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Direct measurements of microtubule sliding in the flagella of actively swimming, demembranated, spermatozoa have been made using submicron diameter gold beads as markers on the exposed outer doublet microtubules. With spermatozoa of the tunicate, Ciona, these measurements confirm values of sliding calculated indirectly by measuring angles relative to the axis of the sperm head. Both methods of measurement show a nonuniform amplitude of oscillatory sliding along the length of the flagellum, providing direct evidence that "oscillatory synchronous sliding" can be occurring in the flagellum, in addition to the metachronous sliding that is necessary to propagate a bending wave. Propagation of constant amplitude bends is not accomplished by propagation of a wave of oscillatory sliding of constant amplitude, and therefore appears to require a mechanism for monitoring and controlling the bend angle as bends propagate. With sea urchin spermatozoa, the direct measurements of sliding do not agree with the values calculated by measuring angles relative to the head axis. The oscillation in angular orientation of the sea urchin sperm head as it swims appears to be accommodated by flexure at the head-flagellum junction and does not correspond to oscillation in orientation of the basal end of the flagellum. Consequently, indirect calculations of sliding based on angles measured relative to the longitudinal axis of the sperm head can be seriously inaccurate in this species.  相似文献   

We present a new human osteosarcoma cell line designated OHS-4. These cells showed a high alkaline phosphatase activity that is not regulated by 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3. They exhibited a sensitive adenylate cyclase response to parathyroid hormone but not to prostaglandin E2 or human calcitonin. By Northern blot analysis we could detect type I collagen mRNA but none for type III collagen. The cells were able to produce human osteocalcin at a maximum level of 35 ng per million cells when exposed to 2.4 nM 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 for 96 h. We purified this protein from conditioned media using successive chromatography and assessed its identity by partial amino acid sequencing. When injected into nude mice, the cells retained their osteogenic activity and developed calcified tumors. After Von Kossa staining, we observed nonmineralized osteoid deposits and mineralized deposits with a structure similar to that of trabecular bone by light microscopy. On the basis of its osteoblastic characteristics, this new osteosarcoma cell line may represent the human counterpart of the ROS 17/2 cell line. This cell line represents a valuable model for the isolation and characterization of human bone specific proteins.  相似文献   

In hepatocytes, all newly synthesized plasma membrane (PM) proteins so far studied arrive first at the basolateral domain; apically destined proteins are subsequently endocytosed and sorted to the apical domain via transcytosis. A mechanism for the sorting of newly synthesized glycophosphatidylinositol (GPI)-linked proteins has been proposed whereby they associate in lipid microdomains in the trans-Golgi network and then arrive at the apical domain directly. Such a mechanism poses a potential exception to the hepatocyte rule. We have used pulse-chase techniques in conjunction with subcellular fractionation to compare the trafficking of 5' nucleotidase (5NT), an endogenous GPI-anchored protein of hepatocytes, with two transmembrane proteins. Using a one-step fractionation technique to separate a highly enriched fraction of Golgi-derived membranes from ER and PM, we find that both 5NT and the polymeric IgA receptor (pIgAR) traverse the ER and Golgi apparatus with high efficiency. Using a method that resolves PM vesicles derived from the apical and basolateral domains, we find that 5NT first appears at the basolateral domain as early as 30 min of chase. However the subsequent redistribution to the apical domain requires > 3.5 h of chase to reach steady state. This rate of transcytosis is much slower than that observed for dipeptidylpeptidase IV, an apical protein anchored via a single transmembrane domain. We propose that the slow rate of transcytosis is related to the fact that GPI-linked proteins are excluded from clathrin-coated pits/vesicles, and instead must be endocytosed via a slower nonclathrin pathway.  相似文献   

Radixin is a barbed end-capping actin-modulating protein which was first identified in isolated cell-to-cell adherens junctions from rat liver (Tsukita, Sa., Y. Hieda, and Sh. Tsukita, 1989. J. Cell Biol. 108:2369-2382). In the present study, we have analyzed the distribution of radixin in dividing cells. For this purpose, an mAb specific for radixin was obtained using chicken gizzard radixin as an antigen. By immunofluorescence microscopy with this mAb and a polyclonal antibody obtained previously, it was clearly shown in rat fibroblastic cells (3Y1 cells) that radixin was highly concentrated at the cleavage furrow during cytokinesis. Radixin appeared to accumulate rapidly at the cleavage furrow at the onset of furrowing, continued to be concentrated at the furrow during anaphase and telophase, and was finally enriched at the midbody. This concentration of radixin at the cleavage furrow was detected in all other cultured cells we examined: bovine epithelial cells (MDBK cells), mouse myeloma cells (P3 cells), rat kangaroo Ptk2 cells, mouse teratocarcinoma cells, and chicken fibroblasts. Furthermore, it became clear that the epitope for the mAb was immunofluorescently masked in the cell-to-cell adherens junctions. Together, these results lead us to conclude that radixin is present in the undercoat of the cell-to-cell adherens junctions and that of the cleavage furrow, although their respective molecular architectures are distinct. The possible roles of radixin at the cleavage furrow are discussed with special reference to the molecular mechanism of the actin filament-plasma membrane interaction at the furrow.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1993,122(6):1243-1252
The internalization of signaling receptors such as the insulin receptor is a complex, multi-step process. The aim of the present work was to determine the various steps in internalization of the insulin receptor and to establish which receptor domains are implicated in each of these by the use of receptors possessing in vitro mutations. We find that kinase activation and autophosphorylation of all three regulatory tyrosines 1146, 1150, and 1151, but not tyrosines 1316 and 1322 in the COOH-terminal domain, are required for the ligand-specific stage of the internalization process; i.e., the surface redistribution of the receptor from microvilli where initial binding occurs to the nonvillous domain of the cell. Early intracellular steps in insulin signal transduction involving the activation of phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase are not required for this redistribution. The second step of internalization consists in the anchoring of the receptors in clathrin- coated pits. In contrast to the first ligand specific step, this step is common to many receptors including those for transport proteins and occurs in the absence of kinase activation and receptor autophosphorylation, but requires a juxta-membrane cytoplasmic segment of the beta-subunit of the receptor including a NPXY sequence. Thus, there are two independent mechanisms controlling insulin receptor internalization which depend on different domains of the beta-subunit.  相似文献   

The lateral redistribution of a major murine glycoprotein, GP80, was studied on locomoting fibroblasts, using rhodamine-conjugated mAbs and ultralow light level digitized fluorescence microscopy. Confirming an earlier study (Jacobson, K., D. O'Dell, B. Holifield, T.L. Murphy, and J. T. August. 1984. J. Cell Biol. 99:1613-1623), the distribution of GP80 was coupled with cell locomotion; motile cells exhibited a gradated distribution of the GP80-mAb complex over the cell surface, increasing from the front to the rear, whereas stationary cells exhibited a nearly uniform GP80 distribution. By monitoring locomoting single cells, we found the gradated fluorescence distribution to be maintained as an approximate steady state. Newly extended leading edges were almost devoid of the fluorescence labeling. This was strikingly demonstrated in prechilled cells in which the extension of fluorescence-free leading edges caused a pronounced boundary between fluorescent and nonfluorescent zones. Subsequently this boundary eroded gradually in a manner consistent with diffusional relaxation. Evidence indicated that the GP80 redistribution was primarily caused by the lateral motion of GP80 in the plasma membrane and not via intracellular membrane traffic. Two cell locomotion models which, in principle, could account for the GP80 redistribution were tested: the retrograde lipid flow (RLF) model (Bretscher, M. S., 1984. Science (Wash. DC). 224:681-686) and an alternative hypothesis, the retraction-induced spreading (RIS) model. The predictions of these models were stimulated by computer and compared with experiment to assess which model was more appropriate. Whereas both models predicted steady-state gradients similar to the experimental result, only the RIS model predicted the lack of retrograde movement of the fluorescent boundary.  相似文献   

Mutations in the sucrase-isomaltase gene can lead to the synthesis of transport-incompetent or functionally altered enzyme in congenital sucrase-isomaltase deficiency (CSID) (Naim, H. Y., J. Roth, E. Sterchi, M. Lentze, P. Milla, J. Schmitz, and H. P. Hauri. J. Clin. Invest. 82:667-679). In this paper we have characterized two novel mutant phenotypes of CSID at the subcellular and protein levels. The first phenotype revealed a sucrase-isomaltase protein that is synthesized as a single chain, mannose-rich polypeptide precursor (pro-SI) and is electrophoretically indistinguishable from pro-SI in normal controls. By contrast to normal controls, however, pro-SI does not undergo terminal glycosylation in the Golgi apparatus. Subcellular localization of pro-SI by immunoelectron microscopy revealed unusual labeling of the molecule in the basolateral membrane and no labeling in the brush border membrane thus indicating that pro-SI is missorted to the basolateral membrane. Mapping of biosynthetically labeled pro-SI with four epitope- and conformation-specific monoclonal antibodies suggested that conformational and/or structural alterations in the pro-SI protein have prevented posttranslational processing of the carbohydrate chains of the mannose-rich precursor and have lead to its missorting to the basolateral membrane. The second phenotype revealed two variants of pro-SI precursors that differ in their content of mannose-rich oligosaccharides. Conversion of these forms to a complex glycosylated polypeptide occurs at a slow rate and is incomplete. Unlike its counterpart in normal controls, pro-SI in this phenotype is intracellularly cleaved. This cleavage produces an isomaltase-like subunit that is transport competent and is correctly sorted to the brush border membrane since it could be localized in the brush border membrane by anti-isomaltase mAb. The sucrase subunit is not transported to the cell surface and is most likely degraded intracellularly. We conclude that structural features in the isomaltase region of pro-SI are required for transport and sorting of the sucrase-isomaltase complex.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1989,109(6):3333-3346
Talin is a high molecular weight protein localized at adhesion plaques in fibroblasts. It binds vinculin and integrin and appears to participate in generating a transmembrane connection between the extracellular matrix and the cytoskeleton. We have recently shown that talin is an abundant protein in platelets, cells highly specialized for regulated adhesion. Although talin constitutes greater than 3% of the total protein in intact human platelets, its location within the cells had not been defined. In the work reported here, we have investigated the distribution of talin in resting and activated human platelets by immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy. We have found that talin undergoes an activation-dependent change in its subcellular location. In resting platelets, which are nonadhesive, talin is uniformly distributed throughout the cytoplasm. In contrast, in thrombin- and glass-activated, substratum-adherent platelets, talin is concentrated at the cytoplasmic face of the plasma membrane. This dramatic, regulated redistribution of talin raises the possibility that talin plays a role in the controlled development of platelet adhesion.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1991,115(4):1127-1136
Tenascin, together with thrombospondin and SPARC, form a family of matrix proteins that, when added to bovine aortic endothelial cells, caused a dose-dependent reduction in the number of focal adhesion- positive cells to approximately 50% of albumin-treated controls. For tenascin, a maximum response was obtained with 20-60 micrograms/ml of protein. The reduction in focal adhesions in tenascin-treated spread cells was observed 10 min after addition of the adhesion modulator, reached the maximum by 45 min, and persisted for at least 4 h in the continued presence of tenascin. This effect was fully reversible, was independent of de novo protein synthesis, and was neutralized by a polyclonal antibody to tenascin. Monoclonal antibodies to specific domains of tenascin (mAbs 81C6 and 127) were used to localize the active site to the alternatively spliced segment of tenascin. Furthermore, a recombinant protein corresponding to the alternatively spliced segment (fibronectin type III domains 6-12) was expressed in Escherichia coli and was active in causing loss of focal adhesions, whereas a recombinant form of a domain (domain 3) containing the RGD sequence had no activity. Chondroitin-6-sulfate effectively neutralized tenascin activity, whereas dermatan sulfate and chondroitin-4-sulfate were less active and heparan sulfate and heparin were essentially inactive. Studies suggest that galactosaminoglycans neutralize tenascin activity through interactions with cell surface molecules. Overall, our results demonstrate that tenascin, thrombospondin, and SPARC, acting as soluble ligands, are able to provoke the loss of focal adhesions in well-spread endothelial cells.  相似文献   

The unique COOH-terminal 30-amino acid region of the adipocyte/skeletal muscle glucose transporter (GLUT4) appears to be a major structural determinant of this protein's perinuclear localization, from where it is redistributed to the cell surface in response to insulin. To test whether an underlying mechanism of this domain's function involves glucose transporter endocytosis rates, transfected cells were generated expressing exofacial hemagglutinin epitope (HA)-tagged erythrocyte/brain glucose transporter (GLUT1) or a chimera containing the COOH-terminal 30 amino acids of GLUT4 substituted onto this GLUT1 construct. Incubation of COS-7 or CHO cells expressing the HA-tagged chimera with anti-HA antibody at 37 degrees resulted in an increased rate of antibody internalization compared to cells expressing similar levels of HA-tagged GLUT1, which displays a cell surface disposition. Colocalization of the internalized anti-HA antibody in vesicular structures with internalized transferrin and with total transporters was established by digital imaging microscopy, suggesting the total cellular pool of transporters are continuously recycling through the coated pit endocytosis pathway. Mutation of the unique double leucines 489 and 490 in the rat GLUT4 COOH-terminal domain to alanines caused the HA-tagged chimera to revert to the slow endocytosis rate and steady- state cell surface display characteristic of GLUT1. These results support the hypothesis that the double leucine motif in the GLUT4 COOH terminus operates as a rapid endocytosis and retention signal in the GLUT4 transporter, causing its localization to intracellular compartments in the absence of insulin.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1995,129(5):1363-1378
Overexpression of the B cell leukemia/lymphoma-2 (bcl-2) gene has been shown to confer a survival advantage on cells by inhibiting apoptosis. In epithelia, the bcl-2 gene is also related to development and differentiation, and the protein is strongly expressed in the embryo in the epithelial cells of the developing mammary gland. To investigate directly the effect of bcl-2 on human epithelial cells, we used an amphotropic recombinant retrovirus to introduce the gene into nontumorigenic cell lines developed from luminal epithelial cells cultured from milk. Here we demonstrate that while bcl-2 overexpression does not directly induce the tumorigenic phenotype, it provides a survival advantage to the mammary epithelial cells by inhibiting cell death at confluence or under conditions of serum starvation, bcl-2 can also affect the phenotype of the original epithelial cells, and promote epithelial-mesenchymal conversion, accompanied by loss of the cell adhesion molecules E-cadherin and alpha 2 beta 1 integrin. The extent of the epithelial-mesenchymal conversion varies with small differences in the phenotype of the parental line and with the level of expression of Bcl-2 and in some cases cell lines emerge with a mixed phenotype. The increased survival of Bcl-2-expressing cells at confluence results in multilayering, and the development of three- dimensional structures. Where a mixed phenotype is observed these structures consist of an outer layer of polarized epithelial cells separated by a basement membrane-like layer from an inner mass of fibroblastoid cells. Branching morphogenesis of bcl-2 transfectants is also observed in collagen gels (in the absence of fibroblast growth factors). The results strongly indicate that by increasing their survival under restrictive growth conditions, and by modifying the epithelial phenotype, bcl-2 can influence the specific morphogenetic behavior of mammary epithelial cells.  相似文献   

beta-tubulin of budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a polypeptide of 457 amino acids encoded by the unique gene TUB2. We investigated the function of the carboxy-terminal part of yeast beta-tubulin corresponding to the carboxy-terminal variable domain of mammalian and avian beta-tubulins. The GAA codon for Glu-431 of TUB2 was altered to TAA termination codon by using in vitro site-directed mutagenesis so that the 27-amino acid residues of the carboxyl terminus was truncated when expressed. The mutagenized TUB2 gene (tub2(T430)) was introduced into a haploid strain in which the original TUB2 gene had been disrupted. The tub2(T430) haploid strain grows normally less than 30 but not at 37 degrees C. The truncation of the carboxyl terminus caused hypersensitivity to antimitotic drugs and low spore viability at the permissive temperature for vegetative growth. Immunofluorescence labeling with antitubulin antibody and DNA staining with 4',6'-diamidino-2-phenylindole showed that in these cells at 37 degrees C, formation of spindle microtubules and nuclear division was inhibited and cytoplasmic microtubule distribution was aberrant. These results suggest that functions of the carboxy-terminal domain of yeast beta-tubulin are necessary for cells growing under suboptimal growth conditions although it is not essential for growth under the optimal growth conditions. Cells bearing tub2(411), a tub2 gene in which the GAA codon for Glu-412 was altered to TAA were no more viable at any temperature. In addition, a haploid strain carrying two functional beta-tubulin genes is not viable.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1990,111(6):2765-2774
The present study was undertaken to determine the relationship between the hyaluronate receptor and CD44 (H-CAM), cell-surface glycoproteins of similar molecular weights that have been implicated in cell adhesion. In initial experiments, a panel of monoclonal antibodies directed against CD44 were tested for their ability to cross react with the hyaluronate receptor. These antibodies immunoprecipitated [3H]hyaluronate binding activity from detergent extracts of both mouse and human cells, indicating that the hyaluronate receptor is identical to CD44. In addition, one of these antibodies (KM-201 to mouse CD44) directly blocked the binding of labeled hyaluronate to the receptor and inhibited hyaluronate dependent aggregation of SV-3T3 cells. CD44 has also been implicated in lymphocyte binding to high endothelial venules during lymphocyte homing. Interestingly, the monoclonal antibody Hermes- 3, which blocks lymphocyte binding to the high endothelial venules of mucosal lymphoid tissue, had no effect on the binding of labeled hyaluronate. Furthermore, the binding of lymphocytes to high endothelial cells of lymph nodes and mucosal lymphoid tissue was not significantly affected by treatment with agents that block the binding of hyaluronate (hyaluronidase, excess hyaluronate and specific antibodies). Thus, CD44 appears to have at least two distinct functional domains, one for binding hyaluronate and another involved in interactions with mucosal high endothelial venules.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1990,111(6):3087-3096
A novel neural surface protein, Bravo, shows a pattern of topological restriction in the embryonic chick retinotectal system. Bravo is present on the developing optic fibers in the retina; however, retinal axons in the tectum do not display Bravo. The appearance of Bravo in vitro is modulated by environmental cues. Axons growing out from retinal explants on retinal basal lamina, their natural substrate, express Bravo, whereas such axons growing on collagen do not. Retinal explants provide a valuable system to characterize the mechanism of Bravo restriction, as well as the cellular signals controlling it. Bravo was identified with monoclonal antibodies from a collection generated against exposed molecules isolated by using a selective cell surface biotinylation procedure. The NH2-terminal sequence of Bravo shows similarity with L1, a neural surface molecule which is a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily. This possible relationship to L1, together with its restricted appearance, suggests an involvement of Bravo in axonal growth and guidance.  相似文献   

Kinesin was previously immunolocalized to mitotic apparatuses (MAs) of early sea urchin blastomeres (Scholey, J.M., M.E. Porter, P.M. Grissom, and J.R. McIntosh. 1985. Nature [Lond.]. 318:483-486). Here we report evidence that this MA-associated motor protein is a conventional membrane-bound kinesin, rather than a kinesin-like protein. Our evidence includes the observation that the deduced amino acid sequence of this sea urchin kinesin heavy chain is characteristic of a conventional kinesin. In addition, immunolocalizations using antibodies that distinguish kinesin from kinesin-like proteins confirm that conventional kinesin is concentrated in MAs. Finally, our immunocytochemical data further suggest that conventional kinesin is associated with membranes which accumulate in MAs and interphase asters of early sea urchin embryos, and with vesicles that are distributed in the perinuclear region of coelomocytes. Thus kinesin may function as a microtubule-based vesicle motor in some MAs, as well as in the interphase cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Extracellular Ca2+ can reverse the Mg(2+)-dependent, alpha 2 beta 1-mediated adhesion of WI38 human fibroblasts to type I collagen substrates. Affinity chromatography data also demonstrate that Ca2+ can specifically elute the fibroblast alpha 2 beta 1 integrin bound to type I collagen-Sepharose in Mg2+. In modified Boyden chamber migration assays, Mg2+ alone supports the alpha 2 beta 1-mediated migration of fibroblasts on type I collagen substrates, while Ca2+ does not. However, a twofold enhancement in migration was observed when combinations of the two cations were used, with optimal migration observed when the Mg2+/Ca2+ ratio was higher than one. Inhibitory mAbs directed against various integrin subunits demonstrate that these observed cation effects appear to be mediated primarily by alpha 2 beta 1. These data, together with reports that under certain physiological conditions significant fluctuations in the concentrations of extracellular Ca2+ and Mg2+ can take place in vivo, suggest that the ratio between these two cations is involved in the up- and downregulation of integrin function, and thus, may influence cell migratory behavior.  相似文献   

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