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A reduction in the density of small arterioles (rarefaction) has been reported in several vascular beds of the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR). There have been conflicting reports on the existence of rarefaction in the pial vasculature of SHR. In this study, we determined whether there was rarefaction of pial arterioles in several models of hypertension. We studied SHR; two-kidney, one-clip Goldblatt hypertensive rats; deoxycorticosterone-salt hypertensive rats; and Dahl salt-sensitive rats fed high salt diet. The two groups of normotensive controls were Wistar--Kyoto rats and Dahl salt-sensitive rats fed low salt diet. The duration of hypertension was about 2 months. Density of first-, second-, third-, and fourth-order arterioles was determined by counting the number of vessels from enlarge photographs. We also measured the lengths of segments of the arterioles. We did not observe any evidence of rarefaction of arterioles in the pial vasculature in any of the hypertensive groups of rats. We conclude that (i) rarefaction of arterioles does not occur in the pial microvasculature after approximately 2 months of hypertension and (ii) rarefaction of pial arterioles does not account for abnormalities in the cerebral circulation of hypertensive rats such as protection of the blood-brain barrier or changes in autoregulation of cerebral blood flow.  相似文献   

The barrier functions of myocardial precapillary arteriolar and postcapillary venular walls (PCA or PCV, respectively) are of considerable scientific and clinical interest (regulation of blood flow and recruitment of immune defense). Using enzyme histochemistry combined with confocal microscopy, we reexamined the cell architecture of human PCA and PVC and reconstructed appropriate in vitro models for studies of their barrier functions. Contrary to current opinion, the PCA endothelial tube is encompassed not by smooth muscle cells but rather by a concentric layer of pericytes cocooned in a thick, microparticle-containing extracellular matrix (ECM) that contributes substantially to the tightness of the arteriolar wall. This core tube extends upstream into the larger arterioles, there additionally enwrapped by smooth muscle. PCV consist of an inner layer of large, contractile endothelial cells encompassed by a fragile, wide-meshed pericyte network with a weakly developed ECM. Pure pericyte and endothelial cell preparations were isolated from PCA and PCV and grown in sandwich cultures. These in vitro models of the PCA and PCV walls exhibited typical histological and functional features. In both plasma-like (PLM) and serum-containing (SCM) media, the PCA model (including ECM) maintained its low hydraulic conductivity (L(P) = 3.24 ± 0.52·10(-8)cm·s(-1)·cmH(2)O(-1)) and a high selectivity index for transmural passage of albumin (SI(Alb) = 0.95 ± 0.02). In contrast, L(P) and SI(Alb) in the PCV model (almost no ECM) were 2.55 ± 0.32·10(-7)cm·s(-1)·cmH(2)O(-1) and 0.88 ± 0.03, respectively, in PLM, and 1.39 ± 0.10·10(-6)cm·s(-1)·cmH(2)O(-1) and 0.49 ± 0.04 in SCM. With the use of these models, systematic, detailed studies on the regulation of microvascular barrier properties now appear to be feasible.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the receptor subtypes that mediate the dilation of rat intracerebral arterioles elicited by adenosine. Penetrating arterioles were isolated from the rat brain, cannulated with the use of a micropipette system, and luminally pressurized to 60 mmHg. Both adenosine and the A2A receptor-selective agonist CGS-21680 induced dose-dependent vasodilation (-logEC(50): 6.5 +/- 0.2 and 8.6 +/- 0.3, respectively). However, adenosine, which is capable of activating both A2A and A2B receptors, caused a greater maximal dilation than CGS-21680. The A2A receptor-selective antagonist ZM-241385 (0.1 microM) only partially inhibited the dilation induced by adenosine but almost completely blocked CGS-21680-induced dilation. Neither 8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dipropylxanthine (0.1 microM), an A1 receptor-selective antagonist, nor MRS-1191 (0.1 microM), an A3 receptor-selective antagonist, attenuated adenosine dose responses. Moreover, ZM-241385 had no effect on the dilation induced by ATP (10 microM) or acidic (pH 6.8) buffer. We concluded that the A2A receptor subtype mediates adenosine-induced dilation of intracerebral arterioles in the rat brain. Furthermore, our results suggest that A2B receptors may also participate in the dilation response to adenosine.  相似文献   

Carbon monoxide (CO) is an endogenous dilator in the newborn cerebral circulation. The present study addressed the hypothesis that endogenous CO attenuates pial arteriolar vasoconstriction caused by hypocapnia, platelet activating factor, and elevated blood pressure. Experiments used anesthetized piglets with implanted, closed cranial windows. Topical application of a metal porphyrin inhibitor of heme oxygenase was used to inhibit production of CO. Chromium mesopophyrin increased vasoconstriction in response to hypocapnia. The constrictor response to a topical stimulus, platelet activating factor, was also increased by application of chromium mesoporphyrin. Inhibition of heme oxygenase did not constrict pial arterioles in normotensive newborn pigs (mean arterial pressure of about 70 mmHg), but did constrict pial arterioles of piglets with experimentally induced increases in arterial pressure (mean arterial pressure greater than 90 mmHg). In fact, pial arterioles of normotensive piglets transiently dilated to chromium mesoporphyrin, whereas those of hypertensive piglets progressively constricted during 10 min of chromium mesoporphyrin treatment. Therefore, inhibition of heme oxygenase augments cerebral vasoconstriction in response to several very different constrictor stimuli. These data suggest endogenous CO attenuates vasoconstrictor responses in the newborn cerebral circulation.  相似文献   

Experimental data on the effect of nicotine on cerebral microvessel thrombosis is lacking. Therefore, this study was carried out to elucidate the effects of nicotine on platelet aggregation in cerebral (pial) microcirculation of the mouse, and the possible protective effect of vitamins C and E. Male TO mice were divided into six groups, and injected i.p. with saline as a control, nicotine (1 mg/kg), vitamin C alone (100 mg/kg), vitamin E alone (100 mg/kg), nicotine plus vitamin C or nicotine plus vitamin E, all for one week before the experiment. After one week, platelet aggregation in cerebral microvessels of these groups of mice were studied in vivo. The appearance of the first platelet aggregation and total blood flow stop in arterioles and venules were timed in seconds. In the animals treated with nicotine, venules did not show any alteration in the platelet aggregation time in comparison to the control animals. However, in arterioles platelet aggregation time was significantly accelerated (p<0.001) in nicotine-treated animals as compared to controls. Both vitamins C and E prevented the shortening of arteriolar platelet aggregation time significantly (p<0.001) when applied with nicotine but not alone. It can be concluded that nicotine enhances the susceptibility to thrombosis in the cerebral arterioles in vivo and that vitamins C and E have alleviating effect on nicotine-induced thrombotic events in mice pial microvessels.  相似文献   

With the help of contact optic system leukocytes interaction to endothelium of both pial arterioles and venules was investigated during cerebral ischaemia caused by bilateral occlusion of carotids, in vivo. The data received on 40 arterioles and 30 venules (diameter under 40 microns) of pia matter of Wistar rats (n = 7) under ischemic conditions following 5 hours up to respiratory arrest were analyzed. In this experiment, significant differences in adhesiveness of leukocytes to endothelium of arterial and venous microvessels during hypoxia development were shown.  相似文献   

Recent studies have renewed interest in the effects of perivascular tethering on vascular mechanics, particularly growth and remodeling. We quantified effects of axial and circumferential tethering on rabbit pial arterioles from the ventral occipital lobe of the brain. The homeostatic axial pre-stretch, which is influenced by perivascular tethering, was measured in situ to be 1.24±0.04. Using a cannulated microvessel preparation, wall mechanics were then quantified in vitro for isolated arterioles at low (1.10) or normal (1.24) values of axial stretch and for tethered arterioles having perivascular support. Axial stretch did not significantly affect changes in circumferential stretch or stress upon pressurization, but circumferential tethering caused arteriolar geometry to change from a circular cross-section at normal pressure to an elliptical one at pressures above and below normal. Calculations suggested that the observed levels of ellipticity could cause a modest decrease in volumetric blood flow, but also a pronounced variation in shear stress around the circumference of the arteriole. An elliptical cross-section could thus increase vascular resistance or promote luminal remodeling at pressures different from normal. This characterization of effects of perivascular tethering on pial arterioles should prove useful in future studies of roles of perturbed cerebral blood flow on the propensity of the cerebral microcirculation to remodel.  相似文献   

Effects of topical application of 15-HETE on pial arteriolar diameter and cortical perirachnoid cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) prostanoid concentrations were investigated in chloralose-anesthetized newborn pigs. Pial arteriolar diameters were measured using a closed cranial window, and CSF samples from under the window were collected for prostanoid analysis after applying artificial CSF without drug and CSF containing 15-HETE (1, 10, 100, 1000 ng/ml). 15-HETE caused significant dose-related constriction from 162 ± 17.0 μm (control diameter) to 136 ± 14.5 and 129 ± 18.7 μm (100 and 1000 ng/ml, respectively). The concentration of PGE2 (but not of PGF or 6-keto-PGF increased in CSF at 100 and 1000 ng/ml of 15-HETE. Pial arteriolar responses to 15-HETE were determined before and after indomethacin treatment (5 mg/kg, i.v.). 15-HETE (100 ng/ml) constricted pial arterioles before indomethacin (diameter change, −15 ± 10%); after indomethacin, constriction was potentiated in response to the same dose (diameter change, −26 ± 7%). These data support the hypothesis thet, in newborn piglets, 15-HETE exerts a vasoconstrictor effect on pial arterioles, which appears to be attenuated by 15-HETE-induced stimulation of dilator prostanoids.  相似文献   

The effect of luminal shear stress was studied in cerebral arteries and arterioles. Middle cerebral arteries (MCA) and penetrating arterioles (PA) were isolated from male Long-Evans rats, mounted in a tissue bath, and pressurized. After the development of spontaneous tone, inside diameters were 186 +/- 5 microm (n = 28) for MCA and 65 +/- 3 microm (n = 37) for PA. MCA and PA constricted approximately 20% with increasing flow. Flow-induced constriction persisted in MCA and PA after removal of the endothelium. After removal of the endothelium, the luminal application of a polypeptide containing the Arg-Gly-Asp amino acid sequence (inhibitor of integrin attachment) abolished the flow-induced constriction. Similarly, an antibody specific for the beta(3)-chain of the integrin complex significantly inhibited the flow-induced constriction. The shear stress-induced constriction was accompanied by an increase in vascular smooth muscle Ca(2+). For example, a shear stress of 20 dyn/cm(2) constricted MCA 8% (n = 5) and increased Ca(2+) from 209 +/- 17 to 262 +/- 29 nM (n = 5). We conclude that isolated cerebral arteries and arterioles from the rat constrict to increased shear stress. Because the endothelium is not necessary for the response, the shear forces must be transmitted across the endothelium, presumably by the cytoskeletal matrix, to elicit constriction. Integrins containing the beta(3)-chain are involved with the shear stress-induced constrictions.  相似文献   

Bradykinin (BK) is released in the brain during injury and inflammation. Activation of endothelial BK receptors produces acute dilatation of cerebral arterioles that is mediated by reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS can also modulate gene expression, including expression of the inducible isoform of cyclooxygenase (COX-2). We hypothesized that exposure of the brain to BK would produce acute dilatation, which would be followed by a delayed dilatation mediated by COX-2. To test this hypothesis in anesthetized rats, BK was placed twice in cranial windows for 7 min, after which the windows were flushed to remove residual BK. The two BK exposures were separated by 30 min. Each BK exposure produced acute dilatation of cerebral arterioles, after which diameter rapidly returned to baseline. Over the subsequent 4.5 h after the second BK exposure, arterioles dilated 48 +/- 8%. Treatment of the cranial window with NS-398, a selective COX-2 inhibitor, or dexamethasone, significantly attenuated the delayed dilatation. Aminoguanidine, a selective inhibitor of inducible nitric oxide synthase, did not alter the delayed dilatation. Cotreatment of cranial windows with BK, superoxide dismutase, and catalase also prevented the delayed dilatation. In separate experiments, exposure of the cortical surface to BK upregulated leptomeningeal expression of COX-2 mRNA. Our results suggest that acute, time-limited exposure of the brain to BK produces delayed dilatation of cerebral arterioles dependent on expression and activity of COX-2.  相似文献   

ADP mediates platelet-induced relaxation of blood vessels and may function as an important intercellular signaling molecule in the brain. We used pharmacological and genetic approaches to examine mechanisms that mediate responses of cerebral arterioles to ADP, including the role of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS). We examined responses of cerebral arterioles (control diameter approximately 30 microm) in anesthetized wild-type (WT, eNOS+/+) and eNOS-deficient (eNOS-/-) mice using a cranial window. In WT mice, local application of ADP produced vasodilation that was not altered by indomethacin but was reduced by approximately 50% by NG-nitro-L-arginine (L-NNA) or 1H-[1,2,4]oxadiazolo[4,3-a]quinoxalin-1-one (ODQ) (inhibitors of NOS and soluble guanylate cyclase, respectively). In eNOS-/- mice, responses to ADP were largely preserved, and a significant component of the response was resistant to L-NNA (a finding similar to that in WT mice treated with L-NNA). In the absence of L-NNA, responses to ADP were markedly reduced by charybdotoxin plus apamin [inhibitors of Ca2+-dependent K+ channels and responses mediated by endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor (EDHF)] in both WT and eNOS-/- mice. Thus pharmacological and genetic evidence suggests that a significant portion of the response to ADP in cerebral microvessels is mediated by a mechanism independent of eNOS. The eNOS-independent mechanism is functional in the absence of inhibited eNOS and most likely is mediated by an EDHF.  相似文献   

Schwaninger RM  Sun H  Mayhan WG 《Life sciences》2003,73(26):3415-3425
The goals of this study were to determine the effects of type II diabetes mellitus on nitric oxide synthase-dependent responses of cerebral arterioles and on endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) protein in cerebral arterioles. We examined dilatation of cerebral (pial) arterioles in 13-15 week old male lean and diabetic obese Zucker rats in response to nitric oxide synthase-dependent agonists (acetylcholine and adenosine diphosphate (ADP)) and a nitric oxide synthase-independent agonist (nitroglycerin). We found that acetylcholine (10 microM) increased cerebral arteriolar diameter by 10 +/- 3% (mean +/- SE) in lean Zucker rats, but by only 2 +/- 2% in diabetic obese Zucker rats (p<0.05). In addition, ADP (100 microM) increased cerebral arteriolar diameter by 20 +/- 2% in lean Zucker rats, but by only 8 +/- 2% in diabetic obese Zucker rats (p<0.05). In contrast, nitroglycerin produced similar vasodilatation in lean and diabetic obese Zucker rats. Thus, impaired dilatation of cerebral arterioles in diabetic obese Zucker rats is not related to non-specific impairment of vasodilatation. Following these functional studies, we harvested cerebral microvessels for Western blot analysis of eNOS protein. We found that eNOS protein was significantly higher in diabetic obese Zucker rats than in lean Zucker rats (p<0.05). Thus, type II diabetes mellitus impairs nitric oxide synthase-dependent responses of cerebral arterioles. In addition, eNOS protein from cerebral blood vessels is increased in diabetic obese Zucker rats.  相似文献   

The complexity of the vascular effects of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) is illustrated by differences in sensitivity to the amine among arterial tissues of different origin. The interaction of 5-HT with 5-HT2 receptors is inhibited by specific antagonists such as ketanserin and methysergide. Such compounds also inhibit the contractile responses to endogenous 5-HT released from aggregating platelets. The vasodilator component of the response to 5-HT can be unmasked in the presence of serotonergic blockade, provided the antagonist used has no partial agonistic properties. 5-HT augments (amplifies) the vasoconstrictor responses to adrenergic and nonadrenergic neurohumoral mediators. The amplifying effect of the monoamine is prevented by 5-HT2-serotonergic antagonists such as ketanserin.  相似文献   

Our goal was to examine whether exercise training (ExT) could normalize impaired nitric oxide synthase (NOS)-dependent dilation of cerebral (pial) arterioles during type 1 diabetes (T1D). We measured the in vivo diameter of pial arterioles in sedentary and exercised nondiabetic and diabetic rats in response to an endothelial NOS (eNOS)-dependent (ADP), an neuronal NOS (nNOS)-dependent [N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)], and a NOS-independent (nitroglycerin) agonist. In addition, we measured superoxide anion levels in brain tissue under basal conditions in sedentary and exercised nondiabetic and diabetic rats. Furthermore, we used Western blot analysis to determine eNOS and nNOS protein levels in cerebral vessels/brain tissue in sedentary and exercised nondiabetic and diabetic rats. We found that ADP and NMDA produced a dilation of pial arterioles that was similar in sedentary and exercised nondiabetic rats. In contrast, ADP and NMDA produced only minimal vasodilation in sedentary diabetic rats. ExT restored impaired ADP- and NMDA-induced vasodilation observed in diabetic rats to that observed in nondiabetics. Nitroglycerin produced a dilation of pial arterioles that was similar in sedentary and exercised nondiabetic and diabetic rats. Superoxide levels in cortex tissue were similar in sedentary and exercised nondiabetic rats, were increased in sedentary diabetic rats, and were normalized by ExT in diabetic rats. Finally, we found that eNOS protein was increased in diabetic rats and further increased by ExT and that nNOS protein was not influenced by T1D but was increased by ExT. We conclude that ExT can alleviate impaired eNOS- and nNOS-dependent responses of pial arterioles during T1D.  相似文献   

Decreased dilation of cerebral arterioles via an increase in oxidative stress may be a contributing factor in the pathogenesis of diabetes-induced complications leading to cognitive dysfunction and/or stroke. Our goal was to determine whether resveratrol, a polyphenolic compound present in red wine, has a protective effect on cerebral arterioles during type 1 diabetes (T1D). We measured the responses of cerebral arterioles in untreated and resveratrol-treated (10 mg·kg(-1)·day(-1)) nondiabetic and diabetic rats to endothelial (eNOS) and neuronal (nNOS) nitric oxide synthase (NOS)-dependent agonists and to a NOS-independent agonist. In addition, we harvested brain tissue from nondiabetic and diabetic rats to measure levels of superoxide under basal conditions. Furthermore, we used Western blot analysis to determine the protein expression of eNOS, nNOS, SOD-1, and SOD-2 in cerebral arterioles and/or brain tissue from untreated and resveratrol-treated nondiabetic and diabetic rats. We found that T1D impaired eNOS- and nNOS-dependent reactivity of cerebral arterioles but did not alter NOS-independent vasodilation. While resveratrol did not alter responses in nondiabetic rats, resveratrol prevented T1D-induced impairment in eNOS- and nNOS-dependent vasodilation. In addition, superoxide levels were higher in brain tissue from diabetic rats and resveratrol reversed this increase. Furthermore, eNOS and nNOS protein were increased in diabetic rats and resveratrol produced a further increased eNOS and nNOS proteins. SOD-1 and SOD-2 proteins were not altered by T1D, but resveratrol treatment produced a decrease in SOD-2 protein. Our findings suggest that resveratrol restores vascular function and oxidative stress in T1D. We suggest that our findings may implicate an important therapeutic potential for resveratrol in treating T1D-induced cerebrovascular dysfunction.  相似文献   

Hubert Felle 《Planta》1981,152(6):505-512
In the aquatic liverwort Riccia fluitans, membrane depolarization (m), change in membrane conductance (gm), and current-voltage (I-V) characteristics in the presence of different amino acids as well as the uptake of 14C-labeled amino acids were measured. L-isomers of the tested amino acids generate larger electrical effects (m, gm) than D-isomers, and the I-V characteristics show that the positive electrical inward-current of 20 mA m-2 generated by 0.5 mM D-serine is only about 50% of the current generated by adding 0.5 mM L-serine. Whereas - and -amino acids rapidly depolarize the membrane to the same extend, with -aminobutyric acid (-AB) and dipeptides no significant electrical effects have been measured. The uptake kinetics of 14C-labeled amino acids display three components: (I) A saturable high-affinity component with Ks-values of 48 M D-alanine, 12 M -aminoisobutyric acid (AIB), 9 M L-alanine, 8 M L-proline, and 6 M L-serine, respectively; (2) an apparently linear low-affinity component, and (3) an also linear but unspecific component at concentrations >20 times the given Ks-value. Uptake of 14C-labeled AIB can be inhibited competitively by all tested neutral amino acids, the L-isomers being more effective than the D-isomers, as well as by ammonium or methylamine. Vice versa, AIB competitively inhibits uptake of L-serine and L-alanine. It is concluded that an uncharged stereospecific carrier for the investigated amino acids exists in the plasmalemma of Riccia fluitans. Accumulation ratios of about 50 suggest secondary active transport driven by a transmembrane electro-chemical gradient (mainly m) which is generated by the electrogenic proton pump. It is suggested that this carrier binds to the amino group forming either a charged binary complex with positively charged amines (Felle 1980), or an uncharged complex with -AB or dipeptides, whereas electrogenic transport of - and -amino acids is mediated by a ternary carrier complex, probably charged by a proton.Symbols and Abbreviations m membrane potential (mV) - Eco equilibrium potential (mV) of the transport system - gm membrane (slope) conductance (Sm-2) - gm change in gm - I-V curve current-voltage curve - AIB -aminoisobutytric acid - -AB -aminobutyric acid  相似文献   

Active neurons communicate to intracerebral arterioles in part through an elevation of cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) in astrocytes, leading to the generation of vasoactive signals involved in neurovascular coupling. In particular, [Ca(2+)](i) increases in astrocytic processes ("endfeet"), which encase cerebral arterioles, have been shown to result in vasodilation of arterioles in vivo. However, the spatial and temporal properties of endfoot [Ca(2+)](i) signals have not been characterized, and information regarding the mechanism by which these signals arise is lacking. [Ca(2+)](i) signaling in astrocytic endfeet was measured with high spatiotemporal resolution in cortical brain slices, using a fluorescent Ca(2+) indicator and confocal microscopy. Increases in endfoot [Ca(2+)](i) preceded vasodilation of arterioles within cortical slices, as detected by simultaneous measurement of endfoot [Ca(2+)](i) and vascular diameter. Neuronal activity-evoked elevation of endfoot [Ca(2+)](i) was reduced by inhibition of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP(3)) receptor Ca(2+) release channels and almost completely abolished by inhibition of endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) uptake. To probe the Ca(2+) release mechanisms present within endfeet, spatially restricted flash photolysis of caged InsP(3) was utilized to liberate InsP(3) directly within endfeet. This maneuver generated large amplitude [Ca(2+)](i) increases within endfeet that were spatially restricted to this region of the astrocyte. These InsP(3)-induced [Ca(2+)](i) increases were sensitive to depletion of the intracellular Ca(2+) store, but not to ryanodine, suggesting that Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release from ryanodine receptors does not contribute to the generation of endfoot [Ca(2+)](i) signals. Neuronally evoked increases in astrocytic [Ca(2+)](i) propagated through perivascular astrocytic processes and endfeet as multiple, distinct [Ca(2+)](i) waves and exhibited a high degree of spatial heterogeneity. Regenerative Ca(2+) release processes within the endfeet were evident, as were localized regions of Ca(2+) release, and treatment of slices with the vasoactive neuropeptides somatostatin and vasoactive intestinal peptide was capable of inducing endfoot [Ca(2+)](i) increases, suggesting the potential for signaling between local interneurons and astrocytic endfeet in the cortex. Furthermore, photorelease of InsP(3) within individual endfeet resulted in a local vasodilation of adjacent arterioles, supporting the concept that astrocytic endfeet function as local "vasoregulatory units" by translating information from active neurons into complex InsP(3)-mediated Ca(2+) release signals that modulate arteriolar diameter.  相似文献   

The effects of nicotine on nitric oxide synthase (NOS)-dependent reactivity of cerebral arterioles remain uncertain. Our first goal was to examine whether infusion of nicotine alters NOS-dependent reactivity of cerebral arterioles. Our second goal was to examine the mechanisms that may account for the effects of nicotine on cerebral arterioles. We measured the diameter of pial arterioles to NOS-dependent (ADP and acetylcholine) and NOS-independent (nitroglycerin) agonists before and after the infusion of nicotine (2 microg x kg(-1) x min(-1) iv for 30 min, followed by a maintenance dose of 0.35 microg x kg(-1) x min(-1)). ADP- and acetylcholine-induced vasodilatation was impaired after the infusion of nicotine. In contrast, nicotine did not alter vasodilatation to nitroglycerin. Next, we examined whether the impaired responses of pial arterioles during infusion of nicotine may be related to oxygen radicals. We found that application of superoxide dismutase or tetrahydrobiopterin during infusion of nicotine could prevent impaired NOS-dependent vasodilatation. Thus acute exposure of cerebral vessels to nicotine specifically impairs NOS-dependent dilatation via the production of oxygen radicals possibly related to an alteration in the utilization of tetrahydrobiopterin.  相似文献   

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