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A recombinant Escherichia coli HB101(pPAKS2) producing penicillin acylase was cultured in a membrane cell recycle fermentor. The strain was very stable throughout the whole experiment. The main inhibitory by-product was acetic acid, and cell growth ceased when its concentration was above 14 g/L Cell density could be increased up to 145 g/L dry weight without experiencing by-product inhibition by regulating glucose concentration in the fermentor and by using total membrane recycle. Acetic acid formation was negligible not only when cells were cultured in medium containing no glucose but also when glucose was limited. Dissolved oxygen control as well as glucose limitation was an indispensable condition for minimizing acetic acid formation when the medium contained glucose. Low concentrations of accumulated acetic acid were reused when glucose was limited. Use of highly concentrated medium reduced the membrane surface area required for cell recycle greatly. The recycle fermentor could be operated in various operational modes including partial bleed and repeated recycle culture to give high productivity. Productivity of a repeated recycle system was over 10 times higher than that of a simple batch system.  相似文献   

A strain of E. coli 9633 harboring pGL-5 is employed to develop the process producing penicillin G acylase (PGA). Medium studies show that 0.8% glucose is a proper initial carbon source concentration in the start medium. Whereas, study of nitrogen sources in the production medium exhibits that 2% soybean meat hydrolysate and 0.5% casein hydrolysate give the best result in terms of cell concentration. High cell density culture is carried out through the application of oxygen enrichment aeration (OEA). With the treatment of OEA, the cell concentration and specific PGA activity raise to 2.1 and 1.4 times, respectively, as compared to those without OEA. In a 75 l fermentor, the cell concentration can reach 323 (g wet cell weight/l) with a specific PGA activity of 47 (IU/g w.w.) after 24?h under OEA treatment. This means that the PGA activity of the broth can reach 15 (IU/ml).  相似文献   

利用纸片显色方法,从土壤甲诀速筛选出98株产胞外青霉素酰化酶的菌种,经复筛其中10株酶活力较高,经鉴定均属于巨大芽孢杆菌。经单株分离得46号菌,用这株菌进行了产酶条件的研究,在最适产酶条件下,酶话力比开始提高了3.6倍。在此基础上又进行了物理化学因素处理,得突变株UL-81,酶活力达720u/1 Ooml发酵液。对原株和突变株进行比较,发现UL-81菌落、细胞形态、诱导剂苯乙酸用量及添加时间等明显不同于原株。在500L罐发酵酶活达8 20u/1OOml发酵液,为开始酶活的16倍。  相似文献   

A mutant strain of E. coli EP1 harbouring pGL-5 was employed to develop a process for producing penicillin G acylase (PGA). In comparison with different carbon sources in the medium, it was found that the specific levels of PGA activity obtained in the glucose medium were the lowest. which was likely due to catabolic repression. Phenylacetic acid (PAA) was previously reported to be an regulatory inducer for PGA production, whereas in this study, the addition of PAA repressed both cell growth and enzyme expression. In a fed-batch culture, the increase of specific PGA activity followed the pattern of the cell concentration during the early to middle cell growth phase. With application of pure oxygen aeration and an appropriate medium design, the cell concentration reached 162 (g wet weight/l), which was 2.4 times higher compared to that of the original operation, and a specific PGA activity of 37 (IU/g wet weight) was achieved after 12 h of cultivation.  相似文献   

During batch cultivation ofEscherichia coli in a medium deficient in inorganic phosphate, the growth curve after exhaustion of phosphate is linear. Results obtained in batch cultivation were used for deriving expressions for bacterial growth at a constant rate in a single-and multi-stage continuous system. It was found experimentally that the theoretical relations derived are satisfactory.  相似文献   

A rapid, continuous, colorimetric enzyme assay for penicillin G acylase has been developed. The assay measures the formation of the acidic products of penicillin G hydrolysis by following the decrease in pH using Phenol Red as an indicator. The activity measured is directly proportional to the amount of enzyme added to the assay, having a linear relationship with an R 2 value of 0.9994.  相似文献   

При трехступенчатой проточной культивации штаммаЕscherichia coli SZÚ В питательной среде с повышениением концентраци хлортетрациклина быстро наступает адаптаця к этому антибитику. Процесс адаптации протекает интенсивнее у ?изиологически более молодых клеток в первых двух ступенях культивации, но достигает максимума в конечной стадии развития клеточой поиуляции. Полученные результаты говораят микроорганизмов к антибиотикам, а, быть может, и к другим ингибиторам.  相似文献   

Summary Escherichia coli cells with penicillin acylase activity were permeabilized with aqueous solutions of the cationic detergent N-cetyl-N,N,N-trimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), at pH 8.0 and the activity was found to have almost doubled. The concentration of CTAB, the time and temperature of treatment were optimised for maximum enzyme activity and were found to be 0.2%, 20 min and 5°C respectively. Subsequently, the cell bound activity was retained for a longer period by chemical cross-linking with 0.1% glutaraldehyde.  相似文献   

Thermal denaturation of penicillin acylase (PA) from Escherichia coli has been studied by high-sensitivity differential scanning calorimetry as a function of heating rate, pH and urea concentration. It is shown to be irreversible and kinetically controlled. Upon decrease in the heating rate from 2 to 0.1 K min(-1) the denaturation temperature of PA at pH 6.0 decreases by about 6 degrees C, while the denaturation enthalpy does not change notably giving an average value of 31.6+/-2.1 J g(-1). The denaturation temperature of PA reaches a maximum value of 64.5 degrees C at pH 6.0 and decreases by about of 15 degrees C at pH 3.0 and 9.5. The pH induced changes in the denaturation enthalpy follow changes in the denaturation temperature. Increasing the urea concentration causes a decrease in both denaturation temperature and enthalpy of PA, where denaturation temperature obeys a linear relation. The heat capacity increment of PA is not sensitive to the heating rate, nor to pH, and neither to urea. Its average value is of 0.58+/-0.02 J g(-1) K(-1). The denaturation transition of PA is approximated by the Lumry-Eyring model. The first stage of the process is assumed to be a reversible unfolding of the alpha-subunit. It activates the second stage involving dissociation of two subunits and subsequent denaturation of the beta-subunit. This stage is irreversible and kinetically controlled. Using this model the temperature, enthalpy and free energy of unfolding of the alpha-subunit, and a rate constant of the irreversible stage are determined as a function of pH and urea concentration. Structural features of the folded and unfolded conformation of the alpha-subunit as well as of the transition state of the PA denaturation in aqueous and urea solutions are discussed.  相似文献   

比较研究了几种破碎大肠杆菌细胞的方法,如渗透压法、超声波法、玻珠震碎法、玻珠研磨法、有机溶剂法、冻融法以及盐酸胍/EDTA法等,以确定出一种简单、快速、高效的破碎重组大肠杆菌细胞的方法获得粪产碱杆菌青霉素G酰化酶(AfPGA)用于后续试验。结果表明玻珠震碎法、超声波法和渗透压法是较优的细胞破碎方法,活力回收率分别为99.7%、78.4%、60.7%,其他方法均低于22%。而比活力以渗透压法为最高,达到4.40 U/mg。  相似文献   

以重组大肠杆菌发酵生产胆固醇氧化酶,依据溶解氧的变化控制底物的流加速率,实现了重组大肠杆菌的高密度培养,最高密度达85(OD600)。在此基础上确定了最佳的诱导时机为发酵中期,菌体产酶水平达5830.6tJ/L,产酶速率为971.77U·L^-1·h^-1,生产强度为388.71U·L^-1·h^-1,实现了胆固醇氧化酶的高效生产。  相似文献   

The synthesis of 2-nitro-5-[(hexanoyl)-amino]-benzoic acid and 2-nitro-5-[(octanoyl)-amino]-benzoic acid as chromogenic substrates for the determination of aliphatic penicillin acylase activity is described. During enzymatic hydrolysis, the released chromophore, 2-nitro-5-amino-benzoic acid, was detected at 405 nm. Penicillin acylase from Streptomyces lavendulae had an appreciable activity towards these substrates, which can then be used to detect penicillin acylases able to cleave hexanoyl and octanoyl residues off synthetic amides as well as penicillin dihydroF and penicillin K, their natural analogues.  相似文献   

High density cell culture by membrane-based cell recycle   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Enhancement of productivity of a bioprocess necessitates continuous operation of bioreactors with high biomass concentrations than are possible in conventional batch, fedbatch or continuous modes of culture. Membrane-based cell recycle has been effectively used to maintain high cell concentrations in bioreactors. This review compares membranebased cell recycle operation with other such high density cell culture systems as immobilized cell reactors and reactors with cell recycle by centrifugation or gravity sedimentation. A theoretical of production of primary and secondary metabolites in membrane-based recycle systems is presented. Operation of this type of system is discussed with examples from aerobic and anaerobic fermentations.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli cells with penicillin acylase activity were sequentially treated at pH 7.8 with aqueous solutions of N-cetyl-N,N,N-trimethylammonium bromide and glutaraldehyde and then immobilized within porous polyacrylamide beads. The immobilized whole cells showed enhanced hydrolysis rates in the conversion of benzylpenicillin to 6-aminopenicillanic acid (6-APA) compared to untreated cells immobilized and used under identical conditions. The immobilized system showed no apparent loss in enzyme activity when used repeatedly over 90 cycles for 6-APA production from 4% benzylpenicillin.  相似文献   

After transfer to a thymine-containing medium the DNA synthesis did not increase with increasing intervals of thymine starvation. On the other hand, the starvation interrupted at regular intervals by 5 min thymine pulses resulted in an increased DNA synthesis. Induction of a bacteriophage which is prevented by the pulses is discussed as a possible reason for the observed difference in kinetics of the DNA synthesis following continuous and interrupted thymine starvation. Turbidity of the culture increased roughly three times, both during the continuous and the interrupted thymine starvation. The increase of the turbidity after prolonged interrupted starvation was lower than that which would correspond to the observed increase of the DNA synthesis according to the hypothesis of a critical mass of the cell resulting in the initiation (Donachie, 1968).  相似文献   

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