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In this research, the viability of three marine thraustochytrid isolates (fungoid protists) (WSG05, W15 and WH3) were investigated after freezing in liquid nitrogen. Five cryopreservative combinations containing horse serum, glycerol and dimethylsulfide (Me2SO) were used. The thraustochytrids were assessed directly after removal from liquid nitrogen and cell concentration measured for 10 days post-thawing. Results indicated that a combination of horse serum and Me2SO were the most effective cryoprotectants for each of the strains tested. Glycerol was only successful in producing growth in one of the strains once thawed.The protocols developed and tested in this study may have further application for cryopreserving other isolates in this class.  相似文献   

Thraustochytrids, a group of osmoheterotrophic marine protists, have recently gained increased attention owing to their spectacular biotechnological potentials. They possess enormous capability of producing omega-3 (ω-3) polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) such as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and several other bioactive metabolites, known to have nutritional implications in human health. They have emerged lately as an efficient economic alternative compared with other fish and algal oil sources by virtue of their simpler PUFA profiles and cost-effective culture conditions. This review is an attempt to summarize the ecological significance of thraustochytrids with an emphasis on their cultured and uncultured diversity from various marine habitats accounted during the last few decades. Moreover, improved technologies such as media optimization in conjugation with metabolic engineering, adopted for biotechnological advancement of ω-3 products of thraustochytrids are highlighted with particular concern on the respective fatty acid biosynthetic pathways. One of the future prospects focuses on utilization of thraustochytrids for biodiesel production owing to their tremendous potentiality of yielding low carbon monounsaturated fatty acids (LC-MUFAs). However, there is utmost need of in-depth diversity assessments from various oceanic ecosystems in order to gain insight on potential thraustochytrids for ameliorated employment toward biotechnological applications.  相似文献   

Succession of bacterivorous protists on laboratory-made marine snow   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Colonization and succession over time by bacterivorous protistson laboratory-made marine snow were analysed in five assaysduring 1994. Marine snow was made hom natural seawater usingrolling tanks. In all experiments, the macroaggregates werestable in size and consistency after the fourth day, and thecolonization and succession processes were similar. Newly formedmacre aggregates became colonized by heterotrophic nanoflagellateson the fourth day, mmt of them kinete plastids (Bodo designisand Rhynchomonns nasuta) and bicosoecids (Pseudobodo tremulansand Bicosoeca sp.). Sarcodines and ciliates appeared 1 day later.Among the former, the most abundant genus was Vannella sp.,while scuticociliates (Uronema marinum) and hypotrichs (Euplotesvannus and Aspidisca steini) were the most abundant ciliates.Most of the species observed in the study were more common tobenthic habitats than to pelagic ones. The planktonic existenceof the genera Bodo, Rhynchomonas, Bicosoeca, Euplotes and Aspidiscadepends on the presence of surfaces because they are poor swimmersor immotile, and Pseudobodo and Vannella need attachment forfeeding. The only pelagic protist observed was Uronema, probablybecause its opportunistic behaviour leads it to exploit enrichedenvironments such as marine snow. Flagellate and ciliate abundancesin laboratory-made macroaggregates were much higher than insurrounding water, which indicates that marine snow representsan enhanced habitat for protist growth.  相似文献   

Aims: To maintain axenic cultures of commercially important thraustochytrids, a novel procedure was developed for the isolation of zoospores and sporangium from heterotrophic seawater samples and axenic culture on solid media. Methods and Results: Thraustochytrid cultures were isolated from Whangapoua Harbour in North East New Zealand and subjected to two antibiotic and antifungal treatment regimes designed to eliminate bacteria and fungi. Antibiotic trial 1 was designed to determine the appropriate combination of antibiotics (including streptomycin/penicillin, ampicillin, rifampicin, nalidixic acid, tetracycline, gentamicin and the antifungal agent nystatin). Antibiotic trial 2 determined the optimal dosing frequency and concentration of the antibiotics, and antifungal found to be the most promising in trial 1. Axenic cultures were then spread plated onto nutrient agar containing the optimal antibiotic cocktail, and pure thraustochytrid colonies were purified on solid media using standard microbiological techniques. Conclusions: Removal of bacteria and fungi was best accomplished using a mixture of three antibiotics and one antifungal; rifampicin (300 mg l?1), streptomycin/penicillin (25 mg l?1) and nystatin (10 mg l?1) were incorporated in seawater samples and incorporated into cultures every 24 h for a minimum of 2 days. Significance and Impact of the Study: The axenic isolation and culture of marine thraustochytrids from a marine habitat in New Zealand have significant implications for the biotechnological development of these potentially valuable protists. This method has global significance as it is reasonable to assume it could be used throughout the world to obtain axenic thraustochytrid cultures.  相似文献   

The use of small-subunit rRNA-based oligonucleotides as probes for detecting marine nanoplanktonic protists was examined with a ciliate (an Uronema sp.), a flagellate (a Cafeteria sp.), and mixed assemblages of protists from enrichment cultures and natural seawater samples. Flow cytometry and epifluorescence microscopy analyses demonstrated that hybridizations employing fluorescein-labeled, eukaryote-specific probes intensely stained logarithmically growing protists, whereas these same protist strains in late stationary growth were barely detectable. The fluorescence intensity due to probe binding was significantly enhanced by the use of probes end labeled with biotin, which were detected by fluorescein-labeled avidin. The degree of signal amplification ranged from two- to fivefold for cultured protists in both logarithmic and stationary growth phases. Mixed assemblages of heterotrophic protists from enrichment cultures were also intensely labeled by rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes by the biotin-avidin detection system. Protists in late stationary growth phase and natural assemblages of protists that were otherwise undetectable when hybridized with fluorescein-labeled probes were easily visualized by this approach. In the latter samples, hybridization with multiple, biotin-labeled probes was necessary for detection of naturally occurring marine protists by epifluorescence microscopy. The signal amplification obtained with the biotin-avidin system should increase the utility of rRNA-targeted probes for identifying protists and facilitate characterization of the population structure and distribution of protists in aquatic environments.  相似文献   

Fan KW  Vrijmoed LL  Jones EB 《Mycologia》2002,94(4):569-578
Zoospores of mangrove isolates of Schizochytrium mangrovei KF6, KF7, KF12 (three strains), Thraustochytrium striatum KF9 and Ulkenia sp. KF13 were examined for their chemotactic responses to amino acids, carbohydrates, ethanol, and leaf extracts using a capillary root model. Most leaf extracts of mangrove plants and a marsh grass tested were shown to induce moderate chemotactic responses in zoospores of both S. mangrovei KF6 and Ulkenia sp. KF13. Of the remaining amino acids and carbohydrates evaluated, glutamic acid and pectin induced strong attraction in zoospores of S. mangrovei KF6 and Ulkenia sp. KF13, suggesting these are the major components in leaves which may be responsible for the chemotactic response of thraustochytrid zoospores in nature. Zoospores of T. striatum KF9, in general, showed a weak chemotactic response to all the tested compounds and extracts except cellulose, which elicited a moderate response. The ecological significance of the data presented is discussed.  相似文献   

Marine heterotrophic microbes are capable of accumulating large amounts of lipids, omega-3 fatty acids, carotenoids, and have potential for biodiesel production. Pollen baiting using Pinus radiata pollen grain along with direct plating techniques were used in this study as techniques for the isolation of oil-producing marine thraustochytrid species from Queenscliff, Victoria, Australia. Thirteen isolates were obtained using either direct plating or using pine pollen, with pine pollen acting as a specific substrate for the surface attachment of thraustochytrids. The isolates obtained from the pollen baiting technique showed a wide range of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) accumulation, from 11 to 41 % of total fatty acid content (TFA). Direct plating isolates showed a moderate range of DHA accumulation, from 19 to 25 % of TFA. Seven isolates were identified on the basis of 18S rRNA sequencing technique as Thraustochytrium species, Schizochytrium species, and Ulkenia species. Although both methods appear to result in the isolation of similar strains, pollen baiting proved to be a simpler method for the isolation of these relatively slow-growing organisms.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of marine protistan communities in the presence of organic macroaggregates, formed from natural seawater, was studied in several microcosm experiments. The presence of macroaggregates had two main effects. First, the size of the communities of bacteria, flagellates and ciliates increased, as these communities were three orders of magnitude higher in the aggregates than in the microcosm water. In addition, it brought the diversification on the niches accessible to planktonic microorganisms, as three phases were formed: water, aggregates and aggregate-water interphase. Some of the detected protistan taxa were only found in the water, and therefore they can be considered as truly free-swimming protists. Others quickly colonised the aggregates, and finally, some of them showed a preference for the aggregate-water interphase. We discuss this spatial structuring of the protistan community on the basis of their feeding strategies and structural and behavioural characteristics.  相似文献   

Changes in ocean temperature and circulation patterns compounded by human activities are leading to oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) expansion with concomitant alteration in nutrient and climate active trace gas cycling. Here, we report the response of microbial eukaryote populations to seasonal changes in water column oxygen-deficiency using Saanich Inlet, a seasonally anoxic fjord on the coast of Vancouver Island British Columbia, as a model ecosystem. We combine small subunit ribosomal RNA gene sequencing approaches with multivariate statistical methods to reveal shifts in operational taxonomic units during successive stages of seasonal stratification and renewal. A meta-analysis is used to identify common and unique patterns of community composition between Saanich Inlet and the anoxic/sulfidic Cariaco Basin (Venezuela) and Framvaren Fjord (Norway) to show shared and unique responses of microbial eukaryotes to oxygen and sulfide in these three environments. Our analyses also reveal temporal fluctuations in rare populations of microbial eukaryotes, particularly anaerobic ciliates, that may be of significant importance to the biogeochemical cycling of methane in OMZs.  相似文献   

Recent applications of culture-independent, molecular methods have revealed unexpectedly high diversity in a variety of functional and phylogenetic groups of microorganisms in the ocean. However, none of the existing research tools are free from significant limitations, such as PCR and cloning biases, low phylogenetic resolution and others. Here, we employed novel, single-cell sequencing techniques to assess the composition of small (<10 μm diameter), heterotrophic protists from the Gulf of Maine. Single cells were isolated by flow cytometry, their genomes amplified, and 18S rRNA marker genes were amplified and sequenced. We compared the results to traditional environmental PCR cloning of sorted cells. The diversity of heterotrophic protists was significantly higher in the library of single amplified genomes (SAGs) than in environmental PCR clone libraries of the 18S rRNA gene, obtained from the same coastal sample. Libraries of SAGs, but not clones contained several recently discovered, uncultured groups, including picobiliphytes and novel marine stramenopiles. Clone, but not SAG, libraries contained several large clusters of identical and nearly identical sequences of Dinophyceae, Cercozoa and Stramenopiles. Similar results were obtained using two alternative primer sets, suggesting that PCR biases may not be the only explanation for the observed patterns. Instead, differences in the number of 18S rRNA gene copies among the various protist taxa probably had a significant role in determining the PCR clone composition. These results show that single-cell sequencing has the potential to more accurately assess protistan community composition than previously established methods. In addition, the creation of SAG libraries opens opportunities for the analysis of multiple genes or entire genomes of the uncultured protist groups.  相似文献   

Three strains of the marine dinoflagellate Alexandrium ostenfeldiiof different geographic origin were tested for their short-termdeleterious effects on a diversity of marine protists. All A.ostenfeldii strains were capable of eliciting an apparent allelochemicalresponse, but the various protistan target species were differentiallyaffected. Protists that were negatively affected by exposureto cells of A. ostenfeldii and associated extracellular metabolitescomprised both autotrophs (Rhodomonas sp., Dunaliella salina,Thalassiosira weissflogii) and heterotrophs (Oxyrrhis marina,Amphidinium crassum, Rimostrombidium caudatum). Observed effectsincluded immobilisation (e.g. of O. marina), morphological changes(e.g. in D. salina) and/or aberrant behaviour (e.g. of R. caudatum),mainly as preliminary stages of cell lysis. Immobilization andlytic effects against O. marina were strongly dependent on A.ostenfeldii cell concentrations. Effects also differed substantiallyamong strains and different batch cultures of the same strain.Values of EC50, defined as the A. ostenfeldii cell concentrationcausing lysis of 50% of O. marina cells, ranged from 0.3 to1.9 x 103 mL–1, depending on the A. ostenfeldii strain.The autotrophic dinoflagellate Scrippsiella trochoidea reactedto exposure to A. ostenfeldii cells by formation of temporary(ecdysal) cysts, whereas, in contrast, the flagellates Emilianiahuxleyi and Prymnesium parvum and the ciliate Strombidium sp.were relatively refractory or even unaffected. As long as cellsdid not lyse, the fluorescence yield of target autotrophs, estimatedby pulse-amplitude modulation fluorometry, did not significantlychange during the first 3 h of incubation, suggesting that allelochemicalsproduced by A. ostenfeldii caused no short-term negative effectson the photosynthetic apparatus. Overall, the allelochemicalresponses of target species showed no obvious relationship tocell quota or extracellular concentrations of either toxic macrocyclicimines (spirolides) or tetrahydropurine neurotoxins (saxitoxinand analogues) produced by various strains of A. ostenfeldii.Instead, the potency of A. ostenfeldii, eliciting immobilizationand lytic species-specific responses in potential predatorsand competitors, is consistent with the existence of an allelochemicalmechanism unrelated to the bioactivity of known phycotoxinsof the genus Alexandrium.  相似文献   

Around 150 lipase producing bacterial isolates were screened from the local soils enriched with oil. Citrobacrer freundii IIT-BT L139, an isolated microbial strain, produced lipase that had high activity (8.8 U/ml) at pH 9.0 and 40 degrees C. The 16S rDNA phylogenetic studies showed that Citrobacter freundii belongs to the family Enterobacteriaceae and later confirmed by the microbial identification. Suitable C and N sources for lipase production were deduced to be starch and peptone-urea, respectively. In a controlled fermenter (1 L), the lipase activity was found to increase by 36% (12 Uml(-1)). The variation of lipase activity, pH and dissolved oxygen (DO) during growth of the organism in the controlled batch fermenter were monitored. The rheological characteristics of the fermentation broth indicated that it behaved like a Newtonian fluid throughout the fermentation. The fermentation time was comparatively short (60 h). The lipase was also found to be substantially resistant to common detergents. This lipase was, thus, characterized as alkaline, thermostable and solvent stable, which was essentially desirable in pharmaceutical, detergent and other industrial applications or production.  相似文献   

This is the first report of thraustochytrids from Saudi Arabia. A total of 108 isolates of thraustochytrid were cultured from Syhat mangroves, Arabian Gulf, Saudi Arabia. Isolated thraustochytrids belonged to five genera: Aplanochytrium, Aurantiochytrium, Schizochytrium, Thraustochytrium and Ulkenia. Cultured thraustochytrids isolated from decaying leaves of Avicennia marina (77 isolates), sediment (15), seawater (10) and decaying thalli of Sargassum (6). Of the 108 isolates, three strains (SY25, SY38 and SY52) were selected based on their high biomass productivity and high percentages of PUFAs. Phylogenetic analyses based on 18S rDNA placed the three strains within the Aurantiochytrium clade with high statistical support. Species of Aurantiochytrium formed six separate clades, the two strains (SY38 and SY52) formed a separate clade that is a sister clade to the one that contains the type species A. limacinum, while SY25 grouped with Aurantiochytrium sp. TA4, that is also isolated from mangroves in Iran, Arabian Gulf. The strains (SY38 and SY52) shared the phylogenetic placement, their morphology and fatty acid profile. The strain SY25 have different shape of sporangia that divide to give zoospores directly, sporogenous cells are surrounded by thick gelatinous sheath and produce high levels of Linoleic and Oleic essential unsaturated fatty acids. The three studied strain produced high levels of Palmitic acid (ranged between 31.1 and 65.3 % of total fatty acids) that can be further optimized for biofuel production.  相似文献   

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