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Mast cells, when incubated in vitro with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and iodide, are cytotoxic to schistosomula of Schistosoma mansoni, as determined morphologically by dye exclusion, motility, and refractility and by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. When intact mast cells were incubated with schistosomula, mast cell degranulation with extracellular release of mast cell granules (MCG) was only observed in the presence of added H2O2 (10(-4) M). The secreted MCG, which contain small amounts of endogenous peroxidase activity, adhered to the surface of schistosomula. By 15 to 30 min, the mast cell-H2O2 system in the presence of iodide (10(-4) M) produced marked disruption of the tegumental and internal structures of the schistosomula. No helminthic damage was noted if any component of the incubation mixture (mast cells, H2O2 or iodide) was omitted. MCG could substitute for intact mast cells in the H2O2 and iodide-dependent cytotoxic system; MCG-mediated killing of schistosomula was inhibited by the hemeprotein inhibitor azide, suggesting that the cytotoxic reaction required endogenous peroxidase. The cytotoxicity was increased by eosinophil peroxidase bound to the MCG surface. These findings suggest a mechanism by which mast cells may contribute to the host cytotoxic response to helminths. H2O2 formed by nearby inflammatory cells may induce mast cell secretion, and the released MCG, through their endogenous peroxidase content (or bound eosinophil or neutrophil peroxidase), may react with H2O2 and a halide to form a system toxic to the adjacent helminth.  相似文献   

Schistosoma mansoni cercariae were incubated for 3-5h at 37 degrees C in various test solutions, and the rate and extent of conversion of the cercariae to schistosomula were determined. Criteria used to identify schistosomula included: (1) loss of cercarial tail, (2) viability of organisms in saline but not in water, (3) pre-acetabular gland evacuation and (4) ability to survive in culture. Incubation of cercariae in rat chamber fluid resulted in organisms which were water sensitive, but retained their tails and pre-acetabular gland contents. Conversion to water sensitivity was not blocked by 0-01 M EDTA.  相似文献   

Schistosomula proteins separated by a two-dimensional (NEPHGE) gel system identify 94 major silver-stained polypeptides. When compared to polypeptides similarly separated from cercariae and adult worms; cercariae share the same polypeptides as schistosomula, adult worms share ca. 60% of the polypeptides. A group of five schistosomula polypeptides 15-31 kDa (apparent pI 8.2-8.9) was not found in adult worm extracts. To identify which polypeptides were immunogens, Western blots of the NEPHGE gels were probed with sera either from humans with chronic schistosomiasis or from mice vaccinated with irradiated cercariae. For characterization studies, polyclonal antibodies were made against the five schistosomula-specific and selected immunogenic polypeptides by immunizing mice with silver-stained spots removed from NEPHGE gels. We show that the polyclonal serum against a polypeptide of 12.5 kDa and an apparent pI of 6.70 mediated complement and eosinophil-dependent killing of schistosomula in an in vitro assay. Epitopes recognized by antibody against the 12.5-kDa polypeptide show a diffuse distribution and are found on flame cells of the excretory system of the schistosomula.  相似文献   

Cercariae of S. mansoni shed the surface glycocalyx, form a double lipid bilayer on their surface, and transform to schistosomula when tails are removed and parasites are transferred from pond water to 300 mOsm phosphate-buffered saline. To determine whether the absolute concentration of saline or the relative change in saline concentration was the signal for surface transformation, cercariae were isolated from the snail hepatopancreas, sheared to remove the tails, and incubated in defined media for 3 hr at 37 degrees C. Surface transformation was assayed using the binding of the fluorescein-conjugated lectin concanavalin A to the schistosomular double unit membrane but not to the cercarial glycocalyx. An increase in salinity either from 18 mOsm (artificial pond water) to 120 mOsm (the snail osmolarity) or from 120 to 300 mOsm (the mammalian osmolarity) triggered transformation to schistosomula. Organisms constantly exposed to 120 mOsm or shifted from 120 mOsm to pond water did not transform their surfaces. The signal for transformation appeared to be increasing salinity rather than increasing osmolarity because cercarial bodies did not become schistosomula in 300 mOsm mannitol. Surface transformation was inhibited when cercariae were incubated with the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor eserine sulfate during a 10 min time when the osmolarity was raised. We conclude that increasing salinity rather than the absolute saline concentration is the signal for surface transformation and that eserine sulfate may inhibit the receipt of this signal.  相似文献   

Infectivity of the multicellular pathogen Schistosoma mansoni for the human host is dependent upon the ability of free-living cercariae to transform rapidly into parasitic schistosomula. The biochemical pathways that regulate this transitional period are unknown. The role of protein phosphorylation was investigated by examining the incorporation of [32Pi]phosphate into proteins of S. mansoni. A sevenfold increase in total phosphorylation was found in 3-hr-old schistosomula as compared to cercariae. Analysis of radiolabeled proteins by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and autoradiography demonstrated that a 14-kDa protein served as a marker for transformation, being phosphorylated in schistosomula but not cercariae. The protein was phosphorylated on a serine residue. Phosphorylation was stimulated by a shift of parasites from water to salt-containing medium at 23 degrees C. Incubation of organisms in water at 37 degrees C did not initiate phosphorylation of this protein. The 14-kDa phosphoprotein was extracted from parasite homogenates with 1 M NaCl but was insoluble in 1% Triton X-100. Protein phosphorylation during the cercarial-schistosomula transformation may represent an important biochemical event that regulates infectivity of the parasite for the human host.  相似文献   

In vitro derived schistosomula were cultured under various conditions. Variables tested included concentration of organisms, type of culture vessel, frequency of media change, time of erythrocyte addition, antibiotic levels, heated vs unheated serum in the media, and fresh vs stored serum or erythrocytes. No differences were observed between cultures changed every 3 or every 7 days, but worm growth and development were retarded when the culture medium was changed every 2 weeks. Organisms cultured without changing the medium for 3 weeks did not survive. High levels of antibiotics also inhibited growth and resulted in increased mortality. None of the other factors tested resulted in remarkable differences between groups. Some cultures lived for as long as 69 days, and pairing of adult worms was observed as early as 55 days. Most of the cultures, however, were lost before that time from the outgrowth of contaminants which were probably present in the cultures from the outset.  相似文献   

To determine the easiest method of raising antibodies to antigens exposed on the surface of schistosomula of Schistosoma mansoni, several crude preparations of the parasite were used to immunize mice. Schistosomula released products, whole worm homogenate, and parasite eggs all raised antibodies which bound to the surface of live schistosomula, although the anti-egg antiserum did so less strongly. Anti-schistosomula released products antiserum recognized three schistosomula surface antigens of Mr 15,000, 20,000, and 32,000, anti-whole worm homogenate recognized 20,000, 32,000, and 38,000 Mr surface antigens, and anti-egg recognized a less than 200,000 Mr surface antigen. None of these antigens was recognized when the labeled preparation was immunoprecipitated with its homologous antiserum. When these antisera were used to immunoprecipitate cell free translation products of adult worm RNA, the antischistosomula released products and anti-whole worm homogenate recognized an 11,000 Mr doublet while the anti-egg precipitated 14,000 and 44,000 Mr antigens. Other crude preparations were used to immunize rabbits; Formalin-fixed schistosomula, denuded adult worms, and purified worm tegument all induced antibodies which recognized the 20,000, 32,000, and 38,000 Mr schistosomula surface antigens.  相似文献   

The parameters involved in the induction of resistance against Schistosoma mansoni by injection of irradiated, artificially transformed schistosomula were studied in mice. Single intramuscular injections of 500 schistosomula exposed to radiation doses in the range 2.3 to 160 krad. resulted in significant protection (in the range 20 to 50% as assessed by reduced worm burdens) against a challenge infection administered at intervals from 3 to 24 weeks post-vaccination. However, schistosomula irradiated with 20 krad. consistently resulted in better protection than those exposed to either higher or lower radiation doses despite the persistence of stunted adults from the infections irradiated with 2.3 krad. Vaccination with 40 krad. schistosomula resulted in significant protection in terms of reduced worm and tissue egg burdens and increased survival following lethal challenge. Varying the number of irradiated schistosomula, the frequency and route of their administration, the site of challenge and the strain of host all failed to enhance the level of resistance. However, percutaneously applied, irradiated cercariae were found to be more effective in stimulating resistance (60%) than intramuscularly injected, irradiated schistosomula (40%).  相似文献   

Human peripheral blood monocytes from normal donors were isolated by elutriation and differentiated by culture in the presence or absence of various immunomodulators. Cells were harvested between 0 and 24 days and tested for their ability to kill schistosomula of Schistosoma mansoni in vitro as a measure of activation. Freshly isolated monocytes showed no significant cytotoxic activity in the presence or absence of IFN-gamma or LPS. As the cells matured in vitro, there was a slight increase in their inherent toxicity against the parasite, which was greatly enhanced by pretreatment with either IFN-gamma or CSF-1. Optimal antibody-independent larvicidal activity occurred after stimulation with both IFN-gamma and CSF-1, using cells that had matured for at least 7 days in vitro. Under these conditions, killing of up to 70% of the larvae was observed. Although enhanced larvicidal activity was not found to strictly correlate with production of any of several proposed effector molecules examined, activated monocyte-derived macrophages were capable of producing significant amounts of H2O2 and TNF-alpha. These observations indicate that cytokine-activated human monocyte-derived macrophages are able to kill schistosome larvae by an antibody-independent mechanism, as has been observed using murine peritoneal macrophages. Stimulation with multiple differentiation and activation signals, as would occur in vivo, may be required for development of optimal larvicidal activity.  相似文献   

Sera from rabbits or humans infected with Fasciola hepatica were tested for their ability to kill Schistosoma mansoni schistosomula in an antibody-dependent, eosinophil-mediated in vitro assay. In addition, anti-F. hepatica antisera raised in rabbits or calves, including one to a Fasciola/Schistosoma cross-reactive, cross-protective defined immunity antigen, were also tested for their killing ability. None of these antisera induced damage to S. mansoni schistosomula in vitro, even when enhanced with mononuclear cell supernatants containing eosinophil-activating factor. Serum from humans with S. mansoni did induce schistosomulum killing in vitro when tested under these same conditions. These results suggest that the mechanism of immunity to schistosomes induced by Fasciola antigens at the level of the schistosomula is mediated by factors other than eosinophils.  相似文献   

Tegumental glycoproteins of Schistosoma mansoni cercariae, mechanically produced 24-hr and 48-hr schistosomula, and adult worms were radioiodinated with the Bolton-Hunter reagent, then isolated by lectin affinity chromatography. SDS-PAGE revealed Con A binding glycoproteins with apparent molecular weights of 180,000, 150,000, 43,000, and 30,000 in detergent extracts of the tegument of cercariae. These glycoproteins are retained by 24-hr mechanically produced, cultured schistosomula and are accompanied by the appearance of 2 additional labeled glycoproteins, mol. wt. 66,000 and 57,000. In 48-hr schistosomula, there is a marked increase in the relative size of the 66,000 mol. wt. peak. In contrast, the 57,000 mol. wt. glycoprotein is the major radiolabeled Con A binding component of the adult tegument; the other peaks are either reduced or absent in adults. Similar findings were obtained following affinity chromatography using immobilized Lens culinaris lectin or Ricinus communis agglutinin, and following metabolic labeling of glycoproteins with tritiated galactose.  相似文献   

The teguments of developing and mature cercariae, recently transformed, and 1-wk-old schistosomula and adult worms were examined for the ultrastructural location of macromolecular carbohydrates and polyelectrolytes. The surface of mature cercariae within sporocysts and cercariae released from the snail is covered by a filamentous coat which reacts with cytochemical reagents for the demonstration of vicinal glycols, but neither the coat nor the surface of the tegument plasmalemma binds cationic colloidal iron at low pH.Upon penetrating mammalian skin, the cercaria sheds its surface coat; the tegument surface of newly transformed schistosomula, older schistosomula and adult worms stains en bloc with acidic colloidal iron, as does the tegument plasmalemma of mature cercariae if the overlying filamentous coat is first removed by physicochemical means. The cercarial coat thus serves to mask anionic groups at the surface of the tegument plasmalemma which become functionally exposed after penetration of the mammalian host. The distribution of colloidal iron binding sites coincides with those for the carbohydrate-complexing phytohemmagglutnin, concanavalin A, which suggests that these membrane-fixed anions are acid mucopolysaccharides, glycoproteins or glycolipids. Carbohydrate-containing material was also localized within membrane-bound vesicles of the tegument matrix and perikarya of developing cercariae and postcercarial schistosomes, suggesting that surface mucosubstances contributing to the tegument glycocalyx of these worms are elaborated, at least in part, by the tegument itself.  相似文献   

The adult stage of Schistosoma mansoni utilizes host hemoglobin as a nutrient source. A proteolytic enzyme (SMw32) that has "hemoglobinase" activity is secreted into the parasite gut where it appears to be rapidly activated by glutathione released from host red blood cells. In the present study the expression of this proteinase, in developing schistosomula, has been correlated with digestive tract development and a dramatic rise in enzyme activity as early as Days 8-10 of culture. No evidence of the SMw32 proteinase was found in eggs, cercariae, or in newly transformed larvae. Further, the proteinase expressed at Days 8-10 is indistinguishable from the adult worm enzyme. In the larvae, indirect immunofluorescence with an anti-SMw32 monoclonal antibody showed that the proteinase is found throughout the developing cecum. The importance of cysteine proteinases to parasite development was also studied using a specific enzyme inhibitor, Ep-459. In cultures containing Ep-459 most (75%) of the schistosomula failed to survive the 18-day study period. Moreover, those that did survive showed a decrease in their growth (body length). These data suggest that the SMw32 proteinase is a developmentally regulated enzyme and that cysteine proteinase activity is essential in providing nutrients for the growth and survival of this parasite in its mammalian host. Thus, this proteinase may be an important target for chemotherapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

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