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The roles of environmental, dietary, and hormonal factors in the timing of seasonal breeding were assessed in free-living female Indian rose-ringed parakeets, Psittacula krameri, in northwest India (22 degrees 2'N, 73 degrees E). The ovaries and oviducts began to enlarge in January, were fully developed in February, and began to regress in March. During this time there was no significant change in the concentration of plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) or estradiol. The concentration of plasma LH decreased (P less than 0.01) at the end of the breeding season. Pair bond formation occurred between September and December and was associated with an increase in levels of plasma LH but no change in plasma estradiol. Concentrations of plasma testosterone (T) and 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone (5 alpha-DHT) did not vary significantly during the year and were similar to those in males except for higher values of 5 alpha-DHT and lower values of T during the pre- and postbreeding periods, respectively. The similar levels of plasma androgens in both sexes may be related to the equal roles that both sexes play in the defence of their nest holes. An analysis of crop sac contents showed that the birds fed chiefly on pigeon peas (Cajanus cajan) during the breeding season and on cereal grains at other times of the year. It is suggested that pigeon peas provide the extra nutrients, including calcium, required for egg production. Since pigeon peas ripen between November and March, the production of the crop may play a role in the timing of seasonal breeding. A further factor appears to be competition for nest sites. By breeding in winter, the parakeet avoids competing with other species which nest in holes.  相似文献   

Formoguanamine (2,4-diamino-s-triazine) was known to be an effective chemical agent in inducing blindness in poultry chicks, but not in adult birds. The present study was undertaken to demonstrate the influences, if any, of this chemical on the visual performance and retinal histology in an adult sub-tropical wild bird, the roseringed parakeet (Psittacula krameri). Formoguanamine (FG) hydrochloride was subcutaneously injected into adult parakeets at a dosage of 25 mg (dissolved in 0.75 ml physiological saline)/100 g body weight/day, for two consecutive days while the control birds were injected only with a placebo. The effects were studied after 10, 20 and 30 days of the last treatment of FG. Within 24 h of the treatment of FG, about 90% of the total birds exhibited lack of visual responses to any light stimulus and even absence of pupillary light reactions. The remaining birds became totally blind on the day following the last injection of FG and remained so till the end of investigation. At the microscopic level, conspicuous degenerative changes were noted in the outer pigmented epithelium and the photoreceptive layer of rods and cones in the retinas of FG treated birds. A significant reduction in the thickness of the outer nuclear layer was also found in the retinas of FG treated parakeets, compared to that in the control birds. However, the inner cell layers of the retina in the control and FG administered parakeets were almost identical. It deserves special mention that the effects of FG, noted after 30 days of last treatment, were not very different from those noted just after 10 days of treatment. Collectively, the results of the present investigation demonstrate that FG can be used as a potent pharmacological agent for inducing irreversible blindness through selective damage in retinal tissue even in the adult wild bird, thereby making FG treatment an alternative euthanasic device to a cumbersome, stressful, surgical method of enucleation of the ocular system for laboratory studies.  相似文献   

The structure of the hernoglobin -chain of Rose-ringed Parakeet was determined by sequence degradations of the intact subunit, the CNBr fragments, and peptides obtained by digestion with staphylococcal Glu-specific protease and trypsin. Using this analysis, the complete -chain structure of 21 avian species is known, permitting comparisons of the protein structure and of avian relationships. The structure exhibits differences from previously established avian -chains at a total of 61 positions, five of which have residues unique to those of the parakeet (Ser-12, Gly-65, Ser-67, Ala-121, and Leu-134). The analysis defines hemoglobin variation within an additional avian order (Psittaciformes), demonstrates distant patterns for evaluation of relationships within other avian orders, and lends support to taxonomic conclusions from molecular data.  相似文献   

The primary structure of Rose-ringed Parakeet hemoglobin -chain was established, completing the analysis of this hemoglobin. Comparisons with other avian -chains show variations smaller than those for the corresponding -chains. There are 11 amino acid exchanges in relationship to the only other characterized psittaciform -chain, and a total of 35 positions are affected by differences among all avian -chains analyzed (versus 61 for the -chains). At three positions, the Psittacula -chain has residues unique to this species. Three 11 contacts are modified, by substitutions at positions 51, 116, and 125.  相似文献   

Intraperitoneal administration of epichlorohydrin (ECH) at the dose level of 20 and 50 mg/kg body weight inhibited spermatogenesis in the testis of parakeet during breeding season. A total load of 60 mg/kg body weight of ECH given on 3 consecutive days proved to be lethal. Testicular proteins, nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), phospholipids and acid phosphatase activity were decreased, while the lipids, total cholesterol and alkaline phosphatase activity increased after ECH administration. The results suggest that the testicular atrophy caused by ECH was associated with an alteration in the activities of macromolecules and enzymes related to specific events of spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

There is a large and growing number of alien species in ecosystems all over the world. In view of this, management efforts should concentrate on invasives that have detrimental effects on native biota. However, action against invasives is often hindered by a lack of relevant ecological information such as the expected distribution and impact of the invader. Our aims were to identify the habitat characteristics that influence ring-necked parakeet abundance in Belgium and to assess the effects of competition for nesting cavities with native hole-nesters. We determined the abundance of parakeets and native hole-nesters in 44 study sites using point counts. We examined the relationship between parakeet numbers and a set of habitat and landscape variables and to assess the effect of competition, we studied the relationships between the number of parakeets and the number of native hole-nesters. We found that parakeet abundance differs between vegetation types based on dominant tree species, and that abundance is higher in forests or parks surrounded by built-up areas. Parakeet numbers were also strongly associated with cavity density, suggesting that this may be a limiting factor. Of the two native hole-nesters considered to be the most vulnerable to competition (nuthatch and starling), we found a negative association with parakeet numbers for the nuthatch only. No relations were found with starlings or any of the other hole-nesting species examined. These findings should be considered in the debate concerning the possible need of action against this species.  相似文献   

Male rose-ringed parakeets (Psittacula krameri) were transferred to a long photoperiod (LP; LD 16:8) or a short photoperiod (SP; LD 8:16) for 45 or 90 days on four dates corresponding to the beginnings of different reproductive phases in an annual testicular cycle, and testicular responsiveness was evaluated by comparison with the testicular volume, weight, seminiferous tubular diameter, and germ cell profiles of birds in a natural photoperiod (NP). Exposure of birds to LP during the progressive phase (November) led to precocious maturation of testes after 45 days, but induced regression at 90 days. After showing retarded gametogenic functions at 45 days, parallel (November) SP birds exhibited an accelerated rate of germ cell formation at day 90. During the prebreeding phase (January), there were no remarkable differences in any features of testes among NP. LP, and SP birds at 45 days, but gonadal involution in LP parakeets and active spermatogenesis in SP birds occurred after 90 days. The testes did not show any response to LP or SP for 45 and 90 days when the birds were transferred to altered photoperiods during the breeding (March) and preparatory (June) phases, indicating that the parakeets were photorefractory for at least 6 months (March through September). The results also suggest that initiation and termination of seasonal gametogenic activity in parakeets are possibly functions of endogenous rhythmicity or extraphotoperiodic environmental factors. Duration of light may have certain influences on the attainment of annual peak in spermatogenesis, but in all probability the species has a low photoperiod threshold for induction of testicular growth.  相似文献   

The ring-necked parakeet (RNP), Psittacula krameri, is an invasive species in Great Britain (GB) which is undergoing rapid population expansion in the wild. Although it has been suggested that RNPs could be a potential source of infectious disease, little research has been done on the pathogens infecting this species in GB. Psittacine beak and feather disease (PBFD), caused by beak and feather disease virus (BFDV), is an important infectious disease of psittacines, including captive RNPs, in GB and elsewhere. A wild RNP with marked feather abnormalities observed in an urban garden in London was euthanased and examined post mortem. Plucked contour feathers and pooled liver and spleen were PCR-positive for BFDV DNA. Histopathological examination of affected skin demonstrated BFDV-compatible lesions. A feather from another RNP from a different location also was PCR-positive for BFDV. This is the first report of PBFD in a wild free-living bird in GB. BFDV only affects psittacines; therefore, there is no known risk to native British birds. The presence of BFDV in free-living RNPs, however, could pose a disease threat to captive psittacines. Further work is required to determine the distribution and impact of BFDV infection in free-living RNPs in GB. Whether this case represents sporadic disease associated with established endemic infection or the index case of an emergent disease is currently unknown.  相似文献   

Effects of daily (one hour prior to onset of darkness) injection of melatonin (25 micrograms/100 g body wt. for 30 days) on concentrations of blood glucose and adrenal catecholamines were studied in adult male roseringed parakeets, P. krameri under both natural (NP; about 12L:12D) and artificial long (LP; 16L:8D; lights were available in between 0600 and 2200 hrs) or short (SP; 8L:16D; lights were available between 0600 and 1400 hrs) photoperiodic conditions. The results indicate that neither LP, nor SP as such exerts any significant effect on blood glucose titre of control (vehicle of hormone administered) birds. Treatment with melatonin, however, induced hyperglycemia in both NP and LP bird groups, but hypoglycemia in SP birds. Unlike glycemic levels, amount of epinephrine (E) and norepinephrine (NE) in adrenals of control birds exhibited significant changes under altered photoperiods. A decrease in E and an increase in NE were noted in adrenals of both LP and SP birds. Exogenous melatonin in NP birds also caused a decrease in E and concomittant rise in NE levels. On the other hand, treatment of melatonin in both LP and SP bird groups resulted in an increase in the quantity of both E and NE compared to respective values in adrenals of melatonin injected NP birds. However, relative to the amount of E and NE in adrenals of placebo treated LP and SP birds, significant effect of melatonin treatment was observed only in SP birds. The results suggest that influences of exogenous melatonin on the levels of both blood glucose and adrenal catecholamines are largely modulated by short rather than long photoperiods.  相似文献   

Effects of daily evening (just before the onset of darkness in a 24 h light dark cycle) administration of graded doses (25, 50, or 100 microg/100 g body wt./day for 30 days) of melatonin on the concentrations of blood glucose and adrenal catecholamines were studied in sexually active male roseringed parakeets under natural (NP; approximately 12L: 12D) and artificial long (LP; 16L: 8D) and short (SP; 8L: 16D) photoperiods. Blood samples and adrenal glands were collected from each bird during the mid-day on the following day of the last treatment. The concentrations of glucose in blood and epinephrine (E) and norepinephrine (NE) in the adrenals were measured. The results of the study indicated that exogenous melatonin induces hypo- or hyperglycemia depending on the dose of hormone administered as well as to the length of photoperiod to which birds were exposed. The levels of E and NE in the adrenals were shown also to vary in relation to photoperiod and the dose of melatonin administered. But the nature of the influence of melatonin becomes different under altered photoperiodic conditions. It appears that short photoperiods are more effective than long photoperiods as a modulator of glycemic and adrenal catecholaminergic responses to exogenous melatonin. A statistically significant correlation between the levels of blood glucose and that of E and NE in the adrenals was found in the control birds, but not in the melatonin treated birds. The results suggested that the responses of blood glucose and adrenal catecholamines to the treatment with melatonin in the roseringed parakeets may not be dependent on each other.  相似文献   


Adult male roseringed parakeets were transferred to 16L: 8D (LP), or 8L: 16D (SP) for 45 or 90 days on four particular dates corresponding to the different phases of an annual testicular cycle and the cytological responses of the pineal were studied comparing them with the features in respective natural photoperiodic (NP) birds. Different cytological characteristics including the values of nuclear diameter in pinealocytes indicated that LP for 45 days during the pre‐breeding phase and for 90 days during each phase resulted in an increased pineal activity, while SP for 45 and 90 days induced inhibitory responses of the pineal during each, but not the progressive phase of the annual testicular cycle. During the latter phase, none of the artificial photoperiodic schedules, other than LP for 90 days, influenced the cytological features of the pineal. The results suggest that the photosensitivity of the pineal in these parakeets varies in relation to the testicular functions in an annual testicular cycle, but the seasonal pattern of photoperiodic response of the pineal and that of the previously studied testes in the same birds does not seem to be identical.  相似文献   

Aim Some invasive species succeed particularly well and manage to establish populations across a wide variety of regions and climatic conditions. Understanding how biotic and environmental factors facilitate their invasion success remains a challenge. Here, we assess the role of two major hypotheses explaining invasion success: (1) enemy‐release, which argues that invasive species are freed from their native predators and parasites in the new areas; and (2) climate‐matching, which argues that the climatic similarity between the exotic and native range determines the success of invasive populations. Location India, Israel and the UK. Methods We studied the reproductive success of one of the most successful avian invaders, the rose‐ringed parakeet (Psittacula krameri), in its native range (India) and in two introduced regions, varying in their climate conditions (Israel and the UK). We combined literature and field data to evaluate the role of predation pressure and climatic conditions in explaining the differences in reproductive success between the three regions. Results We found significant differences in reproductive success between regions. In accordance with the enemy‐release hypothesis, we discovered that while predation was the main factor responsible for the reduction of fecundity in India, it did not significantly affect the fecundities of parakeet populations in the two introduced regions. In accordance with the climate‐matching hypothesis, we found that in the colder temperate UK, egg infertility was high, resulting in lower fecundities. Populations in both the warmer Mediterranean climate of Israel and in the native Indian range had significantly lower egg infertility and higher fecundities than the UK populations. Main conclusions Our findings support both the enemy‐release and the climate‐matching hypotheses. While release from predators facilitates the reproductive success and therefore the invasiveness of parakeets in both the UK and in Israel, colder climate impedes reproduction and therefore the spread of parakeets in the UK.  相似文献   

The threat to biodiversity due to invasive alien species is considered second only to that of habitat loss. Given the large number of species that are currently invading ecosystems all over the world, we need to distinguish invaders with minor effects from those with large effects in order to prioritize management efforts. Ecological niche models can be used to predict the potential distribution of an invasive species from occurrence records and environmental data layers. We used the Ecological Niche Factor Analysis (ENFA), a presence-only predictive modelling approach, to describe the invasive ring-necked parakeets’ realized niche and to identify areas suitable for the parakeet in northern Belgium. ENFA proved to be a robust and reliable modelling technique, able to gauge the ecological requirements of an invasive species without the need to include historical information on the starting point of the invasion. ENFA shows that the parakeets tend to occupy relatively rare habitats compared to the main environmental conditions in northern Belgium, although they show some tolerance for environmental conditions inside parks and forests. The general distribution of the ring-necked parakeet is governed primarily by the amount of older forest patches, parks and built-up area in the landscape—reflecting the parakeets’ need for suitable nesting cavities and its reliance upon urban areas to forage. Our resulting habitat suitability maps show that the parakeets have ample room to further increase their range in northern Belgium. Our results indicate some concern for increased competition between parakeets and the nuthatches, native cavity nesters known to suffer from competition with parakeets, as some regions known as nuthatch strongholds are highly likely to be invaded by the parakeets.  相似文献   

We reconstruct a phylogeny of the African and Asian Psittacula parakeets using approximately 800bp of mitochondrial cytochrome b sequence to examine their evolutionary relationships in reference to their head plumage and major morphological tail innovations. Our phylogeny identifies three groups, whose distinctiveness is also apparent from their possession of three different head plumage characters: a neck ring, a distinctive colouration of the head, and a 'moustache'-shaped pattern that extends from the chin to the cheek. We examine the extent of sexual dimorphism in tail length across the phylogeny and reveal large differences between closely related forms. We apply a range of published avian cytochrome b substitution rates to our data, as an alternative to internal calibration of a molecular clock arising from incomplete paleontological information. An ancestral Psittacula form appears to have evolved during the late Miocene-early Pliocene (3.4-9.7MYA), a time when regional geological processes on the Asian continent may have promoted subsequent diversity at the species level, and many forms diverged relatively early on in the evolutionary history of Psittacula (between 2.5 and 7.7MYA). However, others, such as the derbyan and moustached parakeets, diverged as recently as 0.2MYA. Our phylogeny also suggests that the echo parakeet from Mauritius diverged from the Indian ringneck parakeet as opposed to the African ringneck, and may have done so relatively recently. The molecular results indicate support for a southwards radiation from India across the Indian Ocean to Mauritius, where the arrival-date of the echo parakeet appears consistent with the island's volcanic formation.  相似文献   

Invasive species are a major threat to global biodiversity. Rose-ringed parakeets Psittacula krameri are widely established outside their native range and are successful invaders in many countries, including South Africa. Physiological and behavioral responses to environmental conditions are considered to be major factors that influence the abundance and distribution of birds. As rose-ringed parakeets are able to tolerate wide varieties of climatic conditions as invaders, it is important to understand their physiological responses to these. This study examined the effects of seasonal changes in ambient temperatures (Ta) on metabolic rate and body temperature (Tb) of captive-bred rose-ringed parakeets. Resting metabolic rate at various Ta and basal metabolic rate were significantly lower in winter compared to summer, and the thermo-neutral zone was broader in winter than in summer. There was no significant difference in body mass (Mb) between seasons. These parakeets showed seasonal thermoregulatory responses that represented energy conservation as expected, rather than cold tolerance. They were relatively tolerant of low Ta and showed no hypothermia at 5 °C. Our results suggest that this species is physiologically and behaviorally equipped to cope with a range of climatic situations and this partly explains their global success as an invader species.  相似文献   

Capsule The reproductive rate of Rose-ringed Parakeets in the UK was higher in 2001-2003 than previously estimated.

Aim To measure reproductive rate and the factors affecting this in Rose-ringed Parakeets in England during a period of rapid expansion in population of this potential invasive species.

Methods During 2001–2003, 108 nests were located and monitored in southwest London, southeast London and the Isle of Thanet. Nest survival using the Mayfield method, fledging success and the characteristics of the nest and surrounding vegetation were measured.

Results The mean date of first egg was 26 March?±?1.3 days and the median clutch size was 4 eggs. Mayfield nest survival rate was 72%. Reproductive success was 1.4?±?0.3 young fledged per nest. Parakeets bred predominantly in ash (Fraxinus) and oak (Quercus). Nest trees had a diameter at breast height (DBH) of 73.7?±?4.7?cm (mean?±?se).

Conclusion Reproductive success in this parakeet was higher than previously estimated (0.8 young fledged per nest prior to 1999). This reproductive output is sufficient to explain the rapid increase in Rose-ringed Parakeet numbers (from an estimated 1500 birds in 1996 to nearly 10,000 birds by 2004) if Rose-ringed Parakeets have a low death rate similar to other parrots.  相似文献   

The primary structure of Rose-ringed Parakeet hemoglobin β-chain was established, completing the analysis of this hemoglobin. Comparisons with other avian β-chains show variations smaller than those for the corresponding α-chains. There are 11 amino acid exchanges in relationship to the only other characterized psittaciform β-chain, and a total of 35 positions are affected by differences among all avian β-chains analyzed (versus 61 for the α-chains). At three positions, the Psittacula β-chain has residues unique to this species. Three α1β1 contacts are modified, by substitutions at positions β51, β116, and β125.  相似文献   

The Rose-ringed Parakeet (Psittacula krameri) was recorded in Turkey for the first time in 1975 and has since then established breeding populations in at least six cities as a consequence of intentional and accidental introductions. Parakeet sightings have been recorded in and around urban areas and records are available from 26 provinces. It is most abundant in ?stanbul, followed by ?zmir, Ankara, Yalova, Antalya, and ?anl?urfa. The distribution and population size has increased continuously especially since the mid-2000s. The population is estimated to be now over 1,355 individuals in the country, which is still moderate compared to some other West European countries.  相似文献   

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