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Many parasites are motile and exhibit behavioural preferences for certain host species. Because hosts can vary in their susceptibility to infections, parasites might benefit from preferentially detecting and infecting the most susceptible host, but this mechanistic hypothesis for host-choice has rarely been tested. We evaluated whether cercariae (larval trematode parasites) prefer the most susceptible host species by simultaneously presenting cercariae with four species of tadpole hosts. Cercariae consistently preferred hosts in the following order: Anaxyrus ( = Bufo) terrestris (southern toad), Hyla squirella (squirrel tree frog), Lithobates ( = Rana) sphenocephala (southern leopard frog), and Osteopilus septentrionalis (Cuban tree frog). These host species varied in susceptibility to cercariae in an order similar to their attractiveness with a correlation that approached significance. Host attractiveness to parasites also varied consistently and significantly among individuals within a host species. If heritable, this individual-level host variation would represent the raw material upon which selection could act, which could promote a Red Queen “arms race” between host cues and parasite detection of those cues. If, in general, motile parasites prefer to infect the most susceptible host species, this phenomenon could explain aggregated distributions of parasites among hosts and contribute to parasite transmission rates and the evolution of virulence. Parasite preferences for hosts belie the common assumption of disease models that parasites seek and infect hosts at random.  相似文献   

Liao CC  Su TC  Sung FC  Chou WH  Chen TL 《PloS one》2012,7(2):e31527


The relationship between hepatitis C virus infection and risk of stroke remains inconsistent. This study evaluates the risk of stroke in association with chronic hepatitis C infection in a longitudinal population-based cohort.


We identified 4,094 adults newly diagnosed with hepatitis C infection in 2002–2004 from the Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database. Comparison group consisted of 16,376 adults without hepatitis C infection randomly selected from the same dataset, frequency matched by age and sex. Events of stroke from 2002–2008 were ascertained from medical claims (International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification, ICD-9-CM, codes 430–438). Multivariate adjusted hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated for potential associated factors including HCV infection, age, sex, low-income status, urbanization, cessation of cigarette smoking, alcohol-related illness, obesity, history of chronic diseases and medication use.


During 96,752 person-years of follow-up, there were 1981 newly diagnosed stroke cases. The HRs of stroke associated with medical conditions such as hypertension, diabetes and heart disease were 1.48 (95% CI 1.33 to 1.65), 1.23 (95% CI 1.11 to 1.36) and 1.17 (95% CI 1.06 to 1.30), respectively, after adjustment for covariates. The cumulative risk of stroke for people with hepatitis C and without hepatitis C infections was 2.5% and 1.9%, respectively (p<0.0001). Compared with people without hepatitis C infection, the adjusted HR of stroke was 1.27 (95% CI 1.14 to 1.41) for people with hepatitis C infection.


Chronic hepatitis C infection increases stroke risk and should be considered an important and independent risk factor.  相似文献   

Li J  Jin Z  Song W 《PloS one》2012,7(4):e34577
Field studies have shown that native, parasitic plants grow vigorously on invasive plants and can cause more damage to invasive plants than native plants. However, no empirical test has been conducted and the mechanism is still unknown. We conducted a completely randomized greenhouse experiment using 3 congeneric pairs of exotic, invasive and native, non-invasive herbaceous plant species to quantify the damage caused by parasitic plants to hosts and its correlation with the hosts' growth rate and resource use efficiency. The biomass of the parasitic plants on exotic, invasive hosts was significantly higher than on congeneric native, non-invasive hosts. Parasites caused more damage to exotic, invasive hosts than to congeneric, native, non-invasive hosts. The damage caused by parasites to hosts was significantly positively correlated with the biomass of parasitic plants. The damage of parasites to hosts was significantly positively correlated with the relative growth rate and the resource use efficiency of its host plants. It may be the mechanism by which parasitic plants grow more vigorously on invasive hosts and cause more damage to exotic, invasive hosts than to native, non-invasive hosts. These results suggest a potential biological control effect of native, parasitic plants on invasive species by reducing the dominance of invasive species in the invaded community.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), a lymphomagenic human herpesvirus, colonises the host through polyclonal B cell-growth-transforming infections yet establishes persistence only in IgD+ CD27+ non-switched memory (NSM) and IgD CD27+ switched memory (SM) B cells, not in IgD+ CD27 naïve (N) cells. How this selectivity is achieved remains poorly understood. Here we show that purified N, NSM and SM cell preparations are equally transformable in vitro to lymphoblastoid cells lines (LCLs) that, despite upregulating the activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) enzyme necessary for Ig isotype switching and Ig gene hypermutation, still retain the surface Ig phenotype of their parental cells. However, both N- and NSM-derived lines remain inducible to Ig isotype switching by surrogate T cell signals. More importantly, IgH gene analysis of N cell infections revealed two features quite distinct from parallel mitogen-activated cultures. Firstly, following 4 weeks of EBV-driven polyclonal proliferation, individual clonotypes then become increasingly dominant; secondly, in around 35% cases these clonotypes carry Ig gene mutations which both resemble AID products and, when analysed in prospectively-harvested cultures, appear to have arisen by sequence diversification in vitro. Thus EBV infection per se can drive at least some naïve B cells to acquire Ig memory genotypes; furthermore, such cells are often favoured during an LCL''s evolution to monoclonality. Extrapolating to viral infections in vivo, these findings could help to explain how EBV-infected cells become restricted to memory B cell subsets and why EBV-driven lymphoproliferative lesions, in primary infection and/or immunocompromised settings, so frequently involve clones with memory genotypes.  相似文献   

Society is increasingly concerned with declining wild bee populations. Although most bees nest in the ground, considerable effort has centered on installing ‘bee hotels’—also known as nest boxes or trap nests—which artificially aggregate nest sites of above ground nesting bees. Campaigns to ‘save the bees’ often promote these devices despite the absence of data indicating they have a positive effect. From a survey of almost 600 bee hotels set up over a period of three years in Toronto, Canada, introduced bees nested at 32.9% of sites and represented 24.6% of more than 27,000 total bees and wasps recorded (47.1% of all bees recorded). Native bees were parasitized more than introduced bees and females of introduced bee species provisioned nests with significantly more female larva each year. Native wasps were significantly more abundant than both native and introduced bees and occupied almost 3/4 of all bee hotels each year; further, introduced wasps were the only group to significantly increase in relative abundance year over year. More research is needed to elucidate the potential pitfalls and benefits of using bee hotels in the conservation and population dynamics of wild native bees.  相似文献   

The acute phases of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection are characterized by rapid and profound depletion of CD4+ T cells from the guts of infected individuals. The large number of CD4+ T cells in the gut (a large fraction of which are activated and express the HIV/SIV coreceptor CCR5), the high level of infection of these cells, and the temporal coincidence of this CD4+ T-cell depletion with the peak of virus in plasma in acute infection suggest that the intestinal mucosa may be the major source of virus driving the peak viral load. Here, we used data on CD4+ T-cell proportions in the lamina propria of the rectums of SIV-infected rhesus macaques (which progress to AIDS) and sooty mangabeys (which do not progress) to show that in both species, the depletion of CD4+ T cells from this mucosal site and its maximum loss rate are often observed several days before the peak in viral load, with few CD4+ T cells remaining in the rectum by the time of peak viral load. In contrast, the maximum loss rate of CD4+ T cells from bronchoalveolar lavage specimens and lymph nodes coincides with the peak in virus. Analysis of the kinetics of depletion suggests that, in both rhesus macaques and sooty mangabeys, CD4+ T cells in the intestinal mucosa are a highly susceptible population for infection but not a major source of plasma virus in acute SIV infection.The acute phase of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is characterized by moderate CD4+ T-cell depletion in blood, followed by a transient partial restoration of CD4+ T-cell numbers and eventually by a slow long-term CD4+ T-cell decline in the chronic phase that lasts for several years. Studies of CD4+ T-cell depletion in mucosal sites, often conducted with simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)-infected macaques, have demonstrated that mucosal CD4+ T-cell depletion is more rapid and profound (3, 10, 13, 19, 21). The severe depletion of cells in the gut in early infection is thought to be driven in part by the phenotype of the cells present, which are predominantly CCR5+ and in general more activated than their circulating counterparts. As such, these mucosal CD4+ T cells are highly susceptible to productive infection with the dominant CCR5-tropic strains of HIV and SIV present in early infection (20). The rapid depletion of CD4+ T cells at mucosal sites is accompanied by relatively high numbers of infected cells (10, 13) and is temporally associated with the peak viral load in plasma, suggesting that the infection of mucosal CD4+ T cells may be responsible for the majority of virus replication occurring during acute infection (10, 15, 21, 22).The size of the CD4+ T-cell pool in the gut is a matter of some controversy, with estimates ranging from ∼5 to 50% of the total body pool of these cells (reviewed in reference 5). Regardless of the precise numbers, the gut (and particularly the mucosal lamina propria) contains a significant proportion of the body CD4+ CCR5+ memory T cells, which are depleted very early in infection. However, whether CD4+ T cells in the gut are merely a target of early infection or whether they are a major driver of early viral growth and peak viral loads in acute infection is unclear. Here we use a combination of experimental data and modeling to demonstrate that the gut is unlikely to be a major source of virus production in acute SIV infection.  相似文献   

Schmallenberg virus (SBV), an orthobunyavirus discovered in European livestock in late 2011 for the first time, causes premature or stillbirth and severe fetal malformation when cows and ewes are infected during pregnancy. Therefore, cattle of two holdings in the initially most affected area in Germany were closely monitored to describe the consequence for fetuses and newborn calves. Seventy-one calves whose mothers were naturally infected during the first five months of pregnancy were clinically, virologically, and serologically examined. One calve showed typical malformation, another one, born without visible abnormalities, was dead. Two cows aborted during the studied period; spleen and brain samples or meconium swabs were tested by real-time PCR, in none of the fetuses SBV-specific RNA was detectable and the tested fetal sera were negative in a commercially available antibody ELISA. In contrast, in nine clinically healthy calves high SBV-antibody titers were measurable before colostrum intake, and in meconium swabs of six of these animals viral RNA was present as well. The mothers of all nine seropositive calves were presumably infected between days 47 and 162 of gestation, which is within the critical timeframe for fetal infection suggested for SBV and related viruses.  相似文献   

A Century of B Chromosomes in Plants: So What?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
BACKGROUND: Supernumerary B chromosomes (Bs) are a major source of intraspecific variation in nuclear DNA amounts in numerous species of plants. They favour large genomes, and create polymorphisms for DNA variation in natural populations. By studying Bs we can gain useful knowledge about the organization, function and evolution of genomes. There are also significant biological questions concerning the origin and structural organization of Bs, and the way in which these selfish elements can establish themselves by exploiting the replicative machinery of their host genome nucleus. SCOPE: It is a sine qua non that Bs originate from the A chromosomes, in a variety of ways. We can study their modes of drive and ask how it is that chromosomes which apparently lack genes can have control over their own drive process which leads to their survival in natural populations. Molecular cytogenetic studies are opening up new avenues of investigation. Population equilibria for B frequencies are determined by a balance between accumulation and harmful effects. Bs are also subject to meiotic loss due to polysomy and to elimination at meiosis as univalents. These balancing forces can be seen in the context of host/parasite interaction, based on a dissection of the genetic elements in both As and Bs (in maize) which interact to bring about a stable equilibrium, at least for a snapshot in time. CONCLUSIONS: Aside from their intrinsic enigmatic properties, B chromosomes make useful experimental tools to study genome organization. Thus far they have not been exploited for their applications, other than through the use of A-B translocations used for gene mapping in maize; but there are opportunities to use them to modulate the frequency and distribution of recombination, to diploidize allopolyploids, to study centromeres and to be developed as plant artificial chromosomes; given that they can be structurally modified and their inheritance stabilized.  相似文献   

Investing time and energy into survival and reproduction often presents a trade-off to many species of animals. In parasitic wasps, both hosts and sugar sources contribute to the forager's fitness but are often found in different locations. The decision to search for hosts or for food can have a strong impact on fitness when the forager's lifetime is short and resources are not abundant. We investigated the tendency of flowers and hosts to attract 1-day-old female Cotesia rubecula Marshall (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) with different feeding histories in a wind tunnel. Only well-fed wasps exhibited a preference for hosts. In comparison, unfed wasps visited hosts and flowers in equal proportions. Feeding experience had a strong impact on the searching behavior and the number of landings on both resources. Host and food stimuli seem to be equally attractive to hungry parasitic wasps such as C. rubecula. We expect that under field conditions the time available for active food searching in female C. rubecula is short and influenced by the presence of hosts.  相似文献   

Cells infected with dengue virus release a high proportion of immature prM-containing virions. In accordance, substantial levels of prM antibodies are found in sera of infected humans. Furthermore, it has been recently described that the rates of prM antibody responses are significantly higher in patients with secondary infection compared to those with primary infection. This suggests that immature dengue virus may play a role in disease pathogenesis. Interestingly, however, numerous functional studies have revealed that immature particles lack the ability to infect cells. In this report, we show that fully immature dengue particles become highly infectious upon interaction with prM antibodies. We demonstrate that prM antibodies facilitate efficient binding and cell entry of immature particles into Fc-receptor-expressing cells. In addition, enzymatic activity of furin is critical to render the internalized immature virus infectious. Together, these data suggest that during a secondary infection or primary infection of infants born to dengue-immune mothers, immature particles have the potential to be highly infectious and hence may contribute to the development of severe disease.  相似文献   

As well as being phytohormones, gibberellins (GAs) are present in some fungi and bacteria. Indeed, GAs were first discovered in the fungus Gibberella fujikuroi, from which gibberellic acid (GA3) and other GAs are produced commercially. Although higher plants and the fungus produce structurally identical GAs, there are important differences in the pathways and enzymes involved. This has become particularly apparent with the identification of almost all of the genes for GA-biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana and G. fujikuroi, following the sequencing of the Arabidopsis genome and the detection of a GA-biosynthesis gene cluster in the fungus. For example, 3b-hydroxylation occurs early in the pathway in G. fujikuroi and is catalyzed by a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase, whereas it is usually the final step in plants and is catalyzed by 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases. Similarly, 20-oxidation is catalyzed by dioxygenases in plants and a cytochrome P450 in the fungus. Even where cytochrome P450s have equivalent functions in plants and Gibberella, they are unrelated in terms of amino acid sequence. These profound differences indicate that higher plants and fungi have evolved their complex biosynthetic pathways to GAs independently and not by horizontal gene transfer.  相似文献   

Plants and biotrophs: a pivotal role for cytokinins?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Plants infected with biotrophic fungal pathogens exhibit reduced photosynthetic rates, nutrient mobilization towards infection sites and, in interactions where discrete pustules are formed, green islands are induced. The ability of cytokinins to mobilize nutrients towards sites of application and to delay senescence led researchers to speculate that cytokinins might be involved in nutrient mobilization and green island formation in plants infected with biotrophic fungi. There is evidence that the reduction in photosynthesis in infected leaves results from early increases in invertase activity, leading to carbohydrate accumulation and the downregulation of photosynthetic metabolism. In this Opinion article, we propose that these seemingly disparate changes in host physiology in infected plants are the result of cytokinin-induced increases in invertase activity occurring early on in the host-pathogen interaction.  相似文献   

The influence of diabetes on susceptibility to influenza virus infection was examined in a mouse model in which RIP-Kb transgenic mice and their nontransgenic littermates were used as the diabetic and nondiabetic hosts, respectively. Influenza virus A/Phil/82 (H3N2) grew to significantly higher titers in the lungs of diabetic than nondiabetic mice. The extent of viral replication in the lungs was proportional to blood glucose levels in the mice at the time of infection, and the enhanced susceptibility of diabetic mice was reversed with insulin. Growth of A/HKx31 (H3N2) virus was also enhanced in diabetic mice, whereas the highly virulent strain A/PR/8/34 (H1N1) showed no difference in virus yields in diabetic and nondiabetic mice, even with low inocula. A/Phil/82 and A/HKx31 are sensitive to neutralization in vitro by the pulmonary collectin surfactant protein D (SP-D), whereas A/PR/8/34 is essentially resistant. Glucose is a ligand for SP-D, and neutralization of A/Phil/82 virus by SP-D was abolished in the presence of glucose at levels commonly found in diabetic mice. These findings suggest that in mice, and perhaps in humans, diabetes predisposes to influenza virus infection through compromise of collectin-mediated host defense of the lung by glucose.  相似文献   

Plants and animals: a different taste for microbes?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Plants and animals can recognize potential pathogens by detecting pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). Significant advances over the past few years have begun to unveil the molecular basis of PAMP perception by pattern recognition receptors (PRRs). Although these discoveries highlight common recognition strategies among higher eukaryotes, they also show differences with respect to the nature of the receptors involved and the exact molecular patterns recognized. This suggests a convergent evolution of microbe sensing by the innate immune systems of these various organisms.  相似文献   

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