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The apoproteins of the streptococcal NADH peroxidase (H2O2----2H2O) and NADH oxidase (O2----2H2O) stabilize the neutral forms of 6-hydroxy- and 6-mercapto-FAD, respectively. The redox behavior of the 6-hydroxy-FAD peroxidase closely mimics that of the native enzyme with both dithionite and NADH. Both oxidase and peroxidase preferentially stabilize the N(1)-protonated p-quinonoid species of 8-mercapto-FAD, and the 8-position of the bound flavin is accessible to solvent in both proteins. The 8-mercapto-FAD peroxidase yields an EH2 spectrum on reduction virtually identical to that seen with 8-mercapto-FAD glutathione reductase, but no distinct EH2.NADH form appears. The dramatic decreases in reactivity at the flavin 2- and 4-positions for both the peroxidase and the oxidase, assessed with the reconstituted 2- and 4-thio-FAD enzymes, suggest that these positions are buried by elements of both protein structures. Furthermore, reconstitution of the peroxidase with the higher potential 2- and 4-thioflavins yields enzyme forms which are fully reducible with 1.4 eq of NADH/FAD, giving rise to stable thio-FADH2.NAD+ complexes. This behavior closely mimics that of the native NADH oxidase and provides further evidence supporting the hypothesis that a major functional distinction between the two structurally related proteins is determined by the redox potential and/or NADH reactivity of the bound flavin coenzyme.  相似文献   

The FAD-containing NADH oxidase from Streptococcus faecalis 10C1, which catalyzes the four-electron reduction of O2----2H2O, has been purified by an improved procedure for analyses of its structural and redox properties. The enzyme is apparently a dimer of two identical subunits, each containing 1 mol of FAD. Dithionite reduction of the enzyme proceeds in two distinct phases corresponding to approximately 0.5 and 1.1 eq/FAD, respectively. Thiol assays of the NADH oxidase, reduced anaerobically with 1 eq of NADH/FAD prior to denaturation, are consistent with the presence of a single redox-active cysteinyl residue/subunit. Analysis of the cysteinyl peptides of the oxidase, identified in tryptic digests of the enzyme labeled metabolically with [35S]cysteine, reveals a sequence which is closely related to the redox-active cysteinyl peptide sequence recently determined for the streptococcal flavoprotein NADH peroxidase. A second cysteinyl peptide sequence, when aligned with residues 3-17 of the peroxidase NH2-terminal sequence, reveals identity in 7 of 15 positions and satisfies several of the criteria described for ADP-binding structures. Additional probes of the structural and redox properties of the NADH oxidase, including visible circular dichroism spectroscopy and sensitivity to inactivation by hydrogen peroxide, provide further evidence for a fundamental structural connection between flavin-dependent NADH oxidase and peroxidase functions.  相似文献   

The steady-state and rapid kinetic properties of xanthine oxidase containing a series of FAD analogs of varying reduction potential have been investigated. From steady-state analysis, Vmax is found to exhibit a sigmoidal dependence on the flavin midpoint potential in the homologous series. This dependence is accurately described by a model in which the rate of catalysis is attenuated by the amount of partially reduced enzyme generated during turnover possessing an unfavorable distribution of reducing equivalents among the several redox-active centers of the protein. The model assumes that reducing equivalents equilibrate among these centers rapidly compared to the limiting rates for the reductive and oxidative half-reactions. This assumption is borne out by a quantitative analysis of the reductive and oxidative half-reactions of the several enzyme forms investigated in detail. It is demonstrated in these studies that xanthine oxidase containing low potential flavin derivatives such as 1-deaza, 6-hydroxy, or 8-hydroxy FAD exhibits low turnover not because of inherently slow rates of reduction by xanthine or oxidation by molecular oxygen, but because in partially reduced enzyme generated in the course of turnover reducing equivalents are distributed within the enzyme in such a way that the enzyme can participate in neither the reductive nor oxidative half-reactions. These results provide confirmation of the operation of a thermodynamic control mechanism in a simple electron-transferring system.  相似文献   

Anaerobic addition of 0.5 eq of NADH/FAD to the streptococcal NADH oxidase produces a redox form spectrally similar to that obtained with 0.5 eq of dithionite/FAD. The second phase of the titration, however, in addition to reducing the flavin with 1 eq of NADH/FAD, leads to the appearance of a long-wavelength absorbance band centered at 725 nm. Reductive titrations of the enzyme with 3-acetylpyridine-adenine dinucleotide, which has a redox potential 72 mV more positive than that of NADH, yield a similar reduced enzyme species. Dithionite reduction of the NADH oxidase followed by titration with NAD+ partially mimics the long-wavelength absorbance of the NADH-reduced enzyme but also leads to the oxidation of 1 FADH2/dimer. NADH is not formed, however, and a similar result is obtained when the dithionite-reduced oxidase is titrated with the nonreducible substrate analog 3-aminopyridine-adenine dinucleotide. These data indicate that the FADH2 oxidation observed is intramolecular and suggest that the active centers of the two apparently identical subunits/dimer are not equivalent. These results also demonstrate that bound pyridine nucleotides can modulate the redox manifold of the NADH oxidase and, when taken together with the effects of these ligands on pre-steady-state behavior, suggest an important regulatory aspect of the catalytic redox function of this unique flavoprotein.  相似文献   

Purification and properties of NADH oxidase from Bacillus megaterium   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
NADH oxidase, which catalyzes the oxidation of NADH, with the consumption of a stoichiometric amount of oxygen, to NAD+ and hydrogen peroxide was purified from Bacillus megaterium by 5'-AMP Sepharose affinity chromatography to homogeneity. The enzyme is a dimeric protein containing 1 mol of FAD per mol of subunit, Mr = 52,000. The absorption maxima of the native enzyme (oxidized form) were found at 270, 383, and 450 with a shoulder at 475 nm in 50 mM KPi buffer, pH 7.0. The visible absorption bands at 383 and 450 nm disappeared on the addition of NADH under anaerobic conditions and reappeared upon the introduction of air. Thus, the non-covalently bound FAD functioned as a prosthetic group for the enzyme. We tentatively named this new enzyme NADH oxidase (NADH:oxygen oxidoreductase, hydrogen peroxide forming). This enzyme stereospecifically oxidizes the pro-S hydrogen at C-4 of the pyridine ring of NADH.  相似文献   

NADH oxidase activity was detected in the 105,000g supernatant (“soluble”) fraction of Trichomonas vaginalis and the enzyme was purified 50-fold by centrifugation, ammonium sulfate precipitation, Sephadex G-200, and DEAE-Sephadex A-25 chromatography. The ratio of oxygen uptake to NADH oxidation was approximately one-half. Addition of catalase did not affect the rate of oxygen uptake elicited by NADH. Since the purified fraction was free from interfering enzymes, the postulated reaction is as follows: NADH + H+ + 12 = NAD+ + H2O. Among numerous substances tested, only NADH was a functional substrate, whereas NADPH was not oxidized. The purified enzyme had a Vmax of 16.5 μmole of oxygen consumed/min/mg protein, and the apparent Km for NADH was 7.4 μM. Substrate inhibition was observed at 3.7 mM NADH. The purified NADH oxidase was competitively inhibited by NAD+ as well as by NADP+ with 50% inhibition at 1 and 5 mM, respectively. The enzyme was also markedly inhibited by p-chloromercuribenzoate, hydrogen peroxide, and transient metal-chelators such as bathophenanthroline or o-phenanthroline. A flavoprotein antagonist, atebrin was slightly less inhibitory. Various quinones, flavin nucleotides and artificial dyes, except for p-benzoquinone, ferricyanide and cytochrome c, did not function in accepting electrons from NADH oxidase. These three compounds, however, were still poor electron acceptors in the enzymatic reaction suggesting that the trichomonad NADH oxidase has little diaphorase activity. All of these findings indicate that T. vaginalis has an unique NADH oxidizing enzyme in that H2O seems to be the prdouct of oxygen reduction. This NADH oxidase appears important in the aerobic metabolism of this parasite.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane NADH oxidase is gravi-responsive.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

From the prokaryotic microorganism Mycoplasma capricolum an FAD-containing NADH oxidase has been purified by preparative FPLC to homogeneity, as judged by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The apparent molecular mass of the enzyme was found to be 72.5 kDa, with an isoelectric point of 5.2, and no detectable subunits. No iron, copper, manganese or molybdenium could be detected. On the basis of a minimum molecular mass of 72.5 kDa a ratio of FAD/protein of 1:1 could be derived. Its amino-acid composition, the light absorption and the fluorescence spectra are presented.  相似文献   

NADH oxidase of plasma membranes   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
NADH oxidase is a cyanide-resistant and hormone-responsive oxidase intrinsic to the plasma membrane of both plant and animal cells. The activity has many unique characteristics that distinguish it from other oxidases and oxidoreductases of both organelles and internal membranes and from other oxidoreductases of the plasma membrane. Among these are resistance to inhibition by cyanide, catalase, superoxide dismutase, and phenylchloromer-curibenzoate. Activity is stimulated by hormones and growth factors and inhibited by quinone analogs such as piericidin, the flavin antagonist atebrin, and growth inhibiting gangliosides such as GM3. In marked contact to the NADH-ferricyanide oxidoreductase of the plasma membrane, the NADH oxidase is activated by lysophospholipids and fatty acids, products of phospholipase A2 action, in a time-dependent manner suggestive of stabilization of an activated form of the enzyme. The hormone-responsive NADH oxidase of the plasma membrane is not a peroxidase and may function as a terminal oxidase to link transfer of electrons from NADH to oxygen at the plasma membrane. The functional significance of the NADH oxidase of the plasma membrane is unknown but some relationship to growth or growth control is indicated. In both animal and plant plasma membranes, the oxidase is activated by growth factors and hormones to which the cells or tissues of origin have functional hormone or growth factor receptors. In addition, substances that inhibit the oxidase, the associated transmembrane reductase or both, inhibit growth. In transformed cells and tissues, the hormone and growth factor responsiveness of the NADH oxidase is reduced or absent. With human keratinocytes which exhibit an increased sensitivity to the anti-proliferative action of both retinoic acid and calcitriol, the NADH oxidase of the plasma membrane is strongly inhibited by these agents and shows the same increased sensitivity. If transfer of electrons from NADH to oxygen across or within the eukaryotic plasma membrane is an important aspect of growth or growth control, then the hormone- and growth factor-responsive NADH oxidase associated with the plasma membrane could be of fundamental importance. Because of its low basal activity, stimulation by growth factors and hormones, and the inhibition of growth in direct proportion to inhibition of the oxidase, the activity is a candidate as a rate-limiting step in the growth process. Completely unknown is the mechanism whereby NADH oxidization and growth or growth control may be coupled. This, together with further characterization of the activity and the mechanism of loss of control with neoplastic transformation, represent important challenges for future investigations.  相似文献   

The application of a recently published technique to localize reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide oxidase activity is described in glutaraldehyde-fixed Candida albicans. The reaction product appears as a finely granular precipitate on the mitochondrial cristae and on the central vacuolar membrane, and, if present, on the vacuolar contents. Fixation should be kept to a minimum and prolonged incubation times up to 2 hr are necessary to show these reactive sites. The reaction appears to be strongly substrate-dependent and not affected by cyanide. Exposure of C. albicans cells to the antimycotic miconazole resulted in a strong increase in reduced nicotinamide, adenine dinucleotide and oxidase activity. The hypothesis is put forward that this enzyme, together with peroxidative and catalatic enzymes, may be implicated in the mechanism by which miconazole exerts its lethal effect on C. albicans.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane NADH oxidase activity partially purified from the surface of HeLa cells exhibited hydroquinone oxidase activity. The preparations completely lacked NADH:ubiquinone reductase activity. However, in the absence of NADH, reduced coenzyme Q10 (Q10H2=ubiquinol) was oxidized at a rate of 15+/-6 nmol min-1 mg protein-1 depending on degree of purification. The apparent Km for Q10H2 oxidation was 33 microM. Activities were inhibited competitively by the cancer cell-specific NADH oxidase inhibitors, capsaicin and the antitumor sulfonylurea N-(4-methylphenylsulfonyl)-N'-(4-chlorophenyl)urea (LY181984). With coenzyme Q0, where the preparations were unable to carry out either NADH:quinone reduction or reduced quinone oxidation, quinol oxidation was observed with an equal mixture of the Q0 and Q0H2 forms. With the mixture, a rate of Q0H2 oxidation of 8-17 nmol min-1 mg protein-1 was observed with an apparent Km of 0.22 mM. The rate of Q10H2 oxidation was not stimulated by addition of equal amounts of Q10 and Q10H2. However, addition of Q0 to the Q10H2 did stimulate. The oxidation of Q10H2 proceeded with what appeared to be a two-electron transfer. The oxidation of Q0H2 may involve Q0, but the mechanism was not clear. The findings suggest the potential participation of the plasma membrane NADH oxidase as a terminal oxidase of plasma membrane electron transport from cytosolic NAD(P)H via naturally occurring hydroquinones to acceptors at the cell surface.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c (cyto-c) added to isolated mitochondria promotes the oxidation of extra-mitochondrial NADH and the reduction of molecular oxygen associated to the generation of an electrochemical membrane potential available for ATP synthesis. The electron transport pathway activated by exogenous cyto-c molecules is completely distinct from the one catalyzed by the respiratory chain. Dextran sulfate (500 kDa), known to interact with porin (the voltage-dependent anion channel), other than to inhibit the release of ATP synthesized inside the mitochondria, greatly decreases the activity of exogenous NADH/cyto-c system of intact mitochondria but has no effect on the reconstituted system made of mitoplasts and external membrane preparations. The results obtained are consistent with the existence of specific contact sites containing cytochrome oxidase and porin, as components of the inner and the outer membrane respectively, involved in the oxidation of cytosolic NADH. The proposal is put forward that the bi-trans-membrane electron transport chain activated by cytosolic cyto-c becomes, in physio-pathological conditions: (i) functional in removing the excess of cytosolic NADH; (ii) essential for cell survival in the presence of an impairment of the first three respiratory complexes; and (iii) an additional source of energy at the beginning of apoptosis.  相似文献   

Ancylostoma ceylanicum, the hookworm parasite of cat, dog and man, was found to contain NADH and/or NADPH oxidase as well as fumarate reductase activities. Both the enzyme systems were predominantly located in the membranes of mitochondrial-rich preparations. The membranes also exhibited the presence of a reduced pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase activity which transferred hydrogen from NADPH to NAD. Amongst respiratory inhibitors, rotenone (Site I inhibitor) markedly depressed both NADH oxidase and fumarate reductase while others, namely antimycin-A, KCN and azide, had a lesser effect.  相似文献   

A galactose oxidase (EC; NADH-peroxidase (EC coupled assay system is used for the estimation of galactose oxidase activity. Spectrophotometric measurement of NADH consumption yields direct quantitative value of enzymic activity or can be used for the end-point determination of the amount of galactose oxidase substrate present in test solutions. Use of similar coupled systems is suggested for the assay of other H2O2-producing enzymes and their substrates.  相似文献   

A membrane-bound NADH oxidase of an anaerobic alkaliphile, M-12 (a strain of Amphibacillus sp.), was solubilized with decanoyl N-methylglucamide and purified by chromatography on DEAE-Sepharose and hydroxyapatite. The purified enzyme appears to consist of a single polypeptide component with an apparent molecular mass of 56 kDa. The enzyme catalyzed the oxidation of NADH with the formation of H2O2 and exhibited a specific activity of 46 μmol NADH min–1 (mg protein)–1. NADPH did not serve as a substrate for the enzyme. The K m for NADH was estimated to be 0.05 mM. The enzyme exhibited a pH dependence for activity, with a pH optimum at approximately 9.5. The enzyme required a high concentration of salt and exhibited maximum activity in the presence of 600 mM NaCl. Received: 3 August 1998 / Accepted: 23 December 1998  相似文献   

Cytochrome c oxidase of Nitrosomonas europaea reacts with not only the native cytochrome c (N. europaea cytochrome c-552) but also horse and yeast cytochromes c. The effects on its reactivity of various reagents were very different between the reactions with the native and eukaryotic cytochromes c as the electron donors. The oxidation of eukaryotic ferrocytochrome c by the oxidase was activated by addition of anionic detergents such as sodium dodecyl sulfate and sodium cholate, and anionic phospholipids such as cardiolipin, phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylinositol, and phosphatidylethanolamine, while the reaction was not activated by Triton X-100, Tween 20, or phosphatidylcholine. However, the reaction with the native cytochrome c of the enzyme was hardly affected by any of the detergents and phospholipids mentioned above, while it was activated by the presence of poly-L-lysine.  相似文献   

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