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The mes-metencephalic boundary (isthmus) has been suggested to act as an organizer in the development of the optic tectum. Pax-5 was cloned as a candidate for regulator of the organizing center. Isthmus-specific expression of Pax-5 and analogy with the genetic cascade in Drosophila suggest that Pax-5 may be at a higher hierarchical position in the gene regulation cascade of tectum development. To examine this possibility, a gain-of-function experiment on Pax-5 was carried out. In ovo electroporation on E2 chick brain with the eucaryotic expression vector that encodes chick Pax-5 cDNA was used. Not only was a considerable amount of Pax-5 expressed ectopically in the transfected brain, but irregular bulging of the neuroepithelium was induced in the diencephalon and mesencephalon. At Pax-5 misexpressing sites, uptake of BrdU was increased. Histological examination of E7 transfected brain revealed that Pax-5 caused transdifferentiation of diencephalon into the tectum-like structure. In the bulges of the E7 mesencephalon, differentiation of laminar structure was repressed when compared to the normal side. In transfected embryos, En-2, Wnt-1 and Fgf8 were up-regulated ectopically, and Otx2 was down-regulated in the diencephalon to mesencephalon. Moreover, Ephrin-A2, which is expressed specifically in the tectum with a gradient highest at the caudal end, is suggested to be involved in pathfinding of the retinal fibers, and was induced in the bulges. When the mouse Fgf8 expression vector was electroporated, Pax-5 and chick Fgf8 were also induced ectopically. These results suggest that Pax-5, together with Fgf8, hold a higher position in the genetic hierarchy of the isthmus organizing center and regulate its activity.  相似文献   

Antagonizing activity of chick Grg4 against tectum-organizing activity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Alar plate of chick mesencephalon differentiates into the optic tectum. It has been shown that factors expressed in the mes-metencephalic boundary induce the tectum and give positional specificity. Chick Grg4 is expressed at first in the anterior neural fold. The expression localizes from the posterior diencephalon to the mesencephalon by stage 10. To investigate the function of Grg4 in mesencephalic development, Grg4 overexpression was carried out by in ovo electroporation. After Grg4 overexpression, expression of En-2, Pax5, Fgf8, and EphrinA2 was repressed, and Pax6 was upregulated in the mesencephalic region. Grg4 overexpression caused the morphological change; mesencephalic swelling became smaller and the di-mesencephalic boundary shifted posteriorly, that is, the anterior limit of tectum shifted posteriorly. Importantly, cotransfection of Grg4 with Pax5 canceled the tectum-inducing activity of Pax5. These results suggest that Grg4 works as an antagonist against tectum-organizing activity. It was also shown that transfected N-terminal domains of Grg4 induced En-2 expression. Since N-terminal domains were transported to the nucleus in the neuroepithelium, they could act as dominant negative for endogenous Grg4. These results indicate that Grg4 has repressing activity against the organizing molecules and suggest that Grg4 plays important roles in formation of anterior tectal boundary and polarity.  相似文献   

Msx1 is required for dorsal diencephalon patterning   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The dorsal midline of the neural tube has recently emerged as a major signaling center for dorsoventral patterning. Msx genes are expressed at the dorsal midline, although their function at this site remains unknown. Using Msx1(nlacZ) mutant mice, we show that the normal expression domain of Msx1 is interrupted in the pretectum of mutant embryos. Morphological and gene expression data further indicate that a functional midline is not maintained along the whole prosomere 1 in Msx1 mutant mice. This results in the downregulation of genes expressed laterally to the midline in prosomere 1, confirming the importance of the midline as a signaling center. Wnt1 is essential for dorsoventral patterning of the neural tube. In the Msx1 mutant, Wnt1 is downregulated before the midline disappears, suggesting that its expression depends on Msx1. Furthermore, electroporation in the chick embryo demonstrates that Msx1 can induce Wnt1 expression in the diencephalon neuroepithelium and in the lateral ectoderm. In double Msx1/Msx2 mutants, Wnt1 expression is completely abolished at the dorsal midline of the diencephalon and rostral mesencephalon. This indicates that Msx genes may regulate Wnt1 expression at the dorsal midline of the neural tube. Based on these results, we propose a model in which Msx genes are intermediary between Bmp and Wnt at this site.  相似文献   

The alar plate of the mesencephalon differentiates into the optic tectum. Retinal fibers project to the tectum topographically in a retinotopic manner. Engrailed (En) is responsible for the tectum polarity formation and regionalization. Former study indicated the presence of the molecule whose expression is repressed by En and that represses the isthmus-related gene expression. To isolate such molecules, we constructed a subtracted library between cDNA population of the normal rostral mesencephalon and of the rostral mesencephalon that misexpresses En2. From the library, we isolated cHes5, a chicken homolog of Drosophila hairy/Enhancer of split. cHes5 begins to be expressed in the rostral part of the E2 mesencephalon, and spreads to caudal mesencephalon by E3. To our expectation, cHes5 expression was repressed by En2. Furthermore, misexpression of cHes5 in the mesencephalon inhibited expression of ephrinA2, a marker of caudal mesencephalon. An active repressor form of Hes5, which is a chimeric molecule of Hes5 and repressor domain of En2, showed a similar but more severe phenotype. The results indicate that Hes5 is regulated by En and is responsible for rostral identity of mesencephalon by repressing ephrinA2.  相似文献   

The mes-metencephalic boundary (isthmus) works as an organizer for the tectum, and the organizing molecule may be Fgf8. The region where Otx2, En1, and Pax2 are expressed overlappingly may differentiate into the mesencephalon. The di-mesencephalic and mes-metencephalic boundaries are determined by repressive interaction of Pax6 and En1/Pax2 and of Otx2 and Gbx2, respectively. The optic tectum is a visual center in lower vertebrates. The tectum and the retina should be regionalized and be positionally specialized for the proper retinotopic projection. Gradient of En2 plays a crucial role in rostrocaudal polarity formation of the tectum. En2 confers caudal characteristics of the retina by inducing ephrinA2 and A5, which are the repellant molecules for the growth cones of temporal retinal ganglion cells. Grg4 antagonizes the isthmus-related genes, and is involved in the formation of di-mesencephalic boundary and tectal polarity formation at an early phase of development. Then, Grg4 plays a role in tectal laminar formation by controlling the migration pathway. Migration pathway of tectal postmitotic cells changes after E5. The late migratory cells split the early migratory neurons to form laminae h-j of SGFS. Grg4 is expressed in the ventricular layer after E5, and forces postmitotic cells to follow the late migratory pathway, though retinal fibers terminate at laminae a-f of SGFS. Misexpression of Grg4 disrupts the lamina g, and in such tecta retinal arbors invade deep into the tectal layer, indicating that lamina g is a nonpermissive lamina for the retinal arbors.  相似文献   

Lens regeneration from non-lens ocular tissues has been well documented in amphibians, from the dorsal iris in the newt and from the outer cornea in Xenopus. To understand the early molecular events which govern lens regeneration, we examined the expression of two early marker genes of normal lens development, Pax-6 and Prox 1. In both Cynops (newt) iris and Xenopus cornea, Pax-6 is expressed soon after lentectomy in a region broader than that giving rise to the regenerating lens, indicative of an important role for Pax-6 in determination of the regeneration potential. Then Prox 1 expression begins within the Pax-6-expressing tissue, and these Prox 1-expressing cells give rise to the regenerating lens. This sequence of events also takes place in the lens placode of the embryo, indicating that the presence of the same genetic program operates in both embryonic lens development and lens regeneration, at least partly. In the Cynops iris, Pax-6 expression occurs initially in the entire marginal region of the iris after lentectomy but then becomes restricted to the dorsal region. Further studies are expected to elucidate the mechanism of this long-standing problem of the dorsal-restriction of lens regeneration from the newt iris.  相似文献   

The murine paired-box-containing gene 5, Pax-5, is highly homologous to two other Pax genes, Pax-2 and Pax-8. The expression pattern of Pax-5 during mouse embryogenesis was examined by in situ RNA hybridization and compared to those of Pax-2 and Pax-8. Beginning at day 9.5 postcoitum (p.c.), Pax-5 was expressed in the developing brain, predominantly at the midbrain-hindbrain boundary, and in the neural tube. While the neural tube expression pattern overlapped completely with Pax-2 and Pax-8, the expression pattern in the brain was only partially overlapping. Unlike Pax-2 and Pax-8, Pax-5 was not expressed in the developing excretory system, thyroid, eye or ear. Our data suggest that Pax-5 has a role in the development of the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Pallial and subpallial morphological subdivisions of the mouse and chicken telencephalon were examined from the new perspective given by gene markers expressed in these territories during development. The rationale of this approach is that common gene expression patterns may underlie similar histogenetic specification and, consequently, comparable morphological nature. The nested expression domains of the genes Dlx-2 and Nkx-2.1 are characteristic for the subpallium (lateral and medial ganglionic eminences). Similar expression of these markers in parts of the mouse septum and amygdala suggests that such parts may be considered subpallial. The genes Pax-6, Tbr-1 and Emx-1 are expressed in the pallium. Complementary areas of the septum and amygdala shared expression of these genes, suggesting these are the pallial parts of these units. Differences in the relative topography of pallial marker genes also define different regions of the pallium, which can be partially traced into the amygdala. Importantly, there is evidence of a novel "ventral pallium" subdivision, which is a molecularly distinct pallial territory intercalated between the striatum and the lateral pallium. Its derivatives in the mouse apparently belong to the claustroamygdaloid complex. Chicken genes homologous sequence-wise to these mouse developmental genes are expressed in topologically comparable patterns during development. The avian subpallium -the paleostriatum- expresses Dlx-2 and Nkx-2.1; expression extends as well into the septum and anterior and medial parts of the archistriatum. The avian pallium expresses Pax-6, Tbr-1 and Emx-1 and also contains a distinct ventral pallium, formed by the neostriatum and ventral intermediate parts of the archistriatum. The lateral pallium comprises the hyperstriatum ventrale, overlying temporo-parieto-occipital corticoid layer and piriform cortex, plus dorsal intermediate and posterior archistriatum. The dorsal pallium includes the dorsal, intercalated and accessory hyperstriatum, plus the dorsolateral corticoid area. The medial pallium contains the hippocampus and parahippocampal area. A dorsal part of the septum shares pallial molecular markers. Gene markers thus suggest common sets of molecular developmental determinants in either pallial or subpallial domains of the mouse and chicken telencephalon, extending all the way from the posterior pole (amygdala) to the septum. Ventral pallial derivatives identified as claustroamygdaloid in the mouse correlate with avian neostriatum and parts of the archistriatum.  相似文献   

A novel gene, cfm, that is expressed uniquely during early forebrain and midbrain development was isolated, and its null mutant was generated. cfm does not have any known functional domains, but is conserved in human, chick, Xenopus and zebrafish; a site of phosphorylation by MAP kinase exists in one of the domains conserved among them. Its expression was initially found at the 5-somite stage in the future midbrain and caudal forebrain region. The expression in mesencephalon subsequently decreased, was found in a stripe in the mid mesencephalon at E9.0. The expression in diencephalon was restricted to the dorsal thalamic region by E9.5 and to epiphysis at E12.5. In mouse a cognate, cfm2, exists that is expressed uniquely in the somite just formed and the presomite to be segmented, but not in forebrain or midbrain during early development. However, the cfm null mutant was live-born without any apparent defects.  相似文献   

Pax3/7 is expressed in the alar plate of the mesencephalon. The optic tectum differentiates from the alar plate of the mesencephalon, and expression of Pax3/7 is well correlated to the tectum development. To explore the function of Pax3 and Pax7 in the tectum development, we misexpressed Pax3 and Pax7 in the diencephalon and ventral mesencephalon. Morphological and molecular marker gene analysis indicated that Pax3 and Pax7 misexpression caused fate change of the alar plate of the presumptive diencephalon to that of the mesencephalon, that is, a tectum and a torus semicircularis were formed ectopically. Ectopic tectum in the diencephalon appeared to be generated through sequential induction of Fgf8, En2 and Pax3/7. In ventral mesencephalon, which expresses En but does not differentiate to the tectum in normal development, Pax3 and Pax7 misexpression induced ectopic tectum. In normal development, Pax3 and Pax7 expression in the mesencephalon commences after Otx2, En and Pax2/5 expression. In addition, expression domain of Pax3 and Pax7 is well consistent with presumptive tectum region in a dorsoventral axis. Taken together with normal expression pattern of Pax3 and Pax7, results of misexpression experiments suggest that Pax3 and Pax7 define the tectum region subsequent to the function of Otx2 and En.  相似文献   

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