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以西双版纳地区石灰山季节雨林三种优势常绿树种油朴(Celtis wightii)、尖叶闭花木(Cleistanthus sumatranus)和轮叶戟(Lasiococca comberi var.pseudoverticillata)为材料,研究了季节性干旱对树木枝条水分传导、最大光合速率(Amax)和渗透调节相关的叶片的生理生态特征等的影响.结果表明,与雨季相比三种植物的叶片凌晨水势在旱季都有显著的降低,说明该生境的植物在旱季遭受较为严重的土壤干旱胁迫.除油朴的枝条边材比导率(Ks)在旱季和雨季没有显著性差异外,尖叶闭花木和轮叶戟的Ks在旱季都有显著的降低;而枝条的叶比导率(Kl)三树种在两个季节间均无显著变化.Kl在旱季没有显著性降低,可能是常绿树种在旱季通过脱落部分叶片以调整其水力结构来保持较高的单位叶面积的水分供应.在旱季三树种Amax都有显著减小.Ks和Kl都和Amax呈正相关关系,说明了枝条木质部的水分传导对叶片光合作用有较直接的影响.三树种叶片膨压丧失点的水势和饱和渗透势在旱季也均显著降低,表明三树种都通过较强的渗透调节来适应季节性的干旱.与同一生境中两种常见落叶树种相比较,三树种木质部导管抵抗空穴化的能力较强,能在较低的木质部水势下保持其水分传导,以在旱季仍能维持叶片较为正常的生理功能.这些结果初步揭示了石灰山常绿优势树种通过水力结构的调整和渗透调节等来适应季节性干旱的策略.  相似文献   

Studies of nematode assemblages in natural ecosystems can contribute to better understanding of the occurrence, relevance, and ecology of plant-parasitic and other soil nematodes. Nematode assemblages and environmental parameters (organic matter, water content (WC), bulk density (BD), total porosity (Po), soil respiration, and soil texture) were investigated in two seasons (rainy and dry) in two forest areas of the Zona da Mata, Pernambuco State. The aim of our research was to evaluate the heterogeneity between two locations and seasons in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Structure and composition of the nematode assemblages differed between areas and across time. Rhabditidae dominated the rainy season in both forest soils. Rarefaction curves (RC) suggest that sampling to detect more nematode taxa should be more intensive in the rainy season. The forest soils have complex, stable soil food webs with high connectance and decomposition channels dominated by bacteria. The predator–prey relationships were not affected by changes in soil properties that fluctuate with time.  相似文献   

两种热带雨林树苗对环境光强变化的生理响应和适应机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
干季末雨季初以西双版纳热带雨林中木奶果和玉蕊2种树苗为材料,研究了将生长于12.5%自然光(相当于小林窗的光强)和36%自然光(相当于大林窗的光强)下的这2种树苗分别移至36%自然光和12.5%自然光下之后各自叶片最大净光合速率(Pmax)、叶绿素荧光参数、光合色素含量、比叶重(LMA)以及叶片悬挂角(MA)的变化过程,探讨了2种植物幼苗在生长环境光强改变后其形态和生理生态特性做出的相应调整以适应新的光环境的过程与机制。结果表明,这2种树苗均不适宜生长在大林窗的强光环境下,但木奶果对光环境的增强表现出一定的耐受力,光合适应潜力强于玉蕊,2种树苗对低光环境都能较好地适应;新叶的生成在整株植物对生长光环境变化的适应过程中也起到至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

海南热带雨林国家公园是目前最晚启动的国家公园体制试点,其诞生和推动一直受到高度重视.2018年4月13日,习近平总书记在庆祝海南建省办经济特区30周年大会上发表重要讲话强调,“要积极开展国家公园体制试点,建设热带雨林等国家公园,构建归属清晰、权责明确、监管有效的自然保护地体系”.海南省委省政府把建设热带雨林国家公园确定...  相似文献   

为了探讨我国西双版纳热带季雨林的能量分配和平衡问题,利用涡度相关系统和常规气象仪器的连续监测结果,分析了不同季节的能量通量特征和闭合特点。结果表明,西双版纳热带季雨林全年的净辐射、潜热通量、显热通量、土壤热通量和热储存量分别是4546.07、2453.24、492.22、-10.47和45.93 MJ/m^(2),土壤为热源,潜热年总值占净辐射的54.0%,显热占10.8%,能量以蒸发散为主要的耗损形式。辐射和能量有明显的日变化和季节动态,各能量分量的日变化几乎都呈白天高夜间低的单峰趋势,反照率整体为0.10~0.12,波动不大;波文比季节差异明显,为0~0.8。热带季雨林的全年闭合度为0.67,未考虑热储量时,闭合度为0.51~0.79,考虑热储量为0.53~0.80。可见,在林冠茂密的热带季雨林中,热储量对能量闭合度的贡献不大,忽略热储量并不是导致能量不闭合的主要原因。  相似文献   

西双版纳热带季节雨林145个树种繁殖体特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了西双版纳热带季节雨林20公顷动态监测样地中145个树种的繁殖体特征。结果表明:雨季散布的种类最多(71.03%),在雾凉季及干热季散布的种类相对较少;果实类型以核果,蒴果,浆果居多,黑色、黄色、褐色果实最为常见;动物散布的种类最多(56.55%),其次为机械散布,独立散布,风力散布;大种子树种(种子最大长度〉10mm)较占优势(53.10%);树种单粒种子重量从2.3×10^-5~22.29g不等,但76.55%的种子的重量集中在0.01~10g之间;干热季散布的种子平均重量显著高于雨季和雾凉季;独立散布的种子重量最大,风力散布的种子重量最小,而机械弹射的种子重量和动物散布的种子重量之间差异不显著;树种的成年个体最大胸径与种子重量之间存在显著正相关。  相似文献   

对两双版纳生境严酷的石灰山热带季节性湿润林内几种植物(潺槁木姜子、羽叶白头树、高榕、豆果榕、清香木等)的水分利用策略进行了研究.结果表明,石灰山热带季节性湿润林内土壤水势在于热季(2月~4月)75 cm深度处达到最低值,为-O.055MPa,雨季(5~10月)在30 cm处出现最低值为-O.039MPa.测定不同深度土壤体积含水量昼夜变化表明,白大和夜间各层深度土壤体积含水量没有显著变化(P>0.05),说明本林内植物没有水分再分配现象的发生.通过对雨水、土壤水、地下水、雾水、穿透水以及植物木质部水分的稳定性同位素分析得出,在干季,滴落雾水能够补给土壤表层水,在雨季,降雨则是地下水的主要水分输入.植物在昼夜尺度上虽然没有对水分进行时空区分利用,但是植物有更为长久有效的水分利用策略,即植物通过自身发达的根系统利用深层土壤水和地下水.目前,热带雨林的乱砍滥伐,森林片段化特别严重,尤其是生长在石灰山严酷生境的热带季节性湿润林受到破坏后,森林的重建和恢复是相当困难的.因此,对脆弱石厌山热带季节性湿润林的保护是十分必要的,而对石灰山热带季节性湿润林植物的水分利用方式和策略的研究将为此目标提供理论依据.  相似文献   

徐武美  宋彩云  李巧明 《生态学报》2015,35(23):7756-7762
生态位理论认为,养分空间异质性分布会减少种间竞争排斥而有助于物种共存;而中性理论则认为群落树种呈独立于环境特征的随机分布。为研究土壤养分异质性与乔木树种多样性的联系,在西双版纳热带季节雨林随机设置了16个1 hm~2样方,调查了各样方乔木树种多样性,计算了各样方土壤有效氮(AN)、有效磷(EP)、有效钾(EK)、有机质(OM)、p H、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、总钾(TK)的变异系数以代表各样方土壤养分空间异质性分布的相对水平。Pearson相关分析表明,TK变异系数与乔木树种丰富度、Shannon-wiener指数呈显著正相关(P0.05),表明该区域不同植物可能在钾资源的利用上存在明显的生态位分化,钾的异质性有助于树种共存;OM、AN变异系数与Pielou均匀度指数呈明显正相关(P0.1),在一定程度上说明了这些养分的空间异质性缓解了种间竞争压力,树种多度分布相对均匀,有助于树种共存。除TK外,其它土壤指标的变异系数与乔木树种多样性的正相关性均不显著(P0.05),表明这些养分的空间异质性分布对乔木树种多样性的影响相对较小,中性或其它生态学过程可能掩盖了这些养分的空间异质性分布对乔木树种多样性的影响。这说明,土壤养分空间异质性可能在一定程度上促进了树种共存,但同时应当重视中性过程等在西双版纳热带雨林群落构建中的作用。  相似文献   

Our current understanding of bird community responses to tropical forest fires is limited and strongly geographically biased towards South America. Here we used the circular plot method to carry out complete bird inventories in undisturbed, once burned (1998) and twice burned forests (1983 and 1998) in East Kalimantan (Indonesia). Additionally, environmental variables were measured within a 25 m radius of each plot. Three years after fire the number of birds and bird species were similar for undisturbed and burned forests, but species diversity and turnover were significantly lower in the burned forests. The bird species composition also differed significantly between undisturbed and burned forests, with a strong decline of closed forest preferring bird species accompanied by a strong increase in degraded forest preferring species in burned forests. These differences were strongly related to differences in environmental conditions such as shifts in vegetation cover and layering and differences in ground and understorey vegetation structure. We also found significant shifts in body mass distribution, foraging height and feeding guilds between the bird communities in unburned and burned forests. Surprisingly, repeated burning did not lead to increasing impoverishment of the avifauna, and both once and twice burned forests still contained most of the bird species that were also present in undisturbed forest, even though their densities were considerably lowered.  相似文献   

雾凉季研究了西双版纳热带雨林4种植物幼苗对生长光环境的适应,其中两个树种幼苗喜光(团花和滇南插柚紫),两个树种幼苗耐荫(滇南红厚壳和玉蕊)发现弱光环境中生长的4种植物比叶重、光合能力、光饱和点、光补偿点暗呼吸速度、叶绿素a/b比较低,叶绿素含量较高。玉蕊和滇南红厚壳幼苗的光合能力和呼吸速度 于团花树和滇南插柚紫。团花树和滇南插机紫的比叶重和光合作用的可塑性大于玉蕊和滇南红厚壳。高光强下生长的团花树和滇南插机紫增加叶氮分配给羧化酶的比较。减少分配给叶绿素的比例。滇南红厚壳和玉蕊适应弱光环境的能力略强于团花树和滇南插机紫,但适应强光的能力较差。研究结果支持树种的生理生态特性决定了其演替状况和生境选择的假说,单位干重叶的光合能力和呼吸速率并未表现出利于光适应的可塑性,表明4种植物生理适应能力较差,形态学上的适应在4种热带雨林树种幼苗光适应方面起到了重要的作用,叶氮分配也是它们光适应的策略之一。  相似文献   

A two-year study (2009 ∼ 2010) was carried out to investigate the dynamics of different carbon (C) forms, and the role of stream export in the C balance of a 23.4-ha headwater catchment in a tropical seasonal rainforest at Xishuangbanna (XSBN), southwest China. The seasonal volumetric weighted mean (VWM) concentrations of total inorganic C (TIC) and dissolved inorganic C (DIC) were higher, and particulate inorganic C (PIC) and organic C (POC) were lower, in the dry season than the rainy season, while the VWM concentrations of total organic C (TOC) and dissolved organic C (DOC) were similar between seasons. With increased monthly stream discharge and stream water temperature (SWT), only TIC and DIC concentrations decreased significantly. The most important C form in stream export was DIC, accounting for 51.8% of the total C (TC) export; DOC, POC, and PIC accounted for 21.8%, 14.9%, and 11.5% of the TC export, respectively. Dynamics of C flux were closely related to stream discharge, with the greatest export during the rainy season. C export in the headwater stream was 47.1 kg C ha−1 yr−1, about 2.85% of the annual net ecosystem exchange. This finding indicates that stream export represented a minor contribution to the C balance in this tropical seasonal rainforest.  相似文献   

Ecosystems - Woody debris (WD) stocks and fluxes are important components of forest carbon budgets and yet remain understudied, particularly in tropical forests. Here we present the most...  相似文献   

Diversity of Tropical Tree Seedling Responses to Drought   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Drought is an important seedling mortality agent in dry and moist tropical forests, and more severe and frequent droughts are predicted in the future. The effect of drought on leaf gas exchange and seedling survival was tested in a dry-down experiment with four tree species from dry and moist forests in Bolivia. Seedlings were droughted and wilting stage and gas exchange were monitored. Drought led to a gradual reduction of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance over time, whereas respiration and photosynthetic water-use efficiency initially increased with drought and then declined. Seedlings gradually went through the different wilting stages, until they eventually died, but the trajectory differed for the four species. The strong relationship between wilting stage and photosynthesis means that simple field observations can provide valuable information on plant physiological performance. Three different drought strategies were identified. Dry forest species Ceiba samauma shed its leaves and survived. The moist forest species Cariniana ianeirensis postponed drought stress by having low rates of transpiration and high water-use efficiency. Dry forest Astronium urundeuva and moist forest Triplaris americana followed an opportunistic strategy; they are early successional species that can quickly grow to maturity but periodic drought can be lethal. Strikingly, dry and moist forest species did not differ clearly in their drought tolerance strategies.  相似文献   

热带雨林剑叶凤尾蕨(Pteris ensiformis)对光强变化的适应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
野外调查表明剑叶凤尾蕨能适应不同的光环境,本研究测定剑叶凤尾蕨在两种不同光环境下的适应能力,在热带雨林林下和林窗生长40d后,林下生长的剑叶凤尾蕨比林窗生长的植株有较多的叶片数,大的冠幅,高的叶绿素含量和表观量子效率。同时。林下生长的剑叶凤尾蕨有高的光化学效率和较低的非光化学耗散能力,这说明低光植物表现出有较高的能量转换能力,而两种光强生长的剑叶凤尾蕨最大光合放氧速率相似。这可能与在高光下的非辐射耗散的提高和光合机构的损伤有关,研究结果表明,剑叶凤尾蕨通过光合器官的调整对不同光强的适应。以促进剑叶凤尾蕨在不同光环境的生长能力。  相似文献   

陈圣天  付晖  杜彦君  付广  陈杰 《广西植物》2023,43(9):1688-1699
海南热带雨林国家公园森林资源富集,探究该地区景观格局时空演变特征,对维护海南岛生态安全屏障具有重要意义。该研究依托2015年和2020年海南热带雨林国家公园地表覆盖数据,建立景观分布格局体系,采用景观格局指数、单一景观动态度和景观转移矩阵的方法,分析海南热带雨林国家公园10类土地覆盖类型的景观格局变化特征,探究其变化的影响因素。结果表明:(1)2015—2020年,海南热带雨林国家公园整体景观破碎度呈现降低趋势,空间集聚性增加,综合动态度较小,景观类型整体较稳定。(2)雨林优势种常绿阔叶林面积不断增加,破碎度减小,呈正向增长态势;针叶林与灌木林面积减少;部分水体转化为湿地等,面积减小;其余景观类型面积占比较小,按自然演替方向发展变化。(3)景观格局演变主要以雨林自然演替为主,其次受政策、气候等因素综合影响。综上所述,自开展海南热带雨林国家公园体制试点以来,其景观格局趋于稳定。政策引导发挥着重要的正向作用,有针对性地开展热带雨林景观保护及修复工作,有助于海南热带雨林国家公园可持续发展。  相似文献   

Christine Dranzoa 《Ostrich》2013,84(2-4):68-71
Dranzoa, C. 1997. The survival of understorey birds in the Tropical Rainforest of Ziika. Ostrich 68 (2–4): 68–71.

The forests at the shores of Lake Victoria had considerable attention from researchers during the 1970s. Ziika forest is one of the many small forest fragments that fringe the northern part of the lake. This 12 ha forest is surrounded by different habitats, giving it the appearance of a terrestrial ‘island’. Birds were first ringed here from September 1970-July 1972. A follow-up was made in 1988–89, during which 186 birds from 27 different species were ringed. Five years later, survival rates were found to be significantly higher than the expected. Some species appeared to survive better than others. There are various assumptions made in estimating survival rates of understorey birds.  相似文献   

Gordon JC  Larson PR 《Plant physiology》1968,43(10):1617-1624
Rates of net photosynthesis and dark respiration, and distribution of 14C were determined for new (current season's) and old (previous season's) needles at 10 times during the seasonal development of young Pinus resinosa Ait. trees. The seasonal changes in these factors associated with the development of the new shoot were related to known seasonal patterns of wood formation.

Net photosynthesis per gram of needle dry weight (photosynthetic efficiency) was maximum in the old needles at the time of first new needle elongation; at the same time translocation of 14C from old to new needles was greatest. Photosynthetic efficiency of new needles was maximum at the end of the period of rapid new needle elongation, when the new needles also began exporting much greater quantities of 14C to other plant parts. In particular, the amount translocated from the new needles to the stem was greatly increased. At this time thick-walled xylem cells were first observed in the stem.

These results, together with those of previous studies, indicate that the production of thick-walled xylem tracheids normally associated with latewood is physiologically correlated with maturation of the current season's needles. Because there is a lesser demand for photosynthate in the new shoot and a high rate of photosynthesis in the whole plant at the time of new needle maturity, a sharply increased amount of photosynthate becomes available for wall synthesis by cambial derivatives.


Ecosystems - The distribution of nutrients, both vertically and horizontally in a forest, has long been theorized to influence primary productivity. Working at La Selva Biological Station, Costa...  相似文献   

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