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Paternal behaviour presumably evolved because male care of young was critical for offspring survival. We report field evidence indicating that paternal behaviour enhances offspring survival in a monogamous mammal, the biparental California mouse, Peromyscus californicus. Male removal resulted in lower offspring survival in father-absent than in father-present families. New males took up residence with widowed females, but usually after females had stopped lactating, suggesting that the importance of the father is not primarily protection against infanticidal intruders but rather direct care of young.  相似文献   

In the laboratory rat and mouse, neonatal handling enhances hippocampal-dependent learning in adulthood, an effect mediated by changes in maternal behavior toward the handled young. In the present study, we examined the interaction between neonatal handling and biparental care during the early postnatal period and its effect on cognitive function in adult California mice (Peromyscus californicus). We characterized the parental behavior of handled and nonhandled father-present and father-absent families over the first 15 days of life. We then assessed cognitive performance of male and female offspring in the Barnes maze and object recognition test after they were 60 days of age. We found that the amount of licking and grooming received by pups was decreased in father-absent families. By postnatal days 12-15, licking and grooming in handled, father-absent families were equivalent to that of nonhandled, father-present families. Handling enhanced novel object recognition in father-present male mice with no effect in females. In the nonhandled group, the presence of the father had no effect on object recognition learning in male or female mice. Handling also enhanced spatial learning in the Barnes maze. In nonhandled families, the presence of the father appeared to have no effect on spatial learning in the male offspring. Interestingly, spatial learning in nonhandled, father-absent, female offspring was similar to that of handled animals. The average amount of licking and grooming received by pups was negatively correlated with the average number of errors made on the first day of reversal training in the Barnes maze. These data support previous findings that neonatal handling facilitates learning and memory in adulthood, suggest that under certain environmental conditions, there is a sex difference in the response of pups to paternal care, and further demonstrate the importance of active parental investment for offspring cognitive development.  相似文献   

It is hypothesized from within an evolutionary framework that females should be less invested in peer relations than males. Investment was operationalized as enjoyment in Study 1 and as preference for interaction in Study 2. In the first study, four- and six-year-old children’s enjoyment of peer interaction was observed in 26 groups of same-sex peers. Girls were rated as enjoying their interactions significantly less than boys. In the second study, six- and nine-year-old children were interviewed about the individuals with whom they spend time in their homes and neighborhoods and about the individuals who participate in their favorite activities. The proportion of individuals named by children who were peers was significantly lower for girls than boys both in children’s neighborhoods and in children’s favorite activities. Results strongly support the hypothesis that females and males have evolved differential preferences for interaction with peers.  相似文献   

Increasing numbers of young mothers in the work force, more and more children requiring extrafamilial care, high rates of divorce, lower rates of remarriage, increasing numbers of female-headed households, growing numbers of zero-parent families, and significant occurrences of child maltreatment are just some of the social indicators indicative of the family in a changing world. These trends and their consequences for children are described and then examined from the perspectives of microeconomic theory, the relative-income hypothesis, sex-ratio theory, and one form of modernization theory. The paper concludes with a preliminary examination of the added explanatory power provided by evolutionary theory.  相似文献   

The inflence of household type on reproductive behavior is examined for a national probability sample of Taiwanese women. Data were derived from a 1980 national household survey of the labor force in Taiwan, focusing on 10,624 couples. Reproductive variables include measures of current and prospective fertility as well as cumulative fertility. In spite of remarkable social and economic development over the past 3 decades, extended families are still widely found in Taiwan. Women in extended households have only slightly higher fertility preferences and current fertility than women in nuclear families once marital duration is controlled. Although women in extended households marry earlier and receive more family help with child care than women in nuclear families, such factors are no longer considered sufficient to produce major differentials in reproductive behavior. Residence and husband's class of work are the strongest correlates of whether a household is currently extended or nuclear. In general, the husband's characteristics are more strongly related to family type than the wife's. Findings suggest that preferences for smaller families and low fertility need not await a transformation to a nuclear family structue.  相似文献   

Father absence is consistently associated with children’s reproductive outcomes in industrialized countries. It has been suggested that father absence acts as a cue to particular environmental conditions that influence life history strategies. Much less is known, however, about the effects of father absence on such outcomes in lower-income countries. Using data from the 1988 Malaysian Family Life Survey (n?=?567), we tested the effect of father absence on daughters’ age at menarche, first marriage, and first birth; parity progression rates; and desired completed family size in Malaysia, a country undergoing an economic and fertility transition. Father absence during later childhood (ages 8 to 15), although not during earlier childhood, was associated with earlier progressions to first marriage and first birth, after controlling for other confounders. Father absence does not affect age at menarche, desired family size, or progression from first to second birth. The patterns found in this transitional population partly mirror those in developed societies, where father absence accelerates reproductive events. There is, however, a notable contrast between the acceleration in menarche for father-absent girls consistently found in developed societies and the lack of any association in our findings. The mechanisms through which father absence affects reproduction may differ in different ecological contexts. In lower-income contexts, direct paternal investment or influence may be of more importance in determining reproductive behavior than whether fathers act as a cue to environmental conditions.  相似文献   


To test the idea that dogs have a positive influence on the social behavior of school children, one of three dogs was introduced alternately into a class at an elementary school in Vienna, attended by 24 children (mean age: 6.7 years). Most of the 14 boys and ten girls came from first-generation immigrant families. With parental consent, their behavior was videotaped for two hours every week, during “open teaching situations,” first during a one-month control period in the absence of dogs, followed by an experimental period of similar duration, when a dog was present in the classroom. Frequency and duration of all observable behaviors of individuals and their interactions were coded from these tapes. Although major individual differences were found in the children's interest in the dog and their behavioral responses, the group became socially more homogenous due to decreased behavioral extremes, such as aggressiveness and hyperactivity; also, formerly withdrawn individuals became socially more integrated. Effects were more pronounced in the boys than the girls. Even though the children spent considerable time watching and making contacting with the dog, they also paid more attention to the teacher. We conclude that the presence of a dog in a classroom could positively stimulate social cohesion in children and provide a relatively cheap and easy means of improving teaching conditions.  相似文献   

Objective: This study examined associations between the family environment and children's television (TV) viewing and likelihood of being low‐active. Research Methods and Procedures: In 2001, children were recruited from 19 primary schools in Melbourne, Australia. Parents completed a questionnaire about their child's TV viewing and the family environment. Children also completed a questionnaire and wore an accelerometer for 8 days. Movement counts were used to identify low‐active children (lowest quartile). Data were analyzed in May 2004. Results: The sample consisted of 878 children (mean age = 11.5 ± 0.6 yrs). Multiple logistic regression revealed that socioeconomic status [adjusted odds ratios (AOR) = 0.4 boys], frequency families watched TV together (AOR = 2.0 boys), mothers’ (AOR = 1.8 boys; AOR = 2.5 girls) and fathers’ (AOR = 2.6 boys; AOR = 2.8 girls) TV viewing, and rules prohibiting TV during mealtimes (AOR = 0.6 boys; AOR = 0.6 girls) related to children watching TV ≥2 h/d. Variables associated with low‐level physical activity included self‐reported enjoyment of Internet use (AOR = 1.7 boys) and preference for watching TV (AOR = 2.3 girls), perception that mother uses computer a lot (AOR = 1.9 boys) and likes using the computer (AOR = 0.6 girls), fathers’ reported computer/electronic games use (AOR = 1.7 girls), frequency families used computer together (AOR = 0.4 girls), rules that TV viewing must be supervised (AOR = 1.9 boys; AOR = 0.6 girls), and having pay TV (AOR = 0.6 boys) and electronic games at home (AOR = 2.6 boys). Discussion: These findings suggest that the relationships between the family environment and TV viewing and low‐level activity are complex and that these behaviors are distinct.  相似文献   

Stepchildren are abused, neglected and murdered at higher rates than those who live with two genetically related parents. Daly and Wilson used kin selection theory to explain this finding and labeled the phenomenon “discriminative parental solicitude.” I examined discriminative parental solicitude in American households composed of both genetic and unrelated adopted children. In these families, kin selection predicts parents should favor their genetic children over adoptees. Rather than looking at cases of abuse, neglect, homicide and other antisocial behavior, I focused on the positive investments parents made in their children as well as the outcomes of each child. The results show that parents invested more in adopted children than in genetically related ones, especially in educational and personal areas. At the same time, adoptees experienced more negative outcomes. They were more likely to have been arrested, to have been on public assistance and to require treatment for drug, alcohol or mental health issues. They also completed fewer years of schooling and were more likely to divorce. In adoptive families, it appears that “the squeaky wheel gets the grease.” Parents invest more in adoptees not because they favor them, but because they are more likely than genetic children to need the help. I conclude that discriminative parental solicitude differs in adoptive and step households because adoptive families generally result from prolonged parenting effort, not mating effort like stepfamilies.  相似文献   

扩散作为动物适应生存环境的重要特征之一,受到自身生物学特征及环境等方面的制约。以家群形式生活和子代雄鼠扩散为主的东方田鼠,其成员个体是否因领地食物和空间资源竞争导致体重小、攻击性弱及胆小个体先行扩散。以新鲜马唐叶片构建三块密集均质的食物斑块,在食物斑块周边以透明玻璃设置观测箱,采用透明塑胶管连接三块食物斑块作为动物扩散的通道,构建东方田鼠扩散行为观测装置。将东方田鼠家群子代成员投放至带有自身家群气味的食物斑块,测定成员个体在食物斑块上的觅食行为序列过程和参数,以及向其他食物斑块扩散的行为过程和参数以及家群中先行扩散个体体重、攻击性及胆量占所有家群数的比率,检验成员个体的体重、攻击性及胆量对扩散的影响。结果发现,体重小、攻击性弱和胆小个体的觅食启动时间极显著地大于体重大、攻击性强和胆大个体的,但其先行扩散的比率却显著地大于体重大、攻击性强和胆大个体的;然而体重小、攻击性弱及胆小个体的扩散开始时间显著或极显著地大于体重大、攻击性强及胆大个体的。结果揭示,东方田鼠家群成员随着年龄的增长和对食物及空间资源竞争的加剧,体重大、攻击性强及胆大个体会迫使体重小、攻击性弱及胆小个体先行扩散。  相似文献   

Teachers and mothers of 219 four-year-old preschoolers assessed their children for Type A behavior pattern using the Matthews Youth Test for Health (MYTH). The sample was derived from five day care centers with Black, White, and Hispanic teachers and students from middle and lower class families. This study indicates that Type A behavior can be identified in four-year-old preschoolers on the basis of ratings by their teachers. A statistically significant difference was found between the ratings of Type A/B characteristics by teachers and those by mothers; however, these were not related to the sex or ethnicity of the children. Repeated measurements of Type A ratings in a subsample of the children at age five showed no significant change among boys or girls. However, repeated measurements at age six on a second subsample showed that boys had lower mean scores, i.e. were more Type B at age six than at age four.  相似文献   

In a sample of 61,829 US families, the probability of having an additional child is higher in those families with all the children the same sex as compared to those families with children of both sexes. Data are from families of American high school students who took the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying test in 1965. All families with 3 or 4 children were selected. Families with only boys were more likely to have an additional child than families with all girls. Less than 1% of the variance in family size is explained by family configuration. Although the sample size makes these results unequivocal for the population involved, the population is clearly biased in favor of white middle class families.  相似文献   

We use data collected among Hadza hunter-gatherers between 2005 and 2009 to examine hypotheses about the causes and consequences of men’s foraging and food sharing. We find that Hadza men foraged for a range of food types, including fruit, honey, small animals, and large game. Large game were shared not like common goods, but in ways that significantly advantaged producers’ households. Food sharing and consumption data show that men channeled the foods they produced to their wives, children, and their consanguineal and affinal kin living in other households. On average, single men brought food to camp on 28% of days, married men without children at home on 31% of days, and married men with children at home on 42% of days. Married men brought fruit, the least widely shared resource, to camp significantly more often than single men. A model of the relationship between hunting success and household food consumption indicates that the best hunters provided 3–4 times the amount of food to their families than median or poor hunters. These new data fill important gaps in our knowledge of the subsistence economy of the Hadza and uphold predictions derived from the household and kin provisioning hypotheses. Key evidence and assumptions backing prior claims that Hadza hunting is largely a form of status competition were not replicated in our study. In light of this, family provisioning is a more viable explanation for why good hunters are preferred as husbands and have higher fertility than others.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to evaluate the physical development and nutritional status, the nutrition habits as well as level of physical activity of boys and girls in relation to the socio-economic status of their families. The study was conducted on a group of 529 boys and 535 girls aged 7-16 years from Swietokrzyskie Province in Poland. Boys and girls from high SES families had the greatest body height, BMI, upper arm muscle area, as well as upper arm fat tissue area, while the lowest values of these features occurred among those studied coming from families of a low SES. The higher the family SES, the higher habitual frequency of consuming vegetables and fruit as well as fish. The diet of children coming from higher SES families was also linked with a higher total protein content as well as animal protein, all analysed minerals and some vitamins, but there were no significant differences of energetic value in daily food rations as well as fat content. The longer time spent on some sedentary activities was connected with a higher family SES. The girls coming from a high status families also declared a higher level of physical activity, whereas such relationship was not observed among boys. A more rational set of nutritional habits observed among children from a higher SES families can be the basic reason for their higher advancement in development. A shorter time devoted to sedentary activities is assumed to be the main cause of a smaller relative body mass and less obesity among girls and boys from low SES families.  相似文献   

Several evolutionary hypotheses predict that girls growing up without a father present in the family mature and start reproduction earlier because father absence is a cue for environmental harshness and/or uncertainty that favours switching to a precocious life-history strategy. Most studies supporting these hypotheses have been performed in contemporary Western societies where the father absence is usually caused by divorce or abandonment. We performed a large retrospective cohort study in the mid-twentieth century Estonia, where different types of orphans and daughters of divorced fathers were exactly matched with girls from bi-parental families based on age, birth year, urban/rural origin and socioeconomic position of the family. Pubertal maturation, assessed on the basis of the breast development rate, did not associate with family structure. Daughters of divorced fathers started reproduction on average 9.2 months earlier than girls from bi-parental families and also tended to start reproduction earlier than girls whose fathers were dead. This finding is consistent with the view that fathers prone to divorce (and/or their spouses) differ from the rest of the population and also from the fathers prone to early death in some important characteristics that affect the reproductive rates of their daughters.  相似文献   


This study addressed the issue of whether children who potentially have reduced access to parental resources have a stronger attachment bond with a dog, compared with children who have greater access. The study compared children in single-parent families with those in two-parent families on level of attachment to their family dog. Parents judged children's level of attachment to dogs by completing the Companion Animal Bonding Scale. The children's ages ranged between three and twelve years. Overall, children in single-parent families did show significantly higher levels of attachment to dogs than children in two-parent families. A comparison of attachment to dogs across family type showed that children in the early childhood stage in single-parent families had significantly higher levels of bonding with dogs than children in the early childhood stage in two-parent families. For the middle childhood stage there was no significant difference between family type and attachment to dogs. Comparisons within family type showed mixed results, and there were no significant gender differences in attachment levels across family type. Findings are discussed in light of attachment theory, family systems theory and implications for child development.  相似文献   

Whereas most people are biologically either male or female, their genetic interests are almost never aligned with just their own sex. Drawing on the evolutionary theory of inclusive fitness gained through relatives, we partition the effects of kin on fitness into those that derive from female versus male relatives. We argue that the balance of these female- and male-derived effects, which we call ‘Gendered Fitness Interests’ (GFI), might influence human behavior, especially the adoption of socio-political attitudes that have a gendered dimension. Our proposal builds on observations that an individual's socio-political views covary with the sex of their children or the numbers of relatives of each sex. Further, it is consistent with the relatively small average differences between women's and men's socio-political positions. We outline a method for partitioning GFI, and use simulation models to explore some of its properties. We then show that (1) the GFI component of women's and men's socio-political attitudes will converge, on average, with age. (2) The contributions of both descendent and non-descendent kin lead to considerable variation in GFI. (3) When men have longer average reproductive lifespans than women, GFI can show small male-biases. (4) Paternity uncertainty reduces the variation in GFI between individuals, and (5) Large family sizes are associated with more variation among individuals in GFI. Our proposal provides a framework for the study of the effects of kin on traits and attitudes with a gendered dimension. In this respect, it may prove generally useful in resolving the complex origins of gendered behavior.  相似文献   

The characteristics of a series of 274 families who were referred to a sexual abuse treatment programme were analysed. Information was obtained on 411 abused children and 362 non-abused children. Different forms of sexual abuse were noted, with 77% of girls and 23% of boys affected. Boys tended to be abused at a younger age, more severely, and for longer periods than girls. There was a predominance of lower social class groups among the parents, and a wide variety of family structures, with reasonable stability over time. Ninety six per cent of perpetrators were men, and biological and step-parents predominated. Contributing factors in both the family history and the current perpetrators and their wives included sexual abuse, violence, chaotic families, marital problems, sexual difficulties, alcoholism, and subnormality. Follow up of 120 families, 180 victims, and 226 siblings showed that prosecution occurred in 60% of cases, with a high percentage of perpetrators being imprisoned. Treatment was offered to 87% of families, but because the treatment programme was in the early stages of development a variable number of children and parents were offered family treatment or treatment in groups for parents and children separately. There was an improvement in the victim''s circumstances in 61% of cases, and a noticeable reduction in "sexualised" and general emotional difficulties among victims, but there was reabuse rate of 16%. Protection of children was achieved through changes of family attitude and changes in family structure including divorce and separation: 14% of victims were rehabilitated to both parents, 33% to mothers only, and 26% to new families or other residences. Consensus in the family that abuse had occurred was seen as an important factor in determining which children could be rehabilitated with both their parents, with their mothers only, or with new families; which families could be offered or accepted treatment; and whether positive changes in the family occurred.  相似文献   

To investigate the prevalence of obesity and malnutrition in the poor Brazilian population we conducted a survey on the socioeconomic and nutritional status of 535 families (comprising 2 411 individuals) living in shanty towns in the city of São Paulo. There was a 30% prevalence of malnutrition in the children, with chronic malnutrition as the most predominant problem. The prevalence of obesity was 6.4% in boys and 8.7% in girls. Overweight and obesity associated with stunting was found in 5.8% of boys and 6.8% girls. Adolescents showed a higher prevalence of malnutrition when weight-for-age distribution was used (boys 46.4%, girls 40.2%), but a right deviation in the distribution was observed with an increase in obesity and a decrease of malnutrition was observed (obesity was 21% in girls and 8.8% in boys; malnutrition was 15.5% in boys and 12.6% in girls) when the weight-for-height adjustment was made. Stunting was the most predominant type of malnutrition in both sexes. Obesity associated with stunting was more common than obesity without stunting, both in younger children and adolescents. Adults had a higher prevalence of obesity than malnutrition according to both the Metropolitan Life Insurance tables (1.7% of undernutrition, 16.7% of overweight, and 14.1% of obesity) and Body Mass Index (8.5% of undernutrition, 21.9% of overweight, and 14.6% of obesity). There was an increase in the percentage of obese children when at least one adult in the family was obese and an increased percentage of malnourished children when undernourished adults were present in the family. Obesity among the adults of the family decreased the occurrence of malnutrition among the children. In 9% of families there was a coexistence of obesity in the adults and malnutrition in the children. These results demonstrate a coexistence of malnutrition and obesity in poor urban Brazilian communities.  相似文献   

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