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A loss of B-cell function in old mice was demonstrated by measuring the in vitro response of lymphoid cells to the B-cell polyclonal activator, LPS (lipopolysaccharide), and the in vivo response to the thymus-independent antigen, pneumococcal polysaccharide type III (SIII). The reduced mitogenic reactivity of lymphoid cells from old compared with young mice could not be explained by a shift in kinetics of the responding cells. When LPS cultures were carried out in the presence of colchicine, fewer cells from old mice were found to respond to the mitogenic signal. The total number of B cells assessed by labelling with either anti-immunoglobulin serum or antigen-antibody complexes was not decreased in old animals. Taken together, these results are consistent with a qualitative rather than a quantitative loss of B-cell function with age. They did not, however, exclude the possibility of depletion of an LPS-reactive sub-population of B cells. Since the number of LPS-reactive cells could not be determined directly, the antibody response of old mice to SIII was investigated. The decreased level of antibody production by old mice to SIII was not due to a shift in kinetics of the responding cells. Extracellular influences were excluded by showing that the reduced responsiveness of old spleen cells persisted after adoptive transfer into young irradiated recipients. Furthermore, pretreatment of cells from old mice with anti-Thy.1 serum and complement before transfer did not enhance their antibody-forming potential. The loss of B-cell activity with age could not, therefore, be explained in terms of an increase in T-cell-dependent suppressive effects. Support for an intrinsic defect in the B cell itself came from the demonstration of similar numbers of SIII-binding cells in normal spleens from old and young mice. Following immunisation, a shift toward low intensity binding cells was observed in spleens from both old and young mice. This shift was, however, less pronounced in the case of old cells, which is consistent with an age-related decline in transformation potential of antibody-forming-cell precursors. The conclusion was, therefore, reached that the reduction with age in B-cell as well as T-cell function is due to a qualitative rather than a quantitative defect in lymphocytes themselves.  相似文献   

B-cell subsets specific for the same hapten share immunoglobulin (Ig) receptors for hapten, but presumably possess different receptors for mitogen. However, we and others recently presented evidence that B cells responsive to different forms of the same hapten (FL) could be activated to clonal expansion by a single FL-antigen, an effect called “cross-priming.” Since it was critical to establish that this phenomenon was independent of putative mitogen receptors for a given FL-antigen, we attempted cross-priming of C3H/HeJ spleen cells with FL-conjugated LPS, an antigen to which they are unable to respond by either mitosis or polyclonal differentiation. Our data indicate that FL-LPS does indeed cross-prime C3H/HeJ B cells such that the subsequent response to other FL-antigens is increased. Augmentation of the anti-FL response was elicited by even nanogram doses of FL-LPS, whereas unconjugated LPS (up to 10 μg/ml) was without effect. These data suggest that induction of a positive signal in FL-responsive cells does not require an interaction with putative mitogen receptors but can occur via hapten:Ig receptor interactions.  相似文献   

Ung-deficient mice have reduced class switch recombination, skewed somatic hypermutation, lymphatic hyperplasia and a 22-fold increased risk of developing B-cell lymphomas. We find that lymphomas are of follicular (FL) and diffuse large B-cell type (DLBCL). All FLs and 75% of the DLBCLs were monoclonal while 25% were biclonal. Monoclonality was also observed in hyperplasia, and could represent an early stage of lymphoma development. Lymphoid hyperplasia occurs very early in otherwise healthy Ung-deficient mice, observed as a significant increase of splenic B-cells. Furthermore, loss of Ung also causes a significant reduction of T-helper cells, and 50% of the young Ung(-/-) mice investigated have no detectable NK/NKT-cell population in their spleen. The immunological imbalance is confirmed in experiments with spleen cells where the production of the cytokines interferon gamma, interleukin 6 and interleukin 2 is clearly different in wild type and in Ung-deficient mice. This suggests that Ung-proteins, directly or indirectly, have important functions in the immune system, not only in the process of antibody maturation, but also for production and functions of immunologically important cell types. The immunological imbalances shown here in the Ung-deficient mice may be central in the development of lymphomas in a background of generalised lymphoid hyperplasia.  相似文献   

A protein factor named S-II that stimulates RNA polymerase II was previously purified from Ehrlich ascites tumor cells [1]. In this work using an antibody prepared against purified S-II, the localization of S-II in the cell was investigated by an indirect immunofluorescence technique. In 3T3 cells, specific immunofluorescence was detected only in the nucleoplasm where RNA polymerase II is located, and not in the nucleoli where RNA polymerase I is present. In Ehrlich ascites tumor cells fluorescence was detected mainly in the nucleoplasm, although some fluorescence was also detectable in the cytoplasm, possibly due to leak of S-II from the nuclei during preparation of the immunofluorescent samples. In metaphase cells fluorescent was not found on chromosomes but throughout the cytoplasm. These findings suggest that S-II is a nuclear protein and that it spreads into the cytoplasm without being attached to chromosomes in metaphase, but is reassembled into the nucleoplasm in the interphase. Specific immunofluorescence was also detected in the nuclei of HeLa cells and salivary glands cells of flesh-fly larvae, suggesting that the nucleoplasm of these heterologous cells contains proteins immunologically cross-reactive with the antibody against S-II.  相似文献   

Corticosteroid binding globulin (CBG) is the carrier for glucocorticoids in plasma. The protein is believed to keep the steroids inactive and to regulate the amount of free hormone acting on target tissues (free hormone hypothesis). Here, we generated a mouse model genetically deficient for CBG to test the contribution of the carrier to glucocorticoid action and adrenocortical stress response. The absence of CBG resulted in a lack of corticosterone binding activity in serum and in an approximately 10-fold increase in free corticosterone levels in CBG-null mice, consistent with its role in regulation of circulating free hormone levels. Surprisingly, cbg(-/-) animals did not exhibit features seen in organisms with enhanced glucocorticoid signaling. Rather, the mice exhibited increased activity of the pituitary axis of hormonal control, normal levels of gluconeogenetic enzymes, and fatigue, as well as an aggravated response to septic shock, indicating an inability to appropriately respond to the excess free corticosterone in the absence of CBG. Thus, our data suggest an active role for CBG in bioavailability, local delivery, and/or cellular signal transduction of glucocorticoids that extends beyond a function as a mere cargo transporter.  相似文献   

Rupture of vulnerable atherosclerotic plaques that are characterized by extensive neointimal accumulation of lipid is a cause of acute coronary syndromes. To identify whether insulin resistance alters atherogenesis, we characterized the composition of atherosclerotic lesions in the proximal aortas in mice deficient in apolipoprotein E (ApoE(-/-)) and in ApoE(-/-) mice in which insulin resistance was intensified by a concomitant heterozygous deficiency in insulin receptor substrate type 2 (IRS2(+/-) ApoE(-/-) mice). In addition, we characterized the effect of an insulin sensitizer, pioglitazone, on the atherogenesis in IRS2(+/-) ApoE(-/-) mice. The extent of the aortic intima occupied by lesion was increased in the IRS2(+/-) ApoE(-/-) compared with ApoE(-/-) mice (79 +/- 3% compared with 68 +/- 8%, p<0.05). Treatment with pioglitazone decreased the neointimal content of lipid in 20-week-old mice from 50 +/- 6% to 30 +/- 7%, p=0.005 and decreased the cellularity reflected by the multisection cross-sectional areas of lesions comprising cells in atheroma from 24 +/- 1% to 19 +/- 3%, p=0.018. Accordingly, genetically induced intensification of insulin resistance increases atheroma formation. Furthermore, attenuation of insulin resistance by treatment with pioglitazone decreases accumulation of lipid in the neointima.  相似文献   

Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) deficiency results in decreased retinol utilization, but it is unclear what physiological roles the several known ADHs play in retinoid signaling. Here, Adh1, Adh3, and Adh4 null mutant mice have been examined following acute and chronic vitamin A excess. Following an acute dose of retinol (50 mg.kg(-1)), metabolism of retinol to retinoic acid in liver was reduced 10-fold in Adh1 mutants and 3.8-fold in Adh3 mutants, but was not significantly reduced in Adh4 mutants. Acute retinol toxicity, assessed by determination of the LD(50) value, was greatly increased in Adh1 mutants and moderately increased in Adh3 mutants, but only a minor effect was observed in Adh4 mutants. When mice were propagated for one generation on a retinol-supplemented diet containing 10-fold higher vitamin A than normal, Adh3 and Adh4 mutants had essentially the same postnatal survival to adulthood as wild-type (92-95%), but only 36% of Adh1 mutants survived to adulthood with the remainder dying by postnatal day 3. Adh1 mutants surviving to adulthood on the retinol- supplemented diet had elevated serum retinol signifying a clearance defect and elevated aspartate aminotransferase indicative of increased liver damage. These findings indicate that ADH1 functions as the primary enzyme responsible for efficient oxidative clearance of excess retinol, thus providing protection and increased survival during vitamin A toxicity. ADH3 plays a secondary role. Our results also show that retinoic acid is not the toxic moiety during vitamin A excess, as Adh1 mutants have less retinoic acid production while experiencing increased toxicity.  相似文献   

Cui Y  Wang D  Si W  Lv W  Niu Y  Lei X  Hu Y  Cao X 《Cell research》2008,18(11):1151-1153
In age-related cognitive deficits and Alzheimer's disease (AD), one of the most common pathological changes appears to be the loss of cholinergic neurons in the forebrain and the depletion of cortical cholinergic axons [1]. Accordingly, attempts have been made to generate therapies that aim to reverse the cognitive deficits associated with AD and aging by direct stimulation of mAChRs with specific agonists.  相似文献   

Evidence from correlative studies and Winn-type assays in syngeneic murine models has suggested that natural antibodies contribute to resistance against tumors in vivo. The B cell deficit associated with the X-linked immunodeficiency of CBA/N strain mice provided a genetic model in which to further test this question. RI-28, a radiation-induced T cell leukemia of the CBA/H strain acquired reduced levels of fluorescence-detected natural antibodies from the serum of X-linked immunodeficiency-bearing CBA/N and male (CBA/N x CBA/J) F1 mice compared with the serum from normals. Threshold s.c. inocula of the RI-28 appeared sooner and produced higher tumor frequencies in the X-linked immunodeficiency-bearing animals. This data coupled with the lack of correlating deficiencies in natural killer cell or activated macrophage activity provide the first genetic evidence for the hypothesis.  相似文献   

Brown adipose tissue is a highly specialized organ that uses mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation to fuel non-shivering thermogenesis. In mice, mutations in the acyl-CoA dehydrogenase family of fatty acid oxidation genes are associated with sensitivity to cold. Brown adipose tissue function has not previously been characterized in these knockout strains. Short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (SCAD) deficient mice were found to have increased brown adipose tissue mass as well as modest cardiac hypertrophy. Uncoupling protein-1 was reduced by 70% in brown adipose tissue and this was not due to a change in mitochondrial number, nor was it due to decreased signal transduction through protein kinase A which is known to be a major regulator of uncoupling protein-1 expression. PKA activity and in vitro lipolysis were normal in brown adipose tissue, although in white adipose tissue a modest increase in basal lipolysis was seen in SCAD−/− mice. Finally, an in vivo norepinephrine challenge of brown adipose tissue thermogenesis revealed normal heat production in SCAD−/− mice. These results suggest that reduced brown adipose tissue function is not the major factor causing cold sensitivity in acyl-CoA dehydrogenase knockout strains. We speculate that other mechanisms such as shivering capacity, cardiac function, and reduced hepatic glycogen stores are involved.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: In mice, genetic engineering involves two general approaches-addition of an exogenous gene, resulting in transgenic mice, and use of knockout mice, which have a targeted mutation of an endogenous gene. The advantages of these approaches is that questions can be asked about the function of a particular gene in a living mammalian organism, taking into account interactions among cells, tissues, and organs under normal, disease, injury, and stress situations. METHODS: Review of the literature concentrating principally on knockout mice and questions of unexpected phenotypes, lack of phenotype, redundancy, and effect of genetic background on phenotype will be discussed. CONCLUSION: There is little gene redundancy in mammals; knockout phenotypes exist even if none are immediately apparent; and investigating phenotypes in colonies of mixed genetic background may reveal not only more phenotypes, but also may lead to better understanding of the molecular or cellular mechanism underlying the phenotype and to discovery of modifier gene(s).  相似文献   

It has beenproposed that aquaporin-4 (AQP4), a water channel expressed at theplasmalemma of skeletal muscle cells, is important in normal musclephysiology and in the pathophysiology of Duchenne's musculardystrophy. To test this hypothesis, muscle water permeability andfunction were compared in wild-type and AQP4 knockout mice. Immunofluorescence and freeze-fracture electron microscopy showed AQP4protein expression in plasmalemma of fast-twitch skeletal muscle fibersof wild-type mice. Osmotic water permeability was measured inmicrodissected muscle fibers from the extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and fractionated membrane vesicles from EDLhomogenates. With the use of spatial-filtering microscopy to measureosmotically induced volume changes in EDL fibers, half times(t1/2) for osmotic equilibration (7.5-8.5 s)were not affected by AQP4 deletion. Stopped-flow light-scatteringmeasurements of osmotically induced volume changes in plasmalemmavesicles also showed no significant differences in water permeability.Similar water permeability, yet ~90% decreased AQP4 proteinexpression was found in EDL from mdx mice that lack dystrophin.Skeletal muscle function was measured by force generation in isolatedEDL, treadmill performance time, and in vivo muscle swelling inresponse to water intoxication. No differences were found in EDL forcegeneration after electrical stimulation [42 ± 2 (wild-type) vs. 41 ± 2 (knockout) g/s], treadmill performance time (22 vs. 26 min; 29 m/min, 13° incline), or muscle swelling (2.8 vs. 2.9% increasedwater content at 90 min after intraperitoneal water infusion). Togetherthese results provide evidence against a significant role of AQP4 inskeletal muscle physiology in mice.


Using density gradient fractionation palmityl-CoA oxidase was localised in the peroxisomes of kidney and small intestine of albino mice. Dietary clofibrate treatment for 14 days resulted in significant increases in palmityl-CoA oxidase of kidney and small intestine of albino mice and liver of genetically lean and obese mice, and was accompanied in the latter by a proliferation of hepatic peroxisomes.  相似文献   

Dorsal pancreas agenesis in N-cadherin- deficient mice.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Members of the cadherin family of cell adhesion molecules are thought to be crucial regulators of tissue patterning and organogenesis. During pancreatic ontogeny N-cadherin is initially expressed in the pancreatic mesenchyme and later in pancreatic endoderm. Analysis of N-cadherin-deficient mice revealed that these mice suffer from selective agenesis of the dorsal pancreas. Further analysis demonstrated that the mechanism for the lack of a dorsal pancreas involves an essential function of N-cadherin as a survival factor in the dorsal pancreatic mesenchyme.  相似文献   

Enhancement by interferon of natural killer cell activity in mice.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Injection of mice with several interferon inducers, Newcastle Disease virus, polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid and tilorone resulted in an increase in spleen cell cytotoxicity for 51chromium-labeled mouse YAC tumor target cells in 4-hr in vitro assays. This increase in spleen cell cytotoxicity was abrogated by injection of mice with potent anti-mouse interferon globulin. Inoculation of mice with mouse interferon (but not human leucocyte or mock interferon preparations) also resulted in a marked enhancement of spleen cell cytotoxicity. The extent of enhancement of spleen cell cytotoxicity was directly proportional to the amount of interferon injected and a significant increase was observed after inoculation of as little as 103 to 104 units of interferon. An effect could be detected as soon as 1 hr after injection of interferon. The increase of spleen cell cytotoxicity after inoculation of an interferon inducer was not due to a localization and accumulation of cytotoxic cells in the spleen but reflected a general increase in cytotoxic cell activity in various lymphoid tissues (except the thymus). The splenic cytotoxic cells from interferon or interferon-inducer-injected mice had the characteristics of natural killer (NK) cells since (i) interferon enhanced spleen cell cytotoxicity in athymic (nu/nu) nude mice, (ii) classical spleen cell fractionation procedures by nylon wool columns, anti-Thy 1.2 serum plus complement, anti-Ig columns, and depletion of FcR+ rosette-forming cells, failed to remove the effector cells generated in vivo or in vitro. Therefore like NK cells, interferon-induced cytotoxic cells lack the surface markers of mature T and B lymphocytes, are not adherent, and are devoid of avid Fc receptors. Furthermore like NK cells, the spleen cells from interferon-treated mice lysed various target cells (known for their sensitivity to NK cells) without H-2 or species restriction. Incubation in vitro of normal spleen cells with interferon also resulted in an increase in cytotoxicity for YAC tumor cells. We conclude that interferon acts directly on NK cells and enhances the inherent cytotoxic activity of these cells.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggest that vasoconstriction is modulated by nitric oxide (NO). Contractions to ET-1 and/or thromboxane may be enhanced during chronic deficiency in expression or activity of NO synthase (NOS). Multiple isoforms of NOS are expressed within the vessel wall and purely pharmacological approaches cannot define the role of each. We tested the hypothesis that vasoconstriction to endothelin-1 (ET-1) and/or the thromboxane mimetic, U46619, is enhanced under conditions of chronic, selective deficiency in endothelial NOS (eNOS-/-) by examining responses in aorta from eNOS-/- mice compared to wild type (eNOS+/+). ET-1 produced dose-dependent contraction of aorta from eNOS+/+ mice that was increased twofold following acute inhibition of all NOS isoforms with N(G)-nitro-L-arginine (L-NNA). In eNOS-/- mice, contractions to ET-1 were increased twofold compared to eNOS+/+. L-NNA had no effect. Although contraction of the aorta to thromboxane mimetic U46619 was increased at lower concentrations, maximal contractions to U46619 were not increased following acute inhibition of NOS or in eNOS-/- mice. These studies provide direct evidence that vasoconstriction to ET-1 and thromboxane is augmented in the face of eNOS deficiency, demonstrating that eNOS normally inhibits vascular contractile responses.  相似文献   

In systemic lupus erythematosus, the renal deposition of complement-containing immune complexes initiates an inflammatory cascade resulting in glomerulonephritis. Activation of the classical complement pathway with deposition of C3 is pathogenic in lupus nephritis. Although the alternative complement pathway is activated in lupus nephritis, its role in disease pathogenesis is unknown. To determine the role of the alternative pathway in lupus nephritis, complement factor B-deficient mice were backcrossed to MRL/lpr mice. MRL/lpr mice develop a spontaneous lupus-like disease characterized by immune complex glomerulonephritis. We derived complement factor B wild-type (B+/+), homozygous knockout (B-/-), and heterozygous (B+/-) MRL/lpr mice. Compared with B+/- or B+/+ mice, MRL/lpr B-/- mice developed significantly less proteinuria, less glomerular IgG deposition, and decreased renal scores as well as lower IgG3 cryoglobulin production and vasculitis. Serum C3 levels were normal in the B-/- mice compared with significantly decreased levels in the other two groups. These results suggest that: 1) factor B plays an important role in the pathogenesis of glomerulonephritis and vasculitis in MRL/lpr mice; and 2) activation of the alternative pathway, either by the amplification loop or by IgA immune complexes, has a prominent effect on serum C3 levels in this lupus model.  相似文献   

From a mutagenized population of wild type Leishmania donovani promastigotes, a clone was isolated in a single step by virtue of its resistance to 1 mM methotrexate, a potent inhibitor of dihydrofolate reductase. This methotrexate-selected cell line, MTXA5, was cross-resistant to aminopterin but just as sensitive to growth inhibition caused by pyrimethamine, trimethoprim, and cytotoxic purine and pyrimidine analogs. Unlike previously characterized methotrexate-resistant Leishmania (Coderre, J. A., Beverley, S. M., Schimke, R., and Santi, D. V. (1983) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 80, 2132-2136), resistance to the antimetabolite was not due to gene amplification or increased dihydrofolate reductase activity. The genetic defect in MTXA5 cells appeared to be in the methotrexate-folate transport system. The rate of uptake and transport of [3H]methotrexate and [3H]folate into MTXA5 cells was less than 1% of that of wild type parental cells. Neither wild type nor MTXA5 cells could multiply in folate-deficient medium, and thymine and thymidine at concentrations which circumvented methotrexate toxicity, did not restore the ability of Leishmania to grow. The concentration of exogenous folate that restored growth of wild type and mutant cells, however, was virtually identical, although MTXA5 cells, unlike parental cells, could not proliferate in folate-deficient medium supplemented with 10 microM biopterin. Interestingly, methotrexate and aminopterin could stimulate the growth of both leishmanial strains in folate-deficient medium, suggesting that these antifolate analogs were serving as a pteridine source for the parasite. These somatic cell genetic studies of folate transport in Leishmania provide genetic evidence for a specific folate permease in L. donovani promastigotes and have important implications concerning the mechanisms by which these parasites utilize exogenous pteridines and folates and by which they might become resistant to parasite-directed chemotherapeutic regimens.  相似文献   

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