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PAXMAN  G. J. 《Annals of botany》1956,20(2):331-347
Stability, or homeostasis, is that property of the organismbuffering it against small random fluctuations of the environmentand accidents of development. A means of measuring, within theindividual, the stability of expression of one foliar and twofloral characters is given. Data are presented from a set of diallel crosses among fivevarieties of Nicotiana rustica, derived from different populationsand grown in two successive seasons. This allows stability tobe examined over a number of genotypes in the parent and F1generations, in two differing environments. The leaf characters show some change from node to node, i.e.manifesting a gradual differentiation, as well as random fluctuationswhich are taken as evidence of instability. Like stability,this differentiation rate varies from genotype to genotype andshows genetic control. Some attempt is made to find to what extent the different phenomenaare related.  相似文献   

Selection for Differing Degrees of Out-breeding in Nicotiana rustica   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BREESE  E. L. 《Annals of botany》1959,23(2):331-344
Initial observations on Nicotiana rustica suggested that thepercentage of seed set by outcrossing might vary considerablyin a segregating population and that this might be due to variationin the position of the stigma relative to the anthers in thecorolla-tube. This, measured as the difference in level betweenthe stigma and the ring of anthers, is termed heterostathmyand the average expression of this character could be significantlyaltered by a short programme of selection. These structuralmodifications were accompanied by developmental modificationsaffecting the timing of anther dehiscence relative to the openingof the flower. Tests indicated that these changes significantlyaffected the rate of outbreeding.  相似文献   

Variation of Alkaloid Production in Nicotiana rustica Callus Cultures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Callus cultures have been established from the seed, root and leaf of Nicotiana rustica L. var. brasilia in a synthetic medium containing 1 μM 2,4-D and μM kinetin. These callus tissues behaved similarly not only in growth and organogenesis but also in nicotine production. The nicotine contents of callus cultures, which were in the order of 0.25–0.58% of dry weight during a few passages subsequent to callus induction, rapidly decreased to trace amounts in succeeding subcultures in association with the decline of the root-regenerating activity. On the other hand, free cells prepared from a callus tissue in the third passage developed into individual clones showing wide differences in growth and nicotine production. One of these clones gave rise to a relatively stable strain which is capable of producing nicotine at a high rate (0.29% of dry weight) in the absence of organization. The significance of these findings is discussed in connection with some results which have been reported for other callus cultures of Nicotiana species.  相似文献   

Three new sesquiterpenoid stress compounds, occidenol, occidentalol and trans-occidentalol, have been isolated from the leaves of Nicotiana rustica inoculated with TMV.  相似文献   

Protoplasts isolated from cell cultures of chlorophyll-deficient Nicotiana rustica cv. chlorotica and wild-type N. sylvestris were fused. The scheme for selection of somatic hybrids was based on the inability of the protoplast-derived colonies of the parental species to turn green; N. sylvestris protoplasts also had a very low plating efficiency in the medium employed. A total of 777 green colonies which were presumptive hybrids were isolated within four weeks of the fusion experiments. One hundred and eight green colonies formed shoots in vitro and 16 lines were rooted and grown in the greenhouse. Each of these hybrid plants displayed vegetative and floral traits intermediate to those of the parental species, except for plant height which in almost all cases was greater in the hybrids. Isozyme analyses by gel electrophoresis and isoelectric focussing of the small subunit of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RUBPCase) demonstrated that the nuclear genomes of both parents were expressed by the hybrids. Each of the eight somatic hybrid plants analyzed expressed only the N. rustica chloroplast genome as shown by isoelectric focussing of the large subunit of RUBPCase. This study demonstrated the value of N. rustica cv. chlorotica as a parental line in somatic hybridization with N. sylvestris and it might have widespread use with wild-type lines of other species.  相似文献   

Vacuoles isolated from Nicotiana rustica var brasilia have been shown to contain significant levels of glycosidase activity when assayed using p-nitrophenyl-glycosides as substrates. The substrate specificity for the glycosidases in the vacuolar fraction closely paralleled that found in the protoplasts, and the leaf tissue from which the vacuoles were isolated. The substrate specificity of the vacuolar enzyme(s) was different from glycosidic activity found in the commercial digestive enzyme preparations used to isolate the protoplasts from leaf tissue. It was demonstrated that 70 to 90% of the glycosidases that were found in the protoplasts appeared to be localized within the vacuole, when the p-nitrophenyl substrates α- and β-;d-galactose, β-d-glucose, and α-d-mannose were used. Neither the vacuolar nor the protoplast enzymes were active towards the naturally occurring phenolic glycoside, rutin. α-Mannosidase appears to be a valuable marker enzyme for vacuoles isolated from mesophyll leaf cells of tobacco.  相似文献   

In attempting to examine whether CN-resistant respiratory pathway is present in callus culture, we used tobacco callus cultures grown on different media. The M-1 medium contained tbe mineral and organic elements of MS medium and was supple,nented with 6-BA (0.5 mg/l) and 2,4-D (2 mg/l), and M-2 medium with 6-BA (2mg/l) and IAi (1 mg/l). No differentiation was observed in both of them. The respiration of M-1 callus was partly resistant to CN, and was markedly inhlbited by m-CLAM in the presence or absence of CN. Experiments of m-CLAM titration showed that the averages of relative contribution of alternative and cytochrome pathway in M-1 callus were 31% awl 46%of the total respiration respectively during the euliure period of 25 days. A same experiment was made on the M-2 callus. It was found that the pereeutages of relative contributions of the two electron transport pathways to the total respiration were approximately the same as those of the M-1 callus, although the respiratory rate was higher in M-2 callus. The above results showed that the bulk of respiratory electron flux was mediated by the eytoehrome pathway, although the alternative pathway was operative in callus of tobacco. The change of exogenous hormones added in the medium could not produee significant effects on the degree of relative contribution of two electron transport pathways under non-differentiation conditions.  相似文献   

The T-6b gene of Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain Tm4 induces tumours on Nicotiana rustica by an as yet unknown mechanism. These tumours cannot be regenerated into normal plants. To study the effect of the T-6b gene product on normal plant cells, the T-6b gene was placed under control of the Drosophila melanogaster hsp70 heat-shock promoter and introduced into N. rustica. Progeny of an hsp70-T-6b transformant developed into normal plants. The inducibility of the hsp70-T-6b construct was shown by northern analysis and by heat-shock-dependent growth alterations on the level of whole seedlings. Upon wounding at normal temperature conditions hsp70-T-6b plants formed small tumours on leaves and stems. Grafts between transformed plants and normal plants led to a wound callus which remained limited to transformed tissues, indicating that the T-6b gene product does not diffuse. Protoplasts of hsp70-T-6b plants divided in the same way as control protoplasts under standard culture conditions. However, when protoplast cultures were started in the absence of hormones, normal cells rapidly lost their sensitivity towards hormones, whereas hsp70-T-6b cells remained sensitive for a significantly longer period. Thus, the T-6b gene product alters hormone sensitivity during the initial phases of protoplast culture.  相似文献   

Logistic curves were fitted to sigmoidal growth data obtained from tobacco (Nicotiana rustica L.) callus grown on media prepared with 0.1, 0.03, 0.01, and 0.003 m sucrose. Analysis of the growth curves indicated that final yields and specific growth rates were influenced by the initial sucrose concentration. Growth yields from the four treatments were similar (0.61 +/- 0.04 gram dry tissue per gram sucrose supplied). Initial specific growth rates exhibited a Michaelis-Menten dependency on initial sucrose concentration such that the V(max) = 0.18 g g(-1) day(-1) and Km = 0.0037 m sucrose.  相似文献   

Cucumber mosaic (CMV) and alfalfa mosaic (AlfMV) viruses could not be detected in Nicotiana rustica tissues cultured at 32 °C for 16–18 days or at 40 °C for 5 days, but infectivity remained high in comparable tissue cultured at 22 °C. Incubation of infected cultures at 28–30 °C resulted in an initial reduction followed by a partial recovery in the infectivity of both viruses. The infectivity of CMV in tissues grown between 12 and 32 °C was highest in cultures grown at 12 °C. Although CMV infectivity was not detected in cultures after 16–18 days at 32 °C, virus was eliminated only after a further 30 days at 32 °C. When cultures were transferred from 32 to 22 °C after shorter treatment periods, infectivity rapidly increased to levels higher than those of infected tissues grown continuously at 22 °C. At 40 °C, CMV was eliminated from infected tissues after 9 days and AlfMV after 7 days. Cultures grown continuously at 40 °C deteriorated rapidly but, when grown under diurnal alternating periods of 8 h at 40 °C and 16 h at 22 °C, they remained viable and CMV was also inactivated.  相似文献   

Summary A total of six genotypes of Nicotiana rustica comprising the two F1's (V2 × V12 and V1 × V5) and their parents were evaluated for their efficiency in haploid production. Excised immature flower buds with pollen at late uninucleate to early binucleate stage were pretreated for 21 days at 5 ° or 7 °C, or for 15 days at 9 °C before culturing on Nitsch's medium+ 0.1 mg/l NAA. The effects of genotype, pretreatment and their interaction were tested on anther response, anther productivity and days to first plantlet formation. Highly significant genotype X pretreatment interaction and differences between genotypes were observed for all three characters. Significant differences between pretreatments were observed for anther productivity only. The performance of V12 both in respect of anther productivity and response was highest whereas that of V5 was the lowest. Analysis of variance showed that a simple additive genetic model was not adequate to explain the above variation due to significant additive genetic and dominance interactions with the pretreatment.  相似文献   

Summary The efficiency of dihaploid production from anther culture in N. rustica has been improved by studying the effects of pretreatment temperature, pretreatment duration and initial anther stage on anther response, anther productivity and time to first plantlet production. Pretreatment was most effective on anthers at or around the stage of pollen mitosis. Pollen mitosis stage anthers pretreated at 9 °C for 15 days gave the best results. Both spontaneous and induced dihaploids were obtained. Small plantlets treated with 0.4% colchicine and 2% DMS solution for 5 h produced the maximum number of dihaploids (more than 50%). These considerable improvements in the efficiency of the techniques have made dihaploidy an attractive method for producing inbred lines in N. rustica. This will permit a large scale comparison of dihaploids with more conventional methods of inbreeding such as single seed descent and pedigree breeding.  相似文献   

《Plant science》1988,54(2):125-131
Cadaverine (1–10 mM) stimulated the production of anabasine by hairy root cultures of Nicotiana rustica transformed with Agrobacterium rhizogenes. In control cultures, nicotine accounted for at least 70–80% of the total alkaloid produced, whereas in cultures supplemented with 5 mM cadaverine about two-thirds of the alkaloid was anabasine and nicotine production was markedly diminished. Putrescine and agmatine caused some stimulation of alkaloid production, but the ratio of nicotine to anabasine was essentially unaffected. Lysine caused no substantial increase in anabasine formation.  相似文献   

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