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活化素和卵泡抑素对绍鸭卵泡颗粒细胞FSH受体mRNA表达作用的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
分别用活化素(Activin)、卵泡抑素(FSP)及其组合(Activin FSP)来处理培养的鸭未成熟卵泡颗粒细胞,发现在FSH存在与不存在的情况下,Activin均能促进FSH受体mRNA的表达,且随着Activin浓度的增大,其刺激作用增强。FSP自身对FSH受体产生无显著作用,但能中和Activin对该受体产生的促进作用。这说明FSP和Activin对颗粒细胞具有自分泌作用,二者通过调节FSH受体mRNA的表达而在卵泡的生长发育过程中起着重要作用。 相似文献
重组人GM—CSF基因在昆虫细胞中的表达 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用苜蓿夜蛾核型多角体病毒(AcNPV)带β-Galactosidase基因标记的非融合蛋白基因转移载体pBlueBac将人粒细胞巨噬细胞集落刺激因子(hGM-CSF)基因成功地插入病毒AcNPV的基因组中.hGM-CSF基因在感染重组病毒的草地夜蛾(Spodopterafrugiperda)培养细胞Sf9中得到表达,感染后的Sf9细胞培养液能刺激人骨髓细胞在体外形成典型的集落,表达水平可达2.7×1055CFU/ml。以hGM-CSF单抗所作的WesternBlotting表明,表达的hGM-CSF对是3种糖基化程度不同的产物,分子量分别约为15kd,18kd和20kd。 相似文献
卵泡刺激素(FSH)对有腔卵泡和排卵前卵泡的促生命作用已被普遍接受,但关于其对腔前卵泡发育的作用报道结果不尽相同,关于表皮生长因子(EGF)对腔前卵泡的作用尚不确切,本研究目的在于探讨人重组卵泡刺激素(rechFSH)和EGF对早期卵泡发育的作用,利用胶原酶消化法从12日龄的小鼠卵巢中分离得到卵母细胞-颗粒细胞复合体(OGCs)(Fig.1)。体外每孔30-40个培养物并分别添加胎牛血清(FBS),rechFSH和EGF。培养物每4天测量卵母细胞和OGCs直径,并每天照相,结果显示,rechFSH显著促进小鼠OGCs 及其卵母细胞的体外发育,这一作用可被EGF进一步增强(P<0.05)(Fig.2),但到第八天培养结束时,培养后的OGCs卵母细胞要显著小于体内期生长对照组(P<0.05)(Fig.3),说明FSH和EGF在卵泡早期发育中起重要作用。 相似文献
卵泡抑素相关蛋白的病理生理功能 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
卵泡抑素相关蛋白(follistatin related protein,FRP)是一种细胞外基质糖蛋白,该蛋白参与细胞增殖、迁移、组织重塑、胚胎发育、细胞间相互作用及多种病理生理过程.近年研究显示,该蛋白同时具有抑制细胞凋亡和抑制细胞增殖的双重功能:在心肌缺血的动物模型中,FRP被证实有保护心肌细胞、抗凋亡、促进内皮细胞增殖等功能;FRP也可由血管平滑肌细胞合成分泌,并具有反馈调节平滑肌细胞功能的作用,该蛋白还可抑制多种肿瘤细胞增殖. 相似文献
人参总皂甙对人GM-CSF和GM-CSFR表达的调控 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
为探讨人参调控粒细胞发生的生物学机制,采用造血祖细胞和骨髓基质细胞体外培养、造血生长因子生物学活性检测、免疫细胞化学、核酸分子原位杂交、免疫沉淀和蛋白印迹等现代生物学技术,研究人参总皂甙(total saponins of Panax ginaeng,TSPG)对人粒-巨噬细胞集落刺激因子(granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor,GM-CSF)和粒-巨噬细胞集落刺激因子受体α(GM-CSFRα)表达的影响。结果:(1)经TSPG(50μg/m1)诱导制备的骨髓基质细胞、胸腺细胞、脾细胞、血管内皮细胞和单核细胞条件培养液可显著提高粒单系造血祖细胞(CFU-GM)的集落产率;(2)经TSPG(50μg/ml)诱导后,上述细胞的GM-CSF蛋白(诱导24h)和mRNA(诱导12h)表达显著提高;(3)经TSPG(50μg/ml)诱导24h骨髓造血细胞的GM-CSFRα蛋白表达增强;(4)经TSPG(50μg/ml)刺激后2min,GM-CSFRα和Shc发生酪氨酸磷酸化,5min时达高峰,随后去磷酸化。上述结果表明,TSPG可能通过直接和/或间接途径促进淋巴细胞与骨髓基质细胞合成与分泌GM-CSF,诱导骨髓造血细胞表达GM-CSFRα,并刺激GM-CSFRα和Shc的酪氨酸可逆磷酸化,从而通过调控GM-CSF的信号转导过程,促进CFU-GM的增殖。 相似文献
参照GenBank中长角血蜱致病性Okayama株卵泡抑素基因的核苷酸序列(GenBank Accession No.DQ248886)设计合成一对引物,从本实验室保藏的单克隆洁净长角血蜱饥饿成蜱中快速提取总RNA,通过RT-PCR扩增出814bp的卵泡抑素基因,序列比对结果显示:与长角血蜱致病性Okayama株的核苷酸序列及氨基酸序列一致性分别为97.8%和99%,将其亚克隆到表达载体pGEX-4T-1中进行表达,GST融合重组蛋白预期分子量为57kD。表达重组蛋白经MagneGSTTM蛋白纯化系统纯化后作为抗原分别与抗不同发育阶段长角血蜱(卵、幼蜱、若蜱、成蜱)多克隆抗体作为一抗进行免疫印迹,结果表明:与长角血蜱卵制备的多克隆抗体有很强的免疫反应,而与其他发育阶段(幼蜱、若蜱、成蜱)饥饿长角血蜱制备的多克隆抗体反应性很弱。以上结果表明:长角血蜱卵泡抑素蛋白在长角血蜱产卵及卵成熟发育时期的表达水平较其他发育阶段(幼蜱、若蜱、成蜱)的蛋白表达水平高。 相似文献
绵羊卵泡成分对卵母细胞体外减数分裂调控的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
哺乳动物卵巢中的卵母细胞一直处于减数分裂的停滞状态,卵泡内各成分被认为是产生抑制因子的主要来源。本研究以绵羊卵泡各成分为研究对象,用共培养的方法对卵丘细胞、颗粒细胞、膜细胞在卵母细胞体外减数分裂过程中的作用加以探讨。结果表明:1.卵泡整体及卵泡分泌物在体外可以有效地维持减数分裂停滞,经过24h培养,这两个处理组中,处于GV期的卵母细胞分别为69.6%和49.1%。经抑制处理后的卵母细胞脱离抑制环境后可以继发成熟,MⅡ比率可达88.9%。去掉卵丘细胞的裸卵其减数分裂过程不能被卵泡分泌物有效抑制,24h培养后其GV期比例为17.8%。以上结果说明卵泡中的抑制因子主要是通过卵丘细胞束发挥其调控作用的。2.用颗粒细胞与卵母细胞共培养,结果发现具有颗粒细胞卵丘细胞缝隙连接的卵母细胞(COCGs)在培养24小时后47.4%达到MⅡ,与在不具有细胞连接的总浮颗粒细胞中共培养的卵母细胞之间存在无显差异,无论是紧密连接的颗粒细胞层还是悬浮在培养液中的颗粒细胞都不能有效抑制生发泡破裂(GVBD)的发生,只能将卵母细胞抑制在MⅡ以前的各个时期。以上结果说明颗粒细胞在体外分泌抑制图子的活力大大下降。3.卵泡膜细胞具有分泌抑制成熟分裂因子的能力,与膜细胞层共培养的卵母细胞在8h和24h时,其GV期的比例为34.4%和32.7%,显高于没有膜细胞层的对照组(4.5%和1.1%)。综上所述,绵羊卵泡中的抑制因子不仅来自于颗粒细胞,而且膜细胞也参与了成熟分裂的抑制,这些细胞在体外仍具有分泌抑制因子的能力,只是与体内分泌能力有所不同。 相似文献
对链霉菌表达体系pIJ459/S. lividans TK54中表达外源基因hGM-CSF的可行性进行了探索,分析了影响外源基因表达的某些因素如:SD与ATG之间的距离,时间对表达的诱导等.为获得外源基因的高效表达探索了最适条件,然后利用MEL信号肽与目的基因片段融合,在链霉菌中获得了分泌型hGM-CSF表达产物,其中有1/3直接分泌到培养基中,其纯化产物经TF-1细胞培养及集落形成实验均证实其生物学活性达到5MU/L. 相似文献
转基因迷你番茄及其对酒精引起的胃伤害的保护作用 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
表皮生长因子(EGF)具有促进多种细胞增殖的作用, 尤其在维持消化道黏膜完整和促进消化道溃疡愈合方面作用巨大。以前的研究多集中在细菌和酵母中表达, 本研究试图以番茄作为生物反应器生产重组人 EGF, 使之成本降低, 应用方便。依据人 EGF 的基因序列, 设计合成了番茄密码子偏爱的人 EGF 基因, 并将其构建到植物表达载体 pCAMBIA2300 中, 通过农杆菌介导得到了含有人 EGF 基因的转基因番茄。放射免疫法检测到每克鲜重果实中的表达量达 3.48 ± 1.01 ng。将果汁灌喂小白鼠 15 天(相当于每鼠每天喂服 24 ng rhEGF)能显著抵抗酒精引起的胃溃疡形成, 溃疡指数由 42.20 ± 18.13 下降为 16.25 ± 9.57。 相似文献
X-W Zhang X-Y Zeng T Sun X Liu D-X Gu 《Journal of industrial microbiology & biotechnology》1999,23(2):103-105
A fusion gene coding human granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) cDNAs was inserted into the transfer vector pSXIVVI+ X3 with the control of Syn and XIV promoters. The Sf9 cells (Spodoptera frugiperda) were co-transfected with the recombinant plasmid and TnNPV DNA (Trichoplusia ni nuclear polyhedrosis virus DNA). The fusion protein recombinant human granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) could be synthesized in cells infected with recombinant virus at a level of about 23% of their total cellular protein. Activity analysis of the fusion protein in infected cells revealed that it exhibited the dual activities of GM-CSF and LIF. Western blot analysis of the expressed fusion protein in infected larvae showed that the virus-mediated fusion protein, with a molecular weight of ∼35 kDa, is confirmed with immunoreactivity. Received 02 December 1998/ Accepted in revised form 07 May 1999 相似文献
During the development of the chicken proventriculus (glandular stomach), the initially undifferentiated epithelium differentiates into two distinct cell populations: the glandular epithelium, cells of which secrete embryonic chicken pepsinogen (ECPg), and luminal epithelial cells, which express the chicken spasmolytic polypeptide gene (cSP). Based on knowledge of the adult mouse stomach, the ligands of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor (EGFR) were expected to affect differentiation of the proventricular epithelium. When EGF was added to the medium in which proventriculi were cultured in vitro, gland formation was suppressed in a dose-dependent manner and the amount of ECPg mRNA decreased, whereas morphological differentiation of luminal epithelium was stimulated. Simultaneous treatment of the proventriculus with EGF and tyrphostin 47 resulted in the attenuation of the effect of EGF, suggesting that EGF, or other ligands of EGFR, may actually be involved in the normal course of development of the proventricular epithelium. 相似文献
The spe-9 gene is required for fertility in Caenorhabditis elegans and encodes a sperm transmembrane protein with an extracellular domain (ECD) that contains 10 epidermal growth factor (EGF) repeats. Deletion analysis reveals that the EGF repeats and the transmembrane domain are required for fertilization. In contrast, the cytoplasmic region of SPE-9 is not essential for fertilization. Individual point mutations in all 10 EGF motifs uncover a differential sensitivity of these sequences to alteration. Some EGF repeats cannot tolerate mutation leading to a complete lack of fertility. Other EGF repeats can be mutated to create animals with temperature-sensitive (ts) fertility phenotypes. All ts mutations were generated by changing either conserved cysteine or glycine residues in the EGF motifs. For two endogenous ts alleles of spe-9, loss of function at nonpermissive temperatures is not due to protein mislocalization or degradation. Additionally, the proper localization of SPE-9 in sperm is not altered in a genetically interacting fertility mutant (spe-13) or a mutant that affects sperm vesicle-plasma membrane fusion (fer-1). Like the EGF repeats in the Notch/LIN-12/GLP-1 receptors and their ligands, the EGF repeats in SPE-9 may carry out different functions. Because EGF motifs are found in many proteins in different species, similar experimental strategies could be used to generate useful temperature-sensitive mutations in other EGF motif-containing molecules. 相似文献
G E Woloschak G W Dewald R S Bahn R A Kyle P R Greipp R C Ash 《Journal of cellular biochemistry》1986,32(1):23-34
Previous work has established the presence of an unbalanced chromosome abnormality [+der(1),t(1;7)(p11;p11)] in some therapy-associated myelodysplastic disorders. Recently the EGF receptor has been found to reside at 7p11. Using a probe specific for erb B oncogene, which encodes a truncated form of the EGF receptor, we examined RNA and DNA derived from bone marrow and peripheral blood mononuclear cells from three patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and one with acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), all bearing an abnormal clone in their bone marrow with a similar unbalanced 1;7 translocation. DNA-excess slot blot hybridization to 5'-32p-labeled cellular RNA revealed from ten- to thirtyfold enhancement in accumulation of mRNA specific for erb B in both peripheral blood and bone marrow cells of the three MDS patients when compared to normal controls. In addition, enhancement of H-ras mRNA accumulation was detected in some, though expression of other genes such as actin, N-ras, myc, src, B-lym, and 20 other genes was not found to be enhanced. Increased erb B expression was not apparent in mononuclear cells from patients with other hematologic disorders such as chronic lymphocytic leukemia, Hodgkin's disease, or lymphoma. Southern blot analysis of restriction-enzyme-cleaved DNA from three MDS patients with an unbalanced 1;7 translocation revealed that erb B gene was amplified at least twentyfold in peripheral blood white blood cells, while levels of actin hybridization were comparable to those of the controls. No such amplification was evident in the ALL patient. Our data suggest that +der(1),t(1;7)(p11;p11) chromosomal anomalies can be specifically associated with amplification of erb B DNA and RNA sequences. 相似文献
利用PCR技术和DNA体外重组方法,把作为导向效应细胞到靶部位的单核细胞趋化激活因子(MCAF)和粒细胞巨噬细胞集落刺激因子(GM-CSF)进行基因融合,置于pBV220载体的λPRPL串联启动子下游,构建了SD序列与ATG之间含有不同核苷酸组成的重组质粒pMG01、pMG02和pMG03。pMG01、pMG02和pMG03的翻译起始区都不存在稳定的二级结构,但DH5α(pMG02、DH5α(pMG03)的表达水平远远高于DH5α(pMG01),DH5α(PMG01)几乎没有表达。表达产物经Westernblot检测表明,它能分别与MCAF和GM-CSF抗体发生特异反应。生物学活性测定表明,表达产物具有明显的单核细胞趋化活性和维持hGM-CSF依赖的TF1细胞生长的特性,说明MCAF和GM-CSF的生物学功能是相容的. 相似文献
B S Leung L Stout L Zhou H J Ji Q Q Zhang H T Leung 《Journal of cellular biochemistry》1991,46(2):125-133
To elucidate the relationship between epidermal growth factor (EGF)/transforming growth factor (TGF-alpha) and estradiol-17 beta (E) in cell proliferation, we examined their effects on the breast cancer cell line, CAMA-1. While E was able to consistently induce cell proliferation under a variety of experimental conditions, EGF/TGF-alpha was without effect. Despite the presence of the receptor (EGFR) gene, mature EGFR protein and mRNA were not detected by radioreceptor assay, 35S Met-labelling, and the Intron Differential RNA/PCR method under conditions in which cells remain responsive to E. Furthermore, TGF-alpha is not an autocrine factor in CAMA-1 cells. We demonstrated unequivocally that EGF/TGF-alpha interaction with EGFR is not an obligatory event in mediating estrogen-stimulated cell proliferation. 相似文献