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Postnatal differentiation of sex-specific distribution patterns of G6Pase,G6PDH and ME in the rat liver 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Summary The activity of the liver enzymes G6Pase, G6PDH and ME was studied in rats of 2–9 weeks old by histochemical means. In addition, G6PDH and ME activity was quantitatively determined in homogenates. In the 2nd and 3rd week G6Pase is similarly distributed in both sexes: while in the periportal zone high activity is demonstrable, the perivenous zone shows only low activity. After this period a nearly homogeneous distribution pattern becomes evident in all animals. Sex difference occurs after the 6th week: in the livers of male rats the periportal maximum is sometimes combined with a second peak in the perivenous area, in females a steep gradient emerges with high activity in the periportal zone and a low one in the perivenous zone. In the first postnatal weeks G6PDH activity is very low in parenchymal cells, but very prominent in Kupffer cells. Around the 5th week there is an increase, predominantly in the perivenous zone of both sexes. While there is again a further decrease demonstrable in male rats, the G6PDH activity of female rats rises to high adult values. This increase seems to be restricted to the perivenous zone. ME can be demonstrated at first in leucocytes. In the course of the 3rd week there is an increase of activity in both sexes: ME is demonstrable in parenchymal cells of the perivenous area and in scattered hepatocytes of the periportal area. In male rats, the perivenous activity is diminished towards the end of the investigation period, in females, however, a high activity remains in the perivenous zone. The data show that in females the activity of NADP dependent enzymes is high in the perivenous zone, so it may be assumed that a lipogenic area is situated around the terminal efferent vessels. Because of the sex difference this area may be hormone-dependent. The lipogenic area is situated opposite to the gluco(neo)genic area which corresponds to the periportal zone.Parts of this study were presented as an Inaugural Dissertation to the Medical Faculty of the University of Freiburg by H.H.Supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Sa 127/7 and the SFB 46 (Molgrudent) 相似文献
S Waguri M Kohmura S Kanamori T Watanabe Y Ohsawa M Koike Y Tomiyama M Wakasugi E Kominami Y Uchiyama 《The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry》2001,49(11):1397-1405
Two mannose 6-phosphate receptors, cation-dependent and -independent receptors (CDMPR and CIMPR), play an important role in the intracellular transport of lysosomal enzymes. To investigate functional differences between the two in vivo, their distribution was examined in the rat liver using immunohistochemical techniques. Positive signals corresponding to CIMPR were detected intensely in hepatocytes and weakly in sinusoidal Kupffer cells and interstitial cells in Glisson's capsule. In the liver acinus, hepatocytes in the perivenous region showed a more intense immunoreactivity than those in the periportal region. On the other hand, positive staining of CDMPR was detected at a high level in Kupffer cells, epithelial cells of interlobular bile ducts, and fibroblast-like cells, but the corresponding signal was rather weak in hepatocytes. In situ hybridization analysis also revealed a high level of expression of CIMPR mRNAs in hepatocytes and of CDMPR mRNA in Kupffer cells. By double immunostaining, OX6-positive antigen-presenting cells in Glisson's capsule were co-labeled with the CDMPR signal but were only faintly stained with anti-CIMPR. These different distribution patterns of the two MPRs suggest distinct functional properties of each receptor in liver tissue. 相似文献
1. Kinetic experiments suggested the possible existence of at least two different NAD(+)-dependent aldehyde dehydrogenases in rat liver. Distribution studies showed that one enzyme, designated enzyme I, was exclusively localized in the mitochondria and that another enzyme, designated enzyme II, was localized in both the mitochondria and the microsomal fraction. 2. A NADP(+)-dependent enzyme was also found in the mitochondria and the microsomal fraction and it is suggested that this enzyme is identical with enzyme II. 3. The K(m) for acetaldehyde was apparently less than 10mum for enzyme I and 0.9-1.7mm for enzyme II. The K(m) for NAD(+) was similar for both enzymes (20-30mum). The K(m) for NADP(+) was 2-3mm and for acetaldehyde 0.5-0.7mm for the NADP(+)-dependent activity. 4. The NAD(+)-dependent enzymes show pH optima between 9 and 10. The highest activity was found in pyrophosphate buffer for both enzymes. In phosphate buffer there was a striking difference in activity between the two enzymes. Compared with the activity in pyrophosphate buffer, the activity of enzyme II was uninfluenced, whereas the activity of enzyme I was very low. 5. The results are compared with those of earlier investigations on the distribution of aldehyde dehydrogenase and with the results from purified enzymes from different sources. 相似文献
In order to observe the formation of sex role, an investigation was made on the development of behavior and sex differences in infants aged 1 to 6 at Fukuoka-city. The present study consisted of questionnaire on behavior of daily living and breeding, block construction test and coloring a drawing test. The parents instructed their infants to become masculine for males and feminine for females on the basis of traditional view. No sex differences were observed in construction ability of infants aged 4. Favorite colors were different according to sex. 相似文献
Rat bone marrow (BM) small cells were enriched by velocity sedimentation, further separated by means of free-flow electrophoresis, and characterized using T- and B-cell-specific surface markers. More than 80% of these cells were small lymphocytes by morphological criteria and reacted with lymphocyte-specific antisera. A minority of cells had high electrophoretic mobility (EPM), carried surface antigens characteristic of mature T cells, and lacked B-cell markers. These cells may represent recirculating T cells. A small number of cells were found with rat B lymphocyte-specific antigen (RBLA) and surface immunoglobulin (sIg) and had medium EPM. These cell fractions also contained “null” cells which were devoid of T- and B-cell-specific antigens. More than 80% of the BM small cells had low EPM and carried the three subspecificities of the Thy-1 antigen complex and the Thy-A antigens. These antigens were found at several-fold higher concentration on the surface of all thymocytes, but are lacking in most other lymphocytes. The thymus antigen-carrying BM cells of low EPM do not carry other T- and B-cell-specific markers found in thymocytes and peripheral T and B lymphocytes. These markers comprise the T-cell antigens RTLA (rat T-lymphocyte-specific antigen) and RHLA (antigens specific for rat T cells of high EPM) and the B-cell markers RBLA and sIg. Thus the majority of rat BM lymphocytes differ from all other lymphocytes of the T- and B-cell series which makes any classification on this basis purely speculative. 相似文献
Two different methods were used to prepare isolated hepatocytes from the same rat livers. The cells prepared by a slice technique (HS cells) were compared with those prepared by a collagenase perfusion technique (HP cells). The cell yield was higher by the latter technique, HP cells had higher viability, content of RNA and protein, and initial oxygen consumption than HS cells. The rate of protein degradation and protein synthesis as well as the fractional incorporation of labeled valine into medium protein was also higher in HP cells. HP cells had a lower leakage of ALAT and LDH than HS cells. Some differences, such as leakage of ASAT and oxygen consumption, became reduced or were abolished with time during subsequent cell incubation. On the other hand differences with respect to cell viability, leakage of ALAT and LDH, fractional incorporation of labeled valine into medium proteins, and protein synthetic rate all became more marked with time. 相似文献
Apparent unbalance between the activities of 6-phosphogluconate and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenases in rat liver 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
M Sapag-Hagar R Lagunas A Sols 《Biochemical and biophysical research communications》1973,50(1):179-185
The ratio of activities of 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase/glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase measured in liver extracts of rats in lipogenic nutritional conditions is only 0.2, suggesting an apparent physiological unbalance between the two dehydrogenases of the hexosemonophosphate shunt. This potential unbalance is enhanced by the fact that TPNH is a more powerful competitive inhibitor of 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase than of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. Accordingly, a strong activation of 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase would be required for efficient functioning of this pathway, unless there is an alternative outlet for 6-phosphogluconate so far unrecognized in animal tissues. 相似文献
The circadian rhythm of 6-sulphatoxymelatonin (aMT6s) excretion has been determined in male and female rats at 3 weeks and at 2, 8, 14 and 20 months of age. All animals have a pronounced circadian pattern of aMT6s excretion under a 12 hour dark: 12 hour light cycle. A significant increase in aMT6s excretion is observed from 3 weeks to 14 months followed by a decrease at 20 months. There is a highly significant correlation between aMT6s excretion and body weight (r = 0.73 for female rats and r = 0.74 for male rats; p values are all less than 0.001). Thus, a decrease in aMT6s excretion associated with increasing age occurs when body weight is taken into consideration. aMT6s excretion is higher in males at 3 weeks and at 2 and 8 months of ages. Urinary testosterone in male rats and estradiol in female rats increase from 3 weeks to 8 months and decrease at older ages. These data suggest that increase of body weight from 3 weeks to 14 months is an important factor responsible for the age-related alteration. The sex differences in aMT6s excretion in younger rats may be associated with their sex hormonal milieu. 相似文献