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The aim of the study is the comparison of the basic features of the isolated amphibians lungs (R. temporaria with B. marinus and R. catesbeiana) and the evaluation of this preparation as a model of the chloride transport. Measurements of the bioelectric properties of the isolated lungs were performed according to Ussing. Chloride unidirectional fluxes were measured in chambers described by Helman according to Gatzy. The spontaneous potential difference of the lung was of the range of milivots. The short circuit current was of the order of microampers. The net flux of chloride was directed to the mucosal side. The current-voltage relationship was linear in the range of the +/- 30 microampers. The measured functions were stable during the study only when ambient temperature was about 10 degrees C.  相似文献   

Effects of IFN-gamma on mammalian small intestinal ion transport were studied in vitro using incubated sheets of murine small intestine in Ussing chambers. In oxygenated standard culture medium containing hydrocortisone and antibiotics, they maintained their short-circuit current (I(sc)) responses to glucose and theophylline for 48 h. Histological examination revealed a 50% diminution of villus height over 36 h but no change in crypts. Height was better maintained during a 36-h incubation of small intestine from SCID mice, suggesting a role for B or T lymphocytes in villus atrophy. Exposure of small intestine to 100 U/ml IFN-gamma for 36 h decreased basal I(sc) by 40% and I(sc) responses to glucose and theophylline by approximately 70%; at 1,000 U/ml for 36 h, IFN-gamma inhibited these I(sc) responses by 90%. An inhibitor of inducible NO synthase did not reverse these effects, suggesting that they are not mediated by NO. Tissue resistance, mucosal K(+) content, and epithelial morphology were not affected. Ouabain-sensitive ATPase activity in homogenates was inhibited 60% by IFN-gamma (100 U/ml for 36 h). IFN-gamma inhibition of I(sc) responses to glucose and theophylline also occurred in SCID mouse small intestine. Thus murine small intestinal sheets can be maintained viable in vitro for at least 48 h, although villus blunting develops (but less so in SCID mouse small intestine). Also, prolonged exposure to IFN-gamma downregulates Na(+)-coupled glucose absorption, active Cl(-) secretion, and Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase activity, effects unlikely to be mediated by enhanced NO.  相似文献   

The complex morphology of the mammalian lung complicates characterization of solute transport across the intact alveolar epithelium. We impaled the subpleural alveolar epithelium with microelectrodes and measured the transepithelial potential difference (PD) of the liquid-filled vascular-perfused left lobe of the rat lung. When the air space was filled entirely with Krebs-Ringer-bicarbonate, the PD was 4.7 mV (lumen negative). The PD was not affected significantly by agents that modify either Na+ or Cl- transport, but replacement of luminal Cl- with gluconate resulted in a fourfold hyperpolarization, a response also noted for large airways. When the airways were blocked by an immiscible nonconducting fluorocarbon, basal PD was not different from unblocked lobes (4.0 mV) but was inhibited 73% by luminal amiloride. Cl(-)-free Krebs-Ringer-bicarbonate blocked in the alveoli with fluorocarbon did not induce hyperpolarization. This result suggests that 1) Cl- permselectivity of the alveolar epithelium is less than that of large airway epithelium and 2) airway PD dominates the voltage across the liquid-filled lung, even when measurements are made from alveoli. When airways are blocked by fluorocarbon, the PD across the alveolar epithelium is largely dependent on Na+ flow through a path with amiloride-sensitive channels.  相似文献   

Expression of cyclins and cdks throughout murine carcinogenesis.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The overexpression and/or amplification of cell cycle regulating genes is an important factor in the progression of cancer. Recent attention has been focused on several cyclin and cdks genes whose expression were increased in many types of tumor. In this study, we investigated the expression kinetics of cyclins A, B, D1, E and cdks 1, 2, 4, 6 by RT-PCR coupled with densitometry and correlated to the growth fraction (percentage of S cells). This analysis was performed using an experimental murine leukemic model, generated by in vivo administration of murine clonogenic cells Wehi-3b injected into balb-c mice. Differential expression of cyclins and cdks was observed between normal and tumoral cells with different patterns of expression between G1 and G2M cyclins-cdks. G1 cyclins cdks expression was significantly increased in tumor cells when compared to normal cells. In the same manner, G2M cyclins cdks expression was only observed in tumor cells at a lower level than for G1 cyclins cdks, but not detected in normal cells. These differences correlated with the growth fraction for both the G1 cyclins cdks (r = 0.91, 0.94, 0.85, 0.90 and 0.96 for cyclin D1, cyclin E, cdk2, cdk4 and cdk6, respectively) and the G2M cyclins cdks (r = 0.96, 0.97 and 0.93 for cyclins A, B and cdkl respectively). Analysis of cyclins cdks expression kinetics during tumoral progression shows that cyclins A, B and cdkl were expressed from the 12th day on of disease, increased until the death of the animals and correlated with the growth fraction (r = 0.94, 0.95 and 0.97 for cyclins A, B and cdk1 respectively) (n = 20). Overexpression of other cyclins cdks were observed, from the 6th day on for cyclin D1, the 12th day for cdk2 and cdk4, the 15th day for cdk6 and the 20th day for cyclin E. These increases persisted during tumoral progression and correlated with the growth fraction (r = 0.85, 0.94, 0.93, 0.96, and 0.98 for cyclin D1, cyclin E, cdk2, cdk4 and cdk6, respectively) (n = 20). Our results demonstrated that G1 and G2-M cyclins cdks mRNA levels were increased at approximately the same time of maximal tumor growth. Only cyclin D1 overexpression occured at the initiation of tumoral development, and could therefore be considered as an early marker of cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Moderate hemolytic anemia, abnormal erythrocyte morphology (spherocytosis), and decreased membrane stability are observed in mice with complete deficiency of all erythroid protein 4.1 protein isoforms (4.1–/–; Shi TS et al. J Clin Invest 103: 331, 1999). We have examined the effects of erythroid protein 4.1 (4.1R) deficiency on erythrocyte cation transport and volume regulation. 4.1–/– mice exhibited erythrocyte dehydration that was associated with reduced cellular K and increased Na content. Increased Na permeability was observed in these mice, mostly mediated by Na/H exchange with normal Na-K pump and Na-K-2Cl cotransport activities. The Na/H exchange of 4.1–/– erythrocytes was markedly activated by exposure to hypertonic conditions (18.2 ± 3.2 in 4.1–/– vs. 9.8 ± 1.3 mmol/1013 cell x h in control mice), with an abnormal dependence on osmolality (EC50 = 417 ± 42 in 4.1–/– vs. 460 ± 35 mosmol/kgH2O in control mice), suggestive of an upregulated functional state. While the affinity for internal protons was not altered (K0.5 = 489.7 ± 0.7 vs. 537.0 ± 0.56 nM in control mice), the Vmax of the H-induced Na/H exchange activity was markedly elevated in 4.1–/– erythrocytes (Vmax 91.47 ± 7.2 compared with 46.52 ± 5.4 mmol/1013 cell x h in control mice). Na/H exchange activation by okadaic acid was absent in 4.1–/– erythrocytes. Altogether, these results suggest that erythroid protein 4.1 plays a major role in volume regulation and physiologically downregulates Na/H exchange in mouse erythrocytes. Upregulation of the Na/H exchange is an important contributor to the elevated cell Na content of 4.1–/– erythrocytes. spherocytosis; cell Na; Na/H exchange  相似文献   

Ion transport cells in gerbil inner ear were differentiated histochemically by staining glycoconjugates (GCs) with a battery of horseradish peroxidase-conjugated lectins. Strong staining with PSA and LCA showed a high content of N-linked oligosaccharides in transport cell GCs. Reactivity with PHA-L and PHA-E identified GC with triantennary and with bisected biantennary N-linked oligosaccharides, respectively, in these cells. High affinity for DSA and PWM demonstrated abundant N-acetyl lactosamine in N-linked side chains. Ion transporting epithelial cells reacting with lectins specific for N-linked oligosaccharides included strial marginal cells and outer sulcus cells of the cochlea and dark cells, transitional cells, and planum semilunatum cells of the vestibular system. In general, all of the inner ear transport epithelial cells revealed a similar lectin binding profile, with the one exception that SBA reacted strongly with ion transporting cells in the vestibular system but only weakly with those in the cochlea. Fibrocytes specialized for ion transport located in distinct areas in the suprastrial and inferior regions of the spiral ligament also stained with lectins that demonstrate N-glycosylation. However, transport fibrocytes differed from transport epithelial cells in two ways. First, they reacted e with HPA, DBA, VVA, and SJA specific for O-linkages and second, they failed to react with UEA I. The staining pattern for N-glycosylated GC resembled that for Na+, K(+)-ATPase in inner ear, suggesting a relationship between these constituents.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that cardiogenic pulmonary edema fluid (EF) increases Na(+) and fluid transport by fetal distal lung epithelia (FDLE) (Rafii B, Gillie DJ, Sulowski C, Hannam V, Cheung T, Otulakowski G, Barker PM and O'Brodovich H. J Physiol 544: 537-548, 2002). We now report the effect of EF on Na(+) and fluid transport by the adult lung. We first studied primary cultures of adult type II (ATII) epithelium and found that overnight exposure to EF increased Na(+) transport, and this effect was mainly due to factors other than catecholamines. Plasma did not stimulate Na(+) transport in ATII. Purification of EF demonstrated that at least some agent(s) responsible for the amiloride-insensitive component resided within the globulin fraction. ATII exposed to globulins demonstrated a conversion of amiloride-sensitive short-circuit current (I(sc)) to amiloride-insensitive I(sc) with no increase in total I(sc). Patch-clamp studies showed that ATII exposed to EF for 18 h had increased the number of highly selective Na(+) channels in their apical membrane. In situ acute exposure to EF increased the open probability of Na(+)-permeant ion channels in ATII within rat lung slices. EF did increase, by amiloride-sensitive pathways, the alveolar fluid clearance from the lungs of adult rats. We conclude that cardiogenic EF increases Na(+) transport by adult lung epithelia in primary cell culture, in situ and in vivo.  相似文献   

Overall concentration of free inorganic ions distributes inthe hypocotyl of a bean seedling {Vigna sesquipedalis) at aconstant level (H+) or decreases monotonously from the cotyledonarynode towards the base (K+, Na+, Ca++ and Mg++, phosphate, NO3).According to our theory, this is inconsistent with the distributionof electric potential having a definite minimum in the elongatingregion. The discrepancy can not be explained by regional variancein radial potential difference or histological differentiationin passive ionic permeability of the cell membrane. Short circuitcurrent observed through a hypocotyl segment corresponded toa net flux in ions of 10–24 pEq/cm2.sec. It is questionable,however, whether this is due to active ion transport, whichcan be the source of electric potential difference, or is apassive flow due to histological heterogeneity in ion concentration. In order to investigate the latter possibility, pH of sap exudingfrom stumps made at various intervals along the hypocotyl axiswas measured, since H+ is the ion electro-osmotically most effective.pH Values of acropetal exudates distributed along the axis closelycorresponding to the distribution of electric potential. Thissuggests that potential distribution is determined by a passiveflow of H+ through a specific channel in the vascular system.The fact that H+ production and the uptake of ions and waterare most active at the elongating zone of hypocotyl is discussedfrom a physiological point of view. (Received December 3, 1969; )  相似文献   

In eukaryotic cells, proteins are targeted to their final subcellular locations with precise timing. A key underlying mechanism is the active transport of cognate mRNAs, which in many systems can be linked intimately to membrane trafficking. A prominent example is the long‐distance endosomal transport of mRNAs and their local translation. Here, we describe current highlights of fundamental mechanisms of the underlying transport process as well as of biological functions ranging from endosperm development in plants to fungal pathogenicity and neuronal processes. Translation of endosome‐associated mRNAs often occurs at the cytoplasmic surface of endosomes, a process that is needed for membrane‐assisted formation of heteromeric protein complexes and for accurate subcellular targeting of proteins. Importantly, endosome‐coupled translation of mRNAs encoding mitochondrial proteins, for example, seems to be particularly important for efficient organelle import and for regulating subcellular mitochondrial activity. In essence, these findings reveal a new mechanism of loading newly synthesised proteins onto endocytic membranes enabling intimate crosstalk between organelles. The novel link between endosomes and mitochondria adds an inspiring new level of complexity to trafficking and organelle biology.  相似文献   

Valinomycin and mitochondrial ion transport   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Several years have already elapsed since the first discovery of splicing in eukaryotic mRNAs. In this process sections of the precursor mRNAs are spliced out (these are named introns) and the two remaining excised sites, 5′ and 3′ are ligated to form the mature mRNA chains.Very little is known about the splicing and ligation mechanism or about its location inside the cell. It is known to take place in the nucleus, but it is unknown whether it occurs inside the nuclear matter or on the surface of its membrane. Since nearly all eukaryotic messengers undergo splicing, this is a central question.From the theoretical point of view this is an intriguing problem. A lot of data have recently accumulated which have a bearing on this question. Based on current knowledge, this paper proposes a model in which splicing is carried out on the surface of the nuclear membrane and in concert with transport across it. It is suggested that the enzymes that take part in this process are loosely associated with the membrane pore complex. Evidence and results which are relevant to this question are given and discussed.  相似文献   

Growing oocytes in vitro from the most immature stages until they are developmentally competent is a major goal of reproductive technology, requiring fundamental knowledge of metabolic processes. Carbohydrate metabolism and oxygen consumption have been analysed in a series of experiments designed to investigate important energy substrates for mouse oocytes and to reveal any qualitative or quantitative changes between the primordial and ovulatory follicle stages. Primordial follicles were incubated in groups in modified-KSOM medium, whereas growing or ovulated oocytes were studied singly and, in both cases, the depletion or accumulation of metabolites in spent medium were analysed using ultramicrofluorometric assays. The rates of glucose (0.014 +/- 0.006 pmol/hr) and pyruvate (0.028 +/- 0.009 pmol/hr) consumption and l-lactate (0.058 +/- 0.023 pmol/hr) production by primordial follicles suggested that energy production was supported by a combination of metabolic pathways, including glycolysis. Pyruvate and oxygen consumption per oocyte increased two- and ninefold, respectively, between the primary and pre-ovulatory stages (0.82 +/- 0.1 and 1.67 +/- 0.1 pmol pyruvate/hr, respectively and 1.4 +/- 0.3 and 7 +/- 0.6 pmol oxygen/hr) after which oxygen (12.7 +/- 1.1 pmol/hr) utilisation nearly doubled. Oxygen consumption by fully grown oocytes was in excess of oxidation requirements for pyruvate. When pyruvate and oxygen consumption rates were normalised for oocyte cellular volume, which increased over 130-fold during growth, oocyte metabolism was higher in primary follicles than at any subsequent stage, indicating that energy needs are greater during a developmental transition. To conclude, pyruvate and oxygen were consumed throughout oocyte development at increasing rates. When oocyte cellular volume was accounted for, oocytes from primary follicles displayed greatest metabolic rates.  相似文献   

Mitochondria and calcium ion transport.   总被引:56,自引:14,他引:42  

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