floridana in 21% O2 presumably reflect an ineffcient transfer of carbon from the C4 to the C3 cycle. The response of the quantum yield to four increasing O2 concentrations (2–35%) showed lower levels of O2 inhibition in the C3-C4 intermediate F. ramosissima, relative to the C3 species. This indicates that the co-function of the C3 and C4 cycles in this intermediate species leads to an increased CO2 concentration at the site of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase and a concomitant decrease in the competitive inhibition by O2.Abbreviations PEP phosphoenolpyruvate - PGA 3-phosphoglycerate - RuBP ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate  相似文献   

Mesophyll cells were isolated from sunflower leaves by an enzymic procedure. The cell suspensions possessed high photosynthesis rates. The products of cell photosynthesis were similar to the products of leaf disc photosynthesis. The relatively high radioactivity incorporated into malate after 14CO2 feeding suggests that PEP carboxylase might participate in CO2 fixation. Sunflower leaf extracts possessed a PEP carboxylase activity slightly higher than that of other C3 species. Inhibition of PEP carboxylase by maleate decreased cell photosynthesis by only 15% and the first products of cell photosynthesis were phosphorylated compounds. It is concluded that the high photosynthesis rates displayed by sunflower are not due to a parallel C4 pathway of photosynthesis but are rather dependent, at least in part, on the activity, or the amount, of RuBP carboxylase.Abbreviations PVP polyvinylpyrrolidone - PDS potassium dextran sulfate - DTT dithiothreitol - PEG polyethyleneglycol - RuBP ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate - PEP phosphoenolpyruvate - Mes 2-(N-morpholino) ethanesulfonic acid - Hepes N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethanesulfonic acid  相似文献   

Osamu Ueno 《Planta》1996,199(3):394-403
Eleocharis vivipara link, an amphibious leafless sedge, develops traits of C4 photosynthesis and Kranz anatomy in the terrestrial form but develops C3-like traits with non-Kranz anatomy when submerged. The cellular localization of C3 and C4 enzymes in the photosynthetic cells of the two forms was investigated by immunogold labeling and electron microscopy. The terrestrial form has mesophyll cells and three kinds of bundle sheath cell, namely, parenchyma sheath cells, non-chlorophyllous mestome sheath cells, and Kranz cells. Phosphoenol-pyruvate carboxylase (PEPCase) was present in the cytosol of both the mesophyll cells and the parenchyma sheath cells, with higher-density labeling in the latter, but not in the Kranz cells. Pyruvate, Pi dikinase (PPDK) was found at high levels in the chloroplasts of both the mesophyll cells and the parenchyma sheath cells with some-what stronger labeling in the latter. This enzyme was also absent from the Kranz cells. Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) was found in the chloroplasts of all types of photosynthetic cell, but labeling was significantly less intense in the parenchyma sheath cells than in other types of cell. The submerged form also has three types of photosynthetic cell, as well as non-chlorophyllous mestome sheath cells, but it lacks the traits of Kranz anatomy as a consequence of modification of the cells. Rubisco was densely distributed in the chloroplasts of all the photosynthetic cells. However, PEPCase and PPDK were found in both the mesophyll cells and the parenchyma sheath cells but at lower levels than in the terrestrial form. These data reveal that the terrestrial form has a unique pattern of cellular localization of C3 and C4 enzymes, and they suggest that this pattern and the changes in the extent of accumulation of the various enzymes are the main factors responsible for the difference in photosynthetic traits between the two forms.Abbreviations CAM crassulacean acid metabolism - MC meso phyll cell - PSC parenchyma sheath cell - KC Kranz cell - PEP-Case phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase - PPDK pyruvate, Pi dikinase - Rubisco ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase - LS large subunit - RuBP ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate This study was supported by Grants-in-Aid from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan (Integrated Research Program for the Use of Biotechnological Procedures for Plant Breeding) and from the Science and Technology Agency of Japan (Enhancement of Center-of-Excellence, the Special Coordination Funds for Promoting Science and Technology). The author is grateful to Drs M. Matsuoka and S. Muto for providing the antisera and Dr. M. Samejima for his advice at the early stages of this study.  相似文献   

Distributional patterns of C4 plants were investigated in 4 study areas located in se Arizona: granite slopes in the Mule Mountains, limestone slopes in the Mule Mountains, calcareous bajada (alluvial plain) below the Mule Mountains, and limestone slopes in the Huachuca Mountains. Cover data for all vascular species were obtained from 238 0.1 ha (20×50 m) sample quadrats located over ranges of elevation and topographic position within the study areas. Overall, 69 C4 species representing 6 angiosperm families were encountered. C4 species accounted for 13.5% to 22.3% of vascular species within the study areas. C4 species frequency in quadrats (on the basis of all species or of grasses only) increased from mesic to xeric community types in all study areas except the calcareous bajada. Similar, but less consistent, trends were evident in the relative cover contributed by C4 species. In two of the study areas (granite slopes in the Mule Mountains, limestone slopes in the Huachuca Mountains) regression analyses revealed statistically significant trends of C4 species frequency and relative cover along environmental (elevation/solar-irradiation scalar) and compositional (reciprocal averaging ordination) gradients. A lack of consistent trends on limestone slopes in the Mule Mountains may be the result of grazing and/or recent invasion of low-elevation limestone areas by a Chihuahuan Desert flora dominated by C3 dicot shrubs. The calcareous bajada below the Mule Mountains was studied less intensively, but its flora was found to contain the highest frequency of C4 species of the 4 study areas. In contrast, C4 cover on the bajada was low, presumably as a consequence of heavy grazing pressure on the grasses. The results of the present investigation support the prediction that C4 species should be proportionally more successful in habitats characterized by high temperatures, high irradiance and low moisture.  相似文献   

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