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Strains 19SMN4T and ST27MN3 were isolated from marine sediments after enrichment with 2-methylnaphthalene and were classified as Pseudomonas stutzeri genomovar 4. Four other strains, BG 2, HT20, HT24, and A7, were isolated from sulphide-oxidizing bioreactors or activated sludge affiliated with the same clade in the 16S rRNA phylogenetic tree. P. stutzeri has been recently reclassified as a new genus, Stutzerimonas, and a preliminary analysis indicated that the strains in this study were distinct from any classified Stutzerimonas and are considered representatives of phylogenomic species 4 (pgs4). Strains 19SMN4T and ST27MN3 were extensively characterized with phenotypic, chemotaxonomic, genomic and phylogenomic data. Strain 19SMN4T had a well-characterized naphthalene degradative plasmid that has been compared with other plasmids, while in strain ST27MN3, the naphthalene degradative genes were detected in the chromosome sequence. Phylogenomic analysis of the core gene sequences showed that strains 19SMN4T and ST27MN3 shared 3,995 genes and were closely related to members of the species “Stutzerimonas songnenensis” and Stutzerimonas perfectomarina, as well as to the Stutzerimonas phylogenomic species, pgs9, pgs16 and pgs24. The aggregate average nucleotide identity (ANI) indicated that strains 19SMN4T and ST27MN3 belonged to the same genomic species, whereas the genomic indices with their closest-related type strains were below the accepted species threshold (95 %). We therefore conclude that strains 19SMN4T and ST27MN3 represent a novel species of Stutzerimonas, for which the name Stutzerimonas decontaminans is proposed; the type strain is 19SMN4T (=CCUG44593T = DSM6084T = LMG18521T).  相似文献   

Artabotrys manoranjanii M. V. Ramana, J. Swamy & K. C. Mohan (Annonaceae), a new species from the foot hills of Saddle Peak National Park, north Andaman Islands, is described and illustrated. Its fleshy petals and prominent stigmas, distinguish it from all previously known species. Its affinity with A. parkinsonii Chatterjee, a Myanmar species, and A. grandiflorus King, a species from Malayan peninsula, is deliberated.  相似文献   

A new group of anaerobic thermophilic bacteria was isolated from enrichment cultures obtained from deep sea sediments of Peru Margin collected during Leg 201 of the Ocean Drilling Program. A total of ten isolates were obtained from cores of 1–2 m below seafloor (mbsf) incubated at 60°C: three isolates came from the sediment 426 m below sea level with a surface temperature of 9°C (Site 1227), one from 252 m below sea level with a temperature of 12°C (Site 1228), and six isolates under sulfate-reducing condition from the lower slope of the Peru Trench (Site 1230). Strain JW/IW-1228P from the Site 1228 and strain JW/YJL-1230-7/2 from the Site 1230 were chosen as representatives of the two identified clades. Based on the 16S rDNA sequence analysis, these isolates represent a novel group with Thermovenabulum and Caldanaerobacter as their closest relatives. The temperature range for growth was 52–76°C with an optimum at around 68°C for JW/IW-1228P and 43–76°C with an optimum at around 64°C for JW/YJL-1230-7/2. The pH25C range for growth was from 6.3 to 9.3 with an optimum at 7.5 for JW/IW-1228P and from 5 to 9.5 with an optimum at 7.9–8.4 for JW/YJL-1230-7/2. The salinity range for growth was from 0% to 6% (w/v) for JW/IW-1228P and from 0% to 4.5% (w/v) for JW/YJL-1230-7/2. The G+C content of the DNA was 50 mol% for both JW/IW-1228P and JW/YJL-1230-7/2. DNA–DNA hybridization yielded 52% similarity between the two strains. According to 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, the isolates are located within the family, Thermoanaerobacteriaceae. Based on their morphological and physiological properties and phylogenetic analysis, it is proposed that strain JW/IW-1228PT is placed into a novel taxa, Thermosediminibacter oceani, gen. nov., sp. nov. (DSM 16646T=ATCC BAA-1034T), and JW/YJL-1230-7/2T into Thermosediminibacter litoriperuensis sp. nov. (DSM 16647T =ATCC BAA-1035T).An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Cycas dharmrajii L.J.Singh (Cycadaceae), a new species from the Andaman Islands, India is described and illustrated, and its conservation status is assessed. An abnormal branching habit of the giant trunk, its swollen base, often branched, polymorphic aerial roots, medium‐sized leaves, megasporophylls with well‐defined 10–28 paired lateral hook‐like structures and 1–3 pairs of ovules, 2‐schizo‐lysigenous mucilage canals in leaflet, and characteristic pitting on the periclinal walls of the epidermal cells of the leaflets distinguishes it from all previously known species. A key to the species of Cycas from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands is also provided.  相似文献   

A new species of wild banana, Musa paramjitiana L. J. Singh, from the Andaman Islands, India is described and illustrated, and its conservation status is assessed. A key to the species of Musa L. from Andaman and Nicobar Islands is also provided.  相似文献   

Centotheca ganeshaiahiana M. V. Ramana, Alok Chorghe, Prasanna & Sanjappa, a new species from Saddle Peak National Park, north Andaman, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India is described and illustrated. It is closely allied to C. uniflora Swallen, a Vietnamese species, but differs mainly in shorter culms, leaf blades and inflorescences, longer pedicels, spikelets with 2 fertile florets and lemmas with bulbous based hairs.  相似文献   

Zingiber pseudosquarrosum L. J. Singh & P. Singh sp. nov. (Zingiberaceae) from Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India is described and illustrated and its conservation status is evaluated. This new species seems related to Z. squarrosum Roxb. but can be distinguished by the presence of a small pseudostem, long ligule and petiole, broadly lanceolate leaves with cuneate base, caudate apex and paxillate venation, urceolate or prolate inflorescences, very long underground peduncle, long calyx, very long corolla tube, labellum deep purple red (claret) at centre, orange red (vermillion) at lateral sides with ivory (off white) spots, tip truncate and slightly notched, margin folded back, stamen with short filament, yellow orange anther, light brown ovary, blood red (cinnabar) seeds covered by a white aromatic aril. A key to the species of Zingiber Mill. from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands is also provided.  相似文献   

Two deltaproteobacterial sulfate reducers, designated strain I.8.1T and I.9.1T, were isolated from the oxygen minimum zone water column off the coast of Peru at 400 and 500 m water depth. The strains were Gram-negative, vibrio-shaped and motile. Both strains were psychrotolerant, grew optimally at 20°C at pH 7.0–8.0 and at 2.5–3.5% NaCl (w/v). The strains grew by utilizing hydrogen/acetate, C3–4 fatty acids, amino acids and glycerol as electron acceptors for sulfate reduction. Fumarate, lactate and pyruvate supported fermentative growth. Sulfate, sulfite, thiosulfate and taurin supported growth as electron acceptors. Both strains were catalase-positive and highly oxygen-tolerant, surviving 24 days of exposure to atmospheric concentrations. MK6 was the only respiratory quinone. The most prominent cellular fatty acid was iso-17:1-ω9c (18%) for strain I.8.1T and iso-17:0-ω9c (14%) for strain I.9.1T. The G+C contents of their genomic DNA were 45–46 mol%. Phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA and dsrAB gene sequences showed that both strains belong to the genus Desulfovibrio. Desulfovibrio acrylicus DSM 10141T and Desulfovibrio marinisediminis JCM 14577T represented their closest validly described relatives with pairwise 16S rRNA gene sequence identities of 98–99%. The level of DNA-DNA hybridization between strains I.8.1T and I.9.1T was 30–38%. The two strains shared 10–26% DNA-DNA relatedness with D. acrylicus. Based on a polyphasic investigation it is proposed that strains I.8.1T and I.9.1T represent a novel species for which the name Desulfovibrio oceani sp. nov. is proposed with the two subspecies D. oceani subsp. oceani (type strain, I.8.1T = DSM 21390T = JCM 15970T) and D. oceani subsp. galateae (type strain, I.9.1T = DSM 21391T = JCM 15971T).  相似文献   

A Gram-negative, non-motile, catalase-positive and oxidase-positive, aerobic bacterium designated as NII-0918(T) was isolated from soil sample in Western ghat forest, India. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis showed that strain NII-0918(T) belongs to the subclass α-Proteobacteria, being related to the genus Paracoccus, and sharing highest sequence similarity with Paracoccus chinensis NBRC 104937(T) (99.4%), Paracoccus marinus NBRC 100640(T) (97.3%), Paracoccus koreensis Ch05(T) (97.1%) and Paracoccus kondratievae GB(T) (97.0%). Other members of Paracoccus showed below 97.0% similarity. The DNA-DNA hybridization values between these four strains and NII-0918(T) were 44.7, 28, 32 and 41%, respectively. The major fatty acids of strain NII-0918(T) were summed feature 7 (C18:1 ω7c/ω 9t/ω 12t) (83.0%) and C18:0 (12.5%). Ubiquinone Q-10 was detected as the major respiratory quinone. The G+C content of genomic DNA of NII-0918(T) was 66.6 mol%. On the basis of physiological, morphological, chemotaxonomical and DNA-DNA hybridization data, it is proposed that strain NII-0918(T) should be placed as a novel species, for which we propose Paracoccus niistensis sp. nov. The type strain is NII-0918(T) (CCTCC AA 209055(T) = NCIM 5340(T) = KCTC 22789(T)).  相似文献   

A novel Gram-positive strain, designated NIO-1003T, was isolated from a marine sediment sample collected from the Chorao Island, Goa Provence, India. Strain NIO-1003T was found to be strictly aerobic, motile, endospore-forming rods. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences indicated that strain NIO-1003T belongs to the genus Fictibacillus and to be most closely related to Fictibacillus rigui KCTC 13278T, Fictibacillus solisalsi KCTC 13181T and Fictibacillus barbaricus DSM 14730T with 98.2, 98.0 and 97.2 % similarity and 25, 28, 39 nucleotide differences respectively. Strain NIO-1003T was characterized by having cell-wall peptidoglycan based on meso-diaminopimelic acid and MK-7 as the predominant menaquinone. The polar lipid profile exhibited the major compounds diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidylethanolamine. In addition, minor amounts of an aminophospholipid were detected. The major fatty acids were identified as ai-C15:0, iso-C15:0, ai-C17:0 and C16:0, supporting the grouping of strain NIO-1003T into the family Bacillaceae. The DNA G+C content of strain NIO-1003T was determined to be 42.6 mol%. On the basis of phenotypic properties, phylogeny and DNA–DNA hybridisation analysis, strain NIO-1003T is considered to represent a novel species of the genus Fictibacillus for which the name Fictibacillus enclensis sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is NIO-1003T (= NCIM 5458T = DSM 25142T).  相似文献   

A polyphasic analysis was carried out to clarify the taxonomic status of four marine actinomycete strains that share a phylogenetic relationship and phenotypic characteristics with the genus Salinispora. These strains formed a distinct lineage within the Salinispora 16S rRNA and gyrB trees and were found to possess a range of phenotypic properties and DNA:DNA hybridization values that distinguished them from the type strains of the two validly named species in this genus, Salinispora tropica (CNB-440T, ATCC BAA-916T) and Salinispora arenicola (CNH-643T, ATCC BAA-917T). The combined genotypic and phenotypic data support this conclusion. It is proposed that the strains be designated as Salinispora pacifica sp. nov., the type strain of which is CNR-114T (DSMZ YYYYT = KACC 17160T).  相似文献   

Wang  Lu  He  Wei  Gao  Zeng-Yu  Zhang  Dao-Feng  Huang  Jian-Ke  Liu  Chuang  Li  Wen-Jun  Zhang  Ai Hua 《Antonie van Leeuwenhoek》2022,115(9):1177-1185

A Gram-staining-negative, aerobic and pear-shaped bacterial strain, designated WL0036T, was isolated from coastal sediment sample collected in Nantong city, Jiangsu province of China (120° 51′ 13″ E, 32° 6′ 26″ N) in October 2020. Strain WL0036T was found to grow at 20–37 °C (optimum, 28 °C) with 0–9.0% NaCl (optimum, 2.5–4.0%) and displayed alkaliphilic growth with the pH range of pH 6.0–10.0 (optimum, pH 7.0–8.0). The polar lipids profile of strain WL0036T included phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, glycolipid and an unidentified lipid. The major isoprenoid quinone was determined to be Q-11 and the major fatty acids were C16:0, 11-methyl-C18:1ω7c, and summed features 8 (C18:1ω6c and/or C18:1ω7c). The G?+?C content of genomic DNA was 61.8%. Phylogenetic trees constructed based on 16S rRNA gene sequence and bac120 gene set (a collection of 120 single-copy protein sequences prevalent in bacteria) indicted that strain WL0036T clustered with strains Hyphomonas neptunium ATCC 15444T and H. polymorpha PS728T. The average nucleotide identities between strain WL0036T and strains H. neptunium ATCC 15444T and H. polymorpha PS728T were 80.7% and 81.2%, respectively. Strain WL0036T showed 22.8% and 23.2% of digital DNA-DNA hybridization identities with H. neptunium ATCC 15444T and H. polymorpha PS728T, respectively. As inferred from the phenotypic and genotypic characteristics and the phylogenetic trees, strain WL0036T ought to be recognized as a novel species in genus Hyphomonas, for which the name Hyphomonas sediminis sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is WL0036T (=?MCCC 1K05843T?=?JCM 34658T?=?GDMCC 1.2413T).


A novel Gram-negative, spiral shaped, motile bacterium, designated strain NIO-S6T, was isolated from a sediment sample collected from Off-shore Rameswaram, Tamilnadu, India. Strain NIO-S6T was found to be positive for oxidase, DNase and lysine decarboxylase activities and negative for catalase, gelatinase, lipase, ornithine decarboxylase, nitrate reductase, aesculinase, amylase and urease activities. The fatty acids were determined to be dominated by C10:0 3OH, C16:0, C16:1 and C18:1. Strain NIO-S6T contains Q-8 as the major respiratory quinone. The DNA G+C content of the strain NIO-S6T was determined to be 49.5 ± 0.6 mol %. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequence of strain NIO-S6T indicated Oceanospirillum linum and Oceanospirillum maris of the family Oceanospirillaceae (phylum Proteobacteria) are the closest related species with sequence similarities of 98.4 and 97.8 % respectively. Other members of the family showed sequence similarities <96.4 %. However, DNA–DNA hybridization with Oceanospirillum linum LMG 5214T and Oceanospirillum maris LMG 5213T showed a relatedness of 31.5 and 46.9 % with respect to strain NIO-S6T. Based on the phenotypic characteristics and on phylogenetic inference, strain NIO-S6T is proposed as a novel species of the genus Oceanospirillum as Oceanospirillum nioense sp. nov. and the type strain is NIO-S6T (=MTCC 11154T = KCTC 32008T).  相似文献   

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