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Two populations of node monocilia initiate left-right asymmetry in the mouse   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
McGrath J  Somlo S  Makova S  Tian X  Brueckner M 《Cell》2003,114(1):61-73
The vertebrate body plan has conserved handed left-right (LR) asymmetry that is manifested in the heart, lungs, and gut. Leftward flow of extracellular fluid at the node (nodal flow) is critical for normal LR axis determination in the mouse. Nodal flow is generated by motile node cell monocilia and requires the axonemal dynein, left-right dynein (lrd). In the absence of lrd, LR determination becomes random. The cation channel polycystin-2 is also required to establish LR asymmetry. We show that lrd localizes to a centrally located subset of node monocilia, while polycystin-2 is found in all node monocilia. Asymmetric calcium signaling appears at the left margin of the node coincident with nodal flow. These observations suggest that LR asymmetry is established by an entirely ciliary mechanism: motile, lrd-containing monocilia generate nodal flow, and nonmotile polycystin-2 containing cilia sense nodal flow initiating an asymmetric calcium signal at the left border of the node.  相似文献   

The cell populations and morphogenetic movements that contribute to the formation of the avian primitive streak and organizer-Hensen's node-are poorly understood. We labeled selected groups of cells with fluorescent dyes and then followed them over time during formation and progression of the primitive streak and formation of Hensen's node. We show that (1) the primitive streak arises from a localized population of epiblast cells spanning the caudal midline of Koller's sickle, with the mid-dorsal cells of the primitive streak arising from the midline of the epiblast overlying Koller's sickle and the deeper and more lateral primitive streak cells arising more laterally within the epiblast overlying the sickle, from an arch subtending about 30 degrees; (2) convergent extension movements of cells in the epiblast overlying Koller's sickle contribute to formation of the initial primitive streak; and (3) Hensen's node is derived from a mixture of cells originating both from the epiblast just rostral to the incipient (stage 2) primitive streak and later from the epiblast just rostral to the elongating (stage 3a/b) primitive streak, as well as from the rostral tip of the progressing streak itself. Collectively, these results provide new information on the formation of the avian primitive streak and organizer, increasing our understanding of these important events of early development of amniotes.  相似文献   

Most animals exhibit stable left-right asymmetries in their body. Although significant progress has been made in elucidating the mechanisms that set up these asymmetries in vertebrates, nothing is known about them in Drosophila. This is usually attributed to the fact that no reversals of stable left-right asymmetries have been observed in Drosophila, although relevant surveys have been carried out. We have focused on the asymmetry of the proventriculus in the embryonic gut of Drosophila, an aspect of left-right asymmetry that is extremely stable in wild-type flies. We show that this asymmetry can be reversed by mutations in the dicephalic and wunen genes, which also cause reversals in the antero-posterior axis of the embryo relative to its mother. This is the first observation to suggest that left-right asymmetries in Drosophila can be reversed by genetic/developmental manipulations. It also suggests that maternal signals may initiate the specification of some left-right asymmetries in the embryo.  相似文献   

The invariant left-right asymmetry of animal body plans raises fascinating questions in cell, developmental, evolutionary, and neuro-biology. While intermediate mechanisms (e.g., asymmetric gene expression) have been well-characterized, very early steps remain elusive. Recent studies suggested a candidate for the origins of asymmetry: rotary movement of extracellular morphogens by cilia during gastrulation. This model is intellectually satisfying, because it bootstraps asymmetry from the intrinsic biochemical chirality of cilia. However, conceptual and practical problems remain with this hypothesis, and the genetic data is consistent with a different mechanism. Based on wide-ranging data on ion fluxes and motor protein action in a number of species, a model is proposed whereby laterality is generated much earlier, by asymmetric transport of ions, which results in pH/voltage gradients across the midline. These asymmetries are in turn generated by a new candidate for "step 1": asymmetric localization of electrogenic proteins by cytoplasmic motors.  相似文献   

The first two lineages to differentiate from a pluripotent cell population during mammalian development are the extraembryonic trophectoderm (TE) and the primitive endoderm (PrE). Whereas the mechanisms of TE specification have been extensively studied, segregation of PrE and the pluripotent epiblast (EPI) has received comparatively little attention. A current model of PrE specification suggests PrE precursors exhibit an apparently random distribution within the inner cell mass of the early blastocyst and then segregate to their final position lining the cavity by the late blastocyst. We have identified platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha (Pdgfralpha) as an early-expressed protein that is also a marker of the later PrE lineage. By combining live imaging of embryos expressing a histone H2B-GFP fusion protein reporter under the control of Pdgfra regulatory elements with the analysis of lineage-specific markers, we investigated the events leading to PrE and EPI lineage segregation in the mouse, and correlated our findings using an embryo staging system based on total cell number. Before blastocyst formation, lineage-specific factors are expressed in an overlapping manner. Subsequently, a gradual progression towards a mutually exclusive expression of PrE- and EPI-specific markers occurs. Finally, cell sorting is achieved by a variety of cell behaviours and by selective apoptosis.  相似文献   

This study characterizes defects associated with abnormal mesoderm development in mouse embryos homozygous for the induced Ednrb(s-1Acrg) allele of the piebald deletion complex. The Ednrb(s-1Acrg) deletion results in recessive embryonic lethality and mutant embryos exhibit a truncated posterior body axis. The primitive streak and node become disfigured, consistent with evidence that cell migration is impaired in newly formed mesoderm. Additional defects related to mesoderm development include notochord degeneration, somite malformations, and abnormal vascular development. Arrested heart looping morphogenesis and a randomized direction of embryonic turning indicate that left-right development is also perturbed. The expression of nodal and leftb, Tgf-beta-related genes involved in a left-determinant signaling pathway, is variably lost in the left lateral plate mesoderm. Mutational analysis has demonstrated that Fgf8 and Brachyury (T) are required for normal mesoderm and left-right development and the asymmetric expression of nodal and leftb. Fgf8 expression in nascent mesoderm exiting the primitive streak is dramatically reduced in mutant embryos, and diminished T expression accompanies the progressive loss of paraxial, lateral, and primitive streak mesoderm. In contrast, axial mesoderm persists and T and nodal appear to be appropriately expressed in their specific domains in the node and notochord. We propose that this mutation disrupts a morphogenetic pathway, likely involving FGF signaling, important for the development of streak-derived posterior mesoderm and lateral morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The relation between the role of the organizer at the gastrula stage and the activity of earlier signals in the specification, maintenance, and regionalization of the developing brain anlage is still controversial. Mouse embryos homozygous for null mutation in the cripto gene die at about 9.0 days postcoitum (d.p.c.) and fail to gastrulate and to form the node (the primary organizer). Here, we study the presence and the distribution of anterior neural plate molecular domains in cripto null mutants. We demonstrate that, in cripto(-/-) embryos, the main prosencephalic and mesencephalic regions are present and that they assume the correct topological organization. The identity of the anterior neural domains is maintained in mutant embryos at 8.5 d.p.c., as well as in mutant explants dissected at 8.5 d.p.c. and cultured in vitro for 24 h. Our data imply the existence of a stable neural regionalization of anterior character inside the cripto(-/-) embryos, despite the failure in both the gastrulation process and node formation. These results suggest that, in mouse embryos, the specification of the anterior neural identities can be maintained without an absolute requirement for the embryonic mesoderm and the node.  相似文献   

Three classes of signaling molecule, VG1, WNT and BMP, play crucial roles in axis formation in the chick embryo. Although VG1 and WNT signals have a pivotal function in inducing the primitive streak and Hensen's node in the embryo midline, their action is complemented by that of BMP antagonists that protect the prospective axial tissue from the inhibitory influence of BMPs secreted from the periphery. We have previously reported that a secreted factor, chick Tsukushi (TSK), is expressed in the primitive streak and Hensen's node, where it works as a BMP antagonist. Here, we describe a new crucial function for TSK in promoting formation of the primitive streak and Hensen's node by positively regulating VG1 activity. We provide evidence that TSK directly binds VG1 in vitro, and that TSK and VG1 functionally interact in axis formation, as shown by biological assays performed in chick and Xenopus embryos. Furthermore, we show that alternative splicing of TSK RNA leads to the formation of two isoforms (TSKA, originally designated as TSK, and TSKB) that differ in their C-terminal region. Biochemical and biological assays indicate that TSKB is a much weaker BMP antagonist than TSKA, although both isoforms efficiently interact with VG1. Remarkably, although both TSKA and TSKB are expressed throughout the early extending primitive streak, their expression patterns diverge during gastrulation. TSKA expression concentrates in Hensen's node, a well-known source of anti-BMP signals, whereas TSKB accumulates in the middle primitive streak (MPS), a region known to work as a node-inducing center where VG1 expression is also specifically localized. Loss-of-function experiments demonstrate that TSKB, but not TSKA, function is required in the MPS for induction of Hensen's node. Taken together, these results indicate that TSK isoforms play a crucial role in chick axis formation by locally modulating VG1 and BMP activities during gastrulation.  相似文献   

Adeno-associated virus (AAV) is so far the most valuable vehicle for gene therapy because it has no association with immune response and human disease. The present study was conducted to investigate the feasibility of AAV-mediated BMP4 gene transfer for bone formation. In vitro study suggested that AAV-BMP4 vectors could transduce myoblast C2C12 cells and produce osteogenic BMP4. In vivo study demonstrated that new bone formation could be induced by direct injection of AAV-BMP4 into the skeletal muscle of immunocompetent rats. Histological analysis revealed that the newly formed bone was induced through endochondral mechanism. Immunohistochemical staining further demonstrated that AAV-BMP4 gene delivery could mediate long-term transduction, and the involvement of BMP4 expression was responsible for the endochondral ossification. This study is, to our knowledge, the first report in the field of AAV-based BMP gene transfer and should be promising for clinical orthopaedic applications.  相似文献   

The strength and spatiotemporal activity of Nodal signaling is tightly controlled in early implantation mouse embryos, including by autoregulation and feedback loops, and involves secreted and intracellular antagonists. These control mechanisms, which are established at the extra-embryonic/embryonic interfaces, are essential for anterior-posterior patterning of the epiblast and correct positioning of the primitive streak. Formation of an ectopic primitive streak, or streak expansion, has previously been reported in mutants lacking antagonists that target Nodal signaling. Here, we demonstrate that loss-of-function of a major bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) effector, Smad5, results in formation of an ectopic primitive streak-like structure in mutant amnion accompanied by ectopic Nodal expression. This suggests that BMP/Smad5 signaling contributes to negative regulation of Nodal. In cultured cells, we find that BMP-activated Smad5 antagonizes Nodal signaling by interfering with the Nodal-Smad2/4-Foxh1 autoregulatory pathway through the formation of an unusual BMP4-induced Smad complex containing Smad2 and Smad5. Quantitative expression analysis supports that ectopic Nodal expression in the Smad5 mutant amnion is induced by the Nodal autoregulatory loop and a slow positive-feedback loop. The latter involves BMP4 signaling and also induction of ectopic Wnt3. Ectopic activation of these Nodal feedback loops in the Smad5 mutant amnion results in the eventual formation of an ectopic primitive streak-like structure. We conclude that antagonism of Nodal signaling by BMP/Smad5 signaling prevents primitive streak formation in the amnion of normal mouse embryos.  相似文献   

In the mouse, the initial signals that establish left-right (LR) asymmetry are determined in the node by nodal flow. These signals are then transferred to the lateral plate mesoderm (LPM) through cellular and molecular mechanisms that are not well characterized. We hypothesized that endoderm might play a role in this process because it is tightly apposed to the node and covers the outer surface of the embryo, and, just after nodal flow is established, higher Ca(2+) flux has been reported on the left side near the node, most likely in the endoderm cells. Here we studied the role of endoderm cells in the transfer of the LR asymmetry signal by analyzing mouse Sox17 null mutant embryos, which possess endoderm-specific defects. Sox17(-/-) embryos showed no expression or significantly reduced expression of LR asymmetric genes in the left LPM. In Sox17 mutant endoderm, the localization of connexin proteins on the cell membrane was greatly reduced, resulting in defective gap junction formation, which appeared to be caused by incomplete development of organized epithelial structures. Our findings suggest an essential role of endoderm cells in the signal transfer step from the node to the LPM, possibly using gap junction communication to establish the LR axis of the mouse.  相似文献   

Avian embryos have a remarkable capacity to regulate: when a pre-primitive streak stage embryo is cut into fragments, each fragment can spontaneously initiate formation of a complete embryonic axis. We investigate the signalling pathways that initiate primitive streak formation and the mechanisms that ensure that only a single axis normally forms. As reported previously, an ectopic primitive streak can be induced by misexpression of Vg1 in the marginal zone. We now show that Vg1 induces an inhibitor that travels across the embryo (3 mm distance) in less than 6 hours. We provide evidence that this inhibitor acts early in the cascade of events downstream of Vg1. We also show that FGF signalling is required for primitive streak formation, in cooperation with Nodal and Chordin. We suggest that three sequential inhibitory steps ensure that a single axis develops in the normal embryo: an early inhibitor that spreads throughout the embryo (which can be induced by Vg1), a second inhibition by Cerberus from the underlying hypoblast, and finally a late inhibition from Lefty emitted by the primitive streak itself.  相似文献   

Presence of specific growth factors and feeder layers are thought to be important for in vitro embryonic stem cell (ESCs) differentiation. In this study, the effect of bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4) and mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) co-culture system on germ cell differentiation from mouse ESCs was evaluated. One-day-old embryoid body was cultured for 4?d in simple culture systems or on top of the MEFs, both in the presence or absence of BMP4. Data showed significant higher viability percent and proliferation rate in simple culture media compared to co-culture systems. Analysis of gene expression indicated that the germ cell-specific genes (VASA and Stra8) were expressed in a significant higher ratio in BMP4-treated cells in simple culture system. Also, the results of immunocytochemistry in simple culture systems showed that the mean percentage of immunostaining cells of VASA, the primordial germ cell (PGC) marker, was increased significantly in BMP4-treated cells compared with BMP4-free group. Meanwhile, CDH1, the late premiotic germ cell marker, showed no significant difference between these two groups. The results suggest that BMP4 is an efficient inducer in PGC derivation from mouse ESC. However, the employment of MEFs as feeder has no apparent effect on PGC derivation.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic protein 11 (BMP11) is a key regulatory protein in skeletal development. BMP11 propeptide has been shown to antagonize GDF11 activity in vitro. To explore the role of BMP11 propeptide in skeletal formation in vivo, we generated transgenic mice with skeleton-specific overexpression of BMP11 propeptide cDNA. The mice showed a transformation of the seventh cervical vertebra into a thoracic vertebra in our previous report. Presently, further characterizations of the transgenic mice indicated that ossification in calvatia was dramatically enhanced in transgenic fetuses at 16.5 dpc in comparison with their wild-type littermates. At 10 weeks of age, bone mineral content and bone mineral density were significantly (P<0.05) higher in transgenic mice than that in their wild-type littermates based on dual energy X-ray absorptiometry analysis. The relative trabecular bone volume measured by histological analysis was dramatically increased in transgenic mice compared with their wild-type littermates. The enhanced bone formations in the transgenic mice appear to result from increase osteoblast activities as the expressions of four osteoblast markers - α1 type 1 collagen, osteocalcin, alkaline phosphatase and phex were significantly higher in transgenic fetuses than that in their wild-type littermates. These results suggest that over-expression of BMP11 propeptide stimulates bone formation by increasing osteoblast cell functions.  相似文献   

During mouse gastrulation, the primitive streak is formed on the posterior side of the embryo. Cells migrate out of the primitive streak to form the future mesoderm and endoderm. Fate mapping studies revealed a group of cell migrate through the proximal end of the primitive streak and give rise to the extraembryonic mesoderm tissues such as the yolk sac blood islands and allantois. However, it is not clear whether the formation of a morphological primitive streak is required for the development of these extraembryonic mesodermal tissues. Loss of the Cripto gene in mice dramatically reduces, but does not completely abolish, Nodal activity leading to the absence of a morphological primitive streak. However, embryonic erythrocytes are still formed and assembled into the blood islands. In addition, Cripto mutant embryos form allantoic buds. However, Drap1 mutant embryos have excessive Nodal activity in the epiblast cells before gastrulation and form an expanded primitive streak, but no yolk sac blood islands or allantoic bud formation. Lefty2 embryos also have elevated levels of Nodal activity in the primitive streak during gastrulation, and undergo normal blood island and allantois formation. We therefore speculate that low level of Nodal activity disrupts the formation of morphological primitive streak on the posterior side, but still allows the formation of primitive streak cells on the proximal side, which give rise to the extraembryonic mesodermal tissues formation. Excessive Nodal activity in the epiblast at pre‐gastrulation stage, but not in the primitive streak cells during gastrulation, disrupts extraembryonic mesoderm development.  相似文献   

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