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Circadian rhythms of body temperature, heart rate, and locomotor activity were observed in the unanesthetized and unrestrained Syrian hamsters, Djungarian hamsters and Chinese hamsters, and the differences in these biological characters among the three species of hamster were investigated. In each species, body temperature, heart rate, and locomotor activity in the dark period were higher than those in the light period. Heart rate of Chinese hamsters was higher than that of the others in both the light and dark periods. In addition, it was found that the body temperature of Djungarian hamsters decreased rapidly one time a day. These results show species differences in body temperature, heart rate and locomotor activity of Syrian, Djungarian and Chinese hamsters.  相似文献   

The effects of food on biological rhythms may influence the findings of chronopharmacological studies. The present study evaluated the influence of a restricted food access during the rest (light) span of nocturnally active Wistar rats on the 24 h time organization of biological functions in terms of the circadian rhythms of temperature (T), heart rate (HR), and locomotor activity (LA) in preparation for subsequent studies aimed at evaluating the influence of timed food access on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of medications. Ten-wk-old male Wistar rats were housed under controlled 12:12 h light:dark (LD) environmental conditions. Food and water were available ad libitum, excepted during a 3 wk period of restriction. Radiotelemetry transmitters were implanted to record daily rhythms in T, HR, and LA. The study lasted 7 wk and began after a 21-d recovery span following surgery. Control baseline data were collected during the first wk (W1). The second span of 3 wk duration (W2 to W4) consisted of the restricted feeding regimen (only 3 h access to food between 11:00 and 14:00 h daily) during the L (rest span) under 12:12 h LD conditions. The third period of 3 wk duration (W5 to W7) consisted of the recovery span with ad libitium normal feeding. Weight loss in the amount of 5% of baseline was observed during W1 with stabilization of body weight thereafter during the remaining 2 wk of food restriction. The 3 h restricted food access during the L rest span induced a partial loss of circadian rhythmicity and the emergence of 12 h rhythms in T, HR, and LA. Return to ad libitum feeding conditions restored circadian rhythmicity in the manner evidenced during the baseline control span. Moreover, the MESORS and amplitudes of the T, HR, and LA 24 h patterns were significantly attenuated during food restriction (p < 0.001) and then returned to initial values during recovery. These changes may be interpreted as a masking effect, since T, HR, and LA are known to directly react to food intake. The consequences of such findings on the methods used to conduct chronokinetic studies, such as the fasting of animals the day before testing, are important since they may alter the temporal structure of the organism receiving the drug and thereby compromise findings.  相似文献   

At photoperiods longer than 8h per 24h, adults of the day-active onion fly Delia antiqua showed a major peak of locomotor activity in the late photophase and also bursts of activity induced by lights-on or lights-off. At shorter photoperiods the activity peaks fused. After transfer from long photoperiods to constant darkness (DD), the rhythm free-ran, but only the major peak persisted. This suggests that only the major peak is controlled by the circadian pacemaker. At long photoperiods, the daily phase of the major peak occurred progressively later with age. As a result, the activity at short photoperiods often shifted from photophase to scotophase in old flies. The free-running period (tau) also changed with age; tau was shorter than 24h until 14-20 days after eclosion and thereafter became longer, but a few individuals repeated changes in tau. The phase delay of locomotor activity with age in D. antiqua would be attributable to the increase in tau.  相似文献   

Captive hagfish,Eptatretus burgeri, were subjected to step transitions from continuous dark (DD) to continuous light (LL) and their locomotor activity patterns recorded. Free-running activity rhythms occurred in both the DD and LL regimes. The timing of the transition influenced the circadian period (τ), the relationship between the period response (δτ, or τ{inLL}–τ{inDD}, change in the circadian period) and the former being represented by a cosine curve δτ became most positive and most negative when hagfish underwent a DD-LL transition shortly before the beginning of the duration of activity (α) and shortly after the end of such, respectively. The phase response (δ-phase, change in the relative timing of the activity phase) was characterized by a delay in the activity phase after the DD-LL transition, although its magnitude bore no relation to the timing of the transition.  相似文献   

Lithium slowed and split the wheel-running circadian rhythms of blinded rats.  相似文献   

We evaluated their circadian rhythms using data from electrocardiographic records and examined the change in circadian period related to normal RR intervals for astronauts who completed a long-term (≥6-month) mission in space. The examinees were seven astronauts, five men and two women, from 2009 to 2010. Their mean?±?SD age was 52.0?±?4.2 years (47–59?yr). Each stayed in space for more than 160 days; their average length of stay was 172.6?±?14.6 days (163–199 days). We conducted a 24-h Holter electrocardiography before launch (Pre), at one month after launch (DF1), at two months after launch (DF2), at two weeks before return (DF3), and at three months after landing (Post), comparing each index of frequency-domain analysis and 24-h biological rhythms of the NN intervals (normal RR intervals). Results show that the mean period of Normal Sinus (NN) intervals was within 24?±?4?h at each examination. Inter-individual variability differed among the stages, being significantly smaller at DF3 (Pre versus DF1 versus DF3 versus Post?=?22.36?±?2.50 versus 25.46?±?4.37 versus 22.46?±?1.75 versus 26.16?±?7.18?h, p?<?0.0001). The HF component increased in 2 of 7 astronauts, whereas it decreased in 3 of 7 astronauts and 1 was remained almost unchanged at DF1. During DF3, about 6 months after their stay in space, the HF component of 5 of 7 astronauts recovered from the decrease after launch, with prominent improvement to over 20% in 3 astronauts. Although autonomic nervous functions and circadian rhythms were disturbed until one month had passed in space, well-scheduled sleep and wake rhythms and meal times served as synchronizers.  相似文献   

The effects of vinorelbine (VRL) on the circadian rhythms in body temperature and locomotor activity were investigated in unrestrained B6D2F1 mice implanted with radio-telemetry transmitters. A single intravenous VRL dose (24 or 12 mg/kg) was given at 7 h after light onset (HALO), a time of high VRL toxicity, and resulted in transient suppression of temperature and activity circadian rhythms in mice kept in light-dark (LD) 12h:12h. Such suppression was dose-dependent. It occurred within 1-5 d after VRL dosing. Recovery of both rhythms was partially complete within 5 d following the high dose and within 2 or 3 d after the low dose and was not influenced by suppression of photoperiodic synchronization by housing in continuous darkness. Moreover, VRL induced a dose-dependent relative decrease in amplitude and phase shift of the temperature circadian rhythm. The mesor and amplitude of the activity rhythm were markedly reduced following the VRL administration. The relevance of VRL dosing time was studied in mice housed in LD 12h:12h. Vinorelbine was injected weekly (20 mg/kg/injection) for 3 wk at 6 or 18 HALO. Vinorelbine treatment ablated the rest-activity and temperature rhythms 3-6 d after each dose, with fewer alterations after VRL dosing at 18 HALO compared to 6 HALO, especially for the body temperature rhythm. There was at least partial recovery 1 wk after dosing, suggesting the weekly schedule of drug treatment is acceptable for therapeutic purposes. Our findings demonstrate that VRL can transiently, yet profoundly, alter circadian clock function. Vinorelbine-induced circadian dysfunction may contribute to the toxicokinetics of this and possibly other anticancer drugs.  相似文献   

Summary In higher organisms, many physiological and behavioral functions exhibit daily variations, generated by endogenous circadian oscillators. It is not yet clear whether all the various rhythms that occur within an individual depend on one and the same pacemaker or whether different pacemakers are involved. To examine this question, the feeding and perch-hopping rhythms were measured in European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) under light-dark cycles and continuous dim light. In dim light, the internal phase relationship between the feeding and perch-hopping rhythms changed systematically as a function of the circadian period, and the two rhythms could even dissociate and show different circadian periods in individuals with extremely long or extremely short circadian periods. Moreover, in some birds kept on lowamplitude light-dark cycles, the rhythm of feeding was synchronized 180° out of phase with the rhythm of locomotor activity. These results strongly suggest that in the European starling the feeding and locomotor activity rhythms are controlled by separate circadian pacemakers.  相似文献   

The effect of stocking density on the locomotor activity of African catfish C. gariepinus under different light regimes was investigated. C. gariepinus were stocked under different densities (1, 5, or 10 fish/tank), and their locomotor activity recorded under light-dark (LD), constant light (LL), constant darkness (DD), and LD-reversed (DL) regimens. Under the LD cycle, catfish showed a crepuscular activity pattern, irrespective of stocking density, with most of the daily activity concentrated around the light-onset and light-offset times. When fish were subjected to DD, all 4 tanks with medium (5 fish) and high (10 fish) stocking densities showed circadian rhythmicity, with an average period (?) of 23.3???0.5 and 24.6???0.5?h, respectively. In contrast, only 2 low (1 fish) density tanks showed free-running rhythms. Under LL, activity levels decreased significantly in comparison with levels observed under LD and DD. Moreover, fish of 1, 2, and 3 out of the 4 tanks with low, medium, and high densities, respectively, showed free-running rhythms under these conditions. When the photocycle was reversed (DL), fish of 3, 2, and 4 out of the 4 tanks with low, medium, and high stocking densities, respectively, showed gradual resynchronization to the new phase, and transient cycles of activity were observed. These results suggest that stocking density of fish affected the display of circadian rhythmicity and the intensity of activity levels. Thus, fish kept in higher densities showed more robust rhythmicity and higher levels of daily activity, indicating that social interactions may have an influence on behavioral patterns in the African catfish.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that American lobsters, Homarus americanus (Milne-Edwards), are nocturnally active. However, the degree to which this rhythm is expressed by different individuals and the underlying causes of lobster activity rhythms, are poorly understood. In order to address these issues we recorded daily patterns of lobster locomotion using two novel techniques. In the first, reed switch assemblies were used to monitor the distance traveled by freely moving lobsters (n=43), each fitted with a small magnet, as they walked around a 1 m diameter racetrack. The advantages of this technique included: (1) lobsters were freely moving; (2) the system could be deployed in laboratory tanks or in the field and; (3) actual distances moved were measured, not just relative activity. The second technique involved placing individual lobsters (n=10) into custom-designed running wheels. This allowed for continuous monitoring of locomotor activity for extended durations (>45 days) under normal light/dark (L/D) cycles, as well as in constant darkness (D/D) and constant light (L/L).Under ambient light conditions lobsters in the racetracks moved an average of 60.1±6.5 m/day in flow-through seawater tanks. Overall, lobsters were significantly more active at night, moving 4.1±0.4 m/h in the dark vs. 1.0±0.2 m/h in the light. However, many of the lobsters moved as much during the day as during the night.Lobsters in the running wheels moved an average of 36.6±11.7 m/day and 80% expressed clear daily rhythms of activity, with a mean periodicity of 24.0±0.1 h under L/D conditions. Under D/D conditions 90% of the animals expressed free-running circadian rhythms with a mean periodicity of 24.2±0.3 h, indicating that this species possesses endogenous rhythmicity. While the running wheel results show that the nocturnal pattern of locomotor activity for this species is strongly influenced by an endogenous circadian clock, the results from the racetracks show that there is remarkable variability in the extent to which they express this pattern under natural conditions.  相似文献   

Biological clocks are innate timing mechanisms that regulate many behavioral and physiological parameters in most organisms. In our modern life, heavy use of mobile phones (MPs) exerts a massive stress on organisms because their electromagnetic radiation usually results in varying degrees of damage to their biological systems including the biological rhythms. In the present study, the possible effects of exposure to radiofrequency–electromagnetic radiation (RF–EMR) from MPs on two characteristic circadian rhythms, locomotor activity and melatonin hormone rhythms, were investigated. Rats were exposed to RF–EMR from MPs at 900 MHz frequency (2-h/day for 2 weeks) during nighttime (20:00–22:00 h) followed by another two weeks without exposure for recovery. Locomotor activity rhythms of the control and treated groups (n = 5/group) were daily recorded using running wheels along the experimental period. For evaluating melatonin hormone rhythm, blood samples of control and treated groups (n = 12/group), were collected at the end of exposure and recovery periods, at 6-h time intervals per day (at 4:00, 10:00, 16:00, and 22:00 h). Rats exposed to RF–EMR exhibited phase shifting as well as a significant increased acrophase level in locomotor activity. Meanwhile, a significant decrease in serum melatonin levels with retaining lower amplitude rhythmicity was observed. Ceasing exposure for two weeks did not restore melatonin levels and circadian locomotor activity rhythms. It could be concluded that, under the current conditions, exposure to RF–EMR revealed disturbances in locomotor activity and melatonin level, although they maintained rhythmicity.  相似文献   

The gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus), a prosimian primate, exhibits seasonal rhythms strictly controlled by photoperiodic variations. Previous studies indicated that longevity can be altered by long-term acceleration of seasonal rhythms, providing a model for assessing various aspects of aging. To assess the effect of aging and accelerated aging on the circadian system of this primate, we compared the circadian rhythm of the locomotor activity in adult mouse lemurs (2-4.5 years, n = 9), aged mouse lemurs (5-9 years, n = 10), and adult mouse lemurs that had been exposed from birth to a shortened seasonal photoperiodic cycle (2-4.5 years, n = 7). Compared to adult animals, aged mouse lemurs showed a significant increase in intradaily variability and an advanced activity onset. Aging was characterized by a decrease in amplitude, with both a decrease in nocturnal activity and an increase in daytime activity. When maintained in constant dim red light, aged animals exhibited a shortening of the free-running period (22.8 +/- 0.1 h) compared to adult animals (23.5 +/- 0.1 h). A 3- to 5-year exposure to an accelerated seasonal photoperiodic rhythm ("annual" duration of 5 months) in accelerated mouse lemurs produced disturbances of the locomotor activity rhythm that resembled those of aged mouse lemurs, whether animals were studied in entrained or in free-running conditions. The present study demonstrated a weakened and fragmented locomotor activity rhythm during normal aging in this primate. Increasing the number of expressed seasonal cycles accelerated aging of parameters related to circadian rhythmicity in adult animals.  相似文献   

Drosophila is by far the most advanced model to understand the complex biochemical interactions upon which circadian clocks rely. Most of the genes that have been characterized so far were isolated through genetic screens using the locomotor activity rhythms of the adults as a circadian output. In addition, new techniques are available to deregulate gene expression in specific cells, allowing to analyze the growing number of developmental genes that also play a role as clock genes. However, one of the major challenges in circadian biology remains to properly interpret complex behavioral data and use them to fuel molecular models. This review tries to describe the problems that clockwatchers have to face when using Drosophila activity rhythms to understand the multiple facets of circadian function.  相似文献   

Periodic food availability can act as a potent zeitgeber capable of synchronizing many biological rhythms in fishes, including locomotor activity rhythms. In the present paper we investigated entrainment of locomotor rhythms to scheduled feeding under different light and feeding regimes. In experiment 1, fish were exposed to a 12:12?h light/dark cycle and fed one single daily meal in the middle of the light phase. In experiment 2, we tested the effect of random versus scheduled feeding on the daily distribution of activity. During random feeding, meals were randomly scheduled with intervals ranging from 12 to 36?h, while scheduled feeding consisted of one single daily meal set in the middle of the light or dark phase. Finally, in experiment 3, we studied the synchronization of activity rhythms to feeding under constant darkness (DD) and after shifting the feeding cycle by either advancing or delaying the feeding cycle by 9?h. The results revealed that goldfish synchronized to feeding, overcame light entrainment and significantly changed their daily distribution of activity according to their feeding schedule. In addition, the daily activity pattern modulated by feeding differed between layers: a peak of activity being noticeable directly after feeding at the bottom, while an anticipatory behaviour was obvious at the surface of the tank. Under DD and no food, free-running rhythms averaging 25.5?± 1.9?h (mean?±?SD) were detected. In conclusion, some properties of feeding entrainment (e.g. anticipation of the feeding time, free-running rhythms following termination of periodic feeding, and the stability of ø after shifting the feeding cycle) suggested that goldfish have (a) separate but tightly coupled light- and food-entrainable oscillators, or (b) a single oscillator that is entrainable by both light and food (one synchronizer being eventually stronger than the other).  相似文献   

The genetic, molecular and anatomical dissection of the circadian clock in Drosophila and other higher organisms relies on the quantification of rhythmic phenotypes. Here, we introduce the methods currently in use in our laboratories for the analysis of fly locomotor activity rhythms. This phenotype provides a relatively simple, automated, efficient, reliable and robust output for the circadian clock. Thus it is not surprising that it is the preferred readout for measuring rhythmicity under a variety of conditions for most fly clock laboratories. The procedure requires at least 10 days of data collection and several days for analysis. In this protocol we advise on fly maintenance and on experimental design when studying the genetics of behavioral traits. We describe the setup for studying locomotor activity rhythms in the fruit fly and we introduce the statistical methods in use in our laboratories for the analysis of periodic data.  相似文献   

Studies on rodents have emphasized that removal of the olfactory bulbs modulates circadian rhythmicity. Using telemetric recordings of both body temperature (Tb) and locomotor activity (LA) in a male nocturnal primate, the gray mouse lemur, the authors investigated the effects of olfactory bulbectomy on (1) the circadian periods of Tb and LA in constant dim light condition, and (2) photic re-entrainment rates of circadian rhythms following 6-h phase shifts of entrained light-dark cycle (LD 12:12). Under free-running condition, bulbectomized males had significantly shorter circadian periods of Tb and LA rhythms than those of control males. However, the profiles of Tb rhythms, characterized by a phase of hypothermia at the beginning of the subjective day, and Tb parameters were not modified by olfactory bulbectomy. Under a light-dark cycle, olfactory bulbectomy significantly modified the expression of daily hypothermia, especially by an increase in the latency to reach minimal daily Tb, suggesting a delayed response to induction of daily hypothermia by light onset. Reentrainment rates following both a 6-h phase advance and a 6-h phase delay of entrained LD were also delayed in bulbectomized males. Olfactory bulbectomy led to significant fragmentation of locomotor activity and increased locomotor activity levels during the resting period. The shortening of circadian periods in bulbectomized males could partly explain the delayed responses to photic stimuli since in control males, the longer the circadian period, the better the response to light entrainment. This experiment shows for the 1st time that olfactory bulbs can markedly modify the circadian system in a primate.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the impact of endogenous and exogenous factors for the expression of the daily rhythms of body temperature (BT), blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR). One hundred and seventy-three young adults (YA), 17–24 years old (y.o.), of both genders were studied under a modified constant-routine (CR) protocol for 26 h. Participants were assigned randomly to groups with different lighting regimens: CR-LD, n = 77, lights (>400 l×) on from 09:00 to 17:00 h and off (<10 l×) from 17:00 to 09:00 next morning; CR-LL, n = 81, lights on (>400 l×) during the whole experimental session; CR-DD, n = 15, constant dim light (<10 l×) during the whole experiment. Systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) BP, HR and BT were measured every 2 h. For comparison, the results of the former studies performed under conditions of regular life with an activity period from 07:00 to 23:00 h and sleep from 23:00 till 07:00 h (Control) were reanalyzed. Seven-day Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM) records from 27 YA (16–38 y.o.) and BT self-measurement data from 70 YA (17–30 y.o.) taken on ≥ 3 successive days at 08:00, 11:00, 14:00, 17:00, 20:00, 23:00 and 03:00 were available.

The obtained daily patterns were different between Control and CR-DD groups, due to effects of activity, sleep and light. The comparison of Control and CR-LD groups allowed the effects of sleep and activity to be estimated since the lighting conditions were similar. The activity level substantially elevated SBP, but not DBP. Sleep, on the other hand, lowered the nighttime DBP, but has no effect on SBP. HR was affected both by activity and sleep. In accordance with previous studies, these results confirm that the steep BP increase in the morning is not driven by the circadian clock, but rather by sympathoadrenal factors related to awakening and corresponding anticipatory mechanisms. The effect on BT was not significant.

To investigate the impact of light during the former dark time and darkness during the former light time, the CR-LL and CR-DD groups were each compared with the CR-LD group. Light delayed the evening decrease of BT, most likely via a suppression of the melatonin rise. Besides, it had a prominent arousal effect on SBP both in the former light and dark phases, a moderate effect on DBP and no effect on HR. Darkness induced decline in BT. BP values were decreased during the former light time. No effects on HR were found. Altogether, the results of the present paper show that BT, BP and HR are affected by exogenous factors differently. Moreover, the effect was gender-specific. Especially, the response of BT and BP to ambient light was evident only in females.

We suppose that the distinct, gender-specific responses of SBP, DBP and HR to activity, sleep and ambient light do reflect fundamental differences in the circadian control of various cardiovascular functions. Furthermore, the presented data are important for the elaboration of updated reference standards, the interpretation of rhythm disorders and for personalized chronotherapeutic approaches to prevent adverse cardiovascular events more effectively.  相似文献   

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