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Diacylglycerol (DAG) is an important signaling phospholipid in animals, specifically binding to the C1 domain of proteins such as protein kinase C. In most plant species, however, DAG is present at low abundance, and no interacting proteins have yet been identified. As a result, it has been proposed that the signaling function of DAG has been discarded by plants during their evolution. In this mini-review, we summarize the accumulating experimental evidence which supports that notion that changes in DAG content in response to particular cues are a feature of plant cells. This behavior suggests that DAG does indeed act as a signaling molecule during plant development and in response to certain environmental stimuli.  相似文献   

Davies PC 《Bio Systems》2004,78(1-3):69-79
There have been many claims that quantum mechanics plays a key role in the origin and/or operation of biological organisms, beyond merely providing the basis for the shapes and sizes of biological molecules and their chemical affinities. These range from Schr?dinger's suggestion that quantum fluctuations produce mutations, to Hameroff and Penrose's conjecture that quantum coherence in microtubules is linked to consciousness. I review some of these claims in this paper, and discuss the serious problem of decoherence. I advance some further conjectures about quantum information processing in bio-systems. Some possible experiments are suggested.  相似文献   

L J Wilks  S E File 《Life sciences》1988,42(23):2349-2357
The effects, in mice, of a single dose of lorazepam or oxazepam were determined, in the holeboard, 24, 48 and 72 hours after treatment. Lorazepam produced significant increases in both spontaneous locomotor activity and in rearing 48 hours after treatment and oxazepam produced a significant overall increase in rearing over the three time points. There was no detectable in vivo receptor occupancy for either drug at the 48 hour time point, so that these effects were not due to residual concentrations of drug in the brain. We therefore suggest that we were detecting a spontaneous withdrawal response to a single dose of benzodiazepine. The increases in both locomotor activity and rearing, detected 48 hours after lorazepam, could be reversed by treating simultaneously with Ro 15-1788 (a benzodiazepine antagonist). When Ro 15-1788 was injected 20 minutes prior to testing, the mice that had been treated 48 hours previously with lorazepam still showed increased locomotor activity and rearing. We conclude that the hyperactivity was not caused by any change in the levels of endogenous substances acting at the benzodiazepine receptor.  相似文献   

Endothelial cells are capable of responding to fluid shear stress, but the molecular mechanism for this biological response remains largely unknown. Our studies indicate that the cell-cell adhesion site is a possible site of flow sensing. PECAM-1, a cell adhesion molecule localized to the interendothelial cell adhesion site, is tyrosine-phosphorylated when endothelial cells are exposed to physiological levels of fluid shear stress. This PE-CAM-1 phosphorylation initiates a signaling cascade leading to ERK activation. Here we review what is known about PECAM-1 tyrosine phosphorylation and suggest a possible role of PECAM-1 in mechanosensing by endothelial cells.  相似文献   

Even a single neuron may be able to produce significant lognormal features in its firing statistics due to noise in the charging ion current. A mathematical scheme introduced in advanced nanotechnology is relevant for the analysis of this mechanism in the simplest case, the integrate-and-fire model with white noise in the charging ion current.  相似文献   

The present view is that the antigen-presenting cell (APC) processes and presents simultaneously on its surface several different antigens that are displayed randomly (with respect to their being Self or Nonself) as peptide-MHC complexes. The naive T-cell interacting with its ligand on the APC is activated by "co-stimulation," the first step on the pathway to effectors. This view ignores the requirement for associative recognition of antigen (ARA) in mediating both the Self-Nonself discrimination and the regulation of effector class. The introduction of ARA as a requirement for these two decision functions highlights a critical role for the effector T-helper (eTh) and necessitates rethinking the contribution of the APC.  相似文献   

A significant body of evidence shows that polyglutamine (polyQ) tracts are important for various biological functions. The characteristic polymorphism of polyQ length is thought to play an important role in the adaptation of organisms to their environment. However, proteins with expanded polyQ are prone to form amyloids, which cause diseases in humans and animals and toxicity in yeast. Saccharomyces cerevisiae contain at least 8 proteins which can form heritable amyloids, called prions, and most of them are proteins with glutamine- and asparagine-enriched domains. Yeast prion amyloids are susceptible to fragmentation by the protein disaggregase Hsp104, which allows them to propagate and be transmitted to daughter cells during cell divisions. We have previously shown that interspersion of polyQ domains with some non-glutamine residues stimulates fragmentation of polyQ amyloids in yeast and that yeast prion domains are often enriched in one of these residues. These findings indicate that yeast prion domains may have derived from polyQ tracts via accumulation and amplification of mutations. The same hypothesis may be applied to polyasparagine (polyN) tracts, since they display similar properties to polyQ, such as length polymorphism, amyloid formation and toxicity. We propose that mutations in polyQ/N may be favored by natural selection thus making prion domains likely by-products of the evolution of polyQ/N.  相似文献   

Coastal sand dunes are dynamic ecosystems characterized by strong abiotic gradients from the seashore inland. Due to significant differences in the abiotic parameters in such an environment, there is great interest in biotic adaptation in these habitats. The aim of the present study, which was conducted in the northern Sharon sand-dune area of Israel, was to illustrate the spatial changes of a soil microarthropod community along a gradient from the seashore inland. Soil samples were collected from the 0–10 cm depth at five locations at different distances, from the seashore inland. Samples were taken from the bare open spaces during the wet winter and dry summer seasons. The soil microarthropod community exhibited dependence both on seasonality and sampling location across the gradient. The community was more abundant during the wet winter seasons, with an increasing trend from the shore inland, while during the dry summers, such a trend was not observed and community density was lower. The dominant groups within soil Acari were Prostigmata and Endeostigmata, groups known to have many representatives with adaptation to xeric or psammic environments. In addition, mite diversity tended to be higher at the more distant locations from the seashore, and lower at the closer locations, a trend that appeared only during the wet winters. This study demonstrated the heterogeneity of a soil microarthropod community in a coastal dune field in a Mediterranean ecosystem, indicating that the gradient abiotic parameters also affect the abundance and composition of a soil microarthropod community in sand dunes.  相似文献   

Our discovery that the major coat protein of bacteriophage PRD1 resembles that of human adenovirus raised the unexpected possibility that viruses infecting bacteria could be related by evolution to those infecting animal hosts. We first review the development of this idea. We then describe how we have used structure-based modeling to show that several other viruses with no detectable sequence similarity are likely to have coats constructed from similar proteins-the "double-barrel trimer." There is evidence that the group includes a diversity of viruses infecting very different hosts in all three domains of life: Eukarya; Bacteria; and Archaea that diverged billions of years ago. The current classification of viruses obscures such similarities. We propose that the occurrence of a double-barrel trimer coat protein in an icosahedral dsDNA virus with large facets, irrespective of its host, is a very strong indicator of its membership in a lineage of viruses with a common ancestor.  相似文献   

Bukhov NG  Heber U  Wiese C  Shuvalov VA 《Planta》2001,212(5-6):749-758
Dissipation of light energy was studied in the moss Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus (Hedw.) Warnst., and in leaves of Spinacia oleracea L. and Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh., using chlorophyll fluorescence as an indicator reaction. Maximum chlorophyll fluorescence of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU)-treated spinach leaves, as produced by saturating light and studied between +5 and −20 °C, revealed an activation energy ΔE of 0.11 eV. As this suggested recombination fluorescence produced by charge recombination between the oxidized primary donor of photosystem II and reduced pheophytin, a mathematical model explaining fluorescence, and based in part on known characteristics of primary electron-transport reactions, was developed. The model permitted analysis of different modes of fluorescence quenching, two localized in the reaction center of photosystem II and one in the light-harvesting system of the antenna complexes. It predicted differences in the relationship between quenching of variable fluorescence F v and quenching of basal, so-called F 0 fluorescence depending on whether quenching originated from antenna complexes or from reaction centers. Such differences were found experimentally, suggesting antenna quenching as the predominant mechanism of dissipation of light energy in the moss Rhytidiadelphus, whereas reaction-center quenching appeared to be important in spinach and Arabidopsis. Both reaction-center and antenna quenching required activation by thylakoid protonation but only antenna quenching depended on or was strongly enhanced by zeaxanthin. De-protonation permitted relaxation of this quenching with half-times below 1 min. More slowly reversible quenching, tentatively identified as so-called q I or photoinhibitory quenching, required protonation but persisted for prolonged times after de-protonation. It appeared to originate in reaction centers. Received: 8 April 2000 / Accepted: 31 August 2000  相似文献   

To investigate whether mice genetically unaltered by many generations of laboratory selection exhibit similar hormonal and demographic responses to caloric restriction (CR) as laboratory rodents, we performed CR on cohorts of genetically heterogeneous male mice which were grandoffspring of wild-caught ancestors. Although hormonal changes, specifically an increase in corticosterone and decrease in testosterone, mimicked those seen in laboratory-adapted rodents, we found no difference in mean longevity between ad libitum (AL) and CR dietary groups, although a maximum likelihood fitted Gompertz mortality model indicated a significantly shallower slope and higher intercept for the CR group. This result was due to higher mortality in CR animals early in life, but lower mortality late in life. A subset of animals may have exhibited the standard demographic response to CR in that the longest-lived 8.1% of our animals were all from the CR group. Despite the lack of a robust mean longevity difference between groups, we did note a strong anticancer effect of CR as seen in laboratory rodents. Three plausible interpretations of our results are the following: (1) animals not selected under laboratory conditions do not show the typical CR effect; (2) because wild-derived animals eat less when fed AL, our restriction regime was too severe to see the CR effect; or (3) there is genetic variation for the CR effect in wild populations; variants that respond to CR with extended life are inadvertently selected for under conditions of laboratory domestication.  相似文献   

Terre Rosse deposits (upper Miocene; Gargano, Italy) have provided fossil remains of an insular fauna among which the genus Mikrotia (Rodentia) stands out. Several paleobiological studies have already been conducted on this genus, but its body mass has not yet been calculated accurately. The aim of the present work is to reconstruct Mikrotia magna's weight, a paramount aspect of organismal biology, especially on islands where mammals modify their size, becoming giants or dwarfs (‘island rule’). Our analysis using postcranial elements (femora and humeri) predicts weights ranging from 1300 g to 1900 g (old and young populations, respectively). The presence of a large number of micromammals on the Gargano paleo-island suggests a high interspecific competition for species of the same ecological guild (Prolagus or cricetids were direct competitors of Mikrotia), which may lead to only moderate gigantism, or even body mass reductions in small mammals, following Palkovacs's model. This contrasts with the huge weight of M. magna inferred in this study. In this regard, stratigraphic and taxonomic studies suggest that Mmagna was an immigrant from a neighboring island, indicating that this species originated and achieved its enormous size under other selective pressures. A native island with a lower number of competitors, and therefore with less resource limitation than Terre Rosse, might be the principal explanation for such a degree of gigantism.  相似文献   

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