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The ability to predict structure from sequence is particularly important for toxins, virulence factors, allergens, cytokines, and other proteins of public health importance. Many such functions are represented in the parallel beta-helix and beta-trefoil families. A method using pairwise beta-strand interaction probabilities coupled with evolutionary information represented by sequence profiles is developed to tackle these problems for the beta-helix and beta-trefoil folds. The algorithm BetaWrapPro employs a "wrapping" component that may capture folding processes with an initiation stage followed by processive interaction of the sequence with the already-formed motifs. BetaWrapPro outperforms all previous motif recognition programs for these folds, recognizing the beta-helix with 100% sensitivity and 99.7% specificity and the beta-trefoil with 100% sensitivity and 92.5% specificity, in crossvalidation on a database of all nonredundant known positive and negative examples of these fold classes in the PDB. It additionally aligns 88% of residues for the beta-helices and 86% for the beta-trefoils accurately (within four residues of the exact position) to the structural template, which is then used with the side-chain packing program SCWRL to produce 3D structure predictions. One striking result has been the prediction of an unexpected parallel beta-helix structure for a pollen allergen, and its recent confirmation through solution of its structure. A Web server running BetaWrapPro is available and outputs putative PDB-style coordinates for sequences predicted to form the target folds.  相似文献   

One of the key components in protein structure prediction by protein threading technique is to choose the best overall template for a given target sequence after all the optimal sequence-template alignments are generated. The chosen template should have the best alignment with the target sequence since the three-dimensional structure of the target sequence is built on the sequence-template alignment. The traditional method for template selection is called Z-score, which uses a statistical test to rank all the sequence-template alignments and then chooses the first-ranked template for the sequence. However, the calculation of Z-score is time-consuming and not suitable for genome-scale structure prediction. Z-scores are also hard to interpret when the threading scoring function is the weighted sum of several energy items of different physical meanings. This paper presents a support vector machine (SVM) regression approach to directly predict the alignment accuracy of a sequence-template alignment, which is used to rank all the templates for a specific target sequence. Experimental results on a large-scale benchmark demonstrate that SVM regression performs much better than the composition-corrected Z-score method. SVM regression also runs much faster than the Z-score method.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Currently, the most accurate fold-recognition method is to perform profile-profile alignments and estimate the statistical significances of those alignments by calculating Z-score or E-value. Although this scheme is reliable in recognizing relatively close homologs related at the family level, it has difficulty in finding the remote homologs that are related at the superfamily or fold level. RESULTS: In this paper, we present an alternative method to estimate the significance of the alignments. The alignment between a query protein and a template of length n in the fold library is transformed into a feature vector of length n + 1, which is then evaluated by support vector machine (SVM). The output from SVM is converted to a posterior probability that a query sequence is related to a template, given SVM output. Results show that a new method shows significantly better performance than PSI-BLAST and profile-profile alignment with Z-score scheme. While PSI-BLAST and Z-score scheme detect 16 and 20% of superfamily-related proteins, respectively, at 90% specificity, a new method detects 46% of these proteins, resulting in more than 2-fold increase in sensitivity. More significantly, at the fold level, a new method can detect 14% of remotely related proteins at 90% specificity, a remarkable result considering the fact that the other methods can detect almost none at the same level of specificity.  相似文献   

Several fold recognition algorithms are compared to each other in terms of prediction accuracy and significance. It is shown that on standard benchmarks, hybrid methods, which combine scoring based on sequence-sequence and sequence-structure matching, surpass both sequence and threading methods in the number of accurate predictions. However, the sequence similarity contributes most to the prediction accuracy. This strongly argues that most examples of apparently nonhomologous proteins with similar folds are actually related by evolution. While disappointing from the perspective of the fundamental understanding of protein folding, this adds a new significance to fold recognition methods as a possible first step in function prediction. Despite hybrid methods being more accurate at fold prediction than either the sequence or threading methods, each of the methods is correct in some cases where others have failed. This partly reflects a different perspective on sequence/structure relationship embedded in various methods. To combine predictions from different methods, estimates of significance of predictions are made for all methods. With the help of such estimates, it is possible to develop a "jury" method, which has accuracy higher than any of the single methods. Finally, building full three-dimensional models for all top predictions helps to eliminate possible false positives where alignments, which are optimal in the one-dimensional sequences, lead to unsolvable sterical conflicts for the full three-dimensional models.  相似文献   

Zhou H  Zhou Y 《Proteins》2005,58(2):321-328
Recognizing structural similarity without significant sequence identity has proved to be a challenging task. Sequence-based and structure-based methods as well as their combinations have been developed. Here, we propose a fold-recognition method that incorporates structural information without the need of sequence-to-structure threading. This is accomplished by generating sequence profiles from protein structural fragments. The structure-derived sequence profiles allow a simple integration with evolution-derived sequence profiles and secondary-structural information for an optimized alignment by efficient dynamic programming. The resulting method (called SP(3)) is found to make a statistically significant improvement in both sensitivity of fold recognition and accuracy of alignment over the method based on evolution-derived sequence profiles alone (SP) and the method based on evolution-derived sequence profile and secondary structure profile (SP(2)). SP(3) was tested in SALIGN benchmark for alignment accuracy and Lindahl, PROSPECTOR 3.0, and LiveBench 8.0 benchmarks for remote-homology detection and model accuracy. SP(3) is found to be the most sensitive and accurate single-method server in all benchmarks tested where other methods are available for comparison (although its results are statistically indistinguishable from the next best in some cases and the comparison is subjected to the limitation of time-dependent sequence and/or structural library used by different methods.). In LiveBench 8.0, its accuracy rivals some of the consensus methods such as ShotGun-INBGU, Pmodeller3, Pcons4, and ROBETTA. SP(3) fold-recognition server is available on http://theory.med.buffalo.edu.  相似文献   

The PSI-BLAST algorithm has been acknowledged as one of the most powerful tools for detecting remote evolutionary relationships by sequence considerations only. This has been demonstrated by its ability to recognize remote structural homologues and by the greatest coverage it enables in annotation of a complete genome. Although recognizing the correct fold of a sequence is of major importance, the accuracy of the alignment is crucial for the success of modeling one sequence by the structure of its remote homologue. Here we assess the accuracy of PSI-BLAST alignments on a stringent database of 123 structurally similar, sequence-dissimilar pairs of proteins, by comparing them to the alignments defined on a structural basis. Each protein sequence is compared to a nonredundant database of the protein sequences by PSI-BLAST. Whenever a pair member detects its pair-mate, the positions that are aligned both in the sequential and structural alignments are determined, and the alignment sensitivity is expressed as the percentage of these positions out of the structural alignment. Fifty-two sequences detected their pair-mates (for 16 pairs the success was bi-directional when either pair member was used as a query). The average percentage of correctly aligned residues per structural alignment was 43.5+/-2.2%. Other properties of the alignments were also examined, such as the sensitivity vs. specificity and the change in these parameters over consecutive iterations. Notably, there is an improvement in alignment sensitivity over consecutive iterations, reaching an average of 50.9+/-2.5% within the five iterations tested in the current study.  相似文献   

Gordon M. Crippen 《Proteins》1996,26(2):167-171
To calculate the tertiary structure of a protein from its amino acid sequence, the thermodynamic approach requires a potential function of sequence and conformation that has its global minimum at the native conformation for many different proteins. Here we study the behavior of such functions for the simplest model system that still has some of the features of the protein folding problem, namely two-dimensional square lattice chain configurations involving two residue types. First we show that even the given contact potential, which by definition is used to identify the folding sequences and their unique native conformations, cannot always correctly select which sequences will fold to a given structure. Second, we demonstrate that the given contact potential is not always able to favor the native alignment of a native sequence on its own native conformation over other gapped alignments of different folding sequences onto that same conformation. Because of these shortcomings, even in this simple model system in which all conformations and all native sequences are known and determined directly by the given potential, we must reexamine our expectations for empirical potentials used for inverse folding and gapped alignment on more realistic representations of proteins. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Recently, we developed a pairwise structural alignment algorithm using realistic structural and environmental information (SAUCE). In this paper, we at first present an automatic fold hierarchical classification based on SAUCE alignments. This classification enables us to build a fold tree containing different levels of multiple structural profiles. Then a tree-based fold search algorithm is described. We applied this method to a group of structures with sequence identity less than 35% and did a series of leave one out tests. These tests are approximately comparable to fold recognition tests on superfamily level. Results show that fold recognition via a fold tree can be faster and better at detecting distant homologues than classic fold recognition methods.  相似文献   

We present a comprehensive analysis of methods for improving the fold recognition rate of the threading approach to protein structure prediction by the utilization of few additional distance constraints. The distance constraints between protein residues may be obtained by experiments such as mass spectrometry or NMR spectroscopy. We applied a post-filtering step with new scoring functions incorporating measures of constraint satisfaction to ranking lists of 123D threading alignments. The detailed analysis of the results on a small representative benchmark set show that the fold recognition rate can be improved significantly by up to 30% from about 54%-65% to 77%-84%, approaching the maximal attainable performance of 90% estimated by structural superposition alignments. This gain in performance adds about 10% to the recognition rate already achieved in our previous study with cross-link constraints only. Additional recent results on a larger benchmark set involving a confidence function for threading predictions also indicate notable improvements by our combined approach, which should be particularly valuable for rapid structure determination and validation of protein models.  相似文献   

Liu S  Zhang C  Liang S  Zhou Y 《Proteins》2007,68(3):636-645
Recognizing the structural similarity without significant sequence identity (called fold recognition) is the key for bridging the gap between the number of known protein sequences and the number of structures solved. Previously, we developed a fold-recognition method called SP(3) which combines sequence-derived sequence profiles, secondary-structure profiles and residue-depth dependent, structure-derived sequence profiles. The use of residue-depth-dependent profiles makes SP(3) one of the best automatic predictors in CASP 6. Because residue depth (RD) and solvent accessible surface area (solvent accessibility) are complementary in describing the exposure of a residue to solvent, we test whether or not incorporation of solvent-accessibility profiles into SP(3) could further increase the accuracy of fold recognition. The resulting method, called SP(4), was tested in SALIGN benchmark for alignment accuracy and Lindahl, LiveBench 8 and CASP7 blind prediction for fold recognition sensitivity and model-structure accuracy. For remote homologs, SP(4) is found to consistently improve over SP(3) in the accuracy of sequence alignment and predicted structural models as well as in the sensitivity of fold recognition. Our result suggests that RD and solvent accessibility can be used concurrently for improving the accuracy and sensitivity of fold recognition. The SP(4) server and its local usage package are available on http://sparks.informatics.iupui.edu/SP4.  相似文献   

Using a benchmark set of structurally similar proteins, we conduct a series of threading experiments intended to identify a scoring function with an optimal combination of contact-potential and sequence-profile terms. The benchmark set is selected to include many medium-difficulty fold recognition targets, where sequence similarity is undetectable by BLAST but structural similarity is extensive. The contact potential is based on the log-odds of non-local contacts involving different amino acid pairs, in native as opposed to randomly compacted structures. The sequence profile term is that used in PSI-BLAST. We find that combination of these terms significantly improves the success rate of fold recognition over use of either term alone, with respect to both recognition sensitivity and the accuracy of threading models. Improvement is greatest for targets between 10 % and 20 % sequence identity and 60 % to 80 % superimposable residues, where the number of models crossing critical accuracy and significance thresholds more than doubles. We suggest that these improvements account for the successful performance of the combined scoring function at CASP3. We discuss possible explanations as to why sequence-profile and contact-potential terms appear complementary.  相似文献   

We present a protein fold-recognition method that uses a comprehensive statistical interpretation of structural Hidden Markov Models (HMMs). The structure/fold recognition is done by summing the probabilities of all sequence-to-structure alignments. The optimal alignment can be defined as the most probable, but suboptimal alignments may have comparable probabilities. These suboptimal alignments can be interpreted as optimal alignments to the "other" structures from the ensemble or optimal alignments under minor fluctuations in the scoring function. Summing probabilities for all alignments gives a complete estimate of sequence-model compatibility. In the case of HMMs that produce a sequence, this reflects the fact that due to our indifference to exactly how the HMM produced the sequence, we should sum over all possibilities. We have built a set of structural HMMs for 188 protein structures and have compared two methods for identifying the structure compatible with a sequence: by the optimal alignment probability and by the total probability. Fold recognition by total probability was 40% more accurate than fold recognition by the optimal alignment probability. Proteins 2000;40:451-462.  相似文献   

Analysis of the results of the recent protein structure prediction experiment for our method shows that we achieved a high level of success, Of the 18 available prediction targets of known structure, the assessors have identified 11 chains which either entirely match a previously known fold, or which partially match a substantial region of a known fold. Of these 11 chains, we made predictions for 9, and correctly assigned the folds in 5 cases. We have also identified a further 2 chains which also partially match known folds, and both of these were correctly predicted. The success rate for our method under blind testing is therefore 7 out of 11 chains. A further 2 folds could have easily been recognized but failed due to either overzealous filtering of potential matches, or to simple human error on our part. One of the two targets for which we did not submit a prediction, prosubtilisin, would not have been recognized by our usual criteria, but even in this case, it is possible that a correct prediction could have been made by considerin a combination of pairwise energy and solvation energy Z-scores. Inspection of the threading alignments for the (αβ)8 barrels provides clues as to how fold recognition by threading works, in that these folds are recognized by parts rather than as a whole. The prospects for developing sequence threading technology further is discussed. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Certain prokaryotic transport proteins similar to the lactose permease of Escherichia coli (LacY) have been identified by BLAST searches from available genomic databanks. These proteins exhibit conservation of amino acid residues that participate in sugar binding and H(+) translocation in LacY. Homology threading of prokaryotic transporters based on the X-ray structure of LacY (PDB ID: 1PV7) and sequence similarities reveals a common overall fold for sugar transporters belonging to the Major Facilitator Superfamily (MFS) and suggest new targets for study. Evolution-based searches for sequence similarities also identify eukaryotic proteins bearing striking resemblance to MFS sugar transporters. Like LacY, the eukaryotic proteins are predicted to have 12 transmembrane domains (TMDs), and many of the irreplaceable residues for sugar binding and H(+) translocation in LacY appear to be largely conserved. The overall size of the eukaryotic homologs is about twice that of prokaryotic permeases with longer N and C termini and loops between TMDs III-IV and VI-VII. The human gene encoding protein FLJ20160 consists of six exons located on more than 60,000 bp of DNA sequences and requires splicing to produce mature mRNA. Cellular localization predictions suggest membrane insertion with possible proteolysis at the N terminus, and expression studies with the human protein FJL20160 demonstrate membrane insertion in both E.coli and Pichia pastoris. Widespread expression of the eukaryotic sugar transport candidates suggests an important role in cellular metabolism, particularly in brain and tumors. Homology is observed in the TMDs of both the eukaryotic and prokaryotic proteins that contain residues involved in sugar binding and H(+) translocation in LacY.  相似文献   

Calculation of dot-matrices is a widespread tool in the search for sequence similarities. When sequences are distant, even this approach may fail to point out common regions. If several plots calculated for all members of a sequence set consistently displayed a similarity between them, this would increase its credibility. We present an algorithm to delineate dot-plot agreement. A novel procedure based on matrix multiplication is developed to identify common patterns and reliably aligned regions in a set of distantly related sequences. The algorithm finds motifs independent of input sequence lengths and reduces the dependence on gap penalties. When sequences share greater similarity, the same approach converts to a multiple sequence alignment procedure.  相似文献   

Multiple sequence alignment tools struggle to keep pace with rapidly growing sequence data, as few methods can handle large datasets while maintaining alignment accuracy. We recently introduced MAGUS, a new state-of-the-art method for aligning large numbers of sequences. In this paper, we present a comprehensive set of enhancements that allow MAGUS to align vastly larger datasets with greater speed. We compare MAGUS to other leading alignment methods on datasets of up to one million sequences. Our results demonstrate the advantages of MAGUS over other alignment software in both accuracy and speed. MAGUS is freely available in open-source form at https://github.com/vlasmirnov/MAGUS.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The functions of non-coding RNAs are strongly related to their secondary structures, but it is known that a secondary structure prediction of a single sequence is not reliable. Therefore, we have to collect similar RNA sequences with a common secondary structure for the analyses of a new non-coding RNA without knowing the exact secondary structure itself. Therefore, the sequence comparison in searching similar RNAs should consider not only their sequence similarities but also their potential secondary structures. Sankoff's algorithm predicts the common secondary structures of the sequences, but it is computationally too expensive to apply to large-scale analyses. Because we often want to compare a large number of cDNA sequences or to search similar RNAs in the whole genome sequences, much faster algorithms are required. RESULTS: We propose a new method of comparing RNA sequences based on the structural alignments of the fixed-length fragments of the stem candidates. The implemented software, SCARNA (Stem Candidate Aligner for RNAs), is fast enough to apply to the long sequences in the large-scale analyses. The accuracy of the alignments is better or comparable with the much slower existing algorithms. AVAILABILITY: The web server of SCARNA with graphical structural alignment viewer is available at http://www.scarna.org/.  相似文献   

Gene recognition by combination of several gene-finding programs   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
MOTIVATION: A number of programs have been developed to predict the eukaryotic gene structures in DNA sequences. However, gene finding is still a challenging problem. RESULTS: We have explored the effectiveness when the results of several gene-finding programs were re- analyzed and combined. We studied several methods with four programs (FEXH, GeneParser3, GEN-SCAN and GRAIL2). By HIGHEST-policy combination method or BOUNDARY method, approximate correlation (AC) improved by 3- 5% in comparison with the best single gene-finding program. From another viewpoint, OR-based combination of the four programs is the most reliable to know whether a candidate exon overlaps with the real exon or not, although it is less sensitive than GENSCAN for exon-intron boundaries. Our methods can easily be extended to combine other programs. AVAILABILITY: We have developed a server program (Shirokane System) and a client program (GeneScope) to use the methods. GeneScope is available through a WWW site (http://gf.genome.ad.jp/). CONTACT: katsu,takagi@ims.u-tokyo.ac.jp   相似文献   

This study describes how an optimal single hinge axis position can be established for the application of articulated external fixation to the ankle joint. By deliberately introducing various amounts of relative mal-alignment between the optimal talocrural joint axis and the actual fixator hinge axis, it was possible to measure the corresponding amounts of additional resistance to joint motion. In a cadaveric study of six ankle specimens, we determined the instant axis of rotation of the talocrural joint from 3-D kinematic data. acquired by an electromagnetic motion tracking system. For each specimen, an optimal fixator hinge position was calculated from these motion data. Compared to the intact natural joint, aligning the fixator along the optimized axis position caused a moderate increase in energy (0.14 J) needed to rotate the ankle through a prescribed plantar/dorsiflexion range. However, malpositioning the hinge by 10 mm caused more than five times that amount of increase in motion resistance. While articulated external fixation with limited internal fixation can establish a favorable environment for the repair of severe injuries such as tibial pilon fractures, the large additional resistance to motion accompanying a malpositioned fixator axis suggests the development of untoward intra-articular forces that could act to disturb fragment alignment.  相似文献   

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